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toutes fiches de l’article Télécharger
fiches par lemme Télécharger
eschevin m.
[FEW 17,94b abfrq. *SKAPINTL 3,888,10; TL; Gdf; GdfC; GdfC; GdfC 514c; AND 717 a; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; DCCarp 184 c; DCCarp 174a; DCCarp 193a; Gay 312a, 434a; TLF; FEW 94b; FEW 94 b; FEW 94 b; FEW 948; FEW XVII, 94b; FEW 94b; AdHaleLexM; Chastell 161; Foerster; GuiraudObsc 252; LexMA 1514; LexMA 1, 1441; LexMA VII, 206; LexMA VII, 1517; BW5 1197. – BEC 41, 1880, p. 394, Z.6; Bartzsch p171; Chénon 1, 846 n 1; Chénon 1, 700 n. 1; Chénon 1, 672 n. 2; 659 n. 5; DWall 25 - 26, 93; Drüppel; Drüppel; Guinet; LiP p.22; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc G. 1323 b. 1,3,4; MantouVoc G. 1323 b. 1; MantouVoc; MantouVoc G 1312.485.etc; MeierPrinz 192; Messelaar 45, 183; Morlet 218; NRevHistDr 4, 1880, p. 599, Z. 17, 22; NRevHistDr 4,1830, p. 602, z. 10; NRevHistDr 4, 1880, p. 593, Z. 32; R 65, 489; R 116, 20; R 65, 489; RF 96, 56; RLiR 41, 192; RLiR 26, 294, 304; Runk p. 113; SammetSuff 67, 112; StrakaSons B 36; WillistonOl p. 371; ZrP 103 (1987) 96; [sigle]; [sigle] S 418; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] p. 26, z. 32; [sigle] p. 27, z. 32; [sigle] p. 28, z. 27.⁠]
(comptes des échevins PiérardMons 2, 129, échevin FossierCh p 153; (sigles à datations multiples:) Tailliar p 5m, échevins EspVerlinden 1, 33, enscevin PiérardMons t. II, p. 179, escevin PiérardMons, escevins GysselingDocAnc p. 200, z. 37, Eschauins ProstPropr, eschavin BanMetzW 1227,1*, eschavins BanMetzW t.7, 492, Escheuns CommPsia1G 893.5, eschevin GysselingDocAnc p. 20, Z. 19; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, z. 18,43, 207.1; GysselingDocAnc p. 193, p. 196; MuséeArchDép p. 124, p. 6; HerbomezTourn p. 15, z. 4,5, 18, 19, 20, 23, 26.; HerbomezTourn p. 21, z. 25; HerbomezTourn p. 24, z. 23; BanMetzW S. 398; CoincyI1...K 19Kr540; DocFlandrM; LoisGodM; MenReimsP 311; MenReimsW 311; [AalmaR 9. 725; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1616, 2834; GlLilleS 121a]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 454,20; 542,11, Eschevin RoisinM, ESCHEVIN LMestL, eschevin(s) BougWyffCal, escheving BanMetzW 1220,1*; BanMetzW, eschevins GysselingDocAnc p. 206, z. 9; DocAubeC 86-11; CensToulO 10,22 v°, eschievins MaillartR 7515, escuviens DocFlandrM, eskevin Bueve1S 6924, 6921; ChansArtB V, 113, XIII, 36, XV, 37, XXIV, 199, 238; ImpArtB; FauvainL v. 101; FauvainL 101, Eskevins CartHain, eskevis ChansSienaS, eskevyn OakBookS, eskievin BodelNicH 601, 632, 844; BodelNicH 601, 632; Bueve3S 8609; VMortAnW 159, 1, 12; RegTournB; LaieBibleC; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 60, 224; NoomenFabl 337b; t.9, eskievins FossierCh p. 399, eskyvyns OakBookS, esqen RotParl4R 97, esqueuins BlackBookT II p. 260, p. 376; p. 374, p. 408, esquevin [JPreisMyrG 2170, 6721], Esquevin RoisinM, esquevins (sigles à datations multiples:) CoutBelg V, 1; NoomenFabl 29 / 102, esquievin (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 9, 338 a, esquievins FossierCh p. 531, esxavins BanMetzW t. 7, 493, scevin PiérardMons, skyvyns OakBookS, xaivins BanMetzW t7, 546, xavins BanMetzW t7, 547; BanMetzW)
