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toutes fiches de l’article
fiches par lemme
espece f.
[FEW 12,153b lt. SPECIES – TL 3,1166,12; TL 3,1166,12; TL 3,1166,12; TL 3,1166,12; TL; TL; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf 3,517c; Gdf 9,539a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 9, 543 b; GdfC; AND 728b; AND 728b; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; DCCarp 183 a; DCCarp 182b; TLF; TLF; FEW; FEW 12, 153 b; FEW 12, 153 b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 12,155a; FEW 155a; FEW; FEW 12,156a; FEW 156a; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 155 a; FEW; FEW 155b; FEW; FEW; FEW 155a; FEW; DiStefLoc 302; Foerster; KramerGader; LexMA 1, 1727; LexMA 4, 1432; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – BullEtMLille p.24; ContPerc E 7973; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg 151, 133; FennisGal S. 822; LabordeGl; ParéRose 53; R 67, 444; R 68,375; R 67,444; 77,373; R 83,124; R 102,1981,452; R 102,450; RLiR 59,330; RoquesRég 142; SammetSuff 53; SammetSuff 74; SchelerGil I,380.1; SchelerGil I, 156.13; TilGlan; TraLiLi 20,99; Ziltener 5317; 5318; ZrP 101,1985,127; [sigle] 282.]
(epaces (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 87, 88, epiçeç FevresS 4b - 12, 19, epices [EmPilotiD 106; 135; 160; 183], episeç FevresS 143 b - 16, 257 - 13, espe(i)ze SBernCantG, espece LapidffS 789E; EneasS1; BenTroieC; CligesG; CligesM 4329; ThomKentF P60, 4345, 4367; PrêtreJeand/yG 602; ContPerc1P T 4196,13196; ChGuillI 1992; ChGuillM 1992; ChGuillSd 274; FetRomF1 401,22; HAndArD 59; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI11V 1587; PurgSPatrCamZ; CoincyII1...K 2117,2119; MirourEdmaW p.16; PAbernLumH 8441; SecrSecrAbernB; AlgorBodlW (64),78,86,92,459; ClefD 1450; MPolRustR; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 26,10; HMondB; GeoffrParChronD 3561; [AlgorCambrS 52; AmphYpL2; AmphYpL2; DenFoulB1]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II,109; MontRayn V,245etc.; ReidFabl, Espece HAndH; MirAgn2K, ESPECE LMestL, especes AlNeckUtensH p.240; CantLandP 2332,3229;S.156; AmbroiseP 9857;10531; AngDialGregP 132v°b;126r°b; GuiWarE 9008,(12305); PrêtreJeanPr1ShH 197; GuillMarM 9663; BesantR 1341,1347; DehDoc 236; LSimplMedD 360,937; LSimplMedD; AldL 51-3,-28,-30;-111,-10; 177-16;179-34; ApocGiffR 3481; FoukeB 35,29; FoukeH 26.31, espeche RenclCarH, especres LSimplMedD, espeizes SermLaudT, espesce SermMaurR 2, 57; PercDidd/eR 2119; SDomM; GlDouaiE1 95; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 254, 31, espesces [FroissBallB], espese JacVitryB LIV, 8, espesses [GodBouillBruxR], espice ErecR 5711; PelCharlK 94; SGillesP 856; AlexParA IV, 387; GuiotProvinsO 2630; BibleGuiotW 2635; MeraugisF 3888; FetRomF1; MortAymC 1566, 2428, 2494; EnfGuillH 2378, 2380; RoselLangl; BestAmOctT 1179, 1183, 1208; LSimplMedD 700; EnanchetF 58, 14; 59, 5; MirNDChartrK; GhatrifT Gh. 464; 56, 6 etc...; CharroicL; FevresS; JMoteVoieP 54; JMoteVoieP 54, 377; [AalmaR 1353; AalmaR 11.615; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 