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toutes fiches de l’article Télécharger
fiches par lemme Télécharger
fuerre1 m.
[FEW 15,152a lt. FODARTL; TL; TL 4,2331; Gdf; Gdf 4,174c; Gdf 4,175b; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC; AND; AND; AND 320B; AND; DCCarp 200c; DCCarp 200c; DCCarp 204a; DCCarp 206c; DCCarp 208b; Gay 709A, 1180, 1260, 1292; TLF; FEW; FEW 661b; FEW; FEW; FEW 3,659b; FEW; FEW; FEW 3,659b; FEW 15,152a; Chastell 3; DiStefLoc 345; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; KramerGader; LarLFr 3, 1932; LexMA 1,359; LevyTrés; BW5; BW5; LevyTrés. – BTDial 18,362; Brüll 131; CoincyII34L820; CorleyCont1 p166; CorleyCont2 KS24151; FaresS; FennisGal S. 917; Hassell B 10; LevyHagin cf. supra, p. 44; LiP 76, 22; MensReimsW; Morlet 253; MöhrenLand; Pope 25, 227, 496, 298, 525, 550, 551, 553, 637, A.N. 1156; PorstinvII 3731; R 77, 376, 379; Runk p. 42; Runk p.129; SchelerJPreis 38386etc.; SchelerJPreis 29554; SternbergWaffen 42; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] p.109; [sigle].⁠]
(feure Aiol1/2F *228, 781; Aiol1/2F 1483; Aiol1/2N 228, 780; FloovB; ChevVivM; JerusCorbG 907; JerusCorbG; CoutStAmandM I, XV, 7; II, VII, 49; BelleHelR 856a; GalienD; [AmphYpL2; AttilaS VI, 954; GaceBuigneB 2612, 8819; GlLilleS 112b], Feure RobDiableL, feures BrendanPr1W, feurre RouH; ChevBarBloisB; CheviiEspI; MaugisV; MaugisV; HaginL 13d; CharroicL; CharroidL gam. 415b. 92; CptRoyM; SGregJeanS; ChirChevP p. 414; RenContrR; GalienD; TristNantS 10975; [GodBouillBruxR; ProstInv 1976; AalmaR 11, 835; FierPrM 391; MenagB 101, 16*]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén, Feurre (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, foeurre RenContrR, foire HectP, foraies AliscmH 593, fore CoincyII1...K 342var; MaugisV 5479; 5677; RenContrR 32722; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I 21, forre BenDucF 24467; FergF 1690; CharroicL, foure PiérardMons; [PortBooksS 10,108], fourre FloovA 993; FloovB 993; SoneG, fuer (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest, fuer(r)e MaccabGautS, fuere ProtH; GarLorrP I,272; ChevCygnePropN p.1556; RCambrM; RCambrM; DoonRocheM 1668; DolopL; GodinM 18 177; AldL 20; CensHôtProvinsM 563; CensToulO 13; AttilaPrB; LionBourgAlK 2742; [GodBouillBruxR], fuerre CharroiM 855; FloreaL 1242; FloreaW 1242; BenTroieC; HornP 0 5037; RouH III,2175 App 310; BenDucF 4846; BenDucM I,p.175,v.2682; RenR II-V; AubereeL 200; ChevEspJ Ch603; EscoufleM 295b, 3011,5004; EscoufleS 3011,5004, 6893; AmbroiseP 3669; NarbS 3859; AimeriD 225; Bueve2S 2094,9500,16069; Bueve3S 801,4320,12428 etc; GuillTyrP 34; LancPrM XIV,6;XIVX,6;XXXVIX,35; CoincyI11V 1218, 1217; GuillMarM 1126; BesantR 1991; TournAntW; ContPerc4tO; ContPerc4tO 14178,15703; EustMoineC 870; EustMoineF; ParDuchP *1333,1418; chMa009 6; ChMa010 7; ChMa011 7; chMa013 7; HuonR 4040; JoufrF 812; MenReimsP 253,466; YonM 1492,2797; MirNDChartrK XXIII; JMeunVégR 52,61; ChevFustSa 1530; JPrioratR 2817,3559; PiérardMons tII,p.176; BodelFablN II,55,85; IX,104; Fauvel2L 1592; FauvainL 16; FauvainL v.16; MirNDPers1-40P 33 1574,1579; [FroissDitsth/...F 83; BerinB 501; GastPhébChasseT; EvQuenJe 620]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 8,52;9,52;8,95; MontRayn I,156 etc; NoomenFabl t9,341a; NoomenFabl t8,418; NoomenFabl t5,467; NyströmMén, Fuerre VillehW; HAndH; ChevFustSa; EvastL; (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg, FUERRE LMestL, füerre SEvroulS, Fuerre1 (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, furre CptRoyF 27467)
