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fiches par lemme
escouter v.
[FEW 25,1051b lt. AUSCŬLTARE – TL 3,988,28; TL; Gdf 3, 435 a; Gdf; GdfC 9, 521 b; GdfC 9, 521 c; GdfC; AND; AND; AND; AND 41a; DCCarp 178 c; TLF; FEW 128 b; FEW; FEW 1, 184b; FEW 1, 184b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen II 511. Va 520; DiStefLoc 285; Foerster; Foerster; GlSuisse 6, 104a; KramerGader; LEI III, 2 2546; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; Jal2 510 b; ActesRegLex. – BorkQuatere 151ss.; FouletSynt § 197; KellerWace 49 a; KellerWace; MA 70 (1964) 105; Messelaar 24, 51; MénardRire 597; NM 92, p. 138; Pope 386, 390; R 86, 428; 87, 143; R 75, 52; R 114, 528; RLiR 611; Rbph 32, 1954, 135; RoPh 19, 372; SchulzeBusProv 1594; TilLex; ZrP 113, 33; ZrP 93, 342; ZrP 93, 342; ZrP Sb 1977, 233.]
(acutand (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach 185, ascoter ChevVivM; ChevVivM E 601A/11, 1427/2, 1427/25, ascout (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 957, ascouta GautLeuL2 II 137; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9, 324a, Ascouta GautLeuL2, ascoutee BelleHelR 820a, ascouter FlorenceW 3338; HervisH 757; Bueve1S; CoincyChristO 1448, 2848,3767; SGraalIVEstP; SoneG; JakD 4522; Apol3L 48,23; 52,15; GilMuisK 311b, I,355,25; [GodBouillBruxR v. 9337; EvQuenJe 946, 2380], ascoutés PriseOrabR1 C 991; PriseOrabR1, asculteir SBernCantG, ascute AdamA; AdamG3; AdamSt; PelCharlA, ascuté MPolRustR, ascutee AnsCartBoB p113, ascuter (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach 197, ascuter) PelCharlF, ecote MacaireM 724, ecuter RègleHospCamS 1378, ecutoent BenDucM I, p 204, v 3495, escolter AlexisP O 76b; WaceConcA 388; CourLouisL1; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 846, 2470; RouH; PelCharlK 93, 376, 408; ChGuillI 953; ChGuillSd 273, 953; DurmG; DurmS 4207; Pères10C; (sigles à datations multiples:) WaceMargK 131, Escolter VillehW, escoltez GrantMalS2 33b, escota EstulaW; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 430, t. 7, escotast BalJosPr1M 108, 1, ESCOTE RobBloisDidF, escoté ChirChevP p. 413; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 380 t. 6, escotee RenNouvR 7731, escoter RouH; BenDucF 256, 10510; AdamA; AdamG3 49; AdamSt; EstFougK 874; ProtH; TristThomB 2609, 1619; GuillAnglW 503; ChevCygneNaissT 1; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 516; Perl1N; BestGuillR 2792; MortAymC 1489, 1494, 4019, 4023; DurmG; GuillMarM 6243; AndrContrN VIII, 39; VMortAnW 36, 5; BibbO; JPrioratR; SGregb2B; NicBozSAgatheK; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn V, 38; NoomenFabl III, 16c/ s. 163; NoomenFabl 337b, t. 9, Escoter MirAgn2K; SermMaurpB, escoulter DurmS 4207, escouta TroisAvG 48, 7, 70; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 430, t. 7, escouté CharroiPo t. II, 78; AucR3 XII, 37; XXXIX, 14, escoutee (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 1594, escouteir MenReimsP 171, 463; MenReimsW 171, 463, escouter PhThSibS; CharroiPo t. II, 79; FloreaK 43, 1139, ...; FloreaW 1, 3, 637, 2117; ChronSMichelB 1016, 2523, 2637; MarieChievreRi 49; BenTroieC; PhilomB 319; BenDucF; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 194, 331; AimonFlH 110, 120; CoucyChansL XI, 