  • “magistrat municipal de certaines villes, échevin” (GysselingDocAnc p. 206, z. 9; GysselingDocAnc p. 200, z. 37; GysselingDocAnc p. 20, Z. 19; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, z. 18,43, 207.1; GysselingDocAnc p. 193, p. 196; CommPsia1G 893.5; BodelNicH 601, 632, 844; BodelNicH 601, 632; MuséeArchDép p. 124, p. 6; HerbomezTourn p. 15, z. 4,5, 18, 19, 20, 23, 26.; HerbomezTourn p. 21, z. 25; HerbomezTourn p. 24, z. 23; HerbomezTourn p. 9 Z. 25; Bueve1S 6924, 6921; Bueve3S 8609; BanMetzW 1220,1*; BanMetzW; BanMetzW t. 7, 493; BanMetzW t7, 546; BanMetzW t7, 547; BanMetzW; BanMetzW 1227,1*; BanMetzW t.7, 492; BanMetzW S. 398; CoincyI1...K 19Kr540; DocFlandrM; DocFlandrM; ProstPropr; ChansArtB V, 113, XIII, 36, XV, 37, XXIV, 199, 238; DocAubeC 86-11; LoisGodM; FossierCh p. 399; FossierCh p. 531; FossierCh p 153; ChansSienaS; EspVerlinden 1, 33; MenReimsP 311; MenReimsW 311; VMortAnW 159, 1, 12; LMestL; RegTournB; CartHain; RotParl4R 97; RoisinM; RoisinM; BougWyffCal; CensToulO 10,22 v°; PiérardMons; PiérardMons 2, 129; PiérardMons t. II, p. 179; PiérardMons; ImpArtB; OakBookS; OakBookS; OakBookS; MaillartR 7515; FauvainL v. 101; FauvainL 101; LaieBibleC; BlackBookT II p. 260, p. 376; p. 374, p. 408; [AalmaR 9. 725; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1616, 2834; JPreisMyrG 2170, 6721; GlLilleS 121a]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 60, 224; BartschHorning 454,20; 542,11; CoutBelg V, 1; NoomenFabl 337b; t.9; NoomenFabl 29 / 102; NoomenFabl t. 9, 338 a; Tailliar p 5m, BEC 41, 1880, p. 394, Z.6; Bartzsch p171; Chénon 1, 846 n 1; Chénon 1, 700 n. 1; Chénon 1, 672 n. 2; 659 n. 5; DWall 25 - 26, 93; Drüppel; Drüppel; Guinet; LiP p.22; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc G. 1323 b. 1,3,4; MantouVoc G. 1323 b. 1; MantouVoc; MantouVoc G 1312.485.etc; MeierPrinz 192; Messelaar 45, 183; Morlet 218; NRevHistDr 4, 1880, p. 599, Z. 17, 22; NRevHistDr 4,1830, p. 602, z. 10; NRevHistDr 4, 1880, p. 593, Z. 32; R 65, 489; R 116, 20; R 65, 489; RF 96, 56; RLiR 41, 192; RLiR 26, 294, 304; Runk p. 113; SammetSuff 67, 112; StrakaSons B 36; WillistonOl p. 371; ZrP 103 (1987) 96; [sigle]; [sigle] S 418; [sigle]; [sigle] p. 26, z. 32; [sigle] p. 27, z. 32; [sigle] p. 28, z. 27; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle], TL 3,888,10; TL; Gdf; GdfC; GdfC; GdfC 514c; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND 717 a; DCCarp 174a; DCCarp 184 c; DCCarp 193a; Gay 312a, 434a; TLF; FEW 94b; FEW XVII, 94b; FEW 94 b; FEW 94 b; FEW 948; FEW 94b; AdHaleLexM; Chastell 161; Foerster; GuiraudObsc 252; LexMA 1514; LexMA 1, 1441; LexMA VII, 206; LexMA VII, 1517; BW5 1197)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
eschevinage m.
