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langue f.
[FEW 5,358a lt. LINGUA – TL; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf IV 714c; Gdf IV 716c; AND 378a; AND 378a; AND 378a; AND 378a; MED V, 644a; MED V, 644a; MED V, 643a; MED V, 643b; MED 2, 210b; Lac VII 136b; Lac VII 144a; Lac VII 144b; DCCarp 248c; DCCarp S.127; DCCarp 249c; DCCarp 249c; Gay 2, 70a, 1322, 1327, 1360, 1364, 1370; Gay; FEW; FEW 25, 472a; FEW V 358a; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Chastell 76; DiStefLoc 474; DiStefLoc 474; DiStefLoc 472; Foerster; GdfMat Suppl 10, 62c; KramerGader; BW5; LevyTrés. – BPH 1960, 768, 138; Bev 23; BormannJagd; BraultBlazon gloss. 225; BraultBlazon gloss. 225; ContPerc1R E2075; FennisGal S. 1121; FrbL; GuggenbühlArs p. 106; Hassell C 180 + L 9, 11, 12; HuntPL p. 88; HuntPl p. 98; HuntPl p. 208, p. 18; HuntPl p. 211; HuntPl p. 57; KaiserMPol 101; KaiserMPol 101; KitzeRoss 156; KollLangue; LITTokyo 48; LabordeGl 296ff.; MA 66, 1960, 428; Messelaar; Messelaar 34, 106; MélHeinimann; MélRychner 85-91; MénardRire 450, 451; MénardRire 473; MénardRire 606; PachnioTaille S. 28; Pck II; R 80, p. 140; 82, p. 269; 84, p. 281, 420; R 77, p. 88; RF 976b; RF 10, S. 977a; RF 10, S. 976b; RLaR 197, 431; RLiR 45, 499, 500; RLiR 19, 119, 125; RLiR 25, 281; RlFl Bd. 9, 93; RlFl Bd. 8, 71; RlFl Bd. 8, 75; RlFl Bd. 8, 75; RlFl Bd. 8, 77; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; RlFl Bd. 8, 87; RlFl Bd. 9, 189; RlFl Bd. 9, 189; RlFl Bd. 9, 189; RlFl Bd. 8, 71; RlFl Bd. 8, 75; RoPh 26, 469; SchelerJPreis 3009; SchulzeBusProv 662, 1014; TilGlan; ZfSL 86, p. 246; ZrP 97, 1981, 440; ZrP 97, 1981, p. 647; ZrP 77, 184ff.; ZrP 97, 1981, 647; ZrP 97, 1981, 647; ZrP 97, 1981, p. 647; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] 58, 105, 115, 117, 124, 164, 177; [sigle] 30; [sigle] 49, 67, 156; 12, 14, 21, 78, 163, 181.]
(lai(n)gue SecrSecrPr7B p253, laingue MenReimsP 281,409; MenReimsW v. gloss.; MédLiégH 756; JoinvW1 386c,508b; EntreeT 15 543; [JPreisMyrG 2263,6261,2293], lang AmDieuK Chr. 151, Gos. 222; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed Gloss Chap 5, 14, lange CommPsia2G XXIX, 314; BenDucF 666, 5439; MarieFabB; SGillesP 3587; RenR VII-IX, 6821, 6924; RenR XII-XVII, 13284; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 780, 782; S.G. 1538; SimFreineGeorgM 1538; ChevCygneNaissT 310, 3136; VengRagF 471; ChGuillI 464; FetRomF1 488, 25; BalJosPr1M 86, 28; CoincyII30/31J 811; ViolB 3317; ChirRogH f° 240r°; ChirRogH f° 277r°; EdConfCambrW 2942; AmDieuK Gos. 679, see note 679; HArciPèresO 3907; AldL 55, 7; CompRalfH v. 57; VMortAnW 27,7; 183,1; AttilaPrB; NicBozMorS 91; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 9, 344b, 113 74, langhe GilChinP 1181; JobB 682; JobG 682, 1177, 2507, 45; EspVal 102-4; 169, 17-18; 285, 24, 27; 293, 9, 11; 300, 15; JCondM, langre MoamT I, 22, 2, langue LapidalS 122, 452, 1176, 1462; LapidffS 622A; GrantMalS2 117e; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 6746; HornP O 4901; PhilomB 131, 150, 54, 1130; BenDucF; EructavitJ 240; MarieFabW 30, 16, 31; 94, 20; EructavitJ; AimonFlH 874. 