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[FEW 4,442a lt. HŎCTL 2,78,39; TL 2,78,39; TL 2,78,39; TL 2,78,39; TL 2,78,39; TL 2,78,39; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL XI, 875; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 2, 163b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC; AND 668a; AND 704 b; AND 683a; AND 697b; AND 80a; AND 83a; AND 83a; AND 83a; AND 83a; AND 83a; AND 84a; AND 84b; AND 99b; AND 102b; AND 102a/b; AND 102b; AND 375a; AND 97b; AND 119a; AND 114b; AND 86b; AND 86b; AND 138b; AND 359B; Lac VII, 78a; DCCarp S. 112; DCCarp 241b; TLF; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 4, 442a; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 4, 443a; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen S.209; II, 239; BurnellRen II, 239; II, 542; va 542; BurnellRen va 923; BurnellRen va 923; DiStefLoc 130; Foerster; Foerster; GlSuisse 3, 162a; LarLFr I, 635. – ActesMfr4 p. 451; AnS 192, 86, 1956; BPH 1960, 766, 142; BTDial 50, 239; Boogaard 262 no 1902; BullRomNice 4- 5, 1989, p. 141; CCM 42,61; CCM 42,61; ContPerc TV 10166; ContPerc E 7259, 13156; Q 14364, 18672; ContPerc T 203, 5435; E 4585, 9267, 9268; DeesAtlas 313; DeesAtlas 313; DionVigne p. 240; FM 61, 89; FSt 8, 62; FSt 8, 348; FouletSynt §234ss; 486-488; FouletSynt § 167; FouletSynt §487; FouletSynt § 234 ss.; FouletSynt §234 ss.; GlutzMir 7, I315,3; GononQuot 1183; GononQuot 340, 766, 1183; Hassell C 203; KaiserMPol 167; KaiserMPol 167; KaiserMPol; KellerWace 328a; KellerWace 303a; 72b; 144b; 343a; 337a; 342b; 344a; KellerWace; KellerWace 303a; KunstmannRel 229, 286; LebsanftGruß p. 513,320; LevyHagin 1c14, 119a11; LiP No.76, A20,1980,p.21; MA 84, 530; MA 84, 530; MedAev 47(1978)128; Prol. v.2; MedAev 56(1987)333; Morlet 358; MélDufournet vol. III, vv. 25, 59, 136, S. 1048; NobelAng p. 25; NotExtr 34, 53; NotExtr 34, 53; Pope 844-847, A.N. 1254, 1255; Pope; Pope; Pope 849; Pope 849; Pope 844 - 847, A.N. 1257; R 530,532,536,539,541,543; R 113,266; R 89, 547; 90, 52; R 66, 113; R 66, 128; R 91, 122; R 90, 52; R 72; 134, 139, 162, 167, 173; 73, 433, 461; 75, 451, 454, R80,413-14; 82, 407; 84; 81,272; 88; 431; 90,52; R 68, 179; R 62, 43; R 85, 155; R 89, 560; R 97, 200-201, 206; R 92, 382; R 84, 414; R 77, 293; R 72, 159, 172, 179; R 97, 200-202, 206, 212; R 68, 189; R 82, 280; R 68, 179; R 72; 167, 177; 80, 413; 90, 52; R 72, 167; 81, 242; R 72, 167; R 69, 264; R 92, 222; R 66, 113; R 66, 114; R 69, 277; R 75, 436; 84, 81; R 80, 127; 84, 81; 90, 52; R 80, 127; 84, 81; 90, 52; R 84, 81; R 69, 101; 85, 122; R 86, 256; 90; 52, 401; R 105 (1985) 497; R 69, 138; R 112, 467; R 85, 549; R 72, 151, 153, 158, 160, 168, 171, 180; R 75, p. 436; RLaR v. 126, 98, 501; RLiR T 59, 1995, S.570; RLiR 36, 443; RLiR 30; RLiR 26, 307; RLiR 37, 181ss.; RLiR 37, 181; RLiR 49, 1985, 239; RLiR 30; RLiR 26, 304; RLiR 36, 443; RLiR 58, 170; RoPh 23, 604; SandqvistBen 36; 38; 66; SandqvistBen 107; SchelerJPreis 2137; SchelerJPreis 5563; Spec 61(1986) 439; StempelSatzv 467; StempelSatzv 469; StempelSatzv 468; TilLex; TraLiPhi 31, 213; TraLiPhi 31, 226; 137, 990; 202,212; 212, 613; TraLiPhi 31, 223; TraLiPhi 31, 247; VRo 232, 87; WoledgeSynt paragr.88; ZfSL 83, p.291ff.; ZrP 110(1994), 554; ZrP 96, 1980; p. 279; ZrP Sb 77, 235; [sigle] 3c; [sigle] 62, 66etc.; [sigle] S.126; [sigle] p. 135; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] 528.⁠]
(c AlexisS1 575; LapidalS 27, 1120L, 1225, 1236L, 1545; LapidffS 176D, 339; LapidffS 698B; BenTroieC; TristThomW; SermMaurR; ChevCygneNaissT 2057; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; GuiotProvinsO 220, 652, 1466; PoèmeMorB 242, 625, etc.; BibleGuiotW; FolTristBernH2; FolTristBernH2; LancPrK; AucR3 XVIII 24, XXVIII 9 (2), 10, XL 8, 32, 44; ViolB; GilChinP; ClercVaudR; Pères10C 1023, 1029; CourRenF 1412; EmpConstOctC; MédLiégH 5, 618; § 91; MédLiégH § 90; RenMontlC 914, 1414, 7957; 13054, 16636; ClefD 21, 63, 147; ChastSGilS 182; CoutMerOltZ; GeoffrParChronD; DébCorpsArrL 60 bis, 149, 209, 322, 346; ChevPapH 13, 1; 22, 26; 18 u. ö.; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschHorning; ConBethW1; HenryChrest, c'ores AlexParA II, 257, ce RolB 347; LapidalS 538; LapidapS 125N; LapidffS 43, 119, 139C, 191, 282, 330, 350, 478, 486(corr.), 538C, 603, 738, 756, 758E, 759, 820, 860, 937; JuiseR; WaceConcA; CharroiPo t.II, 35; LoisGuillL; MonGuill1/2C; EneasS1 38, 875; 8623; FloreaK 124, 233; FloreaK 559; ChronSMichelB 147,158, 210; CommPsia1G 549. 