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fiches par lemme
comun adj.
[FEW 2,961a lt. COMMŪNIS – TL 8,59; TL 2,640,13; TL 2,640,13; TL; Gdf 2,196c; Gdf 2,198b; Gdf II, 190a; GdfC 9,134c, 135a; AND 105b; AND 106b; AND 106b; AND 106b; AND 106b; AND 107a; AND 108b; AND 129a; Lac VII,127b; DCCarp S.118; DCCarp S.119; DCCarp 247b; TLF 842; FEW; FEW 2,2;962b; FEW 2,2 962-b; FEW 2,2, 961-a, 961-b, 962-a; FEW 2,2, 961-a; FEW; FEW 2,2, 962-a; FEW 961b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen va 1115, va 295; DiStefLoc 184; GlSuisse 4,198a; LexMA 1,985; LevyTrés. – BCRHist 9,1845,p.139 z.2; BEC 41,1880,p.393,z.21; BPH 1899,p.71,z.18,26; BPH 1892,p.200,z.14,34; BPH 1892, p.200, z.19; BTDial 51,163; BTDial 51,164; Bartzsch p166; CarolusCh; CarolusCh; Drüppel 76Fn.111; FennisGal S.599; GemmArb S.10f; Hassell C184, C259,11 199; KellerWace 156a;201a;305a; LevyHagin 1d5; MantouVoc Ba.12M.625 etc; MantouVoc Zr.1348.2; Messelaar 29,36; Messelaar 29,44; Messelaar; Morlet 183; Morlet 340; Morlet 107; Morlet 87; Morlet 218; Morlet 229; Morlet 340; MélHeinimann S.53-57,66; MélHeinimann s.66; MöhrenLand; Pope 757,780; R 116,14; R 101,72; RF 97,227; RF 97(1985)227; RLiR 50,1986,643; RoJb 29, 177; Runk p.77; Runk p.68; Runk p.156; Runk p.140; SchelerJPreis 3206; ZrP 109(1993)433; ZrP 88,252; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] 4,405; [sigle]; [sigle] 187b 19; [sigle].]
(co(m)mun SBernCantG, comain [RégSantélC 50r], Comain VillehW, comin BenDucM I,p.529, en note, col.2; RobClariL; GuillMarM; EustMoineC 123; GilChinP; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 3610; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 3610; VMortAnW 2,1; AdHaleFeuillD notes 379; TerrEvêqueH s.216; GlDouceH Z603; JCourtPlaitaK 788; [GodBouillBruxR], commain AlexParA 207, 69, 1655; AlexParA 167, 30, 617; AlexParA 168, 30 617; AlexParA Bd 4, p 106; AlexParA t5, Index; VMortAnW 145, 2, commaine AlexParA 196, 58, 1419, commoin [JPreisMyrG 5200a], common VoeuxPaonR II 3236, commons EstFougK 163, commouns VoeuxPaonR II 4489, 4500, III 8097, commugne PiérardMons t.II,p.164, commūm BibleEntS 8038, commun GysselingDocAnc p.204,z.37; AlexisP O62c p.115; LapidffS 670D/17 p.312; ProvSalSanI; GautArrIllC; EstFougK 168; ThomKentF 942,6708; Saisna/lB 953; BodelNicH 764,1176,826; BodelNicH 453,1099*; AlNeckUtensH p.248; GuiotProvinsO 38,1708,2529; EspDouai 3,p.27,z.7; MuséeArchDép p.127,z.18,20,21; HerbomezTourn p.14,z.5; BibleGuiotW; AngDialGregP 147roa; BalJosCamA 13233; Bueve2S 12 362; GautDargR XXII,116; GuillTyrP 393; LancPrM VI,15;IX,1; CoincyI41/42R 505; HAndVinbH; MorPhilP 1947,6155; RenclCarH; LesortLorr p.410,z.12; ChansArtB XXIV,218; ViolB 6599; WaillyCollLorr p.22, z.11; CoutVerdun1M 98,16; DocAubeC *3-1; TristPrMé 22,11; DocHMarneG 159,5;159,9; DocVosL; DocHainR 18;etc; FournChansL; MirourEdmaW 7.8,7.9; FossierCh 477,473,p.304; FossierCh p.520; FossierCh p.535; DialSJulB 1925; EpJérN 1659; EspVerlinden 1,10,113; PoireM; PoireM; CompRalfH l.437; MenReimsP 448; MenReimsW 448; VMortAnW 32,3; BrunLatC; CoutStAmandM; HaginL 1d;65b; CoutWinchF; EmpConstOctC 518; SBath1B; AdHalePartN IX,40; ClefD 429,441,576,2784; BeaumCoutS 711,739,1049; BeaumCoutS 154,155,169,etc; CroisRichJ; JobB 427,2163,221,2162;222; JurésSOuenD 705B; PiérardMons t.II,p.164; JMeunTestB; ChaceOisi2H 6,3; ChaceOisi2H; GeoffrParChronD 7862,4600,7088,5821; GeoffrParChronD 408,2056,etc.; JCondM; JCondM; GuerreMetzB; GirRossAlH 4478,3056; ProprChosMirK; JDupinMelL 295B; LionBourgAlK 29438; [AmphYpP 54; FroissEspF1 1155; DenFoulB1; FroissPrisF 530,1022,3311,3050; OrdAdmZ; GaceBuigneB 988,1267,4822...; DeschQ V,414; GastPhébChasseT 61-11; FaucPetrusFrbL; GrebanP 26230; GlPoitH]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 60,70; HuntTeach; NoomenFabl 423,t.7; NoomenFabl t.9, 329a, 11248; NyströmMén IX, 91; RecHist XXIII,1111; AngDialGregO2 143, 4152, 19704 etc., Commun VillehW; PèresPrI5/7S; ChansArtJ; RoisinM; GuillMachC; [RenMontbV]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn; HenryŒn, COMMUN GuillPalMo; LMestL, commun(s) BougWyffCal, commune AlexisS1 308; BibleDécb/eN; DocAubeC *1/2ro-32; MenReimsP 159,435; MenReimsW 159;435; BrendanPr1W; ChevFustSa 15543; [AmphYpL2], Commune RègleSBenNicH; ChevFustSa, commune, place c. JAntOtiaP, communes (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg 223, commung [RégSantélC 50v], communs GautArrIllLe; MortArtuF2 175,11; DurmS 2689; CheviiEspI; CoutNormT p102; ConcLyonC 307; CensToulO 14; JoinvW1 342a,76d; GirRossAlH 2667, Communs CartHain, comon OakBookS; GesteFrancorR 7248, comun GysselingDocAnc p.208,z.9; WaceConcA 408; EneasS1 6593,530; MarieGuigW2 Ch.139,:389;El.263,708; BenTroieC; GautArrErR 1947; MarieFabW2; RègleHospCamS 1000,1427;665,994,1094; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph.395; HerbomezTourn p.13,z.13; AmbroiseP 720; Perl1N; BestGuillR 2932; FetRomF1; LancPrK; DolopL; RenclCarH; DocAubeC 26-7; EustMoineF; MirourEdmaW; AspinChansPol; HArciPèresO 2417,3942,6852; LSimplMedD; Pères10C 44; EnanchetF 7,12;7,13;7,16;14,5; BrouwersChNam; AssJérJIbB t.I p.309,372; AssJérJIbB T.I,309, ikid.p.372; MartCanL; JPrioratR 3900,4392; FevresS 132-7;137b-16;229-22; OakBookS; PéageChalonbA 79,93; ChronTemplTyrM; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 2,8;9,308;75c,101;86,79; BartschChrest 79,19;48,129;74,53; BartschHorning 424,16;639,23; HuntTeach; RecHist 963, comune SDomM, comuniels SecrSecrPr7B p241, comuns GarLorrI; HosebAnO C.37(s.432); (sigles à datations multiples:) CheviiEspF 8154, Comuns VillehW, conmun BenDucF 126, 2633 etc; RicheutV; ChevVivM; ChevVivM 1609; SJeanEvW 490, 499; 610; RoselLec; MirNDPers1-40P 5 57; 13 352 etc; [AalmaR 2124; SEust10P 385], conmunalement FlorebP 429, 2966, conmune TristBérG 1193; TristBérG 4163; DocFlandrM, Conmune(s) BibleMacéS3, conmunes GuillDoleL 4390; [LégDorVignBatallD], conmuns GuillDoleL 5154; PBeauvGerJ; DocFlandrM p 127; DocFlandrM p 127, Conmuns BibleMacéS3, coumain AnsCartA 794D,7853B, coumon DocHMarneG 230,4, coumoun MartCanL, coumun ContGuillTyrRothA 636, Coumun LMestL, coumune AssJérRoiG, cummun HornP, cumune RolB 357; RecLondB p. 501, Z. 33, de comun CourtAmS 2705, Kemun MaccabGautS, kemune MaccabGautS, Kemuns ChevFustSa, quemun DocAubeC 2/62r°-8; AdHaleRobL p.15; AdHaleRobV p.16; JMoteRegrS p.163; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI,86, Quemun LMestL; RoisinM, quemune GuillMarM, quemuns AlexParA var.125,2599; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9,355a, QUEMUNS BodelNicH4)
