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[FEW 4,361b lt. HABĒRE – TL; TL 1,755,13; TL 1,755,13; TL 1,755,13; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 538c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 525c; Gdf 1, 538c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 8, 260c; GdfC 8, 260b; GdfC 8, 260 c; GdfC 8, 260 b; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND 9b; AND; AND 35b; AND 54b; AND 55b; AND 55b; AND 56a; AND 57a; AND 53a; AND 57b; AND 57 b; AND 58a; MED 1, 550a; MED 1, 551B; MED III, 829a; MED 1, 561a; MED III, 829a; MED 1, 550a; MED 4, 557a; MED 1, 561A; MED III, 829 a; MED 1, 550 a; MED IV, 557 a; MED 1, 561 A; MED 1, 550b; DG 176b; DCCarp S. 57; DCCarp 233a; DCCarp S.60; DCCarp S.60; DCCarp S. 60; DCCarp S. 60; DCCarp S. 57; LathamDict; TLF 881- 882; TLF; TLF 881 - 882; TLF; TLF; FEW; FEW; FEW 4, 363b; FEW 4, 361b, 362a, 363b; FEW 4, 363a; FEW 25, 118b; FEW 4, 326b; FEW 25, 118 b; FEW 4, 362 b; FEW; FEW 4, 363a; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; Arnaldi; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BoisvertVilleh; BoisvertVilleh; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen S. 206, II, 17; BurnellRen S. 225; Vd. 550; DiStefLoc 50; DiStefLoc 50; DupinLaboulaye; Foerster; Foerster; GlSuisse 2, 176a; GlSuisse 2, 159b; GlSuisse 2, 159 b; KramerGader; KramerGader; BW5; LevyTrés; Jal2 51b; LevyTrés; Jal2 51 b; LevyTrés. – ARom 8(1924)478; ARom 8, 1924, 474; ActesMfr4 p.456; ActesMfr4 p.466; ActesMfr4 p. 201; ActesMfr4 p. 201; AnS 218, 135 (1981); AnS 218, 135, 1981; BEC 133 (1975) 126; BEC 16, 1855 p. 145 Z. 31; BEC 133, 1975, 126; BEC 16, 1855, p. 145, z. 31; BJRyL 65, 238; BJRyL 65, 234; BTDial 50, 174; BTDial 50,231; BTDial 52, 275; BTDial 52, 269; BTDial 53, 97; BambeckLex; BambeckLex; Bartzsch p164; Bartzsch p164; Bev 40; Bev 80; Bev 40; Bev 80; BlackBookT II,p.254; Boogaard 261 n° 1886; BraultBlazon 246; BraultBlazon 246; BraultBlazon 113; BraultBlazon 113; BraultBlazon 113; BraultBlazon 113; BruckerSage S. 963; BruckerSage2; Burgess 81, 85, 139; CapussoMPol p. 57-60; CapussoMPol p. 57 - 60; Chénon 1, 723n. 3; Chénon 1, 672, n.2; Chénon 1, 756 n.1; Chénon 1, 651, 2; ContPerc E 10343; ContPerc; ContPerc E 7172; ContPerc; ContPerc E 7172; CorB C521; M412, 849; CorB C 254; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 20735, 22365, 20394, 22254, 21918, 22896; CorleyCont2 20735; DeesAtlas 320; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 318; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 318; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 320; DeesAtlas 320; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 318; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 318; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 320; Delisle 233; DiekampSyn; DiekmannSuff 86, 87, 156; DiekmannSuff 86, 87, 156; Drüppel 77F. 113; Drüppel 109; Drüppel 26; Drüppel 77 F. 113; Drüppel 109; Drüppel 26; Drüppel; Drüppel; Drüppel; Drüppel; Drüppel; Drüppel; FM 47,167; FSt 15,359; FSt 8, 62; FSt 15,359; FSt 34, 319; FSt 32, 436; Fagniez II, 47; Fagniez II, 47; FouletSynt §340, 344; §104; FouletSynt § 340, 344; GlutzMir 22, 367; 40, 569; GlutzMir 22, 367 ? 40, 569; GononQuot p. 506b; Guinet; Hallauer § 10; Hassell A 84, B78, T12, A4; Hassell A 229; Hassell A 84; Hassell A 229; HoltusEntree 101, 171, 210; HoltusEntree 109, 142, 225; KaiserMPol 115; KaiserMPol; KaiserMPol 115; KaiserMPol 115; KaiserMPol; KaiserMPol 115; KellerWace 50b; 102a; 199a; 203b; KellerWace 201b; KitzeRoss 47; KitzeRoss 47; KleiberIre 233-234; LebsanftGruß p.513; LebsanftGruß p. 312-316, p. 400, p. 513; LebsanftGruß p. 312 - 316, p. 400, p. 513; LebsanftGruß p. 513; LevyHagin 1c5, 3c33; LindemannSuff p. 108; MA 60, 1954, 191; MA 84, 530; MF 39-41, 232; MF 39 - 41, 232; MLR 61, 308; MLR 61, 308; MLR 88, 583; MLR 88, 583; MLR 88, 588; MLR 88, 583; MantouVoc; MantouVoc 402; MantouVoc 437; MantouVoc Y. 1327 b.15, Y.K. 421; MantouVoc W. 1334.12; MantouVoc Y.C. II 270 (4); MantouVoc N. 1329 b. 17,22; MantouVoc Y.K. III 463 (21) etc.; MantouVoc Ba. 1295. 42, N. 1296. 8, Y. 1328.15 etc.; MantouVoc Br. 1332 b.14; MantouVoc Y.K. b. 414; MantouVoc Y.L.f. 119; MantouVoc Y.K. b. 414; MantouVoc Pr. 114; MantouVoc Y. K. 402; MantouVoc; MantouVoc Y. 1327 b. 15; Y. K. 421; MantouVoc W. 1334.12; MantouVoc Y.C: II 270 (4); MantouVoc N. 1329 b. 17, 22; MantouVoc Y. K. III 463 (21) etc.; MantouVoc Ba. 1295.42, N. 1296. 8, Y. 1328.15 etc.; MantouVoc Br. 1332 b. 14; MantouVoc Y.K. b. 414; MantouVoc Y.L. f. 119; MantouVoc Y.K. b. 414; MatoréVocMéd p. 111; MedAev 33 (1964) 4/5; MedAev 33 (1964) 4; MedAev 33 (1964) 5; MedAev 33 (1964) 5; MedAev 33 (1964) 5; MessnerBers 209; MessnerBers 209; Morlet 177; MélBurger 1301, 141; MélDufournet vol. II; S. 926; MélNordahl p. 115; MélReid1 S. 172; MélStraka 1, I; MélTuaillon p. 53; MélTuaillon p. 54; MélTuaillon 53, 55; MélTuaillon p.54; MélTuaillon p. 56; MélTuaillon p. 54; MélTuaillon 53, 55; MélTuaillon p. 54; MélTuaillon p. 56; MénardRire 598; MöhrenLand 2-o; MöhrenLand 1-o; MöhrenLand 2 o; MöhrenLand 1 o; NM 99, 1998, 338; NM 86, 1985, 89ff; NM 86 (1985) 90ff.; NM 45-46, p. 127; NM 86, 1985, 89 ff; NM 86, 1985, 90 ff; NM 45 - 46, p. 127; NM 73, 535; Pfisterps 151ss.; Pfisterps 151ss.; PicocheFroiss I.B. 2.2.I.P.23; II. B. 2.2.3. P.88.; PicocheFroiss I. B. 2.2. I. P. 23; Pope; R 63, p. 1; R 105 ( 1984) 133; R 65, p. 29; R 71, p. 254, 259; R 75, p. 408; R 112, 404; R 96, 20; R 71, p 258; 76, p 552; 79, p 393; 85, p 103; R 73, p 501; R 107 (1986) 134, v. 4612; R 97, 162; R 403,412; R 77, 503; R 76, 552; R 85, 465; R 80, 524; R 114, 84; R 84, 572; 90, 123; R 114, 228; R 92, 4; R 85; 464-65; R 63,1; 73,500; R 85, 466; R 92, 389; R 86, 124; R 89, 547; R 107 (1986) 229; R 112, 404; v. 6240; R 101, 61; R 97, 44-45, 47, 61; R 92, 61; R 93, 130, 298-99; R 62, 554; 73, 500; 79, 381, 393; 80, 138; 81, 292; 83, 422; R 81, 257; R 82, 271; R 83, 270; R 75, 137; 84, 293, etc., 547; R 82; 106-111; R 70, 256; R 91; 529-31; R 95, 445-448, 455-56, 459; R 97, 179; R 97, 490; R 101, 61; R 97, 44- 45, 47, 61; R 92, 61; R 93, 130, 298 - 99; R 62, 554; 73, 500; 79, 381, 393; 80, 138; 81, 292; 83, 422 ; 84 , 166 ; 85, 103-105, 110-111, 546; 87, 503; 88, 94; 89, 424; R 81, 257; R 82, 271; R 83, 270; R 75, 137; 84, 293 etc...., 547; R 82, 106 - 111; R 70, 256; R 91 , 529 - 31; R 95, 445-448, 455-56, 459-; R 97, 179; R 97, 490; R 63, 1; R 84, 381; R 61, 231; 63, 1; R 73, 500; R 69, 416; R 76, 543; RF 99, 1987, 245; RF 91, 266; RF 29, 167f.; RF 22, 597; RF 29, 167 f.; RF 22, 597; RLiR 27,31,N2; RLiR t 59, 1995, S 625; RLiR 27, 30,31; RLiR T59, s. 628; RLiR 289; RLiR 19, 34; RLiR 26, 305; RLiR 61, 1; 277; RLiR 27, 25; RLiR 26, 282; RLiR 19; 36, 112; RLiR T 59 1995, S. 575; RLiR 58, 175; RLiR 21, 197; RLiR 21, 197ss; RLiR 21, 197; RLiR 21, 197 ss; RLiR 31, 282; RLiR 26, 307; RLiR 27, 25; RLiR T 59, 1995, S. 628; RLiR 27, 25; RLiR 19, 32; Rbph 26 - II (1948) 1106; Rbph 60 (1982) 651; Rbph 60, 1982, 651; RevRom 12 (1977) pp. 62ss; RoPh 7, 385; RoPh 14, 177; RoPh 6, 354 (5); RoPh 15, 82; RoPh 19, 634; RoPh 7, 376 (4); RoPh 24, 674; RoPh 13, 466; RoPh 24, 674; RoPh 13, 466; RoPh 8, 59; RohlfsSprachgeogr §109; RohlfsSprachgeogr § 109; Runk p.160; Runk p. 19; Runk p. 33; Runk p. 33; SandqvistBen 7, 154-171, 222-223; 51; SchelerJPreis II, 8098; SchelerJPreis; SchulzeBusProv 218, 1021 etc.; SchulzeBusProv 1307; StFr 55-57 (1975) 526; StFr 61-63 (1977) 517; StädtlerGram 128; TraLiLi 16-1, 564; TraLiLi 16-1, 187; TraLiLi 16 - 1, 187; TraLiPhi 31, 240; TraLiPhi 31, 218; VRo 287; VRo 37, 1978 (CantZandP) p. 286; VRo 52, 338/9; VRo 48, 132; VRo 48 (1989) p.132; VRo 48, 1989, p. 132; WoledgeSynt paragr. 52; WoledgeSynt 147; WoledgeSynt 34; WoledgeSynt paragr. 52; WoledgeSynt paragr. 147; WoledgeSynt paragr. 34; ZfSL 73, p. 237; ZfSL 94, 282; ZfSL 92, S.347, V.1129; Ziltener 4926; Ziltener 6610; 6611; 6612; etc.; Ziltener 6610, 6611, 6612, etc.; ZrP 104, 149/150; ZrP Sb 77, 235; ZrP 101 (1985) 335; ZrP 93, 149; ZrP 96, 1980, p. 416; 4261; ZrP 100, S. 196; ZrP 106 (1990) p. 400; ZrP 101, 1985, 335; ZrP 93, 149; ZrP 96, 1980, p. 416; ZrP 100; ZrP 106, 1990, p. 400; ZrP Sb. 77, 236; ZrP 110 (1994) 538; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] v.2445; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] 1939; [sigle] 187b, 17; [sigle] 175a, 16; [sigle] III, 171; [sigle] p.187; [sigle]; [sigle] S. 125, 127; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] p. 187; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] II, 1985, 216.]
(a GlKaraIsF n° 106; PhThSibS; PelCharlF; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; ChastVergiA; RésSauvcJ; RigomerF; BrendanPr1W; SimPouilleaB B4751; AttilaPrB; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L 3, 6, 7; (sigles à datations multiples:) ReidFabl; RivièrePast, A JacBaisT p. 96, 100, aça OgDanAlC, ad AlexisS1 4,50,etc.; GrantMalS2 42a, 45b, 46d, 50d, 52ab, 55a, 58 ef, 61a, 66a, 67c, etc.; PelCharlF; ChGuillI; HosebHenL; NominaleS 169; BertaMilC; BlackBookT II.p.32, Ad PurgSPatrBerM; [BibbfW], aent AssJérBourgvZ; SimPouilleaB, aeu GuerreMetzB 260 a, aez PelCharlF, Aez PlainteVgePurT, aëz BrendanW S. 185; BrendanW; PhThCompS 34r, 3092, ahoient MaccabPr1G, ahu JPrioratR, ahuz RegDijon1L, ai AlexisS1 106, 109; AlexisS2 1, 106, 109; GrantMalS2 34b, 65f, 116b; PelCharlF; EstFougK; AimonFlH 1181. 8094; PriseOrabR1 D593; PriseOrabR1; ChGuillI; OvArtElieK; AucR3; OrsonP; ParDuchP; ChastVergiS; JoufrF 86; Pères10C; TroisAvG 155, 157; BrendanPr1W; AttilaPrB; JPrioratR; PéageDijonaM A, 27 v o; GesteFrancorR 12071; RegDijon1L; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 1, 22, 255; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL, aians RosemLec 7032, aiant Aiol1/2F *64, 453; BrendanPr1W, aiche BelleHelR 815a, 11126, aien (sigles à datations multiples:) MaccabGaut/PiergS, aient CharroiPo t.II,20; EstFougK; BrendanPr1W; CoutMerOllT, aies PelCharlF; DolopL, aiés GilChinP; [AalmaR 6413]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, aiet AlexisS1 3,185,508,599; AlexisS2 185,508,599; LoisGuillL, aiez PhThCompS 9v, 627; 19r, 1777; 19v, 1823; 28r, 2606; CharroiPo t.II,20; PelCharlF; SJeanAumI; SJeanAumI 878,785; ChGuillI; HervisH 751; DolopL; TroisAvG 95; LionBourgAlK 3667,8220,8276 etc; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 565,117, aige HuonAuvbS6 7407, Aiiens CartHain, aiommes (sigles à datations multiples:) LevyFabl 3,93, aion EstFougK; AlexParA II 2039, aions TroisAvG 152; [LégDorVignBatallD], aireis PrêtreJeand/yG 596, aissent JPrioratR 148, 965, 1036, 1348, 4956, 6528, 10518, aïssent JPrioratR, aisserat JPrioratR 679, aissez BibleMalkS 274, ait AlexisS1 3, 143, 557; RolB 329; PhThCompS 1r, 20, 2r, 30; GrantMalS2 98c; CharroiPo t.II, 20; Aiol1/2F; PelCharlF; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 D7, 1588; RCambrM; ChGuillI; FetRomF1 349, 24; DolopL; AucR3 XVIII,24; XXIV, 43,61; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; CoutMerOltZ; BertaMilC; OgDanAlC; PéageDijonbM B, 27 r o; RegDijon1L; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 182, 189, aium PhThCompS 24v, 2276; Notes, 2243, aiums PhThCompS 23r, 2156, aiuns AlexisS1 621; AlexisS2 535, aivoir AssJérBourgvZ, aix GuerreMetzB I 46, aje ChevCygneNaissT 96, 6, àn AiméHistNormB 5, 10, anauoient ContGuillTyrRothA 514, aneray [GodBouillBruxR v. 4874], ansa AssJérBourgmZ, ant [AnglureB 277], aoüst SimPouilleaB, ara EstFougK; AlexParA t.3, 267; AliscG p296; RobClariL 26; AucR3 IX2, X19, XL18; FolLancB; GilChinP; AdHaleRobV 2; PiérardMons t.II, p.154; MPolRustR; JacBaisT; CoutBretP p.185, l.9; p.267, l.30; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr19S; BlackBookT II.p.340; 344; [GaceBuigneB p. 52; GastPhébChasseT; AdAiglesB p.15]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl t.8, 405, Ara LMestL, arai ChevCygneNaissT 196; AdHaleFeuillL 67; EntreeT 9155, aras BrendanPr1W; AdHaleRobV I. 10; MaillartR 4686; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 7, 418, arat LoisGuillL; SBernCantG, aré AiquinJ 1807, areint ChirRogH fo 256vo, arent SimPouilleaB B 2736, 3138; HuonAuvBrB, arés ChevCygneNaissT 525; AucR3 VI, 12; GilChinP; BalainL; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl t. 9, 323 b, ariens BenDucM III, p. 515, v. 138; ChevVivM; ChevVivM D 370; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, Ariens CartHain, ariés AucR3 VI 21; AdHaleRobV p. 18; PiérardMons t. II, p. 154; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 8, 405, aroi AuberiTarbé, aroie AucR3; BalainL; ChastVergiS; AdHaleRobV p. 7; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, aroies (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 8, 405, aroit ChevCygneNaissT 201; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; AdHaleRobV 616; TombChartr1/2/3S; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 155, Aroit LMestL, aromes ThebesC III, 2492; ThebesC III, 2492, arons AlexParA II (? 24) 517; CoincyII1...K 377 var.; AdHaleRobV 152; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 9, 323b; NoomenFabl t. 7, 418, aront AlexParA II (? 52) 767. 1; AlexParA II (? 