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[FEW 3,67b lt. DĪCEREDEAF; TL 2,1932,52; TL; Gdf 2, 716c; GdfC 9, 385a; AND; MED 2, 1064a; MED 5, 386a; DG 171b; DCCarp 152b; DCCarp 152b; DCCarp 260c; DCCarp 152b; TLF 980; TLF; FEW 3, 67b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 261; DiStefLoc 262; DiStefLoc 261; Foerster; KramerGader; LevyTrés; ActesRegLex. – ARom 1 (1917) 13; BPH 1899, p.68, Z.15; BPH 1892, p.200, Z.14; BTDial 52, 260; BTDial 52, 254; BTDial 52, 265; Bev 123; BraultBlazon 171; BraultBlazon 171; BraultBlazon 171; CapussoMPol p. 71-72; CapussoMPol p.71-72; CapussoMPol p.71-72; CapussoMPol p. 71-72; CapussoMPol p. 71-72; Chénon 1, 756n.6; Chénon 1, 895 n. 4; CorB C451; M 515; DWall 25-26, 88; DeesAtlas 32v; DeesAtlas 316; DeesAtlas 316; DiekampSyn; FSt 35, S.426; FSt 24, 44; 88; FSt 42 (1988) 3, v.418; FSt 42 (1988) 3, v.418; FouletSynt §38; FrankHart 313; Hassell C262, D35,103,106-108+F10,15,16,144,155,164+P73+S23+T2+V66; HöflerTuch 101 n60; KaiserMPol 101; KaiserMPol 102; KaiserMPol; KellerWace 79b; 81a; 82a; KleiberIre 367; KoenigSen p.45; 77; 89; 101; p.123; LebsanftGruß p.415; LevyHagin 4c23, 5a1; MA 60 (1954) 466; MA 84, 530; IX,2; MA 84, 530; IX,2; MPolRust; MantouVoc G 1313.28; MedAev 27 (1985) 191, v.472; MedAev 33,20; MedAev 54 (1985) 326, 33, 791; MedAev 54 (1985) 326, 33, 791; Messelaar 34,108; Morlet 165; MélArnRuelle p.372; MélArnRuelle; MélBurger S.233; MélReid1 p.53; MélTuaillon p.53; MénardRire 493⁴⁷; MénardRire 239-242; MénardRire p.26, p.11; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire p.710; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire 473; MénardRire 450; MölkLiterarästhetik 1969 58 (ep.) 7; NM 85 (1984) 31, v.180; Pope p. 535; R 72, 2; R 112, 202; R 101,79; R 95, 380, 385, 387-89, 392-94; R; R 92, 218; R 114, 40, 420, 530; R 85, 466; R 68,263; 69, 87; 71,342; 84, 169, 527; 88,47; R 81, 469-70; R 64, 348; R 68, 340; R 118,492; R 81, 257; 85, 102; R 81, 257; 85, 102; RF 91, 266; RHL[5] p290; RLiR 26, 307; RLiR 50, 1986, 506, note 32; RLiR 30; Rbph 35 (1957) 812, v. 555; Rbph 35 (1957) 812, v. 555; RoPh 15, 105; RoPh 7, 106; RoPh 15, 105; RoPh 23, 255; RoPh 23, 255; RoR 41 (1950) p.132, 251, 620; Runk p.98; Runk p.35; SandqvistBen 24, 28, 29; SchelerGil; SchulzeBusProv 695, 768, 893; StFr 26 (1982) 120, v. 298; StFr 111, 487; StFr 26 (1982) 120, v. 298; StFr 111, 487; TraLiPhi 31, 223; TraLiPhi 51,32; 31,224; VRo p.66, Z.24; WoledgeSynt; WoledgeSynt parragr. 145; WoledgeSynt paragr. 54, 55; WoledgeSynt paragr. 37n; Word I, 267; Word VI, 52; Word VI, 52; ZfSL 92, p.55ff.; ZfSL 92, 55 f.; ZrP Sb, 77, 234; ZrP 114, 148; ZrP 110 ( 1994) 1/2, 244; [sigle] 58 (Ep.), 7; [sigle] 83; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] 579; [sigle] 33,99,108,293.⁠]
(ddeviser Saisna/lB 981, 561 (2); 8327787, 2272/ 2027, 3720 (2), deïs ThebesC; BalJosPr1M 42, 49; LancPrK; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl t.7, 425, deïsent BenTroieC, deisies AlexParA II(β93)1534, deïsmez VivMonbrancE 383, deïssant ThebesC, deïsse ThebesC; ChevBarAnS; ChevBarBloisB; ChastVergiS; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.6, 376, dëisse ChastSGilS, deïssent GilChinP, déissent [ChevCygneBruxR], deissies AlexParA II(β42)1243, deissiez (sigles à datations multiples:) LevyFabl III.82, deist ThebesC I, 1568; [LégDorVignBatallD]; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 94, deïst CharroiPo t.II, 58; BalJosPr1M 37, 45; TristPrC 5, 10; ChastVergiS; OgDanAlC; [GastPhébChasseT 6¹⁸], déist GuillTyrP 7; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 959, dëist MarieChievreRi G628, deistes PelCharlF; (sigles à datations multiples:) LevyFabl IV.62, deïstes BalJosPr1M 43, 20; ChastVergiS; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 542, deistez [AalmaR 3111], deit [SMelorD 331note], deiz PrêtreJeand/yG 600, dère WaillyCollLorr p.29, Z.4,5, derrai (sigles à datations multiples:) ParsonsCourt E 209, derre ClefD 1305, desant MPolRustR, desimes LoisGuillL; PelCharlF, desis BrendanPr1W; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t9, 333b, desisiens AucR3 XXII 33, desismes Taille1313M 2a, Desisse CartHain, desist PhThCompS 3v, 240; ChevCygneNaissT 490, 632; ChevVivM; ChevVivM e 823/ 1; DurmG; CoincyI1...K; ChansArtB; GilChinP; ChansSienaS; JobG; HectP; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvbS6 7159*; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl t8, 412, Désist CartHain, Dessissent CartHain, di AlexisS1 15; PhThCompS 1r, 12,16, 33; 1v, 61; 32v, 2971; PhThBestWa; BenTroieC; RenR X-XI, 9967; CantLandP 322; ChGuillI; AucR3; SimCrespyW; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; HArciPèresO 6114; Pères10C; BrendanPr1W; GilebBernH S.75 v.2; AspremwB 1462; AdHaleFeuillL 69: 264; 620; 265, 427; GesteFrancorR 3331-2; GesteFrancorR 4546; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 32/74, Di GautLeuL2, diando GesteFrancorR 7725, dice GilMuisK 323a, dicens GlDouaiE1 116, diche BelleHelR 843b: 6443; GilMuisK 323a, die PhThCompS 2r, 97, 115; GrantMalS2 73e, 105d, 118b, 30a, 65a; CharroiPo t. II, 63; ThebesC; AlexParA II, 2099; ChevCygneNaissT 1695, 3012; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyII10N 1136; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; ClercVaudR 360 note; EchecsCottH s. 19 oben; JDupinMelL 2487A; [GodBouillBruxR; GastPhébChasseT]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 8, 412; NoomenFabl t. 7, 427; ReidFabl, Die LMestL, dié BibleDécb/eN, dieiz ThebesC I, 9264, 9314, dient CharroiPo t. II, 63; LoisGuillL; AlexParA II (ß11) 185. 1-13; BalJosPr1M 114, 32; GuillTyrP 2; ChastVergiS; Pères10C 882; TroisAvG 88, 292; 223, 231, 298; HelcanusN 70a; MPolRustR; HuonAuvBrB; TombChartr18S 468; RegDijon1L; [MistSGenisM], dïent PhThCompS 8v, 521; 28r, 2605; 29r, 2714; CoincyII1...K 253 var; CoincyII10N 1097, 1099; GilChinP; MaillartR 12; (sigles à datations multiples:) ReidFabl, dier MerlinsR 166, 18, dierre ChronSMichelB, dies VenjNSPr5F 76, 959, diet JuiseR, dïet TristThomH v 52, p.302; DolopL, diez PassCeliW; [AalmaR 2984; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 773], diéz FoukeB 77, 28, dift AlNeckUtensH p.256, dimes AlexisS1 625, dir SimFreineGeorgM 103, 143; BesantR; PassCeliW; OgDanAlC; AliscmH 5333, 1477, dira GlKaraIsF n° 88; SGraalIVEstP; ChastVergiS; Pères10C 326, dirad PhThCompS 25v, 2380, 26r, 2395; 27r, 2505, dirai PhThCompS 26r, 2406; 34r, 3137; 35v, 3203; CharroiPo t.II, 63; ChastVergiS; Pères10C; BrendanPr1W; BibleMalkS 1236, diraine HuonAuvBrB, dirais GuerreMetzB B1, H5, diran [FroissDitsth/...F prob.136B], diras Pères10C 853, dire PassionA; GysselingDocAnc p.203, Z.32,39; GysselingDocAnc p.204, Z.31; GysselingDocAnc p.203 Z.17,21; GysselingDocAnc p.205 Z.20,21,22; GysselingDocAnc p.208 Z.22,31; AlexisP 03e, 11b, 12d; p.121, 126, 178, 184; AlexisS1; BrendanW 17, 578, 1264, 1447; BrendanW S.192; 17D, 117, 15, 578; 102, 1264; 1447; 517, 555; LapidalS 334, 914, 1168, 1262, 1330, 1348, 1448, 1584, 1626, 1668, 654, 12,84,108, 412, 446, 457, 579, 823, 875, 986, 998, 1029, 1045, 1054, 1084, 1112, 1253, 1296, 1559, 1671, 278, 432, 1021; LapidalS 1180, 636M, 174, 414, 564, 574, 636, 974, 1699, 454, 1683, 84L, 164, 167, 36, 126, 380, 840, 886, 1622, 263; LapidffS 43, 139; 88E,139D, 191, 282, 331D, 534, 42D, 398, 755, 759, 785, 857, 47, 916D( p.319), 273, 454, 670D/3(p.311), 681, 288; PhThCompS 3v, 229; 9v, 634; 19v, 1810, 1834; WaceMargaK 129; JuiseR; WaceConcA; GaimarB 289, 354, 642; PhThSibS; CharroiPo t.II, 63; LoisGuillL; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 627, 842, 3251; FloreaK 732, 1117; FloreaW 124, 157, 533, 1653; ChronSMichelB 2016, 3091, 4074; CommPsia1G 321.8; MarieGuigW2 st.II; MarieLaisR; NarcisusT 31; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; ErecR; ErecR 5869-70; ErecR 12; ErecR 5470; HornP; PhilomB 130, 98, 385; RouH; BenDucF; SThomGuernW1; AdamG3; Aiol1/2F; PelCharlF; PelCharlK str.II, 212; 91; CligesG; CligesM 3779; CligesM 4605; CligesM 4130; EstFougK 22, 279r, 344; EructavitJ; EructavitJ; MarieFabW st.II; MarieFabW2; EdmK 1217; EdmK 27, 171; FlorebK 48, 1273; FlorebP 17, 3096, 1271; SGillesP; SThomBenS; ProtH; RègleHospCamS; AimonFlH; RenR VII-IX; 7715.16, 7797; RenR X-XI, 11623; SBernCantG; SMarieEgtS 75, 151, 198, 975, 1038; TristThomB 986, 1616, 1668; TristThomW Sn.1,317; ChétifsM 2247, 2466; CorE p61; CorE; CoucyChansL IV, 16; ElieF 494; FloovA 246, 294, 1860; FolTristOxfH; GaceBruléD 10, 34; GaceBruléH; SimFreineGeorgM 146, 7; BodelNicH 146, 296; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW; AubereeC 22, 36, 118; BliocadranW; ChevEspA Ch 188; ContPerc1P T 13522; ElucidaireiiiD II,16M; GuiotProvinsO; JugAmS E 424ff; PoèmeMorB 43,59,73; PriseCordD; SGenB 332, 555, 558; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleM 5195, 3728, 288b; EscoufleS; EspDouai 3, p.26 Z.25,27; MuséeArchDép p.128, Z.18-19, 129.36; 130.1,2; MuséeArchDép p.126, Z.33; HerbomezTourn p.17, Z.7; HerbomezTourn p.22, Z.12,7; HerbomezTourn p.22, Z.5,21; AiquinJ; AmbroiseP 567; BibleDécb/eN; BueveAgnS 890, 1633, 249; ChastPereaH; ChevBarAnS; FolTristBernH2; GirVianeE; GuibAndrM 32, 499, 948, 2151, 602; HerbCandS 685; PBeauvGerJ; PercDidd/eR; SClemW 1988, 4928, 4980, 2507, 595, 11797, 11813; SGraalIIIJostO; VengRagF 136, 4137; BestGuillR 1053; AngDialGregP 12ra, 28v a; AimeriD; ChGuillI; FetRomF1 172, 31; FlorenceW; HervisH 777; MerlinM; MortAymC 1405, 65, 652, 873, 17,73; RecLondB p.493 Z.16; RecLondB p.720, Z.31; SongeEnfM; BalJosCamA; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 79, 732; Bueve1S 255, 1026, 2823; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; DurmG; DurmS 4205; FergF 536, 2544; OvArtElieK 104, 235; ChevBarBloisB; LancPrK; OmbreB2; DolopL; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 498; CoincyI41/42R 54,117; 244,86; 234, 88; CoincyI41/42R 253,233; 397, 90; 206, 208, 203, 208, 211; DocFlandrM p.130; AucS10; ComtePoitM; ElucidaireGilR 1624; EvNicPraF A213, 216; GodinM; OiselWo 89; OrsonP 261; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW; GuillMarM; ChansArtB; ViolB 5413, 16, 25; DocAubeC 48-; 62-5; 72-6; 75-3; 89-2; 94-4; 95-6; 96-6; 2165r-15; 89a-6; 13-2; DocAubeC 1/1r-22; LoisGodM p.5, Z.16; LoisGodM p.6, Z.27; LoisGodM; LoisGodM p.10, Z.12; RoselLangl; TristPrR; DocHMarneG p.7, Z.20; DocHMarneG p.46415; BormansSLambLiège 1, p.312, Z.2; DocVosL; TournAntW 3,7,18; AnsCartA; FournChansL; GilChinP; MirourEdmaW 24.31, 5.33, 6.30, 6.31, 17.56, 17.53; ParDuchP; SCathVérB 16; SCathVérB; BalainL 37; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 276, 18; MerlinsR 216, 9; 257, 31; 566,10; MerlinsR 507,1; MerlinsR 1,1; AssJérBourgmZ; BraiCordO 6,132; 79,107; 113; 106,210; 27, 63, 93, 106; ClercVaudR; ClercVaudR D51; ClercVaudR D49; D56; CoilleB 52, 67,55; CristalB 1723; DialSJulB 258; EspVerlinden 24,57, 74, 247, 282; EspVerlinden 24, 69, 247; HArciPèresO 115, 119; LégAposthR; MireC 163, 177, 89, 189, 199; Pères10C; Pères40M v.19; Pères43B 217, 545, 865, 967; Pères5W v.27; RègleSBenDouceD 61, 3,4; RésSauvcJ; RigomerF; SermMaccM 183; SMarg5T; ThebesR 2172; AldL; MahomL 1833; MenReimsP 10,78,2,35; MenReimsW; AnticlC 1239; AnticlC 58, 164, 516; BrendanPr1W; HuonabcJ 1; MantouFlandr; VMortAnW 135,2; CoutStAmandM IV, 1; MoamT II, 74,7; HaginL 65a; RegTournB 388, 475; CharroicL; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstOctC 27, 53,330; RenMontlC 79, 743; 6118; 1435; SBath1B; SimPouilleaB 475, 1558, 1740, 1924; AdHaleFeuillD; EnfOgS 4723; AdHalePartN p.144; ClefD; BeaumCoutS; BeaumCoutS; BibleMalkS; ChastSGilS; EschieleMahW 5v, b15; GlDouaiE1 126; GlDouaiE1 116; ApocGiffR 89; 436; 76; ApocGiffR 3350; AttilaPrB; CoutMerOltZ; EvEnfQuatrB 1569, 1,25,68; GautChâtC; JobB; JobG; LReisEnglF 116,15; SoneG; SThibAlH II, 91, I 18; BodelFablN VIII, 439; FevresS 6b-11; 12-9; 12,23,25; 12b-5; JacBaisT V,30; III,309, V,106,284; OakBookS; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 26e, 30g, 342e; ChaceOisi2H Prol.3,23; 23,4; ChaceOisi2H Prol., 14,34; 30,8; 35, 19; ChaceOisi2H; FoukeH 34.19,24.27.17; NicBozEmpV 29, 131, 121; PamphGalM 2411; BertaMilC 57 89; Rolandin 370; TwitiT; CptRoyM 7361; GeoffrParChronD; MaillartR 12; JCondM; BibleHolkP; DébCorpsArrL 38, 244, 205, 101, 104, 147, 141, 332; EntreeT 1091; 9102; 11075; HosebCompL 37;6; 4; NicBozSAgatheK; SGregJeanS; AcartH 66, 73; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr18S 378; GuiNantvProlC 434, 447, 913, 709; MirNDPers1-40P 40 1540; 5 966; II p.232; JMoteVoieP 4488, 4549; ChevPapH 49,8; GilMuisK 323a, I,147,7; 189,21; II,32,7; NoblBretZ; [Bersuire f 21r a; GodBouillBruxR; AmphYpL2 366; BaudSebB 149; 177, 144; 163; OrdAdmZ; AalmaR 242; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 773; GaceBuigneB 383, 1169, 3543; GastPhébChasseT 289; FierPrM; JPreisMyrG; AlgorLiègeW 125; PortBooksS; RenNouvPrS 117,130; ArmArgM 9,20, 31, 829]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 16, 19; 7,39; BartschHorning 17,5; GononTest 1634; NoomenFabl t.6, 377; 61 5, 73 1; 71 C9; NoomenFabl t.8, 412; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl II, 6/421, 7/95; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III, 18/ A 371; NoomenFabl III, 19/A1; NoomenFabl t.5, 462; 52 5; NoomenFabl t.9, 334b; ProvM 695, 930, 1832, 1834, 1908, 2166; ReidFabl; RomPast N.I, 38,33; Rosenberg 87:42; StimmingMot; VillHonH2 62, 65a, S168f., Dire RobDiableL; VillehW; ConqIrlO; PurgSPatrBerM; MerlinscS; MirAgn2K; SermMaurpB; EvNicAgnP, DIRE GuillPalMo; Pères51R1; LMestL, dire (veir) YsEudeR, dirent SimPouilleaB B 646, 1161, dires ChastVergiS, diró EnanchetF 63, 26, diroie RicheutV; ChastVergiS; Pères10C 765, diroient CharroiPo t.II, 64, diroit Pères10C 105, diromes GautLeuL2 III, 119; HectP, Diromes GautLeuL2, diron ImMondeOct2S0 73, 537, dironmes ChevCygneNaissT 38, dirons AssJérBourgvZ, diront CharroiPo t.II, 64, Dirra [BibbfW], dirrai PhThCompS 2r, 94, dirrat AlexisS1 369, dirre AlexisS1 610; PhThCompS 2r, 89; 14r, 1325, dirrentz OakBookS, dirrum PhThCompS 4r, 307, dirrunt PhThCompS 2r, 107; 19v, 1837; Appendix, 1083, dirum PhThCompS 21v, 1989; 22v, 2093; 25r, 2323, dis ChGuillI; GilChinP; RutebF AF 54, disans GlDouaiE1 116; [AalmaR 5.025], disant RaschiD1 54,2; RaschiLe No VI,23; PhThCompS 29r, 2727; TristPrS; BrendanPr1W; RegDijon1L; [SEust11P 20], disanz BalJosPr1M 40, 57, diseient PhThCompS Apendix, 821, diseit AlexParA I, var. 96, 2034, t.3, 277; AlexParA I, var. 96, 2034, t.3, 277, diseite CiNDitB2, disent DolopL; MahomL 924; BrendanPr1W; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 180; RecHist XXII; RecHist XXI, 180; RecHist XXII, disiés AucR3; AucR3, disiies ChastVergiS, disis EntreeT; EntreeT, disit SimPouilleaB B 835; SimPouilleaB B 835, disoient TroisAvG 49; 31, 46...; TroisAvG 49; 31, 46...; BrendanPr1W, disoit CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; ChastVergiS; BrendanPr1W, Disoitiesme RègleSBenNicH, disomes (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid B. 397; PannierLapid B. 397, dissent BestPierre1M; BestPierre1M, Dissent CartHain, dissiez DolopL, dissis EntreeT; EntreeT, dissoient BestPierre1M I,33; BestPierre1M I,33, dissoime CoincyII1...K 472 var.; CoincyII1...K 472 var., dist AlexisS1; AlexisS1; PhThCompS Appendix, 843; CharroiPo t.II, 64; CharroiPo t.II, 64; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; PriseOrabR1 D 430; PriseOrabR1 D 430; PriseOrabR1; SGraalIIJosO; AlNeckUtensH p. 256; AlNeckUtensH p. 256; BueveAgnS 384; BueveAgnS 384; HerbCandS 904, 8814, 9732, 11265; HerbCandS 904, 8814, 9732, 11265; CoincyII9Kr 412, 1291; CoincyII9Kr 412, 1291; DocAubeC 33-8; DocAubeC 33-8; LesortClerm p. 79, Z.4; LesortClerm p. 79, Z.4; GilChinP; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; AspinChansPol; ClercVaudR IV 14; ClercVaudR IV 14; Pères10C; BrendanPr1W; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 2, 10; BartschChrest 2, 10, distrent PhThCompS 36v, 3306; ThebesC; BestPierre1M VII,5; X, 19; XXXL, 2; BestPierre1M VII,5; X, 19; XXXL, 2; TristPrC; TristPrC; Pères10C 65, 67; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; [LégDorVignBatallD; LégDorVignBatallD]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; RecHist 180; RecHist 180, Distrent HAndH, dit AlexisS1 151; AlexisS1 386; AlexisS1 151; AlexisS1 386; GrantMalS2 69a, 72a, 74a, 103f, 108a; 34be, 87a; GrantMalS2 69a, 72a, 74a, 103f, 108a; 34be, 87a; CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; ImMondeOct2S0 73, 537; ImMondeOct2S0 73, 537; SimPouilleaB B 1377, 1382, 1545; SimPouilleaB B 1377, 1382, 1545; GuerreMetzB, dita (sigles à datations multiples:) GononTest 1006; GononTest 1006, dite PrêtreJeand/yG 601, 381.2; PrêtreJeand/yG 601, 381.2; GlTarschCommhK M 75; BibleMalkS 8732; BibleMalkS 8732, ditele GautLeuL2 VI 226; GautLeuL2 VI 226, Ditele GautLeuL2, dites CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; ErecR 1267; ErecR 3989; ErecR 1267; ErecR 3989; RenR VII-IX, 5679; RenR VII-IX, 5679; RenR X-XI, 10656; RenR X-XI, 11342; ChastVergiS; Pères10C 435; Pères10C 442, 457; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W, Dités BibleMacéS3, ditét PhThCompS 34v, 3123b, ditez GilChinP; GilChinP, ditrent [ModusT 117, 101; ModusT 117, 101], dium BenDucM III, p.586, v.1401; BenDucM III, p.586, v.1401, diunt HuonAuvBrB, dixit CoincyII1...K 149 var, dy AiquinJ; AspinChansPol; SimPouilleaB C 4029, dye OakBookS, dyre OakBookS, dyrra (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I 158, mals dis AlexParA 1353 var. t. 5, nedi BlackBookT II, p. 374, dire (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 294, 3903, 5886 etc.)