2588.; TristBérG 3886; FolTristOxfH 420; BodelNicH 205, 649, 657; ElucidaireiiiD II 9 M; V, 43b; GuiotProvinsO 828, 2399; SGenB 3414; BibleGuiotW; VengRagF 4180; BestGuillR 1595; ChGuillI; ChGuillSd 280, 1295, 1300, 464, 319; FlorenceW 341b, 1140, 1346, 2025; LancPrK 560.24; 52, 15; OmbreB2 14; RenclCarH; ChansArtB III, 91, XII, 19, V, 40, XXII, 59; CoincyII30/31J 811; TournAntB 748; TournAntW 16, 2329; ArtusS 13, 26; 88, 40; RobGrethEvA; SermMaccM 197; GlGlasgE 156b; LSimplMedD; LSimplMedD; AnticlC 337, 2399; InvEudesC 192, 206; BrunLatC; HaginL 35c; 41c; JordRufmP; BaudCondS p535; ClefD 304, 3361; SidracH p. 203; GlDouaiE1 107; ChirPoutrS; FevresS; FevresS; FevresS; NicBozCharV; AssSenlis1C p768; ChaceOisi2H 61, 3; PamphGalM 1874, 1158, 1874*; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisiM; JSQuentO; GeoffrParChronD 4446, 1187, 4447; SJeanBaptOct1G 1611; DébCorpsArrL 63; MirNDPers1-40P 22 426; InvJPreslD S. 94; TristNantS 10875, 21412; [AmphYpL2; AalmaR 1071; AalmaR 1829; GlLilleS 87b; GrantHerbC S. 89, n° 83; GrantHerbC S. 129, n° 279; GrantHerbC S. 129, n° 280; GrantHerbC S. 129, n° 281; BrézéT; LAnnePlantC 269; LAnnePlantC 139]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed Gloss Chap 4, 393; BartschChrest 16, 26; 34, 374; 48, 31; 73, 30; BartschHorning 57, 3; 247, 5; DouëtNArg 58, 59; HuntTeach I 411; ProvM 662, 1014-1016, 1039, 1964; StimmingMot, langues AlexParA var. 100, 2090 t. 3, 279; TristPrnB X/10/28; Saisna/lB 1040, 4036 (L); ChMe112 5; RestorD; JMoteVoieP 1445, 3630; [ArmArgM 1359], lanwe ChansArtB, launge LapidapS 79; j79N; ApocGiffR 1005, 2589, 2925, leingue ErecR 3110,3717; CligesM 334,4343, lenge SJeanAumU 5598; SJeanAumU 5598; SJeanAumI; FevresS 24b-24; SecrSecrPr7B p253; AliscmH 1541; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II96,109,163,52, lenges (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II93,121,71, lengne [GastPhébChasseT], lengue LapidffS 201,622(corr.),734,814,816; BenTroieC; ErecR 2211; AntAnW 6,9; LSimplMedD; JAntRectD 261; BibleMacéV 8788,8814,8818; JoinvW1; OgDanAlC 1453; MirNDPers1-40P 8 1118; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid A201,622,734,814,816, lengue surie RaschiD2 632, ligua, s. FevresS 189b-21, 368-7, ligua çervina, s. FevresS 248b-15, 217b-5, etc., lingua auseris [GrantHerbC s.12a n°278], lingua avis (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 19, turner sa langue SeptPechHarlH p95)