6; MarieChievreRi; MarieChievreRi; PhilomB 478, 502, 56etc.; BenDucF 207, 208, 4056; AdamG3; PelCharlF; CligesF p. 340; EstFougK 247; SGillesP; AimonFlH 8632; 10588; AimonFlH 742; RenR VII-IX, 6214; RenR VII-IX, 7768, 8241; RenR VII-IX, 9059; SMarieEgtS 55; TristThomB; TristThomW; FloovA; FolTristOxfH 831; HermValS 3351, 5088; RCambrM; RCambrM; Saisna/lB 943; VMortHélW 39,3,5; 41,7 etc.; AubereeC 418; BliocadranW; ChevEspJ Ch 19 etc.; ChevVivM D1892; ChevVivM; GuiotProvinsO 11; GuiotProvinsO; PoèmeMorB 88, 89, 101, 112 etc.; SGenB; EscoufleM 282b; EscoufleS 3314; EscoufleS 282b; BodelCongéRu 113; BibleGuiotW; ChevBarAnS; FolTristBernH2; SGraalIIIJostO; VengRagF 976, 4336, 4995; AimeriD; FlorenceW; FlorenceW; HervisH; PurgSPatrHarlV 13, 17, 36etc.; PurgSPatrHarlV; BalJosPr1M 33, 66; BalJosPr1M 51, 55; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; DurmS 4182; GautDargH; GuillTyrP; GuillTyrP 8; GuillTyrP 6; OvArtElieK; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; LancPrK; OmbreB2 15 etc.; DolopL; AucR3; MorPhilP; OiselWo 167, 169, 193 etc.; OiselWo 63, 206, 213 etc.; OrsonP; ViolB; TristPrL 3, 29etc.; TristPrR; RoselLangl; TournAntW 9, 16, 54, 89, etc.; FolLancB; GilChinP; ParDuchP 78, 3021, p.621; ParDuchP 619 etc.; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; MerlinsR 202, 14; 508, 25; MerlinsR 481, 49; AssJérBourgm/vK; BeaumS; BibleEntS 8216; ContGuillTyrA 122; ContGuillTyrA 69; CristalB; DialSJulB 20 etc.; Pères10C 47 ex.; Pères43B 32, 60, 66, 102; TroisAvG 86, 102, 146, 186, 202, 239, 329, 125; MenReimsP; MenReimsW; AlgorAlexM; AnticlC 1, 759, 2091; GilebBernF; MarqueA; VMortAnW 312, 7etc.; BaudeFastCongéR 440; MoamT III,1,3; BerteH 219, 1238; BerteH 2856; CharroicL; ClarisA 4993; 22844; CoutWinchF; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstPrC 32, 33, 52 etc.; MédLiégH §90; PassCeliW; RenMontlC 437, 83; 3671, 3765; SimPouilleaB B 962; EnfOgH 3741; EnfOgS 5335; TerrEvêqueH S.156; ClefD; ChastSGilS; CroisRichJ; EschieleMahW; CleomH 19, 6297; HerberiePrF1 H I, 9 etc.; AttilaPrB; CoutMerOltZ; EvEnfQuatrB 953, 1147; 1315 etc.; GautChâtC 49, 58 etc.; PèresaK IX, 132; SThibAlM 32,33, 115; SThibOctH; SThibOctH I, 18,22, 101; JacBaisT II, 56, 66, III, 214, IV, 47; PéageChalonbA 37; JoinvW1; GeoffrParChronD 76, 159 etc; 90, 530 etc.; 5254; 2012, 2555etc.; GeoffrParChronD; DébCorpsArrL 21, 94, 96, 102 etc.; 161, 200, 219, 253, 320; 72bis; DébCorpsArrL 125, 178; DialGregEvrS 6143, 20821, 21151, 21567, 21571 etc.; SGregJeanS; SGregJeanS; SGregJeanS; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvbS6 8219; GuiNantvProlC 631, 806 etc.; ProprChosSq; MirNDPers1-40P 27 652; 28 1860; JMoteVoieP 411, 3152; InvJPreslD S.99; AliscmH 4392; BastS 273; ChevPapH 6,23; ChevPapH 1,29; 2,25; 51, 33; 10,6; [GodBouillBruxR; ModusT; ModusT; BaudSebB; AalmaR 12.175; GastPhébChasseT 54, 18; GastPhébChasseT; JPreisMyrG; SottiesP II, 147, v.23g; GesteMonglPrK 10, 172, 212, 224; ArmArgM 120, 221; MistSGenisM; MistSGenisM; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; Aspland; BartschChrest p. 327; ConstHamelR 131, 145, 159, 183; ConstHamelR 269, 322, 648...; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL p. 453; GarLorrP I, 4; NoomenFabl t.7, 421; StimmingMot; WaceMargK 123, Ce VillehW; HAndH; PurgSPatrBerM; LMestL; [BibbfW]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, CE GuillPalMo; SCathCarlM; Pères51R1; LMestL; LMestL, CharroiPo t.II, 35, çe FevresS 4-1; 36-19; 38b-2; GesteFrancorR 11933; OgDanAlC, ce1 CligesG, ceit HervisH, cen BenDucF; ChevEspJ; CoutVerdun1M 90, 36; DocAubeC; ParDuchP; JoufrF 1683; RecCosmCamG2 p. 58; RésSauvcJ; SilenceT2; SimPouilleaB C 655, 3794; ClefD 2232; MaillartR 4168, 4726, 5555, 5863, 6958; DialGregEvrS 176, 216, 249, 349, 353, etc.; SGregJeanS; JDupinMelL 2267, 2747; SEvroulS; TristNantS 12052; [ModusT; SEust10P 130]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest, ceo LapidapS 81N, 246N; PhThCompS 17r, 1573, 1589, 1595, 1601; 31v, 2908; GrantMalS2 1e, 6f, 38f, 45a, 61a, 64ad, 67e, 69a, 83a, 87d, 100a, 103f, 105f, 108a, 118e; PhThSibS; LoisGuillL; MarieGuigW2; RouH; BenDucF; BenDucM; MirNDOrlM I, 10, 29 etc.; PelCharlF; MarieFabW Pr. 11; 2, 13, 17, 24, 26; MarieFabW2; ThomKentF 6361, 6362; TristThomB; CorE; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 5, 32, s.G. 135; SimFreineGeorgM 135; ElucidaireiiiD; SJeanAumU 809n; BestGuillR 2; RésSauvcJ; RotParl4R 118; OakBookS; NicBozCharV; NicBozEmpV 253; NicBozEmpV 47, 49, 265; NicBozMorS 9, 11; seo 110; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 5, 83; 50, 26; NoomenFabl III, 16c/ s9, Ceo SJeanAumU 4463n; PurgSPatrBerM; MirAgn2K; AmDieuK Gos. 385; [BibbfW], ceos ProvSalSanI, ces PassionA S. 124, v. 485...; LapidalS 62, 471 L, 663 L, 1254, 1697; LapidffS 252 B, 287, 962 A; CharroiPo t. II, 37; LoisGuillL; PhilomB 135; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 3311; PelCharlF; CligesG; EstFougK; SMarieEgtS 610; DolopL; AucR3; MorPhilP; CoutVerdun1M 33, 26; DocHMarneG; SimPouilleaB C 249, 561, etc; RotParl4R 17, 108; AttilaPrB; CoutMerOltZ; EvEnfQuatrB 43, 98, 362, 384, 458, 539, 844, 975, 1318, 1776, 1822, 1848, 1919, 1959; GautChâtC 49, 61 etc.; GautChâtC 84; GautChâtC 75, 99; PèresaK 6; SThibOctH; [JPreisMyrG; MistHag5S 597]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, Ces [BibbfW], cesy RotParl4R 18; RenContrR 5588, ceu WaceMargaK 124; WaceMargaK 124; ProvSalSanI; BenDucM I, p. 340, v. 7404; BenDucM I, p. 340, v. 7404; ProtH; GraelentT; GraelentT; GuiotProvinsO 217; GuiotProvinsO 217; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; HervisH 766; HervisH 766; BalJosPr1M 32, 22; BalJosPr1M 32, 22; LancPrK; LancPrK; DolopL; CharroicL; EvEnfB 