  • “communiquer sa pensée par le langage, dire, parler, ordonner” (PassionA; GysselingDocAnc p.203, Z.32,39; GysselingDocAnc p.204, Z.31; GysselingDocAnc p.203 Z.17,21; GysselingDocAnc p.205 Z.20,21,22; GysselingDocAnc p.208 Z.22,31; AlexisP 03e, 11b, 12d; p.121, 126, 178, 184; AlexisS1 15; AlexisS1; AlexisS1 369; AlexisS1 610; AlexisS1 151; AlexisS1 386; AlexisS1 151; AlexisS1 386; AlexisS1 625; AlexisS1; AlexisS1; RaschiD1 54,2; RaschiLe No VI,23; BrendanW 17, 578, 1264, 1447; BrendanW S.192; 17D, 117, 15, 578; 102, 1264; 1447; 517, 555; GlKaraIsF n° 88; LapidalS 334, 914, 1168, 1262, 1330, 1348, 1448, 1584, 1626, 1668, 654, 12,84,108, 412, 446, 457, 579, 823, 875, 986, 998, 1029, 1045, 1054, 1084, 1112, 1253, 1296, 1559, 1671, 278, 432, 1021; LapidalS 1180, 636M, 174, 414, 564, 574, 636, 974, 1699, 454, 1683, 84L, 164, 167, 36, 126, 380, 840, 886, 1622, 263; LapidffS 43, 139; 88E,139D, 191, 282, 331D, 534, 42D, 398, 755, 759, 785, 857, 47, 916D( p.319), 273, 454, 670D/3(p.311), 681, 288; PhThCompS 3v, 240; PhThCompS 3v, 229; 9v, 634; 19v, 1810, 1834; PhThCompS 25v, 2380, 26r, 2395; 27r, 2505; PhThCompS 8v, 521; 28r, 2605; 29r, 2714; PhThCompS 2r, 97, 115; PhThCompS 2r, 107; 19v, 1837; Appendix, 1083; PhThCompS 4r, 307; PhThCompS 2r, 89; 14r, 1325; PhThCompS 2r, 94; PhThCompS 26r, 2406; 34r, 3137; 35v, 3203; PhThCompS Apendix, 821; PhThCompS 36v, 3306; PhThCompS 34v, 3123b; PhThCompS 1r, 12,16, 33; 1v, 61; 32v, 2971; PhThCompS 29r, 2727; PhThCompS 21v, 1989; 22v, 2093; 25r, 2323; PhThCompS Appendix, 843; PhThBestWa; WaceMargaK 129; GrantMalS2 73e, 105d, 118b, 30a, 65a; GrantMalS2 69a, 72a, 74a, 103f, 108a; 34be, 87a; GrantMalS2 69a, 72a, 74a, 103f, 108a; 34be, 87a; JuiseR; JuiseR; WaceConcA; GaimarB 289, 354, 642; PhThSibS; CharroiPo t.II, 58; CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t.II, 63; CharroiPo t.II, 63; CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 63; CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t.II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 63; CharroiPo t.II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t.II, 64; CharroiPo t.II, 64; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 627, 842, 3251; FloreaK 732, 1117; FloreaW 124, 157, 533, 1653; ThebesC; ThebesC; ThebesC; ThebesC I, 1568; ThebesC; ThebesC I, 9264, 9314; ThebesC; ChronSMichelB; ChronSMichelB 2016, 3091, 4074; CommPsia1G 321.8; MarieChievreRi G628; MarieGuigW2 st.II; MarieLaisR; NarcisusT 31; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; ErecR 1267; ErecR 3989; ErecR 1267; ErecR 3989; ErecR; ErecR 5869-70; ErecR 12; ErecR 5470; HornP; PhilomB 130, 98, 385; RouH; BenDucF; BenDucM III, p.586, v.1401; BenDucM III, p.586, v.1401; SThomGuernW1; AdamG3; Aiol1/2F; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlK str.II, 212; 91; CligesG; CligesM 3779; CligesM 4605; CligesM 4130; EstFougK 22, 279r, 344; EructavitJ; EructavitJ; MarieFabW st.II; MarieFabW2; EdmK 1217; EdmK 27, 171; FlorebK 48, 1273; FlorebP 17, 3096, 1271; RicheutV; SGillesP; SThomBenS; AlexParA II, 2099; AlexParA 1353 var. t. 5; AlexParA I, var. 96, 2034, t.3, 277; AlexParA I, var. 96, 2034, t.3, 277; AlexParA II(β93)1534; AlexParA II(β42)1243; AlexParA II (ß11) 185. 1-13; ProtH; RègleHospCamS; AimonFlH; RenR VII-IX, 5679; RenR VII-IX, 5679; RenR VII-IX; 7715.16, 7797; RenR X-XI, 11623; RenR X-XI, 9967; RenR X-XI, 10656; RenR X-XI, 11342; SBernCantG; SMarieEgtS 75, 151, 198, 975, 1038; TristThomB 986, 1616, 1668; TristThomH v 52, p.302; TristThomW Sn.1,317; ChétifsM 2247, 2466; CorE p61; CorE; CoucyChansL IV, 16; ElieF 494; FloovA 246, 294, 1860; FolTristOxfH; GaceBruléD 10, 34; GaceBruléH; PriseOrabR1 D 430; PriseOrabR1 D 430; PriseOrabR1; RobDiableL; Saisna/lB 981, 561 (2); 8327787, 2272/ 2027, 3720 (2); SimFreineGeorgM 103, 143; SimFreineGeorgM 146, 7; PrêtreJeand/yG 601, 381.2; PrêtreJeand/yG 601, 381.2; PrêtreJeand/yG 600; BodelNicH 146, 296; SGraalIIJosO; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW; AlNeckUtensH p.256; AlNeckUtensH p. 256; AlNeckUtensH p. 256; AubereeC 22, 36, 118; BestPierre1M; BestPierre1M; BestPierre1M I,33; BestPierre1M I,33; BestPierre1M VII,5; X, 19; XXXL, 2; BestPierre1M VII,5; X, 19; XXXL, 2; BliocadranW; CantLandP 322; ChevCygneNaissT 1695, 3012; ChevCygneNaissT 490, 632; ChevCygneNaissT 38; ChevEspA Ch 188; ChevVivM; ChevVivM e 823/ 1; ContPerc1P T 13522; ElucidaireiiiD II,16M; GuiotProvinsO; JugAmS E 424ff; PoèmeMorB 43,59,73; PriseCordD; SGenB 332, 555, 558; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleM 5195, 3728, 288b; EscoufleS; EspDouai 3, p.26 Z.25,27; MuséeArchDép p.128, Z.18-19, 129.36; 130.1,2; MuséeArchDép p.126, Z.33; HerbomezTourn p.17, Z.7; HerbomezTourn p.22, Z.12,7; HerbomezTourn p.22, Z.5,21; VillehW; AiquinJ; AiquinJ; AmbroiseP 567; BibleDécb/eN; BibleDécb/eN; BueveAgnS 890, 1633, 249; BueveAgnS 384; BueveAgnS 384; ChastPereaH; ChevBarAnS; ChevBarAnS; FolTristBernH2; GirVianeE; GuibAndrM 32, 499, 948, 2151, 602; GuillPalMo; HerbCandS 685; HerbCandS 904, 8814, 9732, 11265; HerbCandS 904, 8814, 9732, 11265; PBeauvGerJ; PercDidd/eR; RègleSBenNicH; SClemW 1988, 4928, 4980, 2507, 595, 11797, 11813; SGraalIIIJostO; VengRagF 136, 4137; BestGuillR 1053; AngDialGregP 12ra, 28v a; AimeriD; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; FetRomF1 172, 31; FlorenceW; HervisH 777; MerlinM; MortAymC 1405, 65, 652, 873, 17,73; RecLondB p.493 Z.16; RecLondB p.720, Z.31; SongeEnfM; BalJosCamA; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 79, 732; BalJosPr1M 42, 49; BalJosPr1M 43, 20; BalJosPr1M 37, 45; BalJosPr1M 114, 32; BalJosPr1M 40, 57; Bueve1S 255, 1026, 2823; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; DurmG; DurmG; DurmS 4205; FergF 536, 2544; GuillTyrP 2; GuillTyrP 7; OvArtElieK 104, 235; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; LancPrK; LancPrK; OmbreB2; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; CoincyI1...K; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 498; CoincyI41/42R 54,117; 244,86; 234, 88; CoincyI41/42R 253,233; 397, 90; 206, 208, 203, 208, 211; DocFlandrM p.130; AucR3; AucR3; AucR3; AucR3 XXII 33; AucS10; ComtePoitM; ElucidaireGilR 1624; EvNicPraF A213, 216; GlTarschCommhK M 75; GodinM; OiselWo 89; OrsonP 261; RenclCarH; SGraalIVEstP; SJeanEvW; SimCrespyW; GuillMarM; BesantR; ChansArtB; ChansArtB; CoincyII1...K 253 var; CoincyII1...K 472 var.; CoincyII1...K 472 var.; CoincyII1...K 149 var; CoincyII10N 1097, 1099; CoincyII10N 1136; CoincyII9Kr 412, 1291; CoincyII9Kr 412, 1291; ViolB 5413, 16, 25; WaillyCollLorr p.29, Z.4,5; ConqIrlO; DocAubeC 48-; 62-5; 72-6; 75-3; 89-2; 94-4; 95-6; 96-6; 2165r-15; 89a-6; 13-2; DocAubeC 1/1r-22; DocAubeC 33-8; DocAubeC 33-8; LoisGodM p.5, Z.16; LoisGodM p.6, Z.27; LoisGodM; LoisGodM p.10, Z.12; RoselLangl; TristPrC; TristPrC 5, 10; TristPrC; TristPrR; TristPrS; DocHMarneG p.7, Z.20; DocHMarneG p.46415; BormansSLambLiège 1, p.312, Z.2; LesortClerm p. 79, Z.4; LesortClerm p. 79, Z.4; DocVosL; TournAntW 3,7,18; AnsCartA; FournChansL; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; HAndH; MirourEdmaW 24.31, 5.33, 6.30, 6.31, 17.56, 17.53; ParDuchP; PurgSPatrBerM; SCathVérB 16; SCathVérB; BalainL 37; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 166, 18; MerlinsR 276, 18; MerlinsR 216, 9; 257, 31; 566,10; MerlinsR 507,1; MerlinsR 1,1; MerlinscS; MirAgn2K; AssJérBourgmZ; AssJérBourgvZ; ImMondeOct2S0 73, 537; ImMondeOct2S0 73, 537; ImMondeOct2S0 73, 537; AspinChansPol; AspinChansPol; BraiCordO 6,132; 79,107; 113; 106,210; 27, 63, 93, 106; ChansSienaS; ClercVaudR 360 note; ClercVaudR; ClercVaudR D51; ClercVaudR D49; D56; ClercVaudR IV 14; ClercVaudR IV 14; CoilleB 52, 67,55; CristalB 1723; DialSJulB 258; EchecsCottH s. 19 oben; EspVerlinden 24,57, 74, 247, 282; EspVerlinden 24, 69, 247; GautLeuL2 III, 119; GautLeuL2 VI 226; GautLeuL2 VI 226; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2; HArciPèresO 6114; HArciPèresO 115, 119; LégAposthR; MireC 163, 177, 89, 189, 199; Pères10C 105; Pères10C 765; Pères10C; Pères10C 435; Pères10C 442, 457; Pères10C; Pères10C 853; Pères10C 326; Pères10C; Pères10C 882; Pères10C 65, 67; Pères10C; Pères40M v.19; Pères43B 217, 545, 865, 967; Pères51R1; Pères5W v.27; RigomerF; RègleSBenDouceD 61, 3,4; RésSauvcJ; SMarg5T; SermMaccM 183; SermMaurpB; ThebesR 2172; TroisAvG 49; 31, 46...; TroisAvG 49; 31, 46...; TroisAvG 88, 292; 223, 231, 298; VivMonbrancE 383; EnanchetF 63, 26; AldL; MahomL 1833; MahomL 924; MenReimsP 10,78,2,35; MenReimsW; AnticlC 1239; AnticlC 58, 164, 516; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; GilebBernH S.75 v.2; HuonabcJ 1; RutebF AF 54; MantouFlandr; VMortAnW 135,2; LMestL; LMestL; AspremwB 1462; CoutStAmandM IV, 1; MoamT II, 74,7; HaginL 65a; RegTournB 388, 475; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CartHain; CharroicL; EmpConstOctC; EmpConstOctC 27, 53,330; EvNicAgnP; PassCeliW; PassCeliW; RenMontlC 79, 743; 6118; 1435; SBath1B; SimPouilleaB 475, 1558, 1740, 1924; SimPouilleaB B 646, 1161; SimPouilleaB B 835; SimPouilleaB B 835; SimPouilleaB B 1377, 1382, 1545; SimPouilleaB B 1377, 1382, 1545; SimPouilleaB C 4029; YsEudeR; AdHaleFeuillD; AdHaleFeuillL 69: 264; 620; 265, 427; EnfOgS 4723; AdHalePartN p.144; ClefD; ClefD 1305; BeaumCoutS; BeaumCoutS; BibleMalkS 1236; BibleMalkS 8732; BibleMalkS 8732; BibleMalkS; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; ChastSGilS; EschieleMahW 5v, b15; HelcanusN 70a; GlDouaiE1 126; GlDouaiE1 116; GlDouaiE1 116; GlDouaiE1 116; ApocGiffR 89; 436; 76; ApocGiffR 3350; AttilaPrB; CoutMerOltZ; EvEnfQuatrB 1569, 1,25,68; GautChâtC; JobB; JobG; JobG; LReisEnglF 116,15; SThibAlH II, 91, I 18; SoneG; BodelFablN VIII, 439; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; BibleMacéS3; FevresS 6b-11; 12-9; 12,23,25; 12b-5; HectP; HectP; JacBaisT V,30; III,309, V,106,284; OakBookS; OakBookS; OakBookS; OakBookS; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 26e, 30g, 342e; ChaceOisi2H Prol.3,23; 23,4; ChaceOisi2H Prol., 14,34; 30,8; 35, 19; ChaceOisi2H; FoukeB 77, 28; FoukeH 34.19,24.27.17; NicBozEmpV 29, 131, 121; PamphGalM 2411; BertaMilC 57 89; GesteFrancorR 3331-2; GesteFrancorR 4546; GesteFrancorR 7725; OgDanAlC; OgDanAlC; Rolandin 370; Taille1313M 2a; TwitiT; CptRoyM 7361; GeoffrParChronD; MaillartR 12; MaillartR 12; JCondM; CiNDitB2; BibleHolkP; DébCorpsArrL 38, 244, 205, 101, 104, 147, 141, 332; EntreeT; EntreeT; EntreeT; EntreeT; EntreeT 1091; 9102; 11075; GuerreMetzB B1, H5; GuerreMetzB; HosebCompL 37;6; 4; NicBozSAgatheK; SGregJeanS; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvbS6 7159*; AcartH 66, 73; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr18S 378; TombChartr18S 468; GuiNantvProlC 434, 447, 913, 709; MirNDPers1-40P 40 1540; 5 966; II p.232; BlackBookT II, p. 374; JDupinMelL 2487A; JMoteVoieP 4488, 4549; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; AliscmH 5333, 1477; BelleHelR 843b: 6443; ChevPapH 49,8; GilMuisK 323a, I,147,7; 189,21; II,32,7; GilMuisK 323a; GilMuisK 323a; NoblBretZ; VenjNSPr5F 76, 959; [Bersuire f 21r a; ChevCygneBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; FroissDitsth/...F prob.136B; ModusT 117, 101; ModusT 117, 101; SMelorD 331note; AmphYpL2 366; BaudSebB 149; 177, 144; 163; OrdAdmZ; AalmaR 3111; AalmaR 2984; AalmaR 242; AalmaR 5.025; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 773; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 773; GaceBuigneB 383, 1169, 3543; GastPhébChasseT 6¹⁸; GastPhébChasseT; GastPhébChasseT 289; FierPrM; JPreisMyrG; BibbfW; AlgorLiègeW 125; SEust11P 20; PortBooksS; RenNouvPrS 117,130; LégDorVignBatallD; LégDorVignBatallD; LégDorVignBatallD; ArmArgM 9,20, 31, 829; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 294, 3903, 5886 etc.; Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; BartschChrest 16, 19; 7,39; BartschChrest 2, 10; BartschChrest 2, 10; BartschHorning 17,5; ConstHamelR 542; GononTest 1006; GononTest 1006; GononTest 1634; HuntTeach I 158; LevyFabl IV.62; LevyFabl III.82; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl 32/74; NoomenFabl t.6, 377; 61 5, 73 1; 71 C9; NoomenFabl t.8, 412; NoomenFabl t. 8, 412; NoomenFabl t. 7, 427; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl II, 6/421, 7/95; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III, 18/ A 371; NoomenFabl III, 19/A1; NoomenFabl t.5, 462; 52 5; NoomenFabl t9, 333b; NoomenFabl t8, 412; NoomenFabl t.9, 334b; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; NoomenFabl t.7, 425; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl t.6, 376; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; PannierLapid B. 397; PannierLapid B. 397; ParsonsCourt E 209; ProvM 695, 930, 1832, 1834, 1908, 2166; RecHist XXI, 94; RecHist XXI, 180; RecHist XXII; RecHist 180; RecHist XXI, 180; RecHist XXII; RecHist 180; RecHist XXII, 959; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; RomPast N.I, 38,33; Rosenberg 87:42; StimmingMot; VillHonH2 62, 65a, S168f., ARom 1 (1917) 13; BPH 1899, p.68, Z.15; BPH 1892, p.200, Z.14; BTDial 52, 260; BTDial 52, 254; BTDial 52, 265; Bev 123; BraultBlazon 171; BraultBlazon 171; BraultBlazon 171; CapussoMPol p. 71-72; CapussoMPol p.71-72; CapussoMPol p.71-72; CapussoMPol p. 71-72; CapussoMPol p. 71-72; Chénon 1, 756n.6; Chénon 1, 895 n. 4; CorB C451; M 515; DWall 25-26, 88; DeesAtlas 32v; DeesAtlas 316; DeesAtlas 316; DiekampSyn; FSt 35, S.426; FSt 24, 44; 88; FSt 42 (1988) 3, v.418; FSt 42 (1988) 3, v.418; FouletSynt §38; FrankHart 313; Hassell C262, D35,103,106-108+F10,15,16,144,155,164+P73+S23+T2+V66; HöflerTuch 101 n60; KaiserMPol 101; KaiserMPol 102; KaiserMPol; KellerWace 79b; 81a; 82a; KleiberIre 367; KoenigSen p.45; 77; 89; 101; p.123; LebsanftGruß p.415; LevyHagin 4c23, 5a1; MA 60 (1954) 466; MA 84, 530; IX,2; MA 84, 530; IX,2; MPolRust; MantouVoc G 1313.28; MedAev 27 (1985) 191, v.472; MedAev 33,20; MedAev 54 (1985) 326, 33, 791; MedAev 54 (1985) 326, 33, 791; Messelaar 34,108; Morlet 165; MélArnRuelle; MélArnRuelle p.372; MélBurger S.233; MélReid1 p.53; MélTuaillon p.53; MénardRire 493⁴⁷; MénardRire 239-242; MénardRire p.26, p.11; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire p.710; MénardRire p.26; MénardRire 473; MénardRire 450; MölkLiterarästhetik 1969 58 (ep.) 7; NM 85 (1984) 31, v.180; Pope p. 535; R 72, 2; R 112, 202; R 101,79; R 95, 380, 385, 387-89, 392-94; R; R 92, 218; R 114, 40, 420, 530; R 85, 466; R 68,263; 69, 87; 71,342; 84, 169, 527; 88,47; R 81, 469-70; R 64, 348; R 68, 340; R 118,492; R 81, 257; 85, 102; R 81, 257; 85, 102; RF 91, 266; RHL[5] p290; RLiR 26, 307; RLiR 30; RLiR 50, 1986, 506, note 32; Rbph 35 (1957) 812, v. 555; Rbph 35 (1957) 812, v. 555; RoPh 15, 105; RoPh 7, 106; RoPh 15, 105; RoPh 23, 255; RoPh 23, 255; RoR 41 (1950) p.132, 251, 620; Runk p.35; Runk p.98; SandqvistBen 24, 28, 29; SchelerGil; SchulzeBusProv 695, 768, 893; StFr 26 (1982) 120, v. 298; StFr 26 (1982) 120, v. 298; StFr 111, 487; StFr 111, 487; TraLiPhi 31, 223; TraLiPhi 51,32; 31,224; VRo p.66, Z.24; WoledgeSynt; WoledgeSynt parragr. 145; WoledgeSynt paragr. 54, 55; WoledgeSynt paragr. 37n; Word I, 267; Word VI, 52; Word VI, 52; ZfSL 92, p.55ff.; ZfSL 92, 55 f.; ZrP Sb, 77, 234; ZrP 114, 148; ZrP 110 ( 1994) 1/2, 244; [sigle] 58 (Ep.), 7; [sigle] 83; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] 579; [sigle] 33,99,108,293, DEAF; TL 2,1932,52; TL; Gdf 2, 716c; GdfC 9, 385a; AND; MED 2, 1064a; MED 5, 386a; DG 171b; DCCarp 152b; DCCarp 152b; DCCarp 260c; DCCarp 152b; TLF 980; TLF; FEW 3, 67b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 261; DiStefLoc 261; DiStefLoc 262; Foerster; KramerGader; LevyTrés; ActesRegLex)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
la dite f.