- ◆“langue” (LapidalS 122, 452, 1176, 1462; LapidapS 79; j79N; LapidffS 201,622(corr.),734,814,816; LapidffS 622A; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 6746; CommPsia2G XXIX, 314; BenTroieC; ErecR 3110,3717; ErecR 2211; HornP O 4901; PhilomB 131, 150, 54, 1130; BenDucF 666, 5439; BenDucF; CligesM 334,4343; EructavitJ 240; EructavitJ; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 30, 16, 31; 94, 20; SGillesP 3587; AlexParA var. 100, 2090 t. 3, 279; AimonFlH 874. 2588.; RenR VII-IX, 6821, 6924; RenR XII-XVII, 13284; TristBérG 3886; FolTristOxfH 420; SimFreineGeorgM R.Ph. 780, 782; S.G. 1538; SimFreineGeorgM 1538; BodelNicH 205, 649, 657; ChevCygneNaissT 310, 3136; GuiotProvinsO 828, 2399; SGenB 3414; BibleGuiotW; SJeanAumI; SJeanAumU 5598; SJeanAumU 5598; VengRagF 471; VengRagF 4180; BestGuillR 1595; ChGuillI 464; ChGuillI; ChGuillSd 280, 1295, 1300, 464, 319; FetRomF1 488, 25; FlorenceW 341b, 1140, 1346, 2025; BalJosPr1M 86, 28; LancPrK 560.24; 52, 15; OmbreB2 14; RenclCarH; TristPrnB X/10/28; ChansArtB; ChansArtB III, 91, XII, 19, V, 40, XXII, 59; CoincyII30/31J 811; CoincyII30/31J 811; ViolB 3317; TournAntB 748; TournAntW 16, 2329; ArtusS 13, 26; 88, 40; GilChinP 1181; RobGrethEvA; ChirRogH f° 240r°; AntAnW 6,9; EdConfCambrW 2942; AmDieuK Chr. 151, Gos. 222; AmDieuK Gos. 679, see note 679; GlGlasgE 156b; HArciPèresO 3907; LSimplMedD; LSimplMedD; Saisna/lB 1040, 4036 (L); SermMaccM 197; AldL 55, 7; ChMe112 5; MenReimsP 281,409; MenReimsW v. gloss.; AnticlC 337, 2399; InvEudesC 192, 206; VMortAnW 27,7; 183,1; BrunLatC; MoamT I, 22, 2; HaginL 35c; 41c; JordRufmP; MédLiégH 756; SeptPechHarlH p95; BaudCondS p535; ClefD 304, 3361; JAntRectD 261; SidracH p. 203; GlDouaiE1 107; ApocGiffR 1005, 2589, 2925; AttilaPrB; JobB 682; JobG 682, 1177, 2507, 45; BibleMacéV 8788,8814,8818; ChirPoutrS; FevresS 189b-21, 368-7; FevresS 24b-24; FevresS; FevresS; FevresS; SecrSecrPr7B p253; SecrSecrPr7B p253; EspVal 102-4; 169, 17-18; 285, 24, 27; 293, 9, 11; 300, 15; NicBozCharV; AssSenlis1C p768; JoinvW1; JoinvW1 386c,508b; ChaceOisi2H 61, 3; ChaceOisi2H; ChaceOisiM; NicBozMorS 91; PamphGalM 1874, 1158, 1874*; JSQuentO; OgDanAlC 1453; JCondM; SJeanBaptOct1G 1611; DébCorpsArrL 63; EntreeT 15 543; RestorD; MirNDPers1-40P 8 1118; JMoteVoieP 1445, 3630; InvJPreslD S. 94; AliscmH 1541; TristNantS 10875, 21412; [AmphYpL2; AalmaR 1071; GastPhébChasseT; JPreisMyrG 2263,6261,2293; GlLilleS 87b; GrantHerbC s.12a n°278; GrantHerbC S. 89, n° 83; GrantHerbC S. 129, n° 279; GrantHerbC S. 129, n° 280; GrantHerbC S. 129, n° 281; ArmArgM 1359; BrézéT]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 16, 26; 34, 374; 48, 31; 73, 30; BartschHorning 57, 3; 247, 5; ContPerc1R E2075; DouëtNArg 58, 59; HuntMed Gloss Chap 5, 14; HuntMed Gloss Chap 4, 393; HuntTeach II96,109,163,52; HuntTeach II93,121,71; HuntTeach I 411; NoomenFabl t. 9, 344b, 113 74; PannierLapid A201,622,734,814,816; ProvM 662, 1014-1016, 1039, 1964; StimmingMot, BPH 1960, 768, 138; Bev 23; BormannJagd; BraultBlazon gloss. 225; BraultBlazon gloss. 