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aillors adv.
[FEW 24,320b lt. ALIŌRSUMTL; TL 1,239,6; GdfC 8, 59c; AND 21 b; AND 22 a; AND 18b; AND 23b; AND 58b; AND 490b; DC; Gay 26b; TLF; FEW 24, 321a; FEW 24, 321a; FEW 24, 321a; FEW 24, 321a; FEW 1, 66a; FEW 24, 321a; FEW 24, 320b/321a; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Corom 4, 1159b; Foerster. – DWall 25-26 S. 61; FM 21, 218; Hassell L 47; KellerWace 319a; MatHistVoc1; MatHistVoc1; MeierAufs S. 42; Morlet 351; MélA.Dees 1988, p. 63 ff.; MélA.Dees 1988 p. 63 ff.; MénardRire 598; NM 73, 535; R 69, 404; R 92, 43, 232-38; R 61, 120; 75, 248; RLiR 61, 1; 275, 2210; RoiFloreJ0 XLIX; Runk p. 152; ThomasMél2 79 (n.3).⁠]
(ailleurs CoucyChansL III, 18; GaceBruléD; BodelNicH 961; VMortHélW 37, 1; AudefroiC XII, 6; DocAubeC 25-5; GilChinP 3348; ChastVergiS; chdouai0026 2; ChMa079 10; ChMa084 62; chMo196 47; CR 1259 10 32 01 38; CR 1259 10 32 01 40; chdouai0213 10; chdouai0213 10; VMortAnW 54, 3; chdouai0396 1; chdouai0401 1; chdouai0425 1; TerrEvêqueH S. 154; AdHalePartN VII, 8, VII, 32; R 1284 05 17 01 19; RC 1284 05 17 01 19; RC 1285 10 05 01 8; R 1296 06 30 13 6; R 1296 06 30 14 6; R 1296 06 30 15 6; R 1296 06 30 16 6; R 1296 06 30 17 6; chSL 097 37; JMoteVoieP 3204, 3227; ChevPapH 65, 33; 80, 35; [AalmaR 277; CoutMerOlaZ; CoutMerOlaZ], AILLEURS LMestL, aillieurs R 1295 07 17 01 15, Ailliors CartHain, aillor Bueve1S 1315, 3083; AttilaPrB, aillór Aiol1/2F 1396; ElieF 1954, aillors CharroiPo t. II, 20; EneasS1 1247; ChronSMichelB 1408; BenTroieC; HornP 3704, 3810; BenDucF 896, 5058, etc.; AdamG3 500; AlexParA II (β 71) 1154; AubereeE p142; SGenB 2356, 2364, 2796; Perl1N; CoutSensL p. 289, Z. 23; 294, 16; BalJosCamA; Bueve2S 12 166; Bueve3S 3587; DurmS 5898; OvArtElieK 83, 131 (r), 519 (r), 552; OmbreB2 487, 955; DolopL; MorPhilP 1529, 6459; GuillMarM 9526, 17926; chMo016 5; BesantR; TournAntW 1063; 2821; ChastVergiS; Pères10C 867; PhNovAgesF 27, 91; chMo148 6; ChMa071 7; ChMa077 12; ChMa077 13; ChMa077 15; ChMa078 12; ChMa078 14; ChMa078 16; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 38; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 40; R 1259 10 32 01 38; R 1259 10 32 01 40; ChMM186 9; chMa165 12; ChMa187 15; ChMe219 11; MoamT Gh. 4, 6; 54, 5; CharroicL; ClefD 892, 3174; ChastSGilS 256; JPrioratR 7122; SThibAlH II, 77; BodelFablN VI, 39; JoinvW1 536c; JoinvW2 850; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 12, 422; 9, 157; BartschChrest 9, 194; 34, 439; 41a, 31; BartschHorning 396, 29; NoomenFabl t. 8, 403; NoomenFabl I, 4/D 80; ReidFabl, Aillors SermMaurpB, AILLORS GuillPalMo, aillour MahieuW X, III, 8, aillours RenclCarH; ViolB 377, 1814, etc.; 479, 1248, etc., 3111, 5050, 5772; ChastVergiS; ChMe017 7; ChMM069 7; chMo207 5; ChMM167 3; chMa134 10; ChMM248 33; CoutMerOltZ 102 vr 11; OakBookS; AcartH 693; AcartH 693; (sigles à datations multiples:) StimmingMot, Aillours VillehW, Aillourus [BibbfW], aillurs MarieGuigW2 M. 140; MarieFabW 73, 38; 92, 7; 22, 27; 30, 16; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 530; MarieEspP; CoutWinchF 12, ailors AlexisP O 93 d (p. 101); EructavitJ 1513, 1606; ChMM153 6; ChMM175 4; ChMe196 4; ChMe196 19; HosebHenL 60, 104, ailurs AlexisS1 194; AlexisS2 194; BrendanW S. 185; 88; 748; BrendanW 88, 748; EdConfVatS; SThomBenS 786; HArciPèresO 470, aleurs [JPreisMyrG 3562; MistSGenisM], alhors BlackBookT II. p. 210, alior chdouai0167 2, aliurs FevresS 247 b - 4, 332 b - 23; NicBozSAgatheK, alius GautLeuL2 III, 181, alleurs chMo196 17; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0460 1; GlDouaiE1 94; [GodBouillBruxR v. 13499], Allieurs LMestL, allors ChMM251 3; ChMM251 4; ChMM263 13; ChMM271 9; ChMM287 10; PanthT, Allors RègleSBenNicH; JostPletR, allours ChMM027 5; chMo196 15, alluers CartHain, allur EdConfVatS, allurs CommPsia1G 352.16, Alors JostPletR, alours MaccabeS 4049, alures SalzmanBuild 421, ayllours OakBookS, aylours FoukeB 21, 10; FoukeH 16. 17)