33; FloovA 229, 314, 693, etc.; MarieEspP; GuiotProvinsO 610; JugAmS c 4; SGenB 616, 2622; ChevBarAnS 282, 384; HervisH; Bueve1S 945, 1981, 77, ...; Bueve2S 16, 310; Bueve3S 175, 729, 1263, etc.; OvArtElieK 605 (r); ChevBarBloisB; AucS10; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW 80, 450; ChansArtB VII, 42; ViolB; RoselLangl; TournAntW 2102; AnsCartA 9160; EustMoineC 1769; GilChinP; ParDuchP 216, etc.; *3059; ParDuchP 2677, p. 628; AnticlC 1846*; AnticlC 1446, 3011; VMortAnW 1, 9; 29, 12; CharroicL; EmpConstOctC 160; EnfOgS 138; JobB; SoneG 18230; SermGuiG Zeile 258; JoinvW1 98 f, 454 e, 440 c, 492 b, 246 e; GeoffrParChronD 3266, 6897, 5612, 2664, 1177, 1768, etc.; 2738, 4288, 2637, 6032, etc.; JMoteRegrS p. 162; MirNDPers1-40P 9 510; 16 198; 30 425; JMoteVoieP 281, 1994; BastC 1634; ChevPapH 23, 2; 32, 37; 21, 23; PassEntreG 384; SMarg11T; [ChevCygneBruxR; FierPrM 1776; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 3, 5; 10, 193; 22, 35; 25, 49; BartschHorning 380, 20; ProvM 1814, 1917, 2254, Escouter RomRomT, ESCOUTER RenMontdT; GuillPalMo, escoutér Aiol1/2F 1, escoutés PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 D 1382, escoutez CharroiPo t. II, 79, escouton GigotPér, escuiteir [JPreisMyrG 1175], esculteir CommPsia1G 587.7, esculter RolB 384; PhThCompS 2 v, 143, 173; PhThBestWa; MarieChievreRi 49; MarieGuigW2 G. 838, F. 476, A. 146, Gn. 414; EdConfVatS; BenDucM II, p. 48, v. 16718; p. 108, v. 18494; II, p. 479, v. 29208, etc.); SThomGuernW1 141, 1731, 2238, 1881; MarieFabW 10, 7; 17, 16; 36, 28; MarieFabW2, esculterent AlexisS1 377, escuter LapidalS 136; HornP; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; SGillesP 3775; TristThomB; TristThomW D. 1106, D. 1337, D. 347; FolTristOxfH 544, 220; SimFreineGeorgM; AiquinJ 1226, 1921; PurgSPatrCamZ; HArciPèresO 1017; RobHoY v. 209; ApocGiffR 2397, 2361; NicBozCharV; NicBozEmpV I, Escuter PurgSPatrBerM, eskoltet (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, oscouter CoutBretP p. 122, l. 26)
- ◆1ov.intr. “faire attention à” (ActesRegLex)
- ◆ “donner attention à ce que dit qn, écouter” (AlexisP O 76b; AlexisS1 377; RolB 384; LapidalS 136; PhThCompS 2 v, 143, 173; PhThBestWa; GrantMalS2 33b; WaceConcA 388; PhThSibS; CharroiPo t. II, 78; CharroiPo t. II, 79; CharroiPo t. II, 79; CourLouisL1; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 846, 2470; FloreaK 43, 1139, ...; FloreaW 1, 3, 637, 2117; ChronSMichelB 1016, 2523, 2637; CommPsia1G 587.7; MarieChievreRi 49; MarieChievreRi 49; MarieGuigW2 G. 838, F. 476, A. 146, Gn. 414; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; HornP; PhilomB 319; RouH; RouH; BenDucF 256, 10510; BenDucF; BenDucM II, p. 48, v. 16718; p. 108, v. 18494; II, p. 479, v. 29208, etc.); BenDucM I, p 204, v 3495; SThomGuernW1 141, 1731, 2238, 1881; AdamA; AdamA; AdamG3 49; AdamG3; AdamSt; AdamSt; Aiol1/2F 1; PelCharlA; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 93, 376, 408; EstFougK 874; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 194, 331; MarieFabW 10, 7; 17, 16; 36, 28; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 3775; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 1378; AimonFlH 110, 120; SBernCantG; TristThomB; TristThomB 2609, 1619; TristThomW D. 1106, D. 1337, D. 