225; FennisGal S. 1121; FrbL; Hassell C 180 + L 9, 11, 12; KaiserMPol 101; KaiserMPol 101; KitzeRoss 156; KollLangue; LabordeGl 296ff.; MA 66, 1960, 428; Messelaar; Messelaar 34, 106; MélHeinimann; MélRychner 85-91; MénardRire 450, 451; MénardRire 473; MénardRire 606; PachnioTaille S. 28; Pck II; R 80, p. 140; 82, p. 269; 84, p. 281, 420; R 77, p. 88; RF 976b; RF 10, S. 976b; RLaR 197, 431; RLiR 45, 499, 500; RLiR 19, 119, 125; RLiR 25, 281; RoPh 26, 469; SchelerJPreis 3009; SchulzeBusProv 662, 1014; ZrP 97, 1981, 440; ZrP 97, 1981, p. 647; ZrP 77, 184ff.; ZrP 97, 1981, 647; [sigle]; [sigle] 30; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle] 58, 105, 115, 117, 124, 164, 177; [sigle] 49, 67, 156; 12, 14, 21, 78, 163, 181, TL; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf IV 714c; Gdf IV 716c; AND 378a; AND 378a; AND 378a; AND 378a; MED V, 644a; MED V, 644a; MED V, 643a; MED V, 643b; MED 2, 210b; Lac VII 136b; Lac VII 144b; DCCarp 248c; DCCarp S.127; DCCarp 249c; DCCarp 249c; Gay 2, 70a, 1322, 1327, 1360, 1364, 1370; Gay; FEW; FEW 25, 472a; FEW V 358a; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Chastell 76; DiStefLoc 474; DiStefLoc 474; Foerster; GdfMat Suppl 10, 62c; KramerGader; BW5; LevyTrés)
- ◆“langage” (RaschiD2 632; GrantMalS2 117e; ElucidaireiiiD II 9 M; V, 43b; CompRalfH v. 57; GeoffrParChronD 4446, 1187, 4447, [sigle], Lac VII 144a; DiStefLoc 472)
- ◆“sorte d’herbe” (ChirRogH f° 277r°; LSimplMedD; FevresS 248b-15, 217b-5, etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 22 426; [AalmaR 1829; LAnnePlantC 269; LAnnePlantC 139]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 19; HuntMed Gloss Chap 6, GuggenbühlArs p. 106; HuntPL p. 88; HuntPl p. 208, p. 18; HuntPl p. 98; HuntPl p. 211; HuntPl p. 57; LITTokyo 48; RF 10, S. 977a; RlFl Bd. 9, 93; RlFl Bd. 8, 71; RlFl Bd. 8, 75; RlFl Bd. 8, 75; RlFl Bd. 8, 77; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; RlFl Bd. 8, 87; RlFl Bd. 9, 189; RlFl Bd. 9, 189; RlFl Bd. 9, 189; RlFl Bd. 8, 71; RlFl Bd. 8, 75; TilGlan; ZfSL 86, p. 246; ZrP 97, 1981, p. 647; ZrP 97, 1981, 647)
Cf. ANDEl lange2; DMF langue.
Cf. encore Hans-Georg Koll, Die französischen Wörter ’langue’ und ’langage’ im Mittelalter, Köln 1958.
fiches par lemme
●langage m.
[TL; Gdf IV 713a; Gdf IV 713b; AND 378a; AND 380a; AND 378a; MED V, 640b; Lac VII 143a; DCCarp 249c; FEW; FEW V 361a; Baker; Chastell 70; DiStefLoc 472; Foerster; GdfMat 10 62 b; LexMA VII 521; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – ChaurIntrHistVocFr; DiekmannSuff 118; FSt 8, 349, 494; FritzFou 299-300, 303, 383; JBeleth; KaiserMPol 101; KellerWace 88a; MA 66, 1960, 428; Messelaar 34, 106; MélBoisacq 1937, 153; MélBoisacq 154; MélWathWill p. 25, p. 30; Pope 423; R 84, p. 281, 420; RF 10, S. 969a; RF 10,969a; RoPh 21, 598; SammetSuff 3, 177; ZrP 77, 184ff; ZrP 84, 512; ZrP Bd. 94, 1978, S. 669; [sigle] 30 (1857) (1961).]
