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[FEW 5,291b
lt. LEX – TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf s. 2. loi; Gdf V, 16c; Gdf V, 16c; Gdf V, 17c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 10, 90c; AND 382b; AND 382b; AND; AND 382b; AND 382b; MED V,784a; MED V, 784 a; Lac VII 156b; Lac VII 161a; DCCarp 251a; DCCarp 251c; DCCarp 254 c / 255 a; DCCarp 256b; FEW V 291b; FEW XVI 448 a; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Arnaldi 14; Arnaldi 7; Chastell; DiStefLoc 491; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; Foerster; GdfMat; LexMA V 1935; LexMA 4, 1388; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – ARom 2, 263; AnS Bd. 220, (1983) S. 75 ff; BPH 1899 p. 71 Z. 5, 9; BPH 1899 p. 67 Z. 26; CarolusCh; CarolusCh; Chénon 1, 491, n. 3; ContPerc1R T 2978, 4998; E 1459; CorleyCont1 p176; CorleyCont2 29708; 29892; P23173; CorleyCont2 31560; Drüppel 94; EtWbg 123-128; FSt 42, 133; Hassell S 120; JMLt 9,42; Katara 205; Katara 210; KellerWace 174b,186a,191b; MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 260; MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 236; MantouVoc BT Dial 53, 131; MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 239; MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 232; MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 232; MantouVoc c. 12 etc; MantouVoc Y.L.f. 149 etc; MantouVoc 10; MantouVoc 124 etc.; MantouVoc Y.L.f. 180 etc.; MantouVoc Br. 1319 C. 334; MantouVoc Br. 1286 h 2,3,7 etc.; MedAev 47 (1978) 128; Messelaar 33, 35; MessnerBers 153; Miettinen 190; Morlet 147; MélGam4 582; MélRoques2 I, 21-25; MöhrenVal; NM 85, 1984, 19 ff.; OrelliBibel; Pope 290, 297, 523; R 75,303; R 90, 175,193; R 82 p. 210, 89 p. 157; R 83 p. 432; R 103,371; R 72,255.400; 89,389.393; 90,386; RF 10,1336a; RF 39,242; RF 10, S. 1336a; RLaR 101, 1; 43; RLiR 51,641; RLiR 48, 249; RLiR 30 (1961); RoJb 31 (1980) 35-55; RoJb 31, 1980 p. 34 ff.; RoPh 3,79 (13); RoquesRég 138; Runk p.84; Runk p. 100; SchelerJPreis II, 11760; SchulzeBusProv 237, 1712, 1936; TilLex; Trénel 297; Trénel 327; Trénel 267; VRo 52,41; VRo 47,1988,163; ZrP 110 (1994), 512; ZrP 101 (1985) 336, 54; [sigle] 1840,2001; [sigle] 130/44; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle].]
(a ley de BueveAgnS 2743, à loi de GesteFrancorR 971,1220 ecc., del cristïene lai EdmK 2579, lai EdmK 2579; RenR 9975; FolTristOxfH 817,833; SCathClemM; LeachBeverley p. 134 Z. 3,20,22; 135.1,8,14; CoincyII1K 515; RoselLec; LégAposthR; RotParl4R 109; RenγF2; MirNDPers1-40P 15 1770; 36 1150, lai, lei IpH 60,172,1966,8406, lais DolopL; RenMontArdT N915; Saisna/lB 1039, *601/591; AspinChansPol; AspinChansPol; EvEnfB 664; EvEnfB2; [GaceBuigneB p.53]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 344b; III169, lay RègleHospCamS; PrêtreJeand/yG 606; RotParl4R 106; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 12, 161; JoinvC 53; GeoffrParChronD; CoutBretP; PassEntreG; TristNantS; [GaceBuigneB; FierPrM 368]; (sigles à datations multiples:) ParsonsCourt; RecHist 198; SchwanBehrens 3, Lay GuillMachC, lay Taille1313M 24c, 28c, 2,38c2, 41a, lay, layement [AalmaR 6475, 6476, 6477], leçe1 [AttilaS XIV, 2474], lée [AttilaS XVI 3380, v. gloss.], lei PassionA 21,22,118 (v.384); AlexisP O9c (p.116); RolB 414; BrendanW 198, 2,3,69; PhThCompS 1r34,38; 1v,52; 7r,416; Appendix1029; GrantMalS2 40f*,41f,45c; WaceConcA 249,766,1695; GaimarB; PhThSibS; CourLouisL1; LoisGuillL; WaceNicR 3,761; EneasS1 120,8286; ChronSMichelB 1674; MarieGuigW2 El. 837,1130; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; HornP; RouH; BenTroiemR; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p. 35, v. 887; III, p. 400, v. 887 (?); SThomGuernW1 56,59,483,955,779,1260; AdamG3 24 u.