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[FEW 3,386b lt. FALLERETL; TL; TL; TL; Gdf III, 730c; Gdf III 700a; Gdf III, 699a; Gdf; Gdf III, 700a; Gdf III, 700a; Gdf; GdfC 9, 592c; AND; AND; AND; ANDEl; MED III, 366 a; MED III, 366a; MED III, 369b; DCCarp 194c/195a; DCCarp 196a; DCCarp 194c; TLF; FEW; FEW III 386b; FEW III 386b; FEW III, 386b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen II 58, S. 207; BurnellRen II 713; BurnellRen; Chastell 197, 282, 307; Chastell 307; DiStefLoc 322; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; Foerster; KramerGader; LarLFr III, 1863; LarLFr III, 1862; KlugeM20; BW5; LevyTrés. – BormannJagd; R 66, 397; R 102 (1981) 440; R 64,481,42; R 70, 336.⁠]
(fadrai FlorenceW, fail ChevBarBloisB; OvMorB 4,787; TombChartrProl/4...W, fail(l)ir BueveAgnS 284, 1311; 254, etc., failent BrendanW; BrendanW 5. 195; CantLandP 851, 1336, failer AttilaPrB, Failez [BibbfW], failhe SBernCantG, failir EructavitJ 439, 508, 1685; EructavitJ; SThomBenS; FloovA 680, 690, 2286, etc.; PurgSPatrHarlV 360; PurgSPatrHarlV; MirourEdmaW 17.48, 33.18, 33.11, 33.11; SimPouilleaB B 6014; AttilaPrB; GautChâtC 48, 63, Failir ConqIrlO; MirAgn2K, faillans (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 9, 339b, faillant Saisna/lB 1008; RobHoY v. 2127; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 7, 432, faillanz GirRossAlH 1402, faille GautArrErR 2371; SPierJonglN 321; SPierJonglN 321; JubNRec 1,289; DrouartB 1935; GGuiB 6620; GGuiB 6620; RosemLangl 12390 var. ms. 2et. 14es.; [CentBalR 195]; (sigles à datations multiples:) JubNRec 1,289; R 64,481,42; NoomenFabl 3,321, faillent OvArtElieK 707 (r), faillenti PassionA 5. 52 (n.), Faillerent PlainteVgePurT, failli PhThCompS 2v, 168; CourLouisL1; MarieLaisR; GautArrErR 2969; CligesM 3437, 4154, 4712; AlexParA II, 630, var. t. 5; ConBethW1; CoucyChansL XX, 54; ContGuillTyrdM 106; AiquinJ 369, 2100; SEdmPassG 501; VengRagF 2539; MerlinM; MoniotArrD; SJeanEvW * 125; TristPrMé 77, 6; RoselLec; TristPrC 412, 18; TristPrCh 193, 27; TristPrG; TristPrL 86, 19 etc.; TristPrS; BeaumJBlL; TournAntW 36; FournChansL; GilChinP; MerlinsR 206, 3; AtreW; BeaumS JBl. 4007; CourLouiscLe; HuonR; Pères10C 392; Pères9M v. 108; PoireM; RecMédNovCirHi; RobHoY v. 2113; EnfOgS 3659; JacCambrR IV, 37; ChevFustSa 7463, 7993; ImpArtB; MaillartR 5450; TombChartrProl/4...W; RenContrR 5427, 32787; SEvroulS; [GaceBuigneB 272, 5739]; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn I, 297 etc.; NoomenFabl t. 7, 432; NoomenFabl t. 9, 339b; RivièrePast, Failli ChevFustSa, failli(é)s FloreaK 611, failli(s) GalienD, faillid GlKaraIsF n° 64, faillie LapidffS 139; BenDucM III, p. 559, v. 702; AimonFlH 4998; FlorenceW 726, 2136; CoincyI1K 297 var; CoincyII1K 584 var.; ClercVaudR D 208; BrutusF; BrendanPr1W; LReisEnglF 133, 1; [AmphYpL2; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn II, 84; NoomenFabl t. 9, 339b, faillièrent (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 135, faillies BrendanPr1W, failliés MerlinsR 127, 4; MerlinsR 559, 50; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl III, faillir AlexisP O 99 e; RolB 388; LapidffS 248, 944; PhThCompS 38v, 3504; 39r, 3549; GormB 510; PhThBestWa; WaceMargaK 133; WaceConcA; GaimarB; PhThSibS; CharroiM 1214; 667; CourLouisL1; GlJosBehJ 50; ProvSalSanI; WaceNicR 319, 1546; EneasS1; FloreaD; FloreaK 996, 2338, ...; FloreaP; FloreaW 1782, 2108, 2974; ThebesC; ChronSMichelB 983, 1834; MarieGuigW2; MarieLaisR; NarcisusT; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; ErecR 3025, 4422, 4563, 6204; HornP; PhilomB 135, 519, 940 etc.; RouH; BenDucF; SThomGuernW1; AdamA; AdamG3; AdamN; AdamSt; Aiol1/2F 1648; AlexissH 439; GautArrIllLe; PelCharlK 95; CligesG; EstFougK 372r; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 23, 55; MarieFabW2; PercL; FlorebK 2719, 3042, ...; SGillesP 986, 2440; AlexParA II (β 44) 1283 var. t 5; IpH; ProtH; AimonFlH; GarLorrP I, 31; RenR; TristThomB 2846, 2921; TristThomL 2846; TristThomW; ChevCygnePropN p 229; CoucyChansL VI, 8; XIV, 26; ElieF; GaceBruléD II, 35...; GaceBruléH; MonRaincB 3800, 5662, 5276, 6901; RCambrM; SermMaurR; SimFreineGeorgM 261, 354; SimFreineGeorgM R. Ph. 1545; MarieEspP; VMortHélW; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ContPerc2lC2 p125; PriseCordD; SGenB 3002; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleM 294a; EscoufleS; MuséeArchDép p. 124 Z. 22; AiquinJ 1840; AmbroiseP 460; 2652; BibleGuiotW; ChardryPletM 325, 327, 582, 1593, 1520, 1640, 1653, 748, 756, 582; ChevBarAnS; DoonRocheM 1088 etc.; FolTristBernH2 427; 69; GirVianeE; GirVianeY; GuibAndrM 385, 254, etc.; HerbCandS 11369; MeraugisF 1052, 1178 etc.; NarbS; PBeauvGerJ; PercDidd/eR 2001, 2062, 2592, 130a, 292a; Perl1N; SClemW v. 7244; SJeanAumU; VengRagF; BestGuillR 3393; AngDialGregP 103 v°a; AimeriD; BalJosAnS 8644; ChGuillI 320, 2562; ChGuillM 2562, 1748, etc.; ChGuillSd 275; FetRomF1; FlorenceW; HervisH; MortAymC 1904, 3262, 3026, 3423, 2026, 3601, 2898, 2560; BalJosCamA; TurpinBrianeS; BlancandS 3471, 3729, 4120; Bueve1S 2125, 7605, 8283, ...; Bueve2S; DurmG; DurmS 12247; FergF 2106, 6584, etc; GautDargH; GautDargR XIII, 28; MoniotArrD; BanMetzW; LancPrK; LancPrM; OmbreB2 450, 454; DolopL; CoincyI41/42R 106; GuillVinM XXVIII, 7; MorPhilP 2384; OrsonP; PurgSPatrCamZ; RenclCarH; SimCrespyW; GuillMarM; BesantR 149, 963; ChansArtB; CoincyII10N; CoincyII11/18B; CoincyII1K 136 var.; ViolB; DocAubeC 89-7; 89a-13; ModvB2; TristPr C1 81, 20; 83, 5; 88, 4; TristPrCh 75, 3; TristPrG; TristPrL 31, 9 etc.; TristPrMé 30, 29; 152, 37; TristPrR; TristPrS; DocHMarneG 210, 6; DocVosL 112, 6; 77, 14; VillHonH2 44b; AnsCartA; ArtusS; FolLancB; FournChansL; JErartN III 55; IV 47; XV 38; ParDuchP; SJulPrS 859; BalainL 6; ChastVergiA; MerlinsR 16, 42; 95, 11; 98, 2; etc.; MerlinsR 71, 17; MerlinsR 541, 9; MerlinsR 447, 79; 447, 86; 551, 35; etc.; MerlinsR 13, 15; 47, 26; 275, 23; etc.; MerlinsR 280, 12; MerlinsR 188, 16; 338, 6; 340, 15; etc.; MerlinsR 245, 11; MerlinsR 173, 20; 219, 4; 226, 13; etc.; ChastVergiA; AssJérBourgmZ; AuberiTarbé; BestAmOctT; CourLouiscLe; GautLeuL2 X 350; HArciPèresO; HistFécL 5219; 512; MaugisV; MireC 17; Pères43B 47; PhNovAgesF 62, 141, 153, 108, 109, 180, 35, 123, 78, 221; RésSauvcJ; Saisna/lB 1008; VivMonbrancE 282; etc.; AldL 104, 21; 142, 13; MahomL 317; PhNovMémK LV 64; MenReimsP 202, 326 etc.; MenReimsW; AnticlC 42, 120; GilebBernF; HunbautW; RutebF; HaginL; CarCharL 412; 574; CharroicL; ClarisA 950; EnfRenC; EvEnfB 2257, 2261; 98, 375, etc; 2093; EvEnfB2; JordRufmP; SBath1B; SimPouilleaB 473; HemH; AdHalePartN; ClefD; BeaumCoutS; ChastSGilS 27, 28, 166; JacCambrR XII, 83; JMeunVégR 21; 136, 138; Jassemin; ApocGiffR 64; 164b; 163 etc.; CoutMerOl II, 92; DrouartB; EvEnfQuatrB 255, 1832; 1493; 1314; GautChâtC 48, 63; JPrioratR 471; SThibAlH; SThibAlM 923; FevresS 134-8, 141b-8, 296-18, etc.; JacBaisT I 129; I 131; SecrSecrPr7B p249; JoinvW1 176a, 124e, 3927, etc.; FoukeH 24. 29, 12. 29; GeoffrParChronD; JCondM; JCondOisR; LicorneG 1039, 1041; JCourtPlaitaT 207; NicBozSAgatheK; DialGregEvrS 3504, 3532, 4342, 5012, 7832; SGregJeanS; AcartH; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr11W; TombChartr19S; PercefL2 XI, 77; XII, 38; GuiNantvProlC 717, 847, etc.; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 1 316, 456; 7 9 etc.; JDupinMelL 1446; JMoteVoieP 2467, 4443; RenContrR; BelleHelR 854; ChevPapH 73, 10; 79, 30; 84, 18; PassEntreR 632; 3040; SEvroulS; SMarg11T; TristNantS; [ChevCygneBruxM; ModusT; OresmeSphèreMy 36b; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 497; JFevRespH 439, 2042, 2067; GaceBuigneB 10180; DeschQ I, 142, 181; GastPhébChasseT 54, 17; 77-30; FierPrM; JPreisMyrG; MenagB 128, 13; 134, 26*; SEust11P 752 - 3; CoutMerOlaZ; CoutMerOlaZ; GrebanP 8471; EvQuenJe 2398 etc.; FloriantPrL fol. 97 vo.; BrézéT; PassTroyB t II p. 1135]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 25, 281; 31, 94 etc.; BartschHorning 24, 5; 31, 11; LevyFabl VII. 156; MontRayn III, 103; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl t. 8, 416; NoomenFabl t. 6, 381; NyströmMén VIII, 120; ProvM 931, 935; ReidFabl; RivièrePast; RohlfsFablels; Rosenberg; StimmingMot; AngDialGregO2 2597, 8691, 12752 etc., Faillir RobDiableL; VillehW; PèresPrI5/7S; RègleSBenNicH; HAndH; PurgSPatrBerM; GautLeuL2; RutebL; BibleMacéL, FAILLIR GuillPalMo; Pères51R1; RobBloisDidF; LMestL, faillir, GuiotProvinsO, FAILLIR) ThibBlaisN, faillir1 SGraalIIJosO, faillir2 SGraalIIJosO, faillis AubereeC 481; JourdBlD 491, 772; JourdBlD2; JugAmS D 270; GodinM 11811; TristPrR; BibleEntS 2995; HuonAuvbS6 8677; TristNantS 17327, failliz PercL 6557; EdConfCambrW 4584; BibleEntS 4710; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl I 4/480; RaynLaFabl, Failliz BibleMacéL, failllir MirNDChartrK III 143; III 446 etc., Faillom SermMaurpB, faillus JSQuentO, failly MerlinsR 564, 8; RegDijon1L; [AndrVigneSMartD 8842], failue SimPouilleaB B 5071, failuy NominaleS B. 153. 3. 261., faily BibbO 293, falant GlBâleB 1714, faldr- ChGuillI, faldrai MarieGuigW2; MarieFabW2; CantLandP, faldras PhThCompS 37v, 3400; 38r, 3432, faldrat AlexisS1 495; PhThCompS 34r, 3098; 35v, 3216, 3226; 38r, 3425; GrantMalS2 77 f; PelCharlF; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, faldrez PhThCompS 33r, 3024; 35r, 3180; 39r, 3524, faldrum PhThCompS 37r, 3334, faldrunt PhThCompS 1v, 56; 37r, 3366, falent TristPrS; HuonR; Saisna/lB 1009, faler OgDanAlC 1487, 2175, 530, 1489, 715, 124, falés ChevCygneNaissT 732, falez ThebesC, fali ChevVivM; ChevCygneNaissT 2444; ChevVivM; GodinM; ChastVergiS; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 4299; 4262; AnsCartBoB p115; PiérardMons t II, p. 173; JCourtPlaitaT; [GodBouillBruxR], Falie GautLeuL2, falir BrendanW 905, 789, 1500; BrendanW; MonGuill1/2C; FloreaD; Aiol1/2F; SBernCantG; ThomKentF 436; AliscW p. 71 v. 1098; BodelNicH 986, 676, 1265 etc.; VengRagF 2932; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; CoincyChristO; DocFlandrM p. 132; MorPhilP; OrsonP; CheviiEspI; GilChinP; MahieuW V 15, E 3, IX V 2; ChastVergiS; ContGuillTyrSalJ; VMortAnW 1, 8, 11; 9, 3; 53, 5; 100, 12; BaudeFastCongéR 562; SBath1B; AdHaleFeuillL 70; AdHaleChansM; JobB; JobG; SoneG; MPolRustR; FevresOe p. 31; FevresS 97-6, 13, 15; 122-6; 268-1; etc.; ElucidaireSeca/b/h/iR; JCondM; BibleHolkP; EntreeT; AliscmH 1243, 5802; [GodBouillBruxR; BaudSebB 176; BaudSebC p185; AttilaS V, 235; TresVenM 155]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.7, 432; NoomenFabl t. 5, 466; NoomenFabl t.8, 41b; NoomenFabl I 2 / 25, 3 / 321, 4 / D 118; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl II 5 / 30.1, 7 / P 325, 13 / A 17; 5 / 58; NoomenFabl II 7 / P 145; NoomenFabl III, 15a / 35, 16a / 261, 16b / 114 etc.; NoomenFabl 22 / 28, 23 / 74 etc.; 25 / 68; 21 / 156 etc.; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl t.9, 339b; NoomenFabl t.6, 381; ProvM 2086, FALIR GuillPalMo, falir a joie (sigles à