[Chénon 1,926n.4; 921n.3; 930n.2; Chénon 1,907n.6; 917n.2; Chénon 1,494n.2; 879n.2; Chénon 1,929n.1; Chénon 1,871n.5; MélStraka I.⁠]
(ladicte InvJPreslD S.87, ladite InvJPreslD S.86, laditte InvJPreslD S.86)
  • “(celle) qui est en question” (InvJPreslD S.87; InvJPreslD S.86; InvJPreslD S.86, Chénon 1,926n.4; 921n.3; 930n.2; Chénon 1,907n.6; 917n.2; Chénon 1,494n.2; 879n.2; Chénon 1,929n.1; Chénon 1,871n.5; MélStraka I)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
le dit m.
[Chénon 1,930 n.4; Chénon 1,928 n.1; Chénon 1,846 n.1,2; Chénon 1,928 n.2; Chénon 1,890 n.3; Chénon 1,921 n.3; Chénon 1,872 n.2,5; Chénon 1,847 n.1; 879 n. 1; 846 n.1; Chénon 1,926 n.1; Chénon 1,898 n.1, 900 n.6; Chénon 1,894 n.3; Chénon 1, 897 n.1; 919 n.3; 907 n.6; 917 n.2; 900 n.6; Chénon 1,893 n.3; Chénon 1,930 n.4; 928 n.2; GononQuot 1183; MélStraka I; NM 86, 1985, 266; R 73,120.⁠]
(ledict (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 99, 59, ledit InvJPreslD S. 85,86; [OrdAdmZ; CoutMerOlaZ])
  • “(celui) qui est en question” (InvJPreslD S. 85,86; [OrdAdmZ; CoutMerOlaZ]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 99, 59, Chénon 1,894 n.3; Chénon 1, 897 n.1; 919 n.3; 907 n.6; 917 n.2; 900 n.6; Chénon 1,893 n.3; Chénon 1,930 n.4; 928 n.2; Chénon 1,890 n.3; Chénon 1,930 n.4; Chénon 1,928 n.1; Chénon 1,846 n.1,2; Chénon 1,928 n.2; Chénon 1,921 n.3; Chénon 1,872 n.2,5; Chénon 1,847 n.1; 879 n. 1; 846 n.1; Chénon 1,926 n.1; Chénon 1,898 n.1, 900 n.6; GononQuot 1183; MélStraka I; NM 86, 1985, 266; R 73,120)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
mesdire v.
[TL; TL 5,1612,1; Gdf 5,278;a; GdfC 10, 145 b; AND 411 A; AND; AND; AND 413A; AND; TLF 11, S. 575 a; FEW 3,67;b; AdHaleLexM; Foerster. – ARom 1, 1917, 16; Adgar XLI, 81; CellaGall 486; DeuxBoedeors1/2/3F B II 18; MénardRire 402; Pope 26; R 84, p. 552; RE 327; RLiR 50, 1968, 506 note 32; SchulzeBusProv 774, 1226; TraLiPhi 31, 238; [sigle] p. 231.⁠]
(medie [JohnstonRog 618/37], medient BalJosPr1M 47, 74, medire FloreaW 1744; ContPerc1P T 9337; BueveAgnS 708; CourRenF 2900; (sigles à datations multiples:) StimmingMot, médire BonnardotMetz p 22, Mesdie GautLeuL2, mesdient ChevBarAnL, mesdire EneasS1 9211; FloreaD; FloreaK 1739; SLaurentR; MarieGuigW2 F. 87, Y. 412, F. 28, F. 480, F. 28; ErecR 4891; BenDucF 28717, 25850; SThomGuernW1 2263; CligesM 5299; EstFougK 88 r; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 3514; AlexParA II, (β 86) 1353; ProtH; RègleHospCamS; RenR XII-XVII, 14691, 14707; HermValS 4722; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM 201; AmbroiseP 682; ChevBarAnS 642, 1044; MorPhilPrH 138, 8; ChGuillI 80; HAndArD 36; HAndArD 25; Bueve1S 1934, 8211; DurmG; DurmS 4205; LancPrK 428.19; RenclCarH; GuillMarM; ChansArtB XII, 19 XIII, 66.; CoincyII10N 814, 816; ArtusS 54, 1; 54, 36; 88, 43; FolLancB; GilChinP 2675; MahieuW II, III 2, V V 5, 7; HArciPèresO 5078; SermMaccM 199; RobHoY V. 1686; AnticlC 2056, 2489; HunbautW 1976; VMortAnW 24. 3, 57. 1; 143. 8; ClarisA; CourtParV 1; ClefD 910, 960, 2568; GlDouaiE1 121; ApocGiffR 534; 4441; 4054; JobB 2507; PèresaK VI 72; JacBaisT III, 84; OakBookS; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 376, 492 f, 20 b; NicBozEmpV 279; GeoffrParChronD 3478; JCondM; LicorneG 1254; RestorD; MirNDPers1-40P 25, 802; JMoteVoieP 2240; RenContrR 10487; [AalmaR 8.250]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 11, 51; 11, 50; BartschChrest 54 b, 27; 75 b, 50; 90 a, 1r; BartschHorning 200, 27; 440, 33; MénardFabl VIII, 348; MontRayn IV, 42; NoomenFabl t. 5, 471; NoomenFabl t. 9, 348 a; ProvM 774, 973, 1226; ReidFabl; StimmingMot, Mesdire MirAgn2K; RutebL, MESDIRE RenMontdT; GuillPalMo, MESDIS ThibBlaisN, mesdit BalJosPr1M 41, 32, MESDIZ RobBloisDidF, mesdye BlackBookT II, p. 99)
  • “dire du mal de qn” (EneasS1 9211; FloreaD; FloreaK 1739; FloreaW 1744; SLaurentR; MarieGuigW2 F. 87, Y. 412, F. 28, F. 480, F. 28; ErecR 4891; BenDucF 28717, 25850; SThomGuernW1 2263; CligesM 5299; EstFougK 88 r; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 3514; AlexParA II, (β 86) 1353; ProtH; RègleHospCamS; RenR XII-XVII, 14691, 14707; HermValS 4722; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM 201; RenMontdT; ContPerc1P T 9337; AmbroiseP 682; BueveAgnS 708; ChevBarAnL; ChevBarAnS 642, 1044; GuillPalMo; MorPhilPrH 138, 8; ChGuillI 80; ThibBlaisN; HAndArD 36; HAndArD 25; BalJosPr1M 47, 74; BalJosPr1M 41, 32; Bueve1S 1934, 8211; DurmG; DurmS 4205; LancPrK 428.19; RenclCarH; GuillMarM; ChansArtB XII, 19 XIII, 66.; CoincyII10N 814, 816; ArtusS 54, 1; 54, 36; 88, 43; FolLancB; GilChinP 2675; MahieuW II, III 2, V V 5, 7; MirAgn2K; GautLeuL2; HArciPèresO 5078; RobBloisDidF; SermMaccM 199; BonnardotMetz p 22; RobHoY V. 1686; AnticlC 2056, 2489; CourRenF 2900; HunbautW 1976; RutebL; VMortAnW 24. 3, 57. 1; 143. 8; ClarisA; CourtParV 1; ClefD 910, 960, 2568; GlDouaiE1 121; ApocGiffR 534; 4441; 4054; JobB 2507; PèresaK VI 72; JacBaisT III, 84; OakBookS; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 376, 492 f, 20 b; NicBozEmpV 279; GeoffrParChronD 3478; JCondM; LicorneG 1254; RestorD; MirNDPers1-40P 25, 802; BlackBookT II, p. 99; JMoteVoieP 2240; RenContrR 10487; [AalmaR 8.250; JohnstonRog 618/37]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 11, 51; 11, 50; BartschChrest 54 b, 27; 75 b, 50; 90 a, 1r; BartschHorning 200, 27; 440, 33; MontRayn IV, 42; MénardFabl VIII, 348; NoomenFabl t. 5, 471; NoomenFabl t. 9, 348 a; ProvM 774, 973, 1226; ReidFabl; StimmingMot; StimmingMot, ARom 1, 1917, 16; Adgar XLI, 81; CellaGall 486; DeuxBoedeors1/2/3F B II 18; MénardRire 402; Pope 26; R 84, p. 552; RE 327; RLiR 50, 1968, 506 note 32; SchulzeBusProv 774, 1226; TraLiPhi 31, 238; [sigle] p. 231, TL 5,1612,1; TL; Gdf 5,278;a; GdfC 10, 145 b; AND 411 A; AND 413A; AND; AND; AND; TLF 11, S. 575 a; FEW 3,67;b; AdHaleLexM; Foerster)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
nondisable adj.
(nondisable AmDieuK Gos. 502, 559, 681)
  • “qui ne peut pas être dit” (AmDieuK Gos. 502, 559, 681, TL)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
nostredit adj.
[Chénon 1, 882 n. 2; Chénon 1, 895 n.4; Chénon 1,881 n.1; Chénon 1, 931 n.1; 1, 927 n.3; 2, 924 n.3; Chénon 1, 847 n.3; 881 n.3; 846/ 847 n. 4; Chénon 1, 881 n.1; Chénon 1, 893 n.3; Chénon 1, 931 n.2; Chénon 1, 927 n.3; Chénon 1, 881n.1; Chénon 1, 931 n.2; Chénon 1, 900 n.6; Chénon 1, 893 n.3; 879 n.1,2; 884 n.1; 901 n.4; 910 n.5; 874 n.5; 876 n.2; Chénon 1, 924 n. 3; Chénon 1, 869 n. 1.⁠]
(nosdiz ChV0146 9, nostredict ChV0146 14; ChV0146 15; ChV0146 20, nostrediz ChV0146 13)
  • 1o“(celui) qui est en question?” (Chénon 1, 895 n.4; Chénon 1, 881 n.1; Chénon 1, 882 n. 2; Chénon 1,881 n.1; Chénon 1, 931 n.1; 1, 927 n.3; 2, 924 n.3; Chénon 1, 847 n.3; 881 n.3; 846/ 847 n. 4; Chénon 1, 893 n.3; Chénon 1, 931 n.2; Chénon 1, 927 n.3; Chénon 1, 881n.1; Chénon 1, 931 n.2; Chénon 1, 900 n.6; Chénon 1, 893 n.3; 879 n.1,2; 884 n.1; 901 n.4; 910 n.5; 874 n.5; 876 n.2; Chénon 1, 924 n. 3; Chénon 1, 869 n. 1)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChV0146 9; ChV0146 13; ChV0146 14; ChV0146 15; ChV0146 20)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
mesdiseor m.
[TL; TL 5,1614,39; AND.⁠]
  • “calomniateur” (TL; TL 5,1614,39; AND)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
mesdit m.
[TL; TL 5,1614,42; Gdf; Gdf 5,278;a; AND 411 A; AND; DCCarp 270 c; FEW 3,67;b; AdHaleLexM; BurnellRen Va 864; DupinLaboulaye. – EpJérN 200, 2131; KellerWace 234 b; R 71, p. 512.⁠]
(medit VengAlE p122, mesdi Saisna/lB 1054, mesdie ChevBarAnL VIII 103; OakBookS; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 5, 471, mesdis AlexParA II, (β 86), 1353; AlexParA II 1353; AndrContrN; JErartN IX 42; XX 4; FossierCh p. 501; JobB 701; JobG 701; JMeunTestB; OvMorB 4, p. 100, 4231, mesdit PhThCompS 1r, 7; MonGuill1/2C 390; MarieGuigW2 L. 442; RouH III 4758; SThomGuernW1 801; MarieFabW2; RenR VII-IX, 6676; GlOxfG p45; GlOxfH 147; ContPerc1P E 8800; HAndArD 22, 27; DurmG 15984; FergF 1461, 1475; GautDargR IX, 6; MoniotArrD IV, 6; GuillVinM XIII, 7; XI, 11; XVII, 14; RenclCarH; GuillMarM 804; BesantR 3185, Mesdit HAndH, mesdit BeaumS sal. 251, 498; BestAmOctT 1864, 3028; BibleEntS 8438; ChansPieusJ XLIX, 19; ClercVaudR D 123, 124; Saisna/lB 1054, Mesdit SermMaurpB, mesdit GilebBernF; AdHaleCongéR 80; AdHalePartN VIII, 55; XVI, 49, Mesdit BibleMacéL, mesdit JCondM; ChronTemplTyrM; TombChartr1/2/3S; MirNDPers1-40P 16 633; [DeschQ 11, 80 etc.; GrebanP 1253]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 562, 40; MontRayn I, 34 etc.; RaynMotets I, p. 76; ReidFabl, Mesditz [BibbfW], mesdiz TournAntW 796; [PassTroyB III 1375])
  • “médisance; calomnie” (PhThCompS 1r, 7; MonGuill1/2C 390; MarieGuigW2 L. 442; RouH III 4758; SThomGuernW1 801; MarieFabW2; AlexParA II, (β 86), 1353; AlexParA II 1353; RenR VII-IX, 6676; GlOxfG p45; GlOxfH 147; VengAlE p122; ContPerc1P E 8800; ChevBarAnL VIII 103; HAndArD 22, 27; DurmG 15984; FergF 1461, 1475; GautDargR IX, 6; MoniotArrD IV, 6; GuillVinM XIII, 7; XI, 11; XVII, 14; RenclCarH; GuillMarM 804; BesantR 3185; TournAntW 796; AndrContrN; HAndH; JErartN IX 42; XX 4; FossierCh p. 501; BeaumS sal. 251, 498; BestAmOctT 1864, 3028; BibleEntS 8438; ChansPieusJ XLIX, 19; ClercVaudR D 123, 124; Saisna/lB 1054; Saisna/lB 1054; SermMaurpB; GilebBernF; AdHaleCongéR 80; AdHalePartN VIII, 55; XVI, 49; JobB 701; JobG 701; JMeunTestB; BibleMacéL; OakBookS; JCondM; ChronTemplTyrM; OvMorB 4, p. 100, 4231; TombChartr1/2/3S; MirNDPers1-40P 16 633; [DeschQ 11, 80 etc.; BibbfW; GrebanP 1253; PassTroyB III 1375]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 562, 40; MontRayn I, 34 etc.; NoomenFabl t. 5, 471; RaynMotets I, p. 76; ReidFabl, EpJérN 200, 2131; KellerWace 234 b; R 71, p. 512, TL; TL 5,1614,42; Gdf; Gdf 5,278;a; AND 411 A; AND; DCCarp 270 c; FEW 3,67;b; AdHaleLexM; BurnellRen Va 864; DupinLaboulaye)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
mesdite f.
[TL; TL 5,1615,40; Gdf 5,278;b; FEW 3,67;b.⁠]
(mesdites (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 6, 387)
  • “médisance, calomnie, mensonge” ((sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 6, 387, TL; TL 5,1615,40; Gdf 5,278;b; FEW 3,67;b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
mesdisant m. adj.