985; EvEnfB 985; EvEnfB2; SThibAlH; SThibAlH; AdvndC 62; AdvndC; AdvndC 62; AdvndC; PéageDijonbM B 21 vo, 23 ro; PéageDijonbM B 21 vo, 23 ro; RegDijon1L; LionBourgAlK 25006, 32892; LionBourgAlK 25006, 32892; (sigles à datations multiples:) AppelChrest 55b; AppelChrest 55b; Aspland; Aspland, Ceu LMestL, CEU ThibBlaisN, ch SermMaurR; SermMaurR; ViolB; ViolB; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; HuonR; HuonR; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; DialGregEvrS 2757, 6182, 9770, 11446, 12560, 13412, 17123, 22042; DialGregEvrS 2757, 6182, 9770, 11446, 12560, 13412, 17123, 22042; LionBourgAlK; LionBourgAlK; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; Aspland, che PassionA; LapidffS 72D (p. 298), 331D, 623D (p. 310), 646D, 670D/5 (p. 311), 678D/15 (p. 313), 758D, 820D, 843D (p. 316), 919D; AdamG3; Aiol1/2F 3436; BodelNicH 137, 506 etc.; CantLandP 2181, 2201; RobClariL 33, 15; Bueve1S 3, 817, 2150; LancPrK; RenclCarH; ViolB 1186; 15, 148 etc.; AnsCartA 6679; GilChinP; MerlinsR 423, 36; MerlinsR 385,16; MerlinsR 258, 17; ChansSienaS; AlgorAlexM 5; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; CharroicL; EmpConstPrC; SBath1B; AdHaleFeuillL 68; TerrEvêqueH S. 157; AdHalePartN p. 140; AdHalePartN; AdHaleRobL; AdHaleRobV p. 57, 32; JobB 2880; JobB 144; JobG 165, 2305; JobG 585; PiérardMons t. II, p. 163; MPolRustR; JCondM; DébCorpsArrL; EntreeT 3, 274, etc.; 1403, etc.; JMoteVoieP 25, 168; AliscmH 3729, 1557; AliscmH 7302; [ModusT; JPreisMyrG]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; HenryChrest, Che VillehW, chen VivMonbrancE 19,3; TerrSVigorM 1,2,3,4,5, etc.; 65, 66, 67, 68; 137, 138; [ModusT], ches LapidffS 670/D18 (p. 312), 860D, 879D/7 (p. 317); GilChinP; SMarg11T; (sigles à datations multiples:) AppelChrest 15, chi [JPreisMyrG], chis AdHaleFeuillL 68; 252, 253, etc.; 208; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 183, cho PassionA S. 96 (v. 14), S. 97 (v. 29); CantLandP 46, 63; RobClariL; DurmS 4182; CoincyChristO 386; [AalmaR 7124], chou BenDucF 14830; Aiol1/2F 45, 131, 170; SSagOctS K 13, 213; CantLandP 1693; GuillDoleL; GuillDoleL; RobClariL; Bueve1S 694, 1149, 49, 134; Bueve3S; LancPrK; CoincyI1...K 2273 var.; RenclCarH; ViolB 12, 17; 823; 2379, 6132; 5906 3828, 4264, etc.; 11, 182, 234, etc.; 150, 616, 3302, etc.; 3117; 5420; 4031; BeaumManS 6, 145; GilChinP; BalainL; ChastVergiS; MerlinsR; ChansSienaS; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 5634; MahomL 1169, 1185, 1550; ...; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; CharroicL; SBath1B; AdHaleFeuillL 68; TerrEvêqueH S. 157; AdHaleRobV 38; GlDouaiE1 114; JobG 552, 1178; 1000; PiérardMons t. II, p. 163; DébCorpsArrL; [AalmaR 13. 515; ChOthéeF; EvQuenJe 397; 1098]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; RecHist XXI, 172, Chou RobDiableL; RoisinM, choula [DeschQ V, 69], chu LapidffS 191D, 492D(p.306), 879D/20(p.317), 938D/5(p.320); RobClariL; DurmS 4182; EtSLouisV IV, 313; [GodBouillBruxR; ModusT; JPreisMyrG], Chu CartHain, chus RobClariL 15; [ChevCygneBruxM; ChevCygneBruxR], ci AucR3 VI, 26; Pères10C 461; EschieleMahW; AliscmH 3253, ciaulz RenR XII-XVII, 13313, ciaus Aiol1/2F 230; GilChinP; FossierCh p. 474; TerrEvêqueH S. 157; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 952, cie TerrEvêqueH S. 157; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, çie HuonAuvBrB, ciex BenDucM II, p.515; GilChinP, cis LapidalS 378 (corr.); JuiseR; ProvSalSanI; Aiol1/2F 936, 10700, 10711; MarieFabB; RègleHospCamS 1140; EscoufleS 8233; DurmG; DurmG; DurmS 4182; ChevBarBloisB; AucR3 XXII, 31; MelionT; GlDouaiE1 123; SThibAlH; AliscmH 4551, 4761, Cis VillehW; ConqIrlO; ConqIrlO, co PassionA s. 98 (v.33); PriseOrabR1; CantLandP 27, 47; DurmS 4182; HArciPèresO; CharroicL; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning; VillHonH2, Co ConqIrlO; ConqIrlO, co- CharroicL, ço AlexisP O, 3e; 11b; 21d; AlexisS1; RolB 352; BrendanW 9, 71, 546; BrendanW s. 189: 9, 71, 546; 546, 1218, 1593; GlKaraIsF n° 106; LapidalS 1, 4, 14, 19, 155, 167, 263, 266, 273; LapidalS 1236, 1263, 1283, 1288, 1291; LapidapS 100, 106, 125, 246; PhThCompS 1v, 81; 3v, 229, 257, 265; LoisGuillL; ProvSalSanI; ThebesC; CommPsia1G 13.12; MarieGuigW2; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; BenDucF; BenDucF; AdamG3; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 87; MarieFabW; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 10, 35, 80; ProtH; TristThomB 73, 164; TristThomW; FolTristOxfH 6, 29, 31, 182, 351, 366, 399; RecCoulTitH; AmbroiseP 53; SEdmPassG 9, 22, 60; VengRagF 5288; ChGuillI; TurpinBrianeS; AucR3 XXXIV 3; GuillMarM; ContGuillTyrSalJ; RésSauvcJ; HunbautW v. 3454; SimPouilleaB 860; EvEnfQuatrB 9, 16, 18; SThibAlH; BertaMilC; OgDanAlC; (sigles à datations multiples:) AppelChrest; Aspland; WaceMargK 125, çoe PhThCompS 1v, 51, 57; 2r, 89, 104, 125; 2v, 131; HornP; AlexArsM D 234/19; ThomKentF 5034; 2361, 3426; PrêtreJeand/yG 599; AlNeckCorrM 680; ApocGiffR 58; 1200; 107 etc.; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid D.1288, 