datations multiples:) RomPast I 41, 38, faliray HuonAuvbS6 7591, falis PercDidd/eR; MaccabGautS; CourtAmsS 285, 2041, 2545 2572; RestorD; BelleHelR 855b; [JPreisMyrG]; (sigles à datations multiples:) ParsonsCourt E 212, fallant TristNantS, faller PelCharlA, falli VengRagW 2537; ChevBarBloisB; [FroissBallB], Fallie RoisinM, fallir CommPsia1G II, 326; TristBérG 2395, 2595, 1752; 1763, 4465 etc.; TristBérG 481; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; PoèmeMorB; SGraalIIIJostO; WaldefH 17211, 17875; 13482; JErartN; SidracH p. 8; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 10, 4; JCondM; DialGregEvrS; [FroissEspF1 240, 2408, 3780; FroissPrisF 181; FroissBallB], fallir) PelCharlF, falliz ChronSMichelB 1949, fallyr [AdAiglesB 4, 9AP], fallys PercefL2 IX, 39, faloit BalainL, falt BenDucM III, p. 504, v. 1277; AdamA 501 p. 110; AdamG3; ChevCygneNaissT 2366; ChGuillI; OvArtElieK 805 (r), 470 (r); BesantR; (sigles à datations multiples:) ReidFabl; NoomenFabl t. 5, 46b; PannierLapid A. 260, faltéd PhThCompS 28r, 2616, fau Saisna/lB 1009, faucist DolopL, faudr- CligesG, faudra ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ConstHamelR 182, 25; LancPrK; TristPrC 1; SMarg5T; CourLouiscLe; CoutBretP p. 303, l. 28; (sigles à datations multiples:) ReidFabl; NoomenFabl t. 5, 466; NoomenFabl I, Faudra SermMaurpB; LMestL, faudrai FlorenceW; Saisna/lB 1009; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; NoomenFabl t. 9, 339b; NoomenFabl t. 6, 382; NoomenFabl II, faudrat PhThCompS 26v, 2454; LoisGuillL; RègleHospCamS 497, faudre YonM 4752, 5693, faudrey FoukeB 15, 16, faudrez ParDuchP, faudroient (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 112, faudroit LancPrM XX, 2, Faudroit BibleMacéL, faudront CharroiPo t. II, 87; EscoufleS 343; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid A. 941, Faudront BibleMacéL, faudrum ChGuillI, fauldra [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 497; MenagB], fauldray [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1697], fauldroit Turpin5Wa, fauldron AiquinJ 591, FAULE SCathCarlM, fault PelCharlF; AiquinJ 2091; OvArtPrR 3453; TombChartr18S 475; BlackBookT II. p. 456; JMoteVoieP 24; SMarg11T, faura GarLorrP II, 43; ChevCygneNaissT 767; BibleEntS 5924; HunbautW, faurai Saisna/lB 1009, fauras SFanuelM 766; SFanuelM, faurez CoincyII22/23/24/25Li 4. 144, fauroie [GodBouillBruxR], fauroient (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 192, fauroit Aiol1/2F; ChevCygneNaissT 2609; DolopL; BibleEntS 8375, faurons BibleEntS 2800; BibleMalkS 6043, fauront LancPrM XLV a, 4, faurra BrendanPr1W, faurrai BalainL; MerlinsR 97, 11, faurroient MerlinsR 255, 15, faurrois SSagOctS K 3919, 4613, fauseist [ArmArgM 114], faussist CoucyChansL; GaceBruléD II, 35, faust ChevBarBloisB, faut CharroiPo t. II, 87; BenTroieC; CligesG; YvainR 4225; PriseOrabR1; ChétifsM 2630; PriseOrabR1 C 17; BodelFablN III, 188; VI, 72; CantLandP 956; ChevBarAnS; FlorenceW; SongeEnfM; BalJosPr1M 41, 16; OrsonP; OrsonP; CoincyII10N; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; BalainL; GautLeuL2 II 308, III 221, 592; HuonR 5644; JoufrF 1003; Saisna/lB 1010; MédLiégH 691-2; YsEudeR 530, 532; BibleMalkS 9252; BibleMalkS; ChastSGilS; HerberiePrF1 H II 176; ChaceT; JPrioratR; PiérardMons t II, p. 173; FevresS; FevresS; SottChansValL XIX, 36; AdvndC 66; AdvndC; HosebCompL 70; HuonAuvbS6 748 I; [AmphYpL; AmphYpL2; FroissPrisF; TresVenM 1505]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t9, 339b; NoomenFabl t.8, 417; NoomenFabl t.7, 432; NoomenFabl t.6, 382; NoomenFabl t.5, 466; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III; NyströmMén II a 76; PannierLapid A. 248, 941, 944, B. 524, Faut RobDiableL; GautLeuL2; JostPletR; LMestL; BibleMacéL, faylaynç RaschiD1 54, 223, fellir DolopL, fourai SimPouilleaB)
  • “faire défaut, manquer” (PassionA 5. 52 (n.); AlexisP O 99 e; AlexisS1 495; RaschiD1 54, 223; RolB 388; BrendanW 905, 789, 1500; BrendanW; BrendanW; BrendanW 5. 195; GlKaraIsF n° 64; LapidffS 139; LapidffS 248, 944; PhThCompS 28r, 2616; PhThCompS 2v, 168; PhThCompS 38v, 3504; 39r, 3549; PhThCompS 26v, 2454; PhThCompS 1v, 56; 37r, 3366; PhThCompS 33r, 3024; 35r, 3180; 39r, 3524; PhThCompS 37v, 3400; 38r, 3432; PhThCompS 37r, 3334; PhThCompS 34r, 3098; 35v, 3216, 3226; 38r, 3425; GormB 510; PhThBestWa; WaceMargaK 133; GrantMalS2 77 f; WaceConcA; GaimarB; PhThSibS; CharroiM 1214; 667; CharroiPo t. II, 87; CharroiPo t. II, 87; CourLouisL1; CourLouisL1; GlJosBehJ 50; LoisGuillL; MonGuill1/2C; ProvSalSanI; WaceNicR 319, 1546; EneasS1; FloreaD; FloreaD; FloreaK 996, 2338, ...; FloreaK 611; FloreaP; FloreaW 1782, 2108, 2974; ThebesC; ThebesC; ChronSMichelB 1949; ChronSMichelB 983, 1834; CommPsia1G II, 326; MarieGuigW2; MarieGuigW2; MarieLaisR; MarieLaisR; NarcisusT; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; ErecR 3025, 4422, 4563, 6204; HornP; PhilomB 135, 519, 940 etc.; RouH; BenDucF; BenDucM III, p. 504, v. 1277; BenDucM III, p. 559, v. 702; SThomGuernW1; AdamA 501 p. 110; AdamA; AdamG3; AdamG3; AdamN; AdamSt; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F 1648; AlexissH 439; GautArrErR 2969; GautArrIllLe; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 95; CligesG; CligesG; CligesG; CligesM 3437, 4154, 4712; EstFougK 372r; YvainR 4225; EructavitJ 439, 508, 1685; EructavitJ; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 23, 55; MarieFabW2; MarieFabW2; PercL; PercL 6557; FlorebK 2719, 3042, ...; SGillesP 986, 2440; SSagOctS K 3919, 4613; SThomBenS; AlexParA II (β 44) 1283 var. t 5; AlexParA II, 630, var. t. 5; IpH; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 497; AimonFlH; AimonFlH 4998; GarLorrP II, 43; GarLorrP I, 31; RenR; SBernCantG; SBernCantG; ThomKentF 436; TristBérG 2395, 2595, 1752; 1763, 4465 etc.; TristBérG 481; TristThomB 2846, 2921; TristThomL 2846; TristThomW; AliscW p. 71 v. 1098; ChevCygnePropN p 229; ChétifsM 2630; ConBethW1; CoucyChansL XX, 54; CoucyChansL; CoucyChansL VI, 8; XIV, 26; ElieF; FloovA 680, 690, 2286, etc.; GaceBruléD II, 35...; GaceBruléD II, 35; GaceBruléH; MonRaincB 3800, 5662, 5276, 6901; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 C 17; RCambrM; RobDiableL; RobDiableL; SermMaurR; SimFreineGeorgM 261, 354; SimFreineGeorgM R. Ph. 1545; BodelNicH 986, 676, 1265 etc.; MarieEspP; SGraalIIJosO; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW; AubereeC 481; BodelFablN III, 188; VI, 72; CantLandP 956; CantLandP; CantLandP 851, 1336; ChevCygneNaissT 2609; ChevCygneNaissT 767; ChevCygneNaissT 732; ChevCygneNaissT 2444; ChevCygneNaissT 2366; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; ContGuillTyrdM 106; ContPerc2lC2 p125; GuiotProvinsO; JourdBlD 491, 772; JourdBlD2; JugAmS D 270; PoèmeMorB; PriseCordD; SFanuelM 766; SFanuelM; SGenB 3002; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleM 294a; EscoufleS; EscoufleS 343; MuséeArchDép p. 124 Z. 22; VillehW; AiquinJ 591; AiquinJ 369, 2100; AiquinJ 2091; AiquinJ 1840; AmbroiseP 460; 2652; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 284, 1311; 254, etc.; ChardryPletM 325, 327, 582, 1593, 1520, 1640, 1653, 748, 756, 582; ChevBarAnS; ChevBarAnS; DoonRocheM 1088 etc.; FolTristBernH2 427; 69; GirVianeE; GirVianeY; GuibAndrM 385, 254, etc.; GuillPalMo; GuillPalMo; HerbCandS 11369; MeraugisF 1052, 1178 etc.; NarbS; PBeauvGerJ; PercDidd/eR; PercDidd/eR 2001, 2062, 2592, 130a, 292a; Perl1N; PèresPrI5/7S; RègleSBenNicH; SClemW v. 7244; SEdmPassG 501; SGraalIIIJostO; SJeanAumU; VengRagF 2539; VengRagF; VengRagF 2932; VengRagW 2537; WaldefH 17211, 17875; 13482; BestGuillR 3393; AngDialGregP 103 v°a; AimeriD; BalJosAnS 8644; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI 320, 2562; ChGuillM 2562, 1748, etc.; ChGuillSd 275; FetRomF1; FlorenceW; FlorenceW 726, 2136; FlorenceW; FlorenceW; FlorenceW; GlBâleB 1714; HervisH; MerlinM; MortAymC 1904, 3262, 3026, 3423, 2026, 3601, 2898, 2560; ThibBlaisN; Turpin5Wa; SongeEnfM; BalJosCamA; PurgSPatrHarlV 360; PurgSPatrHarlV; TurpinBrianeS; BalJosPr1M 41, 16; BlancandS 3471, 3729, 4120; Bueve1S 2125, 7605, 8283, ...; Bueve2S; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; DurmG; DurmS 12247; FergF 2106, 6584, etc; GautDargH; GautDargR XIII, 28; MoniotArrD; MoniotArrD; OvArtElieK 707 (r); OvArtElieK 805 (r), 470 (r); ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; BanMetzW; CoincyChristO; ConstHamelR 182, 25; LancPrK; LancPrK; LancPrM; LancPrM XLV a, 4; LancPrM XX, 2; OmbreB2 450, 454; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; CoincyI1K 297 var; CoincyI41/42R 106; DocFlandrM p. 132; GodinM 11811; GodinM; GuillVinM XXVIII, 7; MorPhilP 2384; MorPhilP; OrsonP; OrsonP; OrsonP; OrsonP; PurgSPatrCamZ; RenclCarH; SCathCarlM; SJeanEvW * 125; SPierJonglN 321; SimCrespyW; GuillMarM; BesantR; BesantR 149, 963; ChansArtB; CoincyII10N; CoincyII10N; CoincyII11/18B; CoincyII1K 136 var.; CoincyII1K 584 var.; CoincyII22/23/24/25Li 4. 144; ViolB; ConqIrlO; DocAubeC 89-7; 89a-13; ModvB2; RoselLec; TristPr C1 81, 20; 83, 5; 88, 4; TristPrC 412, 18; TristPrC 1; TristPrCh 193, 27; TristPrCh 75, 3; TristPrG; TristPrG; TristPrL 86, 19 etc.; TristPrL 31, 9 etc.; TristPrMé 30, 29; 152, 37; TristPrR; TristPrR; TristPrS; TristPrS; TristPrS; DocHMarneG 210, 6; BeaumJBlL; DocVosL 112, 6; 77, 14; VillHonH2 44b; TournAntW 36; AnsCartA; ArtusS; CheviiEspI; FolLancB; FournChansL; FournChansL; GilChinP; GilChinP; GilChinP; HAndH; JErartN III 55; IV 47; XV 38; JErartN; MahieuW V 15, E 3, IX V 2; MirourEdmaW 17.48, 33.18, 33.11, 33.11; ParDuchP; ParDuchP; PurgSPatrBerM; SJulPrS 859; BalainL; BalainL; BalainL; BalainL 6; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 16, 42; 95, 11; 98, 2; etc.; MerlinsR 97, 11; MerlinsR 255, 15; MerlinsR 71, 17; MerlinsR 127, 4; MerlinsR 559, 50; MerlinsR 541, 9; MerlinsR 447, 79; 447, 86; 551, 35; etc.; MerlinsR 564, 8; MerlinsR 13, 15; 47, 26; 275, 23; etc.; MerlinsR 280, 12; MerlinsR 188, 16; 338, 6; 340, 15; etc.; MerlinsR 206, 3; MerlinsR 245, 11; MerlinsR 173, 20; 219, 4; 226, 13; etc.; MirAgn2K; AssJérBourgmZ; EdConfCambrW 4584; AtreW; AuberiTarbé; BeaumS JBl. 4007; BestAmOctT; BibleEntS 8375; BibleEntS 2800; BibleEntS 5924; BibleEntS 2995; BibleEntS 4710; BrutusF; ClercVaudR D 208; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; CourLouiscLe; GautLeuL2 X 350; GautLeuL2 II 308, III 221, 592; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2; HArciPèresO; HistFécL 5219; 512; HuonR; HuonR 5644; HuonR; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 4299; 4262; JoufrF 1003; MaugisV; MireC 17; PhNovAgesF 62, 141, 153, 108, 109, 180, 35, 123, 78, 221; PoireM; Pères10C 392; Pères43B 47; Pères51R1; Pères9M v. 108; RecMédNovCirHi; RobBloisDidF; RésSauvcJ; SMarg5T; Saisna/lB 1010; Saisna/lB 1008; Saisna/lB 1009; Saisna/lB 1009; Saisna/lB 1008; Saisna/lB 1009; Saisna/lB 1009; SermMaurpB; SermMaurpB; VivMonbrancE 282; etc.; AldL 104, 21; 142, 13; MahomL 317; PhNovMémK LV 64; JostPletR; MenReimsP 