[Gdf; GdfC 10, 145 c; AND; AdHaleLexM; DiStefLoc 530. – CCM Bd. 24-25, p. 171 ff.; KellerWace 234 b; MénardRire 451; RE 421; TraLiLi 17, 119.⁠]
(medisans JMoteVoieP 2012; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t6, 387, medisant MirNDPers1-40P 6 323; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn VI, 147, medisanz BlackBookT II, p 414, medixant GuiotProvinsO C IV 34; BibleGuiotW II, 34, mesdisans ChansArtB VIII, 118, XVIII, 197; SidracH p. 90, mesdisant BenTroieC; Aiol1/2F 2658; ChevVivM E 1832/15; ChevVivM; ContPerc1P E 6813; BestGuillR 4065; Bueve3S 9893; TournAntW 843, 1793; AndrContrN; RobHoY v. 950; AnticlC 196; AdHalePartN 11, 44; SidraclR 542; [AalmaR 1374], mesdisanz CoincyI1...K 2118 var.; GautLeuL2 VIII 15; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 973, Mesdisanz GautLeuL2)
  • 1o⁠m. “calomniateur” (GuiotProvinsO C IV 34; BibleGuiotW II, 34; ChansArtB VIII, 118, XVIII, 197; TournAntW 843, 1793; AndrContrN; GautLeuL2 VIII 15; GautLeuL2; RobHoY v. 950; AnticlC 196; SidracH p. 90; BlackBookT II, p 414; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn VI, 147; NoomenFabl t6, 387, CCM Bd. 24-25, p. 171 ff.; KellerWace 234 b; MénardRire 451; RE 421; TraLiLi 17, 119, Gdf; AND; AdHaleLexM; DiStefLoc 530)
  • 2o⁠adj. “qui médit” (BenTroieC; Aiol1/2F 2658; ChevVivM E 1832/15; ChevVivM; ContPerc1P E 6813; BestGuillR 4065; Bueve3S 9893; CoincyI1...K 2118 var.; AdHalePartN 11, 44; SidraclR 542; MirNDPers1-40P 6 323; JMoteVoieP 2012; [AalmaR 1374]; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 973, GdfC 10, 145 c)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
pardire v.
[TL 7, 2-216; TL 7,216,27; Gdf 5, 754a; AND 493a; AND 516b; DCCarp 297a; FEW 3, 67b; AdHaleLexM; BarbierProc I, S. 100.⁠]
(pardi Turpin5Wa, pardirai RobBloisDidF, pardire EdConfVatS v. tr.; ProtH; BibleDécb/eN; AngDialGregP; CoincyChristO 2757; CoincyI1...K 19Kr30; GilChinP; CristalB Ven. 308c; ChastPerePrH 14, 4; JCondOisR; MirNDPers1-40P 5 583; 6 679, etc.; OrdeneChevb/g/lB G 387; SEvroulS; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 9195, Pardire PurgSPatrBerM, pardiroient CoincyII30/31J 703, pardit RobHoY v. 898; HelcanusN 12; SottChansOxfL 5, 28 (r.), Pardit RègleSBenNicH, pardite RègleHospCamS 1125, perdirent CharroiPo t. 2, 147, perdis [GodBouillBruxR], perdist SJeanAumU 5514)
  • “achever de dire, de réciter, dire, réciter entièrement” (CharroiPo t. 2, 147; EdConfVatS v. tr.; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 1125; BibleDécb/eN; RègleSBenNicH; SJeanAumU 5514; AngDialGregP; Turpin5Wa; CoincyChristO 2757; CoincyI1...K 19Kr30; CoincyII30/31J 703; GilChinP; PurgSPatrBerM; CristalB Ven. 308c; RobBloisDidF; RobHoY v. 898; HelcanusN 12; SottChansOxfL 5, 28 (r.); ChastPerePrH 14, 4; JCondOisR; MirNDPers1-40P 5 583; 6 679, etc.; OrdeneChevb/g/lB G 387; SEvroulS; [GodBouillBruxR]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 9195, TL 7,216,27; TL 7, 2-216; Gdf 5, 754a; AND 493a; AND 516b; DCCarp 297a; FEW 3, 67b; AdHaleLexM; BarbierProc I, S. 100)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
audit ?
[Chénon 1, 893 n 3; 917 n 2; MélStraka 1, I.⁠]
(oudif PAbernLumH Bd II, oudit CptRoyM 7300, eudit CptRoyM 7361; CptRoyM 7301, 7359, 7447, awdicte OakBookS I, 127)
  • “à celui qui est en question?” (PAbernLumH Bd II; OakBookS I, 127; CptRoyM 7361; CptRoyM 7301, 7359, 7447; CptRoyM 7300, Chénon 1, 893 n 3; 917 n 2; MélStraka 1, I)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
oï-dire v.
[BarbierProc 2, 422.⁠]
  • “dire oui?” (BarbierProc 2, 422)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
redire v.
[TL 8, 528; GdfC 10, 511 c; AND 610 a; FEW 3, 67 b; DiStefLoc 756; Foerster; Foerster. – KaiserMPol 101; KaiserMPol p. 100; KellerWace 81 a; R 78, p. 417; RLiR 50, 1986, 50 b; SchelerJPreis 16042; 6067; ZrP 113, 128; XV 5.⁠]
(radit RobHoY v. 685, redesist GautLeuL2 IV 29, Redesist GautLeuL2, redi AdamG3 911; EstFougK 1128; 145; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.5, 477, 46 A 35, redie SGraalIIJosO, redirai CantLandP 2252, 3273; ElucidationT 359 n, redire LapidffS 759; WaceConcA 1471; CourLouisL1; ProvSalSanI; WaceNicR 724; EneasS1; ChronSMichelB 1371, 2131; 1687; MarieGuigW2 El. 518; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; HornP; PhilomB 320; BenDucF; BenDucF 105, 195; EructavitJ 1669; EructavitJ; MarieFabW2; ProtH; SimFreineGeorgM; PoèmeMorB 2843; 929, 1961; AssJérRoiG; BibleGuiotW; ElesB RE 115; PBeauvGerJ; BestGuillR 2087; CoincyChristO 2890; LancPrK; AucS10; RenclCarH; ViolB 3323, 3405, 5678; TristPrR; GilChinP; CoilleB 55; HArciPèresO; AnticlC 1074; CharroicL; GeoffrParChronD 1404, 1052, 2718; JCondM; DialGregEvrS p.999; SGregJeanS; ChevPapH 34,2; 36, 10; 4, 32; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 27, 278; 34, 77; 97, 155; BartschHorning 306, 13; 432, 13; 579, 40; HenryChrest; SchwanBehrens p. 85, Z. 15; SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p. 144 a; SGreg 2646, Redire VillehW, REDIRE GuillPalMo, redirrai GrantMalS2 34 c, Redirroms [BibbfW], redisoit JMoteVoieP 2221, redist CligesG; TyoletT; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; SMarg5T, redive ChevEspJ M 109, etc.)
  • “dire de nouveau; dire à plusiers reprises; dire encore; dire ce qu’un autre a dit; dire ensuite” (LapidffS 759; GrantMalS2 34 c; WaceConcA 1471; CourLouisL1; ProvSalSanI; WaceNicR 724; EneasS1; ChronSMichelB 1371, 2131; 1687; MarieGuigW2 El. 518; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; HornP; PhilomB 320; BenDucF; BenDucF 105, 195; AdamG3 911; CligesG; EstFougK 1128; 145; EructavitJ 1669; EructavitJ; MarieFabW2; ProtH; SimFreineGeorgM; SGraalIIJosO; CantLandP 2252, 3273; ChevEspJ M 109, etc.; PoèmeMorB 2843; 929, 1961; AssJérRoiG; VillehW; BibleGuiotW; ElesB RE 115; ElucidationT 359 n; GuillPalMo; PBeauvGerJ; BestGuillR 2087; CoincyChristO 2890; LancPrK; AucS10; RenclCarH; TyoletT; ViolB 3323, 3405, 5678; TristPrR; GilChinP; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; CoilleB 55; GautLeuL2 IV 29; GautLeuL2; HArciPèresO; SMarg5T; RobHoY v. 685; AnticlC 1074; CharroicL; GeoffrParChronD 1404, 1052, 2718; JCondM; DialGregEvrS p.999; SGregJeanS; JMoteVoieP 2221; ChevPapH 34,2; 36, 10; 4, 32; [BibbfW]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 13808; BartschChrest 27, 278; 34, 77; 97, 155; BartschHorning 306, 13; 432, 13; 579, 40; HenryChrest; NoomenFabl t.5, 477, 46 A 35; SGreg 2646; SchwanBehrens p. 85, Z. 15; SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p. 144 a, KaiserMPol 101; KaiserMPol p. 100; KellerWace 81 a; R 78, p. 417; RLiR 50, 1986, 50 b; SchelerJPreis 16042; 6067; ZrP 113, 128; XV 5, TL 8, 528; GdfC 10, 511 c; AND 610 a; FEW 3, 67 b; DiStefLoc 756; Foerster; Foerster)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
redite f.
[TL 8, 530; GdfC 10, 512 a. – ActesMfr10 267; StädtlerGdfLex 267; ZrP Bd. 94, 1978, S. 667.⁠]
(redites AucR3 XXII 7)
  • 1o“répétion” (AucR3 XXII 7, ActesMfr10 267; StädtlerGdfLex 267; ZrP Bd. 94, 1978, S. 667, GdfC 10, 512 a)
  • 2o“contradiction” (TL 8, 530)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
redité m.
[TL 8, 530.⁠]
  • “répétition (d’un texte)” (TL 8, 530)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
[TL 9, 883; Gdf 7,526b; Gdf; AND 723 b; AND 746a; AND 746 a; FEW 3,67b. – MénardRire 451; MénardRire 453; NM 45-46, p. 68; R 89, p. 426; R 56,370,ligne 2; RLiR 50,1986,506.⁠]
(seurdire MorPhilP 5038, SORDIE CesTuimAlC, sordir OrdeneChevB RE 234, sordire EneasS1 9212; RouH II 331; GautArrErR 675, 1767; IpH 1042; TristBérG 3251; ArtusS; CesTuimAlC 6520; DeuxBordeors1F B II 12; RenγF2; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 614, 20; HenryChrest; MontRayn IV, 17, SORDIRE CesTuimAlC, sordist (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9, 360 a, sordit ChansSatBachJ, sordite JerusCont2G, sordites RenR, sordiz RenR VII-IX, sourdire ArtusS 275,21; BestAmOctT 1810; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII,967, sourdist (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9,360a, surdire HornP; WaldefH 10244; ModvB2 *8499, Surdire BibleMacéL)
  • “dire du mal, médire de, calomnier” (EneasS1 9212; HornP; RouH II 331; GautArrErR 675, 1767; IpH 1042; RenR; RenR VII-IX; TristBérG 3251; WaldefH 10244; OrdeneChevB RE 234; MorPhilP 5038; ModvB2 *8499; ArtusS; ArtusS 275,21; BestAmOctT 1810; CesTuimAlC 6520; CesTuimAlC; CesTuimAlC; ChansSatBachJ; DeuxBordeors1F B II 12; JerusCont2G; RenγF2; BibleMacéL; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 614, 20; HenryChrest; MontRayn IV, 17; NoomenFabl t.9, 360 a; NoomenFabl t.9,360a; RecHist XXII,967, MénardRire 451; MénardRire 453; NM 45-46, p. 68; R 89, p. 426; R 56,370,ligne 2; RLiR 50,1986,506, TL 9, 883; Gdf 7,526b; Gdf; AND 723 b; AND 746a; AND 746 a; FEW 3,67b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
[TL 1,145,6; TL; FEW 3,67b,68b. – MélArnRuelle; MélArnRuelle p.372; MélArnRuelle 372; R 82,273; RLiR 47,31-32; SchelerGil II,213.20.⁠]
(adire AlexisP 213; GuillAnglW 2160; PoèmeMorB 600; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 680; HuonSQuentL; MaccabeS 1622; RenContrR II,242a, 244a; BastS 5791; BelleHelR 11359;813b; GilMuisK 309a,I,213,20; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.8, 403; PannierLapid E234)
  • “exhorter, persuader” (AlexisP 213; GuillAnglW 2160; PoèmeMorB 600; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 680; HuonSQuentL; MaccabeS 1622; RenContrR II,242a, 244a; GilMuisK 309a,I,213,20; BelleHelR 11359;813b; BastS 5791; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.8, 403; PannierLapid E234, MélArnRuelle; R 82,273; MélArnRuelle p.372; RLiR 47,31-32; SchelerGil II,213.20; MélArnRuelle 372, FEW 3,67b,68b; TL; TL 1,145,6)
Cf. DMF adire.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
adirer v.
[TL 1,145,30; TL; TL 1,145; Gdf 1,104b;104c; Gdf; Gdf 1,105a; AND 10b; AND 9b; DG; DC; DC; TLF 1120-50; FEW 3,67b,69a. – CohnBem; ContPerc E2213,3133; KellerWace 198a; MöhrenLand; R 116,6; RLiR 53 (1989) p.582; RLiR 59,628n.⁠]
(addist BibleMalkS 5647, adiré GaimarB 3172; LoisGuillL Las we6; edirez I; ProvSalSanI; BesantR 3442; SSagaD 12005; RosemLec 3750; EntreeT 1041; MirNDPers1-40P 31 2562; [GodBouillBruxR v.5747; TresVenM p.8,vers 152]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 12,19; NoomenFabl t8,403; ProvM 751, adiree RenR; JSQuentO, adirer RouH III 1938; RoisC; AiquinJ 1322,1731; ChastPereaH; ChastPereaM; YderG 1673,cp.A; Bueve2S 11 662, 11 805; LancPrK 135.7; CoincyI1...K 94; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 167; CoincyII10N 353; FournChansL; EdConfCambrW 4610; SeneschO 62,187b,21; EvEnfB 107;1099; EvEnfB2; MaillartR 1547,1815; LicorneG 7925; CiNDitB2; CoutBretP p.266,l.17; BibleHolkP 24,16; [SEust10P 42,730; DeschQ V,163; SEust11P 1144,477]; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn IV,131;V,35; RivièrePast; Studer VA 529, adires CommPsia1G, adirez CoincyI1...K 1608var; SEustPr1M XII 13, adirier RosemLec; DialGregEvrS 9566*, adiriez SGraalIIJosO; SGraalIIIJosW 711, adiroit BastC 5788, adirree BrittN 365, adite RestorD, adyreez BlackBookT II,p. 134, adyrrer (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn)
  • “égarer, perdre” (GaimarB 3172; LoisGuillL Las we6; edirez I; ProvSalSanI; CommPsia1G; RouH III 1938; RoisC; RenR; SGraalIIJosO; AiquinJ 1322,1731; ChastPereaH; ChastPereaM; SGraalIIIJosW 711; YderG 1673,cp.A; Bueve2S 11 662, 11 805; LancPrK 135.7; CoincyI1...K 94; CoincyI1...K 1608var; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 167; SEustPr1M XII 13; BesantR 3442; CoincyII10N 353; FournChansL; EdConfCambrW 4610; SSagaD 12005; SeneschO 62,187b,21; EvEnfB 107;1099; EvEnfB2; RosemLec; RosemLec 3750; BibleMalkS 5647; BrittN 365; SottChansValL XXV,39 (r.); JSQuentO; MaillartR 1547,1815; LicorneG 7925; CiNDitB2; CoutBretP p.266,l.17; BibleHolkP 24,16; EntreeT 1041; DialGregEvrS 9566*; RestorD; MirNDPers1-40P 31 2562; BlackBookT II,p. 134; BastC 5788; [GodBouillBruxR v.5747; SEust10P 42,730; DeschQ V,163; TresVenM p.8,vers 152; SEust11P 1144,477]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 12,19; MontRayn IV,131;V,35; MontRayn; NoomenFabl t8,403; ProvM 751; RivièrePast; Studer VA 529, CohnBem; ContPerc E2213,3133; KellerWace 198a; MöhrenLand; R 116,6; RLiR 53 (1989) p.582; RLiR 59,628n, TL 1,145,30; TL; TL 1,145; Gdf 1,104b;104c; Gdf; Gdf 1,105a; AND 9b; AND 10b; DG; DC; DC; TLF 1120-50; FEW 3,67b,69a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
desdire v.
