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fiches par lemme
[FEW 1,242a lt. BAPTIZARE – TL; TL; TL 1,876,19; TL 1,876,19; TL; Gdf; Gdf 8, 287c; Gdf 8, 288a; Gdf; Gdf; AND 61b; MED 1, 637B; DG 195b; DCCarp S. 65; DCCarp S. 66; TLF; FEW 1, 242a; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 59; GlSuisse 2, 237b; KramerGader; LEI IV, 1119; LEI IV 1124; LEI IV 1106; LEI 4, 1106 n 50; LarLFr I, 372. – BJRyL 63, 122; Bierbach 112; KellerWace 182a; MedAev 47(1978)128; Pope 631; ZrP 101, 1985, 128; ZrP 96, 1980, p.279; [sigle].]
(babtisas BelleHelR 824b, babtiser MirNDPers1-40P, babtizar PassionA S. 122 (v. 454), baptaier (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 16529, Baptéé SermMaurpB, bapteer BenDucM I, p.453, v.10746, v.10757, v.10759, Baptezier VillehW, baptié [MistSGenisM], baptise CoincyII1...K 531var.; [MistSGenisM], baptisé [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 633], baptiser MirNDPers1-40P 22 257; 39 2323; ChevPapH 86, 16; 89, 34; [FierPrM], baptisié BastS 3225, baptisïe JCourtPlaitaK 296, baptisier WaceConcA 892, 1142; CourLouisL1; FloreaK 3345; FloreaW 19, 3308; Aiol1/2F 10081; AlexissH 70, 350; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 419, 1377; Saisna/lB 933; BodelNicH 100, 1529; PriseCordD; HervisH; Bueve1S 3104, 3931, 4733; Bueve2S 669, 2035; Bueve3S; DurmS 11782; GilChinP; ParDuchP p. 620; ContGuillTyrA 193; CharroicL; EmpConstOctC 233, 615; RenMontlC 4622, 4641, 17527; LicorneG 4504; [JPreisMyrG 2685], baptisiés BastC 3223, baptisiez AttilaPrB, baptissier [JPreisMyrG], baptizati CptRoyM 14572, baptizé SEdmPassG 529, 541, baptizee [QuatBeatT 234r], baptizer RolB 339; ProvSalSanI; EdConfVatS; HornP O4827, 2355; PelCharlF; SGillesP 40, 2011; SimFreineGeorgM 594, 1314; SimFreineGeorgM; BueveAgnS 1485; BestGuillR 726; AngDialGregP 125roa; ChGuillI; CantKiVotH 544; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2858]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 15929, 16540, 17071, baptizét AlexisS1 31; AlexisS2 31, baptizié HArciPèresO 3342; [LégDorVignBatallD], baptizier PhThBestWa; CharroiPo t.II, 30; ChronSMichelB; MarieGuigW2 Y.91; MarieFabW2; Saisna/lB 933; Perl1N; DolopL; ArtusS; JoinvW1 314b, 380f, 322f; [AalmaR 864]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 52, 1, Baptizier PèresPrI5/7S, baptiziez [LégDorVignBatallD], Baptoismé BibleMacéS3, bateizien MPolRustR, batezer BertaMilC; MacaireM 1391, baticer MoniotArrD XXVI, 53, baticier AntAnW 474, 235, batie AssJérBourgm/vK S 22, batié AssJér T. II, p 137; AssJérBourgm/vK c.200, Batier ChiproisR, batiger BertaMilC, batisier FloovA 10, 32, 708, 1579, 2184; ChevVivM; ChevVivM E 1151A, 1751 A; ElucidaireiiiD II 42D; HervisH 762; ArtusS 285,19; AnsCartA 6036, 6095, 6169; ParDuchP p 620; 46, 65, 66; EmpConstPrC 97, 165, 171; AttilaPrB; SoneG 406; GuiNantvProlC 673, 653, 718, 696, 588; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 9, 31; 37, 250; 85a, 14, batisiés AliscW 507, batisser RenContrR, batister BertaMilC R 426; GesteFrancorR 1246, 1266, 6173 ecc; AliscmH 6364, batistir EntreeT, batizier AlexisP O 7a (p 82); BenDucF; PelCharlK 84; 136, bauptisier BalJosCamA, bautessier RenContrR I, 345, 358a; II, 223, bautisera JacVitryB LXXV, 16; XXVI, 6; LIII, 36, bautisie MortAymC 3878; AucR3 II 31, IV 12, VI 16, bautisier FloreaK 19; RenR X-XI, 12125; AimeriD 688, 4521, 4599; FillePonth1B2 p56; Bueve3S; AucS10; HuonR 9798; MenReimsP 212; MenReimsP 212; MenReimsW 212; RenγF2; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 15, IV. 10, bautisiez BestPierre1M VIII, 14, bautissier NarbS 684, 7670; PBeauvGerJ, bautiz BlancandS 3208, bautize CoincyII1...K 531 var., bautizier ChronSMichelB 1469; GirVianeE 4907; GuibAndrM 54, 2341, batecer AliscW 519, bateçer OgDanAlC 1099, 1737, 1065, 1350, 2013, 817; AliscmH 7765)