202, 326 etc.; MenReimsW; RobHoY v. 2127; RobHoY v. 2113; YonM 4752, 5693; MirNDChartrK III 143; III 446 etc.; AnticlC 42, 120; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; GilebBernF; HunbautW; HunbautW; RutebF; RutebL; VMortAnW 1, 8, 11; 9, 3; 53, 5; 100, 12; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; MaccabGautS; PlainteVgePurT; BaudeFastCongéR 562; HaginL; CarCharL 412; 574; CharroicL; ClarisA 950; EnfRenC; EvEnfB 2257, 2261; 98, 375, etc; 2093; EvEnfB2; JordRufmP; MédLiégH 691-2; SBath1B; SBath1B; SimPouilleaB B 5071; SimPouilleaB; SimPouilleaB B 6014; SimPouilleaB 473; YsEudeR 530, 532; AdHaleFeuillL 70; EnfOgS 3659; HemH; AdHaleChansM; AdHalePartN; ClefD; BeaumCoutS; RoisinM; BibleMalkS 6043; BibleMalkS 9252; BibleMalkS; ChastSGilS 27, 28, 166; ChastSGilS; JMeunVégR 21; 136, 138; JacCambrR IV, 37; JacCambrR XII, 83; OvArtPrR 3453; SidracH p. 8; ChevFustSa 7463, 7993; ChevFustSa; Jassemin; HerberiePrF1 H II 176; AnsCartBoB p115; ApocGiffR 64; 164b; 163 etc.; AttilaPrB; AttilaPrB; BibbO 293; ChaceT; CoutMerOl II, 92; DrouartB; EvEnfQuatrB 255, 1832; 1493; 1314; GautChâtC 48, 63; GautChâtC 48, 63; JPrioratR; JPrioratR 471; JobB; JobG; LReisEnglF 133, 1; SThibAlH; SThibAlM 923; SoneG; PiérardMons t II, p. 173; PiérardMons t II, p. 173; ImpArtB; MPolRustR; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéL; FevresOe p. 31; FevresS; FevresS; FevresS 134-8, 141b-8, 296-18, etc.; FevresS 97-6, 13, 15; 122-6; 268-1; etc.; JacBaisT I 129; I 131; SecrSecrPr7B p249; SottChansValL XIX, 36; GGuiB 6620; JoinvW1 176a, 124e, 3927, etc.; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 10, 4; FoukeB 15, 16; FoukeH 24. 29, 12. 29; NominaleS B. 153. 3. 261.; ElucidaireSeca/b/h/iR; AdvndC 66; AdvndC; JSQuentO; OgDanAlC 1487, 2175, 530, 1489, 715, 124; GeoffrParChronD; MaillartR 5450; JCondM; JCondM; JCondM; JCondOisR; LicorneG 1039, 1041; CoutBretP p. 303, l. 28; OvMorB 4,787; BibleHolkP; EntreeT; HosebCompL 70; JCourtPlaitaT 207; JCourtPlaitaT; NicBozSAgatheK; DialGregEvrS; DialGregEvrS 3504, 3532, 4342, 5012, 7832; SGregJeanS; HuonAuvbS6 748 I; HuonAuvbS6 8677; HuonAuvbS6 7591; RestorD; AcartH; GirRossAlH 1402; TombChartr1/2/3S; TombChartr11W; TombChartr18S 475; TombChartr19S; TombChartrProl/4...W; TombChartrProl/4...W; PercefL2 XI, 77; XII, 38; PercefL2 IX, 39; GuiNantvProlC 717, 847, etc.; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 1 316, 456; 7 9 etc.; BlackBookT II. p. 456; JDupinMelL 1446; JMoteVoieP 24; JMoteVoieP 2467, 4443; RegDijon1L; RenContrR 5427, 32787; RenContrR; AliscmH 1243, 5802; BelleHelR 854; ChevPapH 73, 10; 79, 30; 84, 18; GalienD; PassEntreR 632; 3040; SEvroulS; SEvroulS; SMarg11T; SMarg11T; TristNantS; TristNantS 17327; TristNantS; TristPrMé 77, 6; [ChevCygneBruxM; GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; ModusT; AmphYpL; AmphYpL2; AmphYpL2; BaudSebB 176; BaudSebC p185; OresmeSphèreMy 36b; FroissEspF1 240, 2408, 3780; AttilaS V, 235; FroissPrisF; FroissPrisF 181; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 497; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1697; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 497; JFevRespH 439, 2042, 2067; GaceBuigneB 10180; GaceBuigneB 272, 5739; DeschQ I, 142, 181; FroissBallB; FroissBallB; GastPhébChasseT 54, 17; 77-30; AdAiglesB 4, 9AP; FierPrM; JPreisMyrG; JPreisMyrG; MenagB; MenagB 128, 13; 134, 26*; TresVenM 155; TresVenM 1505; BibbfW; SEust11P 752 - 3; CoutMerOlaZ; CoutMerOlaZ; GrebanP 8471; EvQuenJe 2398 etc.; FloriantPrL fol. 97 vo.; ArmArgM 114; BrézéT; MistSGenisM; PassTroyB t II p. 1135; AndrVigneSMartD 8842]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; Aspland; Aspland; BartschChrest 25, 281; 31, 94 etc.; BartschHorning 24, 5; 31, 11; JubNRec 1,289; LevyFabl VII. 156; MontRayn I, 297 etc.; MontRayn II, 84; MontRayn III, 103; NoomenFabl t. 5, 46b; NoomenFabl t.7, 432; NoomenFabl t. 5, 466; NoomenFabl t.8, 41b; NoomenFabl t9, 339b; NoomenFabl t.8, 417; NoomenFabl t.7, 432; NoomenFabl t.6, 382; NoomenFabl t.5, 466; NoomenFabl I 2 / 25, 3 / 321, 4 / D 118; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl II 5 / 30.1, 7 / P 325, 13 / A 17; 5 / 58; NoomenFabl II 7 / P 145; NoomenFabl III, 15a / 35, 16a / 261, 16b / 114 etc.; NoomenFabl 22 / 28, 23 / 74 etc.; 25 / 68; 21 / 156 etc.; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl t. 9, 339b; NoomenFabl t. 7, 432; NoomenFabl t. 7, 432; NoomenFabl t. 9, 339b; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl t. 9, 339b; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl I 4/480; NoomenFabl; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III; NoomenFabl t. 8, 416; NoomenFabl t. 6, 381; NoomenFabl t. 5, 466; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl t. 9, 339b; NoomenFabl t. 6, 382; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl t.9, 339b; NoomenFabl t.6, 381; NyströmMén VIII, 120; NyströmMén II a 76; PannierLapid A. 248, 941, 944, B. 524; PannierLapid A. 941; PannierLapid A. 260; ParsonsCourt E 212; ProvM 931, 935; ProvM 2086; R 64,481,42; RaynLaFabl; RecHist XXI, 135; RecHist XXI, 192; RecHist XXI, 112; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; RivièrePast; RivièrePast; RohlfsFablels; RomPast I 41, 38; Rosenberg; StimmingMot; AngDialGregO2 2597, 8691, 12752 etc., BormannJagd; R 66, 397; R 102 (1981) 440, TL; TL; TL; TL; Gdf III, 699a; Gdf; Gdf III, 700a; Gdf III, 700a; Gdf III 700a; Gdf; Gdf III, 730c; GdfC 9, 592c; AND; AND; AND; ANDEl; MED III, 369b; MED III, 366 a; MED III, 366a; DCCarp 194c; DCCarp 194c/195a; DCCarp 196a; TLF; FEW III 386b; FEW III 386b; FEW III, 386b; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen II 58, S. 207; BurnellRen; BurnellRen II 713; Chastell 307; Chastell 197, 282, 307; DiStefLoc 322; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; Foerster; KramerGader; LarLFr III, 1863; LarLFr III, 1862; LevyTrés; BW5; KlugeM20)
    • ⁠p.p. pris comme adj. “lâche, perfide” (CourtAmsS 285, 2041, 2545 2572; BelleHelR 855b)
    • ⁠loc. adv. (ou) fiere ou faille “de toutes façons, en toutes circonstances” (GautArrErR 2371; SPierJonglN 321; JubNRec 1,289; DrouartB 1935; GGuiB 6620; RosemLangl 12390 var. ms. 2et. 14es.; [CentBalR 195]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 3,321, R 64,481,42; R 70, 336)
Cf. faillir; DMF2009 faillir.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
afaillier v.
  • “affaiblir” (DC)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
[Gdf 1,125b; ANDEl 12 b; MED 1,112 B; FEW 3,386b.⁠]
(Afailir ConqIrlO)
  • “manquer” (ConqIrlO, ANDEl 12 b; Gdf 1,125b; MED 1,112 B; FEW 3,386b)
Cf. ANDEl: afaili; DMF2009 effaillir.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defaillable adj.
[TL; TL 2,1271,4; Gdf 2,454a; AND; ANDEl.⁠]
(defaillable ElucidaireiiiD III,106M; HMondB 2203)
  • “qui fait défaut, faible” (ElucidaireiiiD III,106M; HMondB 2203, TL; TL 2,1271,4; Gdf 2,454a; AND; ANDEl)
Cf. ANDEl: defacer; DMF2009 défaillable.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defaillance f.
[TL; TL 2,1271,12; Gdf 2,454a; GdfC 9,287a; GdfC; AND failure, defect; ANDEl; FEW 3,386b; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 196; GlSuisse 5,153a. – Bartzsch p169; Runk p.35.⁠]
(defailance HArciPèresO 798,1627, defailhance SBernCantG, defaillance CoincyI1...K I401; RoselLangl; chCOr098 7; HuonabcL ABC418; HuonabcL; ChMa225 22; EvEnfB 2279; EvEnfB2; ChirChevP p.500; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 83,126, défaillance FevresS, defaillances [OresmePolM S.179b], deffaillanche RenclCarH; [ModusT 213], Defience BibleMacéL)
  • 1o“manque, défaut” (SBernCantG; CoincyI1...K I401; RenclCarH; RoselLangl; HArciPèresO 798,1627; HuonabcL ABC418; HuonabcL; EvEnfB 2279; EvEnfB2; BibleMacéL; FevresS; ChirChevP p.500; [ModusT 213; OresmePolM S.179b]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 83,126, Bartzsch p169; Runk p.35, TL; TL 2,1271,12; Gdf 2,454a; GdfC 9,287a; GdfC; AND failure, defect; ANDEl; FEW 3,386b; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 196; GlSuisse 5,153a)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chCOr098 7; ChMa225 22)
Cf. ANDEl: defaillance; DMF2009 défaillance.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defaillant p.p. pris comme adj.
[Gdf; GdfC 9,287a. – Bartzsch p169; CarolusCh; MélSéguy 1,61; NobelAng p.109; Runk p.35.⁠]
(defaillans [AalmaR 5.836], defaillant GysselingDocAnc p.204,z.16; TristPrL 55,19; RenContrR 15916,20947,etc; [AalmaR 57; AalmaR 67; AalmaR 2394; DeschQ VIII,296], defaillanz chCOr171 8, defaillenz RotParl4R, deffaillant RegDijon1L; (sigles à datations multiples:) BeautBeaup, deffaillanz MenReimsP 186, deffallans PiérardMons tII,p.167)
  • 1o“qui fait défaut” (GysselingDocAnc p.204,z.16; TristPrL 55,19; MenReimsP 186; RotParl4R; PiérardMons tII,p.167; RegDijon1L; RenContrR 15916,20947,etc; [AalmaR 57; AalmaR 67; AalmaR 5.836; AalmaR 2394; DeschQ VIII,296]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BeautBeaup, Gdf; GdfC 9,287a)
  • 2o⁠substantivé “celui qui manque à (qch.)” (Bartzsch p169; CarolusCh; MélSéguy 1,61; NobelAng p.109; Runk p.35)
  • 3o“Identificanda DocLing” (chCOr171 8)
Cf. DMF2009 défaillant.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defaille f.
[TL; ANDEl; MED 2,888a; FEW 3,386b; TL 2,1271,23. – Bartzsch p169; WillistonOl 382.⁠]
(defail [LégDorVignBatallD], defaile BrendanW 238,S.191; BrendanW 238, defaille BestPierre1M X,27; CantLandP; RoselLec; EtSLouisV III,204,209; ClarisA 944;945,957; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 79,10, deffaille [OresmePolM S.151b])
  • “défaut, manque” (BrendanW 238,S.191; BrendanW 238; BestPierre1M X,27; CantLandP; RoselLec; EtSLouisV III,204,209; ClarisA 944;945,957; [OresmePolM S.151b; LégDorVignBatallD]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 79,10, Bartzsch p169; WillistonOl 382, TL; ANDEl; MED 2,888a; FEW 3,386b; TL 2,1271,23)
Cf. ANDEl: defaile; DMF2009 défaille.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defaillement m.
[TL; TL; Gdf 2,454b; FEW 3,386b; DelbMat p.505; TL 2,1271,32; TL 2,1271,32. – RLiR 39,198.⁠]
(defaillement AssJérRoiG; AntBerW 299; DrouartB 1050, defa(i)lhement SBernCantG, Defaillement VillehW; LulleEnfL)
  • “défaut, manque” (AssJérRoiG; AntBerW 299; DrouartB 1050; SBernCantG; VillehW; LulleEnfL, RLiR 39,198, TL; TL; Gdf 2,454b; FEW 3,386b; DelbMat p.505; TL 2,1271,32; TL 2,1271,32)
Cf. DMF2009 défaillement.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defailleor m.
[Gdf 2,454b.⁠]
(defayurs (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach)
  • “celui qui fait défaut” ((sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, Gdf 2,454b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defailler v.
(defalent PlacTimT, defallant FossierCh p.531, defallent YsEudeR 16)
  • “faire défaut” (FossierCh p.531; YsEudeR 16; PlacTimT; CartHain, TL)
Cf. DMF2009 défaillir.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defaillir v.