- ◆“qui est le fait de plusieurs personnes ou de plusieurs choses” (GysselingDocAnc p.204,z.37; AlexisP O62c p.115; AlexisS1 308; RolB 357; LapidffS 670D/17 p.312; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 6593,530; MarieGuigW2 Ch.139,:389;El.263,708; BenTroieC; HornP; BenDucF 126, 2633 etc; BenDucM I,p.529, en note, col.2; GautArrErR 1947; GautArrIllC; GautArrIllLe; EstFougK 163; EstFougK 168; MarieFabW2; FlorebP 429, 2966; RicheutV; AlexParA var.125,2599; AlexParA 196, 58, 1419; RègleHospCamS 1000,1427;665,994,1094; GarLorrI; SBernCantG; ThomKentF 942,6708; TristBérG 1193; TristBérG 4163; Saisna/lB 953; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph.395; BodelNicH 764,1176,826; BodelNicH 453,1099*; BodelNicH4; AlNeckUtensH p.248; ChevVivM; ChevVivM 1609; GuiotProvinsO 38,1708,2529; AssJérRoiG; EspDouai 3,p.27,z.7; MuséeArchDép p.127,z.18,20,21; HerbomezTourn p.13,z.13; HerbomezTourn p.14,z.5; GuillDoleL 4390; GuillDoleL 5154; VillehW; VillehW; AmbroiseP 720; BibleDécb/eN; BibleGuiotW; GuillPalMo; PBeauvGerJ; Perl1N; PèresPrI5/7S; RègleSBenNicH; BestGuillR 2932; AngDialGregP 147roa; FetRomF1; MortArtuF2 175,11; BalJosCamA 13233; RobClariL; Bueve2S 12 362; DurmS 2689; GautDargR XXII,116; DolopL; CoincyI41/42R 505; DocFlandrM; HAndVinbH; MorPhilP 1947,6155; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW 490, 499; 610; GuillMarM; LesortLorr p.410,z.12; WaillyCollLorr p.22, z.11; CoutVerdun1M 98,16; DocAubeC 26-7; DocAubeC *3-1; DocAubeC 2/62r°-8; DocAubeC *1/2ro-32; RoselLec; TristPrMé 22,11; DocHMarneG 159,5;159,9; DocHMarneG 230,4; DocVosL; DocHainR 18;etc; AnsCartA 794D,7853B; GilChinP; MirourEdmaW; MirourEdmaW 7.8,7.9; FossierCh 477,473,p.304; FossierCh p.520; FossierCh p.535; BibleEntS 8038; EpJérN 1659; EspVerlinden 1,10,113; HArciPèresO 2417,3942,6852; LSimplMedD; PoireM; Pères10C 44; SDomM; MenReimsP 159,435; MenReimsW 159;435; BrendanPr1W; BrouwersChNam; VMortAnW 2,1; VMortAnW 32,3; BrunLatC; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; MaccabGautS; MaccabGautS; CoutStAmandM; HaginL 1d;65b; CartHain; ConcLyonC 307; CoutWinchF; EmpConstOctC 518; MartCanL; SBath1B; TerrEvêqueH s.216; AdHalePartN IX,40; ClefD 429,441,576,2784; RoisinM; AdHaleRobL p.15; AdHaleRobV p.16; ChevFustSa; ChevFustSa 15543; ChevFustSa; BrutContB 967, 2465; BrutContB 1337; CourtAmS 2705; GlDouceH Z603; HosebAnO C.37(s.432); JAntOtiaP; JPrioratR 3900,4392; JobB 427,2163,221,2162;222; PiérardMons t.II,p.164; PiérardMons t.II,p.164; JMeunTestB; BibleMacéS3; BibleMacéS3; FevresS 132-7;137b-16;229-22; OakBookS; OakBookS; SecrSecrPr7B p241; JoinvW1 342a,76d; ChaceOisi2H 6,3; ChaceOisi2H; GesteFrancorR 7248; VoeuxPaonR II 3236; GeoffrParChronD 7862,4600,7088,5821; JCondM; JCondM; ChronTemplTyrM; GuerreMetzB; JCourtPlaitaK 788; GirRossAlH 2667; JMoteRegrS p.163; MirNDPers1-40P 5 57; 13 352 etc; [AmphYpL2; AmphYpP 54; FroissEspF1 1155; FroissPrisF 530,1022,3311,3050; OrdAdmZ; AalmaR 2124; DeschQ V,414; GastPhébChasseT 61-11; JPreisMyrG 5200a; RenMontbV; FaucPetrusFrbL; LégDorVignBatallD; GlPoitH]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 143, 4152, 19704 etc.; Aspland; BartschChrest 2,8;9,308;75c,101;86,79; BartschChrest 60,70; BartschHorning 424,16;639,23; DouëtNArg 223; HenryŒn; HenryŒn; HuntTeach; HuntTeach; NoomenFabl 423,t.7; NoomenFabl t.9, 329a, 11248; NoomenFabl t.9,355a; RecHist XXIII,1111; RecHist XXI,86; RecHist 963, BCRHist 9,1845,p.139 z.2; BEC 41,1880,p.393,z.21; BPH 1899,p.71,z.18,26; BPH 1892,p.200,z.14,34; BPH 1892, p.200, z.19; CarolusCh; Drüppel 76Fn.111; FennisGal S.599; GemmArb S.10f; Hassell C184, C259,11 199; KellerWace 156a;201a;305a; LevyHagin 1d5; Messelaar 29,36; Messelaar; Morlet 340; Morlet 107; Morlet 87; Morlet 340; Morlet 183; MélHeinimann S.53-57,66; MélHeinimann s.66; MöhrenLand; Pope 757,780; R 116,14; R 101,72; Runk p.156; Runk p.140; SchelerJPreis 3206; ZrP 88,252; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] 4,405; [sigle] 187b 19; [sigle]; [sigle], TL 2,640,13; TL; TL 2,640,13; TL 8,59; Gdf 2,198b; Gdf II, 190a; GdfC 9,134c, 135a; AND 105b; AND 106b; AND 106b; AND 106b; AND 107a; AND 108b; AND 129a; Lac VII,127b; DCCarp 247b; TLF 842; FEW; FEW 2,2, 962-a; FEW 2,2, 961-a, 961-b, 962-a; FEW; FEW 961b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen va 1115, va 295; GlSuisse 4,198a; LexMA 1,985; LevyTrés)
- ◆loc. adv. tout a comun “très largement” (RLiR 50,1986,643)
- ◆adj. subst. m. “personnes représentant le plus grand nombre; les gens, le peuple” (GysselingDocAnc p.208,z.9; WaceConcA 408; AlexParA 207, 69, 1655; AlexParA 167, 30, 617; AlexParA 168, 30 617; AlexParA Bd 4, p 106; AlexParA t5, Index; VillehW; GuillTyrP 393; LancPrK; LancPrM VI,15;IX,1; DocFlandrM p 127; DocFlandrM p 127; ChansArtB XXIV,218; ChansArtJ; ViolB 6599; CheviiEspI; EustMoineC 123; EustMoineF; FournChansL; AspinChansPol; DialSJulB 1925; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 3610; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 3610; PoireM; EnanchetF 7,12;7,13;7,16;14,5; CompRalfH l.437; MenReimsP 448; MenReimsW 448; ContGuillTyrRothA 636; CoutNormT p102; AssJérJIbB t.I p.309,372; AssJérJIbB T.I,309, ikid.p.372; VMortAnW 145, 2; MartCanL; AdHaleFeuillD notes 379; BeaumCoutS 711,739,1049; BeaumCoutS 154,155,169,etc; RoisinM; CroisRichJ; BougWyffCal; CensToulO 14; JurésSOuenD 705B; PéageChalonbA 79,93; VoeuxPaonR II 4489, 4500, III 8097; GeoffrParChronD 408,2056,etc.; GirRossAlH 4478,3056; ProprChosMirK; JDupinMelL 295B; GuillMachC; LionBourgAlK 29438; [GodBouillBruxR; DenFoulB1; SEust10P 385; GaceBuigneB 988,1267,4822...; GrebanP 26230]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 79,19;48,129;74,53; CheviiEspF 8154; NyströmMén IX, 91, BTDial 51,163; BTDial 51,164; Bartzsch p166; CarolusCh; MantouVoc Ba.12M.625 etc; MantouVoc Zr.1348.2; Messelaar 29,44; Morlet 218; Morlet 229; RF 97,227; RF 97(1985)227; RoJb 29, 177; Runk p.68; ZrP 109(1993)433, Gdf 2,196c; AND 106b; DCCarp S.118; DCCarp S.119; FEW 2,2 962-b; FEW 2,2, 961-a; FEW 2,2;962b; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 184)
- ◆adj. subst. m. “troupes fournies par les communes” (GuillMarM)
- ◆adj. subst. m. “espèce de poisson” ([RégSantélC 50v; RégSantélC 50r])
- ◆adj. subst. m. “ordures” (Runk p.77)
- ◆loc. subst. comune lei “droit établi par l'usage, à l'origine non écrit” (RecLondB p. 501, Z. 33)
Cf. ANDEl commun1; DMF commun.