(langage EneasS1 5056; FloreaK 426; FloreaW 426; PhilomB 1049; RenR X-XI, 12927; PriseOrabR1 A 420, C 392, D 255; A* 721, C 690, D 588; B 327, C 304; SimFreineGeorgM R. Ph. 945, 952; PriseOrabR1; HerbCandS 13 211; FetRomF1 514, 10; ChansArtB XVI, 37; MerlinsR 169, 17; 193, 6; BeaumS Man. 3200; Saisna/lB 1040, 1332° (L); LégAposthR; RigomerF; CassidP; ClefD 516, 676, 1896, 2562; RoisinM 44, p. 35, 10 + 18 -k-; GouvRoisGauchyM p. 197, 38; JobB 3172; AttilaPrB; MPolGregM; MirNDPers1-40P 36 158; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 26, 222; 429, 5; BartschHorning 103, 22; 570, 6; ProvM 1613, langages ChronSMichelB 833; RenR VII-IX, 6108, 8643, 8645; ChGuillI 2172; [ChOthéeF], langaige FlorebK 1328, 1836; FlorebP 3060, 1326; FloovA 1222; GuiotProvinsO 1528; BibleGuiotW; BelleHelR 865b, 5311; [BaudSebC p187; BaudSebB 56; DeschQ VIII, 173; GrebanP 27358], langaiges OvArtElieK 812 (r), langaje VengAlE p121; FevresS 58-16, 114b-17, 187b-10, language CommPsia2G 355.11; EdConfVatS; HornP O 7, 1350; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 9456; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; EdmK 378, 2721; SGillesP 2467; ConstHamelR 493; HaginL 41b; NicBozEmpV 312; JDupinMelL B 719, 1585, languages GlDouaiE1 114, languaiges JoinvW1 462f, 376g, lanuage (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I 45, lengaç [AttilaS XIV 4018], lengage BenDucF 672,12606; CligesM 3918; PercL 7926; AimonFlH 1276,13616; DurmG; AttilaPrB; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid A.4, lengages DurmS 4205, lengagge LapidffS 4, lengaige [GastPhébChasseT], lengaje AntAnW 3; FevresS 58-4, lengatgues PassionA 124 (v.481), lenguage PelCharlK 99 209, lenguages ChevBarBloisB, lingaige DolopL)
- ◆“langage, langue” (PassionA 124 (v.481); LapidffS 4; EneasS1 5056; FloreaK 426; FloreaW 426; ChronSMichelB 833; CommPsia2G 355.11; EdConfVatS; HornP O 7, 1350; PhilomB 1049; BenDucF 672,12606; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 9456; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 99 209; CligesM 3918; PercL 7926; EdmK 378, 2721; FlorebK 1328, 1836; FlorebP 3060, 1326; SGillesP 2467; AimonFlH 1276,13616; RenR X-XI, 12927; RenR VII-IX, 6108, 8643, 8645; FloovA 1222; PriseOrabR1 A 420, C 392, D 255; A* 721, C 690, D 588; B 327, C 304; PriseOrabR1; SimFreineGeorgM R. Ph. 945, 952; VengAlE p121; GuiotProvinsO 1528; BibleGuiotW; HerbCandS 13 211; ChGuillI 2172; FetRomF1 514, 10; DurmG; DurmS 4205; OvArtElieK 812 (r); ChevBarBloisB; ConstHamelR 493; DolopL; ChansArtB XVI, 37; MerlinsR 169, 17; 193, 6; AntAnW 3; BeaumS Man. 3200; LégAposthR; RigomerF; Saisna/lB 1040, 1332° (L); HaginL 41b; CassidP; ClefD 516, 676, 1896, 2562; RoisinM 44, p. 35, 10 + 18 -k-; GouvRoisGauchyM p. 197, 38; GlDouaiE1 114; AttilaPrB; AttilaPrB; JobB 3172; FevresS 58-4; FevresS 58-16, 114b-17, 187b-10; MPolGregM; JoinvW1 462f, 376g; NicBozEmpV 312; MirNDPers1-40P 