985]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 36, 63; NyströmMén V 149, VI 1397, Espice SermMaurpB, espice) PelCharlF, espices CligesG; BestGuillR 749; DurmS 6338; DolopL; TournAntW 433, 2665; LSimplMedD 179; LongnonDoc 80CO; VisTondpF p52; BretTournD 4299; CptRoyF 23991, etc.; ViandValS; GlGuillI S. 396, 432; SecrSecrPr7B p249; CptRoyM; CptRoyM; MaillartR 1147; DébCorpsArrL 55; MirNDPers1-40P II p. 232; JDupinMelL 837; RenContrR 15915; [ProstInv 1, S. 18; ProstInv 1363; S. 18, 1366; S. 73; AmphYpL2; AalmaR 9.205; AalmaR 7072; GaceBuigneB 5225, 7233; DeschQ VII, 315], Espices (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg, Espicez [BibbfW], espiece RoselLangl; RoselLec, espieces HornP 2712, espisces DurmG; SoneG 14843; ChirPoutrS 12v°12, 23r°22, espise SecrSecrPr7B p249; [AlgorLiègeW 104]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 9, 338a, espises [GlLilleS 119b], espisse FloreaK 2031,2036; FloreaW 2031; HistFécL 5241, espisses CoincyII1...K 2945var.; JMeunVégR 95; JobB, espoice HMondB 210,215, espoisse GuingT; HMondB; [ModusT], spece PrêtreJeand/yG 613, species CptRoyF 6496, 25375, 26259, 27490, 27505; CptRoyM 8383-8386, 13051, speices MPolRustR, speze SBernCantG, spiçé FevresS 95-3, 158b-10, 219-22, especes AngDialGregO2 16728, 17648, espesche RutebF 1,414)
- ◆1ot. de cuis. “toute substance aromatique d’une saveur forte qui relève le goût des aliments et des drogues” (LapidffS 789E; EneasS1; FloreaK 2031,2036; FloreaW 2031; BenTroieC; ErecR 5711; HornP 2712; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 94; CligesG; CligesG; CligesM 4329; SGillesP 856; AlexParA IV, 387; GuingT; SBernCantG; SBernCantG; ThomKentF P60, 4345, 4367; SermLaudT; SermMaurR 2, 57; PrêtreJeand/yG 602; PrêtreJeand/yG 613; AlNeckUtensH p.240; ContPerc1P T 4196,13196; GuiotProvinsO 2630; AmbroiseP 9857;10531; BibleGuiotW 2635; PercDidd/eR 2119; BestGuillR 749; AngDialGregO2 16728, 17648; AngDialGregP 132v°b;126r°b; ChGuillI 1992; ChGuillM 1992; ChGuillSd 274; FetRomF1 401,22; FetRomF1; MortAymC 1566, 2428, 2494; DurmS 6338; GuiWarE 9008,(12305); DolopL; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI11V 1587; EnfGuillH 2378, 2380; PrêtreJeanPr1ShH 197; PurgSPatrCamZ; RenclCarH; GuillMarM 9663; BesantR 1341,1347; CoincyII1...K 2945var.; CoincyII1...K 2117,2119; RoselLangl; RoselLangl; RoselLec; TournAntW 433, 2665; HAndH; MirourEdmaW p.16; MirAgn2K; BestAmOctT 1179, 1183, 1208; DehDoc 236; HistFécL 5241; JacVitryB LIV, 8; LSimplMedD; LSimplMedD 700; LSimplMedD 360,937; LSimplMedD; LSimplMedD 179; SermMaurpB; EnanchetF 58, 14; 59, 5; AldL 51-3,-28,-30;-111,-10; 177-16;179-34; SDomM; LMestL; SecrSecrAbernB; GhatrifT Gh. 464; 56, 6 etc...; LongnonDoc 80CO; CharroicL; VisTondpF p52; JMeunVégR 95; CptRoyF 6496, 25375, 26259, 27490, 27505; CptRoyF 23991, etc.; GlDouaiE1 95; ApocGiffR 3481; JobB; SoneG 14843; ViandValS; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; ChirPoutrS 12v°12, 23r°22; FevresS 95-3, 158b-10, 219-22; FevresS 143 b - 16, 257 - 13; FevresS 4b - 12, 