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[FEW 3,202b lt. ECCE – DEAF; TL; TL; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL; TL S. e2; TL s. e2; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND 45b; AND 45b; AND; DCCarp 188c; FEW; FEW 9, 820a; Foerster; Foerster; Foerster; LevyTrés. – ContPerc etc; CorB C35; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 22161, 24134, 22201; GlutzMir 25, 827; KellerWace 302a; KunstmannRel 280; MedAev 26 (1957) 45; MöhrenVal; PachnioTaille S. 20; Pfisterps 151ss.; R 95, 533-43; R 84, 511, 521; R 95, 533-43; R 72, 149; RLiR 37, 183 ss; RoPh 31 (1977) 262 - 9; RoPh 7, 384; RoquesRég 184; SGreg 749,785,1391; WoledgeSynt paragr. 100; WunderliEschiele 135; WunderliEschiele 4 r a 23; [sigle]; [sigle].]
(anz JoufrF, as AlexisP O46d, (p. 47); RolB 335; ThebesC 722, 1580 etc.; PelCharlF; AliscmH 281, as, as vous CorE p59, ast BrendanW S. 187, asvos JoufrF 2656, 3608, 2890, avous RigomerF, az FevresS 59-10; 61b-21; 220b-9; 331b-17; DébCorpsArrL 60, 60 bis, 234, 247; 237, 291; [GastPhébChasseT], e Aiol1/2F; FloovA; FloovA; FloovB; DelIsrE; MorPhilPrH 84,13; NarbS 4073; PBeauvGerJ; ComtePoitM 410,556; OrsonP; GuillMarM 12242; ViolB 5173; GilChinP; BibleEntS 2962; CourLouiscLe; HuonR; MédLiégH 662; SoneG 7429; MaillartR 4978; Apol3L 140,29; [ChevCygneBruxM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.8, 413, E Aiol1/2N 911,1021etc.; RobDiableL; ComtePoitK; JCondM, e(l)levos SBernCantG, ei ProtH, eique PoèmeMorB 2530, eis RouH III 1111, 1533, 1599, etc.; ThomKentF 5702, 7657, 5827, 5131; TristThomB 1235, 1245; TristThomL 1235, 1245; TristThomW Str.1 39, 49; RCambrM; AngDialGregP V. 390, V. 480, 750 etc.; DolopL; DocHMarneG; BestAmFournS 37, 10; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, eïs BesantR 236, eke VoeuxPaonR II 3329, ellevés AlexParA II (β 108) 11, ellez FlorenceW gloss1, 312, elz HervisH 779, es PhThCompS 37v, 3411; 38r, 3419; 38v, 3479; FloreaW 2083; MarieLaisR; BenTroiemR; PelCharlF; CligesG; ProtH; GarLorrP 1, 28; GarLorrP 1, 17; PriseOrabR1; BliocadranW; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChastPereaM; PBeauvGerJ; MerlinP; ChevBarBloisB; DolopL; TyoletT; TristPrR; EustMoineC 1617; FolLancB; ParDuchP; SJulPrS 514; MerlinsR 43, 20; 98,5; 111, 27, etc.; SMarg5T; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; HunbautW loc. v.3271; HunbautW; CharroicL; EschieleMahW 4 r a 23; JerusCont2G; JerusCont2G; JCondM; JCondM; TombChartr19S; [ChevCygneBruxM; AttilaS 6, 168; FroissPrisF 2679]; (sigles à datations multiples:) MaccabGaut/PiergS; RivièrePast; StimmingMot, Es RobDiableL; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; VillehW; RègleSBenNicH; HAndH; MerlinscS; MerlinscS; JostPletR; CartHain, ES GuillPalMo; CesTuimAlC, ès BenDucM III, p.537, v. 154, Ès SermMaurpB, est AlexisS1 182; RègleHospCamS 322, 324; ThomKentF, este CommPsia1G 122.2; 657, 18; BenTroieC; BenTroiemR; AlexParA 3, 2363; AlexParA 2363; RenR; ThomKentF; FloovB; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 373; BibleDécb/eN; ChGuillI; RobClariL 52; GuiWarE 9768; ChevBarBloisB; OrsonP 2489; GuillMarM 3274; ContGuillTyrA 60, 184; HArciPèresO 1159; RésSauvcJ; RigomerF; SDenisPr1L; BrendanPr1W; CharroicL; ApocGiffR 663, 2141; OakBookS; Taille1313M 25a; HosebCompL 12, 20; [SottiesP 2, 22]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach 2, 78; HuntTeach 2, 