[TL; TL; TL; TL 2,1272,6; TL 2,1272,6; TL 2,1272,6; Gdf; Gdf 2,454b; GdfC; GdfC 9,287a; GdfC; GdfC 9,287c; ANDEl; MED 2,888a; FEW 3,386b; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 194,223; DupinLaboulaye; GlSuisse 5,153b. – BEC 16,,p.145,Z.7(2x); BPH 767,290; Brüll 69; CarolusCh; CellaGall 387, 388; KellerWace 133b; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; Morlet 41; Morlet 29; Morlet 200; Morlet 88; Morlet 42; MélBoisacq 152; NRevHistDr 4,p.602,Z.7; NobelAng p.109; OrelliBibel; Runk p.22; Runk p.159; Runk p.35; Runk p.62; Runk p63; Runk p.7; Runk p.72; SinclairBers s.30;s.32; [sigle]; [sigle].⁠]
(de_falloit ChMe002 6, de_faloit chMo115 8, de[faloient] ChV0051 10, def[ali]t chdouai0369 2, def[aloie] chHS097 4, defailant ChHM075 65; ChHM075 100, defailessins chHS117 13, defaili DocHMarneG 75,19; ChHM075 32; ChHM075 103, defailir LoisGuillL, defailisse chJu066 8, defailit chdouai0444 1, defaillant chdouai0003 3; chHS118 20; R 1295 03 23 01 17; R 1296 01 10 01 10, defaillanz R 1295 07 17 01 19, defaille chCOr180 20; chdouai0465 1, defaillest chJu088 5, defailli SClemW v.14783; AssJérJIbE 114/27,290/12,401/11,488/24,490/8,501/4,502/11 etc.; ChMe195 40; R 1299 03 26 01 15, defaillie AssJérBourgmZ; BibleMalkS 8057; LionBourgAlK II682, defailliens ChHM177 68; chHS056 10, defaillient ChMa205 8, defaillioit ChMe195 52, defaillir GysselingDocAnc p.192;Z.8; GysselingDocAnc p.179;Z.10; GysselingDocAnc p.199;Z.11; GysselingDocAnc p.203,Z.37; GysselingDocAnc p.208,Z.26,29; RolB; GaimarB 1104,1442; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1; FloreaK 90; BenTroieC; BenDucF 21783,9973; Aiol1/2F 6097; ContPerc1P A176,T7143,7144; ElucidaireiiiD II54M; EspDouai 3,p.27,Z.1,4,5,7; EspDouai 3,p.32,Z.19; HerbomezTourn p.24,Z.6,16; HerbomezTourn p.8;Z.1; HerbomezTourn p.11;Z.16; HerbomezTourn p.26,Z.16; AmbroiseP 2265 et. al.; WaldefH 10980;19369; BalJosAnS 209; FlorenceW 5041; BalJosCamA 6809; TurpinBrianeS; Bueve1S 3741; BanMetzW; Lemaire p.423,Z.7; CoincyI41/42R 111*; MorPhilP; RenclCarH; DesMarezYpres p.105,Z.23; GuillMarM 6014; CoutVerdun1M 41,26; DocAubeC 61-6;124:3-11;87-16;45-14;9-7;58-14;74-10;94-28;95-31;96-29; ModvB2 627,3849; RoselM; TristPrL 194,2; TristPrLaisF 1,XXV,1; Layettes 2,p.219,Z.16,17; DocHMarneG p.3;Z.29,30; DocHMarneG; DocmmSalT 24, 7; DocVosL; DocHainR; AndrContrN XVIII,17; ChRethelS 1,p.102,Z.16; BestAmOctT 912; HArciPèresO; MaugisV 43917; BonnardotMetz p.38, v. note; MenReimsW; CoutNormT p103; GilebBernF; VMortAnW 279,8; EvEnfB 2281; EvEnfB2; BeaumCoutS 64,70; BeaumCoutS 1050; BeaumCoutS 85,1577;85; JacCambrR II,13,25;V,22; DrouartB; JPrioratR 1154,4106,4482; SThibAlH II763; FevresS 55-12;79-1;93-22;113-21;129-4; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 6,13;35,32; GeoffrParChronD 736,6857; DébCorpsArrL 313; DialGregEvrS 2069,2463,3153,4083,5363; JVignayEnsK 45; ProprChosZ; RenContrR 19250; [Bersuire R118,492 n°15; AmphYpL2; FroissEspF1 786; OrdAdmZ; AalmaR 2325; AalmaR 2241; AalmaR 2808; AalmaR 2926; AalmaR 3929; AalmaR 1364; QuatBeatT 239r; DeschQ I,181,210,etc.; EvQuenJe 80,1786;2403]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland v. gloss.; BartschChrest 38,69;83,84;etc; BartschHorning 151,41;420,3; SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p.136a, Defaillir VillehW; PèresPrI5/7S; RègleSBenNicH; GuillMachC, DEFAILLIR GuillPalMo; LMestL; JVignayOdoT, défaillir PsCambrM 63,6; GilebBernH S.108,v.2 s. Ag. W, defaillissons chSL 071 12, defaillist chHM275 78, defaillit ChMe083 7; chdouai0120 2; chHM112 7, Défaillit CartHain, defailloie ChMe120 17; chMa188 7; chJu084 7, defailloient ChMM255 7; chCOr178 19, de failloient ChMa219 13, defailloit chMo006 11; ChHM001 51; ChMM046 12; ChMa109 18; chMa116 5; ChHM118 11; chCOr123 62; BrendanPr1W; ChHM170 10; ChHM177 56; chHS031 5; ChMM264 7; ChMM279 11; chCOr171 8; chCOr171 9; chMa173 5; chCOr200 29; chHM227 5; R 1268 12 32 01 21; ChMe215 6; ChMe219 11; ChMe219 11; chMa198 6; ChMe002 7; SLouisPathMirF XIII25; chHS131 14, defailoient ChMe142 11; ChMa211 30, de failoiet ChMa146 16, defailoit chHM018 4; ChMM226 4; ChMe196 24, Defailt SermMaurpB, defalait chMo084 3; chMo084 13, defalant chdouai0295 2, defali chdouai0035 2, Defaliens CartHain, defalir GysselingDocAnc p.197; GysselingDocAnc p.199; FloreaW 90; CommPsia1G XXVI,446;IX,145,190-1;etc; AlexParA IV, var.; SBernCantG; CoincyI1...K; DocFlandrM; ContGuillTyrSalJ; AntAnW; RegTournB 341,447; SBath1B; GlDouaiE1 104; EntreeT 3992, Defalir (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, defalist chdouai0079 4; chdouai0158 2; chdouai0283 2; chdouai0344 2; chdouai0440 1; chdouai0468 1, defalit chdouai0114 2; chdouai0114 2; chdouai0177 6; chdouai0227 2; chdouai0227 2; chdouai0229 2; chdouai0229 2; chdouai0230 2; chdouai0230 2; chdouai0231 2; chdouai0231 2; chdouai0232 2; chdouai0232 2; chdouai0235 2; chdouai0235 2; chdouai0238 2; chdouai0238 2; chdouai0260 2; chdouai0260 2; chdouai0262 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0279 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0301 2; chdouai0314 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0340 2; chdouai0345 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0363 2; chdouai0363 2; chdouai0365 2; chdouai0365 2; chdouai0369 2; chdouai0371 2; chdouai0371 2; chdouai0400 1; chdouai0400 1; chdouai0408 1; chdouai0408 1; chdouai0414 1; chdouai0414 1; chdouai0418 1; chdouai0429 1; chdouai0429 1; chdouai0431 1; chdouai0431 1; chdouai0432 1; chdouai0440 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0448 1; chdouai0448 1; chdouai0453 1; chdouai0453 1; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0468 1; chdouai0474 1; chdouai0484 1, Défalit RoisinM, defaliunt (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, defallanz CR 1295 03 19 01 13, defallet ChMe037 5, defalli chCOr024 8, defallit chdouai0140 5; chdouai0189 2; chdouai0189 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0192 2; chdouai0192 2; chdouai0196 1; chdouai0196 1; ChMe172 4; chdouai0224 2; chdouai0224 2; chdouai0224 2; chdouai0267 2; chdouai0279 2; chdouai0290 2; chdouai0290 2; chdouai0290 4; chdouai0290 5; chdouai0293 2; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0396 1; chdouai0404 1; chdouai0404 1; chdouai0430 1; chdouai0430 1; chdouai0436 1; chdouai0436 1; chdouai0438 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0456 1, defalloie chMo262 7, defalloient ChMM027 4; ChMe066 7; ChV0079 17; ChV0085 16, defalloit ChMM018 6; ChV0008 6; ChMe038 7; ChV0009 5; ChMe051 5; ChMM051 6; ChMM051 7; ChHM030 16; ChMe083 4; ChMM087 6; ChMM087 7; chCOr024 6; ChMM090 7; ChMM149 6; chdouai0151 2; ChMe172 3; ChMe172 4; ChMe172 4; ChMe173 7; ChMM227 4; ChMM227 5; ChMM232 6; ChV0100 14; ChMM275 5; ChMe211 8; chMo262 3; chMo262 6; chMo262 10; ChMe002 10; ChMe002 11, defaloie chHS097 5, defaloient chdouai0021 2; chdouai0022 2; ChMa024 12; ChMa026 10; ChMe054 5; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0066 2; chdouai0195 2; chdouai0290 2; chdouai0400 1; chdouai0436 1; ChMa218 13, defaloist ChMM028 8, defaloit ChMM020 9; ChMM020 10; ChMM020 10; ChMa024 9; ChMM040 13; ChMM040 14; ChMa026 7; chdouai0034 2; ChHM020 7; chdouai0036 2; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0115 2; chdouai0116 2; chdouai0177 37; chdouai0198 2; ChV0092 3; ChV0092 6; ChV0092 7; ChV0092 7; chdouai0218 2; chdouai0283 3; chdouai0283 3; chdouai0288 2; chdouai0306 1; chdouai0308 2; chdouai0390 1; chdouai0404 1; chdouai0405 1; chdouai0427 1; chdouai0438 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0444 1; ChMa211 17, defaloit[…] chdouai0443 1, defalroient chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1, defalroit chdouai0281 2, defalt PetPhilT 243; VoeuxPaonR III,5533, defarrient docJuBe207 7, defarroit ChV0114 8, defaucisse ChMa158 22, defaudroit chCOr023 34; ChMM088 22; chCOr082 7, defaulroit ChMM089 16, defaura chdouai0015 2; ChMe133 6; ChHM206 11, defauroient chdouai0013 2; ChMe054 5; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0466 1; CensToulO 26V°, defauroit ChHM001 51; chMo205 14; chMo212 9; ChMe195 37; chdouai0465 1; chdouai0484 1; chdouai0484 1, defaurra ChMe142 11; ChMM160 10, defaurroient chMa012 8; ChMM178 9, defaurroit chdouai0222 5; ChMe172 6; ChMa209 14; ChMa218 11, defausissent chdouai0106 2; chdouai0465 1, defausist chdouai0127 2; chdouai0401 1; chdouai0464 1; chdouai0464 1, Défausist CartHain, defausistc chdouai0484 1, defaussissient chHM275 77, defaussist ChMM178 9, defaussit chMa104 10; ChMa225 17, defaut chdouai0011 2; chdouai0011 2; chdouai0011 2; chdouai0011 2; chMa012 8; chdouai0031 2; chdouai0039 3; chdouai0054 2; chdouai0140 2; chdouai0149 5; chdouai0160 2; chdouai0218 2; chdouai0223 2; chdouai0267 2; chdouai0281 2; chdouai0304 2; chdouai0328 2; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0484 1; chdouai0484 1; MoamT II,Prol.,7;II,Prol.,7, defaylent (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, defellant ChV0116 6, defellissent chMo242 11, defelloit ChMM115 6, deffaiillir DoonRocheM 3513, deffailanz MenReimsW 186, deffaillant ChHM218 15; chSL 014 20; chSL 021 17; chSL 021 18, deffaillat chJu032 7, deffaillent chSL 054 25; chSL 054 36, deffailliens chHS098 5; chHS098 6, deffaillient chSL 061 12; docJuBe169 12; docJuBe179 13; docJuBe184 12; docJuBe185 12; docJuBe201 11; docJuBe227 12; docJuBe230 14; docJuBe232 12; docJuBe244 16; docJuBe269 14; docJuBe270 13, deffaillions chJu053 19, deffaillir PhilomB 1076; CoutStAmandM I,X,1.; PiérardMons tII,p.167; LicorneG 4109,1141; MirNDPers1-40P III,p.308,17 2001;18537 etc; PassEntreR 4115; [AmphYpP 79; AalmaR 5,333; AalmaR 6867-68; BrézéT; PassTroyB tII,p.1123], Deffaillir LMestL, deffailliront CR 1297 04 30 01 12, deffaillissiemes DocFlandrM, deffaillist docJuBe229 10, deffailliuet chMo034 7, deffailloie ChMa162 21, deffailloient ChHM233 7; chSL 043 14; docJuBe176 7, deffailloit ChHM245 7; chHS098 8; chHS098 9; docJuBe197 25; docJuBe199 5; docJuBe203 12; docJuBe225 16; docJuBe228 12; docJuBe233 11, deffalanz HubertIndre p.10, deffallisiens chJu067 12, deffalloit ChV0033 4, deffaloit ChMM239 5, deffarrai docJuBe182 6, deffarriens docJuBe119 14, Deffaudra BibleMacéP, deffaudront CR 1297 04 30 01 12, deffauroie CoincyI1...K; LionBourgAlK, deffauroient ChMM193 5, Deffausist LMestL, desfail ChMe004 4, desfailleit docJuBe027 32, desfaillent docJuBe208 15, desfailliens docJuBe040 38; docJuBe060 5; docJuBe089 13; docJuBe099 12; docJuBe103 13, desfaillir DialGregEvrS; SEvroulS; [MenagB 47,9], desfailloit docJuBe241 14, desfalir FloreaD, desfalit RuelleChir, desfalliee CoincyII1...K 584 var., desfariens docJuBe072 10, desfarriens docJuBe039 15; docJuBe058 26; docJuBe077 13; docJuBe079 15; docJuBe118 10, desfassient docJuBe124 3, desfauront ChMe227 7, desfellesins docJuBe101 12; docJuBe113 8, desfellet docJuBe097 10, desfellins docJuBe122 11, faut chdouai0474 1)
  • 1o“faire défaut” (GysselingDocAnc p.179;Z.10; GysselingDocAnc p.203,Z.37; GysselingDocAnc p.208,Z.26,29; GysselingDocAnc p.197; GysselingDocAnc p.199; RolB; PsCambrM 63,6; GaimarB 1104,1442; LoisGuillL; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1; FloreaW 90; CommPsia1G XXVI,446;IX,145,190-1;etc; BenTroieC; PhilomB 1076; BenDucF 21783,9973; Aiol1/2F 6097; AlexParA IV, var.; SBernCantG; ContPerc1P A176,T7143,7144; EspDouai 3,p.27,Z.1,4,5,7; EspDouai 3,p.32,Z.19; VillehW; AmbroiseP 2265 et. al.; DoonRocheM 3513; GuillPalMo; PèresPrI5/7S; RègleSBenNicH; SClemW v.14783; WaldefH 10980;19369; BalJosAnS 209; FlorenceW 5041; BalJosCamA 6809; TurpinBrianeS; Bueve1S 3741; BanMetzW; CoincyI1...K; CoincyI1...K; CoincyI41/42R 111*; DocFlandrM; MorPhilP; RenclCarH; DesMarezYpres p.105,Z.23; GuillMarM 6014; CoincyII1...K 584 var.; CoutVerdun1M 41,26; DocAubeC 61-6;124:3-11;87-16;45-14;9-7;58-14;74-10;94-28;95-31;96-29; ModvB2 627,3849; PetPhilT 243; RoselM; TristPrL 194,2; TristPrLaisF 1,XXV,1; Layettes 2,p.219,Z.16,17; DocHMarneG p.3;Z.29,30; DocHMarneG; DocHMarneG 75,19; DocmmSalT 24, 7; DocVosL; DocHainR; AndrContrN XVIII,17; ChRethelS 1,p.102,Z.16; ContGuillTyrSalJ; AntAnW; HubertIndre p.10; BestAmOctT 912; MaugisV 43917; SermMaurpB; BonnardotMetz p.38, v. note; MenReimsW 186; MenReimsW; BrendanPr1W; CoutNormT p103; GilebBernF; GilebBernH S.108,v.2 s. Ag. W; AssJérJIbE 114/27,290/12,401/11,488/24,490/8,501/4,502/11 etc.; VMortAnW 279,8; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; CoutStAmandM I,X,1.; MoamT II,Prol.,7;II,Prol.,7; RegTournB 341,447; CartHain; CartHain; EvEnfB 2281; EvEnfB2; SBath1B; RuelleChir; BeaumCoutS 64,70; BeaumCoutS 1050; BeaumCoutS 85,1577;85; RoisinM; BibleMalkS 8057; JacCambrR II,13,25;V,22; CensToulO 26V°; GlDouaiE1 104; DrouartB; JPrioratR 1154,4106,4482; SThibAlH II763; PiérardMons tII,p.167; SLouisPathMirF XIII25; BibleMacéP; FevresS 55-12;79-1;93-22;113-21;129-4; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 6,13;35,32; VoeuxPaonR III,5533; GeoffrParChronD 736,6857; LicorneG 4109,1141; DébCorpsArrL 313; EntreeT 3992; DialGregEvrS 2069,2463,3153,4083,5363; DialGregEvrS; JVignayOdoT; JVignayEnsK 45; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P III,p.308,17 2001;18537 etc; RenContrR 19250; GuillMachC; LionBourgAlK II682; LionBourgAlK; PassEntreR 4115; SEvroulS; [Bersuire R118,492 n°15; AmphYpL2; AmphYpP 79; FroissEspF1 786; OrdAdmZ; AalmaR 2325; AalmaR 2241; AalmaR 2808; AalmaR 2926; AalmaR 5,333; AalmaR 6867-68; AalmaR 3929; AalmaR 1364; QuatBeatT 239r; DeschQ I,181,210,etc.; MenagB 47,9; EvQuenJe 80,1786;2403; BrézéT; PassTroyB tII,p.1123]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland v. gloss.; BartschChrest 38,69;83,84;etc; BartschHorning 151,41;420,3; HenryŒn; HuntTeach; HuntTeach; SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p.136a, BEC 16,,p.145,Z.7(2x); BPH 767,290; Brüll 69; CarolusCh; CellaGall 387, 388; KellerWace 133b; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; Morlet 41; Morlet 29; Morlet 200; Morlet 88; Morlet 42; MélBoisacq 152; NobelAng p.109; OrelliBibel; Runk p.22; Runk p.159; Runk p.62; Runk p.35; Runk p63; Runk p.72; SinclairBers s.30;s.32; [sigle]; [sigle], TL; TL; TL; TL 2,1272,6; TL 2,1272,6; TL 2,1272,6; Gdf; Gdf 2,454b; GdfC; GdfC 9,287a; GdfC; GdfC 9,287c; ANDEl; MED 2,888a; FEW 3,386b; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 194,223; GlSuisse 5,153b)
