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toutes fiches de l’article Télécharger
fiches par lemme Télécharger
cope f.
[FEW 2,1553a lt. CŬPPATL 2,825,37; TL 2,825,37; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf 2,333c; Gdf 2, 334c; GdfC 9,219b; AND 115a; AND 134a; MED 2,786a; DCCarp s.124; DCCarp S 129; Gay 461b,462a; FEW; FEW 2,2, 1553-a; FEW; FEW 2,2, 1554b; Corom 4, 1161c; DiStefLoc 200; Foerster; GlSuisse 4,406a; LexMA 7,48. – ActesMulti 193; BPH 1899,p.69,z.18;70.14,18,21; BPH 1899,p.67,z.11,15,19,23,27; BPH 1899,p.69,z.20/21,23,24,26,27,29,30,33,34;70.2; BPH 1899,p.67,z.21,22,28; Bartzsch p168; BormannJagd; BraultBlazon 163; Drüppel 57-58; FiggeSon p.325; KaiserMPol 118; KaiserMPol 118; KellerWace; KellerWace 212a; LabordeGl I, 48; Morlet 32; Post 257; R 107 (1986) 228, G-10; RlFl Bd.10,131; RlFl Bd.10, 131; Runk p 77; Schultz I 376; [sigle].⁠]
(caupe ChevCygneNaissT 99, 45, colpe ChGuillSd 266, 2616, colpes ChGuillI 2616, cope GysselingDocAnc p.192,z.26 (2x), 194.42;195.18,23; GysselingDocAnc p.194,z.46;195.5,6,7,14,18; GysselingDocAnc p.193; EneasS1 3139; BenTroieC; EstFougK 253;o.937; FlorebK 2389,2639; AlexParA I, var. 47, 1070, t.3, 254; AlexParA II (ß57) 946.1, var.t.5; Saisna/lB 960, *3080 (L); ChevEspJ Ch354; ChevVivM; FolTristBernH2 434; Perl1N 592,9916; SongeEnfM 334; DurmS 6338; BesantR 1926*; GilChinP; DehDoc Bd.I,s.132; Pères12M v.307; chdouai0299 2; CharroicL; GlLeipzigBa R102, 1981, 440; FevresS 330b-22; MacaireM 2568; OvMorB 4, p.67,2645; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 9,175; BartschHorning 131,10; HenryChrest; NoomenFabl t.8, 409, 83G146; NoomenFabl t.6, 375, Cope SongeEnfM, copes chdouai0058 2; chdouai0065 1; chdouai0184 2, coppe CoincyChristO 2759; DolopL; CristalB 6667; MPolRustR; [JMandpL p.254-256]; (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg 185; HuntTeach, Coppe PèresPrI5/7S, coup chdouai0132 2; chdouai0318 2, coupe FloreaW 441,1169,3257; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 7099; BueveAgnS 2589; ElucidationT 47,71,86,128,302; Bueve2S; Bueve3S 11161,1122; TournAntW 3257 (3256); GilChinP; Pères28M v.92; AnticlC 2689; chdouai0381a 1; chdouai0381a 1; chdouai0381a 1; chdouai0381b 1; chdouai0381b 1; chdouai0381b 1; chdouai0442 1; chdouai0473a 30; chdouai0473b 5; chdouai0473c 4; RenMontlC S.3455, 11885; R 1299 03 26 01 23; R 1299 03 26 01 40; FoukeH 32.29,38.12; MaillartR 3021,6401,6749; (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg 53, Coupe (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg, coupelon RecMédDresdV p.1-2, coupes RoselLangl; chdouai0084 2; ChMa076 11; chdouai0153 2; chdouai0204 2; chdouai0242 2; chdouai0242 2; chdouai0242 2; chdouai0269 6; chdouai0269 6; chdouai0378 1; chdouai0378 1; chdouai0380 1; chdouai0381a 1; chdouai0381a 1; chdouai0381b 1; chdouai0381b 1; chdouai0419 1; chdouai0419 1; chdouai0440 1; chdouai0442 1; chdouai0442 1; chdouai0442 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446b 1; chdouai0447 1; chdouai0457 1; chdouai0462 1; chdouai0476 1; chdouai0477 1; chdouai0479 1; chdouai0479 1; chdouai0479 1; MédLiégH 439,440,441; CR 1295 03 23 02 8; R 1295 03 23 01 8; VoeuxPaonR I 1918; GeoffrParChronD 6633, Coupes (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg, cupe LapidalS 804M; HornP 463 etc.; TristThomB 2669; CptRoyF 2691, 5983, 482; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach 236, cupeus SCathAumN 2262, cupis VoeuxPaonR vol. 4)