1301, 1340, 1348, coo LoisGuillL, cou FloreaW; PiérardMons t.II, p.165, COU GuillPalMo, çou FloovA; BliocadranW; ChevCygneNaissT 61; EscoufleS 2832,9102; BalJosPr1M 38,60; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; CoincyChristO; AucR3 X 17, XX 11,14, XXIV 11,60, XL 20,40; GilChinP; JErartN II 27, XX 24; XIV 19; ChastVergiS; DehDoc 181; VMortAnW 26,12; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstPrC 56,151,174; RenMontlC 41,42;9185,10899,10627; MaccabeS 1066,631,3095; PéageDijonaM A, 23vo; JMoteRegrS p.183; JMoteRegrS p.195; [ChevCygneBruxR]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl 424,t.7, 74a248, Çou RobDiableL, çu PèresaK IX 85, çus [GodBouillBruxR], czo MirNDOrlM IV, 43; SimPouilleaB 1971; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, Escou CartHain, esçou Bueve1S 232, 4890, essou Bueve1S 7890, 9721, hice TristThomW, iço AlexisP O 106c; RolB; BrendanW S.197; LapidalS 16, 287, 379, 409, 789, 795, 1006, 1153, 1178, 1207, 1227, 1416, 1465, 1669, 1680; PhThCompS 1r, 39; 3r, 222, 8r, 495; 9v, 609; 11r, 753; ThebesC; CommPsia1G 418.12; 921.8; BenTroieC; BenDucF; AdamG3; MarieFabW 24,23; SGillesP 334, 525 etc.; AlexParA IV,228; TristThomB 21, 325, 593; TristThomW; FolTristOxfH 456, 576, 584; GaceBruléH; AmbroiseP 369; SEdmPassG; ChGuillI; RigomerF; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest p. 327; IpKH, içoe (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid D.1197, içou FloreaK 1119, 1434, Ise HAndH; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, s HervisH, s' ErecR 1110; FolTristOxfH; ChevVivM 466, 1489; GuiotProvinsO 1466; HervisH, se RCambrM; ChevVivM 461; GuiotProvinsO 5; BibleGuiotW V,38; FolTristBernH2 25; FlorenceW 367a; GautDargH; SimPouilleaB B268, 1665, 2271,etc.; CroisRichJ; FevresS 21b-3; FoukeB 83,27; GuerreMetzB; ProprChosMirK; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 40,91; ReidFabl; RivièrePast, Se ConqIrlO, se1 SGraalIIIJostO, séi FevresS 25-17, seo PhThCompS 33v, 3048; OakBookS; NicBozMorS, seos BanMetzW, ses FlorebK; ChevVivM 435, 436..; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; GuiotProvinsO; SGraalIIIJostO; FlorenceW 368a; HervisH; DocHMarneG; AuberiTarbé; CharroicL; SimPouilleaB C 2018, 4969; YsEudeR 284; GuerreMetzB; AliscmH 5 397; ChevPapH 55,9,30; 69,32; [ModusT 211,24; 217,18], seu CantLandP 76; HervisH; [ModusT 193, 70], SEU ThibBlaisN; BibleParQ, so FolTristOxfH 27, 52, 56, 128, 140, 163, 241, 246 etc., sou FloovA; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 D628, 1604; HervisH 829; CharroicL; (sigles à datations multiples:) DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL, yce AiquinJ; Bueve3S; PassEntreR 4199, 4375, ycen [ModusT 39, 25], yche DébCorpsArrL 68, ychon PiérardMons t.II, p.209, zo PassionA s 111 (v 272); PassionA; AlexParA t7, 32, 2, 37; RecCoulTitH; GesteFrancorR 3390; AliscmH 2207; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest 3/32; RaynMotets I p 135, 136)
  • “ceci, cela” (PassionA S. 124, v. 485...; PassionA S. 96 (v. 14), S. 97 (v. 29); PassionA; PassionA s. 98 (v.33); PassionA s 111 (v 272); PassionA; AlexisP O, 3e; 11b; 21d; AlexisP O 106c; AlexisS1 575; AlexisS1; RolB 347; RolB 352; RolB; BrendanW 9, 71, 546; BrendanW s. 189: 9, 71, 546; 546, 1218, 1593; BrendanW S.197; GlKaraIsF n° 106; LapidalS 538; LapidalS 27, 1120L, 1225, 1236L, 1545; LapidalS 62, 471 L, 663 L, 1254, 1697; LapidalS 378 (corr.); LapidalS 1, 4, 14, 19, 155, 167, 263, 266, 273; LapidalS 1236, 1263, 1283, 1288, 1291; LapidalS 16, 287, 379, 409, 789, 795, 1006, 1153, 1178, 1207, 1227, 1416, 1465, 1669, 1680; LapidapS 125N; LapidapS 81N, 246N; LapidapS 100, 106, 125, 246; LapidffS 176D, 339; LapidffS 698B; LapidffS 43, 119, 139C, 191, 282, 330, 350, 478, 486(corr.), 538C, 603, 738, 756, 758E, 759, 820, 860, 937; LapidffS 252 B, 287, 962 A; LapidffS 670/D18 (p. 312), 860D, 879D/7 (p. 317); LapidffS 191D, 492D(p.306), 879D/20(p.317), 938D/5(p.320); LapidffS 72D (p. 298), 331D, 623D (p. 310), 646D, 670D/5 (p. 311), 678D/15 (p. 313), 758D, 820D, 843D (p. 316), 919D; PhThCompS 33v, 3048; PhThCompS 1v, 81; 3v, 229, 257, 265; PhThCompS 17r, 1573, 1589, 1595, 1601; 31v, 2908; PhThCompS 1v, 51, 57; 2r, 89, 104, 125; 2v, 131; PhThCompS 1r, 39; 3r, 222, 8r, 495; 9v, 609; 11r, 753; WaceMargaK 124; WaceMargaK 124; GrantMalS2 1e, 6f, 38f, 45a, 61a, 64ad, 67e, 69a, 83a, 87d, 100a, 103f, 105f, 108a, 118e; JuiseR; JuiseR; WaceConcA; PhThSibS; CharroiPo t.II, 35; CharroiPo t.II, 35; CharroiPo t. II, 37; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; MonGuill1/2C; ProvSalSanI; ProvSalSanI; ProvSalSanI; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 38, 875; 8623; FloreaK 124, 233; FloreaK 559; FloreaK 1119, 1434; FloreaW; ThebesC; ThebesC; ChronSMichelB 147,158, 210; CommPsia1G 549. 