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fiches par lemme
culvert adj.
[FEW 2,897b lt. COLLĪBERTUS – TL 2,1151,38; TL 2,1151,38; TL 2,1151,38; TL 2,1151,38; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 2, 401c; Gdf 2, 401c; Gdf; Gdf 2, 394a; Gdf; Gdf; AND 126a; AND 126b etc; AND 126b; AND 138b; MED 2, 785a; DCCarp S 136; DCCarp S 136; DCCarp S. 135; DCCarp s. 137; FEW 2, 2, 897b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 2-2, 847a; BurnellRen II 608; BurnellRen II 628; Foerster. – ContPerc T 6288, 6823, 7708; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 30695; GononQuot 1183; KellerWace 230b; MA 67, 1961, 425 ff; MedAev 49,21; 129; MélDufournet vol II v 662; S. 511; MénardRire p 65; MénardRire 467; MénardRire 721; MénardRire p 129-30, 467, 721; MénardRire p. 134; R 93, 417; R 71, 531; R 98, 521; RLiR 30; RoPh 7, 383; StFr 61-63 (1977) 516, v. 130; ZrP 38 (1917) 677; ZrP 38 (1917) 677; [sigle] 1810.]
(coilvert BenTroieC; BenDucM I,p. 232, v.4284; p.507, v.12310; AmbroiseP 7230; 9863, coliber AngDialGregP 90 ro a; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 11613, colibert ChronSMichelB 2741*; AngDialGregP, collibertus EtSLouisV IV, 69, colvert GautArrIllLe; SAudreeS, colverz BesantR 2376*, couvers [GodBouillBruxR]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.5, 460, couvert (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn, covers BibleEntS 1141, cuevert (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach 234, cuilvert BenDucF; PoèmeMorB 107, 2715, cuilverz BenDucM I, p. 60, v. 10609; p. 233, v. 4319; p. 278, v. 5610 etc., cuiver Aiol1/2F 48, 213, 649, 660, cuivers AlexParA II 1162; AlexParA I t 3, 245; RCambrM; HuonQuJérS p125; CoincyI11V 1015; CoincyII1...K 146 var; CheviiEspI; GautLeuL2 III 439, VI 87, VIII 5, 15; HuonR 842, 895, 964; MahomL 690; LaurinT; BodelFablN IX, II; OvMorB 13, p 370, 202; BastC 4282; (sigles à datations multiples:) MaccabGaut/PiergS, Cuivers GautLeuL2, cuivert CharroiPo t II, 52; EneasS1 1065, 1121; FloreaP 1888; ThebesC 6470; BenTroiemR; PhilomB 811; Aiol1/2N 648; CligesG; CligesM 5926; EstFougK 114r; EructavitJ 2114; EructavitJ; AlexParA I, t3, 248; Saisna/lB *873/827, 832 (L); BodelNicH 2.46; 22, 499; VMortHélW 31, 8; BibleGuiotW; GirVianeE 272, 2045; GirVianeY 2045; NarbS; SEust2P G 1152; BalJosCamA 9920; Bueve2S 10743, 684, 10743; 2770, 2984; Bueve3S 14335, 2687, 1455 etc; GuillTyrP 207; LancPrK 118.12; LancPrM XVII 9, 12; CVII, 11; GodinM; RenclCarH; ChansArtB XXII, 12; CoincyII1...K 1042, 2642; CoincyII10N 433; CoincyII9Kr 1042, 2642; ViolB; TristPrS; AnsCartA 167, 172; ArtusS; FolLancB; GilChinP; ParDuchP; MerlinsR 568, 27; BestAmOctT 1807, 2344; ThebesR 6160; RenMontlC 1915, 13013, 622, 1189, 16797, 5226, 8131; RenγF2; JSQuentO; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 10, 380; 26, 209; 28, 153; 60, 116; GarLorrP II, 267; Ilvonen II 205; MontRayn I 25, 46 etc; NoomenFabl t5, 460; NoomenFabl 24/23; ReidFabl, Cuivert RobDiableL, CUIVERT BodelNicH4, cuiverz ErecR 208, 235; RenR XII-XVII, 14826; AimeriD; MortArtuF2 94, 22; BlancandS 340, 4454; OvMorB 6, p 353, 3027, culverd (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach 235, culvers MonRaincB 546, 4087.22c; QSignesK; DurmS 1181; FoukeH 3.35, culvert RolB 355; GaimarB 6124; HornP 295, 1700, 1811, O 4823; 2927, 3147, 3335, 3547; ProtH; ThomKentF 1, 3386, 4537; WaldefH 4368, 5320, 6987, 7810; BestGuillR 1154, 1329; ChGuillI; ChGuillM 1408, 2122, 2241, 2604, 2173; ChGuillSd 269; 1908, 2122, 2173, 2173, 2241, 2604; YderG; BrutIntB; DurmG; FergF 4607, 4214; GuillJoiesRi; GuiWarE 1294; ModvB2 7517; 275, 661 etc; PartonContG 2849; RésSauvcJ; SThomFragmM; GesteFrancorR 3026 ecc.; (sigles à datations multiples:) AppelChrest 36; Aspland 6, 275; BartschHorning 98, 10; HuntTeach II 56, Culvert ConqIrlO; SermMaurpB, culverz CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; HArciPèresO 926, 5630; 261, cuvers AlexParA var. t 7; AlexParA var. 142, 2974.1; ContPerc2lC2 p110; PriseCordD; HervisH; DurmG 3394; DurmS 1181; GautLeuL2; MirNDPers1-40P 23 1081; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, Cuvers GautLeuL2, cuvert CharroiM 183, etc; CharroiPo t. II, 52; SLaurentR; RouH II, 1703, 1926, III, 8219, App. 573, 648; BenDucF I, p. 55, v. 1470; III, p. 456, v. 39056; BenDucF 20155, 27276; GautArrIllC; ThibMarlyS; AimonFlH 65; GuiNantm/v/fM; TristBérG 421, 4313; 3462; AliscW p. 91 v. 1415; FloovA 711, 1335, 1363, 335; FloovB 754, 833; PriseOrabR1 A 863, 895, 1014, 1818; PriseOrabR1; Saisna/lB 968; AlNeckUtensH p. 242; AlNeckUtensH p. 257; ChevCygneNaissM 2225; ChevCygneNaissT 2225; ChevVivM 623, A1396, BD 627, B 344, C 1670, E 118, 406; ChevVivM; DoonRocheM 269, 374; GuibAndrM 1142, 1234, 1272, 1592, 1903, 1609; MeraugisF 4459; AngDialGregP 149vob; FlorenceW 2790, 2989, 3594; CoincyChristO 2808; LancPrM XVIIa, 12; CVII, 11; ComtePoitK; ComtePoitM 840; OrsonP 689, 789; BesantR 419; ParDuchP 20; *75; AuberiTarbé; CourLouiscLe; HistFécL 5891; LSimplMedD 1009, 1035; MaugisV 260; RègleSBenDouceD 29; VenjNSfB 113; VivMonbrancE 466; JostPletR; EtSLouisV IV; 68, 69; CharroicL; EvEnfB 267, 1097; EvEnfB2; RosemLec 2813; SimPouilleaB 85; PassPalF 1182; BelleHelR 837a; GalienD; TristNantS 2800, 7032, 9956, 8979; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1148, 1595, 1721; DeschQ I, 241]; (sigles à datations multiples:) GarLorrP I, 136; HuntTeach; MontRayn; AngDialGregO2 20020, Cuvert EvNicAgnP; BibleMacéL, cuverz MortAymC 2233, 3600, 3816, 3707, 3844, 3854; DolopL; RoselLangl misérable, cuviert JCondM; [ChevCygneBruxR v. 27734]; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 959, quilvert (sigles à datations multiples:) SGreg, quiver Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2N; Bueve1S 331,1997,5663, quivers ContPerc4tO 11735; ContPerc4tO 6512etc., quivert NarbS; Bueve3S; TristPrS; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn; NoomenFabl t. 9, 355b, Quivert RobDiableL)
- ◆“qui est perfide, pervers” (BenDucF I, p. 55, v. 1470; III, p. 456, v. 39056; BenDucF 20155, 27276; BenDucM I,p. 232, v.4284; p.507, v.12310; GautArrIllC; GuiNantm/v/fM; ThomKentF 1, 3386, 4537; ChevVivM 623, A1396, BD 627, B 344, C 1670, E 118, 406; PriseCordD; DoonRocheM 269, 374; AimeriD; MortArtuF2 94, 22; YderG; BalJosCamA 9920; Bueve2S 10743, 684, 10743; 2770, 2984; Bueve3S 14335, 2687, 1455 etc; GuiWarE 1294; ComtePoitM 840; CoincyII9Kr 1042, 2642; ModvB2 7517; 275, 661 etc; ParDuchP 20; *75; HuonR 842, 895, 964; MaugisV 260; RègleSBenDouceD 29; EvEnfB 267, 1097; FoukeH 3.35; BastC 4282; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 20020; Aspland 6, 275, ContPerc T 6288, 6823, 7708; GononQuot 1183, Gdf 2, 394a; Gdf 2, 401c; AND 126b etc; MED 2, 785a; FEW; FEW)