fiches par lemme
●comunablement adv.
[TL; Gdf 2,196c; AND 105b; AND 108b. – HoltusEntree 164,170,258.]
(comunablemant RésSauvcJ, comunablement EntreeT 14025)
- ◆“communément, en commun” (RésSauvcJ; EntreeT 14025, HoltusEntree 164,170,258, TL; Gdf 2,196c; AND 105b; AND 108b)
Cf. DMF communalement.
fiches par lemme
●comunaille f.
[TL; TL 2,643,10; Gdf 2,197a; Gdf 2,197a; FEW 2,2 963-a.]
(communaille AlexParA II,32 var. t.5; AlexParA II (ß2) 32, var.t.5; chHS047 3; chHS047 4; chHS047 4; chHS047 5; chHS047 6; chHS047 12; chHS047 14; chHS047 14; chHS047 14; chHS047 14; chHS047 15, Communaille RobDiableL, communailles chMa016 4; chMa016 7, comunaille DocHMarneG 185,33;41; chHM185 75, coumunaille chHM185 88)
- ◆1o“menu peuple” (AlexParA II,32 var. t.5; AlexParA II (ß2) 32, var.t.5; RobDiableL, TL; TL 2,643,10; Gdf 2,197a)
- ◆adj. f. “du commun” (Gdf 2,197a)
- ◆2o“pâturage commun” (DocHMarneG 185,33;41, FEW 2,2 963-a)
- ◆3o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMa016 4; chMa016 7; chHM185 75; chHM185 88; chHS047 3; chHS047 4; chHS047 4; chHS047 5; chHS047 6; chHS047 12; chHS047 14; chHS047 14; chHS047 14; chHS047 14; chHS047 15)
Cf. DMF communaille.
fiches par lemme
●comunal adj.
[TL; TL; TL; TL 2,643,15; TL 2,643,15; Gdf 2,197a, 197b,197c; Gdf 2,197c; Gdf 2,198b; Gdf; AND 106b; AND 107a; AND 128a; MED 2,436a; DCCarp s.118; TLF; FEW 2,2, 962-a; FEW 2,2, 962-b, 963-a; FEW; BoisvertVilleh; GlSuisse 4,202b; LevyTrés. – BPH 1960,766,99; CorleyCont1 p134; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 23028, 30111; KaiserMPol 146; KellerWace 272a; KellerWace 156b; KellerWace; R 68,190; SchelerJPreis 932;cp.4300,37867; WillistonOl 372; WunderliEschiele 133; WunderliEschiele; [sigle].]
(co(u)mmunau(t) AssJérRoiG, co(u)munaument AssJérRoiG, Com(m)unal RomRomT, cominal (sigles à datations multiples:) AppelChrest 20, 40c, cominaus ChCharrouxN, commenal chSL 095 46; docJuBe082 4, commenauz chSL 004 15, communal MonGuill1/2C 4059; RouH CA 275, (var. III 5196), CA 275; BenDucM I,p.284,v.5797;p.490,v.11800;p.493,v.11898;etc; SSagOctS K3360; AlexParA I,var.46,1044,t.3,253; ThomKentF 475; ChevCygnePropN p.867; ElieR 2205; RomRomT 486; GuiotProvinsO 1794; BibleGuiotW; AngDialGregP 103rob; FlorenceW 308,2983,2986; HervisH; BalJosCamA 13237; Bueve2S 10794,11145,4231; FergF CCMXXIX (1986) 380 b. 6586; LaDuCh 1, p.319, z.13,14; BibleBerzéL 262,296; ComtePoitK; ComtePoitM 843; DialSJulB 786; MaugisV; ChMM273 5; VMortAnW 11,1; RenMontlC m.obl.s.9235; chJu042 10; SidracH p.184,p.183; chJu083 1; docJuBe048 3; docJuBe048 7; docJuBe109 17; docJuBe111 15; docJuBe111 23; RenContrR 6977,30937;8329; docJuBe196 4; docJuBe248 3; docJuBe272 3; BastS 1456; [DeschQ V,274]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 13491, 17266, 17507 etc., Communal (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, COMMUNAL RenMontdT; GuillPalMo, communals chMe194 16; docJuBe180 3; docJuBe180 5, communalt LionBourgAlK 2238,898, communalz docJuBe111 21; docJuBe233 8; docJuBe295 123, communas chHS105 4, communau BlackBookT II,p.274,276, communaulx PlacTimT, communaus AnsMetznG 8156-8159; DocVosL 88,9; ChV0090 4; AssSenlis1C p766; BastC 1454; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.8,409, 91143, commūnaūs ChansArtB VIII,109; ChansArtB XVI,93, communaux FloreaD; EspVerlinden 92, communavle BanMetzW, communel WaceNicR 1158; ChGuillI 1696; ChGuillSd 267,1696; MortAymC 1242,1933,775; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 1704, communnal docJuBe183 3; docJuBe194 3; docJuBe199 3; docJuBe213 4; docJuBe220 3; docJuBe220 4; docJuBe220 4; docJuBe220 5; docJuBe220 5; docJuBe225 14; docJuBe226 38; docJuBe233 9; docJuBe248 3, communnals docJuBe197 4; docJuBe198 3; docJuBe213 5; docJuBe214 5; docJuBe224 34; docJuBe226 34; docJuBe230 8, communnalz docJuBe197 13; docJuBe228 8; docJuBe232 6; docJuBe254 6; docJuBe277 3, comonals AdamA 1260, comunal BenTroieC; BenTroiemR; AimonFlH 2000:12967; NarbS 1785,3372;4047; Bueve3S 13553,13991; MoniotArrD XXXIII,9; MaugisV 8134; C8127; AspremwB 10352; EschieleMahW 44v -a12/13; SidracH p.175; GesteFrancorR 4640,8124,10709,ecc.; OgDanAlC 1213, comunals BesantR 1083, comunaul PéageChalonbA B107;A,C, comunaus LaDuCh 2,p.116,z.21,28, comunaut AssJérRoiG, comunel BrendanW 236D; BrendanW S.189,236D; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning, Comunel VillehW, Conmun BibleMacéS3, conmunal BenDucF 1847, 6559; FlorebP 2625; Saisna/lB 956; RenNouvR 923, Conmunal ChansArtJ, conmunaul FloovA 658, conmunaus GaceBruléD *6, 40; GautLeuL2 VI, 6, Conmunaus GautLeuL2, CONMUNAUS ThibBlaisN, conmunaux TristBérG 2878, coumunal AssJér T.II,p.187; AssJér T.II,p.187, cuemenaul docJuBe286 6, cumenal docJuBe256 4, Cuminal MirAgn2K, cuminaus chSL 003 10; chSL 003 13, cummenal docJuBe034 26, cummunal HornP, cumunal EdConfVatS; SThomGuernW1 574; RoisC; AdgarK Prol. 36, I 40, XXXII 158; IpH *1917, cumunel RolB 357; GaimarB 5526, 6218, cumunels GormB p53, quemenal docJuBe158 5; docJuBe168 27; docJuBe295 117, quemunal Saisna/lB 1088, Quemunaus RègleSBenNicH)