ö.; EstFougK 983; EstFougK; MarieFabW 56,34; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 1954,332; SThomBenS; RègleHospCamS 9,288n,5554etc; ProtH; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM 9,310; MarieEspP; AlNeckUtensH 248; AlNeckUtensH 248; ContGuillTyrdM 65 etc.; ElucidaireiiiD I 122 D; AssJérRoiG; ChardryDormM 246,384,440; BibleDécb/eN; AngDialGregP 91r°b,99r°b; AngDialGregO2 8859, 11860, 16915 etc.; ChGuillI; ChGuillSd 281, 3256,3424; AngVieGregP; PurgSPatrHarlV 236; PurgSPatrHarlV; GuillMarM 17518; BesantR 2735,3049,3081; DocVosL 112,13; 112,15; AssJérBourgmZ; AssJérBourgvZ; EdConfCambrW 2764n; HArciPèresO 2528,4901; RésSauvcJ; MenReimsW 97; RobHoY; GéomSGenV 475,501,503,504,506,516,519,524,528,538; CoutWinchF 63; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 12,164...; DoctPierresG §7,3; DialGregEvrS; [ModusT], Lei RègleSBenNicH; ConqIrlO; MirAgn2K; SermMaurpB, leis EstFougK; chJu052 12; chJu053 15, lex RCambrM; CPont; BougWyffCal, ley LapidapS 235; DolopL; RotParl4R 233,227; RotParl4R 109, 123; CroisRichJ; BrittN; NicBozCharV V; FoukeB 28,14; 1,15; FoukeH 21,23; 54,36; NicBozAgnèsK; CoutBretP; BibleHolkP 19,4; 31,3; GuerreMetzB C 33; DialGregEvrS; SEvroulS; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 74; ParsonsCourt V 185; SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p.140b, ley; lay NicBozLucieK Lucy 170, ley anglice (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I 322, leye RecMédJuteH S. 250/Z.21, leys LoisGuillL, lo FloovA v. loi; FloovB 2091; SimPouilleaB B1007=loi(?), v. gloss.; OgDanAlC v. loi, lois, loe chJu069 12, loi GysselingDocAnc p. 200; GysselingDocAnc p. 203 Z. 15; GysselingDocAnc p. 208 Z. 12; RolB; WaceMargaK 138; CharroiM 648 etc; CharroiPo t. II, 118; MonGuill1/2C 643, 2872, 2891; 2257; FloreaK 2722, 3330; FloreaK 137, 184; FloreaP 137, 182; FloreaW 137, 184, 2700; CommPsia1G p. 15; ErecR 1753-54; ErecR 6798; PhilomB 222, 25, 28 etc; AdamG3; Aiol1/2F 2298, 5051; AlexissH 26, 427; EructavitJ 617, 673; PercL; EructavitJ; FlorebK 88, 100, ...; FlorebP 88, 100, 494, ...; AlexArsM c 1392; AimonFlH 7401; RenR VII-IX, 8563; TristBérG 1270; 2339, 2704, 3104; TristBérG 2266; SBernCantG; CoucyChansL VII, 18; FloovA 253, 368, 1229, 1636, 2091; GaceBruléD XXXIX, 65; PriseOrabR1 A 1872, A 1275; PriseOrabR1; BodelNicH 172, 244, 391, 555, 1427; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW 26, 8; 32, 7; ChevVivM 1685; ChevVivM 45, 1330, 1454, 1457, B2 809, E43, 44; ContPerc2lC2 p135; GuiotProvinsO 94, 24430 etc.; JugAmS 263, D 10, E 407 ff.; SGenB 1326; ChevVivM; SFanuelM; MuséeArchDép p. 123 Z. 20; 124.15; 125.36 parsim; HerbomezTourn p. 26 Z. 24; HerbomezTourn p. 22 Z. 10, 12; BibleGuiotW; GirVianeE 1595, 1010; Perl1N; WaldefH 5040, 7064, 7067, etc.; SGraalIIIJostO; AimeriD 2038; FillePonth1B2 p58; FlorenceW 342b; HervisH 803; HervisH 803; MortAymC 1120, 1502, 2366, 2845, 3025; RecLondB p. 492 Z. 19; 493.15; 494.4 passim; MerlinM; chMo001 20; AnsMetznG 1455; BlancandS 3206, 3378, 3713; Bueve1S 1283, 8961, 1382 etc.; Bueve2S 2533, 14880; DurmG; MoniotArrD XXV, 33, 44; XXIV, 27; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyChristO; ConstHamelR 208; LaDuCh 2, p. 115 Z. 34; LaDuCh 2 p. 114 Z. 7; LancPrK; OrdeneChevB 20, 62, 76; Lemaire p. 410 Z. 28; 411.1; Lemaire p. 410 Z. 1, 4; HerbomezChâtTourn p. 68 Z. 22; DolopL; CoincyI1K I 44 L 515; DocFlandrM p. 135; CoincyI1...L; HerbomezSMart p. 375 Z. 24; ComtePoitK; RenclCarH; chdouai0006 3; chdouai0006 3; ChansArtB II, 41, XVIII, 77; XII, 37, XVIII, 32; XII, 76; ViolB 1066, 5362; CoutVerdun1M 18, 115; 44, 1; 50, 26; LoisGodM p. 4 Z. 10; LoisGodM p. 2 Z. 17; 4.4, 10.34; 5.20; 9.30; 13.5, 31, 33; 16.27, 30; RoselLec 8062; TristPrL 163, 7; 270, 23; DocHMarneG; ChMM001 3; ChMM001 9; ChMM001 16; ChMM001 84; ChMM001 84; LesortClerm p. 78 Z. 22, 23; TournAntW 3016; DocHainR 72; 