37, Este PurgSPatrBerM; BibleMacéP; BibleMacéS; BibleMacéS3; [BibbfW], esté MaugisV 3302, estes GormB 174; CharroiPo t II, 82; MonGuill1/2C 94, 856; RouH II 3645, 3780; AdamA; AdamSt; EructavitJ 294; EructavitJ; IpH 5185; FolTristOxfH 75 (?), 256; MantelB M 110, 121; Saisna/lB 1044; HaimBarW; ChevCygneNaissT 1729; ChevEspJ Ch 344 etc; ContGuillTyrdM 51 etc; NarbS; FlorenceW 5460; TurpinBrianeS; Bueve3S 3778, 4061, 4970; DurmG 3853; DurmS 10869; LancPrK 219.3; AucR3; GuillMarM 4363; TristPrL 201, 27; ParDuchP; ChastVergiS; BeaumS; BestAmOctT; ContGuillTyrA 49, 60; PoireM; ThebesR 689; TroisAvG 192, 18, 228; MahomL 1829; MirNDChartrK IX, 24, 48; CarCharL; SimPouilleaB B 951; JobB 1323; JobG 1323; JSQuentO; DialGregEvrS 285, 3405, 3424, 28857; TombChartr1/2/3S; MirNDPers1-40P 16 1758; 13 265; 18 770; [JohnstonRog 6/ 18]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 14, 54, 20, 178 etc; ConstHamelR 265, 312, 573, 709; MontRayn; NoomenFabl t5, 465; NoomenFabl t7, 431; NoomenFabl t8, 416; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl; RaynLaFabl; ReidFabl, Estes RobDiableL; EvNicAgnP; BibleMacéS, ESTES SCathCarlM, estés AlexParA II (? 54) 852; FloovA 430, 556, 1403 etc; JoinvW1 40c, esz MaccabPr1G, ez WaceConcA 152, 549, 784, etc.; CharroiM 678 etc.; CharroiPo t. II, 86; CligesG; FlorebK 119, 388; FlorebP 119, 388, 1865; RicheutV; AlexArsM B 95/ 20, 21; GarLorrP I, 208; GarLorrP I, 288; Saisna/lB 1007, 1667/ 1592, 5242 (l), 5298 (c); HaimBarW; SGraalIIJosO; AubereeC 268, 566; ChevCygneNaissT; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; MuleJ 504, 601; GuibAndrM 2191, 739, 1916, 1946, 1977, 2184; MeraugisF 1274, 5834, etc.; PBeauvGerJ; FlorenceW 195, 712, 915, 1126, etc.; HervisH 788; MortAymC 507, 1212, 2007, 3440, 3581, 3655, etc.; ConstHamelR; LancPrK 8. 36; 316. 16; 439. 19; MorPhilP 2166, 6036; OrsonP; TristPrC 5, 3; 42, 3, etc.; GilChinP; ParDuchP p. 629, 2193; ParDuchP 417 etc.; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; AuberiTarbé; CesTuimAlC 554; 1718; 7614; 7877; CourLouiscLe; MaugisV; MireC 129; PoireM; MenReimsP 102, 113, 125; MenReimsW 102, 113, 125; AnticlC 1015; CarCharL 269, 390, 400, 466, 479; 422; SimPouilleaB B 4936; SimPouilleaB B 2501; SimPouilleaB B 94, 430...; BibleMalkS 2266, 2306; ChastSGilS 67, 155; AliscmH 30; BelleHelR 555, 1130, 2468, 2900; etc.; ChevPapH 1, 9; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 9, 182; 17, 183 etc.; MontRayn I, 50; NoomenFabl t. 8, 416; NoomenFabl t. 7, 431; NoomenFabl t. 6, 381; NoomenFabl t. 5, 465; NoomenFabl I, 1/ 95, 2/ 256, 3/ 362, 4/ 272; NoomenFabl 21/ 78, 23/ 28, 26b/ 54 etc.; NoomenFabl 27/ 88; NoomenFabl II, 6/ A 72, 13/ 120; NoomenFabl III, 14/ 548, 15a/ 136, I 693 etc.; RaynLaFabl; ReidFabl; RivièrePast, Ez RutebL; Rolv41/2G, EZ ThibBlaisN; CesTuimAlC; Pères51R1, ezvos DolopL, é ChevVivM; ChevVivM, hec ProprChosMirK; ProprChosMirK, Hés BibleMacéS3, eis (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 538, 1615, 3990 etc., aevous (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 13145, 13103, 13114 etc., Astevus EvNicAgnP, elevos DolopL, elvos DolopL, es vous (sigles à datations multiples:) LevyFabl 3, 46, Este-vus ConqIrlO, estelevos SBernCantG, estesvos DolopL, estevos BenDucF; RenR VII-IX; Bueve1S; DolopL, estevous [GaceBuigneB 2613, 3815, 3965 etc], estevus RoisC; BueveAgnS 327, 420; PurgSPatrHarlV 203; PurgSPatrHarlV, Estevus EvNicAgnP, estevus LReisEnglG 52, 4, esvos DolopL, Esvos SermMaurpB; EvNicAgnP, esvous AuberiTarbé; PhNovMémK LXXIII, 55, 119, etevos BenDucF 147, evous [FroissPrisF 3747, 3823])