  • 1o“dans un autre lieu, chez une autre personne; ailleurs” (AlexisP O 93 d (p. 101); AlexisS1 194; AlexisS2 194; BrendanW S. 185; 88; 748; BrendanW 88, 748; CharroiPo t. II, 20; EneasS1 1247; ChronSMichelB 1408; CommPsia1G 352.16; MarieGuigW2 M. 140; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; EdConfVatS; HornP 3704, 3810; BenDucF 896, 5058, etc.; AdamG3 500; Aiol1/2F 1396; EructavitJ 1513, 1606; MarieFabW 73, 38; 92, 7; 22, 27; 30, 16; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 530; SThomBenS 786; AlexParA II (β 71) 1154; CoucyChansL III, 18; ElieF 1954; GaceBruléD; BodelNicH 961; MarieEspP; VMortHélW 37, 1; AubereeE p142; SGenB 2356, 2364, 2796; VillehW; AudefroiC XII, 6; GuillPalMo; Perl1N; RègleSBenNicH; CoutSensL p. 289, Z. 23; 294, 16; BalJosCamA; Bueve1S 1315, 3083; Bueve2S 12 166; Bueve3S 3587; DurmS 5898; OvArtElieK 83, 131 (r), 519 (r), 552; OmbreB2 487, 955; DolopL; MorPhilP 1529, 6459; RenclCarH; GuillMarM 9526, 17926; BesantR; ViolB 377, 1814, etc.; 479, 1248, etc., 3111, 5050, 5772; DocAubeC 25-5; TournAntW 1063; 2821; GilChinP 3348; MahieuW X, III, 8; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; GautLeuL2 III, 181; HArciPèresO 470; PhNovAgesF 27, 91; Pères10C 867; SermMaurpB; JostPletR; JostPletR; VMortAnW 54, 3; LMestL; LMestL; MoamT Gh. 4, 6; 54, 5; CartHain; CartHain; CharroicL; CoutWinchF 12; TerrEvêqueH S. 154; AdHalePartN VII, 8, VII, 32; ClefD 892, 3174; ChastSGilS 256; HosebHenL 60, 104; MaccabeS 4049; GlDouaiE1 94; AttilaPrB; CoutMerOltZ 102 vr 11; JPrioratR 7122; SThibAlH II, 77; BodelFablN VI, 39; FevresS 247 b - 4, 332 b - 23; OakBookS; OakBookS; PanthT; JoinvW1 536c; JoinvW2 850; FoukeB 21, 10; FoukeH 16. 17; SalzmanBuild 421; NicBozSAgatheK; AcartH 693; AcartH 693; BlackBookT II. p. 210; JMoteVoieP 3204, 3227; ChevPapH 65, 33; 80, 35; [GodBouillBruxR v. 13499; AalmaR 277; JPreisMyrG 3562; BibbfW; CoutMerOlaZ; CoutMerOlaZ; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 12, 422; 9, 157; BartschChrest 9, 194; 34, 439; 41a, 31; BartschHorning 396, 29; NoomenFabl t. 8, 403; NoomenFabl I, 4/D 80; ReidFabl; StimmingMot, DWall 25-26 S. 61; FM 21, 218; Hassell L 47; KellerWace 319a; MatHistVoc1; MatHistVoc1; MeierAufs S. 42; Morlet 351; MélA.Dees 1988, p. 63 ff.; MélA.Dees 1988 p. 63 ff.; MénardRire 598; NM 73, 535; R 92, 43, 232-38; R 61, 120; 75, 248; R 69, 404; RLiR 61, 1; 275, 2210; RoiFloreJ0 XLIX; Runk p. 152; ThomasMél2 79 (n.3), TL; TL 1,239,6; GdfC 8, 59c; AND 18b; AND 21 b; AND 22 a; AND 23b; AND 58b; AND 490b; DC; Gay 26b; TLF; FEW 24, 321a; FEW 1, 66a; FEW 24, 321a; FEW 24, 321a; FEW 24, 321a; FEW 24, 321a; FEW 24, 320b/321a; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Corom 4, 1159b; Foerster)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo016 5; ChMe017 7; ChMM027 5; chdouai0026 2; ChMM069 7; chMo148 6; ChMa071 7; ChMa077 12; ChMa077 13; ChMa077 15; ChMa078 12; ChMa078 14; ChMa078 16; ChMa079 10; ChMa084 62; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 38; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 40; chMo196 15; chMo196 17; chMo196 47; ChMM153 6; R 1259 10 32 01 38; R 1259 10 32 01 40; CR 1259 10 32 01 38; CR 1259 10 32 01 40; chMo207 5; chdouai0167 2; ChMM167 3; ChMM175 4; ChMM186 9; chMa134 10; chdouai0213 10; chdouai0213 10; ChMM248 33; ChMM251 3; ChMM251 4; ChMM263 13; ChMM271 9; ChMM287 10; ChMe196 4; ChMe196 19; chMa165 12; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0396 1; chdouai0401 1; ChMa187 15; ChMe219 11; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0460 1; R 1284 05 17 01 19; RC 1284 05 17 01 19; RC 1285 10 05 01 8; R 1295 07 17 01 15; R 1296 06 30 13 6; R 1296 06 30 14 6; R 1296 06 30 15 6; R 1296 06 30 16 6; R 1296 06 30 17 6; chSL 097 37)