12; ... etc.; AnsCartA 5133; JErartN XVIII 26; MahieuW II, VI 3, VIII III 2; ParDuchP 1646; ThibChampW; ChMe012 5; ChMe012 8; chdouai0018 2; AssJérBourgm/vK S. 20; AssJérBourgvZ 22r-6 b-23 etc.; FossierCh p. 470; CPont; AuberiTarbé; BonAngeK 149; CourLouiscLe; CristalB 8795; EspVerlinden 25, 38, 259, 290, 299; GautLeuL2 VIII 296, IV 97; HuonR 1995, 5039, 5061; MaugisV 351, 4454; MaugisV 1626; Pères10C 880, 559; SAgnèsDécD 48, 180, 192; Saisna/lB 1043; SermMaccM 197; VivMonbrancE 27; 29; 50; JeuxPartL; chdouai0041 2; chdouai0041 2; ChMe081 10; ChMe081 14; chdouai0045 2; chdouai0049 3; chdouai0049 3; chdouai0060 2; chdouai0060 2; ChMM111 2; chdouai0092 2; chdouai0101 2; ChMM127 11; ChMM127 13; chdouai0116 2; chdouai0117 2; chdouai0125 2; chdouai0125 2; chdouai0128 2; chdouai0128 2; chdouai0135 2; chdouai0141 2; chdouai0157 2; chdouai0157 2; ChMa119 30; MenReimsP 7; MenReimsW 7; YonM 3530; chdouai0166 2; chdouai0166 2; chdouai0167 2; chdouai0167 2; chMa126 21; ChMa131 24; CoutNormT p118; HuonSQuentL 761; RutebF c 26; GilebBernF; chdouai0222 7; chdouai0226A 2; chdouai0227 2; chdouai0235 3; chdouai0238 3; chdouai0243 2; chdouai0243 2; chdouai0244 2; chdouai0244 2; chdouai0260 2; chdouai0260 3; chdouai0260 3; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0280 2; chdouai0280 2; chdouai0284 1; chdouai0284 1; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0293 2; chdouai0293 2; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0295 2; chMo238 3; chMo238 19; chMo238 22; chdouai0308 2; chdouai0322 2; chdouai0322 2; chdouai0331 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0340 3; chdouai0345 2; chdouai0345 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0361 2; chdouai0361 2; chdouai0365 2; chdouai0365 3; chdouai0365 3; chdouai0369 2; chdouai0369 2; chdouai0371 2; chdouai0371 2; ChMa149 10; VMortAnW 28, 1; 39, 10; ChMa158 28; ChV0108 7; chdouai0389 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0403 1; chdouai0403 1; chdouai0405 1; chdouai0405 1; chdouai0408 1; chdouai0410 1; chdouai0414 1; chdouai0429 1; chdouai0429 1; chdouai0429 1; chdouai0431 1; chdouai0440 1; chdouai0448 1; chdouai0448 1; chdouai0448 1; chdouai0453 1; chMa207 16; ChMe237 3; CoutStAmandM I, XII, 8; I, IX, 3; I, I, 8, I, IX, 4; I, XV, 25; chdouai0494 1; chdouai0494 1; ChHM269 9; ChMe003 2; MoamT II, 45, 7; EtSLouisV; HaginL 37b; 38c; 65c; RegTournB; CarCharL 204; CourtParV 108; EmpConstOctC 620; EmpConstPrC 260, 340, 397, etc.; SimPouilleaB C 1911; SimPouilleaB 396; CharroicL; EnfOgH 1429; EnfOgS 5291; AdHalePartN IV, 24; XI, 73; XVI, 47; X, 22; BaudCondS p535; chHS120 7; BeaumCoutS; BeaumCoutS 27, 175, 204, 254 etc.; chHS123 9; chHS123 10; chHS123 19; BibleMalkS 866, 1827, 1831; EschieleMahW StN 40, 457; chSL 019 30; BougWyffCal; SottChansOxfL IV, 13; chJu072 16; SGraalIVQuesteuR p. 340a; b; AttilaPrB; RenγF2; RenγF2; chN 004 28; chHS129 8; CartEngMarF p. 184; CartEngMarF p. 210; 218; FevresS 289b-14; SecrSecrPr7B p254; OgDanAlC 167, 425, 664, 1052, 1098, 2378, 778, 860, 2401, 3277; JSQuentO; Fauvel2L 1346; JCondM; HuonAuvBrB; chN 033 33; [ModusT; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 700, 2834; DeschQ V, 87, 101; DeschQ VIII, 84; JPreisMyrG; ChOthéeF 1393, pp. 110 et 111]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 6, 71; etc; 92, 10; BartschHorning 9, 40; NoomenFabl t.6, 386; NoomenFabl t.5, 470; NoomenFabl II 8 / 428; NoomenFabl 34a / D250; ProvM 237, 431; SchwanBehrens p. 140 b; SchwanBehrens 3; ReidFabl; RivièrePast, Loi HAndH; HAndH; BrunLatC, loi(s) SFanuelM, lois RenR VII-IX 6733; RenR VII-IX 7581, 7829; RCambrM; AubereeE p144; PriseCordD; GuillDoleL 4768; DurmS 14335; OvArtElieK 319 (r), 5185; LancPrM XXVI, 12; LXIa, 13; DolopL; ChMM001 39; ChMM001 69; DocVosL; docJuBe001 2; docJuBe001a 2; chdouai0032 2; chMa126 21; ChMa128 7; ChMa131 