55) 878; AdHaleRobV 220; MPolRustR, Arront LMestL; CartHain, as AlexisS1 2, 219 etc.; AlexisS2 2.219, 224, etc.; GrantMalS2 114c; BenDucF; PelCharlF; CorE; CantLandP 439, 443; CantLandP 439, 443; ChGuillI; Pères10C; TroisAvG 159; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; JCondM, at AlexisS1; AlexisS2 3.3, 43, 68 etc.; PelCharlF; PriseOrabR1 D696; PriseOrabR1; ChGuillI; MédLiégH 372; GuerreMetzB 259 b, aü YonM 1174, 3351; JPrioratR, Aü CartHain, auent MPolRustR, auer HosebHenL, auera [AlgorCambrS 21], auers RotParl4R 17, 227; RotParl4R 17; 227, auigne BrendanPr1W, auingne BrendanPr1W, auint BrendanPr1W, auist SBernCantG, aun DocHMarneG, aunt MPolRustR, auoie BrendanPr1W, auoient BrendanPr1W, auoir BrendanPr1W; MirNDPers1-40P 34 1294; [JohnstonRog 619/30]; (sigles à datations multiples:) CheviiEspF 3742, auoit BrendanPr1W, auons BrendanPr1W; NominaleS 576; 580, aura EstFougK; ChastVergiS; CoutMerOltZ; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 212, 268, aurai OvArtElieK; ChastVergiS, aurant HuonAuvBrB, aure AngDialGregP 18 vo b, aurent JPrioratR; MPolRustR, Aurer ConqIrlO, aures BlackBookT II, p. 384, Aurés AntidNicD, aurese MPolRustR, auret (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, Aurienmes CartHain, auriies ChastVergiS, aurois RenMontArdT O 852; GuerreMetzB 54 f, auront CoutMerOltZ; HuonAuvBrB, aüs EntreeT, aüsiens ChevVivM D 661; ChevVivM, ausse MPolRustR, aüsse HervisH 759, aüssent DolopL; JPrioratR, aüst PhThCompM 779, 987, 1132, 1144, 1347, etc.; PhThCompS 11r, 779; 12r, 1132, 1144; 14r, 1347; DolopL; AttilaPrB; HuonAuvbS6 7735, 36; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 7, 418; NoomenFabl t. 6, 371, aut GautArrIllLe, auuisset (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, auvient AssJérBourgvZ, auvist EntreeT, auvoir AssJérBourgvZ, av [AndrVigneSMartD 2538, 4148, 4925, 7190], avair AiquinJ 421,1411; TombChartr19S, avairs CoutBretP, avanames MPolRustR, ave VMortHélW 5, 9, aveent PhThCompS 23v, 2179, avehu EntreeT, avei ChGuillI, aveie AlexisS2 1.402, 407; AlexisS1 1., 402, 407, aveies AlexisS1 408, 438; AlexisS2 2. 408, 438, aveir AlexisP; AlexisS1 58, 532; AlexisS2 58, 532; RaschiD2 77 + t. 2; RolB 338; RolB 337; BrendanW s. 187; BrendanW 751, 1324, 258; LapidalS 1167, 1289, 1415, 1667; 1187, 1275; 71, 281, 577, 1669, 1667; LapidalS 234, 262, 267, 268, 318, 321, 333, 339, 352, 335; LapidalS 771 (corr.), 778, 779 (corr.), 780 (corr.), 787, 790, 809, 814, 815M; LapidalS 1233, 1235, 1261, 1283, 1284, 1288, 1299, 1306, 1313, 1329; LapidalS 1600, 1616, 1621, 1628, 1664, 1698; 285, 1053, 1570; 280,...; LapidalS 994, 1004, 1063, 1086, 1087, 1090, 1122, 1128, 1139, 1202; LapidalS 80; 80M; 233; 81L, 593M, 91M; 81 (corr.), 162, 201, 313, 315,...; LapidalS 123L, 123 (corr.); 856, 207, 527; 1685; 2, 13, 272, 601, 1216;..; LapidffS a 51, 93, 115CD, 178, 255, 258, 260, 263, 263D (p. 301), 275...; LapidffS 44, 75, 123, 279, 283, 311, 550, 613, 765G, 786...; LapidffS ai 62, 275C (?), 281B, pr. 1; LapidffS ad 280E, 329G, 690G, 855G, 899G, 930G, 963G, pr.3; LapidffS ai 258B, 681B pr. 3; LapidffS ont 344D, 351, 399B, 485B, 618, 670D/52 (p. 312), 700...; LapidffS 263D (p. 301), 267, 380D, 450, 549, 612E, 622, 627, 633...; LapidffS 698, 703; 920D (p. 319); LapidffS 243, 583; 678D/7 (p. 313); LapidffS 952; LapidffS 4B, 7, 10, 13, 459, 581, 698B; LapidffS 72D (p. 298); 110, 186, 256, 295, 301, 360, 447D, 452DE; LapidffS 276D, 952D; LapidffS 670D/8 (p. 311); 781, 942; PhThCompS 20r, 1883; Appendix, 1034; GrantMalS2 70 e, 53a, 62a, 32a, 52bc, 58f; 13d, 35c, 36bc; 26e, 47e; WaceConcA; CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; LoisGuillL; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1; ChronSMichelB; ChronSMichelB 1704, 3118, 3158; CommPsia1G 848.17; MarieChievreRi; MarieChievreRi G 648; s 43, G 219; MarieGuigW2; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; EdConfVatS; HornP; RouH; BenDucF 627, 1054; BenDucF 556, 608; SThomGuernW1; SThomGuernW1 280, 713, 1278, 1440; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 84: 27, 314; PelCharlK 84: 229, 719, 724; RoisC; EstFougK 13, 14; MarieFabW; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 357, 2047, 2181; RègleHospCamS; AimonFlH; AimonFlH 2762; TristThomB 56, 73; TristThomB 2673, 2702; TristThomW; TristThomW D. 1401, 1430; SimFreineGeorgM; CantLandP 731; CantLandP 731; ElucidaireiiiD; PoèmeMorB 1849, 2046, 2215; AmbroiseP; AmbroiseP 814; 986; 1454; BibleDécb/eN; BibleDécb/eN; BibleDécb/eN; ChardryDormM 456; SEdmPassG 573; BestGuillR 2318; AngDialGregP; ChGuillI 363, 1576, 3399; ChGuillI; ChGuillM; ChevBarBloisB; DolopL; GuillMarM; GuillMarM 2424; BesantR 276, 463, 649; BesantR 636, 1165; ModvB2 316, 372, 388, 2182; MirourEdmaW 17.100, 9.18, 11.21, 1.7, 4.44, 4. 43; AssJérBourgmZ; AssJérBourgmZ; AssJérBourgmZ; AspinChansPol; HArciPèresO 1404, 5801; LégAposthR; Pères72M v. 105; RègleSBenDouceD 56, 118; EnanchetF 16, 19; RobHoY v. 392; ApocGiffR 2463; 3907; 1971; ApocGiffR 2446; 3162; 1260; BibbO 305; TerrSVigorM 28, 30; 31; EntreeT 10432; (sigles à datations multiples:) ParsonsCourt E 214, E 187, E 207, aveirs AlexisS1 523; AlexisS2 523, aveit AlexisS1 334, 567; AlexisS2 3.334, 567; PhThCompS 8v, 567; 20v, 1911, 1914, 1935; BenDucM I, p. 470, v. 11271; EstFougK; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, avenne AiméHistNormB 240-3, aver PassionA; PassionA; PassionA S. 100 (v. 69); PassionA S. 115 (v. 332); PassionA S. 117 v. 365; PassionA S. 69; PassionA S. 70; PassionA S. 24, 25, 121, v. 445, 123 v. 466, 125 v. 511; PassionA; PassionA 412 (16n., 25); S. 120 (v.412), S. 16 note, S. 25; PassionA S. 53, note; PassionA Verse: 4, 211,...; PassionA; PassionA; AlexisS1 91, 95, 96; AlexisS1 528; AlexisS2 91, 95, 96; AlexisS2 528; PhThCompS 37v, 3415; CharroiPo t. II, 28; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p. 229, v. 4192; III, p. 620, col. 2; AdamG3; PelCharlA; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; EdmK 1645; SGillesP; SThomBenS 502, 805; SThomBenS; IpH; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 119, 659, 701, 1447; ThomKentF 291, 6963; TristThomB; CorE; CorE p59; CorE; FolTristOxfH; SimFreineGeorgM 22; SimFreineGeorgM 87, 105; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM; AssJérRoiG; AiquinJ; AmbroiseP; BueveAgnS 91, 130 etc.; BalJosAnS 10449; ChGuillI; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV; TurpinBrianeS; BesantR; MirourEdmaW; AssJérBourgmZ; AmDieuK; AmDieuK Gos. 627; AspinChansPol; DialSJulB 48, 1023 etc.; HArciPèresO; JoufrF 2391; RésSauvcJ; SAudreeS; RobHoY v. 2095; RobHoY v. 1031; PAbernLumH Bd. II; SecrSecrAbernB; CantKiVotH; ClefD; HosebHenL 6 etc; 4 etc; 4 etc; 6 etc; HosebHenL 140; HosebHenL 86, 92,...; EvEnfQuatrB 162, 836, 1362, etc.; GlSynDouceH; BrittN; BrittN; MPolRustR; OakBookS; FoukeB 34,2; etc.; FoukeH 25,3; 52,10; 33,39; etc.; NicBozElisK Eliz. 396; NicBozEmpV 48, 31, 59, 30, etc.; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; TwitiT; OvMorB 5, p. 192, 168; OvMorB 4, p. 101, 4290; BibleHolkP 31,9; 32,15 etc.; RenContrR 4802, 33841, etc.; LionBourgAlK 3631; (sigles à datations multiples:) AppelChrest 27, 446, 46a; Aspland; HuntTeach; HuntTeach; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl t. 9 325a, Aver ConqIrlO; PurgSPatrBerM; MerlinscS; MirAgn2K; SermMaurpB; PlainteVgePurT; EvNicAgnP; LulleEnfL, avera AlexParA I var. 108, 2287, t. 3, 283; AlexParA II 132 var. t 5; GilChinP; AssJérBourgvZ; CleomH, Avera CartHain, averad PhThCompS 23r, 2153; 31r, 2880; BenDucM III, p. 625, col. 2, averai AdenBuevH 2576; EnfOgH 3671, averait PhThCompS 35r, 3158, averas PhThCompS 37v, 3413; 38r, 3422, 3431; AlgorAlexM 5, averat PhThCompS 31r, 2862; 35r, 3183, 3181, 3189, avereient PhThCompS 20v, 1918; 24v, 2254, averiens CoincyI1...K 138 var, averois ChevCygneNaissT 2714, averoit AssJérBourgvZ; PiérardMons t. II, p. 156; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XX, 173, averons AdHaleRobV 264, averont AssJérBourgvZ, Averroit CartHain, avers SFrançcR; BlackBookT II. p. 394; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, averums PhThCompS 23r, 2155; 26v, 2451; 28r, 2614, averun (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, averunt PhThCompS 32v, 2990, aves ChastVergiS, avés AucR3; GilChinP; PassCeliW; JeuAmK 183, 606, aveü EntreeT, avé-us BenDucM II, p. 86, v. 17802, aveyt (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, avez PhThCompS 31r, 2844; CharroiPo t. II, 28; PelCharlF; FolLancB; Pères10C; Pères10C; TroisAvG 157; aux. 32b; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 66, 162 etc., avïent BibleEntS 907, 912, 1184, 1327 etc., aviés AucR3 VI 20, aviies ChastVergiS, avisons AlexParA IV 877, var.t7; AiméHistNormB 40-8, avisse AiméHistNormB 50-7, 174-67, avit EntreeT, avoe JPrioratR 1166; 1232, 4000, Avoe CartHain, avoi HerbCandS 14 201, avoie CharroiPo t. II, 29; CantLandP 503, 194; CantLandR 503, 194; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 583, 920..., avoient CharroiPo t. II, 29; Pères10C; Pères10C; TroisAvG 14 etc., avoier BibleMalkS 4290, avoir AlexisS1; LapidapS 3; LapidapS 2; LapidapS 1; PhThCompM 1914, 1918; PhThSibS; CharroiM 826 etc.; CharroiM 326 etc.; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; MonGuill1/2C; MonGuill1/2C; FloreaK 111, 92, ...; FloreaK 374, 429, ...; FloreaK 111, 92; FloreaK 374, 429; FloreaW 111, 429; FloreaW 69, 430; FloreaW 111, 429; FloreaW 69, 430; CommPsia1/2G2 p. 7, I; CommPsia1G pr. 7 I; CommPsia1G 14.4; 335.5; etc.; MarieChievreRi; MarieChievreRi; MarieChievreRi; MarieChievreRi; NarcisusT x 288 - 289; NarcisusT *288-289; ErecR 4398; ErecR 4398; PhilomB 134, 50, 281 etc.; PhilomB 134, 50, 281, etc.; RouH III, 5406; RouH III, 5406; Aiol1/2F *1227; Aiol1/2F 37, 159, 533, 607, 1471; Aiol1/2F 37; 159; 533; 607; 1471; Aiol1/2F 37, 159, 533, 607, 1471; Aiol1/2F x 1227; Aiol1/2F 37, 159, 533, 607, 1471; Aiol1/2N 17, 20, 128 etc.; Aiol1/2N 17, 20, 128 etc.; AlexissH 238, 383, 514; RecMédJuteH S. 250, z. 20; RecMédJuteH S. 250/Z.20; EructavitJ; EructavitJ; EructavitJ; PercL 4123; PercL 4123; FlorebK 170, 1033, ...; FlorebK 170, 1033; FlorebP; FlorebP 3158, 530, 825, 2238; FlorebP 3158, 530, 825, 2238; SSagOctS K 278, 603, C 278; SSagOctS 12278, 603, C 278; AlexArsM; AlexArsM; AlexParA 5232-3; AlexParA III, t.6, 86; 5232-3; AlexParA 6, 86; 5232-3; AlexParA III, t. 6, 86; AimonFlH 66.70.75 etc.; AimonFlH 131.315; AimonFlH 66.70.75 etc.; AimonFlH 131.315.; RenR VII - IX, 6405, 8323; RenR XII - XVII, 14185; RenR VII-IX, 6405, 8323; RenR XII-XVII, 14185; SBernCantG; SMarieEgtS 864, 248, 1124, 706, 488, 47, 436 etc.; TristThomB; TristThomB; TristThomW; ElieF 1904; ElieF 1904; FloovA; FloovA; GaceBruléH; GaceBruléH; RCambrM; RCambrM; Saisna/lB 931; PrêtreJeand/yG 597; BodelNicH 157, 160, 170 etc.; BodelNicH 157, 160, 170 etc.; VMortHélW; AubereeC; AubereeC; BliocadranW; CantLandP 257, 287; CantLandR 257, 287; ChevEspJ Ch 784 etc.; ChevEspJ Ch 784 etc.; ChevVivM; ChevVivM A 73, C75, 126, 174, 217, 1387, D1121; JugAmS 68; JugAmS 258; JugAmS 68; JugAmS 258; PoèmeMorB 15, 117, 227, 305 etc.; PoèmeMorB 15, 117, 227, 305 etc.; PriseCordD; PriseCordD; SGenB; SGenB; EscoufleM 280b; EscoufleS; EscoufleS; MuséeArchDép p. 125, z. 10, 11, 126, 30; MuséeArchDép p. 125 Z.10,11; 126.30; MuséeArchDép p. 129, z. 8; MuséeArchDép p. 128, z. 5; MuséeArchDép p. 129 Z.8; MuséeArchDép p. 128 Z.5; HerbomezTourn p. 13, z. 7; HerbomezTourn p. 23, z. 29; HerbomezTourn p. 11, z. 2; HerbomezTourn p. 26, z. 24; HerbomezTourn p. 17, z. 11; HerbomezTourn p. 13, Z.7; HerbomezTourn p. 23, Z. 29; HerbomezTourn p.11, Z.2; HerbomezTourn p.26, Z.24; HerbomezTourn p.17, Z. 11; GuillDoleL 571, 2152; GuillDoleL 571, 2152; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; ChevBarAnS; ChevBarAnS; DoonRocheM 96, 619 etc.; DoonRocheM 96, 619, etc.; FolTristBernH2; FolTristBernH2; GirVianeE; GirVianeE; GirVianeY 21, 58, 91, 116; 119, 121; GirVianeY 21, 58, 91, 116; 119, 121; GuibAndrM; GuibAndrM 611, 1289, 1294; GuibAndrM; GuibAndrM 611, 1289, 1294; HerbCandS 399; HerbCandS 3729, 4019; HerbCandS 399; HerbCandS 3729, 4019; MorPhilPrH 94, 19; MorPhilPrH 94, 19; NarbS; NarbS 315, 316, 350; NarbS; NarbS 315, 316, 350; PBeauvGerJ; PBeauvGerJ; PercDidd/eR; PercDidd/eR; SEust2P 84; SEust2P 84; SGraalIIIJostO; VengRagF; VengRagF; WaldefH 414, 1303, 1322; AimeriG; AimeriG 13; CoutSensL p. 291, z. 4; CoutSensL p. 291 Z.4; FetRomF1; FetRomF1 1213; FlorenceW; FlorenceW; HervisH 760; HistAnc; MerlinM; MortAymC 199, 1592, 1625, 2354, 2971; MortAymC; MortAymC 199, 1592, 1625, 2354, 2971; MortAymC; RecLondB p. 500, z. 44, 501. 