[TL 2,1556,28; TL 2,1556,28; TL; TL; Gdf 2, 574a; GdfC 9, 329c (330a); AND; DCCarp 146b; FEW 3, 67b (68b); AdHaleLexM; Foerster; GlSuisse 5, 147b. – ARom 8 (1924) 475; Chénon 1, 926n.4; Chénon 1, 911n.2, 895 n.4, 874 n.3, 898 n.3; Chénon 1, 931n.1; Chénon 1, 889 n.2, 918 n.2; Chénon 1, 881 n.1; Chénon 1, 879 n.2; Chénon 1, 931 n.2; ContPerc T1050; CorleyCont1 p142; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 28714, PQ22840; GreubRég; KellerWace 72a; 73a, 97a; 252a; 257a; 279b; RLiR 50, 1986, 506; SchulzeBusProv 2222; TilLex XXIII 1113; [sigle]; [sigle].⁠]
(dedir NicBozSAgatheK Agace 54, dedire WaceNicR 134; RenR VII-IX, 9025; RenR VII-IX, 9025; ThomKentF; CorE p61; CorE; PurgSPatrHarlV; DurmS 4205; MorPhilP; CoutWinchF 38; ClefD; MirNDPers1-40P 2 1193; 5 498; 9 848 etc.; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl III, 16c/ s 189, Dedire MirAgn2K, dedirrunt PhThSibS, dedist DurmG 14172; DolopL, desdeïsse (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.8, 412, desdi BenTroieC, desdie AlexParA II (ß122) 23; AlexParA II, 1892; TristNantS 19147 (7022); (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9, 333b, 1031083, desdient JDupinMelL 400, desdïent Saisna/lB 975, 801o/756, 620o/6365o; 5506 (L), 703o/6451o, Desdier BrunLatC, desdira JerusCont2G, desdire GaimarB 3293, 4690; PhThSibS; MonGuill1/2C 1189, 5210; FloreaK 2777; FloreaL 2755; FloreaW 2755; ChronSMichelB 2264; ChronSMichelB 2264; CommPsia1G XVIII, 291; BenTroieC; RouH II 1685, 2050, 3197, 3989, III 3892, III 6128; BenDucF; SThomGuernW1 65, 1823, 1441, 1443, 3445, 17, 1443, 5364; GautArrErR 1780; CligesG; CligesM 3944; EstFougK 344, 644r; SThomBenS 575; IpH; ProtH; AimonFlH 11302; RenR XII-XVII 13521; RenR VII-IX, 7426; ThomKentF 2312, 3247, 1046; FloovA 127; GaceBruléD XXII,19; GraelentT; RCambrM; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 200, 1350; MarieEspP; CantLandP 2674; ChevEspJ Ch 291; ContPerc2lC2 p113; GuiotProvinsO 2254, 959; JugAmS 352; MuséeArchDép p.127, z.14, 16; HerbomezTourn p.22, z.22; AmbroiseP 6658, 9144; BibleGuiotW 2257; ChardryDormM 1862; ChardryPletM 485, 1170; FolTristBernH2 456; GirVianeE 12, 2269, 4081; GirVianeY 12, 2269; 4081; MeraugisF 2311, 3384; Perl1N 7624; SClemW v.2695,3697 etc., v. 10646; SJeanAumU 6345, 6662; 2079; WaldefH 7852, 10779, 10784, 10791, 15390; AimeriD 994, 2471; FlorenceW 1056, 5339; MortAymC 3102, 2651; YderG; BalJosCamA 6850, 7160; Bueve1S 5730, 6799; Bueve2S; Bueve3S 11891, 2339, 11461; DurmG; DurmS 4205; CoincyChristO 3669, 2068; LancPrK 500.20; LancPrM LXXI, 19; OrdeneChevB OC 389; OmbreB2 397; DolopL; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI28/II12D 156; MorPhilP; RenclCarH; SGraalIVEstP; GuillMarM 18292, 3336, 2596; ChansArtB V, 104, XII, 89, XVII, 43; CoincyII9Kr 1832; ModvB2; RoselLangl; TristPrCh 62, 45; TristPrS; AndrContrN I, 45; ArtusS 89.1; FolLancB; GilChinP 3677; MerlinsR 30, 42; HuonRegrL; BestAmOctT 1537, 1405, 1862; BibleEntS 1907, 3207, 4122; ClercVaudR D54, D258; CristalB 2562, 4559; EspVerlinden 24-25, 57, 72-73, 247, 282; HistFécL 2104, 4142; 5564; HuonR 5188; JeuxPartL; JoufrF 269; MaugisV 4249, 6522; Pères10C 941; Pères64B 362; SAudreeS; RobHoY v.999, v.2161; AnticlC 931; CoutStAmandM I,I,8; EtSLouisV III, 56; CharroicL; CourtParV 581; EnfRenC; RenMontlC 12745, 16827, 12538, 14597, 12884, 12919; SBath1B; SimPouilleaB 1084; EnfOgS 3340; HemH 45; AdHalePartN XIII,17; ClefD 2033, 263; BeaumCoutS 155; ChastSGilS 123; GlDouaiE1 104; GuillAnglAlB; RenγF2; BrittN; JoinvW1 16a; JSQuentO; OgDanAlC 1719, 2180; GeoffrParChronD 6242, 6946, 7396, 260; JCondM; JCondOisR; Apol3L 138, 7; EntreeT; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartrProl/4...W; MirNDPers1-40P; JMoteVoieP 837; RenContrR 1165, 27841; BelleHelR 840b, 2354; GalienD; LionBourgAlK 30370, 11985; PassEntreR 927; [JFevRespH 456; FierPrM 10, 223; FierPrMi 2; JPreisMyrG 1581, 4008, 6664; PassTroyB t.II p.1125]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 23, 39; BartschChrest 34, 174; 74, 131; 95, 69; BartschHorning 355, 2; 552, 35; CheviiEspF 5728, 493; LevyFabl IV. 144; MontRayn IV, 155; NoomenFabl t.5, 39158, 461, 41A120; NoomenFabl I, 4 /F 461; NoomenFabl II 12/A124; 5/399; NoomenFabl 34a/ D283; NoomenFabl t.8, 412, 8335, 228, 97220; 83500; 83G422; ProvM 2222; RecHist XXII 960; ReidFabl, Desdire RobDiableL; SermMaurpB; RoisinM; BibleMacéL; GuillMachC, DESDIRE RenMontdT; GuillPalMo, desdires JoufrF 3897, desdiroie (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.6, 377, 69a227, desdis BesantR 3478; AuberiTarbé, Desdiz BibleMacéS, disdi GesteFrancorR 8589; GesteFrancorR 8589, disdrent [ModusT 117, 87 N; ModusT 117, 87 N])
  • 1o“ne pas reconnaître pour vrai ce que qn a dit; se rétracter de ce qu’on a dit, se décavouer” (GaimarB 3293, 4690; PhThSibS; PhThSibS; MonGuill1/2C 1189, 5210; WaceNicR 134; FloreaK 2777; FloreaL 2755; FloreaW 2755; ChronSMichelB 2264; ChronSMichelB 2264; CommPsia1G XVIII, 291; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; RouH II 1685, 2050, 3197, 3989, III 3892, III 6128; BenDucF; SThomGuernW1 65, 1823, 1441, 1443, 3445, 17, 1443, 5364; GautArrErR 1780; CligesG; CligesM 3944; EstFougK 344, 644r; SThomBenS 575; AlexParA II (ß122) 23; AlexParA II, 1892; IpH; ProtH; AimonFlH 11302; RenR VII-IX, 9025; RenR XII-XVII 13521; RenR VII-IX, 9025; RenR VII-IX, 7426; ThomKentF; ThomKentF 2312, 3247, 1046; CorE p61; CorE; FloovA 127; GaceBruléD XXII,19; GraelentT; RCambrM; RobDiableL; Saisna/lB 975, 801o/756, 620o/6365o; 5506 (L), 703o/6451o; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 200, 1350; MarieEspP; RenMontdT; CantLandP 2674; ChevEspJ Ch 291; ContPerc2lC2 p113; GuiotProvinsO 2254, 959; JugAmS 352; MuséeArchDép p.127, z.14, 16; HerbomezTourn p.22, z.22; AmbroiseP 6658, 9144; BibleGuiotW 2257; ChardryDormM 1862; ChardryPletM 485, 1170; FolTristBernH2 456; GirVianeE 12, 2269, 4081; GirVianeY 12, 2269; 4081; GuillPalMo; MeraugisF 2311, 3384; Perl1N 7624; SClemW v.2695,3697 etc., v. 10646; SJeanAumU 6345, 6662; 2079; WaldefH 7852, 10779, 10784, 10791, 15390; AimeriD 994, 2471; FlorenceW 1056, 5339; MortAymC 3102, 2651; YderG; BalJosCamA 6850, 7160; PurgSPatrHarlV; Bueve1S 5730, 6799; Bueve2S; Bueve3S 11891, 2339, 11461; DurmG 14172; DurmG; DurmS 4205; DurmS 4205; CoincyChristO 3669, 2068; LancPrK 500.20; LancPrM LXXI, 19; OrdeneChevB OC 389; OmbreB2 397; DolopL; DolopL; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI28/II12D 156; MorPhilP; MorPhilP; RenclCarH; SGraalIVEstP; GuillMarM 18292, 3336, 2596; BesantR 3478; ChansArtB V, 104, XII, 89, XVII, 43; CoincyII9Kr 1832; ModvB2; RoselLangl; TristPrCh 62, 45; TristPrS; AndrContrN I, 45; ArtusS 89.1; FolLancB; GilChinP 3677; MerlinsR 30, 42; MirAgn2K; HuonRegrL; AuberiTarbé; BestAmOctT 1537, 1405, 1862; BibleEntS 1907, 3207, 4122; ClercVaudR D54, D258; CristalB 2562, 4559; EspVerlinden 24-25, 57, 72-73, 247, 282; HistFécL 2104, 4142; 5564; HuonR 5188; JeuxPartL; JoufrF 269; JoufrF 3897; MaugisV 4249, 6522; Pères10C 941; Pères64B 362; SAudreeS; SermMaurpB; RobHoY v.999, v.2161; AnticlC 931; BrunLatC; CoutStAmandM I,I,8; EtSLouisV III, 56; CharroicL; CourtParV 581; CoutWinchF 38; EnfRenC; RenMontlC 12745, 16827, 12538, 14597, 12884, 12919; SBath1B; SimPouilleaB 1084; EnfOgS 3340; HemH 45; AdHalePartN XIII,17; ClefD; ClefD 2033, 263; BeaumCoutS 155; RoisinM; ChastSGilS 123; GlDouaiE1 104; BrutContB 1892; GuillAnglAlB; JerusCont2G; RenγF2; BrittN; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéS; JoinvW1 16a; GesteFrancorR 8589; GesteFrancorR 8589; JSQuentO; OgDanAlC 1719, 2180; GeoffrParChronD 6242, 6946, 7396, 260; JCondM; JCondOisR; Apol3L 138, 7; EntreeT; NicBozSAgatheK Agace 54; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartrProl/4...W; MirNDPers1-40P 2 1193; 5 498; 9 848 etc.; MirNDPers1-40P; JDupinMelL 400; JMoteVoieP 837; RenContrR 1165, 27841; BelleHelR 840b, 2354; GalienD; GuillMachC; LionBourgAlK 30370, 11985; PassEntreR 927; TristNantS 19147 (7022); [ModusT 117, 87 N; ModusT 117, 87 N; JFevRespH 456; FierPrM 10, 223; FierPrMi 2; JPreisMyrG 1581, 4008, 6664; PassTroyB t.II p.1125]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 23, 39; BartschChrest 34, 174; 74, 131; 95, 69; BartschHorning 355, 2; 552, 35; CheviiEspF 5728, 493; LevyFabl IV. 144; MontRayn IV, 155; NoomenFabl t.5, 39158, 461, 41A120; NoomenFabl III, 16c/ s 189; NoomenFabl I, 4 /F 461; NoomenFabl II 12/A124; 5/399; NoomenFabl 34a/ D283; NoomenFabl t.6, 377, 69a227; NoomenFabl t.8, 412; NoomenFabl t.9, 333b, 1031083; NoomenFabl t.8, 412, 8335, 228, 97220; 83500; 83G422; ProvM 2222; RecHist XXII 960; ReidFabl, ARom 8 (1924) 475; Chénon 1, 926n.4; Chénon 1, 911n.2, 895 n.4, 874 n.3, 898 n.3; Chénon 1, 931n.1; Chénon 1, 889 n.2, 918 n.2; Chénon 1, 881 n.1; Chénon 1, 879 n.2; Chénon 1, 931 n.2; ContPerc T1050; CorleyCont1 p142; CorleyCont2 28714, PQ22840; CorleyCont2; GreubRég; KellerWace 72a; 73a, 97a; 252a; 257a; 279b; RLiR 50, 1986, 506; SchulzeBusProv 2222; TilLex XXIII 1113; [sigle]; [sigle], TL; TL 2,1556,28; TL 2,1556,28; TL; Gdf 2, 574a; GdfC 9, 329c (330a); AND; DCCarp 146b; FEW 3, 67b (68b); AdHaleLexM; Foerster; GlSuisse 5, 147b)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMM001 67; ChMM001 66)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
desdiseur m.
[TL 2,1558,38; TL; FEW 3, 67b (68b).⁠]
(dedisseur EtSLouisV, desdiseur EtSLouisV III, 204, 205, desdisours CoutBretP p.104 l.10)
  • “celui qui contredit, qui récuse” (EtSLouisV III, 204, 205; EtSLouisV; CoutBretP p.104 l.10, TL 2,1558,38; TL; FEW 3, 67b (68b))
fiches par lemme Télécharger
desdit m.
[TL 2,1558,40; TL; AND; FEW 3, 67b (68b). – CorleyCont1 p142; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 24814, 25025, 31367; TilLex VI 438; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 12, 162.⁠]
(dedit ContPerc2lC2 p113, desdit BenTroieC; SSagOctS C301; RenR VII-IX 7714; YderG; EpJérN 617; CoutStAmandM Chap. XVII; ChevFustSa 578, 8324, 9717, 14460; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.6, 377, 69aB309, Desdit RoisinM; ChevFustSa)
  • “contradiction, opposition” (BenTroieC; SSagOctS C301; RenR VII-IX 7714; ContPerc2lC2 p113; YderG; EpJérN 617; CoutStAmandM Chap. XVII; RoisinM; ChevFustSa 578, 8324, 9717, 14460; ChevFustSa; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.6, 377, 69aB309, CorleyCont1 p142; CorleyCont2 24814, 25025, 31367; CorleyCont2; TilLex VI 438; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 12, 162, TL 2,1558,40; TL; AND; FEW 3, 67b (68b))
Cf. DMF dédit.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
devantdire v.
[TL 2,1857,6; TL; AND.⁠]
(davandis ChV0133 7; ChV0133 9, davandist chHM119 6; ChV0095 5; ChV0095 8, davandit chCOr108 7; chCOr108 8; ChV0079 16; ChV0079 17; ChV0133 9; ChV0133 11; chHM275 28; CR 1285 09 32 01 7, davandite chHM119 5; chHM119 6; chCOr108 7; ChV0095 7; ChV0095 8; ChV0132 4, davandites chHM119 6; ChV0079 20; ChV0132 4, davandiz chMo207 7; chCOr108 8; ChV0079 8; ChV0079 8; ChV0079 9; ChV0079 9; ChV0079 13; ChV0079 15; ChV0079 15; ChV0079 17; ChV0079 19; ChV0079 21; chHM275 92, davantdicte chHS008 7, davantdite ChV0095 4, davantdites ChMe082 19, devandis chdouai0071 2; chdouai0347 1; ChMa158 8; ChMa158 14; ChMa158 16; ChMa158 20; ChMa158 20; ChMa158 21; ChMa158 26; ChMa158 31; chdouai0386 1; chdouai0386 1; chdouai0425 1, devan dis ChMe226 5, devandit chCOr005 7; ChMa029 6; ChMe057 8; chCOr028 6; chCOr028 9; chCOr030 9; chJu006 4; R 1254 12 32 01 7; R 1254 12 32 01 9; chdouai0121 2; ChV0054 3; chCOr090 6; chCOr130 7; chCOr130 52; chCOr135 10; ChHM156 5; chJu019 3; chJu019 5; ChMM252 3; chCOr154 4; chCOr154 6; chCOr154 9; chCOr154 10; chCOr154 11; chJu023 6; ChMM284 15; ChMa158 16; ChMa158 21; ChMa158 23; ChMa158 24; ChMa158 25; chCOr217 8; chCOr217 11; chCOr217 13; chCOr217 15; chJu034 6; chJu034 7; chJu035 5; chHS090 6; chJu047 7; chJu047 8; chJu052 8; chJu052 14; chJu052 18; chJu079 8, devandite chCOr030 6; chHS004 3; chHS004 4; chJu006 3; chJu006 3; R 1254 12 32 01 9; chCOr130 27; chJu018 5; chJu020 6; chJu021 8; chJu023 5; chCOr201 7; chJu052 14; R 1287 08 32 01 6; R 1287 08 32 01 11; R 1287 08 32 01 14, devan dite chJu037 5, devandites chCOr047a 13; ChMa084 38; chHM068 10; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 27; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 52; chCOr083 9; chCOr130 6; chCOr130 6; chCOr130 27; chCOr130 46; chCOr172 16; ChMa158 14; ChMa158 17; chCOr201 7; chHS090 8; chHS093 3; chJu052 13; chJu052 16; R 1287 08 32 01 8; R 1287 08 32 01 11; RV 1287 08 32 01b 11; RM 1291 06 09 01 32, devan dites R 1287 08 32 01 14, de vandites chCOr164 9, devanditte chCOr154 4; chCOr154 10; chCOr217 6; chCOr217 13; chCOr217 15, devandittes chCOr154 6; chCOr217 17; chCOr217 17, devandiz chCOr005 6; R 1254 12 32 01 13; R 1254 12 32 01 16; R 1254 12 32 01 19; ChHM078 4; ChHM078 5; ChHM078 7; ChHM078 8; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 47; ChV0054 4; chCOr083 7; chCOr083 8; chCOr135 12; ChHM156 4; ChHM156 5; ChHM156 5; chHS031 5; chJu019 3; chJu019 5; chJu019 6; chJu020 5; chJu021 6; chCOr154 11; chJu023 4; chJu023 5; chJu023 5; ChMa151 10; chCOr172 20; chHS043 12; chHS049 5; chCOr217 4; chCOr217 4; chCOr217 6; chCOr217 15; chJu034 7; chJu035 5; chHS090 5; chHS090 6; chHS090 7; chHS090 8; chHS102 7; chHS102 9; chHS102 9; chJu071 7; chJu088 8, devant chdouai0158 2, devantdis chdouai0038 2; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0131 2; chdouai0131 2; chdouai0149 7; chdouai0177 8; chdouai0177 22; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 31; chdouai0177 34; chdouai0177 35; chdouai0177 37; chdouai0177 39; chdouai0177 41; chdouai0208 2; chdouai0209 2; chdouai0218 2; chdouai0218 2; chdouai0223 2; 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chdouai0116 2; chdouai0132 2; chdouai0208 2; chdouai0218 2; chdouai0223 2; chdouai0227 2; chdouai0230 2; chdouai0230 2; chdouai0231 2; chdouai0232 2; chdouai0235 2; chdouai0235 2; chdouai0235 2; chdouai0237 3; chdouai0238 2; chdouai0238 3; chdouai0255 2; chdouai0260 2; chdouai0260 2; chdouai0262 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0280 2; chdouai0281 3; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0301 2; chdouai0308 2; chdouai0309 1; chdouai0309 1; chdouai0314 2; chdouai0322 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0340 2; chdouai0345 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0363 2; chdouai0365 2; chdouai0365 2; chdouai0369 2; chdouai0371 2; chdouai0387 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0397 1; chdouai0414 1; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0425 1; chJu032 8; chdouai0431 1; chdouai0432 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446b 1; chdouai0446b 1; 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  • 1o“prédire qch., faire connaître qch.” (AngDialGregO2 9056, 10500, 10595; [MistSGenisM], TL 2,1857,6; TL; AND)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chCOr005 6; chCOr005 7; ChMa029 6; ChMe057 8; chdouai0038 2; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0040 3; ChMe082 19; chHS004 3; chHS004 4; chCOr028 6; chCOr028 9; chCOr030 6; chCOr030 9; chJu006 3; chJu006 3; chJu006 4; R 1254 12 32 01 7; R 1254 12 32 01 9; R 1254 12 32 01 9; R 1254 12 32 01 13; R 1254 12 32 01 16; R 1254 12 32 01 19; chCOr047a 13; chdouai0071 2; chdouai0072 2; chHS008 7; chdouai0087 2; ChMa084 38; chHM068 10; ChHM078 4; ChHM078 5; ChHM078 7; ChHM078 8; chdouai0116 2; chdouai0116 2; chdouai0121 2; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 27; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 47; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 52; chdouai0131 2; chdouai0131 2; chdouai0132 2; ChV0054 3; ChV0054 4; chdouai0143 2; chdouai0149 7; chCOr083 7; chCOr083 8; chCOr083 9; chCOr090 6; chMo207 7; chdouai0158 2; chHM119 5; chHM119 6; chHM119 6; chHM119 6; chdouai0177 8; chdouai0177 22; chdouai0177 28; chdouai0177 31; chdouai0177 34; chdouai0177 35; chdouai0177 37; chdouai0177 38; chdouai0177 39; chdouai0177 41; ChV0079 8; ChV0079 8; ChV0079 9; ChV0079 9; ChV0079 13; ChV0079 15; ChV0079 15; ChV0079 16; ChV0079 17; ChV0079 17; ChV0079 19; ChV0079 20; ChV0079 21; chCOr108 7; chCOr108 7; chCOr108 8; chCOr108 8; ChMe162 8; ChV0095 4; ChV0095 5; ChV0095 7; ChV0095 8; ChV0095 8; chdouai0208 2; chdouai0208 2; chdouai0208 2; chdouai0209 2; chdouai0213 8; chdouai0213 9; chdouai0214 2; chdouai0216 2; chdouai0216 2; chCOr130 6; chCOr130 6; chCOr130 7; chCOr130 27; chCOr130 27; chCOr130 46; chCOr130 52; chdouai0218 2; chdouai0218 2; chdouai0218 2; ChHM156 4; ChHM156 5; ChHM156 5; ChHM156 5; chCOr135 10; chCOr135 12; chJu018 5; chdouai0223 2; chdouai0223 2; chJu019 3; chJu019 3; chJu019 5; chJu019 5; chJu019 6; chJu020 5; chJu020 6; chdouai0224 2; chHS031 5; chdouai0227 2; chdouai0227 2; chdouai0227 2; chdouai0227 2; chdouai0227 2; chJu021 6; chJu021 8; chdouai0238 3; chdouai0238 3; chdouai0240 2; chdouai0240 2; chdouai0242 2; chdouai0231 2; chdouai0231 2; 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chJu034 6; chJu034 7; chJu034 7; chJu035 5; chJu035 5; chJu037 5; chHS090 5; chHS090 6; chHS090 6; chHS090 7; chHS090 8; chHS090 8; chHM275 28; chHM275 92; chHS093 3; CR 1278 08 23 01 6; chHS102 7; chHS102 9; chHS102 9; chJu047 7; chJu047 8; chJu052 8; chJu052 13; chJu052 14; chJu052 14; chJu052 16; chJu052 18; CR 1285 09 32 01 7; R 1287 08 32 01 6; R 1287 08 32 01 8; R 1287 08 32 01 11; R 1287 08 32 01 11; R 1287 08 32 01 14; R 1287 08 32 01 14; RV 1287 08 32 01b 11; chJu071 7; RM 1291 06 09 01 32; chJu079 8; chJu088 8)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
disable adj.
[TL 2,1941,52; TL; Gdf 2, 717b; AND; AND; MED 2, 1107b.⁠]
  • “qui peut être dit” (TL 2,1941,52; TL; Gdf 2, 717b; AND; AND; MED 2, 1107b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
disance f.
[TL 2,1942,25; TL; Gdf 2, 717b; MED 2, 1200a. – [sigle] 254 var..⁠]
  • “ce qu’on dit” ([sigle] 254 var., TL 2,1942,25; TL; Gdf 2, 717b; MED 2, 1200a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
diseor m.