347; CoucyChansL XI, 33; FloovA 229, 314, 693, etc.; FolTristOxfH 544, 220; GuillAnglW 503; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 C 991; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 D 1382; RomRomT; SimFreineGeorgM; MarieEspP; RenMontdT; ChevCygneNaissT 1; ChevVivM; ChevVivM E 601A/11, 1427/2, 1427/25; GuiotProvinsO 610; JugAmS c 4; SGenB 616, 2622; VillehW; AiquinJ 1226, 1921; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 516; ChevBarAnS 282, 384; GuillPalMo; Perl1N; BestGuillR 2792; ChGuillI 953; ChGuillSd 273, 953; FlorenceW 3338; HervisH; HervisH 757; MortAymC 1489, 1494, 4019, 4023; BalJosPr1M 108, 1; Bueve1S 945, 1981, 77, ...; Bueve1S; Bueve2S 16, 310; Bueve3S 175, 729, 1263, etc.; DurmG; DurmG; DurmS 4207; DurmS 4207; OvArtElieK 605 (r); ChevBarBloisB; CoincyChristO 1448, 2848,3767; AucR3 XII, 37; XXXIX, 14; AucS10; EstulaW; PurgSPatrCamZ; RenclCarH; SGraalIVEstP; SJeanEvW 80, 450; GuillMarM 6243; ChansArtB VII, 42; ViolB; RoselLangl; TournAntW 2102; AndrContrN VIII, 39; AnsCartA 9160; EustMoineC 1769; GilChinP; ParDuchP 216, etc.; *3059; ParDuchP 2677, p. 628; PurgSPatrBerM; MirAgn2K; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2 II 137; HArciPèresO 1017; Pères10C; RobBloisDidF; SermMaurpB; TroisAvG 48, 7, 70; MenReimsP 171, 463; MenReimsW 171, 463; RobHoY v. 209; AnticlC 1846*; AnticlC 1446, 3011; VMortAnW 36, 5; VMortAnW 1, 9; 29, 12; CharroicL; EmpConstOctC 160; EnfOgS 138; AnsCartBoB p113; ApocGiffR 2397, 2361; BibbO; GigotPér; JPrioratR; JobB; RenNouvR 7731; SoneG 18230; SoneG; SermGuiG Zeile 258; MPolRustR; JakD 4522; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 98 f, 454 e, 440 c, 492 b, 246 e; NicBozEmpV I; SGregb2B; MacaireM 724; GeoffrParChronD 3266, 6897, 5612, 2664, 1177, 1768, etc.; 2738, 4288, 2637, 6032, etc.; CoutBretP p. 122, l. 26; Apol3L 48,23; 52,15; NicBozSAgatheK; ChirChevP p. 413; JMoteRegrS p. 162; MirNDPers1-40P 9 510; 16 198; 30 425; JMoteVoieP 281, 1994; BastC 1634; BelleHelR 820a; ChevPapH 23, 2; 32, 37; 21, 23; GilMuisK 311b, I,355,25; PassEntreG 384; SMarg11T; [ChevCygneBruxR; GodBouillBruxR v. 9337; FierPrM 1776; JPreisMyrG 1175; EvQuenJe 946, 2380; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; Aspland; BartschChrest 3, 5; 10, 193; 22, 35; 25, 49; BartschHorning 380, 20; HuntTeach 185; HuntTeach 197; MontRayn V, 38; NoomenFabl 430, t. 7; NoomenFabl 380 t. 6; NoomenFabl 430, t. 7; NoomenFabl III, 16c/ s. 163; NoomenFabl 337b, t. 9; NoomenFabl t.9, 324a; ProvM 1594; ProvM 1814, 1917, 2254; RecHist XXII, 957; WaceMargK 131, BorkQuatere 151ss.; FouletSynt § 197; KellerWace 49 a; KellerWace; MA 70 (1964) 105; Messelaar 24, 51; MénardRire 597; NM 92, p. 138; Pope 386, 390; R 86, 428; 87, 143; R 75, 52; R 114, 528; RLiR 611; Rbph 32, 1954, 135; RoPh 19, 372; SchulzeBusProv 1594; TilLex; ZrP 93, 342; ZrP 93, 342; ZrP 113, 33; ZrP Sb 1977, 233, TL 3,988,28; TL; Gdf; Gdf 3, 435 a; GdfC 9, 521 b; GdfC 9, 521 c; GdfC; AND 41a; AND; AND; AND; DCCarp 178 c; TLF; FEW 1, 184b; FEW 1, 184b; FEW 128 b; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen II 511. Va 520; DiStefLoc 285; Foerster; Foerster; GlSuisse 6, 104a; KramerGader; LEI III, 2 2546; LevyTrés; Jal2 510 b; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●escoutance f.