6, 10; RecLondB p. 500 Z.44; 501.6, 10; RecLondB p. 493, z. 4; RecLondB p. 722, z. 17; RecLondB p. 493, Z.4; RecLondB p. 722, Z.17; Turpin5Wa; SongeEnfM; SongeEnfM; BalJosCamA; BalJosCamA; AnsMetznG 1716; BalJosPr1M 37, 43; BalJosPr1M 37,43; BalJosPr1M 36, 74; BalJosPr1M 56, 16; Bueve1S 1561, 143, 1398; Bueve1S 1561, 143, 1398, ...; Bueve2S; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; DurmG; DurmG; DurmS 4242; DurmS 4242; FergF; GuillTyrP; GuillTyrP; OvArtElieK; OvArtElieK; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyChristO; CoincyChristO; LancPrK; LancPrK 17.1, 20.1, 289.5; LancPrK; LancPrK 17.1, 20.1; LancPrM LXI a, 33 etc.; LancPrM LXIa, 33 etc.; OmbreB2; OmbreB2; HerbomezChâtTourn p. 68, z. 24; HerbomezChâtTourn p. 68, Z.24; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 5 (n); CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 5 (n); DocFlandrM p. 125; DocFlandrM p. 125; AucS10; AucS10; ComtePoitM; ComtePoitM; EvNicPraF I 298, 301, 321, 328; EvNicPraF J 298, 301, 321, 328; GuillVinM XXXV, 36; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 317, z. 14; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 317 Z.14; MorPhilP; MorPhilP; OiselWo 143, 222, 254; OiselWo 280, 386; OiselWo 221, 246, 286, etc.; OiselWo 274, 281; OiselWo 2, 205, 212, etc.; OiselWo 214, 128, 335, etc.; OiselWo 19, 31, 41, etc.; OiselWo 180; OiselWo 271, 350, 399; OiselWo 10, 22, 28, etc.; OiselWo 216, 225; OiselWo 388; OiselWo 234; OiselWo 359; OiselWo 290; OiselWo 340, 349; OiselWo 100, 105; OiselWo 320; OrsonP; OrsonP; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW; SJeanEvW; SPierJonglW; TristPrnB I/15/34; GuillMarM 1368; 3203 (id.), 3753 (id); GuillMarM 1638; 2089 (id), 3232 (id), 3414 (id), 3755 (id), 5658, 14329 (id.), 14375; GuillMarM 1368; 3203; 3753; GuillMarM 1638; 2089; 3232; 3414; 3755; 5658; 14329; 14375; BesantR; BesantR; ChansArtB XVIII, 52, 72; ChansArtB VI, 45, 48; VII, 39, 50 etc.; ChansArtB XVIII, 52, 72; ChansArtB VI, 45, 48, VII, 39, 50 etc.; CoincyII1...K 24 var.; CoincyII1...K 24 var.; CoincyII10N 207, 749 etc.; CoincyII10N 207, 749 etc.; ViolB 6577; ViolB 6577; 3826, 4578, 4583, etc.; 3,5,7,etc.; 2951, 5367, 5907; CoutVerdun1M 80, 31; CoutVerdun1M 10, 96; CoutVerdun1M 80, 31; CoutVerdun1M 10, 96; DocAubeC; DocAubeC 39-4; 12-2; 41-2; 26-6; 1-15; etc.; LoisGodM p. 13, z. 22; LoisGodM p.13, Z. 22; RoselLangl; RoselLangl; RoselLec 14114; TristPrMé 104, 15; TristPrR; ArnodCh; DocHMarneG p. 450; DocHMarneG p. 450; DocVosL; DocVosL; TournAntW 2040, 3220, 3372; TournAntW 2040, 3220, 3372; DocHainR 6, 22; DocHainR 6; 22; AndrContrN XXII, 40; AndrContrN X, 32; XI, 32; VI,9; IX, 17; XI, 19; XII,2,3; V, 11; AndrContrN I, 24; 30; AnsCartA; AnsCartA; ArtusS 60, 43; 135, 38; ArtusS 60, 43; 135,38; CesTuimPrS 169, 28, 30; 170, 8; CesTuimPrS 169, 28, 30; 170, 8; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; JErartN; JErartN; JErartN; JErartN; ParDuchP 62, 80, 81 etc.; o273, o2961; ParDuchP 37 etc.; ParDuchP; BalainL 82; BalainL 6; BalainL 82; BalainL 6; ChastVergiS; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 570, 15; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; Apol1; BeaumS Man. 1294; BeaumS Man. 1294; BibleEntS 432; BraiCordO 24, 336; BraiCordO 24, 336; CesTuimAlC 6417; CesTuimAlC 6417; ClercVaudR D 261, 330; ClercVaudR D 261, 330; CoilleB 66, 68; 54, 60, 97, 101; CoilleB 80; 66, 68; 54, 60, 97, 101; ContGuillTyrA 23, 49; ContGuillTyrA 23, 49; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; CristalB 8798; CristalB 8798; JoufrF 86; JoufrF 2634, 2662; JoufrF 86; JoufrF 2634, 2662; MireC; MireC; Pères10C 1041, 1047; Pères10C 1041, 1047; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C 72, 893; Pères43B 10, 21, 26, 48, 52, 53; Pères43B 10, 21, 26, 48, 52, 53...; PhNovAgesF 20, 22, 1, 67, 144, 9, 185 etc.; PhNovAgesF 20, 22, 1, 67, 144, 9, 185 etc.; RigomerF; SAudreeS; SermMaccM 170; SMarg5T; ThebesR 1276; ThebesR 1449; ThebesR 1276, 10166; ThebesR 1449; VerCoulK 1; VivMonbrancE 27, 1052, 1092; VivMonbrancE 27, 1052, 1092; AldL; AldL; MahomL 1538; MahomL 1538, 1751, 1790, 1844; MenReimsP 11, 30, 10 etc.; MenReimsP 88; MenReimsP 11,30,10 etc.; MenReimsP 88; MenReimsW; MenReimsW 88; MenReimsW; MenReimsW 88; RobHoY v. 2422; RobHoY v. 2422; AnticlC 175, 400; AnticlC 175, 400; CourRenF 1805; CourRenF 1805; GéomSGenV 584; GéomSGenV 584; GilebBernF; GilebBernH S. 126 v. 2; GilebBernH S. 126 v.2; RutebF M 250, AV 134, BF 23; RutebF M 250, AV 134, BF 23; VMortAnW 48, 12 etc.; VMortAnW; LMestD; LMestD; BaudeFastCongéR 644; BaudeFastCongéR 1272, 644; MoamT; MoamT; EtSLouisV; EtSLouisV 1273; HaginL 26 d, 33 d, 37 b, 41 c, 58 a; HaginL 26d; 33d; 37b , 41c, 58a; AdenBuevH 2748; AdenBuevH 2748; CassidP 49, 18; CharroicL; CharroicL; CoutWinchF 10; CoutWinchF; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstPrC; EvEnfB; EvEnfB; EvEnfB2; MédLiégH 216, 217; MédLiégH 321; MédLiégH 216, 217...; MédLiégH 321; PassCeliW; RenMontlC 1965, 3562; RenMontlC 2296, 6408; RenMontlC 1965, 3562, 4676, 4728, 2253; RenMontlC 2296, 6408, 12675, 13401, 11, 5239; RosemLec; RosemLec; RosemLec 14114; SBath1B; SimPouillebB; TerrEvêqueH S. 155; TerrEvêqueH S.155; AdHaleCongéR 119; AdHaleCongéR 1277, 119; HemH; HemH; AdHalePartN II 3, 16, 31, 39; AdHalePartN p. 138; BaudCondS p533; ClefD; ClefD; BeaumCoutS; BeaumCoutS; BibleMalkS 7196; BibleMalkS 7196; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; DancusT 23, 4; DancusT 23,4; EschieleMahW; EschieleMahW; SidracH; SidracH; AdHaleRobL; AdHaleRobL; AdHaleRobV S: 98; AdHaleRobV S. 98; BougWyffCal; CleomH 550, etc.; CleomH 550 etc.; HosebHenL; KanorM; HerberiePrF1; HerberiePrF1 H 1, 15; HerberiePrF1; HerberiePrF1 HI, 15; AttilaPrB; ChaceT; ChaceT; ConsBoèceTroyS I 242; ConsBoèceTroyS I 242; CoutMerOltZ; CoutMerOltZ; DrouartB; DrouartB; GautChâtC; GautChâtC; JobB 3211; JobB 3211; JobB; JobB 3211; JobB; JobG; JPrioratR 4333, 4384, 7743, 8881; JPrioratR 9079; JPrioratR 4333, 4383, 7743, 8881; JPrioratR 9079; 4034, 4249, 4251, 4509, 4656, 4715, 4716, 6698, 7507, 12078 etc.; PéageDijonaM A, 27 r o; PéageDijonaM A, 27r-o; PéageDijonaM A, 27 v-o; SoneG; SoneG; SThibAlM 357; SThibAlM 357; SThibOctH I 58, 135; SThibOctH I 58, 135; PiérardMons t. II, p. 156; BodelFablN; BodelFablN; BodelFablN; JMeunTestB; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; FevresS 13 - 16, 20 - 3, 21b - 11, etc.; FevresS 13-16; 20-3; 216-11 etc.; JacBaisT; JacBaisT; OakBookS; OakBookS; SSagmR 35 / 23; SSagmR 35/23; PéageChalonbA 103, 104; PéageChalonbA 94; PéageChalonbA 14, 87; JoinvW1 10 g, 34 a, 92 e, etc.; JoinvW1 10g, 34a, 92e, etc.; JoinvW2 18; JoinvW2 18; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 80, 4; 2, 28; ChaceOisi2H 80, 4; 2, 28; FoukeB 79, 11; FoukeB 79,11; FoukeH 56, 22; FoukeH 56, 22; BertaMilC 189, 221 etc.; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; TwitiT; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 209, 704, 784, 845, etc.; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 209, 704, 784, 845, etc.; GeoffrParChronD; JCondM; JCondM; LicorneG 3372; LicorneG 3372; CoutBretP p. 265; OvMorB 4, p. 64, 2486; OvMorB 4, p. 64, 2486; BibleHolkP; BibleHolkP; DébCorpsArrL 118, 142, 64, 309, 57, 305, 307, 30, 72 bis, 139, 173, 178, 187, 193, 241, 259, 329, 79, 236, 239, 303, 304, 77, 211, 48, 223, 90, 195, 88, 150, 105, etc.; DébCorpsArrL 118, 142, 64, 309, 57, 305, 307, 30, 72, 139, 178, 187, 193, 241, 259, 329, 79, 236, 239, 303, 304, 77, 211, 48, 223, 90, 195, 88, 150, 105, etc.; EntreeT; EntreeT; GuerreMetzB 259b; GuerreMetzB A 29, E 67; GuerreMetzB 260a; GuerreMetzB; GuerreMetzB; GuerreMetzB 208d; GuerreMetzB; GuerreMetzB 54f; PéageDijonbM B 22 v o; PéageDijonbM B, 22v-o; PéageDijonbM B, 22 v-o, 23 r-o; PéageDijonbM B, 23r-o; PéageDijonbM B, 27r-o; SGregJeanS; SGregJeanS; ChantRoussW; GuiNantvProlC 683, 891, etc.; GuiNantvProlC 683, 891 etc.; JMoteRegrS S. 170; JMoteRegrS S. 170; MirNDPers1-40P 17 16; 18 366 etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 29, 1592, etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 17 16; 18 366 etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 29, 1592 etc.; JMoteVoieP 1195, 4538; JMoteVoieP 1195, 4538; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L 103; AliscmH; AliscmH; Apol2L; BelleHelR 824b; BelleHelR 824b; ChevPapH; ChevPapH; GilMuisK 313 a; GilMuisK 313a; NoblBretZ; NoblBretZ; PassEntreR 305; PassEntreR 305, etc.; SMarg11T; TristNantS 18439; [GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; FroissDitsth/...F 384, 713; FroissDitsth/...F 384, 713; ModusT 143, 121; 190,35; 125, 14; 181, 43. etc.; ModusT 143, 121; 190, 35; 125, 14; 181, 43. etc.; ProstInv 1/S.36; AmphYpL2; AmphYpP 68; 84; 85; 109; BaudSebB 147, 154, 160, 163; BaudSebB; BaudSebB 147; 154; 160; 163; BaudSebB; BaudSebC p182; DenFoulB1 II, 1, 12; 12, 18; DenFoulB1 II 1, 12; 12, 18; FroissPrisF 1677; FroissPrisF 1677; OrdAdmZ; OrdAdmZ; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 120, 621; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2029; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 120, 621; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2029; GaceBuigneB 1377; GaceBuigneB 6930; GaceBuigneB 1377; GaceBuigneB 1377, 6930; DeschQ III, 88; DeschQ III, 88; GastPhébChasseT; GastPhébChasseT; AdAiglesB 2, 3 ML 4, 6 A; AdAiglesB 2, 3 ML, 4, 6A; FierPrM; JPreisMyrG; JPreisMyrG; SottiesP; SottiesP; SEust11P 318; SEust11P 318; SValerM 225; SValerM 225; SValerM 225; SValerM 225; SValerM 225; PassTroyB tII, p. 1112; PassTroyB t. II, p. 1112]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 310, 785, 2036 etc.; AngDialGregO2 33, 35, 3642 etc.; Aspland; Aspland; BartschChrest 4,40; BartschChrest 4,1; 6, 94; 12, 5.47; etc.; BartschChrest 4, 40; BartschChrest 4, 1; 6, 94; 12, 5. 47, etc.; BartschHorning; BartschHorning; ConstHamelR 300, 375; ConstHamelR 300, 375; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; LevyFabl II. 71; LevyFabl II. 71; MaccabGaut/PiergS; MénardFabl III, 26, etc.; MontRayn; MontRayn I,13,14 etc.; MontRayn; MontRayn I, 13, 14 etc.; NoomenFabl t. I, 1 / 42, 2 / 362, 3 / 373, 4 / 78; NoomenFabl II, 9 / 156; NoomenFabl II, 6 / 4, 7 / 58, 8 / 55, 10 / 72, 12 / O 188 etc.; NoomenFabl I, 1/42, 2/362, 3/373, 4/78; NoomenFabl II, 9/156; NoomenFabl II, 6/4, 7/58, 8/55, 10/72, 12/0188 etc.; NoomenFabl I, 4 / 530; NoomenFabl 21 / 18, 22 / 82 etc.; NoomenFabl 32 / 133; NoomenFabl III 14 / 13, 15 a / 42, etc.; NoomenFabl t.9, 343a; NoomenFabl t.9, 325a; NoomenFabl t.9, 325a; NoomenFabl I, 4/530; NoomenFabl 21/18, 22/82 etc.; NoomenFabl 32/133; NoomenFabl t.8, 406; NoomenFabl t.8, 406; NoomenFabl t.7, 419; NoomenFabl t.7, 419; NoomenFabl t.6, 371; NoomenFabl t.6, 371; NoomenFabl t.5, 456; NoomenFabl t.5, 456; NoomenFabl III, 14/13, 15a/42, etc.; PannierLapid; ProvM 79, 218, 1733, 2002, 2009, 2080, 2101, 2113, 2281, 2419, 2491; ProvM 79, 218, 1733, 2002, 2009, 2080, 2101, 2113, 2281, 2419, 2491; RecHist XX, 216; RecHist XXII, 958; RecHist XXII, 958; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; RivièrePast; RivièrePast; SchwanBehrens 3, p. 89, z. 14, 18; SchwanBehrens 3, p.89 Z. 14,18; StimmingMot; WaceMargK 122; WaceMargK 122, Avoir RobDiableL; VillehW; RoisinM; BibleMacéP; BibleMacéS3; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, AVOIR BodelNicH4; RenMontdT; GuillPalMo; SCathCarlM; CesTuimAlC; Pères51R1, AVOIR) ThibBlaisN, avoir* GarLorrI, avoir1 CligesG; SGraalIIJosO, avoir2 CligesG; SGraalIIJosO, avoire MoamT; JSQuentO; EntreeT 9201, 10571, etc., avoirs CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; PrêtreJeand/yG 597; PriseCordD 1607, 543, 547, 551, 757; SGenB 647, 679; SGenB 647, 679; AimeriD; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; MireC 17; CoutNormT p98; GlDouaiE1 98; GlDouaiE1 98; JoinvW1 108 c, 22 b; JoinvW1 108c, 22b; JoinvW2 164; 34; OvMorB 5, p. 214, 1224; OvMorB 5, p. 214, 1224; JMoteRegrS S. 170, Avoirs VillehW, avoit CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; Pères10C; Pères10C; RegDijon1L, avom AlexParA I, var. 67, 1471; OvMorB 5, p. 212, 1120, avomes AlexParA II, 221, 88, 2078; CantLandP 115, 277, 2865; GilChinP; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid B 398, Avomes CartHain, avommes CoincyII1...K 377 var.; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 958, avon ChevCygneNaissT 7; ChastVergiS, avonmes DolopL; AdenBuevH 1414, avons AssJérBourgvZ; ClercVaudR D 393; Pères10C; Pères10C; RegDijon1L; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 258, 239, Avons BibleMacéS3, Avont LMestL, avor BatLoqVulgB2 3057; BatLoqVulgB2 3057; Lemaire p. 415, Z. 10; AssJérBourgvZ; JoufrF 2686; BertaMilC; BertaMilC, Avore CartHain, avors MonRaincB 635; DolopL, avot BeaumManS 7079, avouames MPolRustR, Avouns LMestL, avour EstFougK 271r, avous ViergeGérH; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl II, 12/ o 219, avoyr GlBâleB; GlBâleB; OakBookS; OakBookS, avoz MPolRustR, avra CharroiPo t. II, 29; CantLandP 669; ChevCygneNaissT 743, avrai AlexisS1 492, 493; AlexisS2 493, 493; GrantMalS2 34e, 30b, 52d, 54d, 102b, 104b, 107ce; 85c; 87a; 21d; 50f; 98e, 100d, 115d; 56a, 77a, 103e; CharroiPo t. II, 29; ThebesC; ThebesC; PelCharlF; ChevCygneNaissT 3391, avraie ChevBarBloisB, avrant AlexParA t. 2; 34, 6, 110-14; AlexParA IV, t. 7, 34; AlexParA Bd. 7, p. 128, avras AlexisS1 153; AlexisS2 2. 153; CharroiPo t. II, 29, avrat AlexisS1 36, 400; PhThCompS 9v, 611; Appendix, 1000; Notes, 2666; PelCharlF, avre [SEust10P 135]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 1453, avrei PelCharlF, avreient PhThCompS Appendix, 978, avreit PelCharlF, avrent EntreeT, avres DurmS 3495, avrez CharroiPo t. II, 29; PelCharlF, avrié GilChinP, avrient GuerreMetzB E 25, avris (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach 200, avroit CharroiPo t. II, 29, avroiz CharroiPo t. II, 29, avrons CoincyII1...K 373 var., avront CharroiPo t. II, 30, avrum AlexisS1 504, 535, avrunt PhThCompS 2r, 108; Appendix, 1048; PelCharlF, avum AlexisS1 532, 534; AlexisS2 532, 534; PhThCompS 1v, 73; 24r, 2243; 25r, 2329; 2344; 25v, 2350; MPolRustR, avums AlexisS1 pr. 4, 353; AlexisS2 4. 