- ◆1o“commun, qui est à tous; général” (RolB 357; BrendanW 236D; BrendanW S.189,236D; GormB p53; GaimarB 5526, 6218; MonGuill1/2C 4059; WaceNicR 1158; FloreaD; BenTroieC; BenTroiemR; EdConfVatS; HornP; RouH CA 275, (var. III 5196), CA 275; BenDucF 1847, 6559; BenDucM I,p.284,v.5797;p.490,v.11800;p.493,v.11898;etc; SThomGuernW1 574; AdamA 1260; RoisC; AdgarK Prol. 36, I 40, XXXII 158; FlorebP 2625; SSagOctS K3360; AlexParA I,var.46,1044,t.3,253; IpH *1917; AimonFlH 2000:12967; ThomKentF 475; ChevCygnePropN p.867; ElieR 2205; FloovA 658; GaceBruléD *6, 40; RomRomT; RomRomT 486; Saisna/lB 1088; Saisna/lB 956; RenMontdT; GuiotProvinsO 1794; AssJérRoiG; AssJérRoiG; AssJérRoiG; VillehW; BibleGuiotW; GuillPalMo; NarbS 1785,3372;4047; RègleSBenNicH; AngDialGregP 103rob; ChGuillI 1696; ChGuillSd 267,1696; FlorenceW 308,2983,2986; HervisH; MortAymC 1242,1933,775; ThibBlaisN; BalJosCamA 13237; AnsMetznG 8156-8159; Bueve2S 10794,11145,4231; Bueve3S 13553,13991; FergF CCMXXIX (1986) 380 b. 6586; MoniotArrD XXXIII,9; BanMetzW; LaDuCh 2,p.116,z.21,28; LaDuCh 1, p.319, z.13,14; BibleBerzéL 262,296; ComtePoitK; ComtePoitM 843; BesantR 1083; ChansArtB VIII,109; ChansArtB XVI,93; DocVosL 88,9; MirAgn2K; AssJér T.II,p.187; AssJér T.II,p.187; ChCharrouxN; DialSJulB 786; EspVerlinden 92; GautLeuL2 VI, 6; GautLeuL2; MaugisV; MaugisV 8134; C8127; VMortAnW 11,1; AspremwB 10352; RenMontlC m.obl.s.9235; EschieleMahW 44v -a12/13; SidracH p.175; SidracH p.184,p.183; PlacTimT; RenNouvR 923; BibleMacéS3; PéageChalonbA B107;A,C; AssSenlis1C p766; GesteFrancorR 4640,8124,10709,ecc.; OgDanAlC 1213; BlackBookT II,p.274,276; RenContrR 6977,30937;8329; BastC 1454; BastS 1456; LionBourgAlK 2238,898; [DeschQ V,274]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 13491, 17266, 17507 etc.; AppelChrest 20, 40c; BartschHorning; HenryŒn; NoomenFabl t.8,409, 91143; ProvM 1704, BPH 1960,766,99; CorleyCont1 p134; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 23028, 30111; KaiserMPol 146; KellerWace 272a; KellerWace 156b; KellerWace; R 68,190; SchelerJPreis 932;cp.4300,37867; WillistonOl 372; WunderliEschiele 133; WunderliEschiele; [sigle], TL 2,643,15; TL; TL 2,643,15; TL; TL; Gdf 2,197a, 197b,197c; Gdf 2,198b; Gdf; AND 106b; AND 107a; AND 128a; MED 2,436a; DCCarp s.118; TLF; FEW 2,2, 962-a; FEW; BoisvertVilleh; GlSuisse 4,202b; LevyTrés)
- ◆adj. subst. m. “citoyens formant l'assemblée communale; propriété communale” (TristBérG 2878; ChansArtJ, Gdf 2,197c; FEW 2,2, 962-b, 963-a)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chSL 003 10; chSL 003 13; ChV0090 4; ChMM273 5; chMe194 16; chSL 004 15; chJu042 10; chHS105 4; chJu083 1; docJuBe034 26; docJuBe048 3; docJuBe048 7; docJuBe082 4; chSL 095 46; docJuBe109 17; docJuBe111 15; docJuBe111 21; docJuBe111 23; docJuBe158 5; docJuBe168 27; docJuBe180 3; docJuBe180 5; docJuBe183 3; docJuBe194 3; docJuBe196 4; docJuBe197 4; docJuBe197 13; docJuBe198 3; docJuBe199 3; docJuBe213 4; docJuBe213 5; docJuBe214 5; docJuBe220 3; docJuBe220 4; docJuBe220 4; docJuBe220 5; docJuBe220 5; docJuBe224 34; docJuBe225 14; docJuBe226 34; docJuBe226 38; docJuBe228 8; docJuBe230 8; docJuBe233 8; docJuBe233 9; docJuBe232 6; docJuBe248 3; docJuBe248 3; docJuBe254 6; docJuBe256 4; docJuBe272 3; docJuBe277 3; docJuBe286 6; docJuBe295 117; docJuBe295 123)
fiches par lemme
●comunance f.
[TL 2,645,10; FEW 2,2, 962-a. – HoltusEntree 158,174,258.]
(comenance docJuBe103 10; docJuBe295 33, commeinance docJuBe025 6; docJuBe025 7; docJuBe025 9; docJuBe029 3, commenance docJuBe070 11; docJuBe070 23; docJuBe144 7; docJuBe144 9; docJuBe144 10; docJuBe157 7; docJuBe157 23; docJuBe168 102; docJuBe168 103; docJuBe168 118; docJuBe168 135; docJuBe168 136; docJuBe171 13, comunance SecrSecrPr7B p241, comunançe EntreeT 15583, cumenance docJuBe130 6; docJuBe168 321; docJuBe168 366, cumenances docJuBe168 184; docJuBe168 235; docJuBe168 238, cummenance docJuBe168 365, queminance docJuBe022 4)
- ◆1o“participation, communication” (SecrSecrPr7B p241; EntreeT 15583, HoltusEntree 158,174,258, TL 2,645,10; FEW 2,2, 962-a)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (docJuBe022 4; docJuBe025 6; docJuBe025 7; docJuBe025 9; docJuBe029 3; docJuBe070 11; docJuBe070 23; docJuBe103 10; docJuBe130 6; docJuBe144 7; docJuBe144 9; docJuBe144 10; docJuBe157 7; docJuBe157 23; docJuBe168 102; docJuBe168 103; docJuBe168 118; docJuBe168 135; docJuBe168 136; docJuBe168 184; docJuBe168 235; docJuBe168 238; docJuBe168 321; docJuBe168 365; docJuBe168 366; docJuBe171 13; docJuBe295 33)
fiches par lemme
●comune f.
[TL; TL; TL 2,645,20; TL 2,645,20; TL; Gdf; GdfC; GdfC 2,198b; GdfC 9,135a; MED 2,437a; MED 2,438a; TLF; FEW 2,2;962b; FEW; FEW 2,2, 961-b,962-b; FEW 2,2, 962-b; FEW 25,545a; FEW; GlSuisse 4,206a; LexMA 6,1462; LexMA 2,450; KlugeM20. – BEC 16,1855,p.144,z.4,15,32,36;145,12; BPH 1960,766,75; BTDial 51,209; Bartzsch p166; CarolusCh; Coll. int. CNRS n°602; Drüppel 76Fn.111; KellerWace; KellerWace 156a,209a;258a; KellerWace; MatHistVoc1; Messelaar 45,186; MénardRire 560; R 98,501; R 70,278; RF 106,235;19,39,41,203; RlFl Bd.10,20; SammetSuff 98; StN 60 (1988)232,533.7-11; WillistonOl 371; ZrP 101 (1985) 228, 3658; ZrP 68,404.]