24; ChHM171 18; chJu025 8; CensHerchiesM 189,17; CensHerchiesM 163,12; chCOr196 6; chCOr214 12; chHM273 29; BaudCondS p535; BibleMalkS 4304; chSL 018 28; PiérardMons II 183; chJu078 8; chJu080 14; R 1296 06 30 08 16; R 1296 06 30 08 17; R 1296 06 30 11 16; R 1296 06 30 11 17; R 1297 09 17 01 16; R 1297 09 17 01 17; docJuBe009 9; JoinvW1 510f,246g, etc.; GesteFrancorR 3495; MacaireM 666; chSL 068 23; docJuBe041 7; EntreeT 129; RestorD; docJuBe127 14; docJuBe251 15; docJuBe275 1; LionBourgAlK 1548; [GodBouillBruxR; AttilaS I 257; FroissBallB], loix ChHM235 14; docJuBe040 40, loiz CiNDitB2, lous (2.) [AttilaS XIV, 2168], loy PrêtreJeand/yG 606; BibleGuiotW; TurpinBrianeS; BalJosPr1M 34,10; Bueve3S 9956,10182,10562etc; CoincyI1...K 74var; MorPhilP 3439,3557; SGraalIVEstP; TristPrG; TristPrQ 181/32; GilChinP 2343; ContGuillTyrSalJ; AssJérBourgvZ; FossierCh p.547; FossierCh p.399; BeaumS Man.553; chdouai0147 2; chdouai0167 2; chdouai0169 2; chdouai0170 2; chdouai0193 2; chdouai0193 2; chdouai0210 2; chdouai0210 2; chJu016 8; AnticlC 587,3352; chdouai0211 2; chdouai0211 2; chdouai0217 2; chdouai0217 2; chdouai0222 4; chdouai0226A 2; chdouai0226B 2; chdouai0226B 2; chdouai0277 2; chdouai0277 2; chdouai0315 2; chdouai0315 2; chdouai0327 2; chdouai0327 2; chMa161 12; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0409 1; chdouai0409 1; chdouai0410 1; chdouai0426 1; chdouai0426 1; chdouai0445 1; chdouai0445 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446b 1; chdouai0446b 1; chdouai0446b 1; chdouai0446b 1; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0473a 8; chdouai0473a 11; chdouai0473b 4; chdouai0473b 4; chdouai0473c 2; chdouai0473c 2; ChMa221 27; CharroicL; EnfOgS 3487; JMeunVégL; OvArtPrR 3420; SidracH p.133; SidracH p.226; SidracH p.134; SidracH p.222; BougWyffCal; JobB 273; PlacTimT; SoneG 6076,6078,6079;4534; PiérardMons tII,p.183; R 1296 01 06 02 50; R 1296 01 06 03 50; RP 1297 08 29 01 19; RP 1297 08 29 01 19; RP 1297 08 29 01 26; SottChansValL; MPolGregM; JoinvC 53;43,249,373; chN 013 18; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 2284,2274; JCondM; CoutBretP; chN 027 32; Apol3L 103,21; DébCorpsArrL 338; SGregJeanS; chN 031 27; docJuBe117 6; MirNDPers1-40P 5 842 etc; docJuBe250 6; BelleHelR 868a; GalienD; PassEntreG 475,502,508; PassEntreG 1756,2136,2350; PassEntreR 475; TristNantS 3,292,1113,6001,etc.; [GodBouillBruxR; ModusT; ModusT 63,11,15,42,53; AmphYpL2; AttilaS; AalmaR 9.015; AalmaR 6638+6728; AalmaR 6630-6631; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD; SEust10P 23,34,38,276,704,81; GaceBuigneB; DeschQ; JPreisMyrG; MenagB 115,3; MenagB 24,16*; GuiWarPrC 155,1.82,p.264; SEust11P 62,99,194,682,730,976,1052; EvQuenJe 1552,2290; ArmArgM 43,44 etc.]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest; RecHist XX,198, loy(s) SFanuelM, loye AliscmH 4473; [MistSGenisM], loyes docJuBe033 25, loys PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 C1091; chCOr222 9; EtSLouisV; chJu067 15; chJu070 12; JerusCont2G; chJu094 8; R 1296 06 21 01 4; RP 1297 08 29 01 31; docJuBe015 9; docJuBe027 32; docJuBe031 8; docJuBe036 18; docJuBe082 28; docJuBe083 16; docJuBe086 10; docJuBe087 11; docJuBe123 22; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 422, sat chJu069 13)