36 158; JDupinMelL B 719, 1585; BelleHelR 865b, 5311; [BaudSebB 56; BaudSebC p187; AttilaS XIV 4018; DeschQ VIII, 173; GastPhébChasseT; ChOthéeF; GrebanP 27358]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 26, 222; 429, 5; BartschHorning 103, 22; 570, 6; HuntTeach I 45; JBeleth; PannierLapid A.4; ProvM 1613, ChaurIntrHistVocFr; DiekmannSuff 118; FSt 8, 349, 494; FritzFou 299-300, 303, 383; KaiserMPol 101; KellerWace 88a; MA 66, 1960, 428; Messelaar 34, 106; MélBoisacq 1937, 153; MélBoisacq 154; MélWathWill p. 25, p. 30; Pope 423; R 84, p. 281, 420; RF 10, S. 969a; RF 10,969a; RoPh 21, 598; SammetSuff 3, 177; ZrP 77, 184ff; ZrP 84, 512; ZrP Bd. 94, 1978, S. 669; [sigle] 30 (1857) (1961), TL; Gdf IV 713a; Gdf IV 713b; AND 378a; AND 380a; AND 378a; MED V, 640b; Lac VII 143a; DCCarp 249c; FEW; FEW V 361a; Baker; Chastell 70; DiStefLoc 472; Foerster; GdfMat 10 62 b; LexMA VII 521; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●langos adj.
[TL; Gdf IV 716a; FEW V 359a.]
(lengous YsLyonF 2087)
- ◆“qui est bavard” (YsLyonF 2087, TL; Gdf IV 716a; FEW V 359a)
fiches par lemme
●languete f.
[TL; TL; AND 392a; AND 378a; MED V, 644b; Lac VII 146b; Gay 2, 70a; FEW V 409a; FEW V 363a; GdfMat Suppl 10 62c. – LabordeGl; RF 10, S. 978a.]
(langete GlGlasgE 156b; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I 411, languecte [AalmaR 3617], languete LancPrK 525.26; VMortAnW 181, 12; HMondB 1593, 1597, 1634, languettes CptRoyM 14167, Lenguete BibleMacéS, longette GlDouceB 28; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I 420)
- ◆“langue”, par ext. “morceau de soie de la même forme qu’une langue, au bout d’une bannière ou autre” (LancPrK 525.26; GlGlasgE 156b; VMortAnW 181, 12; GlDouceB 28; CptRoyM 14167; HMondB 1593, 1597, 1634; BibleMacéS; [AalmaR 3617]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I 420; HuntTeach I 411, LabordeGl; RF 10, S. 978a, TL; TL; AND 392a; AND 378a; MED V, 644b; Lac VII 146b; Gay 2, 70a; FEW V 409a; FEW V 363a; GdfMat Suppl 10 62c)
fiches par lemme
●lingot m.
[TL; MED V,186b; Corom 1164b; LexMA I 1487; LexMA 1,1487. – GebhardtOkz 371; Pope 606; R 124; RF; RLiR 83 N2; ZrP 108; [sigle].]
- ◆“morceau de metal fondu ” (GebhardtOkz 371; Pope 606; R 124; RF; RLiR 83 N2; ZrP 108; [sigle], TL; MED V,186b; Corom 1164b; LexMA I 1487; LexMA 1,1487)
fiches par lemme
●langagier1 v.
[TL; Lac VII 143b; DCCarp 249c; DCCarp; DCCarp 249c; Chastell 70. – [sigle].]
(laengueice EnanchetF 7,14; 7,17, langager [GrebanP 8303], langagié [FroissBallB], langagier [FroissDitsth/...F 178, RV 191; GaceBuigneB 2772], langaiger [SottiesP III, 133, v. 136], langaigier [PassTroyB III 5046])
- ◆“bavarder” (EnanchetF 7,14; 7,17; [FroissDitsth/...F 178, RV 191; GaceBuigneB 2772; FroissBallB; SottiesP III, 133, v. 136; GrebanP 8303; PassTroyB III 5046], [sigle], TL; Lac VII 143b; DCCarp 249c; DCCarp; DCCarp 249c; Chastell 70)
fiches par lemme
●langagier2 m.