  • 1o“vase à boire, évasé, à pied” (LapidalS 804M; RecMédDresdV p.1-2; EneasS1 3139; FloreaW 441,1169,3257; BenTroieC; HornP 463 etc.; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 7099; EstFougK 253;o.937; FlorebK 2389,2639; AlexParA I, var. 47, 1070, t.3, 254; AlexParA II (ß57) 946.1, var.t.5; TristThomB 2669; Saisna/lB 960, *3080 (L); ChevCygneNaissT 99, 45; ChevEspJ Ch354; ChevVivM; BueveAgnS 2589; ElucidationT 47,71,86,128,302; FolTristBernH2 434; Perl1N 592,9916; PèresPrI5/7S; ChGuillI 2616; ChGuillSd 266, 2616; SongeEnfM 334; SongeEnfM; Bueve2S; Bueve3S 11161,1122; DurmS 6338; CoincyChristO 2759; DolopL; BesantR 1926*; RoselLangl; SCathAumN 2262; TournAntW 3257 (3256); GilChinP; GilChinP; CristalB 6667; DehDoc Bd.I,s.132; Pères12M v.307; Pères28M v.92; AnticlC 2689; CharroicL; MédLiégH 439,440,441; RenMontlC S.3455, 11885; CptRoyF 2691, 5983, 482; GlLeipzigBa R102, 1981, 440; MPolRustR; FevresS 330b-22; FoukeH 32.29,38.12; MacaireM 2568; VoeuxPaonR I 1918; VoeuxPaonR vol. 4; GeoffrParChronD 6633; MaillartR 3021,6401,6749; OvMorB 4, p.67,2645; [JMandpL p.254-256]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 9,175; BartschHorning 131,10; DouëtNArg 185; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg 53; HenryChrest; HuntTeach; HuntTeach 236; NoomenFabl t.8, 409, 83G146; NoomenFabl t.6, 375, ActesMulti 193; BPH 1899,p.69,z.18;70.14,18,21; BPH 1899,p.67,z.11,15,19,23,27; BPH 1899,p.69,z.20/21,23,24,26,27,29,30,33,34;70.2; BPH 1899,p.67,z.21,22,28; Bartzsch p168; BormannJagd; BraultBlazon 163; Drüppel 57-58; FiggeSon p.325; KaiserMPol 118; KaiserMPol 118; KellerWace; KellerWace 212a; LabordeGl I, 48; Morlet 32; Post 257; R 107 (1986) 228, G-10; RlFl Bd.10,131; RlFl Bd.10, 131; Runk p 77; Schultz I 376; [sigle], TL; TL 2,825,37; TL 2,825,37; TL; Gdf; Gdf 2,333c; Gdf 2, 334c; GdfC 9,219b; AND 115a; AND 134a; MED 2,786a; DCCarp S 129; Gay 461b,462a; FEW; FEW; FEW 2,2, 1553-a; FEW 2,2, 1554b; Corom 4, 1161c; DiStefLoc 200; Foerster; GlSuisse 4,406a; LexMA 7,48)
    • “sorte de mesure de grain et de sel” (GysselingDocAnc p.192,z.26 (2x), 194.42;195.18,23; GysselingDocAnc p.194,z.46;195.5,6,7,14,18; GysselingDocAnc p.193, DCCarp s.124)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chdouai0058 2; chdouai0065 1; ChMa076 11; chdouai0084 2; chdouai0132 2; chdouai0153 2; chdouai0184 2; chdouai0204 2; chdouai0242 2; chdouai0242 2; chdouai0242 2; chdouai0269 6; chdouai0269 6; chdouai0299 2; chdouai0318 2; chdouai0378 1; chdouai0378 1; chdouai0380 1; chdouai0381a 1; chdouai0381a 1; chdouai0381a 1; chdouai0381b 1; chdouai0381b 1; chdouai0381b 1; chdouai0381a 1; chdouai0381a 1; chdouai0381b 1; chdouai0381b 1; chdouai0419 1; chdouai0419 1; chdouai0442 1; chdouai0440 1; chdouai0442 1; chdouai0442 1; chdouai0442 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446b 1; chdouai0447 1; chdouai0457 1; chdouai0462 1; chdouai0476 1; chdouai0473a 30; chdouai0473b 5; chdouai0473c 4; chdouai0477 1; chdouai0479 1; chdouai0479 1; chdouai0479 1; R 1295 03 23 01 8; CR 1295 03 23 02 8; R 1299 03 26 01 23; R 1299 03 26 01 40)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copee1 f.