- ◆1o“loi” (PassionA 21,22,118 (v.384); GysselingDocAnc p. 200; GysselingDocAnc p. 203 Z. 15; GysselingDocAnc p. 208 Z. 12; AlexisP O9c (p.116); RolB; RolB 414; BrendanW 198, 2,3,69; LapidapS 235; PhThCompS 1r34,38; 1v,52; 7r,416; Appendix1029; WaceMargaK 138; GrantMalS2 40f*,41f,45c; WaceConcA 249,766,1695; GaimarB; PhThSibS; CharroiM 648 etc; CharroiPo t. II, 118; CourLouisL1; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; MonGuill1/2C 643, 2872, 2891; 2257; WaceNicR 3,761; EneasS1 120,8286; FloreaK 2722, 3330; FloreaK 137, 184; FloreaP 137, 182; FloreaW 137, 184, 2700; ChronSMichelB 1674; CommPsia1G p. 15; MarieGuigW2 El. 837,1130; BenTroieC; BenTroiemR; EdConfVatS; ErecR 1753-54; ErecR 6798; HornP; PhilomB 222, 25, 28 etc; RouH; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p. 35, v. 887; III, p. 400, v. 887 (?); SThomGuernW1 56,59,483,955,779,1260; AdamG3 24 u.ö.; AdamG3; Aiol1/2F 2298, 5051; AlexissH 26, 427; RecMédJuteH S. 250/Z.21; EstFougK 983; EstFougK; EstFougK; EructavitJ 617, 673; EructavitJ; MarieFabW 56,34; MarieFabW2; PercL; EdmK 2579; EdmK 2579; FlorebK 88, 100, ...; FlorebP 88, 100, 494, ...; SGillesP 1954,332; SThomBenS; AlexArsM c 1392; IpH 60,172,1966,8406; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 9,288n,5554etc; RègleHospCamS; AimonFlH 7401; RenR VII-IX 6733; RenR VII-IX 7581, 7829; RenR VII-IX, 8563; RenR 9975; SBernCantG; TristBérG 1270; 2339, 2704, 3104; TristBérG 2266; CoucyChansL VII, 18; FloovA v. loi; FloovA 253, 368, 1229, 1636, 2091; FloovB 2091; FolTristOxfH 817,833; GaceBruléD XXXIX, 65; PriseOrabR1 A 1872, A 1275; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 C1091; RCambrM; RCambrM; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM 9,310; PrêtreJeand/yG 606; PrêtreJeand/yG 606; BodelNicH 172, 244, 391, 555, 1427; MarieEspP; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW 26, 8; 32, 7; AlNeckUtensH 248; AlNeckUtensH 248; AubereeE p144; ChevVivM 1685; ChevVivM 45, 1330, 1454, 1457, B2 809, E43, 44; ChevVivM; ContGuillTyrdM 65 etc.; ContPerc2lC2 p135; ElucidaireiiiD I 122 D; GuiotProvinsO 94, 24430 etc.; JugAmS 263, D 10, E 407 ff.; PriseCordD; SCathClemM; SFanuelM; SFanuelM; SFanuelM; SGenB 1326; AssJérRoiG; MuséeArchDép p. 123 Z. 20; 124.15; 125.36 parsim; HerbomezTourn p. 26 Z. 24; HerbomezTourn p. 22 Z. 10, 12; GuillDoleL 4768; BibleDécb/eN; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 2743; ChardryDormM 246,384,440; GirVianeE 1595, 1010; Perl1N; RègleSBenNicH; SGraalIIIJostO; WaldefH 5040, 7064, 7067, etc.; AngDialGregO2 8859, 11860, 16915 etc.; AngDialGregP 91r°b,99r°b; AimeriD 2038; ChGuillI; ChGuillSd 281, 3256,3424; FillePonth1B2 p58; FlorenceW 342b; HervisH 803; HervisH 803; LeachBeverley p. 134 Z. 3,20,22; 135.1,8,14; MerlinM; MortAymC 1120, 1502, 2366, 2845, 3025; RecLondB p. 492 Z. 19; 493.15; 494.4 passim; AngVieGregP; PurgSPatrHarlV 236; PurgSPatrHarlV; TurpinBrianeS; AnsMetznG 1455; BalJosPr1M 34,10; BlancandS 3206, 3378, 3713; Bueve1S 1283, 8961, 1382 etc.; Bueve2S 2533, 14880; Bueve3S 9956,10182,10562etc; DurmG; DurmS 14335; MoniotArrD XXV, 33, 44; XXIV, 27; OvArtElieK 319 (r), 5185; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyChristO; ConstHamelR 208; LaDuCh 2, p. 115 Z. 34; LaDuCh 2 p. 114 Z. 7; LancPrK; LancPrM XXVI, 12; LXIa, 13; OrdeneChevB 20, 62, 76; Lemaire p. 410 Z. 28; 411.1; Lemaire p. 410 Z. 1, 4; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; DolopL; HerbomezChâtTourn p. 68 Z. 22; CoincyI1...K 74var; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI1K I 44 L 515; DocFlandrM p. 135; ComtePoitK; HerbomezSMart p. 375 Z. 24; MorPhilP 3439,3557; RenMontArdT N915; RenclCarH; SGraalIVEstP; GuillMarM 17518; BesantR 2735,3049,3081; ChansArtB II, 41, XVIII, 77; XII, 37, XVIII, 32; XII, 76; CoincyII1K 515; ViolB 1066, 5362; ConqIrlO; CoutVerdun1M 18, 115; 44, 1; 50, 26; LoisGodM p. 4 Z. 10; LoisGodM p. 2 Z. 17; 4.4, 10.34; 5.20; 9.30; 13.5, 31, 33; 16.27, 30; RoselLec; RoselLec 8062; TristPrG; TristPrL 163, 7; 270, 23; TristPrQ 181/32; DocHMarneG; LesortClerm p. 78 Z. 22, 23; DocVosL; DocVosL 112,13; 112,15; TournAntW 3016; DocHainR 72; 12; ... etc.; AnsCartA 5133; GilChinP 2343; HAndH; HAndH; JErartN XVIII 26; MahieuW II, VI 3, VIII III 2; ParDuchP 1646; ThibChampW; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MirAgn2K; AssJérBourgm/vK S. 20; AssJérBourgmZ; AssJérBourgvZ 