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[TL; TL 2,448,4; Gdf; Gdf 2, 141a; Gdf; Gdf; AND 99b; Corom 4, 1161b. – CahLex 16, 1970, 124; CorB C 25; MélGam4 590; VRo 18, 143.]
(chit Aiol1/2F; SJeanEvW, cis SMarieEgtS 145; LionBourgAlK 25495, 28167, cit CharroiM 206, 834; CharroiPo t.II, 42; MonGuill1/2C; BenTroieC; SThomGuernW1 168, 4932, 5661; Aiol1/2F 126, 610, 1633; Aiol1/2N 126; AlexArsM B 392, 409, 588; RCambrM; Saisna/lB 951; PriseCordD 2108, 2123; BibleDécb/eN; DoonRocheM 721, 1124 etc.; GirVianeE 2412; GuibAndrM 1996; NarbS 98, 492; BestGuillR 2206, 2201; AngDialGregP v.2073; AimeriD 501, 1560; FlorenceW 2114; MortAymC 584, 1954; AntBerW 17,92; SJeanEvW 746; TrubertR; TrubertR 2327; AuberiTarbé; CesTuimAlC 232; 355; 569 etc.; HuonR 602, 605, 634, 658, 833 etc.; CharroicL; ClarisA 5199, 7281; SimPouilleaB B 873; SimPouilleaB 281; PèresaK II,145; VIII,52; XI, 36,53; XII, 180; XIIII, 1,5; TristNantS 1139, 4271, 8000 etc.; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 8,74; 8,184; 3,62; 24,42; BartschChrest 6, 139; 17, 231, Cit RobDiableL, CIT CesTuimAlC)
- ◆“cité, ville” (CharroiM 206, 834; CharroiPo t.II, 42; MonGuill1/2C; BenTroieC; SThomGuernW1 168, 4932, 5661; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F 126, 610, 1633; Aiol1/2N 126; AlexArsM B 392, 409, 588; SMarieEgtS 145; RCambrM; RobDiableL; Saisna/lB 951; PriseCordD 2108, 2123; BibleDécb/eN; DoonRocheM 721, 1124 etc.; GirVianeE 2412; GuibAndrM 1996; NarbS 98, 492; BestGuillR 2206, 2201; AngDialGregP v.2073; AimeriD 501, 1560; FlorenceW 2114; MortAymC 584, 1954; AntBerW 17,92; SJeanEvW; SJeanEvW 746; TrubertR; TrubertR 2327; AuberiTarbé; CesTuimAlC; CesTuimAlC 232; 355; 569 etc.; HuonR 602, 605, 634, 658, 833 etc.; CharroicL; ClarisA 5199, 7281; SimPouilleaB B 873; SimPouilleaB 281; PèresaK II,145; VIII,52; XI, 36,53; XII, 180; XIIII, 1,5; LionBourgAlK 25495, 28167; TristNantS 1139, 4271, 8000 etc.; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 8,74; 8,184; 3,62; 24,42; BartschChrest 6, 139; 17, 231, CahLex 16, 1970, 124; CorB C 25; MélGam4 590; VRo 18, 143, TL 2,448,4; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 2, 141a; Gdf; AND 99b; Corom 4, 1161b)
Cf. ANDEl cit; DMF cit.