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toutes fiches de l’article
fiches par lemme
compot m.
[FEW 2,997b lt. COMPUTUS – TL; TL 2,637,6; AND 129a; DCCarp S. 119; FEW; FEW II, 2 997b. – FM 28, 212; MatHistVoc1; MatoréVocMéd p 90.]
(compost [DeschQ III, 269], compot PhThCompS 8r, 484; 2r, 90; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 66, 7; 67, 17, compu PhThCompS 1r,Titel, comput CompAn2M, conpost AlgorBodlW 151, 161, 197 etc, conpot AlgorBodlW 2, 5, 9, 22 etc, cumpot PhThCompS 1v, 47; 14v, 1386)
- ◆“comput; calendrier des fêtes mobiles dressé selon les données astronomiques” (PhThCompS 8r, 484; 2r, 90; PhThCompS 1r,Titel; PhThCompS 1v, 47; 14v, 1386; CompAn2M; AlgorBodlW 151, 161, 197 etc; AlgorBodlW 2, 5, 9, 22 etc; [DeschQ III, 269]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 66, 7; 67, 17, FM 28, 212; MatHistVoc1; MatoréVocMéd p 90, TL; TL 2,637,6; AND 129a; DCCarp S. 119; FEW; FEW II, 2 997b)
Cf. ANDEl compot; DMF compost1.
fiches par lemme
●compotistiien m.
[TL 2,637,15; TL 2,637,15; TL; Gdf II, 212c; AND 129a.]
(compotistïen PhThCompS 24v.2314; 33v, 3050, compotisties [AalmaR 2177], cumpotestïens PhThCompS 4r, 305, cumpotistïens PhThCompS 4v, 351, compotistien (sigles à datations multiples:) PhThCompS 3050)
- ◆“celui qui fait un comput” (PhThCompS 24v.2314; 33v, 3050; PhThCompS 4r, 305; PhThCompS 4v, 351; [AalmaR 2177]; (sigles à datations multiples:) PhThCompS 3050, TL 2,637,15; TL 2,637,15; TL; Gdf II, 212c; AND 129a)
fiches par lemme
●compotiste m.
[TL; MED 2, 472b; FEW II, 2 997b.]
- ◆“celui qui est savant dans la science du comput” (TL; MED 2, 472b; FEW II, 2 997b)
Cf. DMF compostiste.
fiches par lemme
●computacion f.
(computacion [AmphYpL2; AalmaR 3459], compŭtacion [AalmaR 1143])
- ◆“manière de compter, méthode de supputation du temps, comput” ([AmphYpL2; AalmaR 3459; AalmaR 1143], MatHistVoc1)