353; PhThCompS 25v, 2392; 31r, 2854; 34r, 3083, avun PhThCompS 32v, 2970, awist PartonG 5476; PartonG 5476; JacBaisT, ay DocHMarneG; HosebHenL; RegDijon1L; (sigles à datations multiples:) GononTest 1006, 1927, Ayt LMestL, e MantelB M 169; AiquinJ 2117; SGraalIIIJostO; LicorneG 4908,7701, é GirVianeE 648; ChevBarBloisB; RenγF2; JMeunTestB; PassEntreG 40,3015, ea LoisGuillL, eent RègleHospCamS; YsEudeR 515, eet HosebHenL, Eez PlainteVgePurT, ehu [ProstInv 1/S. 84], ehue PassCeliW; [ProstInv 1 /S. 85], ehues [ProstInv 1/S.61; ProstInv 1/S. 5], ehus GuerreMetzB; [AalmaR S. 118], ehuz [ProstInv 1/S. 64; ProstInv 1/S. 86; ProstInv 1/S. 84; ProstInv 1/S. 86], ei LoisGuillL; EstFougK; PAbernLumH Bd II, eient RègleHospCamS; OakBookS, Eiez PurgSPatrBerM, eit LoisGuillL; CligesG; EstFougK; CorE; SGraalIIJosO; CoutStAmandM IV, 145; HosebHenL; OakBookS; VoeuxPaonR II, 3722, 5005, III 7611; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 117, Eit LMestL; [BibbfW], eons SimPouilleaB B 5012, era SimPouilleaB B 2906, es PriseOrabR1, eu EscoufleM 293b; HuonR; MenReimsP; MenReimsW; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 142; Rosenberg 116: 8, eü ChGuillI; BalJosPr1M 41, 18; OvArtElieK; ConstHamelR 392; ChastVergiS; MirNDPers1-40P 5 826; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl 339a, t. 9, éu EstFougK; BibleGuiotW, ëu CharroiPo t. II, 85; ChevBarAnS; ChastSGilS, euc ThebesC III, 820 etc.; ChevCygneNaissT; GuillVinM X, 27; AndrContrN; GautLeuL2 III 444; GilebBernF; GilMuisK 328b; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl Ii, Euc GautLeuL2, euç GautArrErR 1856, euch ChevVivM C 1727; ChevVivM, euche AdHaleRobV 551, eüe FloreaL 2071; FloreaP 1832, 1830; ChastVergiS, euisce GilMuisK 328b, euïse ChevVivM; ChevVivM E 1118A, E 19..., E 661, Euisent LMestL, euisse (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 339a, t8, euïsse JobG, euissemmes [GodBouillBruxR], euissent (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 193, euissiens (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 416 t. 8, Euissiens CartHain, euist (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 962, Euist CartHain, eum RègleHospCamS; RègleHospCamS, eüm PrêtreJeand/yG 603, eumes PelCharlF; AucR3 XXII, eunt AlNeckUtensH p. 257, eurent BrendanPr1W, eüs RutebTheophF 362, ëus CharroiPo t. II, 86, eusce AucR3, Eusciens CartHain, euse BibleMalkS 8310, eüse BalJosPr1M 36, 13, 42, 52, Eusent LMestL, euses PelCharlF, eüsi HuonAuvBrB, eusmes BrendanPr1W, ëusmes CharroiPo t. II, 86, eüson (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 431, t. 7, eüssains OvMorB 5, p. 225, 1712, eüsse ConstHamelR 345, 918; ChastVergiS, ëusse CharroiPo t. II, 86, eussems PassCeliW, eussent BrendanPr1W, eüssent HervisH, Eussièmes CartHain, eussiens BrendanPr1W, eüssies ChastVergiS, eüssiez GilChinP, eüssons TroisAvG 62, eust PelCharlF; GarLorrP I, 279; BrendanPr1W; CoutMerOl, eüst PrêtreJeand/yG 603; BalJosPr1M 39, 8; ChastVergiS; Pères10C; AdHaleRobV 150; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, Eüst HAndH, ëust CharroiPo t. II, 86, eustcuse CoincyI1...K 100 var., eüstes MirNDPers1-40P 5 830, eut BrendanPr1W; [JohnstonRog 164/ 39], Eut LMestL, eüt JobG, euvise JacBaisT, euwist AlexisAlpS 73, euyst PiérardMons t II, p. 173, euz ParDuchP *578, evoit BalJosPr1M 36, 20, ewise JacBaisT, ewisse GilMuisK 328b, Ewt CartHain, ey (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II, 37; HuntTeach II, 37, eye (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 8, 416, eyet HosebHenL, eyt HosebHenL; OakBookS, ha SGraalIIJosO, had PelCharlF; PelCharlF, hai PéageDijonaM A, 25 v o, 26 v o; PéageDijonaM A, 25v-o, 26v-o, hait PéageDijonbM B, 23 r o, haviens RegDijon1L, havoir RegDijon1L, havoit RegDijon1L, hei SGraalIIJosO, heü PBeauvGerJ, heue PassCeliW, hont DolopL; RegDijon1L; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, Hont LMestL, hot RegDijon1L, humis TurpinBrianeS, hunt SGraalIIJosO, Iez PurgSPatrBerM, loüst CoincyI1K I 10 K 1841 var., L’auez [BibbfW], Nad [BibbfW], Nauez [BibbfW], noguist BlackBookT II p. 346, o FlorebP; HervisH; CheviiEspF 9794; FlorOctOctV 2450; PassEntreG 305; (sigles à datations multiples:) Rosenberg, ò BertaMilC, oc BenDucF 37325; JerusT; ChevCygneNaissT 236; HunbautW 2206,3543; [GodBouillBruxR]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9, 350a, oç ChevVivM; ChevVivM E1799, och MerlinsR 161,19; 245,6; CourLouiscLe; RestorD, oct BenDucF, ogu BlackBookT II. p. 382, p. 420, oguist BlackBookT II. p. 296; 384, oi AlexisS1 441; BrendanW S. 201; CharroiPo t. II, 137; MonGuill1/2C; ThebesC; CommPsia1G; AdamG3; PelCharlA; MarieFabW; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 D 1307; RCambrM; CantLandP 361, 1201; ChevVivM 1799, C 487; EscoufleM 303 b; ChGuillI; FlorenceW 351 a; BalJosPr1M 61, 26; BlancandS; OvArtElieK; LancPrK; DolopL; EvNicPraF I 373; AndrContrN; FournChansL; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; ChansSienaS; BrendanPr1W; SimPouilleaB B 4721; AdHaleFeuillL 72; BaudCondS p535; HelcanusN 89; HuonAuvbS6 7258; [ModusT 160, 27; 161, 38; 226, 81]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl t. 9, 350 a; ReidFabl, Oi RègleSBenNicH, oï ConstHamelR 391, oirent GuerreMetzB 208 d, ois SimPouilleaB B 53, 54, oit ChevBarBloisB; TrubertR (1887); TrubertR; JoufrF 876, 948; MoamT; PassCeliW; MPolRustR; EntreeT; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 425; ReidFabl, Oit MirAgn2K, olrent GuerreMetzB, olt AtreW; GuerreMetzB, on PriseOrabR1 D 162; PriseOrabR1; SimPouilleaB 113; MPolRustR; RegDijon1L, ont EstFougK; OvArtElieK; ConstHamelR 928,660,922; AucR3 VI 36, XXIII15; ChastVergiS; Pères10C 72, 893; TroisAvG pr.6; 80,86,131,132,148,183,184; [AnglureB], oout TurpinBrianeS, orai FlorenceW 351b; TristPrC; HunbautW 2749; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 473; NoomenFabl, oras ChGuillD, oray CoincyII1...K 966var, orent CharroiPo t. II, 139; CourLouisL1; CommPsia1G; PelCharlF; CligesG; AlexParA II, 1060; AlexParA II, 2057; MantelB M 67; EscoufleS; AiquinJ; ChGuillI; BalJosPr1M 30, 39; BlancandS; DurmG; ConstHamelR 149, 264, 917; GuillMarM; FolLancB; GilChinP; Pères10C; RègleSBenDouceD; VivMonbrancE 197; HunbautW 2981; AdHaleRobL; AdHaleRobV 407; JobG; HuonAuvBrB; TombChartr1/2/3S; GalienD; [MenagB]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl t. 6, 389; RecHist XXI, 114; ReidFabl, orent, k'il o. AnsMetzS1 386,56 var., oront BanMetzW, orrez CoincyI1...K 35var., os JacBaisT; BelleHelR 878 a; TristNantS 8520, 10729, 11873, etc., ot PassionA; AlexisS1 150, 214, 607; AlexisS1 221, 386; RolB; GormB 160, 227, 309, 517, 615; GormB 5, 37, 61, 83...; PsCambrM 11, 4; CharroiPo t. II, 140; CharroiPo t. II, 139 f; CourLouisL1; MonGuill1/2C; ProvSalSanI; CommPsia1G; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; BenDucF 36488, 36534; BenDucM I, p. 78, v. 2138; p. 147, v. 1887; p. 378, v. 8617, etc.; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F; CligesF p. 350; AlexArsM B 79, 156, 723; AlexParA II, (β 19) 319 var. t. 5; AlexParA II, 790 var. t. 5; SBernCantG; TristBérG 1284; CoucyChansL; MantelB M 20, 55, 66 etc.; RecCoulTitH; CantLandP 599, 1475; ChevCygneNaissT; JugAmS; EscoufleS; ChevBarAnS; NarbS; FlorenceW 352b; DurmS 11948; GuillJoiesRi; GuillTyrP 9; OvArtElieK; ConstHamelR 274, 937, 98...; LancPrK; DolopL; AucR3 VIII, 3; X, 5, 11; XII, 36; etc.; EvNicPraF I 222; MorPhilP; OrsonP; GuillMarM; ViolB; AndrContrN; FolLancB; FournChansL; GilChinP; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA 469; ChastVergiS; HuonRegrL; AuberiTarbé; BeaumS; BibleEntS 6682; BibleEntS 1148; BouchAbevR 407; ClercVaudR D 207; Pères10C; RègleSBenDouceD; VivMonbrancE; CharroidL 157; AdHaleFeuillL 72; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; GlLeipzigBa; JobG 864, 2902; SThibAlH; MPolRustR; JacBaisT; JacBaisT; GeoffrParChronD 4038; JCondM; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr19S; AliscmH 7144, 543; TristNantS 359, 3883; [GastPhébChasseT; MenagB]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; MaccabGaut/PiergS; NoomenFabl t. 9 350 b; NoomenFabl I; RecHist XX, 131; RecHist XXI, 150; ReidFabl, Ot RobDiableL; HAndH; PurgSPatrBerM, OT RobBloisDidF, oü GrantMalS2, oud LoisGuillL, oüd BrendanW S 201; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, oult CesTuimAlC 9392; SimPouilleaB C 716; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 680, OULT CesTuimAlC, ount PelCharlF; GrantzGeanzaB; OakBookS; FoukeB; NicBozEmpV 78; NicBozMorS; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl III, 15b/ M 42, ourent AlexisS1 12, 22, 192; BrendanW S 210; PhThCompS 13v, 1287; 20v, 1933; GuillMarM; DialGregEvrS p 992; GalienD, Ous PlainteVgePurT, oüs AlexisS1 433, 446; TristNantS, oussant BlackBookT II p 276, oüsse AlexisS1 226, 489, 490, oust PelCharlF; Saisna/lB 1067; 3253 A; BalJosPr1M 54, 4, out AlexisS1; PhThCompS 8v, 527; 16v, 1561; 17v, 1622; MarieChievreRi 56; PelCharlF; AlexArsM D 69; RenR; CorE; PriseOrabR1 D 607; PriseOrabR1; CantLandP 472, 1638; CantLandP 982; ChGuillI; FlorenceW 352b; ChevBarBloisB; OrsonP; ImMondeOct2S0; RègleSBenDouceD; LettrTanq 6, 1272 et passim; CharroicL; MPolRustR; NicBozMorS 8,33,37; ElucidaireSeca/b/h/iR Prolog; 34, 135, 143 H; AdvndC 69; TombChartr19S; JMoteRegrS p 165; TristNantS; [CoutMerOlaZ; LégDorVignBatallD]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t7, 441, Out HAndH; PurgSPatrBerM; LMestL; PlainteVgePurT, oüt AlexisS1 109; PhThCompS 37 v 3403, ovins SBernCantG, owet GaimarB 3884, owist SBernCantG, owt TurpinBrianeS, oy CorE; BalJosPr1M 80, 58, reirent BenDucM I, p. 248, v. 4755, ud ProvSalSanI, uist DolopL, Ult RomRomT, unt AlexisS1 pr.6; AlexisS1; PhThCompS 1r, 30; 1v, 58, 78, 79; GrantMalS2 28b,42f,47c,86ac,116e; LoisGuillL; SLaurentR; MarieChievreRi 62; MarieGuigW2; MarieLaisR; HornP; BenDucM II,p.113,v.18645;p.458,v.28606;p.547,v.30994; SThomGuernW1 5447; PelCharlF; EstFougK; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 43,21; MarieFabW2; AdgarN; SGillesP 1912; SThomBenS 1885; IpH 5519,7028,9399; ProtH; BibleDécb/eN; SJeanAumU 778; WaldefH 1719,11918,12234; BestGuillR 1425,1560,3904; ChGuillI 235; ChGuillI; PurgSPatrCamZ; GuillMarM 6067,10493; ModvB2 384,3850,6216,etc.; PetPhilT 2462 n,2535; ApocPrD 108; HArciPèresO 608,3541; SermMaccM 212; PAbernLumH; SecrSecrAbernB; GrantzGeanzaB; ApocGiffR 2287;2837;3733 etc.; EvEnfQuatrG; MPolRustR; NicBozCharV; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschHorning 76,20; 273,10, Unt PurgSPatrBerM; LMestL, urent CorE; ElucidaireiiiD III,26;;V,2,40; GeoffrParChronD, Urent PurgSPatrBerM, ussïez ChevVivM G 661; ChevVivM, ussunt RotParl4R, ust DolopL, Ust PurgSPatrBerM)
- ◆“avoir” (PassionA; PassionA; PassionA; PassionA S. 100 (v. 69); PassionA S. 115 (v. 332); PassionA S. 117 v. 365; PassionA S. 69; PassionA S. 70; PassionA S. 24, 25, 121, v. 445, 123 v. 466, 125 v. 511; PassionA; PassionA 412 (16n., 25); S. 120 (v.412), S. 16 note, S. 25; PassionA S. 53, note; PassionA Verse: 4, 211,...; PassionA; PassionA; AlexisP; AlexisS1 58, 532; AlexisS1; AlexisS1 492, 493; AlexisS1 408, 438; AlexisS1 153; AlexisS1 36, 400; AlexisS1; AlexisS1 523; AlexisS1 109; AlexisS1 334, 567; AlexisS1 3,185,508,599; AlexisS1 12, 22, 192; AlexisS1 91, 95, 96; AlexisS1 528; AlexisS1 106, 109; AlexisS1 2, 219 etc.; AlexisS1 433, 446; AlexisS1 4,50,etc.; AlexisS1 pr.6; AlexisS1 532, 534; AlexisS1 pr. 4, 353; AlexisS1 3, 143, 557; AlexisS1 621; AlexisS1 226, 489, 490; AlexisS1 504, 535; AlexisS1; AlexisS1 441; AlexisS1 150, 214, 607; AlexisS1 221, 386; AlexisS1; AlexisS1 1., 402, 407; AlexisS2 3.3, 43, 68 etc.; AlexisS2 493, 493; AlexisS2 2. 408, 438; AlexisS2 2. 153; AlexisS2 1, 106, 109; AlexisS2 523; AlexisS2 3.334, 567; AlexisS2 185,508,599; AlexisS2 2.219, 224, etc.; AlexisS2 532, 534; AlexisS2 4. 353; AlexisS2 535; AlexisS2 91, 95, 96; AlexisS2 528; AlexisS2 58, 532; AlexisS2 1.402, 407; RaschiD2 77 + t. 2; RolB 329; RolB; RolB 338; RolB 337; BrendanW S 210; BrendanW S. 185; BrendanW; BrendanW S. 201; BrendanW S 201; BrendanW s. 187; BrendanW 751, 1324, 258; GlKaraIsF n° 106; LapidalS 1167, 1289, 1415, 1667; 1187, 1275; 71, 281, 577, 1669, 1667; LapidalS 234, 262, 267, 268, 318, 321, 333, 339, 352, 335; LapidalS 771 (corr.), 778, 779 (corr.), 780 (corr.), 787, 790, 809, 814, 815M; LapidalS 1233, 1235, 1261, 1283, 1284, 1288, 1299, 1306, 1313, 1329; LapidalS 1600, 1616, 1621, 1628, 1664, 1698; 285, 1053, 1570; 280,...; LapidalS 994, 1004, 1063, 1086, 1087, 1090, 1122, 1128, 1139, 1202; LapidalS 80; 80M; 233; 81L, 593M, 91M; 81 (corr.), 162, 201, 313, 315,...; LapidalS 123L, 123 (corr.); 856, 207, 527; 1685; 2, 13, 272, 601, 1216;..; LapidapS 3; LapidapS 2; LapidapS 1; LapidffS a 51, 93, 115CD, 178, 255, 258, 260, 263, 263D (p. 301), 275...; LapidffS 44, 75, 123, 279, 283, 311, 550, 613, 765G, 786...; LapidffS ai 62, 275C (?), 281B, pr. 1; LapidffS ad 280E, 329G, 690G, 855G, 899G, 930G, 963G, pr.3; LapidffS ai 258B, 681B pr. 3; LapidffS ont 344D, 351, 399B, 485B, 618, 670D/52 (p. 312), 700...; LapidffS 263D (p. 301), 267, 380D, 450, 549, 612E, 622, 627, 633...; LapidffS 698, 703; 920D (p. 319); LapidffS 243, 583; 678D/7 (p. 313); LapidffS 952; LapidffS 4B, 7, 10, 13, 459, 581, 698B; LapidffS 72D (p. 298); 110, 186, 256, 295, 301, 360, 447D, 452DE; LapidffS 276D, 952D; LapidffS 670D/8 (p. 311); 781, 942; PhThCompM 779, 987, 1132, 1144, 1347, etc.; PhThCompM 1914, 1918; PhThCompS 23v, 2179; PhThCompS 37 v 3403; PhThCompS 34r, 3092; PhThCompS 20r, 1883; Appendix, 1034; PhThCompS 37v, 3415; PhThCompS 9v, 627; 19r, 1777; 19v, 1823; 28r, 2606; PhThCompS 24v, 2276; Notes, 2243; PhThCompS 1r, 20, 2r, 30; PhThCompS 23r, 2156; PhThCompS 8v, 567; 20v, 1911, 1914, 1935; PhThCompS 23r, 2153; 31r, 2880; PhThCompS 35r, 3158; PhThCompS 37v, 3413; 38r, 3422, 3431; PhThCompS 11r, 779; 12r, 1132, 1144; 14r, 1347; PhThCompS 20v, 1918; 24v, 2254; PhThCompS 31r, 2862; 35r, 3183, 3181, 3189; PhThCompS 23r, 2155; 26v, 2451; 28r, 2614; PhThCompS 32v, 2990; PhThCompS 31r, 2844; PhThCompS 9v, 611; Appendix, 1000; Notes, 2666; PhThCompS Appendix, 978; PhThCompS 2r, 108; Appendix, 1048; PhThCompS 1v, 73; 24r, 2243; 25r, 2329; 2344; 25v, 2350; PhThCompS 25v, 2392; 31r, 2854; 34r, 3083; PhThCompS 32v, 2970; PhThCompS 13v, 1287; 20v, 1933; PhThCompS 8v, 527; 16v, 1561; 17v, 1622; PhThCompS 1r, 30; 1v, 58, 78, 79; GormB 160, 227, 309, 517, 615; GormB 5, 37, 61, 83...; PsCambrM 11, 4; GrantMalS2 34e, 30b, 52d, 54d, 102b, 104b, 107ce; 85c; 87a; 21d; 