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fiches par lemme
bouzon m.
[FEW 152,12b abfrq. *BULTJO – TL; TL; TL 1,1100,19; TL 1,1100,19; TL 1,1100,19; TL 1,1100,19; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1,696b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1,699b;700a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC; AND 74 a; AND 73 a; AND 78b; AND 80a; MED 1,1089b; MED 1,1089b; MED 1,1089b; DCCarp s. 77; DCCarp S. 78; DCCarp S.82; DCCarp S.82; DCCarp S 84; DCCarp S. 84; DCCarp S. 81; Gay 221b; Gay 187a, v.1250,1260,1328,1360 etc.; Gay 187b, 1396,1398; TLF; FEW; FEW; FEW 1,625a (625b); FEW; FEW; FEW 15- 2, 12 b; Baker; BarbierProc 4,s.204; DiStefLoc 101; Jal2 136b. – BachWaffen 152, 154, 159, 163; BormannJagd; CellaGall 8 e n, 346; CellaGall 7n; ContPerc L5654,E15614; Guinet; Hartmannzg s.5; Hartmannzg S. 7; Hassell B154; MA 66,1960,525, 38; MöhrenVal; R 63,423; R 80,538; RF 96,54; RLiR 30; RLiR 33,330; RLiR 37,147,N4; Runk p.47; SammetSuff 88; Schultz II, 204; Schultz II, 204; SternbergWaffen 149,150; SternbergWaffen 149, 150; TilLex XII, 202; ZfSL 95(1985)106; Ziltener 7487, 7487 a, 7518 etc.; [sigle] S.166.]
(boczon SimPouilleaB 317, boden Saisna/lB 938: 1692o (L), 1837o (L), 4351o (L), bogon (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 1125, bojon ThebesC; NarcisusT 446; Aiol1/2F 9763, 10709; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 S. 421; DurmG 10205; BodelFablN V, 75; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn V, 186; NoomenFabl t. 6, 372, bojons ContPerc4tO 7548; ContPerc4tO 7548, boldon EneasS1 7701; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest, boljon CristalB 3846, bolzon GesteFrancorR 3107, 6488, 16920, boson BibleMalkS 10367; HuonAuvbS6 8151, bouzion [ChevCygneBruxM], boucon SSagmR 35/5, boudon SSagaD 36004, boudone OvMorB 2,p.263,4331, bougon EnfRenC 7240; EnfRenC; RenNouvR 4288; Taille1313M S.78; Taille1313M 14c; BelleHelR 827a,1296,5499; LionBourgAlK 3065,12053,25275; [GodBouillBruxR; ModusT 98,36; FroissEspF1 2823; BrunMontM 64; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 722], bougones JakD 1276, bougons AntiocheD 3081B, boujon AlexisP M267; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2N 10707; SSagOctS K3698,C1533; AlexParA II,t.5, Notes to 44,993; ß36,17,ß132,11; AlexParA 179,44,993; AlexParA Bd.5,p.245; AlexParhM 131, 30; 214, 23; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 C1637; Saisna/lB 939, 1930o(A), 3120o(A); VengAlE p115; AudigierJ 38; ChevBarAnL; ChevBarAnS 868; Bueve2S 13436,4801,18116; LancPrM IXa,2; GodinM 10153,14344; AnsCartA 78; ArtusS 231,3; MaugisV 3364; RigomerF; RenMontlC 6825;11620;7349,10722; SimPouilleaB B1813,2470; BibleMalkS 654; OvMorB 1,p.121,2798; TristNantS 6192,11526; [BerinB 425,504; MenagB 161,35]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 5,180*; HenryChrest, boujons AlexParA II (ß132) 11; ViandValS; CptRoyM 7827, boulon NecrArrB S 97a, bouson AlexParA II (β 59) 993; AimonFlH 3026, 11577; AnsMetznG; OrsonP 2265; (sigles à datations multiples:) GarLorrV 11266; ProvM 96, bousso FossierCh p 478, bouzon PhThCompM 1415; Saisna/lB 940; AyeB 2935; AimeriD 2795; LancPrK 38.39; TyoletT; RoselLangl; RoselLangl; RoselLec 15637; JerusCont2G; RenγF2; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest, bouzons RenR; GerbMetzT 5549, 5551, etc., bovion AlexParhM 131, 30; 214, 23; AlexParhM 131, 30. 214, 23, bozon PercL 205; AlexArsM B 382; AlexParA II (β 59) 993; AlexParA II, 993; ChevEspJ Ch 1122; JugAmO 321; GuillMarM 528, 530; ArtusS, bozons ParDuchP 2367, bozoun BrittN; NicBozCharV, bozun GlGlasgH 157 b; GlDouceB 131; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, bulzun MarieFabW 91,4, bulzuns PhThCompS; MarieFabB, beusons SRemiB 1369)