  • 1o“fourrage” (CharroiM 855; FloreaL 1242; FloreaW 1242; BenTroieC; HornP 0 5037; RouH III,2175 App 310; RouH; BenDucF 4846; BenDucF 24467; BenDucM I,p.175,v.2682; Aiol1/2F *228, 781; Aiol1/2F 1483; Aiol1/2N 228, 780; ProtH; GarLorrP I,272; RenR II-V; ChevCygnePropN p.1556; FloovA 993; FloovB; FloovB 993; RCambrM; RCambrM; RobDiableL; AubereeL 200; ChevEspJ Ch603; ChevVivM; EscoufleM 295b, 3011,5004; EscoufleS 3011,5004, 6893; VillehW; AmbroiseP 3669; DoonRocheM 1668; NarbS 3859; AimeriD 225; Bueve2S 2094,9500,16069; Bueve3S 801,4320,12428 etc; FergF 1690; GuillTyrP 34; ChevBarBloisB; LancPrM XIV,6;XIVX,6;XXXVIX,35; DolopL; CoincyI11V 1218, 1217; GodinM 18 177; JerusCorbG 907; JerusCorbG; GuillMarM 1126; BesantR 1991; CoincyII1...K 342var; TournAntW; CheviiEspI; ContPerc4tO; ContPerc4tO 14178,15703; EustMoineC 870; EustMoineF; HAndH; ParDuchP *1333,1418; HuonR 4040; JoufrF 812; MaugisV; MaugisV; MaugisV 5479; 5677; AldL 20; MenReimsP 253,466; YonM 1492,2797; MirNDChartrK XXIII; BrendanPr1W; CensHôtProvinsM 563; LMestL; MaccabGautS; CoutStAmandM I, XV, 7; II, VII, 49; HaginL 13d; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroidL gam. 415b. 92; JMeunVégR 52,61; ChevFustSa; ChevFustSa 1530; CptRoyF 27467; CensToulO 13; AttilaPrB; EvastL; JPrioratR 2817,3559; SoneG; PiérardMons tII,p.176; PiérardMons; BodelFablN II,55,85; IX,104; HectP; CptRoyM; Fauvel2L 1592; FauvainL 16; FauvainL v.16; SGregJeanS; ChirChevP p. 414; MirNDPers1-40P 33 1574,1579; RenContrR; RenContrR; RenContrR 32722; AliscmH 593; BelleHelR 856a; GalienD; GalienD; LionBourgAlK 2742; SEvroulS; TristNantS 10975; [GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; FroissDitsth/...F 83; ProstInv 1976; AmphYpL2; AttilaS VI, 954; BerinB 501; AalmaR 11, 835; GaceBuigneB 2612, 8819; GastPhébChasseT; FierPrM 391; MenagB 101, 16*; PortBooksS 10,108; GlLilleS 112b; EvQuenJe 620]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 8,52;9,52;8,95; DouëtNArg; HenryChrest; HenryŒn; HenryŒn; HuntTeach I 21; MontRayn I,156 etc; NoomenFabl t9,341a; NoomenFabl t8,418; NoomenFabl t5,467; NyströmMén; NyströmMén, BTDial 18,362; Brüll 131; CoincyII34L820; CorleyCont1 p166; CorleyCont2 KS24151; FaresS; FennisGal S. 917; Hassell B 10; LevyHagin cf. supra, p. 44; LiP 76, 22; MensReimsW; Morlet 253; MöhrenLand; Pope 25, 227, 496, 298, 525, 550, 551, 553, 637, A.N. 1156; PorstinvII 3731; R 77, 376, 379; Runk p. 42; Runk p.129; SchelerJPreis 38386etc.; SchelerJPreis 29554; SternbergWaffen 42; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] p.109, TL; TL; TL 4,2331; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 4,174c; Gdf 4,175b; GdfC; AND; AND; AND; AND 320B; DCCarp 200c; DCCarp 200c; DCCarp 204a; DCCarp 206c; DCCarp 208b; Gay 709A, 1180, 1260, 1292; TLF; FEW; FEW 661b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 3,659b; FEW 3,659b; FEW 15,152a; Chastell 3; DiStefLoc 345; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; KramerGader; LarLFr 3, 1932; LexMA 1,359; LevyTrés; BW5; LevyTrés; BW5)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMa009 6; ChMa010 7; ChMa011 7; chMa013 7)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forrel m.