50f; 98e, 100d, 115d; 56a, 77a, 103e; GrantMalS2 34b, 65f, 116b; GrantMalS2 114c; GrantMalS2 42a, 45b, 46d, 50d, 52ab, 55a, 58 ef, 61a, 66a, 67c, etc.; GrantMalS2 28b,42f,47c,86ac,116e; GrantMalS2 98c; GrantMalS2 70 e, 53a, 62a, 32a, 52bc, 58f; 13d, 35c, 36bc; 26e, 47e; GrantMalS2; WaceConcA; GaimarB 3884; PhThSibS; PhThSibS; CharroiM 826 etc.; CharroiM 326 etc.; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 139; CharroiPo t. II, 86; CharroiPo t. II, 86; CharroiPo t. II, 86; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 86; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t.II,20; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 28; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t.II, 20; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 137; CharroiPo t. II, 140; CharroiPo t. II, 139 f; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 30; CharroiPo t. II, 28; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t. II, 29; CharroiPo t.II,20; CharroiPo t. II, 85; CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; MonGuill1/2C; MonGuill1/2C; MonGuill1/2C; MonGuill1/2C; ProvSalSanI; ProvSalSanI; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1; FloreaK 111, 92, ...; FloreaK 374, 429, ...; FloreaK 111, 92; FloreaK 374, 429; FloreaL 2071; FloreaP 1832, 1830; FloreaW 111, 429; FloreaW 69, 430; FloreaW 111, 429; FloreaW 69, 430; ThebesC III, 820 etc.; ThebesC; ThebesC; ThebesC; ThebesC III, 2492; ThebesC III, 2492; ChronSMichelB; ChronSMichelB 1704, 3118, 3158; SLaurentR; CommPsia1/2G2 p. 7, I; CommPsia1G pr. 7 I; CommPsia1G 14.4; 335.5; etc.; CommPsia1G; CommPsia1G; CommPsia1G 848.17; CommPsia1G; MarieChievreRi 56; MarieChievreRi; MarieChievreRi 62; MarieChievreRi; MarieChievreRi; MarieChievreRi; MarieChievreRi; MarieChievreRi G 648; s 43, G 219; MarieGuigW2; MarieGuigW2; MarieLaisR; MarieLaisR; MarieLaisR; NarcisusT x 288 - 289; NarcisusT *288-289; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; EdConfVatS; ErecR 4398; ErecR 4398; HornP; HornP; PhilomB 134, 50, 281 etc.; PhilomB 134, 50, 281, etc.; RouH III, 5406; RouH; RouH III, 5406; BenDucF; BenDucF; BenDucF; BenDucF 36488, 36534; BenDucF 37325; BenDucF 627, 1054; BenDucF 556, 608; BenDucM I, p. 470, v. 11271; BenDucM II, p. 86, v. 17802; BenDucM I, p. 78, v. 2138; p. 147, v. 1887; p. 378, v. 8617, etc.; BenDucM III, p. 625, col. 2; BenDucM III, p. 515, v. 138; BenDucM II,p.113,v.18645;p.458,v.28606;p.547,v.30994; BenDucM I, p. 229, v. 4192; III, p. 620, col. 2; BenDucM I, p. 248, v. 4755; SThomGuernW1 5447; SThomGuernW1; SThomGuernW1 280, 713, 1278, 1440; AdamG3; AdamG3; Aiol1/2F *1227; Aiol1/2F 37, 159, 533, 607, 1471; Aiol1/2F 37; 159; 533; 607; 1471; Aiol1/2F *64, 453; Aiol1/2F 37, 159, 533, 607, 1471; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F x 1227; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F 37, 159, 533, 607, 1471; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2N 17, 20, 128 etc.; Aiol1/2N 17, 20, 128 etc.; AlexissH 238, 383, 514; GautArrErR 1856; GautArrIllLe; PelCharlA; PelCharlA; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 84: 27, 314; PelCharlK 84: 229, 719, 724; RecMédJuteH S. 250, z. 20; RecMédJuteH S. 250/Z.20; RoisC; CligesF p. 350; CligesG; CligesG; CligesG; CligesG; EstFougK; EstFougK; EstFougK; EstFougK; EstFougK; EstFougK; EstFougK 13, 14; EstFougK; EstFougK; EstFougK; EstFougK; EstFougK; EstFougK 271r; EructavitJ; EructavitJ; EructavitJ; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 43,21; MarieFabW; MarieFabW; MarieFabW2; MarieFabW2; PercL 4123; PercL 4123; AdgarN; EdmK 1645; FlorebK 170, 1033, ...; FlorebK 170, 1033; FlorebP; FlorebP 3158, 530, 825, 2238; FlorebP; FlorebP 3158, 530, 825, 2238; SGillesP; SGillesP 1912; SGillesP 357, 2047, 2181; SSagOctS K 278, 603, C 278; SSagOctS 12278, 603, C 278; SThomBenS 502, 805; SThomBenS; SThomBenS 1885; AlexArsM D 69; AlexArsM; AlexArsM; AlexArsM B 79, 156, 723; AlexParA 5232-3; AlexParA I var. 108, 2287, t. 3, 283; AlexParA t. 2; 34, 6, 110-14; AlexParA IV, t. 7, 34; AlexParA Bd. 7, p. 128; AlexParA II (? 24) 517; AlexParA III, t.6, 86; 5232-3; AlexParA II (? 52) 767. 1; AlexParA II (? 55) 878; AlexParA 6, 86; 5232-3; AlexParA II, 1060; AlexParA II, 2057; AlexParA II 132 var. t 5; AlexParA II, (β 19) 319 var. t. 5; AlexParA II, 790 var. t. 5; AlexParA t.3, 267; AlexParA IV 877, var.t7; AlexParA I, var. 67, 1471; AlexParA II, 221, 88, 2078; AlexParA II 2039; AlexParA III, t. 6, 86; IpH 5519,7028,9399; IpH; ProtH; ProtH; RègleHospCamS; RègleHospCamS; RègleHospCamS; RègleHospCamS; RègleHospCamS; RègleHospCamS 119, 659, 701, 1447; AimonFlH 66.70.75 etc.; AimonFlH 131.315; AimonFlH 66.70.75 etc.; AimonFlH 131.315.; AimonFlH 1181. 8094; AimonFlH; AimonFlH 2762; GarLorrI; GarLorrP I, 279; PartonG 5476; PartonG 5476; RenR VII - IX, 6405, 8323; RenR XII - XVII, 14185; RenR; RenR VII-IX, 6405, 8323; RenR XII-XVII, 14185; SBernCantG; SBernCantG; SBernCantG; SBernCantG; SBernCantG; SBernCantG; SMarieEgtS 864, 248, 1124, 706, 488, 47, 436 etc.; ThomKentF 291, 6963; TristBérG 1284; TristThomB; TristThomB; TristThomB 56, 73; TristThomB 2673, 2702; TristThomB; TristThomW; TristThomW D. 1401, 1430; TristThomW; AliscG p296; CorE; CorE; CorE; CorE p59; CorE; CorE; CorE; CorE; CoucyChansL; ElieF 1904; ElieF 1904; FloovA; FloovA; FolTristOxfH; GaceBruléH; GaceBruléH; JerusT; MantelB M 67; MantelB M 169; MantelB M 20, 55, 66 etc.; MonRaincB 635; PriseOrabR1 D696; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 D 607; PriseOrabR1 D 162; PriseOrabR1 D593; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 D 1307; PriseOrabR1 D7, 1588; PriseOrabR1; RCambrM; RCambrM; RCambrM; RCambrM; RecCoulTitH; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; RomRomT; Saisna/lB 1067; 3253 A; Saisna/lB 931; SimFreineGeorgM 22; SimFreineGeorgM 87, 105; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM; PrêtreJeand/yG 597; PrêtreJeand/yG 603; PrêtreJeand/yG 596; PrêtreJeand/yG 603; PrêtreJeand/yG 597; BodelNicH 157, 160, 170 etc.; BodelNicH 157, 160, 170 etc.; BodelNicH4; RenMontdT; SGraalIIJosO; SGraalIIJosO; SGraalIIJosO; SGraalIIJosO; SGraalIIJosO; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW 5, 9; VMortHélW; AlNeckUtensH p. 257; AubereeC; AubereeC; BatLoqVulgB2 3057; BatLoqVulgB2 3057; BliocadranW; CantLandP 599, 1475; CantLandP 361, 1201; CantLandP 472, 1638; CantLandP 503, 194; CantLandP 669; CantLandP 982; CantLandP 731; CantLandP 439, 443; CantLandP 731; CantLandP 439, 443; CantLandP 257, 287; CantLandP 115, 277, 2865; CantLandR 503, 194; CantLandR 257, 287; ChevCygneNaissT 743; ChevCygneNaissT 3391; ChevCygneNaissT 96, 6; ChevCygneNaissT 196; ChevCygneNaissT; ChevCygneNaissT 2714; ChevCygneNaissT; ChevCygneNaissT 201; ChevCygneNaissT 525; ChevCygneNaissT 7; ChevCygneNaissT 236; ChevEspJ Ch 784 etc.; ChevEspJ Ch 784 etc.; ChevVivM G 661; ChevVivM D 661; ChevVivM C 1727; ChevVivM; ChevVivM 1799, C 487; ChevVivM D 370; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM E 1118A, E 19..., E 661; ChevVivM A 73, C75, 126, 174, 217, 1387, D1121; ChevVivM; ChevVivM E1799; ElucidaireiiiD; ElucidaireiiiD III,26;;V,2,40; JugAmS 68; JugAmS 258; JugAmS; JugAmS 68; JugAmS 258; PoèmeMorB 15, 117, 227, 305 etc.; PoèmeMorB 15, 117, 227, 305 etc.; PoèmeMorB 1849, 2046, 2215; PriseCordD 1607, 543, 547, 551, 757; PriseCordD; PriseCordD; SGenB 647, 679; SGenB 647, 679; SGenB; SGenB; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleM 303 b; EscoufleM 280b; EscoufleM 293b; EscoufleS; EscoufleS; EscoufleS; EscoufleS; MuséeArchDép p. 125, z. 10, 11, 126, 30; MuséeArchDép p. 125 Z.10,11; 126.30; MuséeArchDép p. 129, z. 8; MuséeArchDép p. 128, z. 5; MuséeArchDép p. 129 Z.8; MuséeArchDép p. 128 Z.5; HerbomezTourn p. 13, z. 7; HerbomezTourn p. 23, z. 29; HerbomezTourn p. 11, z. 2; HerbomezTourn p. 26, z. 24; HerbomezTourn p. 17, z. 11; HerbomezTourn p. 13, Z.7; HerbomezTourn p. 23, Z. 29; HerbomezTourn p.11, Z.2; HerbomezTourn p.26, Z.24; HerbomezTourn p.17, Z. 11; GuillDoleL 571, 2152; GuillDoleL 571, 2152; VillehW; VillehW; AiquinJ; AiquinJ; AiquinJ 2117; AiquinJ 1807; AiquinJ 421,1411; AlexisAlpS 73; AmbroiseP; AmbroiseP; AmbroiseP 814; 986; 1454; BibleDécb/eN; BibleDécb/eN; BibleDécb/eN; BibleDécb/eN; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 91, 130 etc.; ChardryDormM 456; ChevBarAnS; ChevBarAnS; ChevBarAnS; ChevBarAnS; DoonRocheM 96, 619 etc.; DoonRocheM 96, 619, etc.; FolTristBernH2; FolTristBernH2; GirVianeE; GirVianeE; GirVianeE 648; GirVianeY 21, 58, 91, 116; 119, 121; GirVianeY 21, 58, 91, 116; 119, 121; GuibAndrM; GuibAndrM 611, 1289, 1294; GuibAndrM; GuibAndrM 611, 1289, 1294; GuillPalMo; HerbCandS 399; HerbCandS 3729, 4019; HerbCandS 399; HerbCandS 3729, 4019; HerbCandS 14 201; MaccabPr1G; MorPhilPrH 94, 19; MorPhilPrH 94, 19; NarbS; NarbS 315, 316, 350; NarbS; NarbS 315, 316, 350; NarbS; PBeauvGerJ; PBeauvGerJ; PBeauvGerJ; PercDidd/eR; PercDidd/eR; RègleSBenNicH; SEdmPassG 573; SEust2P 84; SEust2P 84; SGraalIIIJostO; SGraalIIIJostO; SJeanAumI; SJeanAumI 878,785; SJeanAumU 778; VengRagF; VengRagF; WaldefH 414, 1303, 1322; WaldefH 1719,11918,12234; BestGuillR 1425,1560,3904; BestGuillR 2318; AngDialGregP 18 vo b; AngDialGregP; AimeriD; AimeriG; AimeriG 13; BalJosAnS 10449; ChGuillD; ChGuillI 363, 1576, 3399; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI 235; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillM; CoutSensL p. 291, z. 4; CoutSensL p. 291 Z.4; FetRomF1; FetRomF1 349, 24; FetRomF1 1213; FlorenceW 352b; FlorenceW; FlorenceW; FlorenceW 351 a; FlorenceW 352b; FlorenceW 351b; GlBâleB; GlBâleB; HervisH; HervisH 751; HervisH; HervisH 759; HervisH 760; HistAnc; MerlinM; MortAymC 199, 1592, 1625, 2354, 2971; MortAymC; MortAymC 199, 1592, 1625, 2354, 2971; MortAymC; RecLondB p. 500, z. 44, 501. 6, 10; RecLondB p. 500 Z.44; 501.6, 10; RecLondB p. 493, z. 4; RecLondB p. 722, z. 17; RecLondB p. 493, Z.4; RecLondB p. 722, Z.17; ThibBlaisN; Turpin5Wa; SongeEnfM; SongeEnfM; BalJosCamA; BalJosCamA; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV; TurpinBrianeS; TurpinBrianeS; TurpinBrianeS; TurpinBrianeS; RobClariL 26; AnsMetzS1 386,56 var.; AnsMetznG 1716; BalJosPr1M 37, 43; BalJosPr1M 41, 18; BalJosPr1M 30, 39; BalJosPr1M 37,43; BalJosPr1M 36, 13, 42, 52; BalJosPr1M 39, 8; BalJosPr1M 36, 20; BalJosPr1M 61, 26; BalJosPr1M 54, 4; BalJosPr1M 36, 74; BalJosPr1M 56, 16; BalJosPr1M 80, 58; BlancandS; BlancandS; Bueve1S 1561, 143, 1398; Bueve1S 1561, 143, 1398, ...; Bueve2S; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; DurmG; DurmG; DurmG; DurmS 4242; DurmS 11948; DurmS 4242; FergF; GuillJoiesRi; GuillTyrP; GuillTyrP 9; GuillTyrP; OvArtElieK; OvArtElieK; OvArtElieK; OvArtElieK; OvArtElieK; OvArtElieK; OvArtElieK; OvArtElieK; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; BanMetzW; CoincyChristO; CoincyChristO; ConstHamelR 392; ConstHamelR 149, 264, 917; ConstHamelR 345, 918; ConstHamelR 928,660,922; ConstHamelR 391; ConstHamelR 274, 937, 98...; LancPrK; LancPrK 17.1, 20.1, 289.5; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrK 17.1, 20.1; LancPrM LXI a, 33 etc.; LancPrM LXIa, 33 etc.; OmbreB2; OmbreB2; Lemaire p. 415, Z. 10; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; HerbomezChâtTourn p. 68, z. 24; HerbomezChâtTourn p. 68, Z.24; CoincyI1...K 138 var; CoincyI1...K 35var.; CoincyI1...K 100 var.; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 5 (n); CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 5 (n); CoincyI1K I 10 K 1841 var.; DocFlandrM p. 125; DocFlandrM p. 125; AucR3 VI 21; AucR3; AucR3; AucR3 VI 20; AucR3; AucR3 VI 36, XXIII15; AucR3 XVIII,24; XXIV, 43,61; AucR3 IX2, X19, XL18; AucR3 VIII, 3; X, 5, 11; XII, 36; etc.; AucR3 VI, 12; AucR3 XXII; AucR3; AucS10; AucS10; ComtePoitM; ComtePoitM; EvNicPraF I 222; EvNicPraF I 373; EvNicPraF I 298, 301, 321, 328; EvNicPraF J 298, 301, 321, 328; GuillVinM XXXV, 36; GuillVinM X, 27; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 317, z. 14; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 317 Z.14; MorPhilP; MorPhilP; MorPhilP; OiselWo 143, 222, 254; OiselWo 280, 386; OiselWo 221, 246, 286, etc.; OiselWo 274, 281; OiselWo 2, 205, 212, etc.; OiselWo 214, 128, 335, etc.; OiselWo 19, 31, 41, etc.; OiselWo 180; OiselWo 271, 350, 399; OiselWo 10, 22, 28, etc.; OiselWo 216, 225; OiselWo 388; OiselWo 234; OiselWo 359; OiselWo 290; OiselWo 340, 349; OiselWo 100, 105; OiselWo 320; OrsonP; OrsonP; OrsonP; OrsonP; OrsonP; PurgSPatrCamZ; RenMontArdT O 852; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; SCathCarlM; SJeanEvW; SJeanEvW; SPierJonglW; TristPrnB I/15/34; TrubertR (1887); TrubertR; GuillMarM 1368; 3203 (id.), 3753 (id); GuillMarM 1638; 2089 (id), 3232 (id), 3414 (id), 3755 (id), 5658, 14329 (id.), 14375; GuillMarM 6067,10493; GuillMarM 1368; 3203; 3753; GuillMarM 1638; 2089; 3232; 3414; 3755; 5658; 14329; 14375; GuillMarM; GuillMarM; GuillMarM; GuillMarM; GuillMarM 2424; BesantR; BesantR; BesantR; BesantR 276, 463, 649; BesantR 636, 1165; ChansArtB XVIII, 52, 72; ChansArtB VI, 45, 48; VII, 39, 50 etc.; ChansArtB XVIII, 52, 72; ChansArtB VI, 45, 48, VII, 39, 50 etc.; CoincyII1...K 24 var.; CoincyII1...K 377 var.; CoincyII1...K 24 var.; CoincyII1...K 373 var.; CoincyII1...K 966var; CoincyII1...K 377 var.; CoincyII10N 207, 749 etc.; CoincyII10N 207, 749 etc.; ViolB 6577; ViolB 6577; 3826, 4578, 4583, etc.; 3,5,7,etc.; 2951, 5367, 5907; ViolB; ConqIrlO; ConqIrlO; CoutVerdun1M 80, 31; CoutVerdun1M 10, 96; CoutVerdun1M 80, 31; CoutVerdun1M 10, 96; DocAubeC; DocAubeC 39-4; 12-2; 41-2; 26-6; 1-15; etc.; LoisGodM p. 13, z. 22; LoisGodM p.13, Z. 22; ModvB2 384,3850,6216,etc.; ModvB2 316, 372, 388, 2182; PetPhilT 2462 n,2535; RoselLangl; RoselLangl; RoselLec 14114; TristPrC; TristPrMé 104, 15; TristPrR; ArnodCh; DocHMarneG p. 450; DocHMarneG; DocHMarneG p. 450; DocHMarneG; BeaumManS 7079; DocVosL; DocVosL; TournAntW 2040, 3220, 3372; TournAntW 2040, 3220, 3372; DocHainR 6, 22; DocHainR 6; 22; AndrContrN; AndrContrN; AndrContrN; AndrContrN XXII, 40; AndrContrN X, 32; XI, 32; VI,9; IX, 17; XI, 19; XII,2,3; V, 11; AndrContrN I, 24; 30; AnsCartA; AnsCartA; ApocPrD 108; ArtusS 60, 43; 135, 38; ArtusS 60, 43; 135,38; CesTuimPrS 169, 28, 30; 170, 8; CesTuimPrS 169, 28, 30; 170, 8; CheviiEspF 9794; FolLancB; FolLancB; FolLancB; FolLancB; FournChansL; FournChansL; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; HAndH; HAndH; HAndH; JErartN; JErartN; JErartN; JErartN; MirourEdmaW 17.100, 9.18, 11.21, 1.7, 4.44, 4. 