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fiches par lemme
beloce f.
[FEW 1,624a lt. BŬLLUCA – TL; TL 1,913,19; Gdf Suppl.8, 914a; Gdf; Gdf; AND 61a; AND 78b; MED 1, 1022b; MED 1, 1022b; MED 1, 1022b; MED 1, 1022b; MED 1, 1022b; MED 1, 1022b; DG 221b; TLF; FEW 1, 624a; FEW 1, 624a; Corom 4, 1160b; DiStefLoc 75; GlSuisse 3,323a. – BambeckBoden A.220; A.221; CronenbergSchlehdorn S.14; MöhrenVal 5; R 41, 222; RlFl Bd.5, 402; RlFl Bd.5, 388; RlFl Bd 5, 388; ZrP Bd.94 (1978) S.186.]
(baloce [DeschQ IX, 245], baloces CourtArrM, beloce CourtArrF 249; RoselLec 8186; JMeunTestB; Taille1313M 19b; Taille1313M S.104; FauvelChaillL 1396; MirNDPers1-40P 32 1493, beloces RoselLangl, belorce YsLyonF *312; JMeunVégR 7581; JPrioratR 7581, bolace (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 105, boloces GlGuillI S. 388, 324, bulloce ModvB2 4472)
- ◆“petite prune sauvage” (CourtArrF 249; CourtArrM; ModvB2 4472; RoselLangl; RoselLec 8186; YsLyonF *312; JMeunVégR 7581; JPrioratR 7581; JMeunTestB; GlGuillI S. 388, 324; Taille1313M 19b; Taille1313M S.104; MirNDPers1-40P 32 1493; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 105, BambeckBoden A.220; A.221; CronenbergSchlehdorn S.14; MöhrenVal 5; R 41, 222; RlFl Bd.5, 402; RlFl Bd.5, 388; RlFl Bd 5, 388; ZrP Bd.94 (1978) S.186, TL 1,913,19; Gdf; Gdf; AND 61a; AND 78b; MED 1, 1022b; MED 1, 1022b; MED 1, 1022b; MED 1, 1022b; MED 1, 1022b; MED 1, 1022b; DG 221b; TLF; FEW 1, 624a; Corom 4, 1160b; DiStefLoc 75; GlSuisse 3,323a)
- ◆“coup de poing” (FauvelChaillL 1396, Gdf Suppl.8, 914a)
- ◆loc. subst. “chose sans valeur” ([DeschQ IX, 245], TL; FEW 1, 624a)
Cf. ANDEl bulace; DMF beloce.
fiches par lemme
●belocier m.
[TL 1,913,34; AND 78a; DG 221b; DCCarp S.71; FEW 1, 624a. – BambeckBoden 132; BambeckBoden 132; MélJeanroy 120; RLiR 301; RlFl Bd.5, 367; RlFl 5, 367.]
(bolacer (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 1032; HuntTeach 208, bulacer JGarlrgH 78, bulacir (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach 213)
- ◆“prunier sauvage” (LettrHippoT G 78; JGarlrgH 78; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 1032; HuntTeach 208; HuntTeach 213, BambeckBoden 132; BambeckBoden 132; MélJeanroy 120; RLiR 301; RlFl Bd.5, 367; RlFl 5, 367, TL 1,913,34; AND 78a; DG 221b; DCCarp S.71; FEW 1, 624a)