[TL; Gdf; Gdf 4,93c; AND 323b; AND 323b; DCCarp 200c; FEW 15,153b. – MLR 88,590.⁠]
  • “fourrage” (BenDucF 24467; BibleHolkP 53,15; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 163,54,56; HuntTeach II 161; HuntTeach II 56, MLR 88,590, TL; Gdf; Gdf 4,93c; AND 323b; AND 323b; DCCarp 200c; FEW 15,153b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forrier m.
[TL; Gdf; Gdf 4,94c; GdfC 653a; GdfLex; MED III,781b; DCCarp 208a; DCCarp 206c; DCCarp 208b; TLF; FEW 3,659b; FEW 3,639b; FEW 3,659b; FEW 3, 726a; FEW 15, 154b; Chastell 244; DiStefLoc 377; DupinLaboulaye; Fur 1690. – ActesMfr10 256; Brüll 127; ConstansThebes 9544; Katara; KellerWace 267a; NobelAng p.137; R 77,364; R 95,361; StädtlerGdfLex 256; ZrP 75,364; [sigle].⁠]
  • “celui qui a soin du fourrage ” (CourLouisL1; MonGuill1/2C 251; FloreaD; FloreaK 29; FloreaW 79; ThebesC; BenTroieC; Aiol1/2N 610; AlexParA II(β80)15; AlexParA II, 186,50,1154-55; AlexParA II (ß44) 1300; AlexParA II, 150,1,17; AlexParA II, 154,8,126.1; AlexParA I var. 105, 2192; AlexParA II (β 8) 126.1; AlexParA II2722; GarLorrI; GarLorrP I, 165; MonRaincB 1634; PriseOrabR1; RCambrM; RCambrM; BodelNicH 129; HValL 515,518,528; VillehW; AmbroiseP 7239, 7245; GuibAndrC 1096; GuibAndrM 1125; NecrArrB; NecrArrB S. 115c; NecrArrB s.115c; HervisH; MortAymC 776; YderG 1444; AnsMetzS1 390,7 var.; AnsMetznG 8434 - 13111 - 13114; Bueve1S 1679, 5025; Bueve2S 11978; Bueve3S 13865; GuillTyrP; LancPrK 3.22; CoincyI1...K; GodinM; GodinM 12298,12816; OrsonP 2557; RenclCarH; CoincyII1...K 368 var; CheviiEspI; ParDuchP 2458, 2471, etc.; CourLouiscLe; CristalB 5341; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 4241,4243,4268,4272; MaugisV 5738; Saisna/lB 1017; ThebesR 6471, 6927; MenReimsP 94; MenReimsW 94; YonM 703, 993; MaccabGautS; GlDouaiE1 111; JPrioratR 3349; JerusCont2G; Taille1292G 7,36,47,48,88,168; ImpArtB; Taille1296M 50,105,129,177; Taille1297M 183; Taille1297M 91; Taille1297M 115,161,333,242,226 passim; Taille1297M 3; Taille1313M; Taille1313M 23b; Taille1313M 126; Taille1313M 53; Taille1313M; Taille1313M 9d; Taille1313M 38b; Taille1313M s.207; Taille1313M s.7; Taille1313M s.45; Taille1313M 1d, 24e,45a2; Taille1313M 8c; CptRoyM 7896, 12516-8; MirNDPers1-40P 32, 2072; BelleHelR 858b, 14865; LionBourgAlK 9280; SEvroulS; [GodBouillBruxR; BerinB 519,520; JPreisMyrG 5226, 5230], ActesMfr10 256; Brüll 127; ConstansThebes 9544; Katara; KellerWace 267a; NobelAng p.137; R 77,364; R 95,361; StädtlerGdfLex 256; ZrP 75,364; [sigle], TL; Gdf; Gdf 4,94c; GdfC 653a; GdfLex; MED III,781b; DCCarp 206c; DCCarp 208a; DCCarp 208b; TLF; FEW 15, 154b; FEW 3, 726a; FEW 3,659b; FEW 3,639b; FEW 3,659b; Chastell 244; DiStefLoc 377; DupinLaboulaye; Fur 1690)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
deforeter v.