43; MirourEdmaW; ParDuchP; ParDuchP 62, 80, 81 etc.; o273, o2961; ParDuchP 37 etc.; ParDuchP; ParDuchP *578; PurgSPatrBerM; PurgSPatrBerM; PurgSPatrBerM; PurgSPatrBerM; PurgSPatrBerM; PurgSPatrBerM; PurgSPatrBerM; PurgSPatrBerM; PurgSPatrBerM; BalainL 82; BalainL 6; BalainL 82; BalainL 6; BalainL; BalainL; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA 469; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChirRogH fo 256vo; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 570, 15; MerlinsR 161,19; 245,6; MerlinscS; MirAgn2K; MirAgn2K; AssJérBourgmZ; AssJérBourgmZ; AssJérBourgmZ; AssJérBourgmZ; AssJérBourgmZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; HuonRegrL; ImMondeOct2S0; AmDieuK; AmDieuK Gos. 627; Apol1; AspinChansPol; AspinChansPol; AtreW; AuberiTarbé; AuberiTarbé; BeaumS Man. 1294; BeaumS; BeaumS Man. 1294; BibleEntS 907, 912, 1184, 1327 etc.; BibleEntS 6682; BibleEntS 1148; BibleEntS 432; BouchAbevR 407; BraiCordO 24, 336; BraiCordO 24, 336; CesTuimAlC 6417; CesTuimAlC 6417; CesTuimAlC; CesTuimAlC; CesTuimAlC 9392; ChansSienaS; ClercVaudR D 393; ClercVaudR D 261, 330; ClercVaudR D 207; ClercVaudR D 261, 330; CoilleB 66, 68; 54, 60, 97, 101; CoilleB 80; 66, 68; 54, 60, 97, 101; ContGuillTyrA 23, 49; ContGuillTyrA 23, 49; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; CristalB 8798; CristalB 8798; DialSJulB 48, 1023 etc.; GautLeuL2 III 444; GautLeuL2; HArciPèresO 1404, 5801; HArciPèresO; HArciPèresO 608,3541; HuonR; JoufrF 2391; JoufrF 2686; JoufrF 86; JoufrF 2634, 2662; JoufrF 86; JoufrF 86; JoufrF 2634, 2662; JoufrF 876, 948; LégAposthR; MireC; MireC 17; MireC; PhNovAgesF 20, 22, 1, 67, 144, 9, 185 etc.; PhNovAgesF 20, 22, 1, 67, 144, 9, 185 etc.; Pères10C 1041, 1047; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C 1041, 1047; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C 72, 893; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C; Pères10C 72, 893; Pères43B 10, 21, 26, 48, 52, 53; Pères43B 10, 21, 26, 48, 52, 53...; Pères51R1; Pères72M v. 105; RigomerF; RigomerF; RobBloisDidF; RègleSBenDouceD; RègleSBenDouceD; RègleSBenDouceD; RègleSBenDouceD 56, 118; RésSauvcJ; RésSauvcJ; SAudreeS; SAudreeS; SMarg5T; SermMaccM 170; SermMaccM 212; SermMaurpB; ThebesR 1276; ThebesR 1449; ThebesR 1276, 10166; ThebesR 1449; TroisAvG 14 etc.; TroisAvG 155, 157; TroisAvG 62; TroisAvG 95; TroisAvG 157; aux. 32b; TroisAvG pr.6; 80,86,131,132,148,183,184; TroisAvG 159; TroisAvG 152; VerCoulK 1; VivMonbrancE 27, 1052, 1092; VivMonbrancE 197; VivMonbrancE 27, 1052, 1092; VivMonbrancE; EnanchetF 16, 19; AldL; AldL; MahomL 1538; MahomL 1538, 1751, 1790, 1844; MenReimsP; MenReimsP 11, 30, 10 etc.; MenReimsP 88; MenReimsP 11,30,10 etc.; MenReimsP 88; MenReimsW; MenReimsW 88; MenReimsW; MenReimsW 88; MenReimsW; RobHoY v. 2422; RobHoY v. 2422; RobHoY v. 2095; RobHoY v. 392; RobHoY v. 1031; YonM 1174, 3351; ContGuillTyrRothA 514; RutebTheophF 362; AlgorAlexM 5; AnticlC 175, 400; AnticlC 175, 400; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; CourRenF 1805; CourRenF 1805; CoutNormT p98; GilebBernF; GilebBernF; GilebBernH S. 126 v. 2; GilebBernH S. 126 v.2; GéomSGenV 584; GéomSGenV 584; HunbautW 2981; HunbautW 2749; HunbautW 2206,3543; RutebF M 250, AV 134, BF 23; RutebF M 250, AV 134, BF 23; LettrTanq 6, 1272 et passim; VMortAnW 48, 12 etc.; VMortAnW; LMestD; LMestD; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; PAbernLumH Bd II; PAbernLumH; PAbernLumH Bd. II; PlainteVgePurT; PlainteVgePurT; PlainteVgePurT; PlainteVgePurT; PlainteVgePurT; SecrSecrAbernB; SecrSecrAbernB; CoutStAmandM IV, 145; BaudeFastCongéR 644; BaudeFastCongéR 1272, 644; MoamT; MoamT; MoamT; MoamT; EtSLouisV; EtSLouisV 1273; HaginL 26 d, 33 d, 37 b, 41 c, 58 a; HaginL 26d; 33d; 37b , 41c, 58a; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; AdenBuevH 2748; AdenBuevH 1414; AdenBuevH 2576; AdenBuevH 2748; AntidNicD; CantKiVotH; CassidP 49, 18; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroidL 157; CoutWinchF 10; CoutWinchF; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstPrC; EvEnfB; EvEnfB; EvEnfB2; EvNicAgnP; FlorOctOctV 2450; GrantzGeanzaB; GrantzGeanzaB; MédLiégH 216, 217; MédLiégH 321; MédLiégH 372; MédLiégH 216, 217...; MédLiégH 321; PassCeliW; PassCeliW; PassCeliW; PassCeliW; PassCeliW; PassCeliW; RenMontlC 1965, 3562; RenMontlC 2296, 6408; RenMontlC 1965, 3562, 4676, 4728, 2253; RenMontlC 2296, 6408, 12675, 13401, 11, 5239; RosemLec; RosemLec; RosemLec 7032; RosemLec 14114; SBath1B; SimPouilleaB B 2906; SimPouilleaB B 5012; SimPouilleaB; SimPouilleaB B 4721; SimPouilleaB B 2736, 3138; SimPouilleaB B 53, 54; SimPouilleaB 113; SimPouilleaB B4751; SimPouilleaB C 716; SimPouilleaB; SimPouillebB; YsEudeR 515; AdHaleFeuillL 67; AdHaleFeuillL 72; AdHaleFeuillL 72; EnfOgH 3671; TerrEvêqueH S. 155; TerrEvêqueH S.155; AdHaleCongéR 119; AdHaleCongéR 1277, 119; HemH; HemH; RotParl4R; AdHalePartN II 3, 16, 31, 39; AdHalePartN p. 138; BaudCondS p535; BaudCondS p533; ClefD; ClefD; ClefD; BeaumCoutS; BeaumCoutS; RoisinM; BibleMalkS 4290; BibleMalkS 8310; BibleMalkS 7196; BibleMalkS 7196; BibleMalkS 274; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; DancusT 23, 4; DancusT 23,4; EschieleMahW; EschieleMahW; SidracH; SidracH; AdHaleRobL; AdHaleRobL; AdHaleRobL; AdHaleRobV 152; AdHaleRobV 616; AdHaleRobV p. 18; AdHaleRobV 220; AdHaleRobV S: 98; AdHaleRobV 551; AdHaleRobV 264; AdHaleRobV 407; AdHaleRobV 150; AdHaleRobV S. 98; AdHaleRobV 2; AdHaleRobV I. 10; AdHaleRobV p. 7; BougWyffCal; CleomH; CleomH 550, etc.; CleomH 550 etc.; HelcanusN 89; HosebHenL; HosebHenL; HosebHenL 6 etc; 4 etc; 4 etc; 6 etc; HosebHenL 140; HosebHenL 86, 92,...; HosebHenL; HosebHenL; HosebHenL; HosebHenL; HosebHenL; HosebHenL; KanorM; GlDouaiE1 98; GlDouaiE1 98; HerberiePrF1; HerberiePrF1 H 1, 15; HerberiePrF1; HerberiePrF1 HI, 15; ApocGiffR 2463; 3907; 1971; ApocGiffR 2446; 3162; 1260; ApocGiffR 2287;2837;3733 etc.; AttilaPrB; AttilaPrB; AttilaPrB; AttilaPrB; BibbO 305; ChaceT; ChaceT; ConsBoèceTroyS I 242; ConsBoèceTroyS I 242; CoutMerOl; CoutMerOllT; CoutMerOltZ; CoutMerOltZ; CoutMerOltZ; CoutMerOltZ; CoutMerOltZ; DrouartB; DrouartB; EvEnfQuatrB 162, 836, 1362, etc.; EvEnfQuatrG; GautChâtC; GautChâtC; GlLeipzigBa; GlSynDouceH; JPrioratR 4333, 4384, 7743, 8881; JPrioratR 9079; JPrioratR 1166; 1232, 4000; JPrioratR; JPrioratR 148, 965, 1036, 1348, 4956, 6528, 10518; JPrioratR 4333, 4383, 7743, 8881; JPrioratR; JPrioratR 9079; 4034, 4249, 4251, 4509, 4656, 4715, 4716, 6698, 7507, 12078 etc.; JPrioratR; JPrioratR; JPrioratR 679; JPrioratR; JPrioratR; JobB 3211; JobB 3211; JobB; JobB 3211; JobB; JobG; JobG; JobG; JobG 864, 2902; JobG; LulleEnfL; PéageDijonaM A, 27 r o; PéageDijonaM A, 27 v o; PéageDijonaM A, 25 v o, 26 v o; PéageDijonaM A, 27r-o; PéageDijonaM A, 27 v-o; PéageDijonaM A, 25v-o, 26v-o; RenγF2; SThibAlH; SThibAlM 357; SThibAlM 357; SThibOctH I 58, 135; SThibOctH I 58, 135; SoneG; SoneG; ViergeGérH; PiérardMons t. II, p. 156; PiérardMons t. II, p. 154; PiérardMons t. II, p. 156; PiérardMons t.II, p.154; PiérardMons t II, p. 173; BrittN; BrittN; TerrSVigorM 28, 30; 31; BodelFablN; BodelFablN; BodelFablN; JMeunTestB; JMeunTestB; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; BibleMacéP; BibleMacéS3; BibleMacéS3; FevresS 13 - 16, 20 - 3, 21b - 11, etc.; FevresS 13-16; 20-3; 216-11 etc.; JacBaisT p. 96, 100; JacBaisT; JacBaisT; JacBaisT; JacBaisT; JacBaisT; JacBaisT; JacBaisT; JacBaisT; JacBaisT; JeuAmK 183, 606; OakBookS; OakBookS; OakBookS; OakBookS; OakBookS; OakBookS; OakBookS; OakBookS; OakBookS; SSagmR 35 / 23; SSagmR 35/23; PéageChalonbA 103, 104; PéageChalonbA 94; PéageChalonbA 14, 87; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 10 g, 34 a, 92 e, etc.; JoinvW1 108 c, 22 b; JoinvW1 10g, 34a, 92e, etc.; JoinvW1 108c, 22b; JoinvW2 164; 34; JoinvW2 18; JoinvW2 18; AiméHistNormB 5, 10; AiméHistNormB 240-3; AiméHistNormB 40-8; AiméHistNormB 50-7, 174-67; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 80, 4; 2, 28; ChaceOisi2H 80, 4; 2, 28; FoukeB 34,2; etc.; FoukeB 79, 11; FoukeB; FoukeB 79,11; FoukeH 25,3; 52,10; 33,39; etc.; FoukeH 56, 22; FoukeH 56, 22; NicBozElisK Eliz. 396; NicBozEmpV 48, 31, 59, 30, etc.; NicBozEmpV 78; NicBozMorS 8,33,37; NicBozMorS; NominaleS 169; NominaleS 576; 580; ElucidaireSeca/b/h/iR Prolog; 34, 135, 143 H; AdvndC 69; BertaMilC 189, 221 etc.; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; GesteFrancorR 12071; JSQuentO; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; TwitiT; TwitiT; VoeuxPaonR II, 3722, 5005, III 7611; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 209, 704, 784, 845, etc.; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 209, 704, 784, 845, etc.; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 4038; MaillartR 4686; JCondM; JCondM; JCondM; JCondM; LicorneG 3372; LicorneG 4908,7701; LicorneG 3372; CoutBretP; CoutBretP p.185, l.9; p.267, l.30; CoutBretP p. 265; OvMorB 5, p. 225, 1712; OvMorB 5, p. 214, 1224; OvMorB 4, p. 64, 2486; OvMorB 5, p. 214, 1224; OvMorB 4, p. 64, 2486; OvMorB 5, p. 212, 1120; OvMorB 5, p. 192, 168; OvMorB 4, p. 101, 4290; BibleHolkP 31,9; 32,15 etc.; BibleHolkP; BibleHolkP; DébCorpsArrL 118, 142, 64, 309, 57, 305, 307, 30, 72 bis, 139, 173, 178, 187, 193, 241, 259, 329, 79, 236, 239, 303, 304, 77, 211, 48, 223, 90, 195, 88, 150, 105, etc.; DébCorpsArrL 118, 142, 64, 309, 57, 305, 307, 30, 72, 139, 178, 187, 193, 241, 259, 329, 79, 236, 239, 303, 304, 77, 211, 48, 223, 90, 195, 88, 150, 105, etc.; EntreeT; EntreeT 9201, 10571, etc.; EntreeT 9155; EntreeT; EntreeT; EntreeT; EntreeT; EntreeT; EntreeT; EntreeT; EntreeT 10432; EntreeT; GuerreMetzB 259 b; GuerreMetzB 260 a; GuerreMetzB 259b; GuerreMetzB A 29, E 67; GuerreMetzB 260a; GuerreMetzB E 25; GuerreMetzB; GuerreMetzB; GuerreMetzB 208 d; GuerreMetzB; GuerreMetzB; GuerreMetzB; GuerreMetzB 208d; GuerreMetzB; GuerreMetzB 54 f; GuerreMetzB 54f; PéageDijonbM B 22 v o; PéageDijonbM B, 23 r o; PéageDijonbM B, 27 r o; PéageDijonbM B, 22v-o; PéageDijonbM B, 22 v-o, 23 r-o; PéageDijonbM B, 23r-o; PéageDijonbM B, 27r-o; DialGregEvrS p 992; SGregJeanS; SGregJeanS; ChantRoussW; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvbS6 7407; HuonAuvbS6 7735, 36; HuonAuvbS6 7258; RestorD; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr19S; TombChartr19S; TombChartr19S; TombChartr19S; GuiNantvProlC 683, 891, etc.; GuiNantvProlC 683, 891 etc.; JMoteRegrS p 165; JMoteRegrS S. 170; JMoteRegrS S. 170; JMoteRegrS S. 170; MirNDPers1-40P 5 826; MirNDPers1-40P 5 830; MirNDPers1-40P 17 16; 18 366 etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 29, 1592, etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 17 16; 18 366 etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 29, 1592 etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 34 1294; BlackBookT II. p. 382, p. 420; BlackBookT II. p. 296; 384; BlackBookT II, p. 384; BlackBookT II.p.32; BlackBookT II p. 346; BlackBookT II.p.340; 344; BlackBookT II p 276; BlackBookT II. p. 394; JMoteVoieP 1195, 4538; JMoteVoieP 1195, 4538; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L 103; RegDijon1L 3, 6, 7; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RenContrR 4802, 33841, etc.; AliscmH; AliscmH 7144, 543; AliscmH; Apol2L; BelleHelR 878 a; BelleHelR 815a, 11126; BelleHelR 824b; BelleHelR 824b; ChevPapH; ChevPapH; GalienD; GalienD; GilMuisK 313 a; GilMuisK 328b; GilMuisK 313a; GilMuisK 328b; GilMuisK 328b; LionBourgAlK 3631; LionBourgAlK 3667,8220,8276 etc; NoblBretZ; NoblBretZ; PassEntreG 305; PassEntreG 40,3015; PassEntreR 305; PassEntreR 305, etc.; SMarg11T; TristNantS; TristNantS; TristNantS 359, 3883; TristNantS 8520, 10729, 11873, etc.; TristNantS 18439; [GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR v. 4874; GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; AlgorCambrS 21; FroissDitsth/...F 384, 713; FroissDitsth/...F 384, 713; ModusT 143, 121; 190,35; 125, 14; 181, 43. etc.; ModusT 160, 27; 161, 38; 226, 81; ModusT 143, 121; 190, 35; 125, 14; 181, 43. etc.; ProstInv 1/S. 84; ProstInv 1 /S. 85; ProstInv 1/S.61; ProstInv 1/S. 5; ProstInv 1/S. 64; ProstInv 1/S. 86; ProstInv 1/S. 84; ProstInv 1/S. 86; ProstInv 1/S.36; AmphYpL2; AmphYpP 68; 84; 85; 109; BaudSebB 147, 154, 160, 163; BaudSebB; BaudSebB 147; 154; 160; 163; BaudSebB; BaudSebC p182; DenFoulB1 II, 1, 12; 12, 18; DenFoulB1 II 1, 12; 12, 18; FroissPrisF 1677; FroissPrisF 1677; OrdAdmZ; OrdAdmZ; AalmaR 6413; AalmaR S. 118; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 120, 621; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2029; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 120, 621; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2029; GaceBuigneB 1377; GaceBuigneB 6930; GaceBuigneB 1377; GaceBuigneB 1377, 6930; GaceBuigneB p. 52; DeschQ III, 88; DeschQ III, 88; JohnstonRog 164/ 39; JohnstonRog 619/30; GastPhébChasseT; GastPhébChasseT; GastPhébChasseT; GastPhébChasseT; AdAiglesB 2, 3 ML 4, 6 A; AdAiglesB 2, 3 ML, 4, 6A; AdAiglesB p.15; FierPrM; JPreisMyrG; JPreisMyrG; MenagB; MenagB; AnglureB 277; AnglureB; BibbfW; BibbfW; BibbfW; BibbfW; BibbfW; SottiesP; SottiesP; SEust11P 318; SEust11P 318; SValerM 225; SValerM 225; SValerM 225; SValerM 225; SValerM 225; CoutMerOlaZ; LégDorVignBatallD; LégDorVignBatallD; PassTroyB tII, p. 1112; PassTroyB t. II, p. 1112; AndrVigneSMartD 2538, 4148, 4925, 7190]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 310, 785, 2036 etc.; AngDialGregO2 33, 35, 3642 etc.; AppelChrest 27, 446, 46a; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; BartschChrest 4,40; BartschChrest 4,1; 6, 94; 12, 5.47; etc.; BartschChrest 4, 40; BartschChrest 4, 1; 6, 94; 12, 5. 