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bovin adj.
[FEW 1,476b lt. BOVINUSTL 1,1102,43; TL; Gdf 1, 714 c; Gdf; AND 74 a; MED 1, 689 b; MED 1, 689b; DCCarp S. 82; TLF; FEW 1, 476 b. – Delisle 233.⁠]
(bovin BrendanW S. 188; BrendanW 176; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 76, 28, bovine ChGuillI S. 386, 292)
  • “qui appartient au bœuf” (BrendanW S. 188; BrendanW 176; ChGuillI S. 386, 292; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 76, 28, Delisle 233, TL; TL 1,1102,43; Gdf 1, 714 c; Gdf; AND 74 a; MED 1, 689 b; MED 1, 689b; DCCarp S. 82; TLF; FEW 1, 476 b)
Cf. DMF bovin.