[ActesMfr10 248; StädtlerGdfLex 248.⁠]
  • “priver de fourrage” (ActesMfr10 248; StädtlerGdfLex 248)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
deforré p.p.
[Delisle 728a.⁠]
  • “qui est privé de fourrage” (Delisle 728a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forrage m.
[TL; TL; Gdf 4,93b; Gdf 9,642a; GdfC; AND; MED 3,710a; DCCarp 212a; TLF; FEW 15,152b; FEW 3,659b; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Corom 4,1163a; DiStefLoc 377; LevyTrés. – CarolusCh; Guinet; KellerWace 267a; MélWathWill 25, 32; MöhrenLand; R 97,427; R 71,255; Runk 42.⁠]
(forrage BenDucF 31807, 37557; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 31/41, forrages (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 8,417, forraiges DocVosL 112,12, forrasge RouH III,4835, fourâche AubereeE p144, fourage LongnonDoc 524G, fouragi (sigles à datations multiples:) TrouvBelg2, fouraige CensToulO 9v°,10,10v°, fourrage HValL 515; Turpin5Wa; EspVerlinden 194-195, fourraige [DeschQ V 161]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén IV 3, VIII 89)
  • “fourrage” (RouH III,4835; BenDucF 31807, 37557; AubereeE p144; HValL 515; Turpin5Wa; DocVosL 112,12; EspVerlinden 194-195; LongnonDoc 524G; CensToulO 9v°,10,10v°; [DeschQ V 161]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 31/41; NoomenFabl 8,417; NyströmMén IV 3, VIII 89; TrouvBelg2, CarolusCh; Guinet; KellerWace 267a; MélWathWill 25, 32; MöhrenLand; R 97,427; R 71,255; Runk 42, TL; TL; Gdf 4,93b; Gdf 9,642a; GdfC; AND; MED 3,710a; DCCarp 212a; TLF; FEW; FEW 15,152b; FEW 3,659b; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Corom 4,1163a; DiStefLoc 377; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forragier v.
[TL; GdfC; AND; AND; MED 3,710b; DCCarp 208b; TLF; FEW 3,659b. – FM 49,247; FM 49,247; MöhrenLand; RLiR 56,634; [sigle]; [sigle].⁠]
  • “donner à manger aux bêtes du fourrage” ([DeschQ II 231], FM 49,247; FM 49,247; MöhrenLand; RLiR 56,634; [sigle]; [sigle], TL; GdfC; AND; AND; MED 3,710b; DCCarp 208b; TLF; FEW 3,659b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forrageor m.
[TL; GdfC; TLF; FEW 3,659b. – FM 49,247; FM 49,247; [sigle].⁠]
  • “forrageur” (FM 49,247; FM 49,247; [sigle], TL; GdfC; TLF; FEW 3,659b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forreor m.
[Gdf 4,93c; AND; AND; MED 3,781b; MED 3,781b; FEW 15,154b. – R 77,364.⁠]
  • “forrageur” (EspVal 39-3; 42-27; 44-25; 45-19, R 77,364, Gdf 4,93c; AND; AND; MED 3,781b; MED 3,781b; FEW 15,154b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forrer v.
