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fiches par lemme Télécharger
estorer v.
[FEW 4,722a lt. ĬNSTAURARETL 3,1419,23; TL 3,1419,23; TL; Gdf 3, 625a; Gdf; AND; MED 2, 314a; MED 5, 228a; MED 1, 471a; MED 2, 314a; DCCarp 189c; DCCarp 189c; FEW 4, 722a; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; Foerster; Jal2 581a; Jal2 581b. – AnsMetz2 423,13 var.; BTDial 51, 238; Brüll 114; Brüll 113; CorleyCont1 p158; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 26549, 32468; FennisGal S. 867; GreubRég; HoltusEntree 112, 166, 317; KaiserMPol 116; KellerWace 35b; 138a; 213b; 134a; MantouVoc Y.C.I 593 (31); MantouVoc; MantouVoc Y 1317 494; Morlet 230; MöhrenLand; R 76, 535; RoquesRég 187; RoquesRég 187; RoquesRég 187; TraLiPhi 31, 229; ZrP 113, 36 5); [sigle].⁠]
(estarrans AlexParA, estauré [GrebanP], estaurer [DeschQ], estoirer RobClariL p128, estora chdouai0442 1; BaudeFastCongéR 85; ConcLyonC 495, estorai Saisna/lB 1005, estore PriseOrcR 1091, estoré JuiseR; ThomKentF 1838, 6658; ChevCygneNaissM 463; AiquinJ 790; SJeanAumI 1561; SJeanAumI; SJeanAumU 1561; WaldefH 4443, 4477, 8118; GuiWarE 7904; 9020; ChDouai0017 2; SimPouilleaB C 5003, B 3778; [BerinB]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 6, 381, estoree chdouai0177 8; LaurinT; NicBozMorS 134; BastC 4583, estorée BalJosAnS 9348; AnsCartBoB p115, estorer GaimarB 1038, 1039, 1667, 3919; CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; MonGuill1/2C 630, 1681, 2488, 512, 600; ProvSalSanI; BenTroieC; BenTroiemR; EdConfVatS; HornP 4255; RouH CA 213, 246 etc.; BenDucM I, p 277, v 5586; BenDucM II, p. 387, v. 26623; SThomGuernW1 3142, 5552; Aiol1/2F 5637 + Anm.; Aiol1/2N 5636; SGillesP 2253, 3295; SSagOctS K 406; ThibMarlyS; AlexArsM C 1361; IpH 2274, 4358; ProtH; GuiNantm/v/fM; ChevCygnePropN p. 961; FloovA 643, 678; FloovB 643, 678; MonRaincB 2153, 3225, 1180; RCambrM; Saisna/lB 1005; BodelNicH 113*; ChevCygneNaissT 463; ChevVivM; ChevVivM B 1034; ContPerc2lC2 p123; PriseCordD 1161, 2630; AmbroiseP 3198; BibleDécb/eN; FolTristBernH2 227; GirVianeE 1375, 5684, 1498, 6878; GirVianeY 1375, 5684, 6878, 6884, 1498; GuibAndrM 1562; NarbS 365, 1165; PBeauvGerJ; PercDidd/eR 45, 1376, 2345, 295a; AimeriD 1325, 3853, 1888A; FlorenceW 3969, 5600, 29, 5410; MerlinP; MortAymC 3531, 3882, 4108; YderG 1413; BalJosCamA 1555; Bueve1S 3803, 6889, 1212; Bueve2S 1279, 4097; Bueve3S 4051, 6789, 7890; DurmG; GuillTyrP 440; CoincyChristO 481; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 44; AntBerW 298, 352; ElucidaireGilR 49; 1904; 3080; GligloisL; GodinM; MorPhilP 796, 525; RenclCarH; GuillMarM 11758; ChansArtB XV, 73, XVII, 8, XXI, 136; ViolB 5182; CoutVerdun1M 23, 111; TristPrMé 81, 25; TristPrR; AnsCartA 1710, 6972; ArtusS 126, 12; BalainL 112; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 151, 16; 383, 34; 415, 33; etc.; EdConfCambrW 287, 390; AuberiTarbé; BestAmOctT 825; BibleParQ VI, 3; CourLouiscLe; HuonR 3632, 4990; MaugisV 8829, 6034, 1898; Pères69B 319; SAudreeS; VivMonbrancE 1047; SDomM; YonM 2346; HuonabcL DR 87; HuonabcL; SeneschO 175a, 18; chdouai0441 1; DeuxBordeors1F; EnfRenC; GarMonglMü/Me/S 367; SBath1B; AttilaPrB; MerlinPropheB; SoneG 10844, 11899, 4834; BrittN; GesteFrancorR 15880; ChantRoussW; TombChartr1...K XXV 323; PercefL2 VII, 126; JMoteRegrS p. 203, 3989; MirNDPers1-40P 4 1523; RenContrR 8220, 12133; BelleHelR 853b, 