47, etc.; BartschHorning; BartschHorning 76,20; 273,10; BartschHorning; CheviiEspF 3742; ConstHamelR 258, 239; ConstHamelR 1, 22, 255; ConstHamelR 565,117; ConstHamelR 66, 162 etc.; ConstHamelR 300, 375; ConstHamelR 182, 189; ConstHamelR 583, 920...; ConstHamelR 300, 375; ConstHamelR 212, 268; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL; GononTest 1006, 1927; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; HenryŒn; HuntTeach II 142; HuntTeach; HuntTeach; HuntTeach; HuntTeach; HuntTeach; HuntTeach II 117; HuntTeach; HuntTeach; HuntTeach II, 37; HuntTeach II, 37; LevyFabl II. 71; LevyFabl II. 71; LevyFabl 3,93; MaccabGaut/PiergS; MaccabGaut/PiergS; MaccabGaut/PiergS; MontRayn; MontRayn I,13,14 etc.; MontRayn; MontRayn I, 13, 14 etc.; MénardFabl III, 26, etc.; NoomenFabl t. 8, 405; NoomenFabl t7, 441; NoomenFabl t. 9, 323b; NoomenFabl t. 7, 418; NoomenFabl Ii; NoomenFabl II, 12/ o 219; NoomenFabl t. 8, 405; NoomenFabl t. 6, 389; NoomenFabl 431, t. 7; NoomenFabl t. I, 1 / 42, 2 / 362, 3 / 373, 4 / 78; NoomenFabl II, 9 / 156; NoomenFabl II, 6 / 4, 7 / 58, 8 / 55, 10 / 72, 12 / O 188 etc.; NoomenFabl t. 9, 350 a; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl I, 1/42, 2/362, 3/373, 4/78; NoomenFabl II, 9/156; NoomenFabl II, 6/4, 7/58, 8/55, 10/72, 12/0188 etc.; NoomenFabl t. 9 350 b; NoomenFabl t. 7, 418; NoomenFabl t. 6, 371; NoomenFabl 425; NoomenFabl t.8, 405; NoomenFabl t. 9 325a; NoomenFabl I, 4 / 530; NoomenFabl 21 / 18, 22 / 82 etc.; NoomenFabl 32 / 133; NoomenFabl 473; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl III, 15b/ M 42; NoomenFabl III 14 / 13, 15 a / 42, etc.; NoomenFabl 339a, t8; NoomenFabl 416 t. 8; NoomenFabl t.9, 343a; NoomenFabl t. 9, 323 b; NoomenFabl t.9, 325a; NoomenFabl t.9, 325a; NoomenFabl I, 4/530; NoomenFabl 21/18, 22/82 etc.; NoomenFabl 339a, t. 9; NoomenFabl t. 7, 418; NoomenFabl 32/133; NoomenFabl t.9, 350a; NoomenFabl t.8, 406; NoomenFabl t.8, 406; NoomenFabl t.7, 419; NoomenFabl t.7, 419; NoomenFabl t.6, 371; NoomenFabl t.6, 371; NoomenFabl t.5, 456; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl t.5, 456; NoomenFabl t. 8, 416; NoomenFabl III, 14/13, 15a/42, etc.; PannierLapid B 398; PannierLapid; ParsonsCourt E 214, E 187, E 207; ProvM 79, 218, 1733, 2002, 2009, 2080, 2101, 2113, 2281, 2419, 2491; ProvM 79, 218, 1733, 2002, 2009, 2080, 2101, 2113, 2281, 2419, 2491; RecHist XX, 216; RecHist XXI, 155; RecHist XXI, 114; RecHist XX, 173; RecHist XX, 131; RecHist XXI, 150; RecHist XXII, 958; RecHist XXI, 193; RecHist XXII, 962; RecHist XXII, 958; RecHist 680; RecHist XXII, 958; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; RivièrePast; RivièrePast; RivièrePast; Rosenberg; Rosenberg 116: 8; SchwanBehrens 3, p. 89, z. 14, 18; SchwanBehrens 3, p.89 Z. 14,18; StimmingMot; WaceMargK 122; WaceMargK 122, ARom 8, 1924, 474; ARom 8(1924)478; ActesMfr4 p.466; ActesMfr4 p. 201; ActesMfr4 p. 201; ActesMfr4 p.456; AnS 218, 135, 1981; AnS 218, 135 (1981); BEC 133, 1975, 126; BEC 16, 1855, p. 145, z. 31; BEC 133 (1975) 126; BEC 16, 1855 p. 145 Z. 31; BJRyL 65, 234; BJRyL 65, 238; BTDial 50, 174; BTDial 52, 275; BTDial 52, 269; BTDial 53, 97; BTDial 50,231; BambeckLex; BambeckLex; Bartzsch p164; Bartzsch p164; Bev 40; Bev 80; Bev 40; Bev 80; BlackBookT II,p.254; Boogaard 261 n° 1886; BraultBlazon 246; BraultBlazon 246; BraultBlazon 113; BraultBlazon 113; BraultBlazon 113; BraultBlazon 113; BruckerSage S. 963; BruckerSage2; Burgess 81, 85, 139; CapussoMPol p. 57 - 60; CapussoMPol p. 57-60; Chénon 1, 672, n.2; Chénon 1, 756 n.1; Chénon 1, 651, 2; Chénon 1, 723n. 3; ContPerc E 10343; ContPerc; ContPerc E 7172; ContPerc; ContPerc E 7172; CorB C521; M412, 849; CorB C 254; CorleyCont2 20735; CorleyCont2 20735, 22365, 20394, 22254, 21918, 22896; CorleyCont2; DeesAtlas 320; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 318; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 318; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 320; DeesAtlas 320; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 318; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 318; DeesAtlas 319; DeesAtlas 320; Delisle 233; DiekampSyn; DiekmannSuff 86, 87, 156; DiekmannSuff 86, 87, 156; Drüppel; Drüppel; Drüppel; Drüppel; Drüppel; Drüppel; Drüppel 77 F. 113; Drüppel 109; Drüppel 26; Drüppel 77F. 113; Drüppel 109; Drüppel 26; FM 47,167; FSt 34, 319; FSt 32, 436; FSt 15,359; FSt 8, 62; FSt 15,359; Fagniez II, 47; Fagniez II, 47; FouletSynt § 340, 344; FouletSynt §340, 344; §104; GlutzMir 22, 367 ? 40, 569; GlutzMir 22, 367; 40, 569; GononQuot p. 506b; Guinet; Hallauer § 10; Hassell A 84; Hassell A 229; Hassell A 84, B78, T12, A4; Hassell A 229; HoltusEntree 101, 171, 210; HoltusEntree 109, 142, 225; KaiserMPol 115; KaiserMPol 115; KaiserMPol; KaiserMPol 115; KaiserMPol; KaiserMPol 115; KellerWace 50b; 102a; 199a; 203b; KellerWace 201b; KitzeRoss 47; KitzeRoss 47; KleiberIre 233-234; LebsanftGruß p.513; LebsanftGruß p. 312 - 316, p. 400, p. 513; LebsanftGruß p. 312-316, p. 400, p. 513; LebsanftGruß p. 513; LevyHagin 1c5, 3c33; LindemannSuff p. 108; MA 84, 530; MA 60, 1954, 191; MF 39 - 41, 232; MF 39-41, 232; MLR 61, 308; MLR 61, 308; MantouVoc Pr. 114; MantouVoc Y. K. 402; MantouVoc; MantouVoc Y. 1327 b. 15; Y. K. 421; MantouVoc W. 1334.12; MantouVoc Y.C: II 270 (4); MantouVoc; MantouVoc N. 1329 b. 17, 22; MantouVoc 402; MantouVoc Y. K. III 463 (21) etc.; MantouVoc Ba. 1295.42, N. 1296. 8, Y. 1328.15 etc.; MantouVoc Br. 1332 b. 14; MantouVoc Y.K. b. 414; MantouVoc Y.L. f. 119; MantouVoc Y.K. b. 414; MantouVoc 437; MantouVoc Y. 1327 b.15, Y.K. 421; MantouVoc W. 1334.12; MantouVoc Y.C. II 270 (4); MantouVoc N. 1329 b. 17,22; MantouVoc Y.K. III 463 (21) etc.; MantouVoc Ba. 1295. 42, N. 1296. 8, Y. 1328.15 etc.; MantouVoc Br. 1332 b.14; MantouVoc Y.K. b. 414; MantouVoc Y.L.f. 119; MantouVoc Y.K. b. 414; MatoréVocMéd p. 111; MedAev 33 (1964) 4/5; MedAev 33 (1964) 4; MedAev 33 (1964) 5; MedAev 33 (1964) 5; MedAev 33 (1964) 5; MessnerBers 209; MessnerBers 209; Morlet 177; MélBurger 1301, 141; MélDufournet vol. II; S. 926; MélNordahl p. 115; MélReid1 S. 172; MélStraka 1, I; MélTuaillon p. 54; MélTuaillon 53, 55; MélTuaillon p. 54; MélTuaillon p. 56; MélTuaillon p. 53; MélTuaillon p. 54; MélTuaillon 53, 55; MélTuaillon p.54; MélTuaillon p. 56; MénardRire 598; MöhrenLand 2 o; MöhrenLand 1 o; MöhrenLand 2-o; MöhrenLand 1-o; NM 86, 1985, 89 ff; NM 86, 1985, 90 ff; NM 86, 1985, 89ff; NM 86 (1985) 90ff.; NM 45 - 46, p. 127; NM 45-46, p. 127; NM 99, 1998, 338; NM 73, 535; Pfisterps 151ss.; Pfisterps 151ss.; PicocheFroiss I.B. 2.2.I.P.23; II. B. 2.2.3. P.88.; PicocheFroiss I. B. 2.2. I. P. 23; Pope; R 107 (1986) 134, v. 4612; R 97, 162; R 85, 465; R 80, 524; R 63, 1; R 85; 464-65; R 85, 466; R 84, 572; 90, 123; R 114, 84; R 114, 228; R 63,1; 73,500; R 92, 4; R 92, 389; R 86, 124; R 95, 445-448, 455-56, 459; R 97, 179; R 97, 490; R 101, 61; R 97, 44- 45, 47, 61; R 92, 61; R 93, 130, 298 - 99; R 62, 554; 73, 500; 79, 381, 393; 80, 138; 81, 292; 83, 422 ; 84 , 166 ; 85, 103-105, 110-111, 546; 87, 503; 88, 94; 89, 424; R 81, 257; R 82, 271; R 83, 270; R 75, 137; 84, 293 etc...., 547; R 82, 106 - 111; R 70, 256; R 91 , 529 - 31; R 101, 61; R 97, 44-45, 47, 61; R 92, 61; R 93, 130, 298-99; R 62, 554; 73, 500; 79, 381, 393; 80, 138; 81, 292; 83, 422; R 81, 257; R 82, 271; R 83, 270; R 75, 137; 84, 293, etc., 547; R 82; 106-111; R 70, 256; R 91; 529-31; R 403,412; R 89, 547; R 107 (1986) 229; R 112, 404; v. 6240; R 95, 445-448, 455-56, 459-; R 97, 179; R 97, 490; R 84, 381; R 61, 231; 63, 1; R 73, 500; R 69, 416; R 76, 543; R 77, 503; R 76, 552; R 63, p. 1; R 105 ( 1984) 133; R 65, p. 29; R 71, p. 254, 259; R 75, p. 408; R 112, 404; R 96, 20; R 71, p 258; 76, p 552; 79, p 393; 85, p 103; R 73, p 501; RF 29, 167 f.; RF 22, 597; RF 29, 167f.; RF 22, 597; RF 91, 266; RF 99, 1987, 245; RLiR T59, s. 628; RLiR 31, 282; RLiR 61, 1; 277; RLiR 27, 25; RLiR 26, 282; RLiR 19; 36, 112; RLiR 21, 197; RLiR 21, 197 ss; RLiR 21, 197; RLiR 21, 197ss; RLiR T 59 1995, S. 575; RLiR 58, 175; RLiR 26, 307; RLiR 27, 25; RLiR T 59, 1995, S. 628; RLiR 27, 25; RLiR 19, 32; RLiR 289; RLiR 19, 34; RLiR 26, 305; RLiR 27,31,N2; RLiR t 59, 1995, S 625; RLiR 27, 30,31; Rbph 60, 1982, 651; Rbph 60 (1982) 651; Rbph 26 - II (1948) 1106; RevRom 12 (1977) pp. 62ss; RoPh 15, 82; RoPh 19, 634; RoPh 7, 376 (4); RoPh 24, 674; RoPh 13, 466; RoPh 24, 674; RoPh 13, 466; RoPh 8, 59; RoPh 6, 354 (5); RoPh 14, 177; RoPh 7, 385; RohlfsSprachgeogr § 109; RohlfsSprachgeogr §109; Runk p. 19; Runk p. 33; Runk p. 33; Runk p.160; SandqvistBen 7, 154-171, 222-223; 51; SchelerJPreis; SchelerJPreis II, 8098; SchulzeBusProv 218, 1021 etc.; SchulzeBusProv 1307; StFr 55-57 (1975) 526; StFr 61-63 (1977) 517; StädtlerGram 128; TraLiLi 16-1, 564; TraLiLi 16 - 1, 187; TraLiLi 16-1, 187; TraLiPhi 31, 218; TraLiPhi 31, 240; VRo 37, 1978 (CantZandP) p. 286; VRo 52, 338/9; VRo 48, 132; VRo 48, 1989, p. 132; VRo 48 (1989) p.132; VRo 287; WoledgeSynt paragr. 52; WoledgeSynt paragr. 147; WoledgeSynt paragr. 34; WoledgeSynt paragr. 52; WoledgeSynt 147; WoledgeSynt 34; ZfSL 92, S.347, V.1129; ZfSL 73, p. 237; ZfSL 94, 282; Ziltener 4926; Ziltener 6610, 6611, 6612, etc.; Ziltener 6610; 6611; 6612; etc.; ZrP 101, 1985, 335; ZrP 93, 149; ZrP 106, 1990, p. 400; ZrP 101 (1985) 335; ZrP 96, 1980, p. 416; ZrP 93, 149; ZrP 106 (1990) p. 400; ZrP 100; ZrP 96, 1980, p. 416; 4261; ZrP 100, S. 196; ZrP 104, 149/150; ZrP Sb. 77, 236; ZrP 110 (1994) 538; ZrP Sb 77, 235; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] 1939; [sigle] p. 187; [sigle]; [sigle] p.187; [sigle]; [sigle] S. 125, 127; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] 187b, 17; [sigle] 175a, 16; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] III, 171; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] v.2445; [sigle], TL 1,755,13; TL; TL; TL 1,755,13; TL 1,755,13; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 525c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 538c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 538c; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 8, 260 c; GdfC 8, 260 b; GdfC 8, 260c; GdfC 8, 260b; AND 9b; AND 35b; AND 53a; AND 54b; AND 55b; AND 55b; AND 56a; AND 57a; AND 57 b; AND 57b; AND 58a; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; MED 1, 550b; MED 1, 550a; MED 1, 551B; MED 1, 561a; MED III, 829a; MED III, 829 a; MED 1, 550 a; MED III, 829a; MED 1, 550a; MED IV, 557 a; MED 1, 561 A; MED 4, 557a; MED 1, 561A; DG 176b; DCCarp S. 57; DCCarp 233a; DCCarp S. 60; DCCarp S. 60; DCCarp S.60; DCCarp S.60; TLF 881 - 882; TLF; TLF 881- 882; TLF; TLF; FEW 4, 363b; FEW 4, 361b, 362a, 363b; FEW 4, 363a; FEW 25, 118 b; FEW 4, 362 b; FEW 25, 118b; FEW 4, 326b; FEW; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; Arnaldi; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BoisvertVilleh; BoisvertVilleh; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen S. 206, II, 17; BurnellRen S. 225; Vd. 550; DiStefLoc 50; DiStefLoc 50; DupinLaboulaye; Foerster; Foerster; GlSuisse 2, 176a; GlSuisse 2, 159 b; GlSuisse 2, 159b; KramerGader; KramerGader; Jal2 51 b; LevyTrés; Jal2 51b; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; BW5)
- ◆agn., v.subst. “possessions, particulièrement bétail” (DurmS 3495; SFrançcR; RotParl4R 17, 227; RotParl4R 17; 227; GuerreMetzB I 46; RegDijon1L; [SEust10P 135]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 1453; HuntTeach 200, MLR 88, 583; MLR 88, 583; MLR 88, 588; MLR 88, 583; [sigle] II, 1985, 216, DCCarp S. 57; LathamDict; FEW 4, 363a; Baker)
Cf. ANDEl aver[2]; DMF avoir1.
fiches par lemme
●paravoir v.
[TL 7,2-199; TL 7,199,51.]
(paraveir GuillMarM 13027, paravoir CoincyChristO 1420; AdenBuevH 344; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 18,117; 39,345; 53c,19, parot GuillTyrP)
- ◆“avoir entièrement” (GuillTyrP; CoincyChristO 1420; GuillMarM 13027; AdenBuevH 344; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 18,117; 39,345; 53c,19, TL 7,199,51; TL 7,2-199)
fiches par lemme
●ravoir v.
[DEAF 478; TL 8, 360; AND 595b; AND 596a; MED Bd. 8, 174a; FEW 4, 362b; AdHaleLexM; BarbierProc 5, S. 83,84; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell - 116; -56; Foerster. – BCRHist 9, 1845, p. 136, Z. 17; BPH 1960, 770, 137; Burgess 81; FahsImMondeOct1 120; KellerWace 53a; 199a; 52a; KoenigSen p. 39; Morlet 177; Pfisterps 151ss.; R 69, p. 474; R 62, p. 150; R 69, p. 477, 480, 487, 493; R 84 p. 298; R 76, p. 538; 78, p. 416; R 84, p.413; RLaR 100, 291v. 4032; Rbph 57, 1089; Rbph 27 (1949) 306; v. 1145; RoiFloreJ0 CXXI; Runk p. 28; SchelerGil II, 203.8; II, 227.18; SchelerJPreis; [sigle] 25.]