  • 2o“commettre une faute” (FloreaD; AssJérBourgmZ; HArciPèresO; CartHain)
  • 3o“mourir” (GysselingDocAnc p.192;Z.8; GysselingDocAnc p.199;Z.11; FloreaK 90; ElucidaireiiiD II54M; HerbomezTourn p.24,Z.6,16; HerbomezTourn p.8;Z.1; HerbomezTourn p.11;Z.16; HerbomezTourn p.26,Z.16; Lemaire p.423,Z.7; DocFlandrM, MantouVoc; MantouVoc; NRevHistDr 4,p.602,Z.7; Runk p.7, DupinLaboulaye)
  • 4o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo006 11; chdouai0003 3; ChMe004 4; chdouai0011 2; chdouai0011 2; chdouai0011 2; chdouai0011 2; chdouai0015 2; chdouai0013 2; ChHM001 51; ChHM001 51; chMo034 7; chMa012 8; chMa012 8; chMo084 3; chMo084 13; ChV0008 6; ChMM018 6; ChMM020 9; ChMM020 10; ChMM020 10; chdouai0021 2; chdouai0022 2; ChMM027 4; ChMM028 8; ChMe037 5; ChMe038 7; ChV0009 5; ChV0033 4; ChMa024 9; ChMa024 12; ChMM040 13; ChMM040 14; chMo115 8; ChMM046 12; ChMa026 7; ChMa026 10; ChMe051 5; ChMM051 6; ChMM051 7; ChMe054 5; ChMe054 5; chdouai0031 2; chHM018 4; chdouai0034 2; ChHM020 7; ChMe066 7; chdouai0035 2; chdouai0036 2; chdouai0039 3; chdouai0040 3; chdouai0040 3; ChHM030 16; ChMe083 4; ChMe083 7; ChMM087 6; ChMM087 7; chCOr024 6; chCOr024 8; chCOr023 34; ChMM088 22; ChMM089 16; ChMM090 7; chdouai0054 2; chdouai0066 2; ChMM115 6; chdouai0079 4; ChMe120 17; chdouai0106 2; chdouai0114 2; chdouai0114 2; ChV0051 10; chdouai0115 2; chdouai0116 2; chdouai0120 2; ChHM075 32; ChHM075 65; ChHM075 100; ChHM075 103; chdouai0127 2; chMa104 10; ChMe133 6; ChMa109 18; chdouai0140 2; chdouai0140 5; ChMM149 6; chdouai0149 5; chMa116 5; chdouai0151 2; chCOr082 7; ChMe142 11; ChMe142 11; chMo205 14; chHM112 7; chdouai0158 2; chMo212 9; chdouai0160 2; ChMM160 10; ChMM178 9; ChMM178 9; ChHM118 11; chdouai0177 6; chdouai0177 37; ChV0079 17; ChMM193 5; ChV0085 16; chdouai0189 2; chdouai0189 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0192 2; chdouai0192 2; chdouai0195 2; ChV0092 3; ChV0092 6; ChV0092 7; ChV0092 7; chdouai0196 1; chdouai0196 1; chdouai0198 2; chCOr123 62; chdouai0218 2; chdouai0218 2; ChMM226 4; ChMM227 4; ChMM227 5; ChMe172 3; ChMe172 4; ChMe172 4; ChMe172 4; ChMe172 6; ChMe173 7; ChV0100 14; ChMM232 6; ChMM239 5; chdouai0222 5; chdouai0223 2; chdouai0224 2; chdouai0224 2; chdouai0224 2; chHS031 5; chdouai0227 2; chdouai0227 2; ChHM170 10; chdouai0231 2; chdouai0231 2; chdouai0232 2; chdouai0232 2; chdouai0235 2; chdouai0235 2; chdouai0238 2; chdouai0238 2; chdouai0229 2; chdouai0229 2; chdouai0230 2; chdouai0230 2; chdouai0260 2; ChHM177 56; chdouai0260 2; ChHM177 68; ChMM255 7; chdouai0262 2; chdouai0267 2; chdouai0267 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0279 2; chdouai0279 2; chdouai0281 2; chdouai0281 2; chdouai0283 2; chdouai0283 3; chdouai0283 3; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0288 2; chdouai0290 2; chdouai0290 2; chdouai0290 2; chdouai0290 4; chdouai0290 5; chdouai0293 2; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0301 2; chdouai0304 2; chdouai0306 1; chdouai0308 2; chdouai0314 2; ChMM264 7; ChMa146 16; chdouai0328 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0340 2; chdouai0344 2; chdouai0345 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0363 2; chdouai0363 2; chdouai0365 2; chdouai0365 2; chdouai0369 2; chdouai0369 2; chdouai0371 2; chdouai0371 2; ChMM275 5; ChMM279 11; chMo242 11; ChMa158 22; ChHM206 11; ChV0114 8; chCOr171 8; chCOr171 9; ChV0116 6; ChMa162 21; ChMe195 37; ChMe195 40; ChMe195 52; chCOr178 19; ChMe196 24; ChHM218 15; chCOr180 20; chMa173 5; chdouai0390 1; chHM227 5; ChMe211 8; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0396 1; ChHM233 7; chdouai0400 1; chdouai0400 1; chdouai0400 1; chdouai0401 1; chCOr200 29; chMo262 3; chMo262 6; chMo262 7; chMo262 10; R 1268 12 32 01 21; chdouai0404 1; chdouai0404 1; chdouai0404 1; chdouai0405 1; chdouai0408 1; chdouai0408 1; ChMe215 6; chJu032 7; ChMe219 11; ChMe219 11; chdouai0414 1; chdouai0414 1; chMa188 7; chdouai0418 1; ChHM245 7; chdouai0427 1; chdouai0430 1; chdouai0431 1; chdouai0431 1; chdouai0432 1; chdouai0429 1; chdouai0429 1; chdouai0430 1; chdouai0436 1; chdouai0436 1; chdouai0436 1; chdouai0438 1; chdouai0438 1; chdouai0440 1; chdouai0440 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chMa198 6; chdouai0444 1; chdouai0444 1; ChMe227 7; chdouai0443 1; chdouai0448 1; chdouai0448 1; ChMa209 14; chdouai0453 1; chdouai0453 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0456 1; ChMa211 17; ChMa211 30; chdouai0464 1; chdouai0464 1; chdouai0465 1; chdouai0465 1; chdouai0465 1; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0468 1; chdouai0468 1; chdouai0474 1; chdouai0474 1; ChMa218 11; ChMa218 13; ChMa219 13; ChMe002 6; ChMe002 7; ChMe002 10; ChMe002 11; chdouai0484 1; chdouai0484 1; chdouai0484 1; chdouai0484 1; chdouai0484 1; chdouai0484 1; chHS056 10; ChMa205 8; ChMa225 17; chHM275 77; chHM275 78; chHS097 4; chHS097 5; chHS098 5; chHS098 6; chHS098 8; chHS098 9; chSL 014 20; chJu053 19; chHS117 13; chHS118 20; chSL 021 17; chSL 021 18; chJu066 8; chJu067 12; chJu084 7; chJu088 5; CR 1295 03 19 01 13; R 1295 03 23 01 17; R 1295 07 17 01 19; R 1296 01 10 01 10; CR 1297 04 30 01 12; CR 1297 04 30 01 12; R 1299 03 26 01 15; chHS131 14; chSL 043 14; chSL 054 25; chSL 054 36; chSL 061 12; docJuBe027 32; chSL 071 12; docJuBe039 15; docJuBe040 38; docJuBe058 26; docJuBe060 5; docJuBe072 10; docJuBe077 13; docJuBe079 15; docJuBe089 13; docJuBe097 10; docJuBe099 12; docJuBe101 12; docJuBe103 13; docJuBe113 8; docJuBe118 10; docJuBe119 14; docJuBe122 11; docJuBe124 3; docJuBe169 12; docJuBe176 7; docJuBe179 13; docJuBe182 6; docJuBe184 12; docJuBe185 12; docJuBe197 25; docJuBe199 5; docJuBe201 11; docJuBe203 12; docJuBe207 7; docJuBe208 15; docJuBe225 16; docJuBe227 12; docJuBe228 12; docJuBe229 10; docJuBe230 14; docJuBe233 11; docJuBe232 12; docJuBe241 14; docJuBe244 16; docJuBe269 14; docJuBe270 13)
Cf. ANDEl: defaillir; DMF2009 défaillir.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defalloir v.
(defalloir ChirPoutrS 2r°; HMondB 122, defaloit HuonAuvbS6 7883, defauderat SJeanAumI 2530; SJeanAumI, defaudre AmDieuK, deffalloient Turpin5Wa, deffaloir ClefD 163)
  • “manquer de” (SJeanAumI 2530; SJeanAumI; Turpin5Wa; AmDieuK; ClefD 163; ChirPoutrS 2r°; HMondB 122; HuonAuvbS6 7883)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defaudre v.
(deffaudre [AmphYpL2], deffauldra PéageChalonb/c/dA 121)
  • “manquer, faire défaut” (PéageChalonb/c/dA 121; [AmphYpL2])
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defaut m.
[TL; TL 2,1274,32; DiStefLoc 232. – Bev 150; Bev 125,147,154; Bev 163; CellaGall 388; KaiserMPol 154; NM 98,199; RLiR 59,330; Runk p.21; SchelerJPreis.⁠]
(default CoutVerdun1M 71,19; RenContrR; [DeschQ VIII,16; AdAiglesB; CoutMerOlaZ; MistHag6S 2697], defaulte RenContrR 3443; ChevPapH 57,27; [DeschQ I,70], defaulz OvMorB 2,p.212,1855, defaus RP 1297 03 32 01 52; RP 1297 03 32 01 64; RP 1297 03 32 01 67; RP 1297 03 32 02 52; RP 1297 03 32 02 64; RP 1297 03 32 02 67; RP 1297 03 32 02 68; JoinvW1 86d, defaut GaceBruléD 6,11; AlNeckUtensH p.243; AssJérRoiG; LancPrK 10.14,111.6;;600.36; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI17R 105; DocAubeC 45-12;74-8;75-25;77-25; LoisGodM p.8,Z.22; RoselLangl; RoselLec; RoselLec; DocHMarneG; HuonR 8007,8783; LeGrandStat p.56,16; Saisna/lB 970; chCOr023 38; ChHM133 16; ChHM133 17; ChHM133 18; RutebF R153; ChHM161 39; chCOr143 26; ChMM264 7; chCOr171 8; chMa173 6; chHM238 14; chHM238 20; chHM241 12; chHM242 11; chHM242 16; ChHM245 7; ChHM253 16; ChHM253 17; ChMa209 5; EtSLouisV; YsLyonF 2977; RT 1275 12 32 01 24; chHS117 6; chHS117 11; chHS117 16; chHS117 18; chHS121 8; chHS121 13; CR 1285 09 32 01 5; chN 003 13; R 1295 03 17 01 8; RP 1297 03 32 01 50; RP 1297 03 32 01 50; RP 1297 03 32 02 50; RP 1297 03 32 02 50; R 1298 10 32 02 106; RC 1300 11 32 01 13; AssSenlis1C p767; GeoffrParChronD; [FroissDitsth/...F 266; AmphYpL; DenFoulB1; FroissPrisF 2339,2697]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 79,101; BartschHorning 420,2; HuntTeach; NoomenFabl t9,332b; PannierLapid c.636, Defaut (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, defaux BanMetzW, defauz RP 1297 03 32 01 68; docJuBe168 122, deffault EspVerlinden 257; CoutStAmandM IV,19;IV,69; docJuBe085 5; docJuBe086 10; docJuBe087 11; MirNDPers1-40P 18,1535;19,403,814;30,268etc.; JDupinMelL 219; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 202; BrézéT; PassTroyB tII,p.1123]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén V171,IX16,170, deffaulx TombChartr1/2/3S, deffaust chN 027 25, deffaut DocAubeC 37-10;67-28;94-34;95-37;96-36; chHM132 6; ChHM171 7; ChHM172 7; ChHM172 7; ChMM262 5; ChMa158 21; ChHM218 16; ChHM263 8; BoüardArchAng S.42; ClefD 164; chJu050 19; Jassemin; chN 004 21; CR 1295 05 25 01 7; CR 1295 05 25 01 8; R 1295 06 23 01 11; CR 1297 04 30 01 11; CR 1297 04 30 01 12; chSL 029 20; chSL 043 23; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 26,38;79,17; chSL 054 26; chSL 059 11; CptRoyM 24,32; chN 012 17; chSL 065 35; chSL 065 36; GeoffrParChronD; chSL 082 108; docJuBe071 14; chN 031 23; docJuBe095 15; docJuBe095 16; docJuBe127 12; docJuBe127 17; docJuBe137 9; docJuBe142 6; docJuBe146 10; docJuBe150 8; docJuBe153 34; docJuBe154 33; ProprChosZ; docJuBe160 6; docJuBe165 7; docJuBe168 116; docJuBe168 121; RegDijon1L; docJuBe176 9; docJuBe179 3; docJuBe188 3; docJuBe203 12; docJuBe216 4; docJuBe252 9; [Bersuire R118,491 n°14,492 n°16; AmphYpL2; AmphYpP 77,78; AalmaR 3249; AalmaR 7172; GaceBuigneB 6206]; (sigles à datations multiples:) SchwanBehrens p.136a; SchwanBehrens 3, DEFFAUT LMestL, DEFFAUTE GuillPalMo, deffauz chSL 054 34; chSL 054 36; docJuBe168 117; docJuBe168 118; docJuBe168 125; docJuBe168 126; [AalmaR 2803], desfa docJuBe249 7, desfai docJuBe249 8, desfait docJuBe138 11; docJuBe138 11, desfault JSQuentO, desfaut chHS070 8; chSL 009 12; RenMontlC 16969; chSL 043 15; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; docJuBe040 37; docJuBe040 38; docJuBe057 14; docJuBe071 20; docJuBe073 7; docJuBe080 8; docJuBe123 21; docJuBe125 20; docJuBe139 10; docJuBe223 9; [docJuBe297 10]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t9,333b, Desfaut [AmphYpL2], desfauz R 1298 10 06 01 71)
  • 1o“ce qui manque” (GaceBruléD 6,11; AlNeckUtensH p.243; AssJérRoiG; GuillPalMo; BanMetzW; LancPrK 10.14,111.6;;600.36; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI17R 105; CoutVerdun1M 71,19; DocAubeC 45-12;74-8;75-25;77-25; DocAubeC 37-10;67-28;94-34;95-37;96-36; LoisGodM p.8,Z.22; RoselLangl; RoselLec; RoselLec; DocHMarneG; EspVerlinden 257; HuonR 8007,8783; LeGrandStat p.56,16; Saisna/lB 970; RutebF R153; LMestL; CoutStAmandM IV,19;IV,69; EtSLouisV; RenMontlC 16969; YsLyonF 2977; BoüardArchAng S.42; ClefD 164; Jassemin; AssSenlis1C p767; JoinvW1 86d; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisi2H 26,38;79,17; JSQuentO; CptRoyM 24,32; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD; OvMorB 2,p.212,1855; TombChartr1/2/3S; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 18,1535;19,403,814;30,268etc.; JDupinMelL 219; RegDijon1L; RenContrR; RenContrR 3443; ChevPapH 57,27; [Bersuire R118,491 n°14,492 n°16; FroissDitsth/...F 266; AmphYpL; AmphYpL2; AmphYpL2; AmphYpP 77,78; DenFoulB1; FroissPrisF 2339,2697; AalmaR 3249; AalmaR 7172; AalmaR 2803; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 202; GaceBuigneB 6206; DeschQ VIII,16; DeschQ I,70; AdAiglesB; CoutMerOlaZ; MistHag6S 2697; BrézéT; PassTroyB tII,p.1123]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 79,101; BartschHorning 420,2; HenryŒn; HuntTeach; NoomenFabl t9,332b; NoomenFabl t9,333b; NyströmMén V171,IX16,170; PannierLapid c.636; SchwanBehrens p.136a; SchwanBehrens 3, Bev 150; Bev 125,147,154; Bev 163; CellaGall 388; KaiserMPol 154; NM 98,199; RLiR 59,330; Runk p.21; SchelerJPreis, TL; TL 2,1274,32; DiStefLoc 232)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chCOr023 38; chHM132 6; ChHM133 16; ChHM133 17; ChHM133 18; ChHM161 39; chCOr143 26; ChHM171 7; ChHM172 7; ChHM172 7; ChMM262 5; ChMM264 7; ChMa158 21; chCOr171 8; ChHM218 16; chMa173 6; chHM238 14; chHM238 20; chHM241 12; chHM242 11; chHM242 16; ChHM245 7; ChHM253 16; ChHM253 17; ChMa209 5; ChHM263 8; chHS070 8; chSL 009 12; RT 1275 12 32 01 24; chJu050 19; chHS117 6; chHS117 11; chHS117 16; chHS117 18; chHS121 8; chHS121 13; CR 1285 09 32 01 5; chN 003 13; chN 004 21; R 1295 03 17 01 8; R 1295 06 23 01 11; CR 1295 05 25 01 7; CR 1295 05 25 01 8; RP 1297 03 32 01 50; RP 1297 03 32 01 50; RP 1297 03 32 01 52; RP 1297 03 32 01 64; RP 1297 03 32 01 67; RP 1297 03 32 01 68; RP 1297 03 32 02 50; RP 1297 03 32 02 50; RP 1297 03 32 02 52; RP 1297 03 32 02 64; RP 1297 03 32 02 67; RP 1297 03 32 02 68; CR 1297 04 30 01 11; CR 1297 04 30 01 12; R 1298 10 06 01 71; R 1298 10 32 02 106; chSL 029 20; RC 1300 11 32 01 13; chSL 043 15; chSL 043 23; chSL 054 26; chSL 054 34; chSL 054 36; chSL 059 11; chSL 065 35; chSL 065 36; chN 012 17; docJuBe040 37; docJuBe040 38; chSL 082 108; chN 027 25; docJuBe057 14; docJuBe071 14; docJuBe071 20; docJuBe073 7; docJuBe080 8; docJuBe085 5; docJuBe087 11; docJuBe086 10; chN 031 23; docJuBe095 15; docJuBe095 16; docJuBe123 21; docJuBe125 20; docJuBe127 12; docJuBe127 17; docJuBe137 9; docJuBe138 11; docJuBe138 11; docJuBe139 10; docJuBe142 6; docJuBe146 10; docJuBe150 8; docJuBe153 34; docJuBe154 33; docJuBe160 6; docJuBe168 116; docJuBe168 117; docJuBe168 118; docJuBe168 121; docJuBe168 122; docJuBe168 125; docJuBe168 126; docJuBe165 7; docJuBe176 9; docJuBe179 3; docJuBe188 3; docJuBe203 12; docJuBe216 4; docJuBe223 9; docJuBe249 7; docJuBe249 8; docJuBe252 9; [docJuBe297 10])
Cf. DMF2009 défaut.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defaute f.