1025, 8574, 8586, 10715 etc.; GalienD; TristNantS; [ChevCygneBruxM; ChevCygneBruxP 239; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 396; DeschQ IX, 305; SottiesP I, 79, v. 175]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 37, 138; 71, 104; BartschHorning 201, 13; 319, 17; HuntTeach II 82; IpKH; MontRayn I, 3; NyströmMén I 3, 26, 195; RaynMotets II, p. 36; WaceMargK 132, Estorer RobDiableL; VillehW; ChansArtJ; MerlinscS; MirAgn2K; RoisinM; [RenMontbV], ESTORER RenMontdT; BibleParQ, estorér Aiol1/2F *5637; ElieF 2213, ESTORÉS BodelNicH4, estoret chdouai0456 1; GilMuisK 328a, I, 188, 17; 212, 5; 214, 9; 266, 2, estorez HelcanusN 106*, estorier PassionA S. 39; ChronSMichelB 3368*; CoutVerdun1M 19, 182; 24, 14, estorir AlexissH 189, §13, 189, estoroient BalJosAnS 6203, estourée AttilaPrB, estoureir [JPreisMyrG 3913], esture GuerreMetzB G 161, storeiz JuiseR)
  • 1o“établir, installer, instituer” (PassionA S. 39; JuiseR; JuiseR; GaimarB 1038, 1039, 1667, 3919; CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; ProvSalSanI; BenTroiemR; HornP 4255; BenDucM I, p 277, v 5586; BenDucM II, p. 387, v. 26623; SThomGuernW1 3142, 5552; Aiol1/2F *5637; Aiol1/2F 5637 + Anm.; AlexissH 189, §13, 189; SGillesP 2253, 3295; SSagOctS K 406; ThibMarlyS; AlexArsM C 1361; AlexParA; ProtH; ThomKentF 1838, 6658; ChevCygnePropN p. 961; ElieF 2213; RCambrM; RobDiableL; Saisna/lB 1005; Saisna/lB 1005; BodelNicH 113*; BodelNicH4; RenMontdT; ChevVivM; VillehW; AiquinJ 790; AmbroiseP 3198; BibleDécb/eN; FolTristBernH2 227; GuibAndrM 1562; NarbS 365, 1165; PBeauvGerJ; PercDidd/eR 45, 1376, 2345, 295a; SJeanAumI 1561; SJeanAumI; SJeanAumU 1561; FlorenceW 3969, 5600, 29, 5410; MerlinP; MortAymC 3531, 3882, 4108; YderG 1413; BalJosCamA 1555; RobClariL p128; Bueve1S 3803, 6889, 1212; Bueve2S 1279, 4097; Bueve3S 4051, 6789, 7890; DurmG; GuiWarE 7904; 9020; GuillTyrP 440; CoincyChristO 481; GligloisL; RenclCarH; GuillMarM 11758; ChansArtB XV, 73, XVII, 8, XXI, 136; ChansArtJ; CoutVerdun1M 19, 182; 24, 14; TristPrMé 81, 25; TristPrR; AnsCartA 1710, 6972; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinscS; MirAgn2K; EdConfCambrW 287, 390; BibleParQ; CourLouiscLe; SAudreeS; VivMonbrancE 1047; SDomM; YonM 2346; HuonabcL DR 87; HuonabcL; SeneschO 175a, 18; DeuxBordeors1F; EnfRenC; GarMonglMü/Me/S 367; SBath1B; SimPouilleaB C 5003, B 3778; RoisinM; LaurinT; AnsCartBoB p115; AttilaPrB; AttilaPrB; MerlinPropheB; SoneG 10844, 11899, 4834; BrittN; NicBozMorS 134; GesteFrancorR 15880; GuerreMetzB G 161; ChantRoussW; JMoteRegrS p. 203, 3989; RenContrR 8220, 12133; BastC 4583; BelleHelR 853b, 1025, 8574, 8586, 10715 etc.; GalienD; TristNantS; [ChevCygneBruxM; ChevCygneBruxP 239; BerinB; DeschQ; SottiesP I, 79, v. 175; RenMontbV; GrebanP]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 82; IpKH; MontRayn I, 3; NoomenFabl t. 6, 381; NyströmMén I 3, 26, 195, AnsMetz2 423,13 var.; BTDial 51, 238; Brüll 114; Brüll 113; CorleyCont2; GreubRég; HoltusEntree 112, 166, 317; KellerWace 35b; 138a; 213b; 134a; MantouVoc; MantouVoc Y 1317 494; MantouVoc Y.C.I 593 (31); Morlet 230; MöhrenLand; R 76, 535; RoquesRég 187; RoquesRég 187; RoquesRég 187; TraLiPhi 31, 229, TL 3,1419,23; TL; TL 3,1419,23; Gdf; Gdf 3, 625a; AND; MED 2, 314a; MED 2, 314a; MED 5, 228a; MED 1, 471a; DCCarp 189c; DCCarp 189c; FEW 4, 722a; Baker; Foerster; Jal2 581a; Jal2 581b)