22r-6 b-23 etc.; AssJérBourgvZ; AssJérBourgvZ; EdConfCambrW 2764n; FossierCh p. 470; FossierCh p.547; FossierCh p.399; CPont; CPont; AspinChansPol; AspinChansPol; AuberiTarbé; BeaumS Man.553; BonAngeK 149; CourLouiscLe; CristalB 8795; EspVerlinden 25, 38, 259, 290, 299; GautLeuL2 VIII 296, IV 97; HArciPèresO 2528,4901; HuonR 1995, 5039, 5061; JeuxPartL; LégAposthR; MaugisV 351, 4454; MaugisV 1626; Pères10C 880, 559; RésSauvcJ; SAgnèsDécD 48, 180, 192; Saisna/lB 1043; Saisna/lB 1039, *601/591; SermMaccM 197; SermMaurpB; VivMonbrancE 27; 29; 50; MenReimsP 7; MenReimsW 7; MenReimsW 97; RobHoY; YonM 3530; AnticlC 587,3352; CoutNormT p118; GilebBernF; GéomSGenV 475,501,503,504,506,516,519,524,528,538; HuonSQuentL 761; RutebF c 26; VMortAnW 28, 1; 39, 10; BrunLatC; CensHerchiesM 189,17; CensHerchiesM 163,12; CoutStAmandM I, XII, 8; I, IX, 3; I, I, 8, I, IX, 4; I, XV, 25; MoamT II, 45, 7; EtSLouisV; EtSLouisV; HaginL 37b; 38c; 65c; RegTournB; CarCharL 204; CharroicL; CharroicL; CourtParV 108; CoutWinchF 63; EmpConstOctC 620; EmpConstPrC 260, 340, 397, etc.; EvEnfB 664; EvEnfB2; SimPouilleaB C 1911; SimPouilleaB 396; SimPouilleaB B1007=loi(?), v. gloss.; EnfOgH 1429; EnfOgS 5291; EnfOgS 3487; RotParl4R 233,227; RotParl4R 109, 123; RotParl4R 106; RotParl4R 109; AdHalePartN IV, 24; XI, 73; XVI, 47; X, 22; BaudCondS p535; BaudCondS p535; BeaumCoutS; BeaumCoutS 27, 175, 204, 254 etc.; BibleMalkS 4304; BibleMalkS 866, 1827, 1831; CroisRichJ; EschieleMahW StN 40, 457; JMeunVégL; OvArtPrR 3420; SidracH p.133; SidracH p.226; SidracH p.134; SidracH p.222; BougWyffCal; BougWyffCal; BougWyffCal; SottChansOxfL IV, 13; AttilaPrB; JerusCont2G; JobB 273; PlacTimT; RenγF2; RenγF2; RenγF2; SGraalIVQuesteuR p. 340a; b; SoneG 6076,6078,6079;4534; PiérardMons II 183; PiérardMons tII,p.183; BrittN; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 12,164...; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 12, 161; CartEngMarF p. 184; CartEngMarF p. 210; 218; DoctPierresG §7,3; FevresS 289b-14; SecrSecrPr7B p254; SottChansValL; MPolGregM; NicBozCharV V; JoinvC 53; JoinvC 53;43,249,373; JoinvW1 510f,246g, etc.; FoukeB 28,14; 1,15; FoukeH 21,23; 54,36; NicBozAgnèsK; NicBozLucieK Lucy 170; GesteFrancorR 3495; GesteFrancorR 971,1220 ecc.; JSQuentO; MacaireM 666; OgDanAlC v. loi, lois; OgDanAlC 167, 425, 664, 1052, 1098, 2378, 778, 860, 2401, 3277; Taille1313M 24c, 28c, 2,38c2, 41a; Fauvel2L 1346; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 2284,2274; JCondM; JCondM; CiNDitB2; CoutBretP; CoutBretP; CoutBretP; Apol3L 103,21; BibleHolkP 19,4; 31,3; DébCorpsArrL 338; EntreeT 129; GuerreMetzB C 33; DialGregEvrS; DialGregEvrS; SGregJeanS; HuonAuvBrB; RestorD; MirNDPers1-40P 15 1770; 36 1150; MirNDPers1-40P 5 842 etc; AliscmH 4473; BelleHelR 868a; GalienD; GuillMachC; LionBourgAlK 1548; PassEntreG; PassEntreG 475,502,508; PassEntreG 1756,2136,2350; PassEntreR 475; SEvroulS; TristNantS; TristNantS 3,292,1113,6001,etc.; [GodBouillBruxR; GodBouillBruxR; ModusT; ModusT; ModusT; ModusT 63,11,15,42,53; AmphYpL2; AttilaS I 257; AttilaS XIV, 2168; AttilaS XVI 3380, v. gloss.; AttilaS XIV, 2474; AttilaS; AalmaR 6475, 6476, 6477; AalmaR 9.015; AalmaR 6638+6728; AalmaR 6630-6631; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 700, 2834; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD; SEust10P 23,34,38,276,704,81; GaceBuigneB p.53; GaceBuigneB; GaceBuigneB; DeschQ V, 87, 101; DeschQ VIII, 84; DeschQ; FroissBallB; FierPrM 368; JPreisMyrG; JPreisMyrG; MenagB 115,3; MenagB 24,16*; ChOthéeF 1393, pp. 110 et 111; GuiWarPrC 155,1.82,p.264; SEust11P 62,99,194,682,730,976,1052; EvQuenJe 1552,2290; ArmArgM 43,44 etc.; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 6, 71; etc; 92, 10; BartschHorning 9, 40; HenryChrest; HuntTeach I 322; HuntTeach II 74; NoomenFabl