[TL 2,1945,31; TL; TL; Gdf 2, 722b; Gdf 2, 722b; GdfC 9, 389b; GdfC 9, 389b; AND; AND; MED 2, 1145a; MED 2, 1145a; DCCarp 152b; DCCarp 152c; DCCarp 152b; DCCarp 152c; TLF; TLF; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; DiStefLoc 263; DiStefLoc 263. – Morlet 157; Morlet 157; Runk p. 99; Runk p. 99; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] p. 134 + 135; [sigle]; [sigle] p. 134 + 135.⁠]
(deserre SJeanEvW, disceur CharnyMesT 47r, diseeur LaurinT, diseor PriseDefP; PriseDefP; SJeanEvW 216; SJeanEvW 216; BesantR 1743; BesantR 1743; ChMa010 15; ChMa011 14, diserre RenContrR 1465; RenContrR 1465, diseur GysselingDocAnc p. 209, Z.15; GysselingDocAnc p. 209, Z.15; DocFlandrM p. 130; DocFlandrM p. 130; EpJérN 2749; EpJérN 2749; BretTournD 2899, 2729; BretTournD 2899, 2729; [ModusT; ModusT; AalmaR 8.170; AalmaR 8.170; ChOthéeF 1256, p. 211; ChOthéeF 1256, p. 211], Diseur ChansArtJ, diseür CourtAmsS 836, 1053; CourtAmsS 836, 1053, diseurs ChMa229 13; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 960; RecHist XXII, 960, disiere GuillVinM XXVII, 12; GuillVinM XXVII, 12; JeuxPartL; CoutStAmandM II, VII, 59; CoutStAmandM II, VII, 59, disieres ChRethelS 1, p. 177 Z.9; ChRethelS 1, p. 177 Z.9, disierres CassidP 35; CassidP 35, disor ChMM007 4; ChMM011 4; ChMM011 8; ChMM018 7; (sigles à datations multiples:) SchwanBehrens p. 137a; SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p. 137a; SchwanBehrens 3, disour chMo091 5; chMo212 10, disours ChMM082 3; ChMM084 3; chMo205 14; chMo205 15; chMo212 9; chMo212 18; FoukeB 11,10; 85,20; FoukeB 11,10; 85,20; FoukeH 9.35, 61.1; FoukeH 9.35, 61.1, dizour GysselingDocAnc p. 203 z. 17)
  • 1o“juge, arbitre” (GysselingDocAnc p. 203 z. 17; GysselingDocAnc p. 209, Z.15; GysselingDocAnc p. 209, Z.15; DocFlandrM p. 130; DocFlandrM p. 130; GuillVinM XXVII, 12; GuillVinM XXVII, 12; PriseDefP; PriseDefP; SJeanEvW; SJeanEvW 216; SJeanEvW 216; BesantR 1743; BesantR 1743; ChansArtJ; ChRethelS 1, p. 177 Z.9; ChRethelS 1, p. 177 Z.9; EpJérN 2749; EpJérN 2749; JeuxPartL; CoutStAmandM II, VII, 59; CoutStAmandM II, VII, 59; CassidP 35; CassidP 35; LaurinT; BretTournD 2899, 2729; BretTournD 2899, 2729; CourtAmsS 836, 1053; CourtAmsS 836, 1053; FoukeB 11,10; 85,20; FoukeB 11,10; 85,20; FoukeH 9.35, 61.1; FoukeH 9.35, 61.1; RenContrR 1465; RenContrR 1465; CharnyMesT 47r; [ModusT; ModusT; AalmaR 8.170; AalmaR 8.170; ChOthéeF 1256, p. 211; ChOthéeF 1256, p. 211]; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 960; RecHist XXII, 960; SchwanBehrens p. 137a; SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p. 137a; SchwanBehrens 3, Morlet 157; Morlet 157; Runk p. 99; Runk p. 99; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] p. 134 + 135; [sigle] p. 134 + 135, TL; TL 2,1945,31; TL; Gdf 2, 722b; Gdf 2, 722b; GdfC 9, 389b; GdfC 9, 389b; AND; AND; MED 2, 1145a; MED 2, 1145a; DCCarp 152b; DCCarp 152b; DCCarp 152c; DCCarp 152c; TLF; TLF; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; DiStefLoc 263; DiStefLoc 263)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMM007 4; ChMM011 4; ChMM011 8; ChMa010 15; ChMa011 14; ChMM018 7; chMo091 5; ChMM082 3; ChMM084 3; chMo205 14; chMo205 15; chMo212 9; chMo212 10; chMo212 18; ChMa229 13)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
disete f.
[TL 2,1946,1; TL; TL; GdfC 9, 389b; GdfC 9, 389b; AND; AND; MED 2, 1133b; MED 2, 1133b; TLF; TLF; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; GuiraudObsc 243; GuiraudObsc 243. – DiekmannSuff 158; DiekmannSuff 158; KahaneByz IV 135, Vc4; KahaneByz IV 135, Vc4; KahaneSel 2, 30; KahaneSel 2, 30; KaiserMPol 70; KaiserMPol 70; MélMel 221; MélMel 221; R 61, 256; R 61, 256.⁠]
(diseite chdouai0464 1, disete RenR X-XI, 10629; RenR X-XI, 10629; CourtArrF 241; CourtArrF 241; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 48 (n); CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 48 (n); RoselLangl; RoselLangl; AnsCartA 3392; AnsCartA 3392; ArtusS 91,24; ArtusS 91,24; FolLancB; MenReimsP 329; MenReimsP 329; MenReimsW 329; MenReimsW 329; BrendanPr1W; RosemLec 225; RosemLec 225; JVignayVégL; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 2, 10/A311; NoomenFabl 2, 10/A311, DISETE GuillPalMo; SCathCarlM, disetes [AalmaR 6018; AalmaR 6018], disette FossierCh p. 523; FossierCh p. 523; SoneG 10142; SoneG 10142; JCondM; BelleHelR 843b; BelleHelR 843b, disietes GarLorrI, dissete (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9, 334b; NoomenFabl t.9, 334b, dissetes (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.8, 413; NoomenFabl t.8, 413)
  • 1o“manque de (surtout de vivres)” (GarLorrI; RenR X-XI, 10629; RenR X-XI, 10629; CourtArrF 241; CourtArrF 241; GuillPalMo; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 48 (n); CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 48 (n); SCathCarlM; RoselLangl; RoselLangl; AnsCartA 3392; AnsCartA 3392; ArtusS 91,24; ArtusS 91,24; FolLancB; FossierCh p. 523; FossierCh p. 523; MenReimsP 329; MenReimsP 329; MenReimsW 329; MenReimsW 329; BrendanPr1W; RosemLec 225; RosemLec 225; RenγF2; SoneG 10142; SoneG 10142; JVignayVégL; JCondM; BelleHelR 843b; BelleHelR 843b; [AalmaR 6018; AalmaR 6018]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 2, 10/A311; NoomenFabl t.9, 334b; NoomenFabl t.8, 413; NoomenFabl t.9, 334b; NoomenFabl t.8, 413; NoomenFabl 2, 10/A311, DiekmannSuff 158; DiekmannSuff 158; KahaneByz IV 135, Vc4; KahaneByz IV 135, Vc4; KahaneSel 2, 30; KahaneSel 2, 30; KaiserMPol 70; KaiserMPol 70; MélMel 221; MélMel 221; R 61, 256; R 61, 256, TL; TL 2,1946,1; TL; GdfC 9, 389b; GdfC 9, 389b; AND; AND; MED 2, 1133b; MED 2, 1133b; TLF; TLF; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; GuiraudObsc 243; GuiraudObsc 243)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chdouai0464 1)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
disetos m. adj.
[TL 2,1946,37; TL 2,1946,37; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; GdfC; GdfC 9, 389b, 389c; GdfC; GdfC 9, 389b, 389c; DCCarp 152c; DCCarp 152c; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; BoisvertVilleh. – SchelerGil I, 310.11; SchelerGil I, 310.11; [sigle] 4903, 6245; [sigle] 4903, 6245.⁠]
(desisteus (sigles à datations multiples:) RaynMotets I p 277, desiteus MorPhilP, desitieus CourRenF 380, digeteus CiNDitB2, digiteus [DeschQ], diseteus GuillVinM 1, 36; GuillVinM 1, 36; AdHalePartN VIII, 64; XVII, 46; AdHalePartN VIII, 64; XVII, 46; ChastPerePrH 19,10; 23,4; ChastPerePrH 19,10; 23,4; JCondM; AcartH 306; AcartH 306; [FroissDitsth/...F 119, 328; FroissDitsth/...F 119, 328; FroissPrisF 2151; FroissPrisF 2151; DeschQ II, 268, 318; V, 147; DeschQ II, 268, 318; V, 147; FroissBallB; FroissBallB]; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn VI, 264; MontRayn VI, 264, Diseteus VillehW; GuillMachC, diseteux BodelCongéRu 422; BodelCongéRu 422; BaudeFastCongéR 486; BaudeFastCongéR 486; MirNDPers1-40P 18 146; MirNDPers1-40P 18 146; [AalmaR 6017; AalmaR 6017; GrebanP 6699; GrebanP 6699], disetous CourtParV 577; CourtParV 577, disiteus GarçAvR2 p114; AdHaleChansM; AdHaleChansM; AdHaleChansM; AdHaleChansM; ProprChosSq, disseteus [FroissEspF1 4012; FroissEspF1 4012])
  • ⁠adj. “qui est pauvre, indigent, qui est dans la disette” (BodelCongéRu 422; BodelCongéRu 422; VillehW; GuillVinM 1, 36; GuillVinM 1, 36; MorPhilP; CourRenF 380; BaudeFastCongéR 486; BaudeFastCongéR 486; CourtParV 577; CourtParV 577; GarçAvR2 p114; AdHaleChansM; AdHaleChansM; AdHaleChansM; AdHaleChansM; AdHalePartN VIII, 64; XVII, 46; AdHalePartN VIII, 64; XVII, 46; ChastPerePrH 19,10; 23,4; ChastPerePrH 19,10; 23,4; JCondM; CiNDitB2; AcartH 306; AcartH 306; ProprChosSq; MirNDPers1-40P 18 146; MirNDPers1-40P 18 146; GuillMachC; [FroissDitsth/...F 119, 328; FroissDitsth/...F 119, 328; FroissEspF1 4012; FroissEspF1 4012; FroissPrisF 2151; FroissPrisF 2151; AalmaR 6017; AalmaR 6017; DeschQ II, 268, 318; V, 147; DeschQ II, 268, 318; V, 147; DeschQ; FroissBallB; FroissBallB; GrebanP 6699; GrebanP 6699]; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn VI, 264; MontRayn VI, 264; RaynMotets I p 277, SchelerGil I, 310.11; SchelerGil I, 310.11; [sigle] 4903, 6245; [sigle] 4903, 6245, TL; TL 2,1946,37; TL; TL; TL 2,1946,37; TL; TL; GdfC 9, 389b, 389c; GdfC 9, 389b, 389c; DCCarp 152c; DCCarp 152c; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; BoisvertVilleh)
    • ⁠adj. subst. “celui qui est pauvre, indigent, qui est dans la disette” (GdfC; GdfC)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
dit m.
[TL 2,1959,22; TL 2,1959,22; TL; TL; TL; GdfC 9, 397c; GdfC 9, 397c; AND; AND; MED 2, 1186a; MED 2, 1187a; MED 2, 1186b; MED 2, 1186a; MED 2, 1187a; MED 2, 1186b; DCCarp 152c; DCCarp 152c; TLF; TLF; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; DiStefLoc 263; DiStefLoc 263; Foerster; Foerster; Foerster; LexMA 1, 108; LexMA 1, 1561; LexMA 1, 108; LexMA 1, 1561. – ActesNonLitt β 9; ActesNonLitt β 9; BTDial 52, 259; BTDial 51, 180; BTDial 52, 259; BTDial 51, 180; BullEtMLille probv p. 75; BullEtMLille probv p. 75; Burgess 130; ContPerc T 1131; ContPerc T 1131; CorleyCont2; DeesAtlas 316; DeesAtlas 316; DiekampSyn §10, 15; DiekampSyn §10, 15; FSt 8, 349; 612; FSt 8, 349; 612; KaiserMPol 102; KaiserMPol 102; KellerWace 79b; 89b; 195a; KellerWace 79b; 89b; 195a; LebsanftGruß p. 469; LebsanftGruß p. 469; MantouVoc G. 1262.16 etc.; MantouVoc G. 1276.13, etc.; MantouVoc G. 1262.16 etc.; MantouVoc G. 1276.13, etc.; Messelaar 4, 34; Messelaar 4, 34; Morlet 170; Morlet 51; Morlet 58; Morlet 170; Morlet 51; Morlet 58; NobelAng p. 15; NobelAng p. 15; Pope 741; Pope 741; R 89, 112; RJb 250; RoquesRég 415; RoquesRég 415; Runk p. 99; Runk p.35; Runk p. 99; Runk p.35; [sigle] 4, 8, 16, 26, 29, 39, 41, 47, 50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 65, 66, 69, 74, 78, 82; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle].⁠]
(di MaillartR 8106, 8041, 8061, 8065, 8137, 8149, dik SoneG 5787, 13535; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach 242, dis PriseCordD 2906; AiquinJ 491; DurmG; chdouai0004A 3; chdouai0004B 2; AucR3 I,8; chdouai0005 4; chdouai0009 2; ArtusS 18, 39; GautLeuL2 IV,5; HuonR 950; TroisAvG 5; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0182 2; chdouai0189 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0192 2; chdouai0196 1; chdouai0229 2; chdouai0230 2; chdouai0279 2; chdouai0279 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0340 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0363 2; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0396 1; CourtParV 381; BibleMalkS 9544; AdHaleRobL P 37, P 40; AdHaleRobV p.37; AdvndC; GeoffrParChronD 3567, 2009, 6768, 7160; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2827; JPreisMyrG 253, 3957]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t9, 334b; 102 709, 11342; NoomenFabl III, 20/8, distes ChHM249 8, dit GysselingDocAnc p. 206, p.207; GysselingDocAnc p. 204, Z. 32, 40, 41; 205.1; GysselingDocAnc p.203, Z.21; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z. 2,6; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z.43; GysselingDocAnc p. 208, Z.36; 209.14; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, p.207; GysselingDocAnc p. 207, Z.17; GysselingDocAnc p. 204, Z. 32, 40, 41; 205.1; GysselingDocAnc p.203, Z.21; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z. 2,6; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z.43; GysselingDocAnc p. 208, Z.36; 209.14; GysselingDocAnc p. 207, Z.17; PhThCompS 28v, 2679; WaceConcA 1222; WaceConcA 1222; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; MonGuill1/2C 381/1993; MonGuill1/2C 381/1993; EneasS1 1226, 1634; EneasS1 1226, 1634; FloreaK 1309; FloreaK 1309; FloreaW 1309; FloreaW 1309; MarieGuigW2 M. 72; MarieGuigW2 M. 72; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; EdConfVatS; ErecR 2845; ErecR 2845; HornP 1968, O 4996; HornP 1968, O 4996; PhilomB 927; PhilomB 927; RouH; RouH; BenDucF 11869, 2135, etc.; BenDucF 11869, 2135, etc.; SThomGuernW1 3374, 5020; SThomGuernW1 3374, 5020; AdamA 877; AdamA 877; AdamG3 881; AdamG3 881; AdamSt 877; AdamSt 877; Aiol1/2F 13, 2761; Aiol1/2F 13, 2761; CligesG; EstFougK; EstFougK; EructavitJ 1382, 583; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1382, 583; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 59,4; 60,4; 65, 57; PR. 4; MarieFabW 59,4; 60,4; 65, 57; PR. 4; MarieFabW2; AdgarK XXXIX 109; AdgarK XXXIX 109; FlorebK 255; FlorebK 255; SGillesP 529, 240; SGillesP 529, 240; IpH; IpH; ProtH; RenR VII- IX, 6136; RenR VII- IX, 6136; SBernCantG; TristBérG 464; TristBérG 464; TristThomB 38, 609, 905; TristThomB 38, 609, 905; TristThomH v. 44, p.302; TristThomH v. 44, p.302; TristThomW D. 132, C.38 etc.; TristThomW D. 132, C.38 etc.; CoucyChansL XVIII, 30; CoucyChansL XVIII, 30; Saisna/lB 981; Saisna/lB 981; SimFreineGeorgM 239, 498; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 537; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 537; SimFreineGeorgM 239, 498; AubereeC 48; AubereeC 48; ChevCygneNaissT 249, 3403; ChevCygneNaissT 249, 3403; ChevVivM 658, D 677, C*465; ChevVivM; ChevVivM 658, D 677, C*465; GuiotProvinsO 24, 19; GuiotProvinsO 24, 19; PoèmeMorB 2816, 3247, 1258; PoèmeMorB 2816, 3247, 1258; EspDouai 3, p.21 Z.13; EspDouai 3 p.26, Z.11, 25; EspDouai 3, p.27, Z.29; EspDouai 3, p.32 Z.14; EspDouai 3, p.21 Z.13; EspDouai 3 p.26, Z.11, 25; EspDouai 3, p.27, Z.29; EspDouai 3, p.32 Z.14; HerbomezTourn p.3, Z.11; HerbomezTourn p. 17, Z.11; HerbomezTourn p.3, Z.11; HerbomezTourn p. 17, Z.11; AmbroiseP 508; AmbroiseP 508; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; ChardryPletM 16, 162, etc.; ChardryPletM 16, 162, etc.; ChevBarAnS 55, 568; ChevBarAnS 55, 568; DoonRocheM 4228; DoonRocheM 4228; ElucidationT 19n; ElucidationT 19n; PBeauvGerJ; SEdmPassG 1669; SEdmPassG 1669; SJeanAumU; SJeanAumU; VengRagF + 4602; VengRagF + 4602; BestGuillR 1448, 2101; BestGuillR 1448, 2101; FlorenceW 999, 2014, 2403, 2630, 3019, 3338, 4014, 5355; FlorenceW 999, 2014, 2403, 2630, 3019, 3338, 4014, 5355; chMo001 10; chMo001 11; Bueve3S 7407, S 119, 6095 etc.; Bueve3S 7407, S 119, 6095 etc.; FergF 6656;1340, 4940, etc.; FergF 6656;1340, 4940, etc.; GautDargR XXII, 79; GautDargR XXII, 79; MoniotArrD II, 5; MoniotArrD II, 5; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyChristO; CoincyChristO; LaDuCh 2, p. 115, Z. 31; LaDuCh 2 p.114, Z.27, 34, 115.16; LaDuCh 2, p.118 Z.19; LaDuCh 2, p. 115, Z. 31; LaDuCh 2 p.114, Z.27, 34, 115.16; LaDuCh 2, p.118 Z.19; chMo007 7; chMo008 7; OmbreB2 7, 448; OmbreB2 7, 448; DolopL; CoincyI11V 202, 206; 1806; CoincyI11V 202, 206; 1806; DocFlandrM p.130; DocFlandrM p.130; AucS10; AucS10; ComtePoitM 823; ComtePoitM 823; GuillVinM XX, 50; GuillVinM XX, 50; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 320, Z.15; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 320, Z.15; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW 116; SJeanEvW 116; DesMarezYpres p. 104, Z.10; DesMarezYpres p. 104, Z.10; ChansArtB XII, 7; ChansArtB XII, 7; ViolB 40, 402; 467; ViolB 40, 402; 467; WaillyCollLorr p. 19, Z.4; WaillyCollLorr p. 19, Z.4; DocAubeC 49-14; DocAubeC 8-6; DocAubeC 49-14; DocAubeC 8-6; LoisGodM p.5, Z.12; 14. 5; LoisGodM p.5, Z.12; 14. 