[TL 3,888,32; Gdf; Gdf 3, 387 a; GdfC 514c; Gdf 3, 387a; GdfC 514c; AND; AND; DCCarp 174a; DCCarp 174a; TLF; FEW 94b; FEW 94 b; FEW XVII 94b; DiStefLoc 282. – Bartzsch p171; MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 239; MantouVoc Br. 1321 b.7, 15, 18; MantouVoc An 1309.13; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc Y.K. 428; Morlet 218; MélWathWill p. 36; MélWathWill p. 25, p. 36; MélWathWill p. 25, p. 34; R 68, 176; Runk p. 113.⁠]
(eschevignaiges chMo167 8; ChMM128 10, eschevinage DocFlandrM Gloss. p. 131; chdouai0033 2; MenReimsP 13; MenReimsW 13; chdouai0386 1; chdouai0401 1; chdouai0401 1; chdouai0416 1; chdouai0442 1; CR 1284 11 32 01 17; BougWyffCal; R 1296 06 30 07 9; RV 1296 06 30 07a 9; RV 1296 06 30 07b 9; InvJPreslD S. 86; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1616], Eschevinage RoisinM, eschevinaige MantouFlandr 38,7, eschevinnage chdouai0254 3; chdouai0258 2; chdouai0261 2; chdouai0376 10; chdouai0456 1; R 1296 06 30 12 9, eschievinage chdouai0032 2; chdouai0032 2; chdouai0052 2; chdouai0075 2; chdouai0094 2; chdouai0257 2; chdouai0406 1, eskevinage ChansArtB II, 18; II, 60; FossierCh p. 549; JeuxPartL; chdouai0475 1; chdouai0476 1; RP 1297 03 32 01 135; RP 1297 08 29 01 19; FauvainL 92, eskevinages OlimB 49, eskevinnage chdouai0223 2; chdouai0224 2; chdouai0283 2, eskievinage VMortAnW 63, 1; PiérardMons, esquevinage LoisGodM p. 12, z. 4; FossierCh p. 508; RP 1297 03 32 01 136; RP 1297 03 32 01 136; RP 1297 03 32 02 135; RP 1297 03 32 02 136; RP 1297 03 32 02 136, scivennage DocFlandrM 24,14)
  • 1o“corps, réunion des échevins” (DocFlandrM Gloss. p. 131; ChansArtB II, 18; II, 60; LoisGodM p. 12, z. 4; FossierCh p. 508; FossierCh p. 549; JeuxPartL; MenReimsP 13; MenReimsW 13; VMortAnW 63, 1; OlimB 49; RoisinM; BougWyffCal; PiérardMons; InvJPreslD S. 86; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1616], Bartzsch p171; Morlet 218; MélWathWill p. 25, p. 34; R 68, 176, TL 3,888,32; Gdf 3, 387 a; GdfC 514c; Gdf; GdfC 514c; AND; TLF; FEW XVII 94b; FEW 94b; FEW 94 b; DiStefLoc 282)
  • 2o“fonction des échevins” (MantouFlandr 38,7, MantouVoc An 1309.13; MantouVoc; MélWathWill p. 25, p. 36)
  • 3o“territoire soumis à la juridiction du tribunal des échevins” (DocFlandrM 24,14, MantouVoc; MantouVoc Y.K. 428; MélWathWill p. 36; Runk p. 113, DCCarp 174a)
  • 4o“tribunal des échevins” (FauvainL 92, MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 239; MantouVoc Br. 1321 b.7, 15, 18, DCCarp 174a)
  • 5o“redevance payée aux échevins” (AND)
  • 6o“mauvais lieu, maison de prostitution” (Gdf 3, 387a)
  • 7o“Identificanda DocLing” (chdouai0032 2; chdouai0032 2; chdouai0033 2; chdouai0052 2; chdouai0075 2; chMo167 8; chdouai0094 2; ChMM128 10; chdouai0223 2; chdouai0224 2; chdouai0254 3; chdouai0257 2; chdouai0258 2; chdouai0261 2; chdouai0283 2; chdouai0376 10; chdouai0386 1; chdouai0401 1; chdouai0401 1; chdouai0406 1; chdouai0416 1; chdouai0442 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0475 1; chdouai0476 1; CR 1284 11 32 01 17; R 1296 06 30 07 9; RV 1296 06 30 07a 9; RV 1296 06 30 07b 9; R 1296 06 30 12 9; RP 1297 03 32 01 135; RP 1297 03 32 01 136; RP 1297 03 32 01 136; RP 1297 03 32 02 135; RP 1297 03 32 02 136; RP 1297 03 32 02 136; RP 1297 08 29 01 19)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
eschavignet m.
[Gdf 3, 379b; FEW 8, 94b.⁠]
  • “échevin subordonné” (Gdf 3, 379b; FEW 8, 94b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
eschvineie s.
(eschvineie CoutVerdun1M 92,41)
  • “fonctions d’échevin” (CoutVerdun1M 92,41)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
essavier m.
[FEW 94 b.⁠]
  • “magistrat municipal de certaines villes, échevin” (FEW 94 b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
eschavinge m.
[Gdf 3, 379b.⁠]
(eschawinge RecLondB p. 501, z. 3 und z. 11)
  • “sorte de droit perçu par les échevins” (RecLondB p. 501, z. 3 und z. 11, Gdf 3, 379b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
eschavingnerasse adj.
(eschavingnerasser BanMetzW t. 7, 492)
  • “qui se rapporte aux échevins” (BanMetzW t. 7, 492)