- ◆adj. subst. m. “individu ignoble, infâme, misérable; paysan non libre, serf” (RolB 355; GaimarB 6124; CharroiM 183, etc; CharroiPo t. II, 52; CharroiPo t II, 52; CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; EneasS1 1065, 1121; FloreaP 1888; ThebesC 6470; ChronSMichelB 2741*; SLaurentR; BenTroieC; BenTroiemR; ErecR 208, 235; HornP 295, 1700, 1811, O 4823; 2927, 3147, 3335, 3547; PhilomB 811; RouH II, 1703, 1926, III, 8219, App. 573, 648; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p. 60, v. 10609; p. 233, v. 4319; p. 278, v. 5610 etc.; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F 48, 213, 649, 660; Aiol1/2N 648; Aiol1/2N; GautArrIllLe; CligesG; CligesM 5926; EstFougK 114r; EructavitJ 2114; EructavitJ; ThibMarlyS; AlexParA var. t 7; AlexParA var. 142, 2974.1; AlexParA I, t3, 248; AlexParA II 1162; AlexParA I t 3, 245; ProtH; AimonFlH 65; RenR XII-XVII, 14826; TristBérG 421, 4313; 3462; AliscW p. 91 v. 1415; FloovA 711, 1335, 1363, 335; FloovB 754, 833; MonRaincB 546, 4087.22c; PriseOrabR1 A 863, 895, 1014, 1818; PriseOrabR1; QSignesK; RCambrM; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; Saisna/lB *873/827, 832 (L); Saisna/lB 968; BodelNicH 2.46; 22, 499; BodelNicH4; VMortHélW 31, 8; AlNeckUtensH p. 242; AlNeckUtensH p. 257; ChevCygneNaissM 2225; ChevCygneNaissT 2225; ChevVivM; ContPerc2lC2 p110; PoèmeMorB 107, 2715; AmbroiseP 7230; 9863; BibleGuiotW; GirVianeE 272, 2045; GirVianeY 2045; GuibAndrM 1142, 1234, 1272, 1592, 1903, 1609; MeraugisF 4459; NarbS; NarbS; SEust2P G 1152; WaldefH 4368, 5320, 6987, 7810; BestGuillR 1154, 1329; AngDialGregP 149vob; AngDialGregP 90 ro a; AngDialGregP; ChGuillI; ChGuillM 1408, 2122, 2241, 2604, 2173; ChGuillSd 269; 1908, 2122, 2173, 2173, 2241, 2604; FlorenceW 2790, 2989, 3594; HervisH; MortAymC 2233, 3600, 3816, 3707, 3844, 3854; BlancandS 340, 4454; BrutIntB; Bueve1S 331,1997,5663; Bueve3S; DurmG 3394; DurmG; DurmS 1181; DurmS 1181; FergF 4607, 4214; GuillJoiesRi; GuillTyrP 207; CoincyChristO 2808; LancPrK 118.12; LancPrM XVII 9, 12; CVII, 11; LancPrM XVIIa, 12; CVII, 11; HuonQuJérS p125; DolopL; CoincyI11V 1015; ComtePoitK; GodinM; OrsonP 689, 789; RenclCarH; BesantR 2376*; BesantR 419; ChansArtB XXII, 12; CoincyII1...K 146 var; CoincyII1...K 1042, 2642; CoincyII10N 433; ViolB; ConqIrlO; RoselLangl misérable; TristPrS; TristPrS; AnsCartA 167, 172; ArtusS; CheviiEspI; ContPerc4tO 11735; ContPerc4tO 6512etc.; FolLancB; GilChinP; ParDuchP; MerlinsR 568, 27; AuberiTarbé; BestAmOctT 1807, 2344; BibleEntS 1141; CourLouiscLe; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2 III 439, VI 87, VIII 5, 15; HArciPèresO 926, 5630; 261; HistFécL 5891; LSimplMedD 1009, 1035; PartonContG 2849; RésSauvcJ; SAudreeS; SThomFragmM; SermMaurpB; ThebesR 6160; VenjNSfB 113; VivMonbrancE 466; MahomL 690; JostPletR; EtSLouisV IV; 68, 