[DCCarp 261a.]
(languagiers [FierPrM 1060])
- ◆“celui qui est bavard” ([FierPrM 1060], DCCarp 261a)
fiches par lemme
●langagine f.
(langagine VenjAlH)
- ◆“langue, langage” (VenjAlH, TL)
fiches par lemme
●langageor m.
[TL; Lac VII 143b; DCCarp 249c.]
- ◆“celui qui est bavard” (TL; Lac VII 143b; DCCarp 249c)
fiches par lemme
[Lac VII 144a. – RF 10, S. 979a.]
- ◆“examiner la langue d’un porc pour voir s’il est ladre” (RF 10, S. 979a, Lac VII 144a)
fiches par lemme
●langaise f.
(langaise BelleHelR 866a; 3529, 3543, 9721, 5325)
- ◆“langage” (BelleHelR 866a; 3529, 3543, 9721, 5325)
fiches par lemme
●langoiement m.
[TL; TL; Lac VII 144b; DCCarp 249c.]
- ◆“action d’examiner la langue d’un porc” (TL; TL; Lac VII 144b; DCCarp 249c)
Cf. DMF langoiement.
fiches par lemme
●langoier v.
[TL; Gdf IV 715b; Lac VII 144b; DCCarp 249c; FEW V 360a.]
(langonneie DolopL)
- ◆“agiter la langue comme pour essayer de parler” (DolopL, TL; Gdf IV 715b; Lac VII 144b; DCCarp 249c; FEW V 360a)
fiches par lemme
●langoieor m.
[TL; Lac VII 144b; Lac VII 146b; DupinLaboulaye.]
- ◆“celui qui d’office examine la langue d’un porc” (TL; Lac VII 144b; Lac VII 146b; DupinLaboulaye)
fiches par lemme
●languart m.
[TL; TL; Gdf IV 716b; Lac VII 144a; DCCarp 249c; FEW V 359b; DiStefLoc 472.]
(langart JDupinMelL 244 B, 2630 CBD; [AalmaR 6842 + 6844; AndrVigneSMartD v. 4404], languart ImpArtB)
- ◆“bavard” (ImpArtB; JDupinMelL 244 B, 2630 CBD; [AalmaR 6842 + 6844; AndrVigneSMartD v. 4404], Gdf IV 716b; Lac VII 144a; FEW V 359b; DiStefLoc 472)
- ◆adj. substantivé “celui qui est bavard” (TL; TL; DCCarp 249c)
fiches par lemme
●langue-oysel f.
[RlFl Bd. 8, 20.]
- ◆“espèce de plante” (RlFl Bd. 8, 20)
fiches par lemme
●languee f.
[TL; FEW V 359a. – SchelerGil II, 34.11.]
(langées GilMuisK 335b, II, 34, 11)
- ◆“coup de langue” (GilMuisK 335b, II, 34, 11, SchelerGil II, 34.11, TL; FEW V 359a)
fiches par lemme
●languel m.
[TL; MED V, 1075a; DCCarp 249c; DelbObsc.]
- ◆“langue” (TL; MED V, 1075a; DCCarp 249c; DelbObsc)
fiches par lemme
●languele f.
[TL; MED V, 1075a; FEW V 359a.]
- ◆“petite langue” (TL; MED V, 1075a; FEW V 359a)
fiches par lemme
●langueter v.
[TL; Gdf IV 717a; AND 378a; MED V, 644b; MED V, 646b; FEW V 359b. – MélElliott p. 76.]