(com(m)une CantKiVotH 100, 1404, 2310, comene docJuBe293 3, comeygne docJuBe294 3, commeine docJuBe025 8; docJuBe047 3; docJuBe048 5; docJuBe048 5; docJuBe048 5; docJuBe048 7; docJuBe109 16; docJuBe111 14; docJuBe111 18; docJuBe144 21; docJuBe144 28; docJuBe166 6; docJuBe166 27, commeines docJuBe025 3; docJuBe025 4; docJuBe025 8; docJuBe075 3; docJuBe075 4; docJuBe078 18; docJuBe078 23; docJuBe089 6; docJuBe144 22; docJuBe149 11; docJuBe149 23; docJuBe166 12, commeinne docJuBe039 8, commeinnes docJuBe118 9; docJuBe119 7, commene docJuBe087 6, commenes docJuBe141 6, commenez docJuBe102 8; docJuBe133 6; docJuBe141 9, commennes docJuBe296 21, commeyne docJuBe058 22; docJuBe119 9, commugne ChV0037 1; ChV0037 7, Commugne RoisinM, commuigne GilChinP; SDomM, commune ProvSalSanI; RouH; Aiol1/2F 7872,7959; EstFougK 954r; SSagOctS K659,2183,2317,2365,C193; GarLorrI; SBernCantG; RomRomT 866, 974,1291; BibleDécb/eN; WaldefH 5641; 3900,5318; AngDialGregP 147roa; HervisH; LaDuCh 2, p.113,z.8; LaDuCh 2,p.114,z.11; LaDuCh 1, p.320,z.2; LaDuCh 2, p.119,z.40; LaDuCh 2,p.120,z.40; BesantR 386; WaillyCollLorr p.18,z.28; DocAubeC 2-1;2a-4;3-1;42-1;60-1;65-1;97-1; Layettes 2, p.218, z.45,10,16,23,35; DocHMarneG p.3, z.14,18,33,4.3,20,26,31; DocHMarneG p.6,z.29; DocHMarneG 1,19,4,4; ChHM001 42; ChHM001 44; ChHM001 53; ChHM001 57; ChHM001 64; ChHM001 67; ChHM001 70; ChHM004 4; DocVosL p.1,z.11,24; DocVosL 1,1;2,1;12;1; ChV0001 1; ChV0001 8; ChV0002 1; ChV0002 11; ChV0005 7; ChMM030 14; ChV0012 1; ChV0012 8; AspinChansPol; EspVerlinden 120; HArciPèresO 3892; MaugisV 2317; RègleSBenDouceD 23,16; SThomFragmM; ChV0014 1; ChV0014 7; ChV0022 1; ChV0022 6; ChV0047 9; ChV0071 1; ChV0071 6; SimPouilleaB C5056; OvArtPrR 3658; ChevFustSa 1507,1725,12740; CptRoyF 28789; BrittN; BrittN; BodelFablN VI, 8; R 1298 10 06 01 99; R 1298 10 06 01 101; OakBookS I 44,50; AssSenlis1C p766; JoinvW1 264e; CoutBretP; GuerreMetzB 283a,B17,27; BlackBookT II p.152; BastC 1000; BastS 1001; [FroissDitsth/...F 12; BerinB 505]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 89e,6; AngDialGregO2 19722, Commune RomRomT; ChevFustSa, communes EscoufleM 284b,1565,1645; CPont; MenReimsP 276; MenReimsW 276; CoutBretP p.250,l.16; (sigles à datations multiples:) GarLorrP II,53, Communes (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg, communesf RenMontlC s.672, commungne SoneG, comoune ChMM107 4, comugne RegTournB; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning, comuine [FloriantPrL fol.45ro], comune LoisGuillL LeisWl37,2; EneasS1 634; PercL; TristBérG 2329, 3773; AmbroiseP 615;864; VengRagF +2642; CoutSensL p.290,z.5,6;292.4; LaDuCh 2,p.115,z.38; LaDuCh 2,p.117,z.6; LaDuCh 2,p.118,z.26; BesantR; DocAubeC 1-12; RoselLangl; ArtusS 182,5; ChV0005 1; OakBookS; SecrSecrPr7B p241, Comune MirAgn2K, comunée BenDucM I,p.82,v.61, conmugne (sigles à datations multiples:) SchwanBehrens 3, III; SchwanBehrens p 135a, conmune ChV0027 1; ChV0027 6; ChV0047 1; chCOr148 3; chCOr148 8; chCOr196 1; chCOr196 3; chCOr196 10, coumunes AssJér T.II,p.100, Ilid,p.361; AssJér T.II,p.100,361, cumainne docJuBe295 66, cumeines docJuBe279 3, cumenes docJuBe295 36; docJuBe295 42; docJuBe295 101; docJuBe295 109; docJuBe295 110; docJuBe295 116, cumennes docJuBe221 5, cummeines docJuBe256 13; docJuBe256 19; docJuBe256 20, cummenan docJuBe130 4, cumune SJeanAumU 598 etc.; 7353, quemeinne docJuBe296 9; docJuBe296 17, quemeinnes docJuBe296 20, quemennes docJuBe139 7, quemine docJuBe153 18, quemines docJuBe153 23, quemugne SSagOctS; GerbMetzT 19,7; SAgnèsDécD 626; [GodBouillBruxR], quemugnes MaccabGautS, quemune Perl1N, Quemune RègleSBenNicH)
- ◆1o“association, ensemble organisé de personnes liées par une charte, voire par un serment; ville ainsi organisée, ville franche” (LoisGuillL LeisWl37,2; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 634; RouH; BenDucM I,p.82,v.61; Aiol1/2F 7872,7959; EstFougK 954r; PercL; SSagOctS K659,2183,2317,2365,C193; SSagOctS; GarLorrI; SBernCantG; TristBérG 2329, 3773; GerbMetzT 19,7; RomRomT; EscoufleM 284b,1565,1645; AmbroiseP 615;864; BibleDécb/eN; Perl1N; RègleSBenNicH; SJeanAumU 598 etc.; 7353; VengRagF +2642; AngDialGregP 147roa; CoutSensL p.290,z.5,6;292.4; HervisH; LaDuCh 2, p.113,z.8; LaDuCh 2,p.114,z.11; LaDuCh 1, p.320,z.2; LaDuCh 2, p.119,z.40; LaDuCh 2,p.120,z.40; LaDuCh 2,p.115,z.38; LaDuCh 2,p.117,z.6; LaDuCh 2,p.118,z.26; BesantR; BesantR 386; WaillyCollLorr p.18,z.28; DocAubeC 1-12; DocAubeC 2-1;2a-4;3-1;42-1;60-1;65-1;97-1; RoselLangl; Layettes 2, p.218, z.45,10,16,23,35; DocHMarneG p.3, z.14,18,33,4.3,20,26,31; DocHMarneG p.6,z.29; DocHMarneG 1,19,4,4; DocVosL p.1,z.11,24; DocVosL 1,1;2,1;12;1; ArtusS 182,5; GilChinP; MirAgn2K; AssJér T.II,p.100, Ilid,p.361; AssJér T.II,p.100,361; CPont; AspinChansPol; EspVerlinden 120; HArciPèresO 3892; MaugisV 2317; RègleSBenDouceD 23,16; SAgnèsDécD 626; SThomFragmM; SDomM; MenReimsP 276; MenReimsW 276; MaccabGautS; RegTournB; CantKiVotH 100, 1404, 2310; RenMontlC s.672; SimPouilleaB C5056; RoisinM; OvArtPrR 3658; ChevFustSa; ChevFustSa 1507,1725,12740; CptRoyF 28789; SoneG; BrittN; BrittN; BodelFablN