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fiches par lemme
legat1 m.
[FEW 5,241b lt. LEGARE – TL; TL; Gdf IV 754b; AND 382a; MED V 777b; MED V 777b; Lac 159b; Lac 159b; FEW V 241b; BoisvertVilleh; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; Foerster; GdfMat 10,69b. – Bev 172; ChambonVar1 1994,35; ChambonVar2 51; KaiserMPol 143; KellerWace 187a; Messelaar 45,184; MessnerBers 221f.; RF 1065b; RoJb 177; RoJb 29, 177; ZrP 10; [sigle] NM73,539; [sigle].]
(legait chJu070 12, legalz [JPreisMyrG 4450], legalz, ligaus [JPreisMyrG 1048], legant SoneG 21263, leganz chJu050 11, legart Taille1313M 17b; Taille1313M 94, legat GysselingDocAnc 280,50; 209,3; BenDucF 43253,37339; SThomGuernW1 2309; SThomBenS 663,1188,515; VMortHélW 13,11; GuiotProvinsO 707,896etc.; BibleGuiotW 708,897,2334; 563; BesantR 2547, s. gloss.; HuonRegrL; chdouai0062 2; ChMa084 70; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0393 1; MartCanL; chJu050 10; JMeunVégL IX,8, S.101; JPrioratR 27 53; MPolGregM; MirNDPers1-40P VIII 7; [Bersuire Prol.S.8/(32.5); OresmeSphèreM 28a]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 35,294; BartschHorning 373,25; 373,8; v. gloss., legatum, lais CptRoyM 2935etc. v. gloss., legaus JMeunVégR 51, legaut BastS 2848, legaz PercL 3266; MenReimsP 50,153,167etc. v. gloss.; MenReimsW v. gloss.; JoinvW1 92d,364c,118f; JDupinMelL 244; [ArmArgM 167,168 etc.], le legat GysselingDocAnc 208, liegars TerrEvêqueH S. 217, liegas, s.m. Bueve2S 18633, liegat OlimB 835, liegaus JSQuentO, liegaut BastC 2846; [BaudSebB 154; BaudSebC p187], liegaux BelleHelR 867a)
- ◆“cardinal délégué par le pape pour une mission extraordinaire ou pour gouverner une des provinces de l’Église” (GysselingDocAnc 280,50; 209,3; BenDucF 43253,37339; SThomGuernW1 2309; PercL 3266; SThomBenS 663,1188,515; VMortHélW 13,11; GuiotProvinsO 707,896etc.; BibleGuiotW 708,897,2334; 563; Bueve2S 18633; GysselingDocAnc 208; BesantR 2547, s. gloss.; HuonRegrL; chdouai0062 2; ChMa084 70; JostPletR; MenReimsP 50,153,167etc. v. gloss.; MenReimsW v. gloss.; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0393 1; MartCanL; TerrEvêqueH S. 217; OlimB 835; chJu050 10; chJu050 11; JMeunVégL IX,8, S.101; JMeunVégR 51; chJu070 12; JPrioratR 27 53; SoneG 21263; MPolGregM; JoinvW1 92d,364c,118f; JSQuentO; Taille1313M 17b; Taille1313M 94; CptRoyM 2935etc. v. gloss.; MirNDPers1-40P VIII 7; JDupinMelL 244; BastC 2846; BastS 2848; BelleHelR 867a; [Bersuire Prol.S.8/(32.5); BaudSebB 154; BaudSebC p187; OresmeSphèreM 28a; JPreisMyrG 4450; JPreisMyrG 1048; ArmArgM 167,168 etc.]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 35,294; BartschHorning 373,25; 373,8; v. gloss., Bev 172; ChambonVar1 1994,35; ChambonVar2 51; KaiserMPol 143; KellerWace 187a; Messelaar 45,184; MessnerBers 221f.; RF 1065b; RoJb 177; RoJb 29, 177; ZrP 10; [sigle]; [sigle] NM73,539, TL; TL; Gdf IV 754b; AND 382a; MED V 777b; MED V 777b; Lac 159b; Lac 159b; FEW V 241b; BoisvertVilleh; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; Foerster; GdfMat 10,69b)
Cf. ANDEl legat; DMF légat1.
fiches par lemme
●legacie f.
[Gdf IV 754b; AND 382a.]
(legatie BesantR 2360, s. gloss.)
- ◆“fonction, mission de légat ” (BesantR 2360, s. gloss., Gdf IV 754b; AND 382a)
fiches par lemme
●legacion f.
[TL; Gdf IV 755a; AND 382a; AND 382a; MED V 777a; Lac 159b; FEW V 241b; Chastell 237; GdfMat 10,69b. – KellerWace 187a; MA 347; MessnerBers 221; RoPh; ZrP 406.]
(legacion ThomKentF 5468; [AalmaR 2039; AalmaR 6631-6632; ArmArgM 168], legacïun GaimarB 4731, legation BenDucF 10979,14313,17837; SThomGuernW1 1053,1068,1073; JacVitryB XIV,16; GirRossAlH 4331; [GaceBuigneB], ligacions [AmphYpP 123], ligacions, n. [AmphYpL2 v. gloss.])
- ◆“mission” (GaimarB 4731; BenDucF 10979,14313,17837; SThomGuernW1 1053,1068,1073; ThomKentF 5468; JacVitryB XIV,16; GirRossAlH 4331; [AmphYpL2 v. gloss.; AmphYpP 123; AalmaR 2039; AalmaR 6631-6632; GaceBuigneB; ArmArgM 168], KellerWace 187a; MA 347; MessnerBers 221; RoPh; ZrP 406, TL; Gdf IV 755a; AND 382a; AND 382a; MED V 777a; Lac 159b; FEW V 241b; Chastell 237; GdfMat 10,69b)