[TL; TL 3,988,3; Gdf 3, 434 c; Gdf; AND; FEW.]
(escotaunce HornP 1302)
- ◆“action d’écouter, audition” (HornP 1302, TL 3,988,3; TL; Gdf 3, 434 c; Gdf; AND; FEW)
fiches par lemme
●escoute f.
[TL 3,988,7; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 3, 434 c; Gdf; DCCarp 177 b; DiStefLoc 285; GlSuisse 6, 103b. – Bartzsch p171; Brüll 106; MeierEtym S 158; R 63, 549; RLiR 23, 101; [sigle].]
(eschut PelCharlA 576, escolte PelCharlK 93; 465, 482, 490; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 11, 31, escoute CoincyI1...K 1877 var; BodelFablN VIII, 273; BlackBookT I. p. 322; [DeschQ II, 231, etc.; BrézéT])
- ◆“celui qui fait le guet, sentinelle, garde, surveillant” (PelCharlA 576; PelCharlK 93; 465, 482, 490; CoincyI1...K 1877 var; BodelFablN VIII, 273; BlackBookT I. p. 322; [DeschQ II, 231, etc.; BrézéT]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 11, 31, Bartzsch p171; Brüll 106; MeierEtym S 158; R 63, 549; RLiR 23, 101; [sigle], TL 3,988,7; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 3, 434 c; Gdf; DCCarp 177 b; DiStefLoc 285; GlSuisse 6, 103b)
fiches par lemme
●escoutement m.
[TL; TL 3,988,17; Gdf; Gdf 3, 435 a; AND; DCCarp 177 b; FEW 1, 185 a.]
(escoutement AimonFlH 2803; ContGuillTyrA 414)
- ◆“action d’écouter” (AimonFlH 2803; ContGuillTyrA 414, TL 3,988,17; TL; Gdf; Gdf 3, 435 a; AND; DCCarp 177 b; FEW 1, 185 a)
fiches par lemme
●escouteor m.
[TL; TL 3,988,22; GdfC 9, 521 c; AND; AND; TLF; GlSuisse 6, 106a. – HoltusEntree 161, 169, 310.]
(escotëor HornP 4044, O 4892, 2904 b, escouteor PriseDefP, escouteres ChronBaud1SenR S. 83)
- ◆“celui qui écoute” (HornP 4044, O 4892, 2904 b; PriseDefP; ChronBaud1SenR S. 83, HoltusEntree 161, 169, 310, TL 3,988,22; TL; GdfC 9, 521 c; AND; AND; TLF; GlSuisse 6, 106a)
fiches par lemme
●abscouter v.
(abscouter JMoteVoieP 4113)
- ◆“écouter attentivement” (JMoteVoieP 4113, DC)
fiches par lemme
●descouter v.
(descoustrer (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII 960)
- ◆“déranger” ((sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII 960)
fiches par lemme
●escoutos m.