[TL; TL 2,1275,1; Gdf 2,455b; AND; MED 2,890b; FEW 3,386b; FEW 3,386b; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 28; Chastell 171; DupinLaboulaye; GlSuisse 5,158b; LevyTrés; BW5. – BPH 767;18-26;49-41; etc; BPH 767;66,71,101,216,218,253; Bartzsch p169; BehrensBeitr p.136a; BienDire p279; BlangezProv p.71; CarolusCh; CellaGall 388; EpJérN 23,2834; KaiserMPol 41; KaiserMPol 115; KellerWace 133b;244a; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; Morlet 88; Morlet 200; Morlet 200; Mél. E. Perroy S.393; MöhrenLand; MöhrenLand; R 69,190; RLiR 53,p.583; Runk p.165; Runk p.62; Runk p.62; TraLiLi 16-1,564; TraLiPhi 101,82;31,223; WillistonOl 381; ZrP 100; [sigle] 236; [sigle] 164b,2; [sigle].⁠]
(d[e]faute chMo238 19, defalte BrendanW S.191; BrendanW 604,248,1645; WaldefH 353, Defalte MirAgn2K, defate BanMetzW; chMo200 9; FevresS 24-19; FevresS 88b-16;146b-10;142b-2, défauroit (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII,959, defauste JordRufmP, défaut BenTroieC, defaute GysselingDocAnc p.198,Z6(2x); GysselingDocAnc p.208,z.32,33; GysselingDocAnc p.208; GysselingDocAnc p.197; BenTroieC; RouH; BenDucF 39414; ThibMarlyS; SGraalIIJosO; HerbomezTourn p.3,z.22; AmbroiseP 3815; Perl1N; SEust2P 1259; SJeanAumU 1521,etc; YderG; BalJosCamA; Bueve3S 12958; LancPrK 42,38,93,11; LancPrM IV,33,15;VIII,47; Lemaire p.418,z.7; DocFlandrM; GuillVinM III,3; SGraalIVEstP; ChansArtB XXIV; CoincyII10N 122; DocAubeC 6-11; ModvB2 36/6; RoselLangl; RoselLec 8237; TristPrC 107,15;235,5,etc;348,8; TristPrF 14,41;49,28; TristPrG; TristPrL 37,21;64,38; TristPrR; TristPrS; DocHMarneG; DocVosL 32,6;109,19;110,17;114,12; MirourEdmaW 12.23,16,24; SJulPrS 104,1165; BalainL 18; MerlinsP 9,10; MerlinsR 47,3;306,17;516,36; MerlinsR 109,17; MerlinsR 135,19; MerlinsR 138,12; MerlinsR 186,2; MerlinsR 295,41;307,54; MerlinsR 302,8; chMa017 6; ChMM028 10; ChV0033 5; ChMa024 9; ChMa026 7; ChMM041 7; FossierCh 540,p490,470; ChMe051 5; ContGuillTyrA 346; Pères10C; PhNovAgesF 185; chdouai0040 3; ChMe083 7; chCOr023 22; chCOr023 24; AldL 79,17;85;86,6,7,17etc; chdouai0114 2; chdouai0120 2; ChHM083 10; chdouai0151 2; ChMa119 33; RobHoY v.273; ChMe150 9; chMo212 12; ContGuillTyrRothA 614;621; chdouai0181 2; chdouai0182 2; chdouai0188 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0192 2; MirNDChartrK XXXII,131; ChDouai0194 2; chdouai0202 2; chdouai0205 2; BrendanPr1W; CoutNormT p103; HuonabcL ABC425; HuonabcL; HuonSQuentL 24,3888; chCOr129 7; ChMM227 4; ChMM227 5; ChMM232 6; chdouai0227 2; chdouai0229 2; chdouai0230 2; chdouai0231 2; chdouai0232 2; chdouai0235 2; chdouai0238 2; chdouai0260 2; chdouai0262 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0290 2; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0301 2; ChMM252 3; chdouai0306 1; chdouai0308 2; chdouai0314 2; chdouai0322 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0340 2; chdouai0345 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0363 2; chdouai0365 2; chdouai0366 2; chdouai0369 2; chdouai0371 2; ChHM190 7; ChMM281 4; chdouai0379 1; ChHM206 11; ChHM206 14; chHS038 30; chMa161 15; ChMa162 15; ChMM287 5; ChV0111 12; ChV0112 14; ChV0116 7; CensHerchiesM 163,15; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0400 1; chdouai0404 1; chdouai0407 1; chdouai0408 1; chdouai0414 1; ChHM237 53; SecrSecrAbernB; chdouai0431 1; chdouai0432 1; chdouai0436 1; chdouai0438 1; chdouai0440 1; chdouai0443 1; chdouai0448 1; chdouai0453 1; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0472 1; chdouai0480 1; chdouai0480 1; ChMe232 6; ChMe232 6; CoutWinchF 37; AdHalePartN XI,33; RuelleChir; BeaumCoutS 85,86,96,114,etc;1305,1420,1782;654; BeaumCoutS 237,295,etc;396; BougWyffCal; HelcanusN 249; MaccabeS 5685; GlDouaiE1 104; GlDouaiE1 123; R 1289 08 32 02 21; ChaceT; DrouartB 2582,2951; JPrioratR 4321,4394; SoneG 1062; RV 1292 07 25 01 8; SermGuiG Z.649; chJu086 10; R 1295 03 17 01 9; R 1295 03 23 01 17; R 1295 07 17 01 20; R 1296 01 06 02 54; R 1296 01 06 03 54; SLouisPathMirF XVII37;III42; RP 1297 03 32 01 44; RP 1297 03 32 02 44; FevresS; OakBookS; AssSenlis1C p767; JoinvW1 38c,426f; FoukeB 14,19; FoukeH 12.4; NicBozEmpV 300; NicBozMorS 97; JSQuentO; SDieudD; HMondB 11,1320; GeoffrParChronD 1624,981,223c; JCondOisR; CiNDitB2; JVignayOisivG; DébCorpsArrL 339; DialGregEvrS 1922,2238,3374,4726,5660,12518; SGregJeanS; [AalmaR 2802; GaceBuigneB 7103]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 75c,68; BartschHorning 461,16;79,20; PannierLapid E.940; RaynMotets II,p.125; SchwanBehrens 3, Defaute VillehW; LMestL, défaute (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI,83, Défaute JostPletR; CartHain, defautes LoisGuillL; chdouai0149 9; chdouai0149 9; JobB 1817,2102; JobG 1817,2102; SecrSecrPr7B p243, deffaulte FolLancB; SBath1B; ChantRoussW; TombChartr1/2/3S; MirNDPers1-40P 19 443;20 185;IVp.122;36 1411; JDupinMelL 219A,2292; [FierPrM 1370; MenagB 25,26; GrebanP 2480; EvQuenJe 1274; PassTroyB tII,p.1123], Deffaulte (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, deffaute DocFlandrM; chdouai0100 2; MenReimsP 7,201,456; MenReimsW; ChMM157 4; chCOr190 28; chCOr191 29; chCOr191a 32; ClefD 2405,2488,2525; JMeunVégR 74,75; PlacTimT; PiérardMons tII,p.167; CR 1297 04 30 01 9; R 1299 03 26 01 11; R 1299 03 26 01 22; AdvndC 64; AdvndC; CptRoyM 7903; HMondB; docJuBe044 6; docJuBe047 6; BastC 1910; [FroissDitsth/...F 426; ModusT 230,65; AmphYpL2; OresmeSphèreMy 18c; OresmePolM S.124a; GastPhébChasseT 86-11; CoutMerOlaZ], deffaute de preuve AssSenlis1C p767, deffautte docJuBe048 6, desfaute CoincyI1...K 53 var.; DocAubeC 21-8; docJuBe027 31; docJuBe087bis 8; docJuBe123 21, desfautes FossierCh 521, dufaute OakBookS)
  • 1o“défaut, manque” (GysselingDocAnc p.198,Z6(2x); GysselingDocAnc p.208,z.32,33; GysselingDocAnc p.208; GysselingDocAnc p.197; BrendanW S.191; BrendanW 604,248,1645; LoisGuillL; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; RouH; BenDucF 39414; ThibMarlyS; SGraalIIJosO; HerbomezTourn p.3,z.22; VillehW; AmbroiseP 3815; Perl1N; SEust2P 1259; SJeanAumU 1521,etc; WaldefH 353; YderG; BalJosCamA; Bueve3S 12958; BanMetzW; LancPrK 42,38,93,11; LancPrM IV,33,15;VIII,47; Lemaire p.418,z.7; CoincyI1...K 53 var.; DocFlandrM; DocFlandrM; GuillVinM III,3; SGraalIVEstP; ChansArtB XXIV; CoincyII10N 122; DocAubeC 6-11; DocAubeC 21-8; ModvB2 36/6; RoselLangl; RoselLec 8237; TristPrC 107,15;235,5,etc;348,8; TristPrF 14,41;49,28; TristPrG; TristPrL 37,21;64,38; TristPrR; TristPrS; DocHMarneG; DocVosL 32,6;109,19;110,17;114,12; FolLancB; MirourEdmaW 12.23,16,24; SJulPrS 104,1165; BalainL 18; MerlinsP 9,10; MerlinsR 47,3;306,17;516,36; MerlinsR 109,17; MerlinsR 135,19; MerlinsR 138,12; MerlinsR 186,2; MerlinsR 295,41;307,54; MerlinsR 302,8; MirAgn2K; FossierCh 521; FossierCh 540,p490,470; ContGuillTyrA 346; PhNovAgesF 185; Pères10C; AldL 79,17;85;86,6,7,17etc; JostPletR; MenReimsP 7,201,456; MenReimsW; RobHoY v.273; ContGuillTyrRothA 614;621; MirNDChartrK XXXII,131; BrendanPr1W; CoutNormT p103; HuonSQuentL 24,3888; HuonabcL ABC425; HuonabcL; CensHerchiesM 163,15; LMestL; SecrSecrAbernB; CartHain; CoutWinchF 37; JordRufmP; SBath1B; AdHalePartN XI,33; ClefD 2405,2488,2525; RuelleChir; BeaumCoutS 85,86,96,114,etc;1305,1420,1782;654; BeaumCoutS 237,295,etc;396; JMeunVégR 74,75; BougWyffCal; HelcanusN 249; MaccabeS 5685; GlDouaiE1 104; GlDouaiE1 123; ChaceT; DrouartB 2582,2951; JPrioratR 4321,4394; JobB 1817,2102; JobG 1817,2102; PlacTimT; SoneG 1062; PiérardMons tII,p.167; SermGuiG Z.649; SLouisPathMirF XVII37;III42; FevresS 24-19; FevresS 88b-16;146b-10;142b-2; FevresS; OakBookS; SecrSecrPr7B p243; AssSenlis1C p767; AssSenlis1C p767; JoinvW1 38c,426f; FoukeB 14,19; FoukeH 12.4; NicBozEmpV 300; NicBozMorS 97; AdvndC 64; AdvndC; JSQuentO; SDieudD; CptRoyM 7903; HMondB 11,1320; HMondB; GeoffrParChronD 1624,981,223c; JCondOisR; CiNDitB2; JVignayOisivG; DébCorpsArrL 339; DialGregEvrS 1922,2238,3374,4726,5660,12518; SGregJeanS; ChantRoussW; TombChartr1/2/3S; MirNDPers1-40P 19 443;20 185;IVp.122;36 1411; JDupinMelL 219A,2292; BastC 1910; OakBookS; [FroissDitsth/...F 426; ModusT 230,65; AmphYpL2; OresmeSphèreMy 18c; OresmePolM S.124a; AalmaR 2802; GaceBuigneB 7103; GastPhébChasseT 86-11; FierPrM 1370; MenagB 25,26; CoutMerOlaZ; GrebanP 2480; EvQuenJe 1274; PassTroyB tII,p.1123]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 75c,68; BartschHorning 461,16;79,20; HenryŒn; PannierLapid E.940; RaynMotets II,p.125; RecHist XXII,959; RecHist XXI,83; SchwanBehrens 3, BPH 767;18-26;49-41; etc; BPH 767;66,71,101,216,218,253; Bartzsch p169; BehrensBeitr p.136a; BienDire p279; BlangezProv p.71; CarolusCh; CellaGall 388; EpJérN 23,2834; KaiserMPol 41; KaiserMPol 115; KellerWace 133b;244a; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; MantouVoc; Morlet 88; Morlet 200; Morlet 200; Mél. E. Perroy S.393; MöhrenLand; MöhrenLand; R 69,190; RLiR 53,p.583; Runk p.165; Runk p.62; Runk p.62; TraLiLi 16-1,564; TraLiPhi 101,82;31,223; WillistonOl 381; ZrP 100; [sigle] 236; [sigle] 164b,2; [sigle], TL; TL 2,1275,1; Gdf 2,455b; AND; MED 2,890b; FEW 3,386b; FEW 3,386b; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 28; Chastell 171; DupinLaboulaye; GlSuisse 5,158b; LevyTrés; BW5)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMM028 10; chMa017 6; ChV0033 5; ChMa024 9; ChMM041 7; ChMa026 7; ChMe051 5; chdouai0040 3; ChMe083 7; chCOr023 22; chCOr023 24; chdouai0100 2; chdouai0114 2; chdouai0120 2; ChHM083 10; chdouai0149 9; chdouai0149 9; chdouai0151 2; chMo200 9; ChMa119 33; ChMM157 4; chMo212 12; ChMe150 9; chdouai0181 2; chdouai0182 2; chdouai0188 2; chdouai0191 2; chdouai0192 2; ChDouai0194 2; chdouai0202 2; chdouai0205 2; chCOr129 7; ChMM227 4; ChMM227 5; ChMM232 6; chdouai0227 2; chMo238 19; chdouai0231 2; chdouai0232 2; chdouai0235 2; chdouai0238 2; chdouai0229 2; chdouai0230 2; chdouai0260 2; ChMM252 3; chdouai0262 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0290 2; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0301 2; chdouai0306 1; chdouai0308 2; chdouai0314 2; chdouai0322 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0340 2; ChHM190 7; chdouai0345 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0363 2; chdouai0365 2; chdouai0366 2; chdouai0369 2; chdouai0371 2; ChMM281 4; ChMM287 5; ChHM206 11; ChHM206 14; chHS038 30; ChV0111 12; ChV0112 14; chdouai0379 1; ChV0116 7; chMa161 15; ChMa162 15; chCOr190 28; chCOr191 29; chCOr191a 32; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0391 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0400 1; chdouai0404 1; ChHM237 53; chdouai0407 1; chdouai0408 1; chdouai0414 1; chdouai0431 1; chdouai0432 1; chdouai0436 1; chdouai0438 1; chdouai0440 1; chdouai0443 1; chdouai0448 1; chdouai0453 1; ChMe232 6; ChMe232 6; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0472 1; chdouai0480 1; chdouai0480 1; R 1289 08 32 02 21; RV 1292 07 25 01 8; chJu086 10; R 1295 03 17 01 9; R 1295 03 23 01 17; R 1295 07 17 01 20; R 1296 01 06 02 54; R 1296 01 06 03 54; RP 1297 03 32 01 44; RP 1297 03 32 02 44; CR 1297 04 30 01 9; R 1299 03 26 01 11; R 1299 03 26 01 22; docJuBe027 31; docJuBe044 6; docJuBe047 6; docJuBe048 6; docJuBe087bis 8; docJuBe123 21)
Cf. DMF2009 défaute.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
francoit. defautement m.