5; RoselLangl; RoselLangl; TristPrF 180, 4L; TristPrF 180, 4L; TristPrMé 151, 46; 153, 33; TristPrMé 151, 46; 153, 33; TristPrS; DocHMarneG; DocHMarneG; BormansSLambLiège p. 312 Z. 1,2 (2x); BormansSLambLiège p. 312 Z. 1,2 (2x); chMo030 7; chMo031 7; DocVosL 51,9; 63,16; 80,23; 92,8; 95,12; DocVosL 51,9; 63,16; 80,23; 92,8; 95,12; TournAntW 7, 3306; TournAntW 7, 3306; AndrContrN XVII, 43; AndrContrN XVII, 43; FournChansL; GilChinP 5430, 6651; GilChinP; GilChinP 5430, 6651; GilChinP; ChastVergiA 483; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA 483; ChastVergiS; MerlinsR 537, 17; 537, 20; MerlinsR 537, 17; 537, 20; chMo086 6; AssJér T.I. p.256; AssJér T.I. p.256; chMo108 8; chMo116 4; ImMondeOct2S0 73, 537; ImMondeOct2S0 73, 537; BestAmOctT 249, 250; BestAmOctT 249, 250; BibleEntS; BibleEntS; BraiCordO 2; BraiCordO 2; ComparFaucH p. 115; ComparFaucH p. 115; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; EspVerlinden 1 p.163, Z.19; EspVerlinden 1 p.163, Z.19; EspVerlinden 24; EspVerlinden 24; HArciPèresO 1265, 5074; 117, 299; HArciPèresO 1265, 5074; 117, 299; Pères10C 332, 512, 378; Pères10C 332, 512, 378; Pères43B 62; Pères43B 62; MahomL 921, 1021, 1637; MahomL 921, 1021, 1637; chMo205 13; chMo205 14; RobHoY v. 136, 140; RobHoY v. 136, 140; chMo212 9; chMo220 10; AnticlC 14, 529; AnticlC 14, 529; BrendanPr1W; VMortAnW 40,11; 165,12; VMortAnW 40,11; 165,12; ChMe195 24; BrunLatC; EtSLouisV I, 486, 490; EtSLouisV I, 486, 490; RegTournB 328, 329 etc.; RegTournB 328, 329 etc.; EmpConstOctC 37; EmpConstOctC 37; EnfRenC; RenMontlC 8232, 14387; 14951, 16492; 293, 1667; RenMontlC 8232, 14387; 14951, 16492; 293, 1667; AdHalePartN XVI, 31; AdHalePartN XVI, 31; ClefD 2777, 411, 789, 799, 959 etc.; ClefD 2777, 411, 789, 799, 959 etc.; JAntRectD 227; MaccabeS 5170; MaccabeS 5170; JobB; JobB; JobG 14, 162, 180, 414, 1714, 2347; 427; 702, 2163, 2758; JobG 14, 162, 180, 414, 1714, 2347; 427; 702, 2163, 2758; LReisEnglG 136,23; 142,30; 146,11; LReisEnglG 136,23; 142,30; 146,11; SThibOctH I 2, II 636; SThibOctH I 2, II 636; PiérardMons t II, p. 169; PiérardMons t II, p. 169; SLouisPathMirF LXI 11, LXV 29; SLouisPathMirF LXI 11, LXV 29; BibleMacéK 16681; BibleMacéK 16681; JacBaisT I 286, III 621; JacBaisT I 286, III 621; SecrSecrPr7B p246; PéageChalonbA 48; PéageChalonbA 48; SDieudD; CptRoyM 224f.; CptRoyM 224f.; MaillartR 8062; MaillartR 8062; JCondM; JCondOisR; CiNDitB2; DialGregEvrS 3448, 5529, 7863, 8563, 8698; DialGregEvrS 3448, 5529, 7863, 8563, 8698; SGregJeanS; AcartH 55, 59; AcartH 55, 59; LaGrangeTournai 66; LaGrangeTournai 66; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 3 1121; 8 509 etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 9 1212; MirNDPers1-40P 3 1121; 8 509 etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 9 1212; JMoteVoieP 60; JMoteVoieP 60; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RenContrR 27553; RenContrR 27553; RenContrR; RenContrR; [AmphYpL2 366; AmphYpL2 366; SEust10P 5; SEust10P 5; GaceBuigneB 6174, 8363, etc.; GaceBuigneB 6174, 8363, etc.; SottiesP II, 16; SottiesP II, 16; ArmArgM 1367, 1367-n; ArmArgM 1367, 1367-n]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 13, 96, 11, 38; Aspland 13, 96, 11, 38; BartschChrest 18, 35; etc.; BartschChrest 18, 35; etc.; BartschHorning 73, 19; BartschHorning 73, 19; HuntTeach 242; HuntTeach 242; MénardFabl III, 60; MénardFabl III, 60; NoomenFabl I, 2/496; NoomenFabl III, 15a/ 328; NoomenFabl t.8, 413; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; NoomenFabl t.5, 462; NoomenFabl t.8, 413; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; NoomenFabl t.5, 462; NoomenFabl I, 2/496; NoomenFabl III, 15a/ 328; ParsonsCourt L 292, L 46; L 42; ParsonsCourt L 292, L 46; L 42; ProvM 695, 1080, 2433; ProvM 695, 1080, 2433; RaynLaFabl; ReidFabl; SchwanBehrens 3, VI. IX. XII. XV. XVII. LXVII etc.; LX; LXX. LXXI; SchwanBehrens 3, VI. IX. XII. XV. XVII. LXVII etc.; LX; LXX. LXXI; SchwanBehrens p. 137a; SchwanBehrens p. 137a; StimmingMot; AngDialGregO2 9400, 12071, 17007, Dit HAndH; PurgSPatrBerM; MirAgn2K; RutebL; RoisinM; Rolv41/2G; GuillMachC; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, DIT RenMontdT; Pères51R1, diz BrendanW 81, 124; BrendanW s. 192: 81, 124; LapidffS 701; ChronSMichelB 2341, 2672, 3386; RenR VII-IX 7953; GaceBruléH; MantelB M 138; MarieEspP; CantLandP 291, 1093; AimeriD 2208, 4549; ChGuillI; BalJosPr1M 48, 31; GuillMarM 6; BesantR 99; DocAubeC 1/1r-1; BibleEntS 3597; ClercVaudR D 77; A 17; ChMM084 4; ClefD 100, 788, 3028; BertaMilC; TombChartr19S; [ArmArgM 664]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 26b/39; NoomenFabl t. 7, 427; NoomenFabl t. 6, 378; NoomenFabl t. 5, 462, Diz RègleSBenNicH; BibleMacéS; BibleMacéS, dys (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 9, 335b)
  • 1o“parole, discours” (GysselingDocAnc p. 204, Z. 32, 40, 41; 205.1; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z. 2,6; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z.43; GysselingDocAnc p. 207, Z.17; GysselingDocAnc p. 204, Z. 32, 40, 41; 205.1; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z. 2,6; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z.43; GysselingDocAnc p. 207, Z.17; BrendanW 81, 124; BrendanW s. 192: 81, 124; LapidffS 701; PhThCompS 28v, 2679; WaceConcA 1222; WaceConcA 1222; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; FloreaK 1309; FloreaK 1309; FloreaW 1309; FloreaW 1309; ChronSMichelB 2341, 2672, 3386; MarieGuigW2 M. 72; MarieGuigW2 M. 72; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; EdConfVatS; ErecR 2845; ErecR 2845; HornP 1968, O 4996; HornP 1968, O 4996; PhilomB 927; PhilomB 927; RouH; RouH; BenDucF 11869, 2135, etc.; BenDucF 11869, 2135, etc.; SThomGuernW1 3374, 5020; SThomGuernW1 3374, 5020; AdamA 877; AdamA 877; AdamG3 881; AdamG3 881; AdamSt 877; AdamSt 877; Aiol1/2F 13, 2761; Aiol1/2F 13, 2761; CligesG; EstFougK; EstFougK; EructavitJ 1382, 583; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1382, 583; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 59,4; 60,4; 65, 57; PR. 4; MarieFabW 59,4; 60,4; 65, 57; PR. 4; MarieFabW2; AdgarK XXXIX 109; AdgarK XXXIX 109; FlorebK 255; FlorebK 255; SGillesP 529, 240; SGillesP 529, 240; IpH; IpH; ProtH; RenR VII-IX 7953; RenR VII- IX, 6136; RenR VII- IX, 6136; SBernCantG; TristBérG 464; TristBérG 464; TristThomB 38, 609, 905; TristThomB 38, 609, 905; TristThomH v. 44, p.302; TristThomH v. 44, p.302; TristThomW D. 132, C.38 etc.; TristThomW D. 132, C.38 etc.; CoucyChansL XVIII, 30; CoucyChansL XVIII, 30; GaceBruléH; MantelB M 138; Saisna/lB 981; Saisna/lB 981; SimFreineGeorgM 239, 498; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 537; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 537; SimFreineGeorgM 239, 498; MarieEspP; RenMontdT; AubereeC 48; AubereeC 48; CantLandP 291, 1093; ChevCygneNaissT 249, 3403; ChevCygneNaissT 249, 3403; ChevVivM 658, D 677, C*465; ChevVivM; ChevVivM 658, D 677, C*465; GuiotProvinsO 24, 19; GuiotProvinsO 24, 19; PoèmeMorB 2816, 3247, 1258; PoèmeMorB 2816, 3247, 1258; PriseCordD 2906; EspDouai 3, p.21 Z.13; EspDouai 3 p.26, Z.11, 25; EspDouai 3, p.27, Z.29; EspDouai 3, p.32 Z.14; EspDouai 3, p.21 Z.13; EspDouai 3 p.26, Z.11, 25; EspDouai 3, p.27, Z.29; EspDouai 3, p.32 Z.14; HerbomezTourn p.3, Z.11; HerbomezTourn p.3, Z.11; AiquinJ 491; AmbroiseP 508; AmbroiseP 508; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; ChardryPletM 16, 162, etc.; ChardryPletM 16, 162, etc.; ChevBarAnS 55, 568; ChevBarAnS 55, 568; DoonRocheM 4228; DoonRocheM 4228; ElucidationT 19n; ElucidationT 19n; PBeauvGerJ; RègleSBenNicH; SEdmPassG 1669; SEdmPassG 1669; SJeanAumU; SJeanAumU; VengRagF + 4602; VengRagF + 4602; BestGuillR 1448, 2101; BestGuillR 1448, 2101; AimeriD 2208, 4549; ChGuillI; FlorenceW 999, 2014, 2403, 2630, 3019, 3338, 4014, 5355; FlorenceW 999, 2014, 2403, 2630, 3019, 3338, 4014, 5355; BalJosPr1M 48, 31; Bueve3S 7407, S 119, 6095 etc.; Bueve3S 7407, S 119, 6095 etc.; DurmG; FergF 6656;1340, 4940, etc.; FergF 6656;1340, 4940, etc.; GautDargR XXII, 79; GautDargR XXII, 79; MoniotArrD II, 5; MoniotArrD II, 5; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyChristO; CoincyChristO; LaDuCh 2, p. 115, Z. 31; LaDuCh 2 p.114, Z.27, 34, 115.16; LaDuCh 2, p.118 Z.19; LaDuCh 2, p. 115, Z. 31; LaDuCh 2 p.114, Z.27, 34, 115.16; LaDuCh 2, p.118 Z.19; OmbreB2 7, 448; OmbreB2 7, 448; DolopL; AucR3 I,8; AucS10; AucS10; ComtePoitM 823; ComtePoitM 823; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 320, Z.15; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 320, Z.15; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW 116; SJeanEvW 116; DesMarezYpres p. 104, Z.10; DesMarezYpres p. 104, Z.10; GuillMarM 6; BesantR 99; ViolB 40, 402; 467; ViolB 40, 402; 467; DocAubeC 49-14; DocAubeC 8-6; DocAubeC 49-14; LoisGodM p.5, Z.12; 14. 5; LoisGodM p.5, Z.12; 14. 5; RoselLangl; RoselLangl; TristPrF 180, 4L; TristPrF 180, 4L; TristPrMé 151, 46; 153, 33; TristPrS; DocHMarneG; DocHMarneG; BormansSLambLiège p. 312 Z. 1,2 (2x); BormansSLambLiège p. 312 Z. 1,2 (2x); DocVosL 51,9; 63,16; 80,23; 92,8; 95,12; DocVosL 51,9; 63,16; 80,23; 92,8; 95,12; TournAntW 7, 3306; TournAntW 7, 3306; AndrContrN XVII, 43; AndrContrN XVII, 43; ArtusS 18, 39; FournChansL; GilChinP 5430, 6651; GilChinP; GilChinP 5430, 6651; GilChinP; HAndH; PurgSPatrBerM; ChastVergiA 483; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA 483; ChastVergiS; MerlinsR 537, 17; 537, 20; MerlinsR 537, 17; 537, 20; MirAgn2K; AssJér T.I. p.256; AssJér T.I. p.256; ImMondeOct2S0 73, 537; ImMondeOct2S0 73, 537; BestAmOctT 249, 250; BestAmOctT 249, 250; BibleEntS; BibleEntS; BibleEntS 3597; BraiCordO 2; BraiCordO 2; ClercVaudR D 77; A 17; ComparFaucH p. 115; ComparFaucH p. 115; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; EspVerlinden 1 p.163, Z.19; EspVerlinden 1 p.163, Z.19; EspVerlinden 24; EspVerlinden 24; GautLeuL2 IV,5; HArciPèresO 1265, 5074; 117, 299; HArciPèresO 1265, 5074; 117, 299; HuonR 950; Pères10C 332, 512, 378; Pères10C 332, 512, 378; Pères43B 62; Pères43B 62; Pères51R1; TroisAvG 5; MahomL 921, 1021, 1637; MahomL 921, 1021, 1637; RobHoY v. 136, 140; RobHoY v. 136, 140; AnticlC 14, 529; AnticlC 14, 529; BrendanPr1W; RutebL; VMortAnW 40,11; 165,12; VMortAnW 40,11; 165,12; BrunLatC; EtSLouisV I, 486, 490; EtSLouisV I, 486, 490; CourtParV 381; EnfRenC; RenMontlC 8232, 14387; 14951, 16492; 293, 1667; RenMontlC 8232, 14387; 14951, 16492; 293, 1667; AdHalePartN XVI, 31; AdHalePartN XVI, 31; ClefD 100, 788, 3028; ClefD 2777, 411, 789, 799, 959 etc.; ClefD 2777, 411, 789, 799, 959 etc.; JAntRectD 227; RoisinM; BibleMalkS 9544; MaccabeS 5170; MaccabeS 5170; JobG 14, 162, 180, 414, 1714, 2347; 427; 702, 2163, 2758; JobG 14, 162, 180, 414, 1714, 2347; 427; 702, 2163, 2758; LReisEnglG 136,23; 142,30; 146,11; LReisEnglG 136,23; 142,30; 146,11; SThibOctH I 2, II 636; SThibOctH I 2, II 636; SoneG 5787, 13535; PiérardMons t II, p. 169; PiérardMons t II, p. 169; SLouisPathMirF LXI 11, LXV 29; SLouisPathMirF LXI 11, LXV 29; BibleMacéK 16681; BibleMacéS; BibleMacéS; JacBaisT I 286, III 621; JacBaisT I 286, III 621; Rolv41/2G; SecrSecrPr7B p246; PéageChalonbA 48; PéageChalonbA 48; AdvndC; BertaMilC; SDieudD; CptRoyM 224f.; CptRoyM 224f.; GeoffrParChronD 3567, 2009, 6768, 7160; MaillartR 8062; MaillartR 8062; MaillartR 8106, 8041, 8061, 8065, 8137, 8149; JCondM; JCondOisR; CiNDitB2; DialGregEvrS 3448, 5529, 7863, 8563, 8698; DialGregEvrS 3448, 5529, 7863, 8563, 8698; SGregJeanS; AcartH 55, 59; AcartH 55, 59; TombChartr19S; LaGrangeTournai 66; LaGrangeTournai 66; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 3 1121; 8 509 etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 9 1212; MirNDPers1-40P 3 1121; 8 509 etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 9 1212; JMoteVoieP 60; JMoteVoieP 60; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; RenContrR 27553; RenContrR 27553; RenContrR; RenContrR; GuillMachC; [AmphYpL2 366; AmphYpL2 366; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 2827; SEust10P 5; SEust10P 5; GaceBuigneB 6174, 8363, etc.; GaceBuigneB 6174, 8363, etc.; JPreisMyrG 253, 3957; SottiesP II, 16; SottiesP II, 16; ArmArgM 1367, 1367-n; ArmArgM 1367, 1367-n; ArmArgM 664]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 9400, 12071, 17007; Aspland 13, 96, 11, 38; Aspland 13, 96, 11, 38; BartschChrest 18, 35; etc.; BartschChrest 18, 35; etc.; BartschHorning 73, 19; BartschHorning 73, 19; HenryŒn; HuntTeach 242; HuntTeach 242; HuntTeach 242; MénardFabl III, 60; MénardFabl III, 60; NoomenFabl 26b/39; NoomenFabl I, 2/496; NoomenFabl t.8, 413; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl t.5, 462; NoomenFabl t.8, 413; NoomenFabl t.5, 462; NoomenFabl t. 7, 427; NoomenFabl t. 6, 378; NoomenFabl t. 5, 462; NoomenFabl I, 2/496; NoomenFabl t9, 334b; 102 709, 11342; NoomenFabl III, 20/8; NoomenFabl t. 9, 335b; ParsonsCourt L 292, L 46; L 42; ParsonsCourt L 292, L 46; L 42; ProvM 695, 1080, 2433; ProvM 695, 1080, 2433; RaynLaFabl; ReidFabl; SchwanBehrens 3, VI. IX. XII. XV. XVII. LXVII etc.; LX; LXX. LXXI; StimmingMot, BTDial 51, 180; BTDial 51, 180; BullEtMLille probv p. 75; BullEtMLille probv p. 75; Burgess 130; ContPerc T 1131; ContPerc T 1131; CorleyCont2; DeesAtlas 316; DeesAtlas 316; DiekampSyn §10, 15; DiekampSyn §10, 15; FSt 8, 349; 612; FSt 8, 349; 612; KaiserMPol 102; KaiserMPol 102; KellerWace 79b; 89b; 195a; KellerWace 79b; 89b; 195a; LebsanftGruß p. 469; LebsanftGruß p. 469; MantouVoc G. 1262.16 etc.; MantouVoc G. 1276.13, etc.; MantouVoc G. 1276.13, etc.; Messelaar 4, 34; Messelaar 4, 34; Morlet 170; Morlet 51; Morlet 58; Morlet 170; Morlet 51; Morlet 58; NobelAng p. 15; NobelAng p. 15; Pope 741; Pope 741; R 89, 112; RJb 250; RoquesRég 415; RoquesRég 415; Runk p. 99; Runk p.35; Runk p.35; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] 4, 8, 16, 26, 29, 39, 41, 47, 50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 58, 59, 65, 66, 69, 74, 78, 82; [sigle]; [sigle], TL; TL 2,1959,22; TL 2,1959,22; AND; AND; MED 2, 1186a; MED 2, 1187a; MED 2, 1186b; MED 2, 1186a; MED 2, 1187a; MED 2, 1186b; TLF; TLF; DiStefLoc 263; DiStefLoc 263; Foerster; Foerster; Foerster)
  • 2o“jugement, sentence” (GysselingDocAnc p. 206, p.207; GysselingDocAnc p.203, Z.21; GysselingDocAnc p. 208, Z.36; 209.14; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, p.207; GysselingDocAnc p.203, Z.21; GysselingDocAnc p. 208, Z.36; 209.14; HerbomezTourn p. 17, Z.11; HerbomezTourn p. 17, Z.11; DocFlandrM p.130; DocFlandrM p.130; WaillyCollLorr p. 19, Z.4; WaillyCollLorr p. 19, Z.4; DocAubeC 8-6; RegTournB 328, 329 etc.; (sigles à datations multiples:) SchwanBehrens p. 137a; SchwanBehrens p. 137a, ActesNonLitt β 9; ActesNonLitt β 9; BTDial 52, 259; BTDial 52, 259; MantouVoc G. 1262.16 etc.; Runk p. 99)
  • 3o“ordre, commandement” (MonGuill1/2C 381/1993; MonGuill1/2C 381/1993; EneasS1 1226, 1634; EneasS1 1226, 1634; BibleMacéK 16681, DCCarp 152c; DCCarp 152c)
  • 4o“rècit en vers sur un sujet familier” (CoincyI11V 202, 206; 1806; CoincyI11V 202, 206; 1806; GuillVinM XX, 50; GuillVinM XX, 50; ChansArtB XII, 7; ChansArtB XII, 7; DocAubeC 1/1r-1; TristPrMé 151, 46; 153, 33; RegTournB 328, 329 etc.; EmpConstOctC 37; EmpConstOctC 37; AdHaleRobL P 37, P 40; AdHaleRobV p.37; JobB; JobB; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl III, 15a/ 328; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; NoomenFabl III, 15a/ 328; SchwanBehrens 3, VI. IX. XII. XV. XVII. LXVII etc.; LX; LXX. LXXI, TL; TL; GdfC 9, 397c; GdfC 9, 397c; FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; LexMA 1, 108; LexMA 1, 1561; LexMA 1, 108; LexMA 1, 1561)
  • 5o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo001 10; chMo001 11; chMo007 7; chMo008 7; chdouai0004A 3; chdouai0004B 2; chdouai0005 4; chdouai0009 2; chMo030 7; chMo031 7; chMo086 6; chMo108 8; chMo116 4; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0040 3; ChMM084 4; chMo205 13; chMo205 14; chMo212 9; chdouai0182 2; chMo220 10; chdouai0189 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0192 2; chdouai0196 1; chdouai0229 2; chdouai0230 2; chdouai0279 2; chdouai0279 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0340 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0363 2; ChMe195 24; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0396 1; ChHM249 8)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
biendire m.