VI, 8; OakBookS; OakBookS I 44,50; SecrSecrPr7B p241; AssSenlis1C p766; JoinvW1 264e; CoutBretP; CoutBretP p.250,l.16; GuerreMetzB 283a,B17,27; BlackBookT II p.152; BastC 1000; BastS 1001; [GodBouillBruxR; FroissDitsth/...F 12; BerinB 505; FloriantPrL fol.45ro]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 19722; BartschChrest 89e,6; BartschHorning; DouëtNArg; GarLorrP II,53; SchwanBehrens 3, III; SchwanBehrens p 135a, BEC 16,1855,p.144,z.4,15,32,36;145,12; BPH 1960,766,75; BTDial 51,209; Bartzsch p166; CarolusCh; Coll. int. CNRS n°602; Drüppel 76Fn.111; KellerWace; KellerWace 156a,209a;258a; KellerWace; MatHistVoc1; Messelaar 45,186; MénardRire 560; R 98,501; R 70,278; RF 106,235;19,39,41,203; RlFl Bd.10,20; SammetSuff 98; StN 60 (1988)232,533.7-11; WillistonOl 371; ZrP 68,404, TL 2,645,20; TL; TL 2,645,20; TL; TL; Gdf; GdfC; GdfC 2,198b; GdfC 9,135a; MED 2,437a; MED 2,438a; TLF; FEW 2,2, 961-b,962-b; FEW 2,2, 962-b; FEW 25,545a; FEW 2,2;962b; FEW; FEW; GlSuisse 4,206a; LexMA 2,450; LexMA 6,1462; KlugeM20)
- ◆2o“ensemble des hommes réunis pour combattre sous l'étendard de leur commune” (WaldefH 5641; 3900,5318, ZrP 101 (1985) 228, 3658)
- ◆3o“habitude” (RomRomT 866, 974,1291)
- ◆4o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChHM001 42; ChHM001 44; ChHM001 53; ChHM001 57; ChHM001 64; ChHM001 67; ChHM001 70; ChHM004 4; ChV0001 1; ChV0001 8; ChV0002 1; ChV0002 11; ChV0005 1; ChV0005 7; ChMM030 14; ChV0012 1; ChV0012 8; ChV0014 1; ChV0014 7; ChV0022 1; ChV0022 6; ChV0027 1; ChV0027 6; ChMM107 4; ChV0037 1; ChV0037 7; ChV0047 1; ChV0047 9; ChV0071 1; ChV0071 6; chCOr148 3; chCOr148 8; chCOr196 1; chCOr196 3; chCOr196 10; R 1298 10 06 01 99; R 1298 10 06 01 101; docJuBe025 3; docJuBe025 4; docJuBe025 8; docJuBe025 8; docJuBe039 8; docJuBe047 3; docJuBe048 5; docJuBe048 5; docJuBe048 5; docJuBe048 7; docJuBe058 22; docJuBe075 3; docJuBe075 4; docJuBe078 18; docJuBe078 23; docJuBe087 6; docJuBe089 6; docJuBe102 8; docJuBe109 16; docJuBe111 14; docJuBe111 18; docJuBe118 9; docJuBe119 7; docJuBe119 9; docJuBe130 4; docJuBe133 6; docJuBe139 7; docJuBe141 6; docJuBe141 9; docJuBe144 21; docJuBe144 22; docJuBe144 28; docJuBe149 11; docJuBe149 23; docJuBe153 18; docJuBe153 23; docJuBe166 6; docJuBe166 12; docJuBe166 27; docJuBe221 5; docJuBe256 13; docJuBe256 19; docJuBe256 20; docJuBe279 3; docJuBe295 36; docJuBe295 42; docJuBe295 66; docJuBe295 101; docJuBe295 109; docJuBe295 110; docJuBe295 116; docJuBe296 9; docJuBe296 17; docJuBe296 20; docJuBe296 21; docJuBe294 3; docJuBe293 3)
fiches par lemme
●comunable adj.
[TL 2,642,48; Gdf 2,196c; Gdf 2,196c; FEW 2,2, 962-a.]
(communable RouH var. III 2335; AlexParA II,546 var t.5; ElieF 369; ElieR 369, communauble chMe183 10; chMe183 11, communauvle ChMe154 6, conmunable chMM016 13; chMM016 16; chMM016 18; chMM016 19; chMM016 20; chMM016 20, quemunable RouH)
- ◆1o“qui est en commun” (RouH; RouH var. III 2335; AlexParA II,546 var t.5; ElieF 369; ElieR 369, Gdf 2,196c; FEW 2,2, 962-a)
- ◆adj. subst. m. “ce qui est en commun” (TL 2,642,48; Gdf 2,196c)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMM016 13; chMM016 16; chMM016 18; chMM016 19; chMM016 20; chMM016 20; ChMe154 6; chMe183 10; chMe183 11)
Cf. DMF communable.
fiches par lemme
●comuner1 v.
[TL 2,646,38; TL; Gdf 2,198c; GdfC; AND 107a; AND 107a; AND 361B; AND 108b; MED 2,187b; MED 2,444b; DCCarp s.118; TLF; FEW 2,2, 962-a; Baker; Baker. – Brüll 254; KellerWace; Messelaar 29,82.]
(communent [AmphYpL2], communer RouH II 4062; EstFougK 352r,1203r; RègleSBenNicH R24,325; BrittN; BrittN, communyer [DeschQ VIII,5], comuner GratienbL C24,C.24,1;3 (3,188), comunier OakBookS I, 36; I, 154)
- ◆“mettre en commun; participer, être en rapports” (RouH II 4062; EstFougK 352r,1203r; RègleSBenNicH R24,325; GratienbL C24,C.24,1;3 (3,188); BrittN; [AmphYpL2], Brüll 254; KellerWace; Messelaar 29,82, TL 2,646,38; TL; Gdf 2,198c; AND 107a; AND 361B; MED 2,187b; FEW 2,2, 962-a; Baker)
- ◆v. subst. m. “membre d'une commune; conseiller de la commune” (BrittN; OakBookS I, 36; I, 154; [DeschQ VIII,5], GdfC; AND 107a; AND 108b; MED 2,444b; DCCarp s.118; TLF; Baker)
fiches par lemme
●encomunement m.
[TL 3,229,44; TL; FEW 2, 2 962a.]
(encomunement SBernAn2S 82, 12)
- ◆“communication” (SBernAn2S 82, 12, TL 3,229,44; TL; FEW 2, 2 962a)
fiches par lemme
●encomuner v.
[TL 3,229,50; TL; Gdf 3, 113b; FEW 2, 2 962a. – [sigle].]
(encomuner SBernAn2S 10, 83. 181, 17. 181, 20. 231, 1. 343,30)
- ◆“laisser participer” (SBernAn2S 10, 83. 181, 17. 181, 20. 231, 1. 343,30, [sigle], TL 3,229,50; TL; Gdf 3, 113b; FEW 2, 2 962a)
fiches par lemme
●comunaument adv.
[Gdf 2,197c,198a; Gdf 2,198b, 198c; GdfC 9,135b; AND 107a; AND 105b; AND 107a; TLF; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh. – ContPerc T9,74;T15261; CorleyCont1 p134; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 19983; KaiserMPol 157; KellerWace 305a; KellerWace 156b;305a; KellerWace; MalkielEss2 307; Mant III,p.21; Messelaar 29,82; Morlet 103; MélSuard 590; Pope 592; R 92,43,233,239; Runk p.156; TraLiPhi 31;220;160,364; ZrP 103 (1987) 19b.]