[Gdf 3, 435 b; DCCarp 177 b; FEW 1, 185a.]
- ◆“celui qui écoute, écouteur” (Gdf 3, 435 b; DCCarp 177 b; FEW 1, 185a)
fiches par lemme
●escout m.
[TL; TL 3,986,47; Gdf 3, 434 a; AND; AND; AND; DCCarp 177 b; FEW; FEW 1, 184b; AdHaleLexM; Foerster. – Brüll 106; KellerWace 49 a; MélHœ 312; RLiR 42, 442; RoPh 19, 372; RoR 4, 303.]
(ascous AlexParA ?76 1749, ascouz AiméHistNormB 7014, escolt YderG 5444, 6495; LancPrM; SilenceT2, escot1 Ren?F2, escot2 Ren?F2, escoult [SottiesP I, 15, v.5], escout ChronSMichelB 2644; RouH III 3717; GuillAnglW 197; BodelNicH 577; EscoufleM 291 b; EscoufleS 2230; SEust2P 3; BalJosAnS 3219; LancPrM; EstulaW; RenclCarH; SGraalIVQuesteP 92, 23; ViolB 1465; ArtusS 208, 22; ContGuillTyrA 341; VMortAnW 268, 4; EtSLouisV; AdHaleFeuillL 70; HemH 1589; OvMorB 4, p. 25, 589; JDupinMelL 1527; [PassTroyB t II p. 1131]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 60, 200; MénardFabl II, 39; MontRayn I, 118, 180, etc.; NoomenFabl 19/ A 39, III; NoomenFabl 14/ 759, III; NoomenFabl 38/ A 46, Escout RègleSBenNicH, escult EdConfVatS, escut AdgarK V 28, XX 51; ChardryPletM 815; WaldefH 10184)
- ◆“action d’écouter, audition, attention” (ChronSMichelB 2644; EdConfVatS; RouH III 3717; AdgarK V 28, XX 51; AlexParA ?76 1749; GuillAnglW 197; BodelNicH 577; EscoufleM 291 b; EscoufleS 2230; ChardryPletM 815; RègleSBenNicH; SEust2P 3; WaldefH 10184; BalJosAnS 3219; YderG 5444, 6495; LancPrM; LancPrM; EstulaW; RenclCarH; SGraalIVQuesteP 92, 23; ViolB 1465; ArtusS 208, 22; ContGuillTyrA 341; VMortAnW 268, 4; EtSLouisV; SilenceT2; AdHaleFeuillL 70; HemH 1589; Ren?F2; Ren?F2; AiméHistNormB 7014; OvMorB 4, p. 25, 589; JDupinMelL 1527; [SottiesP I, 15, v.5; PassTroyB t II p. 1131]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 60, 200; MontRayn I, 118, 180, etc.; MénardFabl II, 39; NoomenFabl 19/ A 39, III; NoomenFabl 14/ 759, III; NoomenFabl 38/ A 46, Brüll 106; KellerWace 49 a; MélHœ 312; RLiR 42, 442; RoPh 19, 372; RoR 4, 303, TL; TL 3,986,47; Gdf 3, 434 a; AND; AND; AND; DCCarp 177 b; FEW 1, 184b; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Foerster)
fiches par lemme
●escoutant m. p.prés. pris comme adj.
[GdfC 9, 521 b.]
(escoutans [GesteMonglPrK p. 96], escoutant ConstHamelR 30, 168, ...; BeaumCoutS 15; JMoteRegrS S. 169; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 2/ 30, I, escoutanz (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 973, escutant HornP 2778)
- ◆1op.prés. pris comme adj. “qui est attentif” (BeaumCoutS 15; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 2/ 30, I, GdfC 9, 521 b)
- ◆2om. “auditeur” (HornP 2778; ConstHamelR 30, 168, ...; JMoteRegrS S. 169; [GesteMonglPrK p. 96]; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 973)
fiches par lemme
●escouteement adv.
[Gdf 3, 434 c.]
- ◆“de façon à être entendu, intelligiblement” (Gdf 3, 434 c)