(langaiter PamphGalM 2429, languetant OvMorB 15, p. 236, 1781, langueter RenclCarH; RenAndJ 10 b; SottChansOxfL IV, 35; MirNDPers1-40P 2 139; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn III, 74; NoomenFabl 28/184)
- ◆“user de la langue, se servir de la parole, ” (RenclCarH; RenAndJ 10 b; SottChansOxfL IV, 35; PamphGalM 2429; OvMorB 15, p. 236, 1781; MirNDPers1-40P 2 139; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn III, 74; NoomenFabl 28/184, MélElliott p. 76, TL; Gdf IV 717a; AND 378a; MED V, 644b; MED V, 646b; FEW V 359b)
fiches par lemme
●languetement m.
- ◆“action de jouer avec la langue” (TL)
Cf. DMF languettement.
fiches par lemme
●languier v.
[TL; Gdf IV 716c; Lac VII 146b; Gay 2, 70b. – LabordeGl 297ff.; LabordeGl 81; LabordeGl; RF 10, S. 979b.]
(languier DouëtArg p. 322)
- ◆“pièce d’orfèvrerie destinée à contenir des langues de serpent” (DouëtArg p. 322, LabordeGl 297ff.; LabordeGl 81; LabordeGl; RF 10, S. 979b, TL; Gdf IV 716c; Lac VII 146b; Gay 2, 70b)
fiches par lemme
●languille f.
[TL; Gdf IV 715a.]
- ◆“petite langue” (TL; Gdf IV 715a)
fiches par lemme
[DCCarp 165 a.]
- ◆“baiser de la langue” (DCCarp 165 a)
Cf. DMF enlangager.
fiches par lemme
●enlangagié adj.
[TL; TL 3,441,19; Gdf 3, 194 c; Gdf; Gdf; FEW 5, 361 b.]
(enlangagié PrunB 815, enlangagiés JMeunTestB)
- ◆“éloquent” (JMeunTestB; PrunB 815, TL; TL 3,441,19; Gdf 3, 194 c; Gdf; Gdf; FEW 5, 361 b)
fiches par lemme
●bilingue adj.
[FEW 5, 364a; FEW 5, 364a.]
(bilinguis [DeschQ VI, 192])
- ◆1oadj. “qui est faux, double (en parlant d’une personne)” (FEW 5, 364a)
- ◆2om. “menteur, fourbe” ([DeschQ VI, 192], FEW 5, 364a)
fiches par lemme
●blanche-langue ?
(blanche-langue Taille1297M 358)
- ◆“?” (Taille1297M 358)
fiches par lemme
●cerflangue f. et m.
[TL 2,127,43; TL 2,127,43; Gdf; Gdf 2, 21b; AND 85a; FEW; FEW 5, 361b; FEW; FEW 2, 1 615b. – HuntPl p. 233; HuntPl p. 78; R 106 (1985) 57 ff, v. 89; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; VRo 43, 1984, 118.]
(cerflanc (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed, cerflance LettrHippoT A 231, cerflange (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 8, 40, 87, cerlange RecMédNovCirHi; RecMédDissentH 117; RecMédGardH 117; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 1, 156; HuntMed 4; HuntMed 4; HuntMed, cerlangue LettrHippoT; [GrantHerbC no. 427; s. 159], cerlaunge BibbO 649; RecMédEscW 134)
- ◆“espèce de plante” (LettrHippoT; LettrHippoT A 231; RecMédNovCirHi; RecMédDissentH 117; RecMédGardH 117; BibbO 649; RecMédEscW 134; [GrantHerbC no. 427; s. 159]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 1, 156; HuntMed 4; HuntMed 4; HuntMed; HuntMed; HuntMed 8, 40, 87, HuntPl p. 78; HuntPl p. 233; R 106 (1985) 57 ff, v. 89; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; RlFl Bd. 11, 110; VRo 43, 1984, 118, TL 2,127,43; TL 2,127,43; Gdf 2, 21b; Gdf; AND 85a; FEW 2, 1 615b; FEW; FEW 5, 361b; FEW)
fiches par lemme
●chienlangue f.
(ch(i)enlange RecMédDissentH 234)
- ◆“langue du chien” (RecMédDissentH 234)
fiches par lemme
●eslanguer v.
[Gdf; GdfC.]
(eslanguer [AalmaR 3369])
- ◆“arracher la langue” ([AalmaR 3369], Gdf; GdfC)