(commonement [JPreisMyrG 2926,6675], communalement DurmG 10880; docJuBe007 5; BelleHelR 832b,3462,5930,10194, Communalement RègleSBenNicH, communalmant (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn I,277 etc, communalment MarieLaisR; RouH II 1470, 2922,3777, (var. III 2314, 1931); Aiol1/2F 2378; Aiol1/2N 2377; FlorebK 429,2968; AimeriD 1713 A-2; ChGuillSd 267, 332, 336; GuillJoiesRi; GuillVinM XII,27; TristPrC 232,10;256,21; BeaumS Man.634,2280; CourtParV 110;501; chJu085 9; chSL 059 7; GuiNantvProlC 764; ChevPapH 24,30;11,36; LionBourgAlK 6718,15412; SEvroulS; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 23,6;43,22;86,237; NoomenFabl t.8, 409, 83E324, 97 226; NoomenFabl III,14/665;15a/54, Communalment RobDiableL, COMMUNALMENT RenMontdT, communament FlorenceW 633,1998,2862,3128; chHS105 5, communamment SSagOctS K337,597,658,923,2400,3124,3587,C238,460,1800, communaumant MahomL 700, communaument GysselingDocAnc p.193,z.13; AlexParA IV,1501 var. t.7; MonRaincB 4659 (4693); PrêtreJeand/yG 599, 1063*; AngDialGregP; Bueve3S; CoincyII1...K 117var.; CoincyII1...K 26var.; CoincyII1...K 479var.; CoincyII1...K 470var.; CoincyII1...K 128var.; CoincyII1...K 26var.; CoincyII1...K 190var.; TristPrMé 37,11;149,4; GilChinP; MerlinsR 254,2;356,42;etc.;395,5;etc.; MerlinsR 419,10; RigomerF; MenReimsP 298; MenReimsW 298; BeaumCoutS 502,721; EschieleMahW 44vb11; (sigles à datations multiples:) GarLorrP I,197; NoomenFabl t.9, 329a, 110 346; NoomenFabl III; AngDialGregO2 4211, 10058, 14519 etc., Communaument SermMaurpB; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, communaumentz OakBookS I 52, communavlement BanMetzW, communealment ChronSMichelB 1101, Communeaument CartHain, communeement [GastPhébChasseT 55-35], communelmant [MistSGenisM], communelment CoincyII1...K 128 var.; CoincyII1...K 469var.; CoincyII1...K 54var; CoincyII1...K 117var.; CoincyII1...K 106var.; AuberiTarbé; TombChartr1/2/3S; [OresmePolM S.194b; GastPhébChasseT 15-70308], communemant DolopL, communement GysselingDocAnc p.208,z.46; CharroiPo t.II,45; ProvSalSanI; ChronSMichelB 217,1512,1903;1187; RouH; GautArrIllC; EructavitJ 1971,2045; EructavitJ; MarieFabB; SGillesP 502; SSagOctS K1056,C398,1198; AlexParA IV, 285.1, var.t7; HaimBarW; MarieEspP; VMortHélW 19,5;49,1; AlNeckUtensH p.244; SFanuelM 819; SFanuelM; BibleDécb/eN; ChardryPletM 503; DoonRocheM 3018,4085,4185; MerlinM; MortAymC 806,1199; SongeEnfM; CoincyChristO 721,2429,3371; CoincyI41/42R 466; DocFlandrM; MorPhilP 1213; DocAubeC *1/2vo-17; LoisGodM p.11,z.3; DocVosL 63,16;80,23; TournAntW 641,2755; FolLancB; EpJérN 1724,2301; MaugisV 1442; Pères64B 705; RecMédNovCirHi; SDenisPr1L; AnticlC 2787; CoutNormT p102; VMortAnW 26,1; RenMontlC 1699,4055;15696,4200; SBath1B; BoüardArchAng S.47; AdHalePartN XI,141;XIV,37; ClefD 1062,1765,1974; BeaumCoutS 615,396,985,etc.; JAntOtiaP; SThibAlH II 416; BodelFablN IX,234; JoinvW1 472d; GeoffrParChronD 1665,2350;5525; GuerreMetzB G81; SGregJeanS; RenContrR 19511,19925; ChevPapH 11,24; [AmphYpL2; OresmeSphèreMy 2c; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2094,361; JFevRespH 308; DeschQ I,213,214; FroissBallB; GastPhébChasseT]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach; NoomenFabl III,14/927;15b/M105;15b/M240; NoomenFabl 23/109;26c/D37; NoomenFabl t.5,459,43b126,50234; NoomenFabl II,6/A208; NyströmMén VII 1, Communement PurgSPatrBerM, COMMUNEMENT GuillPalMo; SCathCarlM; LMestL; JVignayOdoT, communément FoukeH 23.14, comunalement MarieChievreRi B128; MarieChievreRi 45, comunalmant JPrioratR 5258, comunalment BrendanW s.189,113,1824D; BrendanW 113,1824D; MarieGuigW2 B128,Y.86; SThomGuernW1 1386; MarieFabW2; SGraalIIJosO; NarbS 560,7730; ChGuillI 332,336; SCathVérB; SCathVérB 1562;2220; SidracH p.40; BertaMilC 320, Comunalment VillehW, comunament EnfGuillH; FevresS 15-17;45-8, comunanment AnticlLudR, comunaument BenTroieC; AssJérRoiG; ElucidationT 59,125,201; CoincyII1...K 55var.; ParDuchP 2242; RosemLec; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 311,24, comunelmant OgDanAlC 320,1167,3167, comunelment ProvSalSanI; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, comunemant CligesG, comunemen (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, comunement BrendanW 113DE,1824; BrendanW S.189,113DE1824; WaceConcA 398,1613,1795; EneasS1 64;913,6040; ThebesC; MarieLaisR; MarieFabW 29,107;46,24;49,12;65,39; RègleHospCamS 298,1213; AmbroiseP 2341; GuibAndrM 2397; LancPrK 326.1; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; RoselLangl; DocHainR 7,6;12; ArtusS 81,25;290,16; HArciPèresO 2442,6394;3,1769; FevresS 147-12;168-1; GesteFrancorR 963,974,ecc.; AliscmH 6313; [AalmaR 8,830]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, Comunment PlainteVgePurT, conmunalment JVignayOisivG, conmunaulment chCOr208 6, conmunaument Saisna/lB 956; ChevVivM; ChevVivM E 1147A; TristPrL 80, 11; 106, 24; 178, 22; TristPrR, CONMUNAUMENT LMestL, conmunement CharroiM 811, 1408; FloovA 530, 2128; PBeauvGerJ; TristPrR; DocHainR 70; 18; EnfRenC; [SEust10P 452, 626, 774]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, CONMUNEMENT Pères51R1, cumunalment (sigles à datations multiples:) SGreg 2044, kemunaument chdouai0441 1, quemunement CharroicL; HemH 1797; KanorM, Quemunement MerlinscS)
- ◆1o“en commun, tous ensemble; en général” (GysselingDocAnc p.193,z.13; GysselingDocAnc p.208,z.46; BrendanW s.189,113,1824D; BrendanW 113,1824D; BrendanW 113DE,1824; BrendanW S.189,113DE1824; WaceConcA 398,1613,1795; CharroiM 811, 1408; CharroiPo t.II,45; ProvSalSanI; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 64;913,6040; ThebesC; ChronSMichelB 1101; ChronSMichelB 217,1512,1903;1187; MarieChievreRi B128; MarieChievreRi 45; MarieGuigW2 B128,Y.86; MarieLaisR; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; RouH II 1470, 2922,3777, (var. III 2314, 1931); RouH; SThomGuernW1 1386; Aiol1/2F 2378; Aiol1/2N 2377; GautArrIllC; CligesG; EructavitJ 1971,2045; EructavitJ; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 29,107;46,24;49,12;65,39; MarieFabW2; FlorebK 429,2968; SGillesP 502; SSagOctS K337,597,658,923,2400,3124,3587,C238,460,1800; SSagOctS K1056,C398,1198; AlexParA IV,1501 var. t.7; AlexParA IV, 285.1, var.t7; RègleHospCamS 298,1213; FloovA 530, 2128; MonRaincB 4659 (4693); RobDiableL; Saisna/lB 956; PrêtreJeand/yG 599, 1063*; HaimBarW; MarieEspP; RenMontdT; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW 19,5;49,1; AlNeckUtensH p.244; ChevVivM; ChevVivM E 1147A; SFanuelM 819; SFanuelM; AssJérRoiG; VillehW; AmbroiseP 