69; EtSLouisV IV, 69; CharroicL; EvEnfB2; EvNicAgnP; RenMontlC 1915, 13013, 622, 1189, 16797, 5226, 8131; RosemLec 2813; SimPouilleaB 85; LaurinT; RenγF2; BodelFablN IX, II; BibleMacéL; PassPalF 1182; GesteFrancorR 3026 ecc.; JSQuentO; JCondM; OvMorB 6, p 353, 3027; OvMorB 13, p 370, 202; MirNDPers1-40P 23 1081; BelleHelR 837a; GalienD; TristNantS 2800, 7032, 9956, 8979; [ChevCygneBruxR v. 27734; GodBouillBruxR; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1148, 1595, 1721; DeschQ I, 241]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 11613; AppelChrest 36; BartschChrest 10, 380; 26, 209; 28, 153; 60, 116; BartschHorning 98, 10; GarLorrP II, 267; GarLorrP I, 136; HuntTeach; HuntTeach; HuntTeach 235; HuntTeach II 56; HuntTeach 234; Ilvonen II 205; MaccabGaut/PiergS; MontRayn; MontRayn I 25, 46 etc; MontRayn; MontRayn; NoomenFabl t5, 460; NoomenFabl 24/23; NoomenFabl t. 9, 355b; NoomenFabl t.5, 460; RecHist XXII, 959; ReidFabl; SGreg, CorleyCont2 30695; CorleyCont2; KellerWace 230b; MA 67, 1961, 425 ff; MedAev 49,21; 129; MélDufournet vol II v 662; S. 511; MénardRire p 65; MénardRire 467; MénardRire 721; MénardRire p 129-30, 467, 721; MénardRire p. 134; R 93, 417; R 71, 531; R 98, 521; RLiR 30; RoPh 7, 383; StFr 61-63 (1977) 516, v. 130; ZrP 38 (1917) 677; ZrP 38 (1917) 677; [sigle] 1810, TL; TL; TL; TL 2,1151,38; TL; TL; TL 2,1151,38; TL; TL 2,1151,38; TL; TL 2,1151,38; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 2, 401c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 126a; AND 126b; AND 138b; DCCarp S. 135; DCCarp S 136; DCCarp S 136; DCCarp s. 137; FEW 2, 2, 897b; FEW; FEW 2-2, 847a; BurnellRen II 608; BurnellRen II 628; Foerster)
fiches par lemme
●culvertage f. et m.
[TL 2,1153,11; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf 2, 402b; AND 120b; AND 126b; AND 138b; DCCarp S 136; FEW 2 (2) 897b; FEW 2-2 897b. – MélLecoy s. 230; MélWathWill p 25... p 34.]
(couvertage PalamA1D 570, couvertaige BibleEntS 1133, cuivertage VengAlE p117, cuivertaje GirVianeE 5139, cuivretage AlexParA II 2010.1-2, culvertage ThomKentF 574; 945 n. 5282; AngDialGregP; AngDialGregP; GesteFrancorR 12951; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 8236, cuvertage BenDucF 18883; BenDucM III, p. 46, v. 16706; ProtH; RoselLangl; RosemLec 143, Cuvertage JostPletR, cuvertaige TristPrC 1, 288, 7; 290, 12, quivertage TristPrF 171,4)
- ◆“état du culvert, servage; affront, insolence” (BenDucF 18883; BenDucM III, p. 46, v. 16706; AlexParA II 2010.1-2; ProtH; ThomKentF 574; 945 n. 5282; VengAlE p117; GirVianeE 5139; AngDialGregP; AngDialGregP; RoselLangl; TristPrC 1, 288, 7; 290, 12; TristPrF 171,4; PalamA1D 570; BibleEntS 1133; JostPletR; RosemLec 143; GesteFrancorR 12951; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 8236, MélLecoy s. 230; MélWathWill p 25... p 34, TL; TL 2,1153,11; TL; Gdf; Gdf 2, 402b; AND 120b; AND 126b; AND 138b; DCCarp S 136; FEW 2 (2) 897b; FEW 2-2 897b)
fiches par lemme
●aculverter v.
[TL; TL 1,131,31; DC. – CohnBem.]
(acuverte BenDucF 17803, acuverté BenDucM v. 15726, acuverter AmAmD 568)
- ◆“asservir” (BenDucF 17803; BenDucM v. 15726; AmAmD 568, CohnBem, TL 1,131,31; TL; DC)
fiches par lemme
●aculvertir v.