[TL 2,827,38; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf 2,334a; DCCarp s.124; FEW 2,2, 1555a. – R 70,425; RLiR 30 (1957).⁠]
(copee EspVal 230-15, coupee ManVilF 1.21)
  • “sorte de mesure de grain; sorte de mesure de surface” (ManVilF 1.21; EspVal 230-15, R 70,425; RLiR 30 (1957), TL; TL 2,827,38; TL; Gdf; Gdf 2,334a; DCCarp s.124; FEW 2,2, 1555a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copel1 m.
[TL 2,828,19; TL 2,828,19; TL; TL; GdfC 9,192c; GdfC 9,219c; MED 2,593b; DCCarp s.129; FEW 2,2, 1555a; FEW 2,2,1555a. – Fagniez II,303.⁠]
(copel LapidalS 1373; ElesB RE18; MahArE 144,26;145,16; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 264,3, coupel FloreaP 16333,1828; RenγF2; JSQuentO; JVignayOisivG; [ModusT 135,31])
  • “sommet, cime” (LapidalS 1373; FloreaP 16333,1828; ElesB RE18; MahArE 144,26;145,16; RenγF2; JSQuentO; JVignayOisivG; [ModusT 135,31]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 264,3, Fagniez II,303, TL; TL 2,828,19; TL 2,828,19; TL; GdfC 9,192c; GdfC 9,219c; MED 2,593b; DCCarp s.129; FEW 2,2, 1555a; FEW 2,2,1555a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
coperon m.
[TL 2,830,29; TL; Gdf 2, 334b; AND 115a; AND 134b; MED 2,591b; MED 2, 591b; DCCarp s.129; FEW 2,2, 1555b. – HuntPl p.82; HuntPl p.82; MélReid1 172; MélReid1 s.167.179, s.172.⁠]
(coperon FetRomF1, coperun (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 21,66; HuntMed 134; HuntMed 2,7,205; HuntMed 1; HuntMed 1, couperon [ModusT 135,31 I KLV; BerinB 412]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 920, cuperun ProtH; LettrHippoT 9212)
  • “sommet, cime (d’un végétal)” (ProtH; FetRomF1; LettrHippoT 9212; [ModusT 135,31 I KLV; BerinB 412]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 21,66; HuntMed 134; HuntMed 2,7,205; HuntMed 1; HuntMed 1; HuntMed 920, HuntPl p.82; HuntPl p.82; MélReid1 172; MélReid1 s.167.179, s.172, TL 2,830,29; TL; Gdf 2, 334b; AND 115a; AND 134b; MED 2,591b; MED 2, 591b; DCCarp s.129; FEW 2,2, 1555b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copet m.
[DEAF n.7; TL; TL 2,830,49; TL 2,830,49; TL; Gdf 2, 334b; DCCarp s.129. – DuboisDrap s.154; SchelerJPreis; Zupko s.46.⁠]
(coupet TristNantS 16207)
  • “sommet, pignon” (TristNantS 16207, DuboisDrap s.154; SchelerJPreis; Zupko s.46, DEAF n.7; TL; TL 2,830,49; TL 2,830,49; TL; Gdf 2, 334b; DCCarp s.129)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copier m.