6; CommPsia1G 13.12; CommPsia1G 418.12; 921.8; MarieChievreRi; MarieChievreRi; MarieGuigW2; MarieGuigW2; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; ErecR 1110; HornP; PhilomB 478, 502, 56etc.; PhilomB 135; RouH; BenDucF 207, 208, 4056; BenDucF; BenDucF; BenDucF; BenDucF; BenDucF 14830; BenDucF; BenDucF; BenDucM; BenDucM I, p. 340, v. 7404; BenDucM II, p.515; BenDucM I, p. 340, v. 7404; AdamG3; AdamG3; AdamG3; AdamG3; Aiol1/2F 3311; Aiol1/2F 230; Aiol1/2F 936, 10700, 10711; Aiol1/2F 45, 131, 170; Aiol1/2F 3436; MirNDOrlM I, 10, 29 etc.; MirNDOrlM IV, 43; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 87; CligesF p. 340; CligesG; CligesG; EstFougK 247; EstFougK; MarieFabB; MarieFabW; MarieFabW Pr. 11; 2, 13, 17, 24, 26; MarieFabW 24,23; MarieFabW2; MarieFabW2; FlorebK; SGillesP; SGillesP 10, 35, 80; SGillesP 334, 525 etc.; SSagOctS K 13, 213; AlexArsM D 234/19; AlexParA II, 257; AlexParA t7, 32, 2, 37; AlexParA IV,228; ProtH; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 1140; AimonFlH 8632; 10588; AimonFlH 742; RenR VII-IX, 6214; RenR VII-IX, 7768, 8241; RenR VII-IX, 9059; RenR XII-XVII, 13313; SMarieEgtS 55; SMarieEgtS 610; ThomKentF 6361, 6362; ThomKentF 5034; 2361, 3426; TristThomB; TristThomB 73, 164; TristThomB; TristThomB 21, 325, 593; TristThomW; TristThomW; TristThomW; TristThomW; TristThomW; CorE; FloovA; FloovA; FloovA; FolTristOxfH 831; FolTristOxfH; FolTristOxfH 6, 29, 31, 182, 351, 366, 399; FolTristOxfH 27, 52, 56, 128, 140, 163, 241, 246 etc.; FolTristOxfH 456, 576, 584; GaceBruléH; GraelentT; GraelentT; HermValS 3351, 5088; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 D628, 1604; RCambrM; RCambrM; RCambrM; RecCoulTitH; RecCoulTitH; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; Saisna/lB 943; SermMaurR; SermMaurR; SermMaurR; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 5, 32, s.G. 135; SimFreineGeorgM 135; PrêtreJeand/yG 599; BodelNicH 137, 506 etc.; VMortHélW 39,3,5; 41,7 etc.; AlNeckCorrM 680; AubereeC 418; BliocadranW; BliocadranW; CantLandP 76; CantLandP 27, 47; CantLandP 46, 63; CantLandP 1693; CantLandP 2181, 2201; ChevCygneNaissT 2057; ChevCygneNaissT 61; ChevEspJ Ch 19 etc.; ChevEspJ; ChevVivM D1892; ChevVivM 461; ChevVivM 466, 1489; ChevVivM 435, 436..; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ElucidaireiiiD; GuiotProvinsO; GuiotProvinsO 5; GuiotProvinsO 1466; GuiotProvinsO 11; GuiotProvinsO; GuiotProvinsO 220, 652, 1466; GuiotProvinsO 217; GuiotProvinsO 217; PoèmeMorB 88, 89, 101, 112 etc.; PoèmeMorB 242, 625, etc.; SGenB; EscoufleM 282b; EscoufleS 3314; EscoufleS 282b; EscoufleS 8233; EscoufleS 2832,9102; BodelCongéRu 113; GuillDoleL; GuillDoleL; VillehW; VillehW; VillehW; AiquinJ; AmbroiseP 53; AmbroiseP 369; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW V,38; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; ChevBarAnS; FolTristBernH2; FolTristBernH2; FolTristBernH2; FolTristBernH2 25; GuillPalMo; GuillPalMo; SEdmPassG 9, 22, 60; SEdmPassG; SGraalIIIJostO; SGraalIIIJostO; SGraalIIIJostO; SJeanAumU 809n; SJeanAumU 4463n; VengRagF 976, 4336, 4995; VengRagF 5288; BestGuillR 2; AimeriD; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; FlorenceW 368a; FlorenceW; FlorenceW 367a; FlorenceW; HervisH; HervisH; HervisH; HervisH; HervisH; HervisH 766; HervisH 766; HervisH 829; HervisH; ThibBlaisN; ThibBlaisN; PurgSPatrHarlV 13, 17, 36etc.; PurgSPatrHarlV; TurpinBrianeS; RobClariL; RobClariL 15; RobClariL; RobClariL; RobClariL 33, 15; BalJosPr1M 33, 66; BalJosPr1M 51, 55; BalJosPr1M 38,60; BalJosPr1M 32, 22; BalJosPr1M 32, 22; Bueve1S 694, 1149, 49, 134; Bueve1S 3, 817, 2150; Bueve1S 7890, 9721; Bueve1S 232, 4890; Bueve2S; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; DurmG; DurmG; DurmS 4182; DurmS 4182; DurmS 4182; DurmS 4182; DurmS 4182; GautDargH; GautDargH; GuillTyrP; GuillTyrP 8; GuillTyrP 6; OvArtElieK; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; BanMetzW; CoincyChristO 386; CoincyChristO; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrK; OmbreB2 15 etc.; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; CoincyI1...K 2273 var.; AucR3; AucR3 XVIII 24, XXVIII 9 (2), 10, XL 8, 32, 44; AucR3 XXXIV 3; AucR3; AucR3 XXII, 31; AucR3 X 17, XX 11,14, XXIV 11,60, XL 20,40; AucR3 VI, 26; MelionT; MorPhilP; MorPhilP; OiselWo 167, 169, 193 etc.; OiselWo 63, 206, 213 etc.; OrsonP; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; SCathCarlM; GuillMarM; ViolB; ViolB; ViolB; ViolB 12, 17; 823; 2379, 6132; 5906 3828, 4264, etc.; 11, 182, 234, etc.; 150, 616, 3302, etc.; 3117; 5420; 4031; ViolB; ViolB 1186; 15, 148 etc.; ConqIrlO; ConqIrlO; ConqIrlO; ConqIrlO; ConqIrlO; CoutVerdun1M 33, 26; CoutVerdun1M 90, 36; DocAubeC; RoselLangl; TristPrL 3, 29etc.; TristPrR; DocHMarneG; DocHMarneG; BeaumManS 6, 145; TournAntW 9, 16, 54, 89, etc.; AnsCartA 6679; FolLancB; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; HAndH; HAndH; JErartN II 27, XX 24; XIV 19; ParDuchP 78, 3021, p.621; ParDuchP 619 etc.; ParDuchP; PurgSPatrBerM; PurgSPatrBerM; BalainL; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 202, 14; 508, 25; MerlinsR 481, 49; MerlinsR; MerlinsR 423, 36; MerlinsR 385,16; MerlinsR 258, 17; MirAgn2K; AssJérBourgm/vK; FossierCh p. 474; AmDieuK Gos. 385; AuberiTarbé; BeaumS; BibleEntS 8216; BibleParQ; ChansSienaS; ChansSienaS; ClercVaudR; ContGuillTyrA 122; ContGuillTyrA 69; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; CristalB; DehDoc 181; DialSJulB 20 etc.; HArciPèresO; HuonR; HuonR; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 5634; JoufrF 1683; Pères10C 1023, 1029; Pères10C 47 ex.; Pères10C 461; Pères43B 32, 60, 66, 102; Pères51R1; RecCosmCamG2 p. 58; RigomerF; RésSauvcJ; RésSauvcJ; RésSauvcJ; TroisAvG 86, 102, 146, 186, 202, 239, 329, 125; VivMonbrancE 19,3; MahomL 1169, 1185, 1550; ...; MenReimsP; MenReimsW; AlgorAlexM; AlgorAlexM 5; AnticlC 1, 759, 2091; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; CourRenF 1412; GilebBernF; HunbautW v. 3454; MarqueA; VMortAnW 312, 7etc.; VMortAnW 26,12; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; BaudeFastCongéR 440; MoamT III,1,3; EtSLouisV IV, 313; CartHain; CartHain; BerteH 219, 1238; BerteH 2856; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroicL; ClarisA 4993; 22844; CoutWinchF; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstPrC 32, 33, 52 etc.; EmpConstPrC 56,151,174; EmpConstPrC; EvEnfB 985; EvEnfB 985; EvEnfB2; MédLiégH 5, 618; § 91; MédLiégH § 90; MédLiégH §90; PassCeliW; RenMontlC 437, 83; 3671, 3765; RenMontlC 914, 1414, 7957; 13054, 16636; RenMontlC 41,42;9185,10899,10627; SBath1B; SBath1B; SilenceT2; SimPouilleaB C 2018, 4969; SimPouilleaB B268, 1665, 2271,etc.; SimPouilleaB B 962; SimPouilleaB C 249, 561, etc; SimPouilleaB C 655, 3794; SimPouilleaB 1971; SimPouilleaB 860; YsEudeR 284; AdHaleFeuillL 68; AdHaleFeuillL 68; 252, 253, etc.; 208; AdHaleFeuillL 68; EnfOgH 3741; EnfOgS 5335; TerrEvêqueH S.156; TerrEvêqueH S. 157; TerrEvêqueH S. 157; TerrEvêqueH S. 157; TerrEvêqueH S. 157; RotParl4R 17, 108; RotParl4R 118; RotParl4R 18; AdHalePartN p. 140; AdHalePartN; ClefD 21, 63, 147; ClefD; ClefD 2232; RoisinM; ChastSGilS 182; ChastSGilS; CroisRichJ; CroisRichJ; EschieleMahW; EschieleMahW; AdHaleRobL; AdHaleRobV 38; AdHaleRobV p. 57, 32; CleomH 19, 6297; MaccabeS 1066,631,3095; GlDouaiE1 123; GlDouaiE1 114; HerberiePrF1 H I, 9 etc.; ApocGiffR 58; 1200; 107 etc.; AttilaPrB; AttilaPrB; CoutMerOltZ; CoutMerOltZ; CoutMerOltZ; EvEnfQuatrB 953, 1147; 1315 etc.; EvEnfQuatrB 43, 98, 362, 384, 458, 539, 844, 975, 1318, 1776, 1822, 1848, 1919, 1959; EvEnfQuatrB 9, 16, 18; GautChâtC 49, 58 etc.; GautChâtC 49, 61 etc.; GautChâtC 84; GautChâtC 75, 99; JobB 2880; JobB 144; JobG 552, 1178; 1000; JobG 165, 2305; JobG 585; PèresaK IX, 132; PèresaK 6; PèresaK IX 85; PéageDijonaM A, 23vo; SThibAlH; SThibAlH; SThibAlH; SThibAlH; SThibAlM 32,33, 115; SThibOctH; SThibOctH I, 18,22, 101; SThibOctH; PiérardMons t.II, p.165; PiérardMons t. II, p. 163; PiérardMons t. II, p. 163; PiérardMons t.II, p.209; TerrSVigorM 1,2,3,4,5, etc.; 65, 66, 67, 68; 137, 138; MPolRustR; FevresS 25-17; FevresS 4-1; 36-19; 38b-2; FevresS 21b-3; JacBaisT II, 56, 66, III, 214, IV, 47; OakBookS; OakBookS; PéageChalonbA 37; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1; FoukeB 83,27; NicBozEmpV 253; NicBozEmpV 47, 49, 265; NicBozMorS; NicBozMorS 9, 11; seo 110; AdvndC 62; AdvndC; AdvndC 62; AdvndC; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; BertaMilC; GesteFrancorR 11933; GesteFrancorR 3390; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 76, 159 etc; 90, 530 etc.; 5254; 2012, 2555etc.; GeoffrParChronD; MaillartR 4168, 4726, 5555, 5863, 6958; JCondM; DébCorpsArrL 21, 94, 96, 102 etc.; 161, 200, 219, 253, 320; 72bis; DébCorpsArrL 125, 178; DébCorpsArrL 60 bis, 149, 209, 322, 346; DébCorpsArrL; DébCorpsArrL; DébCorpsArrL 68; EntreeT 3, 274, etc.; 1403, etc.; GuerreMetzB; GuerreMetzB; PéageDijonbM B 21 vo, 23 ro; PéageDijonbM B 21 vo, 23 ro; DialGregEvrS 6143, 20821, 21151, 21567, 21571 etc.; DialGregEvrS 2757, 6182, 9770, 11446, 12560, 13412, 17123, 22042; DialGregEvrS 2757, 6182, 9770, 11446, 12560, 13412, 17123, 22042; DialGregEvrS 176, 216, 249, 349, 353, etc.; SGregJeanS; SGregJeanS; SGregJeanS; SGregJeanS; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvbS6 8219; GuiNantvProlC 631, 806 etc.; ProprChosMirK; ProprChosSq; JMoteRegrS p.183; JMoteRegrS p.195; MirNDPers1-40P 27 652; 28 1860; JDupinMelL 2267, 2747; JMoteVoieP 411, 3152; JMoteVoieP 25, 168; RegDijon1L; RenContrR 5588; InvJPreslD S.99; AliscmH 4392; AliscmH 5 397; AliscmH 3253; AliscmH 4551, 4761; AliscmH 3729, 1557; AliscmH 7302; AliscmH 2207; BastS 273; ChevPapH 13, 1; 22, 26; 18 u. ö.; ChevPapH 6,23; ChevPapH 1,29; 2,25; 51, 33; 10,6; ChevPapH 55,9,30; 69,32; LionBourgAlK; LionBourgAlK; LionBourgAlK 25006, 32892; LionBourgAlK 25006, 32892; PassEntreR 4199, 4375; SEvroulS; SMarg11T; TristNantS 12052; [ChevCygneBruxM; ChevCygneBruxR; ChevCygneBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; ModusT 193, 70; ModusT 211,24; 217,18; ModusT; ModusT; ModusT; ModusT; ModusT; ModusT; ModusT 39, 25; BaudSebB; AalmaR 12.175; AalmaR 7124; AalmaR 13. 