(defautemant [AttilaS XVI,7625])
  • “faute” ([AttilaS XVI,7625])
fiches par lemme Télécharger
defauteor m.
  • “celui qui commet une faute” (AND)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
agn. defauture f.
(defalture PetPhilT 216)
  • “faute” (PetPhilT 216, AND)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
desfalaire adj.
(defalaire FevresS 239b-23;124-22)
  • “faible” (FevresS 239b-23;124-22)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
desfalance f.
(defalance YsEudeR 16; RestorD, defalançe FevresS 78b-13)
  • “état de celui qui fait défaut” (YsEudeR 16; FevresS 78b-13; RestorD)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
desfalant p.prés. pris comme adj.
(defalant AlexParA IV, var.; FossierCh p.540)
  • “qui fait défaut” (AlexParA IV, var.; FossierCh p.540)
Cf. DMF2009 défaillant.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
esfalir v.
[TL; TL 3,1038,31; TL 3,1038,31; Gdf 3,7c; GdfLex; FEW 3,386b. – ActesMfr10 254; StädtlerGdfLex 254.⁠]
(esfaillir EneasS1 3499)
  • “faire un faux bond” (EneasS1 3499, ActesMfr10 254; StädtlerGdfLex 254, TL; TL 3,1038,31; TL 3,1038,31; Gdf 3,7c; GdfLex; FEW 3,386b)
Cf. DMF2009 effaillir.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faillable adj.
[TL; Gdf III, 698b; FEW III, 386b.⁠]
(faillable [AmphYpL I, I 3; AmphYpL2 371; AmphYpL2])
  • “qui peut tomber en faute” ([AmphYpL I, I 3; AmphYpL2 371; AmphYpL2], TL; Gdf III, 698b; FEW III, 386b)
Cf. DMF2009 faillible.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faillance f.
[TL; Gdf; Gdf III, 698c; ANDEl; AND; DCCarp 194c; FEW III, 386b; BurnellRen II, 249; DupinLaboulaye; LarLFr III, 1862; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – AaImaR 9. 650; CorleyCont1 p160; CorleyCont2; DiekmannSuff 65; KellerWace 76a; MélJung 527; R 80, 110; SammetSuff 12; SchelerJPreis; CorleyCont2; R 102 (1981) 446; R 80, 110.⁠]
(failance HArciPèresO 4076, faillance RaschiLe Ex XIV 11; RaschiO p. 14; RaschiO p. 15; MonGuill1/2C; EneasS1; BenTroieC; RouH II 2220, III 4216, 7132; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p. 304, v. 6403; p. 352, v. 7756; p. 356, v. 7872, etc.; AdamA 269; AdamG3 269; AdamSt 269; RenR; CoucyChansL XXV, 40; GaceBruléD IV, 19; GaceBruléH; ContPerc2lC2 p125; AmbroiseP 1123; 2611; ElesB; BestGuillR 3449; FlorenceW 267; HistAncV 24, 4; 94, 14; 98, 17; 112, 28; Bueve2S; Bueve3S 1286; MoniotArrD XXX, 25; CoincyI1K 53 var.; CoincyI1K 1296 var.; MorPhilP; JErartN XVI 11; SermMaccM 190; HaginL 42b; 45a; JacBaisT V 147; GesteFrancorR 9723, ecc.; GuiNantvProlC 760, 823; [PassTroyB s III 6034]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 7, 97; 22, 65; 83, 178; MontRayn I, 233 etc.; NoomenFabl 34b/A90; 32/42; ProvM 503, faillanche AnsCartA 6 594, faliance RaschiD1 54, 215; RaschiLe, fallance DurmG; JoufrF 3895, fallence (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 962, faylience RaschiD1 54, 29, fayllenci AlexArsM A 97, faillance ProvSalSanI; PBeauvGerJ; GilebBernF; SecrSecrAbernB)
  • 1o“faute, manquement” (RaschiD1 54, 215; RaschiD1 54, 29; RaschiLe; RaschiLe Ex XIV 11; RaschiO p. 14; RaschiO p. 15; MonGuill1/2C; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1; BenTroieC; RouH II 2220, III 4216, 7132; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p. 304, v. 6403; p. 352, v. 7756; p. 356, v. 7872, etc.; AdamA 269; AdamSt 269; AlexArsM A 97; CoucyChansL XXV, 40; GaceBruléD IV, 19; GaceBruléH; AmbroiseP 1123; 2611; PBeauvGerJ; FlorenceW 267; Bueve2S; Bueve3S 1286; DurmG; MorPhilP; AnsCartA 6 594; HArciPèresO 4076; GilebBernF; SecrSecrAbernB; HaginL 42b; 45a; JacBaisT V 147; GesteFrancorR 9723, ecc.; RaschiD1 53, 178; RobDiableL; Rolv41/2G; FevresS 26-23, 41-2, 50b-14, etc.; FevresS 158, 163, 174, 321; OgDanAlC 227; [PassTroyB s III 6034; AttilaS VIII, 906]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 7, 97; 22, 65; 83, 178; MontRayn I, 233 etc.; NoomenFabl 34b/A90; 32/42; RecHist XXII, 962; RecHist XXII, 962, CorleyCont2; R 80, 110; R 102 (1981) 446, LevyTrés)
  • 2o“erreur” (AdamG3 269; RenR; BestGuillR 3449; GuiNantvProlC 760, 823)
    • “doute, incertitude” (MoniotArrD XXX, 25; JoufrF 3895)
  • 3o⁠“?”⁠ (ContPerc2lC2 p125; ElesB; HistAncV 24, 4; 94, 14; 98, 17; 112, 28; CoincyI1K 53 var.; CoincyI1K 1296 var.; JErartN XVI 11; SermMaccM 190; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 503, AaImaR 9. 650; CorleyCont1 p160; CorleyCont2; DiekmannSuff 65; KellerWace 76a; MélJung 527; R 80, 110; SammetSuff 12; SchelerJPreis, TL; Gdf; Gdf III, 698c; ANDEl; AND; DCCarp 194c; FEW III, 386b; BurnellRen II, 249; DupinLaboulaye; LarLFr III, 1862; LevyTrés)
Cf. ANDEl faillance; DMF2009 failllance.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faillee f.
(fallee [GrebanP 28741])
  • “jugement fallacieux” ([GrebanP 28741], TL)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faillement1 m.
[TL; Gdf III, 699c; MED III, 370a; FEW 387b; LevyTrés. – LevyHagin 48c22.⁠]
(faillement ViolB; HaginL 48c, falimant [AttilaS XVI, 293], faliment EnanchetF 21, 27)
  • “faute, manque” (ViolB; EnanchetF 21, 27; HaginL 48c; [AttilaS XVI, 293], LevyHagin 48c22, TL; Gdf III, 699c; MED III, 370a; FEW 387b; LevyTrés)
Cf. DMF 2009 faillement.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faillement2 adv.
[Gdf III, 700a.⁠]
(failement BelleHelR 853b, faillanment MirNDPers1-40P 8 739, faillement DurmG)
  • 1o“d’une manière fautive” (MirNDPers1-40P 8 739)
  • 2o“lâchement” (Gdf III, 700a)
  • 3o“à coup sûr” (DurmG)
  • 4o⁠“?”⁠ (BelleHelR 853b)
Cf. DMF 2009 fallement.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
failler v.
[GdfLex; AND. – ActesMfr10 255; StädtlerGdfLex 255.⁠]
(failler ThomKentF 5586; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 12, 163 ...; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 12, 163 ...; NicBozMorS 9, 165; OvMorB 1, p. 120, 2771; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn II, 195, fayler NicBozCharV)
  • “faillir, manquer” (ThomKentF 5586; CroisRichJ; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 12, 163 ...; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 12, 163 ...; NicBozCharV; NicBozMorS 9, 165; OvMorB 1, p. 120, 2771; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn II, 195, ActesMfr10 255; StädtlerGdfLex 255, GdfLex; AND)
Cf. DMF 2009 failler.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
bourg. faillibilité f.
[TLF; FEW III 386b; LarLFr III, 1862; ActesRegLex.⁠]
(falibilité OvMorB 3, p. 341, 1960)
  • “possibilité de tomber dans l’erreur, dans la faute” (OvMorB 3, p. 341, 1960, TLF; FEW III 386b; LarLFr III, 1862; ActesRegLex)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faillible adj.
[TL; TL; GdfC 9, 592c; TLF; FEW III, 386b; LarLFr III, 1862.⁠]
(falible OvMorB 3, p. 340, 1938, fallible RoselLec 17176)
  • “qui peut tomber en faute” (RoselLec 17176; OvMorB 3, p. 340, 1938, TL; TL; GdfC 9, 592c; TLF; FEW III, 386b; LarLFr III, 1862)
Cf. DMF 2009 faillible.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
pic. flandr. hain. lorr. faillie f.
[TL; Gdf; ActesRegLex. – FSt 32, 437; RLiR 56 (1992) p. 640; RoR 10, 232.⁠]
(falie GautArrErR 1188; ChétifsM 2953; ElieR 926; GautLeuL2 II 92, II 320; BastC 3053; [GodBouillBruxR], falies BibleMalkS 4260, faillie SAudreeS; TristNantS 16263, 16603, faillie, sans f. AliscG p276)
  • 1o“faute, manque” (GautArrErR 1188; AliscG p276; ElieR 926; GautLeuL2 II 92, II 320; SAudreeS; BibleMalkS 4260, FSt 32, 437; RLiR 56 (1992) p. 640; RoR 10, 232, ActesRegLex)
  • 2o“tromperie” (ChétifsM 2953; BastC 3053; TristNantS 16263, 16603; [GodBouillBruxR])
  • 3o⁠“?”⁠ (TL; Gdf)
Cf. DMF 2009 faillie1.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faillif adj.
  • “faible” (ANDEl)
Cf. ANDEl faillif
fiches par lemme Télécharger
francoit. faillison f.
[TL; Gdf III, 701b; FEW 387b.⁠]
(falison [AttilaS V, 426, XI, 1645])
  • “faute, manque” ([AttilaS V, 426, XI, 1645], TL; Gdf III, 701b; FEW 387b)
Cf. DMF 2009 faillison.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
fal m.
[TL. – GlutzMir 27, 1941; HoltusEntrée 172, 174, 321.⁠]
(fal FlorenceW; EntreeT; HuonAuvbS6 8356; RenContrR, faul GuiotProvinsO 147, 579 etc...; RegDijon1L, faula OvMorB p. 271, 1529)
  • “action de tromper” (GuiotProvinsO 147, 579 etc...; FlorenceW; OvMorB p. 271, 1529; EntreeT; HuonAuvbS6 8356; RegDijon1L; RenContrR, GlutzMir 27, 1941; HoltusEntrée 172, 174, 321, TL)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faleor m.
(faleur SGraalIIJosN 3415; SGraalIIJosO)
  • “faute, manque” (SGraalIIJosN 3415; SGraalIIJosO)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
fallee f.
(Fallée HAndH)
  • “faute” (HAndH)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
falloir v.
[TLF; Chastell 200, 216, 282; DiStefLoc 328; KramerGader; LarLFr III, 1874. – BEC 39 (1878) 93; Hassell A 230; Pope; RLiR 30; Runk p. 157; [sigle] 138; [sigle].⁠]
(falloir AlexissH 14, 30, etc.; ArtusS 295, 22; ProprChosZ p. 39; MirNDPers1-40P 8 434, 648; 12 671; 13 1371; etc.; GilMuisK 329a; [AttilaS XIII, 188; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1749; GaceBuigneB 507, 649-50, 841, 1264 etc.], faloir HerbomezTourn p. 14 Z. 5; DurmS 12094; GesteFrancorR 2200, 3528; GeoffrParChronD 887, 2672, etc.; 2938, faurra [FroissBallB], fausissiez CoincyII1K 136 var., fausist AyeB; ChevVivM; LancPrK; TristPrC 1; TournAntW 245; AndrContrN; [GodBouillBruxR; MistHag5S 1093], fausit BalJosPr1M 30, 22; EtSLouisV)
  • 1o“faillir, manquer” (JuiseR; AlexissH 14, 30, etc.; AyeB; ChevVivM; ChevVivM; HerbomezTourn p. 14 Z. 5; BalJosPr1M 30, 22; DurmS 12094; LancPrK; CoincyII1K 136 var.; TristPrC 1; AndrContrN; ArtusS 295, 22; GilebBernF; RutebL; EtSLouisV; GesteFrancorR 2200, 3528; GeoffrParChronD 887, 2672, etc.; 2938; ProprChosZ p. 39; MirNDPers1-40P 8 434, 648; 12 671; 13 1371; etc.; GilMuisK 329a; [ChevCygneBruxM; GodBouillBruxR; AttilaS XIII, 188; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1749; GaceBuigneB 507, 649-50, 841, 1264 etc.; FroissBallB; MistHag5S 1093]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, BEC 39 (1878) 93; Hassell A 230; Pope; RLiR 30; Runk p. 157; [sigle]; [sigle] 138, TLF; Chastell 200, 216, 282; DiStefLoc 328; KramerGader; LarLFr III, 1874)
  • 2o“cesser” (TournAntW 245; GalienD)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faloine f.
[TL; Gdf III, 713b; FEW III, 386 b. – RoquesRég 197; RoquesRég 190.⁠]
  • “tromperie” (RicheutV; RenR, RoquesRég 197; RoquesRég 190, TL; Gdf III, 713b; FEW III, 386 b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
francoit. falois m.
[TL. – HoltusEntrée 100, 160, 321.⁠]
(falois EntreeT 6826)
  • ⁠loc. verb. treire a falois “se tromper” (EntreeT 6826, HoltusEntrée 100, 160, 321, TL)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faloise f.
[TL; Gdf; Gdf III, 713c; Gdf 3, 718c; FEW; FEW 388a; FEW 387b; FEW 3,388a; ActesRegLex. – R; RoquesRég 190; RoquesRég 191.⁠]
(faloise CheviiEspI, Faloise RobDiableL, falose CourtArrF 184; SilenceT2; JerusCont2G; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn I, 233; NoomenFabl t. 5, 46b; CourtArrH, falouse (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.8, 41b, fanlose MorPhilP 3287)
  • “tromperie” (RobDiableL; CourtArrF 184; MorPhilP 3287; CheviiEspI; SilenceT2; JerusCont2G; (sigles à datations multiples:) CourtArrH; MontRayn I, 233; NoomenFabl t. 5, 46b; NoomenFabl t.8, 41b, R; RoquesRég 190; RoquesRég 191, TL; Gdf; Gdf III, 713c; Gdf 3, 718c; FEW; FEW 388a; FEW 387b; FEW 3,388a; ActesRegLex)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
falorde f.