[TL; Gdf 4,93c; Gdf 4,94b; Gdf 4,94b; GdfC; AND; AND; MED 3,781a; MED 3,947a; MED III, 781a; MED III, 947a; DCCarp 208b; Gay 741a; TLF; FEW; FEW 15,154b; FEW 3,659; Chastell 21,264; Foerster; GdfMat; GuiraudObsc 296; BW5; LevyTrés. – GossenGramm 204; KahaneByz III a 28; Katara 481; R 74,107; R 87,414; RoquesRég 224.⁠]
  • “fourrager, aller au fourrage” (BenDucF 37537; GarLorrI; PrêtreJeand/yG 604; ContPerc1P T 1254, 14561; FetRomF1; YderG; Bueve3S 4585,10039; GuillTyrP 326; GodinM 18614; ParDuchP 630; CesTuimAlC 2205, 4189, 7945, 8025, 8044, 8085; EspVerlinden 247; MaugisV 5699; SimPouilleaB 2059; AttilaPrB; BibbO 321; RenNouvR 884; SoneG 18531,20229; JoinvW1; TristNantS 4593; [GodBouillBruxR; BerinB 517; GastPhébChasseT 22 13D]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 573,23; HuntTeach II,153; RecHist XXI 185; ReidFabl, GossenGramm 204; KahaneByz III a 28; Katara 481; R 87,414; R 74,107; RoquesRég 224, TL; Gdf 4,93c; Gdf 4,94b; Gdf 4,94b; GdfC; AND; AND; MED III, 781a; MED III, 947a; MED 3,781a; MED 3,947a; DCCarp 208b; Gay 741a; TLF; FEW 15,154b; FEW 3,659; FEW; Chastell 21,264; Foerster; GdfMat; GuiraudObsc 296; LevyTrés; BW5)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forrerie f.
[TL; Gdf 4,94b.⁠]
  • “office de fourrier” (CptRoyF 25740, 25748, 25921, TL; Gdf 4,94b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forreüre f.
[TL; Gdf 4,94b; FEW 15,155a; FEW 3,659b.⁠]
  • “provision” (TerrEvêqueH S.161; ChevPapH 30,24, TL; Gdf 4,94b; FEW 15,155a; FEW 3,659b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forriere f.
[TL; TL; Gdf 4,95a; GdfC 653a; TLF; FEW 3,659b; FEW; FEW; FEW 660a; DupinLaboulaye; LexMA 5,140. – Bev 112; Bev 112; Delisle 113; Morlet 256; Runk p.42.⁠]
  • “bâtiment d'une grande maison où l'on renferme le bois et diverses provisions” (Aiol1/2F 611, *10474; Aiol1/2N 10472; AlexParA Bd.s,p.247; DocHMarneG 275,12; CptRoyF; Taille1297M 286; Taille1313M; CptRoyM 14033; CptRoyM 14352; CptRoyM 12741,12772,14523; MaillartR 2550; [DeschQ V,84,85,86], Bev 112; Bev 112; Delisle 113; Morlet 256; Runk p.42, TL; TL; Gdf 4,95a; GdfC 653a; TLF; FEW 3,659b; FEW; FEW 660a; FEW; DupinLaboulaye; LexMA 5,140)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forroiier v.
[TL; AND; LevyTrés; LevyTrés.⁠]
  • “donner du fourrage aux bestiaux” (CheviiEspF 9600, TL; AND; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
forrour m.
[FEW 3,659b.⁠]
  • “fourrageur” (FEW 3,659b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
esforrer v.
  • “tirer du fourreau” (LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
aforragement m.
  • “action de donner du fourrage aux bestiaux” (MöhrenLand)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
aforrager v.
[TL; DG; TLF; FEW 3,659b; LarLFr 1,84. – MöhrenLand.⁠]
  • “donner du fourrage aux bestiaux” (MöhrenLand, TL; DG; TLF; FEW 3,659b; LarLFr 1,84)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
aforrer v.
[TL; Gdf; DC; TLF; FEW 3,659b; FEW 15,153b. – SchelerJPreis 26106.⁠]
  • “donner du fourrage aux bestiaux” (RaschiD1 54, 16; RaschiD1 54, 16; ChastPereaH; ChastPereaM; GilMuisK I,296,21;349,8; 309b, SchelerJPreis 26106, TL; Gdf; DC; TLF; FEW 3,659b; FEW 15,153b)