19; FevresS; GlGuillI S. 396, 432; SecrSecrPr7B p249; SecrSecrPr7B p249; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 26,10; ChaceOisi2H; FoukeB 35,29; FoukeH 26.31; CptRoyM 8383-8386, 13051; CptRoyM; CptRoyM; HMondB; HMondB; MaillartR 1147; DébCorpsArrL 55; MirNDPers1-40P II p. 232; JDupinMelL 837; JMoteVoieP 54; JMoteVoieP 54, 377; RenContrR 15915; [GodBouillBruxR; AlgorCambrS 52; ModusT; ProstInv 1, S. 18; ProstInv 1363; S. 18, 1366; S. 73; AmphYpL2; AmphYpL2; DenFoulB1; AalmaR 1353; AalmaR 11.615; AalmaR 9.205; AalmaR 7072; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 985; BibbfW; EmPilotiD 106; 135; 160; 183; GlLilleS 119b]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 36, 63; BartschHorning 254, 31; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; HuntTeach II,109; HuntTeach II 87, 88; MontRayn V,245etc.; NoomenFabl t. 9, 338a; ReidFabl, BullEtMLille p.24; ContPerc E 7973; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg 151, 133; FennisGal S. 822; ParéRose 53; R 67, 444; R 68,375; R 67,444; 77,373; R 83,124; R 102,1981,452; R 102,450; RLiR 59,330; RoquesRég 142; SammetSuff 53; SammetSuff 74; SchelerGil I,380.1; SchelerGil I, 156.13; TilGlan; TraLiLi 20,99; Ziltener 5317; 5318; ZrP 101,1985,127; [sigle] 282, TL 3,1166,12; TL 3,1166,12; TL; TL 3,1166,12; TL 3,1166,12; TL; TL; Gdf 3,517c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 9, 543 b; GdfC; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND 728b; AND 728b; DCCarp 182b; TLF; TLF; FEW 12,155a; FEW 155a; FEW; FEW 12,156a; FEW 156a; FEW; FEW 12, 153 b; FEW 12, 153 b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 155 a; FEW; FEW 155b; FEW; FEW; FEW 155a; FEW; DiStefLoc 302; Foerster; LexMA 1, 1727; LexMA 4, 1432; LevyTrés)
- ◆t. de cuis. “confiserie, dragée, confiture sèche (offerte après les repas avec du vin)” (HAndArD 59; DurmG; BretTournD 4299; [GaceBuigneB 5225, 7233; DeschQ VII, 315; FroissBallB]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén V 149, VI 1397, LabordeGl, DCCarp 183 a; KramerGader)
- ◆2o“catégorie, ce qui fait qu’une chose est ce qu’elle est; ensemble des êtres ou des choses de même catégorie” (CantLandP 2332,3229;S.156; MeraugisF 3888; MirNDChartrK; PAbernLumH 8441; AlgorBodlW (64),78,86,92,459; ClefD 1450; HMondB 210,215; GeoffrParChronD 3561; [AmphYpL2; AlgorLiègeW 104], TL; Gdf 9,539a; AND; LevyTrés)
- ◆“chose de peu de valeur” (RutebF 1,414)
espice f. "Gewürz", LCucBoM gloss. it. [spezia] f. (spetie pl. ) ‘droga usata in cucina (e in farmacia), spezia’ ; ■ spetie fine pl. denomin. collett., prob. ‘una certa composizione di spezie (spec. pepe, garofani e cannella)’ 70 [Lessia composta?; vd. LCucFiM 3; LCucCaF 73]; ■ spetie forti pl. …
fiches par lemme
●especerie f.
[TL; TL; TL 3,1167,43; TL 3,1167,43; Gdf 3,518a; Gdf; GdfC; GdfC 9, 543 c; AND; AND; AND 728b; TLF; FEW; FEW 12, 155 a; FEW; FEW 12, 154 b; FEW 12, 154 b. – BTDial 50, 181; BTDial 50, 182; HansUrk; HansUrk 3, 420; KaiserMPol 72; Katara 400; MantouVoc Y. C. I, 150 (29) etc.; MantouVoc Y.K. 467; RHL p510; ZrP 110 (1994) 1/2,48.]