  • 2o“faire naître, créer (surtout en parlant de la création du monde et des créatures par Dieu) ” (BenTroieC; Aiol1/2N 5636; IpH 2274, 4358; GuiNantm/v/fM; FloovA 643, 678; MonRaincB 2153, 3225, 1180; ChevCygneNaissM 463; ChevCygneNaissT 463; ChevVivM B 1034; PriseCordD 1161, 2630; GirVianeE 1375, 5684, 1498, 6878; GirVianeY 1375, 5684, 6878, 6884, 1498; AntBerW 298, 352; ElucidaireGilR 49; 1904; 3080; GodinM; ViolB 5182; BibleParQ VI, 3; HuonR 3632, 4990; PriseOrcR 1091; Pères69B 319; BaudeFastCongéR 85; ConcLyonC 495; TombChartr1...K XXV 323; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 396; JPreisMyrG 3913]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 37, 138; 71, 104; BartschHorning 201, 13; 319, 17; RaynMotets II, p. 36; WaceMargK 132, ZrP 113, 36 5); [sigle], BoisvertVilleh)
  • 3o“bâtir, construire” (MonGuill1/2C 630, 1681, 2488, 512, 600; ChronSMichelB 3368*; EdConfVatS; FloovB 643, 678; ContPerc2lC2 p123; WaldefH 4443, 4477, 8118; AimeriD 1325, 3853, 1888A; BalJosAnS 6203; BalJosAnS 9348; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 44; MorPhilP 796, 525; ArtusS 126, 12; BalainL 112; MerlinsR 151, 16; 383, 34; 415, 33; etc.; HelcanusN 106*; PercefL2 VII, 126; MirNDPers1-40P 4 1523; GilMuisK 328a, I, 188, 17; 212, 5; 214, 9; 266, 2; [DeschQ IX, 305], CorleyCont1 p158; CorleyCont2 26549, 32468; FennisGal S. 867; KaiserMPol 116)
  • 4o“réparer, restaurer” (RouH CA 213, 246 etc.; CoutVerdun1M 23, 111; AuberiTarbé; BestAmOctT 825; MaugisV 8829, 6034, 1898)
  • 5o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChDouai0017 2; chdouai0177 8; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0442 1; chdouai0456 1)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
estorement m.
[TL; TL; TL 3,1418,43; TL 3,1418,43; Gdf 3, 624c; Gdf; Gdf; AND; AND; DCCarp 189c; DCCarp 189c; DCCarp 192a; DCCarp 189b; FEW 4, 722b; Jal2 581a; LevyTrés. – CoutMerOltZ; Delisle 722A; Delisle 724C; Delisle 727A; Delisle 722D; Delisle 724; Delisle 722; Delisle 727; DiekmannSuff 77; FennisGal S. 867; HoltusEntree 118, 151; KaiserMPol 138; KellerWace 211a; Planiol p. 390, l. 11; RLiR 57, 315, 743; RoquesRég 187; TraLiLi 23, 1985, 36.⁠]
(estaurament BlackBookT 2 p. 238, estoiement [ChevCygneBruxR], estoirement PrunB 922, 930, 1421; SGregJeanS, estoremant RCambrM; ChevCygneNaissBeaN 2624; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn II, 156, 324, etc., estoremens RouH II 4234, estorement MonGuill1/2C 2110; SGillesP 284, 2283; SSagOctS 12987; PriseOrabR1; AmbroiseP 5551; BibleDécb/eN; MortArtuF2 127, 7; BalJosCamA 3329; SGraalIVEstP; GuillMarM 9657; AnsCartA 1637; ContPerc4tO 10454; ContPerc4tO 10454; PriseOrcR 1031; MaccabGautS; EnfRenC; EnfOgH 8130; EnfOgS 8130; AnsCartBoB p115; DialGregEvrS 8784; JonesCharlBret S. 118; RenContrR 8213; LionBourgAlK 5513, 7505, 12 471; TristNantS 2647; [ChevCygneBruxP 714; ChevCygneBruxR; SottiesP I, 43, v. 400, III, 30, v. 16]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 465; NoomenFabl 30b/ i 129; NyströmMén I 252, Ib 24, estorementz CoutMerOl II, 94, estorment TombChartr1...K III 96; TombChartr1/2/3S; BlackBookT II 304)