- ◆“administrer le baptême à, baptiser” (PassionA S. 122 (v. 454); AlexisP O 7a (p 82); AlexisS1 31; AlexisS2 31; RolB 339; PhThBestWa; WaceConcA 892, 1142; CharroiPo t.II, 30; CourLouisL1; ProvSalSanI; FloreaK 3345; FloreaK 19; FloreaW 19, 3308; ChronSMichelB; ChronSMichelB 1469; MarieGuigW2 Y.91; EdConfVatS; HornP O4827, 2355; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p.453, v.10746, v.10757, v.10759; Aiol1/2F 10081; AlexissH 70, 350; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 84; 136; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 419, 1377; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 40, 2011; RenR X-XI, 12125; AliscW 507; AliscW 519; FloovA 10, 32, 708, 1579, 2184; Saisna/lB 933; Saisna/lB 933; SimFreineGeorgM 594, 1314; SimFreineGeorgM; BodelNicH 100, 1529; BestPierre1M VIII, 14; ChevVivM; ChevVivM E 1151A, 1751 A; ElucidaireiiiD II 42D; PriseCordD; VillehW; BueveAgnS 1485; GirVianeE 4907; GuibAndrM 54, 2341; NarbS 684, 7670; PBeauvGerJ; Perl1N; PèresPrI5/7S; SEdmPassG 529, 541; BestGuillR 726; AngDialGregP 125roa; AimeriD 688, 4521, 4599; ChGuillI; FillePonth1B2 p56; HervisH; HervisH 762; MortAymC 3878; BalJosCamA; BlancandS 3208; Bueve1S 3104, 3931, 4733; Bueve2S 669, 2035; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; DurmS 11782; MoniotArrD XXVI, 53; DolopL; AucR3 II 31, IV 12, VI 16; AucS10; CoincyII1...K 531var.; CoincyII1...K 531 var.; AnsCartA 6036, 6095, 6169; ArtusS; GilChinP; ParDuchP p. 620; ParDuchP p 620; 46, 65, 66; AssJér T. II, p 137; AssJérBourgm/vK c.200; AntAnW 474, 235; ContGuillTyrA 193; HuonR 9798; JacVitryB LXXV, 16; XXVI, 6; LIII, 36; SermMaurpB; MenReimsP 212; MenReimsP 212; MenReimsW 212; CantKiVotH 544; CharroicL; EmpConstOctC 233, 615; EmpConstPrC 97, 165, 171; RenMontlC 4622, 4641, 17527; AttilaPrB; AttilaPrB; RenγF2; SoneG 406; MPolRustR; BibleMacéS3; JoinvW1 314b, 380f, 322f; BertaMilC R 426; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; GesteFrancorR 1246, 1266, 6173 ecc; MacaireM 1391; OgDanAlC 1099, 1737, 1065, 1350, 2013, 817; CptRoyM 14572; LicorneG 4504; ChiproisR; EntreeT; JCourtPlaitaK 296; GuiNantvProlC 673, 653, 718, 696, 588; MirNDPers1-40P 22 257; 39 2323; MirNDPers1-40P; RenContrR; RenContrR I, 345, 358a; II, 223; AliscmH 6364; AliscmH 7765; BastC 3223; BastS 3225; BelleHelR 824b; ChevPapH 86, 16; 89, 34; [AalmaR 864; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 633; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2858; FierPrM; JPreisMyrG 2685; LégDorVignBatallD; LégDorVignBatallD; MistSGenisM; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 16529; AngDialGregO2 15929, 16540, 17071; Aspland 15, IV. 10; BartschChrest 9, 31; 37, 250; 85a, 14; BartschHorning 52, 1, BJRyL 63, 122; Bierbach 112; KellerWace 182a; MedAev 47(1978)128; Pope 631; ZrP 101, 1985, 128; ZrP 96, 1980, p.279; [sigle], TL 1,876,19; TL; TL; TL 1,876,19; TL; Gdf; Gdf 8, 287c; Gdf; Gdf; AND 61b; MED 1, 637B; DG 195b; DCCarp S. 65; DCCarp S. 66; TLF; FEW 1, 242a; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 59; GlSuisse 2, 237b; KramerGader; LEI IV, 1119; LEI IV 1124; LEI IV 1106; LEI 4, 1106 n 50; LEI IV, 1109; IV 1119; LarLFr I, 372)
- ◆inf. subst. “baptême” ([JPreisMyrG], Gdf 8, 288a)
- ◆v.pron. “se baptiser” [cf. Möhren, “Kreuzzugsvokabular: exotisches Dekorum oder kulturelle Übernahme?”, in M. Bierbach – B. von Gemmingen, Kulturelle und sprachliche Entlehnung: Die Assimilierung des Fremden, Bonn 1999, 112] (ArtusS 285,19)
- ◆p.p.adj. subst. “celui à qui le baptême a été administré” (AssJérBourgm/vK S 22; HArciPèresO 3342; [QuatBeatT 234r])
Cf. ANDEl baptiser; DMF baptiser.
fiches par lemme
●embatisier v.