t.6, 386; NoomenFabl t.5, 470; NoomenFabl 344b; III169; NoomenFabl II 8 / 428; NoomenFabl 34a / D250; ParsonsCourt V 185; ParsonsCourt; ProvM 237, 431; ProvM 422; RecHist 198; RecHist XX,198; ReidFabl; RivièrePast; SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p.140b; SchwanBehrens p. 140 b; SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens 3, ARom 2, 263; AnS Bd. 220, (1983) S. 75 ff; BPH 1899 p. 71 Z. 5, 9; BPH 1899 p. 67 Z. 26; CarolusCh; CarolusCh; Chénon 1, 491, n. 3; ContPerc1R T 2978, 4998; E 1459; CorleyCont1 p176; CorleyCont2 29708; 29892; P23173; CorleyCont2 31560; Drüppel 94; EtWbg 123-128; FSt 42, 133; Hassell S 120; JMLt 9,42; Katara 205; Katara 210; KellerWace 174b,186a,191b; MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 260; MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 236; MantouVoc BT Dial 53, 131; MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 239; MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 232; MantouVoc BT Dial 52, 232; MantouVoc c. 12 etc; MantouVoc Y.L.f. 149 etc; MantouVoc 10; MantouVoc 124 etc.; MantouVoc Y.L.f. 180 etc.; MantouVoc Br. 1319 C. 334; MantouVoc Br. 1286 h 2,3,7 etc.; MedAev 47 (1978) 128; Messelaar 33, 35; MessnerBers 153; Miettinen 190; Morlet 147; MélGam4 582; MélRoques2 I, 21-25; MöhrenVal; NM 85, 1984, 19 ff.; OrelliBibel; Pope 290, 297, 523; R 75,303; R 90, 175,193; R 82 p. 210, 89 p. 157; R 83 p. 432; R 103,371; R 72,255.400; 89,389.393; 90,386; RF 10,1336a; RF 39,242; RF 10, S. 1336a; RLaR 101, 1; 43; RLiR 51,641; RLiR 48, 249; RLiR 30 (1961); RoJb 31 (1980) 35-55; RoJb 31, 1980 p. 34 ff.; RoPh 3,79 (13); RoquesRég 138; Runk p.84; Runk p. 100; SchelerJPreis II, 11760; SchulzeBusProv 237, 1712, 1936; TilLex; Trénel 297; Trénel 327; Trénel 267; VRo 52,41; VRo 47,1988,163; ZrP 110 (1994), 512; ZrP 101 (1985) 336, 54; [sigle] 1840,2001; [sigle]; [sigle] 130/44; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle], TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf s. 2. loi; Gdf V, 16c; Gdf V, 16c; Gdf V, 17c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 10, 90c; AND 382b; AND; AND 382b; AND 382b; AND 382b; MED V,784a; MED V, 784 a; Lac VII 156b; Lac VII 161a; DCCarp 251a; DCCarp 251c; DCCarp 254 c / 255 a; DCCarp 256b; FEW V 291b; FEW XVI 448 a; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Arnaldi 14; Arnaldi 7; Chastell; DiStefLoc 491; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; Foerster; GdfMat; LexMA V 1935; LexMA 4, 1388; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo001 20; chdouai0006 3; chdouai0006 3; ChMM001 3; ChMM001 9; ChMM001 16; ChMM001 39; ChMM001 69; ChMM001 84; ChMM001 84; ChMe012 5; ChMe012 8; chdouai0018 2; docJuBe001 2; docJuBe001a 2; chdouai0032 2; chdouai0041 2; chdouai0041 2; ChMe081 10; ChMe081 14; chdouai0045 2; chdouai0049 3; chdouai0049 3; chdouai0060 2; chdouai0060 2; ChMM111 2; chdouai0092 2; chdouai0101 2; ChMM127 11; ChMM127 13; chdouai0117 2; chdouai0116 2; chdouai0125 2; chdouai0125 2; chdouai0128 2; chdouai0128 2; chdouai0135 2; chdouai0141 2; chdouai0147 2; ChMa119 30; chdouai0157 2; chdouai0157 2; chdouai0166 2; chdouai0166 2; chdouai0167 2; chdouai0167 2; chdouai0167 2; chdouai0169 2; chdouai0170 2; chMa126 21; chMa126 21; ChMa128 7; ChMa131 24; ChMa131 24; chJu016 8; chdouai0193 2; chdouai0193 2; chdouai0210 2; chdouai0210 2; chdouai0211 2; chdouai0211 2; chdouai0217 2; chdouai0217 2; chdouai0222 4; chdouai0222 7; chdouai0226A 2; chdouai0226A 2; chdouai0226B 2; chdouai0226B 2; chdouai0227 2; ChHM171 18; chMo238 3; chMo238 19; chMo238 22; chdouai0235 3; chdouai0238 3; chdouai0243 2; chdouai0243 2; chdouai0244 2; chdouai0244 2; chdouai0260 2; chdouai0260 3; chdouai0260 3; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0271 2; chdouai0277 2; chdouai0277 2; chdouai0280 2; chdouai0280 