[TL 2,831,40; TL; TL; Gdf 2, 335a; DCCarp S 129; DCCarp S 129; Gay 2163a; FEW 2,2,1555b; FEW 2, 2- 874a. – RLiR 49, 1985, 504.⁠]
(copier DurmG 1515,1522, coupier FloreaK 491; FloreaW 491; FevresS, coupiers FloreaL 491)
  • “sommet, cime d’arbre” (FloreaK 491; FloreaL 491; FloreaW 491; DurmG 1515,1522; FevresS, RLiR 49, 1985, 504, TL 2,831,40; TL; TL; Gdf 2, 335a; DCCarp S 129; DCCarp S 129; Gay 2163a; FEW 2,2,1555b; FEW 2, 2- 874a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copin m.
[TL; TL 2,832,4; Gdf 2,292a; FEW 2, 2, 1553b.⁠]
(copin JobG 1406, copins JobB 1406)
  • “sorte de récipient pour boire” (JobB 1406; JobG 1406, TL; TL 2,832,4; Gdf 2,292a; FEW 2, 2, 1553b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copé adj.
[TL; TL; TL 2,826,29; TL 2,826,29; TL 2,826,29; TL 2,826,29; TL; AND 126b; AND 134b; DCCarp s.124; FEW 2, 2, 1554; FEW 2,2, 1554-a; Corom 4, 1161c; Foerster; LexMA 4,2143. – BangertTiere 63Anm; TilGlan; TraLiLi s.64; TraLiLi S.64.⁠]
(copé EntreeT 6532N, 10710; [ModusT 90,74], copee AliscW p.16,v.267; CoincyII1...K 682var, copiez RolB 354, coupé ThomKentF 109; ElieR 1894; GerbMetzT 6576; Saisna/lB 962,1907(A),2495(A); GautLeuL2 p.295 (174); ThebesR 2808,6253; OlimB; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 410,t.8,91400, coupez GautArrErR XIX,1 s.64; GautArrErR XIX, 1 s.64)
  • “qui est creux, concave (en parlent des pieds d’un cheval)” (RolB 354; GautArrErR XIX,1 s.64; GautArrErR XIX, 1 s.64; ThomKentF 109; AliscW p.16,v.267; ElieR 1894; GerbMetzT 6576; Saisna/lB 962,1907(A),2495(A); CoincyII1...K 682var; GautLeuL2 p.295 (174); ThebesR 2808,6253; OlimB; EntreeT 6532N, 10710; [ModusT 90,74]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 410,t.8,91400, BangertTiere 63Anm; TilGlan; TraLiLi s.64; TraLiLi S.64, TL; TL 2,826,29; TL; TL 2,826,29; TL 2,826,29; TL 2,826,29; TL; AND 126b; AND 134b; DCCarp s.124; FEW 2,2, 1554-a; FEW 2, 2, 1554; Corom 4, 1161c; Foerster; LexMA 4,2143)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
coupon m.
[AND 115a.⁠]
(calpo MédLiégH G.n. 146)
  • “mesure pour les grains” (MédLiégH G.n. 146, AND 115a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copage m.
[TL; Gdf 2,292c; FEW 2,2, 1553b.⁠]
  • “droit de lever une coupe de vin sur la vente” (TL; Gdf 2,292c; FEW 2,2, 1553b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copel2 m.
(copel (sigles à datations multiples:) Studer)
  • “petite tasse” ((sigles à datations multiples:) Studer)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copete f.
[TL; DCCarp s.124; FEW 2,2, 1554a. – RlFl Bd. 10, 131.⁠]
(copete DehDoc 136, copote [ProstInv II (451.)])
  • “petite coupe, tasse” (DehDoc 136; [ProstInv II (451.)], RlFl Bd. 10, 131, TL; DCCarp s.124; FEW 2,2, 1554a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copillon m.