515; SEust10P 130; DeschQ V, 69; GastPhébChasseT 54, 18; GastPhébChasseT; JPreisMyrG; JPreisMyrG; JPreisMyrG; JPreisMyrG; JPreisMyrG; ChOthéeF; BibbfW; BibbfW; BibbfW; SottiesP II, 147, v.23g; EvQuenJe 397; 1098; GesteMonglPrK 10, 172, 212, 224; MistHag5S 597; ArmArgM 120, 221; MistSGenisM; MistSGenisM; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AppelChrest; AppelChrest 15; AppelChrest 55b; AppelChrest 55b; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; BartschChrest p. 327; BartschChrest 40,91; BartschChrest 5, 83; 50, 26; BartschChrest p. 327; BartschHorning; BartschHorning; ConBethW1; ConstHamelR 131, 145, 159, 183; ConstHamelR 269, 322, 648...; ConstHamelR 952; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL p. 453; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL; GarLorrP I, 4; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; HenryChrest 3/32; HenryŒn; HenryŒn; HuntTeach; IpKH; NoomenFabl t.7, 421; NoomenFabl III, 16c/ s9; NoomenFabl 424,t.7, 74a248; PannierLapid D.1288, 1301, 1340, 1348; PannierLapid D.1197; RaynMotets I p 135, 136; RecHist XXI, 172; RecHist XXI, 183; ReidFabl; RivièrePast; StimmingMot; VillHonH2; WaceMargK 123; WaceMargK 125, ActesMfr4 p. 451; AnS 192, 86, 1956; BPH 1960, 766, 142; BTDial 50, 239; Boogaard 262 no 1902; BullRomNice 4- 5, 1989, p. 141; CCM 42,61; CCM 42,61; ContPerc TV 10166; ContPerc T 203, 5435; E 4585, 9267, 9268; ContPerc E 7259, 13156; Q 14364, 18672; DeesAtlas 313; DeesAtlas 313; DionVigne p. 240; FM 61, 89; FSt 8, 62; FSt 8, 348; FouletSynt §234ss; 486-488; FouletSynt §487; FouletSynt § 167; FouletSynt § 234 ss.; FouletSynt §234 ss.; GlutzMir 7, I315,3; GononQuot 1183; GononQuot 340, 766, 1183; Hassell C 203; KaiserMPol 167; KaiserMPol 167; KaiserMPol; KellerWace 328a; KellerWace 303a; 72b; 144b; 343a; 337a; 342b; 344a; KellerWace; KellerWace 303a; KunstmannRel 229, 286; LebsanftGruß p. 513,320; LevyHagin 1c14, 119a11; LiP No.76, A20,1980,p.21; MA 84, 530; MA 84, 530; MedAev 47(1978)128; Prol. v.2; MedAev 56(1987)333; Morlet 358; MélDufournet vol. III, vv. 25, 59, 136, S. 1048; NobelAng p. 25; NotExtr 34, 53; NotExtr 34, 53; Pope 844-847, A.N. 1254, 1255; Pope; Pope; Pope 844 - 847, A.N. 1257; Pope 849; Pope 849; R 66, 113; R 66, 128; R 89, 547; 90, 52; R 97, 200-201, 206; R 91, 122; R 90, 52; R 72; 134, 139, 162, 167, 173; 73, 433, 461; 75, 451, 454, R80,413-14; 82, 407; 84; 81,272; 88; 431; 90,52; R 68, 179; R 62, 43; R 85, 155; R 89, 560; R 530,532,536,539,541,543; R 113,266; R 92, 382; R 84, 414; R 77, 293; R 112, 467; R 85, 549; R 72, 151, 153, 158, 160, 168, 171, 180; R 80, 127; 84, 81; 90, 52; R 80, 127; 84, 81; 90, 52; R 82, 280; R 68, 179; R 72; 167, 177; 80, 413; 90, 52; R 84, 81; R 69, 101; 85, 122; R 86, 256; 90; 52, 401; R 72, 167; R 72, 167; 81, 242; R 69, 264; R 72, 159, 172, 179; R 97, 200-202, 206, 212; R 68, 189; R 92, 222; R 66, 113; R 66, 114; R 69, 277; R 75, 436; 84, 81; R 105 (1985) 497; R 69, 138; R 75, p. 436; RLaR v. 126, 98, 501; RLiR 30; RLiR T 59, 1995, S.570; RLiR 36, 443; RLiR 26, 307; RLiR 36, 443; RLiR 37, 181ss.; RLiR 37, 181; RLiR 49, 1985, 239; RLiR 30; RLiR 26, 304; RLiR 58, 170; RoPh 23, 604; SandqvistBen 107; SandqvistBen 36; 38; 66; SchelerJPreis 5563; SchelerJPreis 2137; Spec 61(1986) 439; StempelSatzv 467; StempelSatzv 469; StempelSatzv 468; TilLex; TraLiPhi 31, 226; 137, 990; 202,212; 212, 613; TraLiPhi 31, 223; TraLiPhi 31, 213; TraLiPhi 31, 247; VRo 232, 87; WoledgeSynt paragr.88; ZfSL 83, p.291ff.; ZrP 110(1994), 554; ZrP 96, 1980; p. 279; ZrP Sb 77, 235; [sigle] 3c; [sigle] 62, 66etc.; [sigle]; [sigle] S.126; [sigle] p. 135; [sigle]; [sigle] 528, TL; TL; TL 2,78,39; TL 2,78,39; TL 2,78,39; TL 2,78,39; TL 2,78,39; TL 2,78,39; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL XI, 875; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 2, 163b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC; AND 80a; AND 83a; AND 83a; AND 83a; AND 83a; AND 83a; AND 668a; AND 683a; AND 697b; AND 704 b; AND 84a; AND 84b; AND 375a; AND 86b; AND 86b; AND 97b; AND 99b; AND 102a/b; AND 102b; AND 102b; AND 114b; AND 119a; AND 138b; AND 359B; Lac VII, 78a; DCCarp S. 112; DCCarp 241b; TLF; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 4, 442a; FEW 4, 443a; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen S.209; II, 239; BurnellRen II, 239; II, 542; va 542; BurnellRen va 923; BurnellRen va 923; DiStefLoc 130; Foerster; Foerster; GlSuisse 3, 162a; LarLFr I, 635)
Cf. DMF ce1.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
ceci pron. dém.
[Gdf Suppl. 9, 13b; GdfC; TLF; FEW IV, 442b; DiStefLoc 130; GlSuisse 3,166b; LarLFr I, 636. – FM 27, 218; R 75, 454; R 75, 451; R 75, 454.⁠]
(cayci AiméHistNormB, ce_cy chSL 070 28, ceci FossierCh p. 559; TroisAvG 282, cecis ChMa225 6, cecy (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 88,73; 97, 237, sési FevresS 159-19, séti FevresS 806-10; 82b-1; 84-2)
  • 1o“cette chose-ici” (FossierCh p. 559; TroisAvG 282; FevresS 159-19; FevresS 806-10; 82b-1; 84-2; AiméHistNormB; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 88,73; 97, 237, FM 27, 218; R 75, 454; R 75, 451; R 75, 454, Gdf Suppl. 9, 13b; GdfC; TLF; FEW IV, 442b; DiStefLoc 130; GlSuisse 3,166b; LarLFr I, 636)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMa225 6; chSL 070 28)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
cela pron. dém.