(eçpisery (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 154, especerie (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 20,150, especerye CantKiVotH 1864, 1873, 2438, espeserie JGarlrgH 43, 44, espesserie GlDouaiE1 95, espicerie JGarlrcH 44; CantKiVotH 1864, 1873, 2438; MPolGregM; [AalmaR 499]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 133, 147, espiceries [JFevRespH 1935], espicerys (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I 160, espiscerie (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, espiserie [GlLilleS 119b], espisseie CptRoyF 5542, espycerie OakBookS II 8, pecerie MPolRustR, peseries MPolRustR)
- ◆1o“ensemble d’especes” (CantKiVotH 1864, 1873, 2438; CantKiVotH 1864, 1873, 2438; CptRoyF 5542; MPolRustR; MPolRustR; OakBookS II 8; MPolGregM; [JFevRespH 1935], BTDial 50, 181; BTDial 50, 182; HansUrk; HansUrk 3, 420; KaiserMPol 72; Katara 400; MantouVoc Y. C. I, 150 (29) etc.; MantouVoc Y.K. 467; RHL p510; ZrP 110 (1994) 1/2,48, TL 3,1167,43; TL 3,1167,43; TL; Gdf 3,518a; Gdf; GdfC; GdfC 9, 543 c; AND; AND; AND 728b; TLF; FEW; FEW)
- ◆2o“endroit où l’on entrepose les especes, où l’on vend les especes” (JGarlrcH 44; JGarlrgH 43, 44; GlDouaiE1 95; BrutContB 1164; [AalmaR 499; GlLilleS 119b]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach; HuntTeach II 20,150; HuntTeach II 133, 147; HuntTeach I 160; HuntTeach II 154, TL; FEW 12, 155 a; FEW 12, 154 b; FEW 12, 154 b)
fiches par lemme
●especier m.
[TL 3,1169,27; TL 3,1169,27; TL 3,1169,27; TL; TL; Gdf 3, 528 a; GdfC 9, 544 a; GdfC; AND 728b; AND; AND; AND; DCCarp 183 a; Gay 652b; TLF; FEW; FEW 1555-a; FEW; FEW 12, 154 a; FEW 12, 154 a; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 155-a; FEW; DiStefLoc 302; Foerster; Foerster; LevyTrés. – BTDial 50, 177; Bartzsch p172; DiekmannSuff 130; DouëtNArg; GononQuot p. 530 b; LaueHeilk 88; MantouVoc .K. 460.]
(aipeciers BanMetzW t.7, apesiers BanMetzW t.7, 459, eçpisers (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 154, especers (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II,133, especier AngDialGregP 132v°b; ChirRogH f°242,°, especiez AlexParA I,var.93,1986, Espééçast CartHain, espesers JGarlrgH 43, espicer CantKiVotH 1263, 1267; BibbO O 286; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 133, 147, Espicer [BibbfW], espicier InvEudesC 183; CensToulO 3, 3 v°; Taille1296M 48, 50, 60, 61, 78, 79, 109, 127, 130, 131, 140 passim; Taille1297M 113, 116, passim; PéageChalonbA 84, H, 80; Taille1313M . 31, 32, 59, 62, 68, 70 passim; Taille1313M 1 a, 6 a, 6 b, 12 c, 13 a, 13 b 5, 13 c 2, 19 b, 19 c 2, etc.; Taille1313M 38 d; Taille1313M 38 d; CptRoyM 14021, 14140 - 14146, 14452, 14454; [AalmaR 500]; (sigles à datations multiples:) MénardFabl I, 11; NoomenFabl t. 8, 415; NoomenFabl II, 8 / 136; ReidFabl, espiciers BanMetzW t. 7, 492; JGarlrcH 54; JGarlrcH 44; LSimplMedD 698, 848; Taille1292G 2 SS, Espiciers (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg, espicir (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 150, espissier NecrArrB S. 111b; CueillAmB p25; PrunB 1338; [GlLilleS 119b])