- ◆“voilà” (AlexisP O46d, (p. 47); AlexisS1 182; RolB 335; BrendanW S. 187; PhThCompS 37v, 3411; 38r, 3419; 38v, 3479; GormB 174; WaceConcA 152, 549, 784, etc.; CharroiM 678 etc.; CharroiPo t II, 82; CharroiPo t. II, 86; MonGuill1/2C 94, 856; FloreaW 2083; ThebesC 722, 1580 etc.; CommPsia1G 122.2; 657, 18; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; BenTroiemR; BenTroiemR; RouH III 1111, 1533, 1599, etc.; RouH II 3645, 3780; BenDucF; BenDucF 147; BenDucM III, p.537, v. 154; AdamA; AdamSt; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2N 911,1021etc.; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; RoisC; CligesG; CligesG; EructavitJ 294; EructavitJ; FlorebK 119, 388; FlorebP 119, 388, 1865; RicheutV; AlexArsM B 95/ 20, 21; AlexParA 3, 2363; AlexParA 2363; AlexParA II (β 108) 11; AlexParA II (? 54) 852; IpH 5185; ProtH; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 322, 324; GarLorrP 1, 28; GarLorrP 1, 17; GarLorrP I, 208; GarLorrP I, 288; RenR; RenR VII-IX; SBernCantG; SBernCantG; ThomKentF 5702, 7657, 5827, 5131; ThomKentF; ThomKentF; TristThomB 1235, 1245; TristThomL 1235, 1245; TristThomW Str.1 39, 49; CorE p59; FloovA 430, 556, 1403 etc; FloovA; FloovA; FloovB; FloovB; FolTristOxfH 75 (?), 256; MantelB M 110, 121; PriseOrabR1; RCambrM; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; Saisna/lB 1044; Saisna/lB 1007, 1667/ 1592, 5242 (l), 5298 (c); SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 373; HaimBarW; HaimBarW; SGraalIIJosO; AubereeC 268, 566; BliocadranW; ChevCygneNaissT 1729; ChevCygneNaissT; ChevEspJ Ch 344 etc; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ContGuillTyrdM 51 etc; MuleJ 504, 601; PoèmeMorB 2530; VillehW; BibleDécb/eN; BueveAgnS 327, 420; ChastPereaM; DelIsrE; GuibAndrM 2191, 739, 1916, 1946, 1977, 2184; GuillPalMo; MaccabPr1G; MeraugisF 1274, 5834, etc.; MorPhilPrH 84,13; NarbS; NarbS 4073; PBeauvGerJ; PBeauvGerJ; PBeauvGerJ; RègleSBenNicH; SEdmPassG 957; AngDialGregP V. 390, V. 480, 750 etc.; ChGuillI; FlorenceW 5460; FlorenceW 195, 712, 915, 1126, etc.; FlorenceW gloss1, 312; HervisH 788; HervisH 779; MerlinP; MortAymC 507, 1212, 2007, 3440, 3581, 3655, etc.; ThibBlaisN; PurgSPatrHarlV 203; PurgSPatrHarlV; TurpinBrianeS; RobClariL 52; Bueve1S; Bueve3S 3778, 4061, 4970; DurmG 3853; DurmS 10869; GuiWarE 9768; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ConstHamelR; LancPrK 219.3; LancPrK 8. 36; 316. 16; 439. 19; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; AucR3; ComtePoitK; ComtePoitM 410,556; MorPhilP 2166, 6036; OrsonP 2489; OrsonP; OrsonP; SCathCarlM; TyoletT; GuillMarM 3274; GuillMarM 4363; GuillMarM 12242; BesantR 236; ViolB 5173; ConqIrlO; TristPrC 5, 3; 42, 3, etc.; TristPrL 201, 27; TristPrR; DocHMarneG; EustMoineC 1617; FolLancB; GilChinP; GilChinP; HAndH; ParDuchP; ParDuchP; ParDuchP p. 629, 2193; ParDuchP 417 etc.; PurgSPatrBerM; SJulPrS 514; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; MerlinsR 43, 20; 98,5; 111, 27, etc.; MerlinscS; MerlinscS; AuberiTarbé; AuberiTarbé; BeaumS; BestAmFournS 37, 10; BestAmOctT; BibleEntS 2962; CesTuimAlC; CesTuimAlC 554; 1718; 7614; 7877; CesTuimAlC; ContGuillTyrA 60, 184; ContGuillTyrA 49, 60; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; HArciPèresO 1159; HuonR; JoufrF 2656, 3608, 2890; JoufrF; MaugisV 3302; MaugisV; MireC 129; PoireM; PoireM; Pères51R1; RigomerF; RigomerF; RésSauvcJ; SDenisPr1L; SMarg5T; SermMaurpB; SermMaurpB; ThebesR 689; TroisAvG 192, 18, 228; MahomL 1829; PhNovMémK LXXIII, 55, 119; JostPletR; MenReimsP 102, 113, 125; MenReimsW 102, 113, 125; MirNDChartrK IX, 24, 48; AnticlC 1015; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; HunbautW loc. v.3271; HunbautW; RutebL; CartHain; CarCharL; CarCharL 269, 390, 400, 466, 479; 422; CharroicL; CharroicL; EvNicAgnP; EvNicAgnP; EvNicAgnP; EvNicAgnP; MédLiégH 662; SimPouilleaB B 951; SimPouilleaB B 4936; SimPouilleaB B 2501; SimPouilleaB B 94, 430...; BibleMalkS 2266, 2306; ChastSGilS 67, 155; EschieleMahW 4 r a 23; ApocGiffR 663, 2141; JerusCont2G; JerusCont2G; JobB 1323; JobG 1323; LReisEnglG 52, 4; SoneG 7429; BibleMacéP; BibleMacéS; BibleMacéS; BibleMacéS3; BibleMacéS3; FevresS 59-10; 61b-21; 220b-9; 331b-17; OakBookS; Rolv41/2G; Rolv41/2G; JoinvW1 40c; BertaMilC 261, 275, 285, 118, 223; JSQuentO; OgDanAlC 746, 418, 462, 2544; Taille1313M 25a; VoeuxPaonR II 3329; MaillartR 4978; JCondM; JCondM; JCondM; Apol3L 140,29; DébCorpsArrL 60, 60 bis, 234, 247; 237, 291; HosebCompL 12, 20; DialGregEvrS 285, 3405, 3424, 28857; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr19S; ProprChosMirK; ProprChosMirK; MirNDPers1-40P 16 1758; 13 265; 18 770; AliscmH 281; AliscmH 30; BelleHelR 555, 1130, 2468, 2900; etc.; ChevPapH 1, 9; [ChevCygneBruxM; ChevCygneBruxM; AttilaS 6, 168; FroissPrisF 2679; FroissPrisF 3747, 3823; GaceBuigneB 2613, 3815, 3965 etc; JohnstonRog 6/ 18; GastPhébChasseT; BibbfW; SottiesP 2, 22]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 538, 1615, 3990 etc.; AngDialGregO2 13145, 13103, 13114 etc.; Aspland; Aspland; BartschChrest 14, 54, 20, 178 etc; BartschChrest 9, 182; 17, 183 etc.; ConstHamelR 265, 312, 573, 709; HuntTeach 2, 78; HuntTeach 2, 37; LevyFabl 3, 46; MaccabGaut/PiergS; MontRayn; MontRayn I, 50; NoomenFabl t.8, 413; NoomenFabl t5, 465; NoomenFabl t7, 431; NoomenFabl t8, 416; NoomenFabl t. 8, 416; NoomenFabl t. 7, 431; NoomenFabl t. 6, 381; NoomenFabl t. 5, 465; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl I, 1/ 95, 2/ 256, 3/ 362, 4/ 272; NoomenFabl 21/ 78, 23/ 28, 26b/ 54 etc.; NoomenFabl 27/ 88; NoomenFabl II, 6/ A 72, 13/ 120; NoomenFabl III, 14/ 548, 15a/ 136, I 693 etc.; RaynLaFabl; RaynLaFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; RivièrePast; RivièrePast; StimmingMot, ContPerc etc; CorB C35; CorleyCont2 22161, 24134, 22201; CorleyCont2; GlutzMir 25, 827; KellerWace 302a; KunstmannRel 280; MedAev 26 (1957) 45; MöhrenVal; PachnioTaille S. 20; Pfisterps 151ss.; R 84, 511, 521; R 72, 149; R 95, 533-43; R 95, 533-43; RLiR 37, 183 ss; RoPh 7, 384; RoPh 31 (1977) 262 - 9; RoquesRég 184; SGreg 749,785,1391; WoledgeSynt paragr. 100; WunderliEschiele 135; WunderliEschiele 4 r a 23; [sigle]; [sigle], DEAF; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL S. e2; TL s. e2; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL; TL; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; TL; TL deikt.)Part. (TL 3,1540,16; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 45b; AND 45b; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; DCCarp 188c; FEW 9, 820a; FEW; Foerster; Foerster; Foerster; LevyTrés)