[TL; TL; Gdf III, 713c; Gdf; GdfC 9, 597a; DCCarp 196a; TLF 1311; FEW 388a; FEW V, 467b; Chastell 199; Corom 4, 1163a; BW5; ActesRegLex. – MélDufournet vol III, S. 1320; MélDufournet v. 73, S. 362; RoR 4, 303; RoquesRég 190; TilLex X 1304.⁠]
(fafelourde [DeschQ IX, 51], fallorde SDomM, fallourdes PassEntreR 492, fallourdez PassEntreG 492, falorde CoincyII29Kr 49; RutebTheophF 16; RutebF AU 16; RenγF2, falordes RicheutV; RenR X-XI, 10484, falourde CoincyII9Kr 2085; CourRenF; CourRenF 647, 2989; PanthT; MirNDPers1-40P 19 773; 23 1609; 25 807, favelorde SDomM)
  • 1o“tromperie” (RicheutV; RenR X-XI, 10484; CoincyII9Kr 2085; SDomM; SDomM; RutebTheophF 16; CourRenF; CourRenF 647, 2989; RutebF AU 16; RenγF2; MirNDPers1-40P 19 773; 23 1609; 25 807; PassEntreG 492, MélDufournet vol III, S. 1320; MélDufournet v. 73, S. 362; RoR 4, 303; RoquesRég 190; TilLex X 1304, TL; Gdf III, 713c; Gdf; TLF 1311; FEW 388a; FEW V, 467b; Chastell 199; Corom 4, 1163a; ActesRegLex)
    • “conte, récit burlesque” (CoincyII29Kr 49; PanthT; PassEntreR 492; [DeschQ IX, 51], TL; DCCarp 196a; BW5)
  • 2o⁠“?”⁠ (GdfC 9, 597a)
Cf. DMF 2009 falourde1.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
pic. falordeor m.
[ActesRegLex; ActesRegLex.⁠]
(falourdeur SSagmR 33/93; 50/56)
  • “celui qui trompe” (SSagmR 33/93; 50/56, ActesRegLex; ActesRegLex)
Cf. DMF 2009 falourdeur.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
falorder v.
[TL; Gdf; Gdf III 713c; DCCarp 196a; FEW V, 467; FEW III 388a; ActesRegLex. – RoquesRég 190; SchelerGil.⁠]
(falorder (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 629, 21; MénardFabl IX, 39; MontRayn I, 71; NoomenFabl II, 9 / A 39, falourder TrubertR 1637; TrubertU 1639. 1857; TrubertR; GilMuisK 329a)
  • “tromper” (TrubertR 1637; TrubertR; TrubertU 1639. 1857; GilMuisK 329a; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 629, 21; MontRayn I, 71; MénardFabl IX, 39; NoomenFabl II, 9 / A 39, RoquesRég 190; SchelerGil, TL; Gdf; Gdf III 713c; DCCarp 196a; FEW V, 467; FEW III 388a; ActesRegLex)
Cf. DMF 2009 falourder.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
falordian m.
(falourdian Taille1292G 378)
  • nom d’une personne qui est connue pour ses tromperies (Taille1292G 378)
Cf. DMF 2009 falourdeur.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
falordie f.
[Gdf III, 714a; FEW V 467b.⁠]
  • “tromperie” (FEW V 467b; Gdf III, 714a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
falordiere f.
[Gdf III, 714a.⁠]
  • “endroit où l’on fait des fagots?” (Gdf III, 714a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faloser v.
[TL; ActesRegLex. – MA 102, 227; R 41,210 et note; RoquesRég 190.⁠]
(fauloser RenclCarH)
  • 1o“tromper” (RenclCarH, R 41,210 et note; RoquesRég 190, TL; ActesRegLex)
  • 2o“priver” (MA 102, 227)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
falüe f.
[Gdf 3,714b; DCCarp 196a; FEW 3,386b; [sigle] 3,1618. – TilLex.⁠]
(fallue RenR II-VI; TristNantS 3318, falu Taille1313M 8d; Taille1313M S.47, falue BenTroieC; AlexParA 20) 22; var. t5 introduction; ChétifsM 1573; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 28,141, faulue GerbMetzT v.5659; GerbMetzT 5649)
  • “tromperie, illusion” (BenTroieC; BenTroiemR; AlexParA 20) 22; var. t5 introduction; AlexParA III 5726; RenR II-VI; ChétifsM 1573; GerbMetzT v.5659; GerbMetzT 5649; JerusT; AlexParA II β 20,22 ms. 2em.13es.; AlexParhM 405,29; Taille1313M 8d; Taille1313M S.47; TristNantS 3318; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 28,141, TilLex, Gdf 3,714b; DCCarp 196a; FEW 3,386b; [sigle] 3,1618)
Cf. DMF 2009 fallue.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
francoit. farlore s.
(farlores RenR)
  • “tromperie” (RenR)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faudement m.
[TL. – TilLex.⁠]
  • “tromperie” (TilLex, TL)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faut m.
[TL; Gdf III 734c; FEW III 386b. – SchelerJPreis 1195.⁠]
(faut [AmphYpL2])
  • “manquement” ([AmphYpL2], SchelerJPreis 1195, TL; Gdf III 734c; FEW III 386b)
Cf. DMF 2009 faut.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
faute f.
[TL; Gdf III, 731a; GdfC 9, 604b; AND; ANDEl; MED III, 425 b; MED III, 425b; DCCarp 196 a; DCCarp 197b; TLF; FEW; FEW 389b; AdHaleLexM; Chastell 196, 282, 307; DiStefLoc 330; Foerster; LarLFr III, 1896; LevyTrés. – BCRHist 73 (1904), 254; Hassell p 59; KellerWace 133b; MantouVoc Y. 1307.9 etc.; MantouVoc Y.C.I 527 (1,3); MantouVoc BT Dial 50 232; MantouVoc BT Dial 53 122; MöhrenLand; R 84, 548; R 102 (1981) 446; RLiR 23; 99, N1; SchelerGil II, 4. 13; 83. 25; 273. 23; TraLiLi 16, 564; WampachLux2 p. 233 Z. 30; [sigle].⁠]
(falte CommPsia1G XXX, 348; XXXIV, 306; XXXVIII, 282; YderG 984, 6168, faote FevresS 6b-9, 40b-3, 69b-9 etc-; FevresS 6b-9, 40b-3, 69b-9 etc., faulte ChV0146 14; CoutStAmandM I, XX, 24; SBath1B; [OrdAdmZ 1373; DeschQ I, 292 etc.; MenagB 123, 17; SottiesP II, 152, III, 31, v. 33; 226, v. 252; CoutMerOlaZ; EvQuenJe; FloriantPrL fol. 4 ro.; PassTroyB t II, p. 1136], faute CommPsia1G XXX, 348; XXXIV, 306; XXXVIII, 282; BenDucF 2541, 27639; RègleHospCamS 451; SimFreineGeorgM R. Ph. 418, 1448; VengAlE p120; SGraalIIJosO; SClemW v. 575; SJeanAumU 58, 3180; 5840; AngDialGregP; FetRomF1 229, 11; BalJosCamA; GuillTyrP 108; BanMetzW; LancPrK 304.12; 459.22; LancPrM LII a, 12; LXI a, 81; MorPhilP 5474; chMo021 6; ModvB2 5030; TristPrF 146, 18; DocVosL; DocVosL 83, 8; 171, 9; TournAntW; ChastVergiA 321, 501; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; ImMondeOct2H; BibleParQ XLI, 30; ChV0019 5; ChHM083 7; ChHM083 7; ChMM161 7; ChHM171 9; ChMa211 23; EnfRenC; HerberiePrF1 H I 67; JobB 3107; SThibAlH II 387; PiérardMons t II, p. 173; chJu095 4; R 1299 08 03 01 90; OakBookS II, 70; JoinvW1 3467; ElucidaireSeca/b/h/iR 20 A; GeoffrParChronD 2315; JCondM; JMoteRegrS p. 206, 4447; BelleHelR 855 b; [ModusT 94, 146; DenFoulB1 II 26, 20; III 10, 4; FroissPrisF 532; GastPhébChasseT 2014; LégDorVignBatallD]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 75c, 70; 90c, 48 etc.; BartschHorning 205, 19; HuntTeach I 122; AngDialGregO2 3514, 4574, 5987 etc., FAUTE BibleParQ; LMestL, fautes EstFougK 711; TristPrL 170, 31; chJu066 9; GilMuisK 329a; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII 962, le faute du solel (sigles à datations multiples:) ImMondeOct1 BN fr. 1444, f.212ra)
  • 1o“faute, manque” (CommPsia1G XXX, 348; XXXIV, 306; XXXVIII, 282; CommPsia1G XXX, 348; XXXIV, 306; XXXVIII, 282; EstFougK 711; RègleHospCamS 451; SimFreineGeorgM R. Ph. 418, 1448; VengAlE p120; SGraalIIJosO; SClemW v. 575; SJeanAumU 58, 3180; 5840; AngDialGregP; YderG 984, 6168; GuillTyrP 108; BanMetzW; MorPhilP 5474; ModvB2 5030; TristPrF 146, 18; TristPrL 170, 31; DocVosL; DocVosL 83, 8; 171, 9; TournAntW; ChastVergiA 321, 501; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; ImMondeOct2H; BibleParQ XLI, 30; BibleParQ; LMestL; CoutStAmandM I, XX, 24; EnfRenC; SBath1B; HerberiePrF1 H I 67; JobB 3107; SThibAlH II 387; PiérardMons t II, p. 173; FevresS 6b-9, 40b-3, 69b-9 etc-; FevresS 6b-9, 40b-3, 69b-9 etc.; OakBookS II, 70; JoinvW1 3467; GeoffrParChronD 2315; JCondM; JMoteRegrS p. 206, 4447; BelleHelR 855 b; GilMuisK 329a; [ModusT 94, 146; DenFoulB1 II 26, 20; III 10, 4; FroissPrisF 532; OrdAdmZ 1373; DeschQ I, 292 etc.; GastPhébChasseT 2014; MenagB 123, 17; CoutMerOlaZ; EvQuenJe; FloriantPrL fol. 4 ro.; PassTroyB t II, p. 1136]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 75c, 70; 90c, 48 etc.; BartschHorning 205, 19; HuntTeach I 122; RecHist XXII 962; AngDialGregO2 3514, 4574, 5987 etc., MantouVoc Y. 1307.9 etc.; MantouVoc BT Dial 50 232; MantouVoc BT Dial 53 122; MöhrenLand; R 84, 548; R 102 (1981) 446; RLiR 23; 99, N1; SchelerGil II, 4. 13; 83. 25; 273. 23; WampachLux2 p. 233 Z. 30; [sigle], TL; GdfC 9, 604b; ANDEl; DCCarp 197b; FEW 389b; AdHaleLexM; Foerster; LevyTrés)
    • ⁠loc. subst. faute du soleil “éclipse” ((sigles à datations multiples:) ImMondeOct1 BN fr. 1444, f.212ra)
  • 2o“cessation, fin” (FetRomF1 229, 11; LancPrK 304.12; 459.22; LancPrM LII a, 12; LXI a, 81)
  • 3o⁠“?”⁠ (BenDucF 2541, 27639; BalJosCamA; ElucidaireSeca/b/h/iR 20 A; [SottiesP II, 152, III, 31, v. 33; 226, v. 252; LégDorVignBatallD]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, BCRHist 73 (1904), 254; Hassell p 59; KellerWace 133b; MantouVoc Y.C.I 527 (1,3); TraLiLi 16, 564, Gdf III, 731a; AND; MED III, 425 b; MED III, 425b; DCCarp 196 a; TLF; FEW; Chastell 196, 282, 307; DiStefLoc 330; LarLFr III, 1896)
  • 4o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChV0146 14; chMo021 6; ChV0019 5; ChHM083 7; ChHM083 7; ChMM161 7; ChHM171 9; ChMa211 23; chJu066 9; chJu095 4; R 1299 08 03 01 90)
Cf. ANDEL: faute; DMF 2009 faute.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
fauteor m.
[LarLFr 3, 1896; GdfC 9, 604c; TLF; ANDEl; Baker. – RoseL 10353.⁠]
(fauteur [DenFoulB1 III 4,30; AalmaR 3948])
  • “celui qui favorise, qui excite” ([DenFoulB1 III 4,30; AalmaR 3948], RoseL 10353, GdfC 9, 604c; ANDEl; TLF; Baker; LarLFr 3, 1896)
Cf. ANDEL: fautour; DMF 2009 fauteur.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
fautement adv.
[ANDEl. – R 106 (1985) 142.⁠]
  • “d’une manière fautive” (CroisRichJ, R 106 (1985) 142, ANDEl)
Cf. ANDEL: fautement.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
fauter v.
[TL; MED III, 426b. – Brüll 119; WillistonOl 391.⁠]
  • 1o“manquer” (Brüll 119, TL; MED III, 426b)
  • 2o⁠“?”⁠ (WillistonOl 391)
Cf. DMF 2009 fauter.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
fauture f.
[TL; Gdf; Gdf III, 714b; ANDEl; FEW 390a; Foerster. – MénardRire 719; SammetSuff 99; MedAev 42 (1973) 211.⁠]
(falture AdamA 90; AdamG3 90; AdamN 90; AdamSt 90; PetPhilT 2017, 2116, fauture ErecR 199, 1020; LancPrK 371.20; LancPrM; TristPrC 913/2 var.; DialGregEvrS 21116*, 21137; [AalmaR 5.369])
  • 1o“faute, manque” (AdamA 90; AdamN 90; AdamG3 90; AdamSt 90; PetPhilT 2017, 2116; MerlinM, MedAev 42 (1973) 211, TL; Gdf III, 714b; ANDEl; FEW 390a)
  • 2o⁠“?”⁠ (LancPrM; TristPrC 913/2 var.; ErecR 199, 1020; DialGregEvrS 21116*, 21137; LancPrK 371.20; [AalmaR 5.369], MénardRire 719; SammetSuff 99, Gdf; Foerster)
Cf. ANDEL: fauture.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
mesfalir v.
[Gdf 5,281;c; TL; TL 5,1636,42. – BTDial 50, 228; RLiR 56 (1992) p 491.⁠]
(meffaillir MantouFlandr Y 1319.7, mesfaillir [GaceBuigneB 8672], mesfalie [AttilaS XIII, 12 64])
  • “commettre une faute” (MantouFlandr Y 1319.7; [AttilaS XIII, 12 64; GaceBuigneB 8672], BTDial 50, 228; RLiR 56 (1992) p 491, TL; Gdf 5,281;c; TL 5,1636,42)
Cf. DMF 2009 mefaillir.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
refalir v.
[TL 8, 547; TL 8, 551; Gdf 6,712b; Gdf 6, 711 b; AND 611 b; ANDEl; FEW 3,386b; FEW 3, 386 b 389 a-; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen II 792.⁠]
(Refaillir VillehW, refaillir ProtH; BenTroieC; ViolB 5999; RenContrR 20401; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 417, 34; IpKH)
  • “manquer” (BenTroieC; ProtH; VillehW; ViolB 5999; RenContrR 20401; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 417, 34; IpKH, TL 8, 547; TL 8, 551; Gdf 6,712b; Gdf 6, 711 b; AND 611 b; ANDEl; FEW 3,386b; FEW 3, 386 b 389 a-; BoisvertVilleh; BurnellRen II 792)
Cf. ANDEl: refaillir; DMF 2009 refaillir.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
surfailler v.
[RLiR 27, 279.⁠]
  • “commettre une faute?” (RLiR 27, 279)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
falüer v.
[TL 3,1619; GdfLex; FEW 3,386b.⁠]
  • “tromper” (TL 3,1619; GdfLex; FEW 3,386b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
champ. efate f.
  • “manque” (FevresS 103b-21, 104b-2, ActesRegLex)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
fautise f.
[TL; ActesRegLex.⁠]
  • “faute” (TL; ActesRegLex)
Cf. DMF fautise fautise.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
entrefaille f.
[KellerWace 75b; [sigle].⁠]
  • “manque” (KellerWace 75b; [sigle])
fiches par lemme Télécharger
entrefaillir v.
  • “manquer” (BenDucF 22887; BlancandS 2347; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 961, ANDEl)
Cf. ANDEl: entrefaillir.
fiches par lemme Télécharger
champ. falant adj.
[LevyTrés; ActesRegLex.⁠]
(Falant GlBâleB, falant FevresS 198 b - 4, falanz CommPsia1G 659, 18, falaine FevresS 265-7, 265-1,10; 265b-14, 265b-19, 356b-1, falajjnç RaschiD1 54, 215 + 56, 74)
  • “faible” (RaschiD1 54, 215 + 56, 74; CommPsia1G 659, 18; GlBâleB; FevresS 265-7, 265-1,10; 265b-14, 265b-19, 356b-1; FevresS 198 b - 4, LevyTrés; ActesRegLex)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
sorfalir v.
  • “manquer” (LevyTrés)