[Gdf Suppl.9, 14b; TLF; FEW 4, 442b; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 131; GlSuisse 3, 171a; LarLFr I, 638. – MatHistVoc1; R 75; 436, 451, 454.⁠]
(cela [MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 97, 156)
  • “cette chose” ([MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 97, 156, MatHistVoc1; R 75; 436, 451, 454, Gdf Suppl.9, 14b; TLF; FEW 4, 442b; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 131; GlSuisse 3, 171a; LarLFr I, 638)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
ice pron. dém.
[Gdf 4, 537a,b; Gdf 4, 537c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 359A; BurnellRen II, 178; II, 1329; Foerster; Foerster; REW 3-4158. – ContPerc T 12769; T3221; CorB C537; R 101; Morlet 330; RLiR 26, 307; WunderliEschiele 185ss..⁠]
(ic GuiotProvinsO 280, 1020 etc., ice LapidalS 423M; LapidffS 43E, 236, 373; WaceConcA 147, 544, 1388, 1411; CharroiPo t.II, 104; MonGuill1/2C 351/4425; EneasS1 1931; ChronSMichelB; BenDucF; CligesG; EstFougK 254, 256, 379r, 611, 613, 925, 1159r; FlorebK 1466, 2133; FlorebP 1463, 1468; RenR X-XI, 11616; TristThomB; TristThomW; FloovA; HermValS 5919; AubereeC 29; ChevEspJ M 420, 1036; ChevVivM; EscoufleM 297b; EscoufleS 6632, 7610; AiquinJ 1722; BibleGuiotW; FolTristBernH2 423; GuibAndrM 199, 300, 699, 950; AimeriD; FlorenceW 338b; 2370, 2741, 3217, 4121, 5308; BlancandS 3934, 4075 etc.; Bueve2S; DurmG 692; FergF 6290; 4428, 4898; OvArtElieK 525, 1221; ChevBarBloisB; LancPrK; OmbreB2 601; MorPhilP 6350; OrsonP 422, 553; CoincyII9Kr 2690; TristPrC 125,6; ArtusS 93, 37; 111, 39; 123, 41; 136, 31; 165, 32; FolLancB 83.70, 98.708; FolLancB; FournChansL; ParDuchP 1466, 1861, 2739,etc.; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA 503; BeaumS; DialSJulB; HArciPèresO 16, 27, 4867, 182, 1505, 5683; 265, 317; Pères10C 140; Pères43B; chCOr057 4; chCOr123 51; CharroicL; GarMonglMü/Me/S 998; SThibAlH II8, 227, 420; SThibAlM 8, 227, 420; PassPalF 274; GeoffrParChronD; ChirChevP p. 417; RenContrR 221; SEvroulS; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 80; GarLorrP I, 70; MontRayn I, 185, 196 etc.; ReidFabl; RivièrePast, Ice JostPletR; EvNicAgnP, icen BenDucF 20296; SPaulEnfPeinesK 413; DialGregEvrS p. 980, iceo PhThCompS 18r, 1675; 18v, 1750; 19r, 1774; SThomGuernW1 366, 811, 1131; EdmK 31, 1107, 1226, 3611; RègleHospCamS 846, 1000, 1005, 1015, 1108, 1119, 1277; CorE; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 206, 298,s.G. 159; RésSauvcJ, Iceo MirAgn2K, iceol AlexisS1, iche CoincyII1...K 360var.; AuberiTarbé; CharroicL; EvEnfB 510; EvEnfB2; SoneG 4821, Iche RobDiableL, ichés EvEnfB 1646; EvEnfB2, icho PhThCompS 1r, 12; Aiol1/2F 2128; ElieF 1291; RecCoulTitH, ichou GysselingDocAnc p.198, ico CantLandP 392; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 25, 15; 473, 9, icou AlexParA I, var.102, 2118; AlexParA II(ß93)1534; ChevCygneNaissT 673, ise GuiotProvinsO; HAndVinbH; (sigles à datations multiples:) SGreg 937)
  • 1o“ce, ceci, cela; tandis que; alors” (GysselingDocAnc p.198; AlexisS1; LapidalS 423M; LapidffS 43E, 236, 373; PhThCompS 1r, 12; PhThCompS 18r, 1675; 18v, 1750; 19r, 1774; WaceConcA 147, 544, 1388, 1411; CharroiPo t.II, 104; MonGuill1/2C 351/4425; EneasS1 1931; ChronSMichelB; BenDucF; BenDucF 20296; SThomGuernW1 366, 811, 1131; Aiol1/2F 2128; CligesG; EstFougK 254, 256, 379r, 611, 613, 925, 1159r; EdmK 31, 1107, 1226, 3611; FlorebK 1466, 2133; FlorebP 1463, 1468; AlexParA I, var.102, 2118; AlexParA II(ß93)1534; RègleHospCamS 846, 1000, 1005, 1015, 1108, 1119, 1277; RenR X-XI, 11616; TristThomB; TristThomW; CorE; ElieF 1291; FloovA; HermValS 5919; RecCoulTitH; RobDiableL; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 206, 298,s.G. 159; AubereeC 29; CantLandP 392; ChevCygneNaissT 673; ChevEspJ M 420, 1036; ChevVivM; GuiotProvinsO 280, 1020 etc.; GuiotProvinsO; EscoufleM 297b; EscoufleS 6632, 7610; AiquinJ 1722; BibleGuiotW; FolTristBernH2 423; GuibAndrM 199, 300, 699, 950; AimeriD; FlorenceW 338b; 2370, 2741, 3217, 4121, 5308; BlancandS 3934, 4075 etc.; Bueve2S; DurmG 692; FergF 6290; 4428, 4898; OvArtElieK 525, 1221; ChevBarBloisB; LancPrK; OmbreB2 601; HAndVinbH; MorPhilP 6350; OrsonP 422, 553; CoincyII1...K 360var.; CoincyII9Kr 2690; TristPrC 125,6; ArtusS 93, 37; 111, 39; 123, 41; 136, 31; 165, 32; FolLancB 83.70, 98.708; FolLancB; FournChansL; ParDuchP 1466, 1861, 2739,etc.; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA 503; MirAgn2K; AuberiTarbé; BeaumS; DialSJulB; HArciPèresO 16, 27, 4867, 182, 1505, 5683; 265, 317; Pères10C 140; Pères43B; RésSauvcJ; SPaulEnfPeinesK 413; JostPletR; CharroicL; CharroicL; EvEnfB 510; EvEnfB 1646; EvEnfB2; EvEnfB2; EvNicAgnP; GarMonglMü/Me/S 998; SThibAlH II8, 227, 420; SThibAlM 8, 227, 420; SoneG 4821; PassPalF 274; GeoffrParChronD; DialGregEvrS p. 980; ChirChevP p. 417; RenContrR 221; SEvroulS; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 25, 15; 473, 9; ConstHamelR 80; GarLorrP I, 70; MontRayn I, 185, 196 etc.; ReidFabl; RivièrePast; SGreg 937, ContPerc T 12769; T3221; CorB C537; R 101; Morlet 330; RLiR 26, 307; WunderliEschiele 185ss., Gdf 4, 537a,b; Gdf 4, 537c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 359A; BurnellRen II, 178; II, 1329; Foerster; Foerster; REW 3-4158)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chCOr057 4; chCOr123 51)