- ◆“sorte de flèche ou trait d’arbalète” (AlexisP M267; PhThCompM 1415; PhThCompS; EneasS1 7701; ThebesC; NarcisusT 446; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F 9763, 10709; Aiol1/2N 10707; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 91,4; PercL 205; SSagOctS K3698,C1533; AlexArsM B 382; AlexParA II,t.5, Notes to 44,993; ß36,17,ß132,11; AlexParA 179,44,993; AlexParA Bd.5,p.245; AlexParA II (ß132) 11; AlexParA II (β 59) 993; AlexParA II, 993; AlexParA II (β 59) 993; AlexParhM 131, 30; 214, 23; AlexParhM 131, 30; 214, 23; AlexParhM 131, 30. 214, 23; AimonFlH 3026, 11577; RenR; AntiocheD 3081B; GerbMetzT 5549, 5551, etc.; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 C1637; PriseOrabR1 S. 421; Saisna/lB 940; Saisna/lB 939, 1930o(A), 3120o(A); Saisna/lB 938: 1692o (L), 1837o (L), 4351o (L); VengAlE p115; AyeB 2935; ChevEspJ Ch 1122; JugAmO 321; AudigierJ 38; ChevBarAnL; ChevBarAnS 868; NecrArrB S 97a; AimeriD 2795; AnsMetznG; Bueve2S 13436,4801,18116; DurmG 10205; LancPrK 38.39; LancPrM IXa,2; GodinM 10153,14344; OrsonP 2265; TyoletT; GuillMarM 528, 530; RoselLangl; RoselLangl; RoselLec 15637; AnsCartA 78; ArtusS 231,3; ArtusS; ContPerc4tO 7548; ContPerc4tO 7548; ParDuchP 2367; FossierCh p 478; CristalB 3846; GlGlasgH 157 b; MaugisV 3364; RigomerF; SSagaD 36004; EnfRenC 7240; EnfRenC; RenMontlC 6825;11620;7349,10722; SimPouilleaB 317; SimPouilleaB B1813,2470; BibleMalkS 654; BibleMalkS 10367; SRemiB 1369; GlDouceB 131; JerusCont2G; RenNouvR 4288; RenγF2; ViandValS; BrittN; BodelFablN V, 75; JakD 1276; SSagmR 35/5; NicBozCharV; GesteFrancorR 3107, 6488, 16920; Taille1313M S.78; Taille1313M 14c; CptRoyM 7827; OvMorB 2,p.263,4331; OvMorB 1,p.121,2798; HuonAuvbS6 8151; BelleHelR 827a,1296,5499; LionBourgAlK 3065,12053,25275; TristNantS 6192,11526; [ChevCygneBruxM; GodBouillBruxR; ModusT 98,36; FroissEspF1 2823; BerinB 425,504; BrunMontM 64; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 722; MenagB 161,35]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 5,180*; GarLorrV 11266; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; HuntTeach; MontRayn V, 186; NoomenFabl t. 6, 372; ProvM 1125; ProvM 96, BachWaffen 152, 154, 159, 163; BormannJagd; CellaGall 8 e n, 346; CellaGall 7n; ContPerc L5654,E15614; Guinet; Hartmannzg s.5; Hartmannzg S. 7; Hassell B154; MA 66,1960,525, 38; MöhrenVal; R 63,423; R 80,538; RF 96,54; RLiR 30; RLiR 33,330; RLiR 37,147,N4; Runk p.47; SammetSuff 88; Schultz II, 204; Schultz II, 204; SternbergWaffen 149,150; SternbergWaffen 149, 150; TilLex XII, 202; ZfSL 95(1985)106; Ziltener 7487, 7487 a, 7518 etc.; [sigle] S.166, TL; TL 1,1100,19; TL; TL 1,1100,19; TL; TL 1,1100,19; TL 1,1100,19; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1,696b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1,699b;700a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC; AND 74 a; AND 73 a; AND 78b; AND 80a; MED 1,1089b; MED 1,1089b; MED 1,1089b; DCCarp s. 77; DCCarp S. 78; DCCarp S.82; DCCarp S.82; DCCarp S 84; DCCarp S. 84; DCCarp S. 81; Gay 221b; Gay 187a, v.1250,1260,1328,1360 etc.; Gay 187b, 1396,1398; TLF; FEW; FEW; FEW 1,625a (625b); FEW; FEW; FEW 15- 2, 12 b; Baker; BarbierProc 4,s.204; DiStefLoc 101; Jal2 136b)
Cf. ANDEl bozun; DMF boujon.
fiches par lemme
●boujonneur m.
[Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1,700b; Gdf; DCCarp S.82; DCCarp S.82; FEW 15,2 13a; FEW 1,625b.]
- ◆“maître et garde, ou juré de la draperie” (Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1,700b; Gdf; DCCarp S.82; DCCarp S.82; FEW 15,2 13a; FEW 1,625b)
Cf. DMF boujonneur.
fiches par lemme
●boujonnier m.
[DCCarp S.82.]
- ◆“celui qui fait les flèches” (DCCarp S.82)
Cf. DMF boujonnier.