(biendit ProprChosZ)
  • “bonnes paroles?” (ProprChosZ)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
encontredire v.
[TL 3,236,1; Gdf; Gdf 3, 114 c; AND; FEW 2,2 1118b.⁠]
(encontredire GaimarB 4146; CommPsia1G XVII, 1069-70; BrutContB 182, encuntredit PhThCompS Notes 2502; AdgarN 205, 285, encuntrediz AdgarK XLI 285, encuntredyre SFrançcR)
  • “contredire qn” (PhThCompS Notes 2502; GaimarB 4146; CommPsia1G XVII, 1069-70; AdgarK XLI 285; AdgarN 205, 285; SFrançcR; BrutContB 182, TL 3,236,1; Gdf; Gdf 3, 114 c; AND; FEW 2,2 1118b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
encontredit m.
[TL 3,236,6; Gdf; Gdf 3, 114 c; FEW 2,2 1118b.⁠]
  • “contradiction” (BrutContB 286, TL 3,236,6; Gdf; Gdf 3, 114 c; FEW 2,2 1118b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
esdirer v.
[TL 3,1035,22; TL; Gdf; Gdf 3, 453 b; DCCarp 178 c.⁠]
(Esdiré BibleMacéS3, Esdirées JostPletR)
  • “égarer, perdre” (JostPletR; BibleMacéS3, TL 3,1035,22; TL; Gdf; Gdf 3, 453 b; DCCarp 178 c)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
sordit m.
[TL 9, 884; Gdf 7,526c; AND 746 a; AND; FEW 3,67b.⁠]
(seurdiz TristBérG 3262, sourdit TombChartrProl/4...W, surdit GaimarB 5722; SJeanAumU 1992; OakBookS I, 22)
  • “calomnie, méchanceté” (GaimarB 5722; TristBérG 3262; SJeanAumU 1992; OakBookS I, 22; TombChartrProl/4...W, TL 9, 884; Gdf 7,526c; AND 746 a; AND; FEW 3,67b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
vandit adj.
[AND 843b.⁠]
  • “qui est susmentionné” (AND 843b)
Cf. ANDEl vandit.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
(sousdire PriseDefP VP 455)
  • “médire de” (PriseDefP VP 455)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
deldit ?
[Chénon 1, 927 n.1, 4; Chénon 1, 890 n.3, 876 n.2, 870 n.1, 869 n. 1, 847 n.3, 847 n.1, 883 n.1; GononQuot 1183; GononQuot 1183; MélStraka 1, I.⁠]
(dudit InvJPreslD s.87; InvJPreslD s.85)
  • 1o“de celui qui est en question?” (InvJPreslD s.87; InvJPreslD s.85, Chénon 1, 927 n.1, 4; Chénon 1, 890 n.3, 876 n.2, 870 n.1, 869 n. 1, 847 n.3, 847 n.1, 883 n.1; GononQuot 1183; GononQuot 1183; MélStraka 1, I)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChV0146 4; ChV0146 7; ChV0146 8; ChV0146 9; ChMa151 16)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
desdiement m.
[DCCarp 146a.⁠]
  • “négation?” (DCCarp 146a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
dessusdit adj.
[Chénon 1, 926n.1; Chénon 1, 927n.3; MélStraka 1, I.⁠]
(dessusdit [JPreisMyrG 32, 290, 300, 304])
  • “qui est indiqué ci-dessus” ([JPreisMyrG 32, 290, 300, 304], Chénon 1, 926n.1; Chénon 1, 927n.3; MélStraka 1, I)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
distot ?
(dis(tot) QSignesK)
  • ⁠“?”⁠ (QSignesK)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
disame f.
[FEW 3,67b, 68a. – R 72, 4; VRo 11, 356.⁠]
  • “ce qu’on dit” (R 72, 4; VRo 11, 356, FEW 3,67b, 68a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
disant m.
[MF 39-41, 237; RoPh 7, 241; RoPh 7, 241; RoPh 7, 239 (9).⁠]
(disant [GaceBuigneB 7206])
  • “celui qui dit qch.” ([GaceBuigneB 7206], MF 39-41, 237; RoPh 7, 241; RoPh 7, 241; RoPh 7, 239 (9))
Cf. DMF disant.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
diserie f.
[FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b.⁠]
  • “sentence” (FEW 3, 67b; FEW 3, 67b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
disetel adj.
[DCCarp 152b; DCCarp 152b.⁠]
  • “qui est pauvre, indigent, qui est dans la disette” (DCCarp 152b; DCCarp 152b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
diseteur adj.
[Gdf 2, 720b; Gdf 2, 720b.⁠]
  • “qui est dans la disette, disetteux” (Gdf 2, 720b; Gdf 2, 720b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
disien m.
(disienes ChansArtB XVI, 11; ChansArtB XVI, 11, disiens AlexParA II (β79) 37; AlexParA II (β79) 37)
  • “celui qui récite des poèmes” (AlexParA II (β79) 37; AlexParA II (β79) 37; ChansArtB XVI, 11; ChansArtB XVI, 11)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
dite f.
[TLF; Baker; Baker; LevyTrés; LevyTrés.⁠]
(dite CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; GlBâleB 2202, 3517, 6801, 11155; GlBâleB 2202, 3517, 6801, 11155; GlBâleB; GlTarschCommhK M 75; BrendanPr1W, ditez ThomKentF 2333; ThomKentF 2333)
  • “parole, discours” (CharroiPo t. II, 64; CharroiPo t. II, 64; ThomKentF 2333; ThomKentF 2333; GlBâleB 2202, 3517, 6801, 11155; GlBâleB 2202, 3517, 6801, 11155; GlBâleB; GlTarschCommhK M 75; BrendanPr1W, TLF; Baker; Baker; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
Cf. DMF dite.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
diva interj.
[TL 2,1963,50; TL 2,1963,50; TL 2,1963,50; TL 2,1963,50; TL; TL; TL; Gdf 2, 730a; Gdf 2, 730a; AND; AND; DCCarp 153a; DCCarp 153a; BW5; BW5. – Espe 66-68; Espe 66-68; KellerWace 86b; KellerWace 86b; MénardRire 712; NM 85 (1984) 519, v. 151; NM 85 (1984) 519, v. 151.⁠]
(di MonGuill1/2C 6079; Saisna/lB 981: 1842/7773; SPierJonglW; GuillMarM 5022; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl t. 6, 377; ReidFabl, dija DoonRocheM 3810, disva (sigles à datations multiples:) GarLorrP I, 295; GarLorrP I, 295, diva CharroiM 425 etc.; CharroiM 425 etc.; CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; EneasS1 2511; EneasS1 2511; FloreaK 1705; FloreaK 1705; FloreaP 1521; FloreaP 1521; FloreaW 1705; FloreaW 1705; ChronSMichelB 301, 3103; ChronSMichelB 301, 3103; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; BenDucF; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p.334, v.7221; II, p.456, v. 28556; BenDucM I, p.334, v.7221; II, p.456, v. 28556; Aiol1/2F 2874; Aiol1/2F 2874; PercL; PercL; FlorebK 2843, 3091; FlorebK 2843, 3091; FlorebP 2841, 3089; FlorebP 2841, 3089; AlexParhM 61,6; 26. 73,20. 181, 27.; AlexParhM 61, 6, 26; 73, 20; 181, 27; AlexParhM 61,6; 26. 73,20. 181, 27.; GarLorrI; FloovA 464, 601, 443, 454; FloovA 464, 601, 443, 454; GraelentT; GraelentT; HermValS 130, 880, 1820; 1835; HermValS 130, 880, 1820; 1835; MonRaincB 5520; MonRaincB 5520; BodelNicH 239, 1262; BodelNicH 239, 1262; EscoufleM 288b, 5193, 7694, 8020, 8702; EscoufleM 288b, 5193, 7694, 8020, 8702; EscoufleS; EscoufleS; ChastPereaM; CourtArrM; DoonRocheM 1709, 2197, 2242, 3810; DoonRocheM 1709, 2197, 2242, 3810; MeraugisF 2687; MeraugisF 2687; WaldefH 1244, 6942, 7277, 7845, 12179, 13523; WaldefH 1244, 6942, 7277, 7845, 12179, 13523; ChGuillM 3281; ChGuillM 3281; ChGuillSd 271, 3281; ChGuillSd 271, 3281; CoincyChristO 3472; CoincyChristO 3472; ElucidaireGilR 2901; ElucidaireGilR 2901; GodinM 10 010; GodinM 10 010; ModvB2 1150, 1493, 4011; 8589; ModvB2 1150, 1493, 4011; 8589; TristPrC 1, 131,10; 132,2 etc.; TristPrC 1, 131,10; 132,2 etc.; TristPrCh 165, 39; TristPrCh 165, 39; ArtusS 238,4; ArtusS 238,4; BonAngeK 91, 119, 301; BonAngeK 91, 119, 301; BouchAbevR 334; BouchAbevR 334; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; GautLeuL2 II 115, V 28, VI 172; GautLeuL2 II 115, V 28, VI 172; MaugisV 2242, 2997; MaugisV 2242, 2997; RègleSBenDouceD 145; RègleSBenDouceD 145; SSagaD 23 002, 25 080; SSagaD 23 002, 25 080; CharroicL; RenMontlC 5624, 12543; RenMontlC 5624, 12543; JSQuentO; MaillartR 5493; MaillartR 5493; [GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 11, 189; 23, 17.25 etc.; BartschChrest 11, 189; 23, 17.25 etc.; BartschHorning 105, 16; 609, 7; BartschHorning 105, 16; 609, 7; GarLorrP II; 23; GarLorrP II; 155; GarLorrP II; 23; GarLorrP II; 155; LevyFabl VII 57; LevyFabl VII 57; MénardFabl III, 40, 524; MénardFabl III, 40, 524; MontRayn I, 6 etc.; MontRayn I, 6 etc.; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; NoomenFabl t.9, 334b; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl I, 1/40, 3/76; NoomenFabl II, (/E 166; NoomenFabl III 14/549, 18/330; NoomenFabl 21/57; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl I, 1/40, 3/76; NoomenFabl II, (/E 166; NoomenFabl III 14/549, 18/330; NoomenFabl 21/57; NoomenFabl t.9, 334b; WaceMargK 129; WaceMargK 129, DIVA GuillPalMo; SCathCarlM; RobBloisDidF, divai FloovB [140] 443, 454; [129], 464, 601; FloovB [140] 443, 454; [129], 464, 601)
  • “allons!” (CharroiM 425 etc.; CharroiM 425 etc.; CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; MonGuill1/2C 6079; EneasS1 2511; EneasS1 2511; FloreaK 1705; FloreaK 1705; FloreaP 1521; FloreaP 1521; FloreaW 1705; FloreaW 1705; ChronSMichelB 301, 3103; ChronSMichelB 301, 3103; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; BenDucF; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p.334, v.7221; II, p.456, v. 28556; BenDucM I, p.334, v.7221; II, p.456, v. 28556; Aiol1/2F 2874; Aiol1/2F 2874; PercL; PercL; FlorebK 2843, 3091; FlorebK 2843, 3091; FlorebP 2841, 3089; FlorebP 2841, 3089; AlexParhM 61,6; 26. 73,20. 181, 27.; AlexParhM 61, 6, 26; 73, 20; 181, 27; AlexParhM 61,6; 26. 73,20. 181, 27.; GarLorrI; FloovA 464, 601, 443, 454; FloovA 464, 601, 443, 454; FloovB [140] 443, 454; [129], 464, 601; FloovB [140] 443, 454; [129], 464, 601; GraelentT; GraelentT; HermValS 130, 880, 1820; 1835; HermValS 130, 880, 1820; 1835; MonRaincB 5520; MonRaincB 5520; Saisna/lB 981: 1842/7773; BodelNicH 239, 1262; BodelNicH 239, 1262; EscoufleM 288b, 5193, 7694, 8020, 8702; EscoufleM 288b, 5193, 7694, 8020, 8702; EscoufleS; EscoufleS; ChastPereaM; CourtArrM; DoonRocheM 1709, 2197, 2242, 3810; DoonRocheM 1709, 2197, 2242, 3810; DoonRocheM 3810; GuillPalMo; MeraugisF 2687; MeraugisF 2687; WaldefH 1244, 6942, 7277, 7845, 12179, 13523; WaldefH 1244, 6942, 7277, 7845, 12179, 13523; ChGuillM 3281; ChGuillM 3281; ChGuillSd 271, 3281; ChGuillSd 271, 3281; CoincyChristO 3472; CoincyChristO 3472; ElucidaireGilR 2901; ElucidaireGilR 2901; GodinM 10 010; GodinM 10 010; SCathCarlM; SPierJonglW; GuillMarM 5022; ModvB2 1150, 1493, 4011; 8589; ModvB2 1150, 1493, 4011; 8589; TristPrC 1, 131,10; 132,2 etc.; TristPrC 1, 131,10; 132,2 etc.; TristPrCh 165, 39; TristPrCh 165, 39; ArtusS 238,4; ArtusS 238,4; BonAngeK 91, 119, 301; BonAngeK 91, 119, 301; BouchAbevR 334; BouchAbevR 334; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; GautLeuL2 II 115, V 28, VI 172; GautLeuL2 II 115, V 28, VI 172; MaugisV 2242, 2997; MaugisV 2242, 2997; RobBloisDidF; RègleSBenDouceD 145; RègleSBenDouceD 145; SSagaD 23 002, 25 080; SSagaD 23 002, 25 080; CharroicL; RenMontlC 5624, 12543; RenMontlC 5624, 12543; JSQuentO; MaillartR 5493; MaillartR 5493; [GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 11, 189; 23, 17.25 etc.; BartschChrest 11, 189; 23, 17.25 etc.; BartschHorning 105, 16; 609, 7; BartschHorning 105, 16; 609, 7; GarLorrP II; 23; GarLorrP I, 295; GarLorrP II; 155; GarLorrP II; 23; GarLorrP I, 295; GarLorrP II; 155; LevyFabl VII 57; LevyFabl VII 57; MontRayn I, 6 etc.; MontRayn I, 6 etc.; MénardFabl III, 40, 524; MénardFabl III, 40, 524; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; NoomenFabl t.9, 334b; NoomenFabl t.6, 378; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl I, 1/40, 3/76; NoomenFabl II, (/E 166; NoomenFabl III 14/549, 18/330; NoomenFabl 21/57; NoomenFabl t.7, 427; NoomenFabl I, 1/40, 3/76; NoomenFabl II, (/E 166; NoomenFabl III 14/549, 18/330; NoomenFabl 21/57; NoomenFabl t. 6, 377; NoomenFabl t.9, 334b; ReidFabl; WaceMargK 129; WaceMargK 129, Espe 66-68; Espe 66-68; KellerWace 86b; KellerWace 86b; MénardRire 712; NM 85 (1984) 519, v. 151; NM 85 (1984) 519, v. 151, TL; TL 2,1963,50; TL 2,1963,50; TL 2,1963,50; TL 2,1963,50; TL; TL; Gdf 2, 730a; Gdf 2, 730a; AND; AND; DCCarp 153a; DCCarp 153a; BW5; BW5)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
ditor m.
[TL 2,1963,33; TL; TL; Gdf 2, 729c; Gdf 2, 729c.⁠]
(ditor Saisna/lB 981; Saisna/lB 981; AmbroiseP 8056; AmbroiseP 8056; EntreeT 2806; EntreeT 2806, ditour AngDialGregP 9r-o a; AngDialGregP 9r-o a; DocHMarneG 21,7; DocHMarneG 21,7)
  • “celui qui dit, raconte qch.” (Saisna/lB 981; Saisna/lB 981; AmbroiseP 8056; AmbroiseP 8056; AngDialGregP 9r-o a; AngDialGregP 9r-o a; DocHMarneG 21,7; DocHMarneG 21,7; EntreeT 2806; EntreeT 2806, TL; TL; TL 2,1963,33; Gdf 2, 729c; Gdf 2, 729c)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
dires m.
(dires CantLandP 1850)
  • “action de dire qch.” (CantLandP 1850)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
[Gdf 3, 453 a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND; FEW 3, 67 b. – Chénon 1, 927 n. 4.⁠]
(esdire BalJosAnS 10455; (sigles à datations multiples:) Studer FP XXX - 3)
  • “déclarer, publier” (BalJosAnS 10455; (sigles à datations multiples:) Studer FP XXX - 3, Chénon 1, 927 n. 4, Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; FEW 3, 67 b; AND; Gdf 3, 453 a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
susdit adj.
[GdfC 732a; AND 753a; AND 757b. – Morlet 58; Runk p. 152.⁠]
(susdit CroisRichJ)
  • “qui est mentionné ci-dessus” (CroisRichJ, Morlet 58; Runk p. 152, GdfC 732a; AND 753a; AND 757b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
esdit adj.
[Gdf 3, 453 b; DCCarp 178 c; FEW 3, 67 b.⁠]
(esdit BenDucF 17098, 13598; BenDucM I, p. 476, v. 11426; p. 595, v. 14921)
  • 1o“qui est interdit” (BenDucF 17098, 13598, Gdf 3, 453 b; FEW 3, 67 b)
  • 2o“qui est muet d’étonnement” (BenDucM I, p. 476, v. 11426; p. 595, v. 14921, DCCarp 178 c)
Cf. DMF esdit.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
lesdit m.
(lesdit FetRomF1 733,24)
  • “injure, outrage” (FetRomF1 733,24)
Cf. DMF ledit.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
disilleur adj.
[Gdf 2, 720c; Gdf 2, 720c.⁠]
  • “?” (Gdf 2, 720c; Gdf 2, 720c)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
disoir m.
(disoir BormansSLambLiège 1 p. 312, Z.2; BormansSLambLiège 1 p. 312, Z.2)
  • “entremetteur” (BormansSLambLiège 1 p. 312, Z.2; BormansSLambLiège 1 p. 312, Z.2)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
distee f.
(di(s)tee JerusCont2G)
  • “ce qu’on dit” (JerusCont2G)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
adireement adv.
[CorleyCont1 p108; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 TV26075; CM 33589.⁠]
(adireement ContPerc2lC2 p91)
  • “d’une manière vive?” (ContPerc2lC2 p91, CorleyCont1 p108; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 TV26075; CM 33589)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
etdit m.
(etdit [GaceBuigneB 3144])
  • “ordre” ([GaceBuigneB 3144])
fiches par lemme Télécharger
avantdit adj.
[AND 845a; AND 53b.⁠]
(vaundit (sigles à datations multiples:) SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p.146b)
  • “qui a été dit avant” ((sigles à datations multiples:) SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p.146b, AND 53b; AND 845a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
assendisu loc.
[LEI I, 844.⁠]
  • assez dit (LEI I, 844)