[TL; TL 1,131,37; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 92c; Gdf; Gdf; DC; FEW II, 2; 897b. – MélLecoy S. 230.]
(acuiverti BibleGuiotW 213, acuivertir VMortHélW 31,9; LancPrM XVI, 45, aculvertir RenMontlC 8149, ACUVERTI RenMontdT, acuvertir SRemiB 987)
- ◆“asservir, mettre en servage, assujettir” (RenMontdT; VMortHélW 31,9; BibleGuiotW 213; LancPrM XVI, 45; RenMontlC 8149; SRemiB 987, MélLecoy S. 230, TL; TL 1,131,37; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 92c; Gdf; Gdf; DC; FEW II, 2; 897b)
fiches par lemme
●culvertaille f.
[TL; TL 2,1153,21; TL; FEW; FEW 2-2, 897b. – MénardRire 722; RF 103 (1990, 1).]
(coilvertaille BenTroieC; AmbroiseP 6130)
- ◆“collectif méprisable” (BenTroieC; AmbroiseP 6130, MénardRire 722; RF 103 (1990, 1), TL; TL 2,1153,21; TL; FEW; FEW 2-2, 897b)
fiches par lemme
●culvertise f.
[TL; TL; TL 2,1153,31; TL; Gdf; Gdf 2, 402c; AND 103b; AND 104b; AND 126b; AND 138b; DCCarp s. 137; FEW; FEW 2, 2, 897b; FEW 2 (2) 897b; FEW 2-2 897b. – DiekmannSuff 92.]
(coilvertise TristThomB; TristThomW, colvertise SThomBenS 1091B; TristThomB 195, 293; TristThomL; TristThomW sm. 1. 138, cuivertise ThibMarlyS; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn III, 207; NoomenFabl t5, 460, Cuivertise RobDiableL, culvertise ThomKentF 6505; CoincyChristO 1661, cuvertise SLaurentR; IpH 9420; TristBérG; AngDialGregP 149vob; 81voa; MaccabGautS; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 13, 111; HenryChrest; AngDialGregO2 10396, 20017, cuvertisse FlorenceW 5073, Quivertisse RobDiableL)
- ◆“redevance de culvert, de serf” (SLaurentR; SThomBenS 1091B; ThibMarlyS; IpH 9420; ThomKentF 6505; TristBérG; TristThomB 195, 293; TristThomB; TristThomL; TristThomW sm. 1. 138; TristThomW; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; AngDialGregP 149vob; 81voa; FlorenceW 5073; CoincyChristO 1661; MaccabGautS; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 10396, 20017; Aspland 13, 111; HenryChrest; MontRayn III, 207; NoomenFabl t5, 460, DiekmannSuff 92, TL; TL; TL 2,1153,31; TL; Gdf; Gdf 2, 402c; AND 103b; AND 104b; AND 126b; AND 138b; DCCarp s. 137; FEW; FEW 2, 2, 897b; FEW 2 (2) 897b; FEW 2-2 897b)
fiches par lemme
●culverté f.
[TL 2,1153,27; TL; Gdf 2, 402c; Gdf; FEW 2 (2) 897b.]
(culverté BrutIntB; CoincyChristO 1743)
- ◆“méchanceté, malice” (BrutIntB; CoincyChristO 1743, TL; TL 2,1153,27; Gdf 2, 402c; Gdf; FEW 2 (2) 897b)
fiches par lemme
●culvertal adj.
[RF 103, (1990, I), p 87.]
- ◆“qui agit comme un culvert?” (RF 103, (1990, I), p 87)
fiches par lemme
●culvertement adv.
[Gdf 2, 402c; AND 126b.]
(culvertement ProtH; (sigles à datations multiples:) IpKH)
- ◆“comme un culvert” (ProtH; (sigles à datations multiples:) IpKH, Gdf 2, 402c; AND 126b)
fiches par lemme
●culverti adj.
(culverti MacaireM 2367)
- ◆“qui est coquin” (MacaireM 2367)
fiches par lemme
●culvertie f.
(cuivertie GirVianeE 5138; BibleEntS 687)
- ◆“servage, asservissement” (GirVianeE 5138; BibleEntS 687)
fiches par lemme
●culvertir v.
[AND 126b.]
(culvertir BrutIntB)
- ◆“asservir” (BrutIntB, AND 126b)