[TL 3,38,3; Gdf III 27a; Gdf III, 27a; FEW I 242a.]
- ◆“administrer le baptême à, baptiser” (TL 3,38,3; Gdf III 27a; Gdf III, 27a; FEW I 242a)
fiches par lemme
●rebatisier v.
[AND 597b; MED Bd. 8, 191; FEW I, 242a.]
(rebaptizier [LégDorVignBatallD], Rebaptizier CommPsia1G 600.13)
- ◆“baptiser de nouveau” (CommPsia1G 600.13; [LégDorVignBatallD], AND 597b; MED Bd. 8, 191; FEW I, 242a)
fiches par lemme
●batisement m.
[TL; TL 1,876,9; TL 1,876,9; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf 1, 575c; Gdf; Gdf 1, 575b; AND 61b; AND 61b; DCCarp S. 65; DCCarp S. 70; FEW; Chastell 179; LEI IV, 1121. – KellerWace 182a; MélSuard 589.]
(babtissement BelleHelR 824b, baptesment HornP 2266, 257, Baptiçamant Rolv41/2G, baptisemant Bueve2S 15422, baptiseme WaceMargaK 122, baptisement FloreaK 3338; FloreaW 3316; BueveAgnS 3645, 3679; DoonRocheM 156; MirNDPers1-40P 13 1158; 30 1144; TristNantS 7329, 17783, 23242, 23248; [DeschQ VII, 166], baptizemens CommPsia1G 194.2, baptizement [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 569; GrebanP 10236], Baptizement BibleMacéS3, bastisement NarbS 7581, bateçamant BertaMilC BM 369 (rima); BertaMilC 369; OgDanAlC, bateçament GesteFrancorR 1287, 9563, ecc, batezamant MacaireM 1360, batïesmant [MistSGenisM], batisement ChevCygnePropN p 384; Perl1N 9156; AnsCartA 6637, batissement BelleHelR 826a; 2540, 2549, batizement GuibAndrM 2229)
- ◆“administrer le baptême à, baptême” (WaceMargaK 122; FloreaK 3338; FloreaW 3316; CommPsia1G 194.2; HornP 2266, 257; ChevCygnePropN p 384; BueveAgnS 3645, 3679; DoonRocheM 156; GuibAndrM 2229; NarbS 7581; Perl1N 9156; Bueve2S 15422; AnsCartA 6637; BibleMacéS3; Rolv41/2G; BertaMilC BM 369 (rima); BertaMilC 369; GesteFrancorR 1287, 9563, ecc; MacaireM 1360; OgDanAlC; MirNDPers1-40P 13 1158; 30 1144; BelleHelR 824b; BelleHelR 826a; 2540, 2549; TristNantS 7329, 17783, 23242, 23248; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 569; DeschQ VII, 166; GrebanP 10236; MistSGenisM], KellerWace 182a; MélSuard 589, TL; TL 1,876,9; TL 1,876,9; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf 1, 575c; Gdf; Gdf 1, 575b; AND 61b; AND 61b; DCCarp S. 65; DCCarp S. 70; FEW; Chastell 179; LEI IV, 1121)
fiches par lemme
●bauteüre f.
[TL 1,891,16; TL.]
(bautëure HuonSQuentL 1062)
- ◆“baptême” (HuonSQuentL 1062, TL 1,891,16; TL)
fiches par lemme
●bataison f.
[Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 575b; Gdf; DCCarp s 69; FEW 242a.]
- ◆1o“baptême” (Gdf; Gdf 1, 575b; Gdf; Gdf; DCCarp s 69; FEW 242a)
- ◆2o“construction” (BatLoqVulgB2 12)
Cf. DMF baptisation.
fiches par lemme
●bateciste m.
(bateciste AliscmH 955, 1336)
- ◆“baptême” (AliscmH 955, 1336)
fiches par lemme
●batiserie f.
[Gdf 1, 575c; AND 61b.]
(baptizerie RolpR 4402, batiserie ChGuillM 2115)
- ◆“baptême” (ChGuillM 2115; RolpR 4402, Gdf 1, 575c; AND 61b)
Cf. ANDEl baptezerie.
fiches par lemme
●batiseüre f.
[Gdf 1, 575c; Gdf; AND 62a. – ActesGuillDig 237 n. 32.]
- ◆“baptême” (ActesGuillDig 237 n. 32, Gdf 1, 575c; Gdf; AND 62a)
fiches par lemme
●combatisement m.
[Gdf II, 186b.]
- ◆“action de baptiser en même temps” (Gdf II, 186b)
Cf. DMF combaptisement.
fiches par lemme
●desbatisé adj.
(desbaptizez PAbernLumH 12420, 12432)
- ◆“qui n’est pas baptisé” (PAbernLumH 12420, 12432, AND)
Cf. ANDEl desbaptizé.