2341; BibleDécb/eN; ChardryPletM 503; DoonRocheM 3018,4085,4185; ElucidationT 59,125,201; GuibAndrM 2397; GuillPalMo; NarbS 560,7730; PBeauvGerJ; RègleSBenNicH; AngDialGregP; AimeriD 1713 A-2; ChGuillI 332,336; ChGuillSd 267, 332, 336; FlorenceW 633,1998,2862,3128; MerlinM; MortAymC 806,1199; SongeEnfM; Bueve3S; DurmG 10880; GuillJoiesRi; BanMetzW; CoincyChristO 721,2429,3371; LancPrK 326.1; DolopL; CoincyI41/42R 466; DocFlandrM; EnfGuillH; GuillVinM XII,27; MorPhilP 1213; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; SCathCarlM; CoincyII1...K 128 var.; CoincyII1...K 469var.; CoincyII1...K 54var; CoincyII1...K 117var.; CoincyII1...K 106var.; CoincyII1...K 117var.; CoincyII1...K 26var.; CoincyII1...K 479var.; CoincyII1...K 470var.; CoincyII1...K 128var.; CoincyII1...K 26var.; CoincyII1...K 55var.; CoincyII1...K 190var.; DocAubeC *1/2vo-17; LoisGodM p.11,z.3; RoselLangl; TristPrC 232,10;256,21; TristPrL 80, 11; 106, 24; 178, 22; TristPrMé 37,11;149,4; TristPrR; TristPrR; DocVosL 63,16;80,23; TournAntW 641,2755; DocHainR 7,6;12; DocHainR 70; 18; ArtusS 81,25;290,16; FolLancB; GilChinP; ParDuchP 2242; PurgSPatrBerM; SCathVérB; SCathVérB 1562;2220; MerlinsR 254,2;356,42;etc.;395,5;etc.; MerlinsR 419,10; MerlinscS; AuberiTarbé; BeaumS Man.634,2280; EpJérN 1724,2301; HArciPèresO 2442,6394;3,1769; MaugisV 1442; Pères51R1; Pères64B 705; RecMédNovCirHi; RigomerF; SDenisPr1L; SermMaurpB; MahomL 700; MenReimsP 298; MenReimsW 298; AnticlC 2787; CoutNormT p102; VMortAnW 26,1; LMestL; LMestL; PlainteVgePurT; CartHain; CharroicL; CourtParV 110;501; EnfRenC; RenMontlC 1699,4055;15696,4200; RosemLec; SBath1B; BoüardArchAng S.47; HemH 1797; AdHalePartN XI,141;XIV,37; ClefD 1062,1765,1974; BeaumCoutS 502,721; BeaumCoutS 615,396,985,etc.; EschieleMahW 44vb11; SidracH p.40; KanorM; JAntOtiaP; JPrioratR 5258; SThibAlH II 416; BodelFablN IX,234; FevresS 15-17;45-8; FevresS 147-12;168-1; OakBookS I 52; JoinvW1 472d; FoukeH 23.14; BertaMilC 320; GesteFrancorR 963,974,ecc.; OgDanAlC 320,1167,3167; GeoffrParChronD 1665,2350;5525; JVignayOisivG; GuerreMetzB G81; SGregJeanS; JVignayOdoT; TombChartr1/2/3S; GuiNantvProlC 764; RenContrR 19511,19925; AliscmH 6313; AnticlLudR; BelleHelR 832b,3462,5930,10194; ChevPapH 24,30;11,36; ChevPapH 11,24; LionBourgAlK 6718,15412; SEvroulS; [AmphYpL2; OresmeSphèreMy 2c; OresmePolM S.194b; AalmaR 8,830; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2094,361; SEust10P 452, 626, 774; JFevRespH 308; DeschQ I,213,214; FroissBallB; GastPhébChasseT 55-35; GastPhébChasseT 15-70308; GastPhébChasseT; JPreisMyrG 2926,6675; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 4211, 10058, 14519 etc.; Aspland; Aspland; BartschChrest 23,6;43,22;86,237; BartschHorning 311,24; GarLorrP I,197; HenryŒn; HuntTeach; HuntTeach; HuntTeach; MontRayn I,277 etc; NoomenFabl t.8, 409, 83E324, 97 226; NoomenFabl III,14/665;15a/54; NoomenFabl t.9, 329a, 110 346; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl III,14/927;15b/M105;15b/M240; NoomenFabl 23/109;26c/D37; NoomenFabl t.5,459,43b126,50234; NoomenFabl II,6/A208; NyströmMén VII 1; SGreg 2044, ContPerc T9,74;T15261; CorleyCont1 p134; CorleyCont2 19983; CorleyCont2; KaiserMPol 157; KellerWace 305a; KellerWace 156b;305a; KellerWace; MalkielEss2 307; Mant III,p.21; Messelaar 29,82; Morlet 103; MélSuard 590; Pope 592; R 92,43,233,239; Runk p.156; TraLiPhi 31;220;160,364; ZrP 103 (1987) 19b, Gdf 2,197c,198a; Gdf 2,198b, 198c; GdfC 9,135b; AND 107a; AND 105b; AND 107a; TLF; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chCOr208 6; chdouai0441 1; chHS105 5; chJu085 9; docJuBe007 5; chSL 059 7)
fiches par lemme
●comuner2 adj.
[GdfC 9,135c; AND 107a; AND 107a.]
(communer OvArtElieK 190; 749(r);169(r), cummuner HornP)
- ◆1o“qui tient une chose en commun avec plusieurs personnes” (HornP; OvArtElieK 190; 749(r);169(r), GdfC 9,135c; AND 107a)
- ◆2oadv. “ensemble” (AND 107a)
fiches par lemme
●comuniance f.
[MED 2,437a.]
- ◆“communication, discussion” (MED 2,437a)
fiches par lemme
●comuniste m.
[DCCarp S.118.]
- ◆“officier d'une ville de commune” (DCCarp S.118)
fiches par lemme
●acomuner v.
[TL 1,100,25; Gdf 1, 66 a; AND 6 a; DCCarp; FEW 2-2, 962 a; BalonDroit. – ZrP 117, 318.]
(acomeniés ChMe068 11, acommuner RouH II 3127, acomunei ChMM086 3, acumeneir BanMetzW)
- ◆1o“rendre commun, mettre en commun; joindre, réunir” (RouH II 3127; BanMetzW, ZrP 117, 318, TL 1,100,25; Gdf 1, 66 a; AND 6 a; DCCarp; FEW 2-2, 962 a; BalonDroit)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMe068 11; ChMM086 3)
fiches par lemme
●comunement1 m.
[TL; TL; TL 2,646,30; Gdf 2,198b; AND 108b; MED 2,403a; FEW 2,2, 962-a. – ActesMfr4 p.114; OrelliBibel.]
(communement AnticlC 3055, cumunement SThomGuernW1 3150, 4592, cunmunemant DolopL)
- ◆“communauté” (SThomGuernW1 3150, 4592; DolopL; AnticlC 3055, ActesMfr4 p.114; OrelliBibel, TL; TL 2,646,30; TL; Gdf 2,198b; AND 108b; MED 2,403a; FEW 2,2, 962-a)
fiches par lemme
●comunement2 adv.
(communemant docJuBe001 4; chSL 020 30; chSL 020 39; docJuBe141 3, communement chMo016 5; chMo078 6; chMo099 6; docJuBe001a 4; ChMa025 13; ChMM085 15; chMo163 4; ChMM204 5; chMo242 6; chMo242 8; ChMa214 17; RT 1275 12 32 01 23; R 1289 08 32 02 5; RV 1292 07 25 01 13; RV 1292 07 25 01 18; chJu090 9; R 1298 10 32 02 62; chSL 043 6; chSL 065 7; chN 019 20; chN 027 8; docJuBe055 4; chN 033 8, comunemant chSL 017 19, conmunement ChV0064 10; ChV0065 10; chdouai0347 1; chdouai0347 1; chdouai0347 1; chdouai0437 1; R 1299 03 06 01 4, coumunemant chMo240 12, coumunement ChMe082 12, cummunement HornP 427, 744, 2562, 3481; SEdmPassG 323, cumunement RolB 357; SJeanAumU 5072; RecLondB p. 500, Z. 34)
- ◆1o“tous ensemble” (RolB 357; HornP 427, 744, 2562, 3481; SEdmPassG 323; SJeanAumU 5072; RecLondB p. 500, Z. 34)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo016 5; chMo078 6; chMo099 6; docJuBe001 4; docJuBe001a 4; ChMa025 13; ChMM085 15; ChMe082 12; chMo163 4; ChV0064 10; ChV0065 10; ChMM204 5; chdouai0347 1; chdouai0347 1; chdouai0347 1; chMo242 6; chMo242 8; chMo241 10; chMo240 12; chdouai0437 1; ChMa214 17; RT 1275 12 32 01 23; chSL 017 19; chSL 020 30; chSL 020 39; R 1289 08 32 02 5; RV 1292 07 25 01 13; RV 1292 07 25 01 18; chJu090 9; R 1298 10 32 02 62; R 1299 03 06 01 4; chSL 043 6; chSL 065 7; chN 019 20; chN 027 8; docJuBe055 4; chN 033 8; docJuBe141 3)
fiches par lemme
●entrecomuner v.pron. à valeur réciproque
[Gdf 3, 282c; AND; MED 3, 187b; FEW 2, 2, 962a.]
- ◆“communiquer l’un avec l’autre” (Gdf 3, 282c; AND; MED 3, 187b; FEW 2, 2, 962a)
Cf. DMF entrecommuner.