  • 1o“provisions, meubles, ressources, tout ce qui est nécessaire pour se nourrir, etc.” (MonGuill1/2C 2110; RouH II 4234; SGillesP 284, 2283; SSagOctS 12987; PriseOrabR1; RCambrM; ChevCygneNaissBeaN 2624; AmbroiseP 5551; BibleDécb/eN; MortArtuF2 127, 7; BalJosCamA 3329; SGraalIVEstP; GuillMarM 9657; AnsCartA 1637; MaccabGautS; EnfRenC; EnfOgH 8130; EnfOgS 8130; AnsCartBoB p115; CoutMerOl II, 94; PrunB 922, 930, 1421; DialGregEvrS 8784; SGregJeanS; TombChartr1...K III 96; TombChartr1/2/3S; BlackBookT 2 p. 238; BlackBookT II 304; JonesCharlBret S. 118; RenContrR 8213; LionBourgAlK 5513, 7505, 12 471; TristNantS 2647; [ChevCygneBruxP 714; ChevCygneBruxR; ChevCygneBruxR; SottiesP I, 43, v. 400, III, 30, v. 16]; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn II, 156, 324, etc.; NoomenFabl 465; NoomenFabl 30b/ i 129; NyströmMén I 252, Ib 24, CoutMerOltZ; Delisle 722A; Delisle 724C; Delisle 727A; Delisle 722D; Delisle 724; Delisle 722; Delisle 727; DiekmannSuff 77; FennisGal S. 867; HoltusEntree 118, 151; KaiserMPol 138; KellerWace 211a; Planiol p. 390, l. 11; RLiR 57, 315, 743; RoquesRég 187; TraLiLi 23, 1985, 36, TL; TL 3,1418,43; TL; TL 3,1418,43; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 3, 624c; AND; AND; DCCarp 189b; DCCarp 189c; DCCarp 189c; DCCarp 192a; FEW 4, 722b; Jal2 581a; LevyTrés)
  • 2o“équipement en hommes, troupes” (ContPerc4tO 10454; ContPerc4tO 10454; PriseOrcR 1031)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
parestorer v.
[TL 7, 2-248; TL 7,248,26; Gdf 5, 762a; FEW 4, 722b.⁠]
  • “achever entièrement, s’acquitter complètement de” (TL 7, 2-248; TL 7,248,26; Gdf 5, 762a; FEW 4, 722b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
estor m.
[TL 3,1412,49; TL; Gdf 3, 621a; AND; AND; AND 730b; MED 1, 471a; FEW 4, 722b; FEW 4, 722b; FEW 4,722b; ActesRegLex. – Brüll 112; MöhrenLand; MöhrenLand.⁠]
(estor FloreaD; FloreaP 42; SThomGuernW1 2500, 4173; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM 839; CantLandP 494; ChardryPletM 1490; SJeanAumU 1206; AngDialGregP 122r°b; BesantR 602, 1841; ModvB2 2267; LettrTanq 74, 1300; BrittN; NicBozMorS 121; JMoteRegrS p 207, estors GuillMarM 15792, estour [MenagB 17, 19], estuur GraecdH f. 60v, estor VillHonH2 p.106 39h; MélPicot 1,263)
  • 1o“les diverses choses dont on an besoin pour se nourrir, se couvrir, pour voyager, équipage, approvisionnement” (SThomGuernW1 2500, 4173; AlexParA IV, 1085; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM 839; CantLandP 494; ChardryPletM 1490; SJeanAumU 1206; AngDialGregP 122r°b; GuillMarM 15792; BesantR 602, 1841; ModvB2 2267; VillHonB; LettrTanq 74, 1300; GraecdH f. 60v; BrittN; NicBozMorS 121; JMoteRegrS p 207; [MenagB 17, 19], Brüll 112; MöhrenLand, TL; TL 3,1412,49; AND; AND; AND 730b; MED 1, 471a; FEW 4, 722b; FEW 4, 722b; ActesRegLex)
  • 2o“ornement, garniture” (FloreaD; FloreaP 42, Gdf 3, 621a)
  • 3o“bétail (tant petit que grand, même volaille)” (MöhrenLand)
  • 4o“matériel nécessaire aux réparations” (VillHonH2 p.106 39h; MélPicot 1,263, FEW 4,722b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
estorance f.
[TL; TL 3,1414,20; DCCarp 189c.⁠]
  • “création” (TL; TL 3,1414,20; DCCarp 189c)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
destorer v.
[TL; Gdf 2, 664c; FEW 4, 722b.⁠]
  • “détruire” (TL; Gdf 2, 664c; FEW 4, 722b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
estoreor m.
[AND. – MöhrenLand.⁠]
(estoreor SeneschO 175a 19)
  • “celui qui est responsable du bétail” (SeneschO 175a 19, MöhrenLand, AND)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
estoreter v.
[DCCarp 192b.⁠]
  • “sonner l’estor, la charge” (DCCarp 192b)