- ◆“celui qui tient un commerce d’épicerie” (AlexParA I,var.93,1986; NecrArrB S. 111b; AngDialGregO2 17651; AngDialGregP 132v°b; BanMetzW t.7; BanMetzW t. 7, 492; BanMetzW t.7, 459; ChirRogH f°242,°; JGarlrcH 54; JGarlrcH 44; JGarlrgH 43; LSimplMedD 698, 848; InvEudesC 183; CartHain; CantKiVotH 1263, 1267; CensToulO 3, 3 v°; BibbO O 286; Taille1292G 2 SS; CueillAmB p25; Taille1296M 48, 50, 60, 61, 78, 79, 109, 127, 130, 131, 140 passim; Taille1297M 113, 116, passim; PéageChalonbA 84, H, 80; Taille1313M . 31, 32, 59, 62, 68, 70 passim; Taille1313M 1 a, 6 a, 6 b, 12 c, 13 a, 13 b 5, 13 c 2, 19 b, 19 c 2, etc.; Taille1313M 38 d; Taille1313M 38 d; CptRoyM 14021, 14140 - 14146, 14452, 14454; PrunB 1338; [AalmaR 500; BibbfW; GlLilleS 119b]; (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg; HuntTeach II 150; HuntTeach II,133; HuntTeach II 133, 147; HuntTeach II 154; MénardFabl I, 11; NoomenFabl t. 8, 415; NoomenFabl II, 8 / 136; ReidFabl, BTDial 50, 177; Bartzsch p172; DiekmannSuff 130; DouëtNArg; GononQuot p. 530 b; LaueHeilk 88; MantouVoc .K. 460, TL; TL 3,1169,27; TL 3,1169,27; TL; TL 3,1169,27; Gdf 3, 528 a; GdfC 9, 544 a; GdfC; AND; AND; AND; AND 728b; DCCarp 183 a; Gay 652b; TLF; FEW; FEW 1555-a; FEW; FEW; FEW 12, 154 a; FEW 12, 154 a; FEW; FEW; FEW 155-a; FEW; DiStefLoc 302; Foerster; Foerster; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●espoisse f.
[TL 3,1234,48.]
(espesse Bueve2S 9923; ChaceOisi2H)
- ◆“espece” (Bueve2S 9923; ChaceOisi2H, TL 3,1234,48)
fiches par lemme
●especie f.
(esecie CantLandP 2329,2324,2327)
- ◆“toute substance aromatique d’une saveur forte qui relève le goût des aliments et des drogues” (CantLandP 2329,2324,2327)
fiches par lemme
●especeplate s.
- ◆“sorte d’assiette pour mettre des épices?” (AND)
fiches par lemme
●especiaire m.
(especiaire CantLandP 3208,3153,3115)
- ◆“marchandeur d’épices” (CantLandP 3208,3153,3115)
fiches par lemme
●especiere f.
[TL; FEW 12,154a; FEW 12,154a. – BEC 137(1979)225.]
(espiciere BanMetzW t. 7, 493; CoincyI1...K 473; CoincyI1...L; TournAntW 444, 2663; Taille1313M 6a, 46 c; CptRoyM 23991, espicière Taille1292G 140)
- ◆“celle qui tient une épicerie” (BanMetzW t. 7, 493; CoincyI1...K 473; CoincyI1...L; TournAntW 444, 2663; Taille1292G 140; Taille1313M 6a, 46 c; CptRoyM 23991, BEC 137(1979)225, TL; FEW 12,154a; FEW 12,154a)
fiches par lemme
●especïel adj.
(especïel EneasS1 6480)
- ◆“qui est assaisonné d’épices” (EneasS1 6480)
fiches par lemme
●espetier m.
[FEW 155 a; ActesRegLex.]
- ◆“celui qui tient un commerce d’épicerie” (FEW 155 a; ActesRegLex)
fiches par lemme
●especer v.
[GdfC 9, 543 c; AND; TLF; FEW 12, 154 b; FEW 12, 154 b.]
(especé [ModusB 646], espicier ViandValS; [GaceBuigneB 11008 J- T])
- ◆1o“assaisonner d’épices, épicer” (ViandValS; [ModusB 646; GaceBuigneB 11008 J- T], GdfC 9, 543 c; AND; TLF)
- ◆2o“faire commerce d’épices” (FEW 12, 154 b; FEW 12, 154 b)
fiches par lemme
●especié adj.
(espicié GuillMarM 12389, espissés GalienD)
- ◆“qui est aromatique” (GuillMarM 12389; GalienD, Gdf)