(r'aveir BestGuillR 846, 2120, r'avoir BibleGuiotW; Perl1N; AnticlC 15, 1873; JMoteVoieP 3556, 3553, ra CourLouisL1; BenTroieC; Aiol1/2F; CligesG; EstFougK 1186; EscoufleM 308a; EscoufleS; FlorenceW 361b; LancPrK; GodinM; TristPrC 430,15; TristPrL 114,22; GilChinP; BestAmOctT; CourLouiscLe; EnfOgS 2858; AdHaleRobL 217; DialGregEvrS 998; TombChartr19S; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 7, 445; NoomenFabl III; ReidFabl, rabeir ChGuillI 2253; ChGuillM 2253, rad ChGuillI, rai BenTroieC; Aiol1/2F; DurmG; DolopL; RutebF AS 847; EnfOgS 2380; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 13,196; ConBethW1; NoomenFabl t. 9, 355b, raid ProvSalSanI, raie JMoteRegrS S. 168; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 372, raient CligesG; PartonG +9020; ChevCygneNaissT 1122; MaccabGautS, rait ProvSalSanI; FlorenceW 362a; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.5, 477, rara MonGuill1/2C 1462;2056; Aiol1/2F, rarez GodinM; GilChinP, raroie (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9,355b, raroient (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI,191, raron CoincyII1...K 327var., rarons Aiol1/2F, raront ChevCygneNaissT 52, ras FlorenceW 362a, raura [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1113], raurés CheviiEspI, rauroi ContGuillTyrA 49, ravans VillehW, raveir LapidalS 464; CourLouisL1; ProvSalSanI; WaceNicR 1394; EneasS1; ThebesC; ChronSMichelB 1, 855, 874, 3303; 444, 638, 863; MarieGuigW2 L.260; BenTroieC; HornP; SThomGuernW1 4712; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 3081; TristThomB 695, 1757; TristThomW sn.-1 643, D. 485; AmbroiseP 1044, 1790; (sigles à datations multiples:) SGreg 547, 616, raver ProtH; AssJérRoiG; SAudreeS; CoutStAmandM, ravera AdHaleFeuillL 73, 460, raveras AlgorAlexH; AlgorAlexM 6, ravereint BenDucM I, p. 74, v. 2002, raverez [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 454], raveroient DocHMarneG 30, 14, ravoie MaillartR 1134, ravoir LapidffS 115, 679, 945; MonGuill1/2C 6546; FloreaK 1132, 1634; FloreaW 1132, 1223; PhilomB 332, 112, 16; RouH II, 3136; II 1641; Aiol1/2F 3163; Aiol1/2N 315, etc.; GautArrIllC; CligesG; AimonFlH 3373. 6963; 1158; SBernCantG; SMarieEgtS 136; ElieF *709; FloovA 1132, 1921, 1811; PrêtreJeand/yG 611; BodelNicH 521; SGraalIIJosO; ChevEspJ M 82, 88, 123; ChevVivM; ChevVivM 305, AD 535, A 1414; PoèmeMorB 700, 2687, 3793; PriseCordD 2249, 2053, 2398, 2800; SGenB 3245; EscoufleM 308b; EscoufleS 3809, 4231; DoonRocheM 1365; GirVianeE 3578, 2026, 3541; GuibAndrM; AimeriD 1847, 1848, 2192, 738; FlorenceW 362a; BalJosCamA 6536; BlancandS; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; DurmG; DurmS 4242; GautDargR *XXIV, 16; CoincyChristO 1593, 3042; LancPrK; OmbreB2 37; CoincyI11V 146, 1950, 2007; 1947, 2039, 2041, 2044; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 325; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 147; GodinM; RenclCarH; CoincyII1...K 394var; CoincyII1...K 254 var.; CoincyII9Kr 1618, 1713, 2311, 3145; ViolB; CoutVerdun1M 25, 38; TournAntW; AnsCartA 308, 1054; GilChinP; JErartN XIII 42; FossierCh p. 533; CourLouiscLe; MireC 117; Pères9M v. 44; ThebesR 2451; MahomL 1867; MenReimsP 177, 232, etc.; RutebTheophF 78, 96, 129, 243, etc., 651, 403; MirNDChartrK XXVII 30; CoutNormT p127; VMortAnW 48,5; 64, 8; CoutStAmandM; RegTournB 611; * 28, 345; CharroicL; EnfRenC; MédLiégH 460; BeaumCoutS; ChastSGilS 208; JPrioratR 1526, 1123; JMeunTestB; JacBaisT III 486; JacBaisT IV 147; AssSenlis1C p770; JoinvW1 238d; 228d; GeoffrParChronD 1162, 4626, etc.; JCondM; LicorneG 3414, 8188; DialGregEvrS p. 999; AcartH 950; 285; TombChartr1/2/3S; MirNDPers1-40P 35, 1285 etc.; RenContrR 1207, 17156, etc.; ChevPapH 34,12; [GodBouillBruxR; ModusT 118, 49; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 454, 1113; GaceBuigneB 242C, 5276, 6158. etc; DeschQ III, 90 etc; JPreisMyrG; SottiesP I, 75, v. 135; GrebanP 13805, etc.; PassTroyB II 7026 etc.; II 5593]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 21, 20. 187; 21, 187; 21, 20; BartschChrest 8, 19 etc; BartschHorning 36, 18; 47, 13; 111, 15; ConstHamelR 334, 629; HenryChrest; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl II; 11a/270; NoomenFabl III, 20/ A13; NoomenFabl III, 14/255; NoomenFabl 31/144; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl; ReidFabl, Ravoir CommPsia1G 487.2; 607.12; VillehW; MenReimsW; EvNicAgnP, RAVOIR RenMontdT; GuillPalMo; LMestL, ravra PhThSibS; AlexParA I, var. 65, 1433, ravrai ChansArtB XXI, 88, ravré CoincyI1...K, ravrez (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 7, 78; 20, 58, ravroie (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9, 356a, ravroit AlexParA I, var. 65, 1433, ravront VMortHélW, ravun SLaurentR, re ElieF, ret PriseOrabR1; PriseOrdR 822, réu (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 83, reuras AliscW p. 217 v. 3747 var., reüssiez (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 8 430, reust Aiol1/2F, reüst CligesG; FlorenceW 364b; DialGregEvrS p. 1001, reut JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 4241, ront CligesG; GodinM; BraiCordO; MahomL; DialGregEvrS p.1002; SGregJeanS; [DeschQ]; (sigles à datations multiples:) ReidFabl, rot ThebesC; BenTroieC; EscoufleM 311a; EscoufleS; DolopL; RutebF AT 1605; EnfRenC; GeoffrParChronD; PassEntreR 3452; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl 478; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III, 15a/172; RecHist XX, 227; RecHist XXII, 967, rourent (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 447, rous BibleMalkS 3219, 4902, rout PelCharlA; GuillMarM; LionBourgAlK 15)
- ◆1o“ recouvrer; avoir de son côté, à son tour; ressaisir, reprendre; rentrer après bannissement” (LapidalS 464; LapidffS 115, 679, 945; PhThSibS; CourLouisL1; WaceNicR 1394; MonGuill1/2C 6546; ProvSalSanI; ProvSalSanI; ProvSalSanI; MonGuill1/2C 1462;2056; CourLouisL1; EneasS1; ThebesC; ThebesC; FloreaK 1132, 1634; FloreaW 1132, 1223; ChronSMichelB 1, 855, 874, 3303; 444, 638, 863; SLaurentR; CommPsia1G 487.2; 607.12; MarieGuigW2 L.260; HornP; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; RouH II, 3136; II 1641; PhilomB 332, 112, 16; BenTroieC; SThomGuernW1 4712; BenDucM I, p. 74, v. 2002; PelCharlA; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F 3163; Aiol1/2N 315, etc.; GautArrIllC; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F; CligesG; CligesG; CligesG; EstFougK 1186; CligesG; CligesG; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 3081; ProtH; AlexParA I, var. 65, 1433; AlexParA I, var. 65, 1433; PartonG +9020; TristThomW sn.-1 643, D. 485; TristThomB 695, 1757; SMarieEgtS 136; AimonFlH 3373. 6963; 1158; SBernCantG; AliscW p. 217 v. 3747 var.; PriseOrabR1; FloovA 1132, 1921, 1811; ElieF *709; ElieF; PrêtreJeand/yG 611; BodelNicH 521; RenMontdT; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW; ChevVivM; SGenB 3245; ChevCygneNaissT 1122; ChevEspJ M 82, 88, 123; PoèmeMorB 700, 2687, 3793; ChevVivM 305, AD 535, A 1414; PriseCordD 2249, 2053, 2398, 2800; ChevCygneNaissT 52; EscoufleM 311a; EscoufleS; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleM 308b; EscoufleS; EscoufleM 308a; EscoufleS 3809, 4231; VillehW; VillehW; AmbroiseP 1044, 1790; GuibAndrM; Perl1N; DoonRocheM 1365; BibleGuiotW; GirVianeE 3578, 2026, 3541; GuillPalMo; BestGuillR 846, 2120; ChGuillI; ChGuillI 2253; ChGuillM 2253; FlorenceW 362a; FlorenceW 362a; AimeriD 1847, 1848, 2192, 738; FlorenceW 361b; FlorenceW 364b; FlorenceW 362a; BalJosCamA 6536; Bueve3S; DurmG; Bueve2S; GautDargR *XXIV, 16; DurmS 4242; DurmG; BlancandS; CoincyChristO 1593, 3042; LancPrK; LancPrK; OmbreB2 37; DolopL; DolopL; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 325; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 147; CoincyI11V 146, 1950, 2007; 1947, 2039, 2041, 2044; CoincyI1...K; RenclCarH; GodinM; GodinM; GodinM; GodinM; GuillMarM; CoincyII9Kr 1618, 1713, 2311, 3145; CoincyII1...K 394var; CoincyII1...K 254 var.; CoincyII1...K 327var.; ChansArtB XXI, 88; ViolB; CoutVerdun1M 25, 38; TristPrL 114,22; TristPrC 430,15; DocHMarneG 30, 14; TournAntW; GilChinP; JErartN XIII 42; AnsCartA 308, 1054; GilChinP; GilChinP; CheviiEspI; FossierCh p. 533; CourLouiscLe; SAudreeS; Pères9M v. 44; BraiCordO; ContGuillTyrA 49; MireC 117; PriseOrdR 822; ThebesR 2451; BestAmOctT; CourLouiscLe; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 4241; MahomL; MahomL 1867; MenReimsW; MenReimsP 177, 232, etc.; RutebTheophF 78, 96, 129, 243, etc., 651, 403; MirNDChartrK XXVII 30; RutebF AS 847; RutebF AT 1605; AlgorAlexH; AlgorAlexM 6; AnticlC 15, 1873; CoutNormT p127; VMortAnW 48,5; 64, 8; MaccabGautS; LMestL; CoutStAmandM; CoutStAmandM; RegTournB 611; * 28, 345; EnfRenC; MédLiégH 460; EnfRenC; CharroicL; EvNicAgnP; AdHaleFeuillL 73, 460; EnfOgS 2858; EnfOgS 2380; BeaumCoutS; ChastSGilS 208; BibleMalkS 3219, 4902; AdHaleRobL 217; JPrioratR 1526, 1123; JMeunTestB; JacBaisT III 486; JacBaisT IV 147; AssSenlis1C p770; JoinvW1 238d; 228d; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 1162, 4626, etc.; MaillartR 1134; JCondM; LicorneG 3414, 8188; DialGregEvrS p. 999; DialGregEvrS p.1002; DialGregEvrS p. 1001; DialGregEvrS 998; SGregJeanS; AcartH 950; 285; TombChartr19S; TombChartr1/2/3S; MirNDPers1-40P 35, 1285 etc.; JMoteRegrS S. 168; JMoteVoieP 3556, 3553; RenContrR 1207, 17156, etc.; LionBourgAlK 15; PassEntreR 3452; ChevPapH 34,12; [GodBouillBruxR; ModusT 118, 49; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 454, 1113; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1113; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 454; GaceBuigneB 242C, 5276, 6158. etc; DeschQ III, 90 etc; DeschQ; JPreisMyrG; SottiesP I, 75, v. 135; GrebanP 13805, etc.; PassTroyB II 7026 etc.; II 5593]; (sigles à datations multiples:) SGreg 547, 616; Aspland 13,196; ReidFabl; NoomenFabl 478; RecHist XX, 227; ReidFabl; Aspland; RecHist XXII, 967; RecHist 83; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III, 15a/172; NoomenFabl t.5, 477; Aspland 21, 20. 187; 21, 187; 21, 20; ConBethW1; NoomenFabl 447; ReidFabl; ConstHamelR 334, 629; BartschChrest 8, 19 etc; BartschHorning 36, 18; 47, 13; 111, 15; HenryChrest; NoomenFabl t. 8 430; NoomenFabl t. 7, 445; ConstHamelR 372; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl II; 11a/270; NoomenFabl III, 20/ A13; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl III, 14/255; NoomenFabl 31/144; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl t.9,355b; RecHist XXI,191; Aspland 7, 78; 20, 58; NoomenFabl t.9, 356a; NoomenFabl t. 9, 355b, FahsImMondeOct1 120; Burgess 81; KellerWace 53a; 199a; 52a; R 69, p. 474; R 62, p. 150; R 69, p. 477, 480, 487, 493; Rbph 57, 1089; BCRHist 9, 1845, p. 136, Z. 17; [sigle] 25; Runk p. 28; R 84 p. 298; R 76, p. 538; 78, p. 416; SchelerGil II, 203.8; II, 227.18; BPH 1960, 770, 137; Morlet 177; Rbph 27 (1949) 306; v. 1145; KoenigSen p. 39; RoiFloreJ0 CXXI; RLaR 100, 291v. 4032; Pfisterps 151ss.; SchelerJPreis; R 84, p.413, Foerster; BarbierProc 5, S. 83,84; AND 595b; FEW 4, 362b; AND 596a; MED Bd. 8, 174a; Chastell - 116; -56; BoisvertVilleh; AdHaleLexM; TL 8, 360; DEAF 478)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo001 21; chMo009 12; ChV0006 11; chdouai0030 2; ChMM059 5; ChMM059 6; ChMM060 5; ChMM060 6; ChV0019 13; ChV0019 17; ChHM030 19; chMa055 6; chCOr051 4; chdouai0115 2; ChMM134 8; ChMM134 9; chHS014 4; ChMM201 6; ChMe168 5; ChMe172 6; chdouai0344 2; ChHM216 40; R 1268 12 32 01 22; ChMa209 14; chdouai0473a 19; chdouai0473b 5; chdouai0473c 3; chJu044 8; docJuBe014 8; docJuBe016 10; docJuBe017 8; chSL 065 14; chN 020 24; chN 021 41; chN 022 8; docJuBe165 8; docJuBe280 6)
fiches par lemme
●reavoir v.
(reaveir) PelCharlF, reaver SClemW v. 9132, 9151; SJeanAumU 1393; 5547, 6409; ApocGiffR 2717; BrittN; BrittN; OakBookS I, 34, rehavoir [AalmaR 10. 380], reheyt BlackBookT II, p. 68, relont AlexParA II 1004)
- ◆“avoir de nouveau” (PelCharlF; AlexParA II 1004; SClemW v. 9132, 9151; SJeanAumU 1393; 5547, 6409; ApocGiffR 2717; BrittN; BrittN; OakBookS I, 34; BlackBookT II, p. 68; [AalmaR 10. 380], Baker)
fiches par lemme
●averail m.
[TL; TL 1,726,23; FEW 4, 363a.]
(averail BenTroieC; BenDucF 29428, 32631)
- ◆“troupeau” (BenTroieC; BenDucF 29428, 32631, TL 1,726,23; TL; FEW 4, 363a)
fiches par lemme
●averos adj.
[TL; TL 1,727,51; TL 1,727,51; Gdf 1, 520c; AND 56b; MED 1, 551b; FEW 4, 363a. – Burgess 102; KellerWace 200b; RoR 10, 232.]
(avereus ThebesR 6841, averos ThebesC 7185; BenTroieC; BesantR 2163, averous RouH II 3669)
- ◆“qui a de l'avoir, riche” (ThebesC 7185; BenTroieC; RouH II 3669; BesantR 2163; ThebesR 6841, Burgess 102; KellerWace 200b; RoR 10, 232, TL 1,727,51; TL; TL 1,727,51; Gdf 1, 520c; AND 56b; MED 1, 551b; FEW 4, 363a)
fiches par lemme
●desavoir v.
[TL 2,1477,34; Gdf 2, 542a; AND; FEW 4, 362b.]
(desaveir ElucidaireiiiD II 2βM, desaviez OvMorB 3, p. 336, 1733; OvMorB 5, p.251, 2963)
- ◆“manquer de” (ElucidaireiiiD II 2βM; OvMorB 3, p. 336, 1733; OvMorB 5, p.251, 2963, TL 2,1477,34; Gdf 2, 542a; AND; FEW 4, 362b)
fiches par lemme
●entravoir v.
[Gdf 3, 278a; FEW 4, 362b.]
(entr HervisH 782, entraveir BenDucF 2781, entreavoir (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 78-1)
- ◆“” (BenDucF 2781; HervisH 782; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 78-1, Gdf 3, 278a; FEW 4, 362b)
fiches par lemme
●average m.
[AND 56b; MED 1, 550b; MED 1, 393A; DCCarp S. 57; FEW 4, 363a. – KahaneSel 1, 414.]
- ◆“droit sur le bétail” (KahaneSel 1, 414, AND 56b; MED 1, 550b; MED 1, 393A; DCCarp S. 57; FEW 4, 363a)
fiches par lemme
[Gdf 1, 519c; Gdf; DCCarp S. 57; FEW; FEW 4, 363a.]
(averaiz BenDucM II, p. 410, v. 27234; p. 528, v. 30432)
- ◆“avoir, butin” (BenDucM II, p. 410, v. 27234; p. 528, v. 30432, Gdf 1, 519c; Gdf; DCCarp S. 57; FEW; FEW 4, 363a)
fiches par lemme
●averet m.
[Gdf 1, 520b; AND 56b; FEW 4, 363a. – ZrP 77; MLR 88, 583.]
(averes (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, averet ProtH; (sigles à datations multiples:) IpKH)
- ◆“trésor” (ProtH; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach; IpKH, ZrP 77; MLR 88, 583, AND 56b; FEW 4, 363a; Gdf 1, 520b)
fiches par lemme
●avoirer v.
[LevyTrés. – R 102, 445.]
- ◆“gagner de l’avoir” (R 102, 445, LevyTrés)