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conversïon f.
[FEW 2,1133a lt. CONVERSIOTL; TL 2,818,14; Gdf 2, 288a; GdfC 9, 190b; AND 114b; MED 2, 586a; FEW 2, 2 1133a; LexMA 1, 1830. – VRo 42, 1983, 89.⁠]
(conuersions BrendanPr1W, convercion AlexissH 5; [ArmArgM 107], conversion AlexisP S. 5; SBernCantG; AyeB 1776; FlorenceW 258; TristPrG; chMM006 17; ArtusS 159, 13; 163, 12; 163, 16; chMe049 5; RègleSBenDouceD 2, 84; SMarieEgoD 2, 3; ChV0029 3; ChMa166 9; [AmphYpL2; OresmeSphèreMy 31b; AalmaR 2409]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 491, 19, conversïon AnsCartA 11158)
  • 1o“changement d'orientation; transformation” (AlexisP S. 5; AlexissH 5; TristPrG; ArtusS 159, 13; 163, 12; 163, 16; BrendanPr1W; [AmphYpL2; OresmeSphèreMy 31b; AalmaR 2409; ArmArgM 107]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 491, 19, TL; TL 2,818,14; Gdf 2, 288a; GdfC 9, 190b)
  • 2o“fait de convertir qn, de se convertir” (SBernCantG; RègleSBenDouceD 2, 84; SMarieEgoD 2, 3, VRo 42, 1983, 89, AND 114b; MED 2, 586a; FEW 2, 2 1133a; LexMA 1, 1830)
  • 3o“commerce charnel” (AyeB 1776; FlorenceW 258; AnsCartA 11158)
  • 4o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMM006 17; chMe049 5; ChV0029 3; ChMa166 9)