[TL; Gdf 4, 372b.⁠]
(copillon chMo178 7; chMo178 11)
  • 1o“droit de quartage (le quartage prélevait le quarantième des grains vendus)” (TL; Gdf 4, 372b)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo178 7; chMo178 11)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
coppe m.
[DCCarp s.124; Gay 420a; FEW 2,2,1553b. – Flam p.63,79a; HuntPl p.181.⁠]
  • “sommet, cime, cimier du bassinet” (Flam p.63,79a; HuntPl p.181, DCCarp s.124; Gay 420a; FEW 2,2,1553b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copelet m.
[TL 2,829,24; TL 2,829,24; TL.⁠]
  • “cime d’arbre?” (TL 2,829,24; TL 2,829,24; TL)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
coupelle f.
[Gdf 2,334b; Corom 4,1161c. – RlFl Bd.10,131; Zupko S.50.⁠]
  • “sorte de mesure de terre” (RlFl Bd.10,131; Zupko S.50, Gdf 2,334b; Corom 4,1161c)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
coupere f.
[FEW 2,2, 1554a. – RlFl 6; RlFl Bd.6, 90.⁠]
(coupere (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed p.431; HuntMed 40,87; HuntMed 156)
  • ⁠“?”⁠ ((sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed p.431; HuntMed 40,87; HuntMed 156, RlFl 6; RlFl Bd.6, 90, FEW 2,2, 1554a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copille f.
[FEW 2, 2- 1555b.⁠]
  • “tête de saule” (FEW 2, 2- 1555b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copee2 f.
[Gdf 2; DCCarp S. 136; FEW 2,2,1555a.⁠]
(coupee BenDucF 21422,33543, COUPEE RenMontdT, couppé [EvQuenJe 970, 973], couppee OvArtPrR 1082, 1086, cupée BenDucM II, p. 133, v. 19241; p. 559, v. 31314; III, p. 429, v. 19241)
  • “sorte d’alouette à huppe” (BenDucF 21422,33543; BenDucM II, p. 133, v. 19241; p. 559, v. 31314; III, p. 429, v. 19241; RenMontdT; OvArtPrR 1082, 1086; [EvQuenJe 970, 973], Gdf 2; DCCarp S. 136; FEW 2,2,1555a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
cupate s.
[FEW 2, 2 1555a. – TilGlan.⁠]
(cupate MoamT I, 29, 3; 49, 18; II, 47, 41 etc.)
  • “sorte d’oiseau” (MoamT I, 29, 3; 49, 18; II, 47, 41 etc., TilGlan, FEW 2, 2 1555a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
escoupier m.
[FEW 2, 2 1556a.⁠]
  • “arbre qu’on a coutume d’étêter” (FEW 2, 2 1556a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
escoupleur m.
[Gdf 3, 433a.⁠]
  • “bûcheron” (Gdf 3, 433a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
escoupeleüre f.
[Gdf 3, 433a.⁠]
  • “action d’enlever le sommet d’un arbre” (Gdf 3, 433a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
encopement m.
[R 102, 1981, 439.⁠]
  • “écueil” (R 102, 1981, 439)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
copat m.
(copat docJuBe147 17; docJuBe147 31; docJuBe147 39; docJuBe147 40; docJuBe147 45, copaz docJuBe147 2; docJuBe147 9; docJuBe147 10; docJuBe147 12; docJuBe147 13; docJuBe147 16; docJuBe147 20; docJuBe147 22; docJuBe147 32; docJuBe147 33, coppat docJuBe070 35)
  • “Identificanda DocLing” (docJuBe070 35; docJuBe147 2; docJuBe147 9; docJuBe147 10; docJuBe147 12; docJuBe147 13; docJuBe147 16; docJuBe147 17; docJuBe147 20; docJuBe147 22; docJuBe147 31; docJuBe147 32; docJuBe147 33; docJuBe147 39; docJuBe147 40; docJuBe147 45)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
acopee f.
[Gdf 1, 74 b; Gdf 1, 74 b; Gdf.⁠]
  • “alouette” (Gdf 1, 74 b; Gdf 1, 74 b; Gdf)