2; chdouai0284 1; chdouai0284 1; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0285 2; chdouai0293 2; chdouai0293 2; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0295 2; chdouai0308 2; chdouai0315 2; chdouai0315 2; chdouai0322 2; chdouai0322 2; chdouai0327 2; chdouai0327 2; chdouai0331 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0335 2; chdouai0340 3; chdouai0345 2; chdouai0345 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0359 2; chdouai0361 2; chdouai0361 2; chdouai0365 2; chdouai0365 3; chdouai0365 3; chdouai0369 2; chdouai0369 2; chdouai0371 2; chdouai0371 2; ChMa149 10; ChV0108 7; ChMa158 28; chJu025 8; chMa161 12; chdouai0389 1; chCOr196 6; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0393 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0394 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; chdouai0395 1; ChHM235 14; chdouai0403 1; chdouai0403 1; chdouai0405 1; chdouai0405 1; chdouai0408 1; chdouai0409 1; chdouai0409 1; chdouai0410 1; chdouai0410 1; chdouai0414 1; chCOr214 12; chdouai0426 1; chdouai0426 1; chdouai0429 1; chdouai0429 1; chdouai0429 1; chdouai0431 1; chdouai0440 1; chdouai0445 1; chdouai0445 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446a 1; chdouai0446b 1; chdouai0446b 1; chdouai0446b 1; chdouai0446b 1; chdouai0448 1; chdouai0448 1; chdouai0448 1; chMa207 16; chdouai0453 1; chCOr222 9; chdouai0466 1; chdouai0466 1; ChMe237 3; chdouai0473a 8; chdouai0473a 11; chdouai0473b 4; chdouai0473b 4; chdouai0473c 2; chdouai0473c 2; ChMe003 2; ChHM269 9; chdouai0494 1; chdouai0494 1; ChMa221 27; chHM273 29; chJu052 12; chJu053 15; chHS120 7; chHS123 9; chHS123 10; chHS123 19; chSL 018 28; chSL 019 30; chJu067 15; chJu069 12; chJu069 13; chJu070 12; chJu072 16; chN 004 28; chJu078 8; chJu080 14; chJu094 8; R 1296 01 06 02 50; R 1296 01 06 03 50; R 1296 06 21 01 4; R 1296 06 30 08 16; R 1296 06 30 08 17; R 1296 06 30 11 16; R 1296 06 30 11 17; chHS129 8; RP 1297 08 29 01 19; RP 1297 08 29 01 19; RP 1297 08 29 01 26; RP 1297 08 29 01 31; R 1297 09 17 01 16; R 1297 09 17 01 17; docJuBe009 9; docJuBe015 9; docJuBe027 32; chN 013 18; docJuBe031 8; chSL 068 23; docJuBe033 25; docJuBe036 18; docJuBe040 40; docJuBe041 7; chN 027 32; docJuBe082 28; docJuBe083 16; docJuBe087 11; docJuBe086 10; chN 031 27; chN 033 33; docJuBe117 6; docJuBe123 22; docJuBe127 14; docJuBe250 6; docJuBe251 15; docJuBe275 1)
Cf. ANDEl lei1; DMF loi1.
fiches par lemme
●loiduit adj.
[TL; TL; TL; Gdf V 18a. – BienDire p366; MélBrunel I 568; R 77,119; ZrP 97, 1981 p. 206.]
(leduiz, ledoiz, ledoit ThebesC, loiduit FetRomF1; ThebesR 1387,4088)
- ◆“instruit du droit” (ThebesC; FetRomF1; ThebesR 1387,4088, BienDire p366; MélBrunel I 568; R 77,119; ZrP 97, 1981 p. 206, TL; TL; TL; Gdf V 18a)
fiches par lemme
●besloi m.
[FEW 5, 292b lt. LĒX – TL; TL; TL; TL 1,942,34; TL 1,942,34; Gdf; Gdf 1, 633b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 67a; AND 66a; DCCarp S. 73; DCCarp S.71; FEW 5, 292b; DiStefLoc 76; DiStefLoc 75. – KellerWace 191a; MélSuard 589; R 75, 127; RLiR 29, 231; RoquesRég 188; RoquesRég 138; SchelerJPreis 3151; 30440; II, 11427; SchelerJPreis 9398; SchelerJPreis II, 6942; TilNMélEtym 147-8,166.]
(bellai RenR VII-IX, 8602; RomRomT 167,422, Bellai RomRomT, bellei ProtH; GuillMarM; (sigles à datations multiples:) IpKH, Bellei ConqIrlO, Belley MirAgn2K, belloi Aiol1/2F 3437; Aiol1/2N 3436, 4526; ElesB OC 448; GirVianeE 6452; GirVianeY 6452; FetRomF1; FlorenceW 1504; CoincyII22/23/24/25Li 3204; YonM 4246; RenMontlC 151, 9737; 13430, 13651; EnfOgS 3174; RenβXXL 21416; RenγF2; JCondM, belloy AmYdR 5840; CesTuimAlC 5379; 7200; LionBourgAlK 11095, 24998, BELLOY CesTuimAlC, beloi RCambrM, beslei GaimarB 5562; BenTroieC; BenTroiemR; BenDucF 6400, 9756; BenDucM I, p.230, v. 4234; p.347, v. 7587; SThomGuernW1 715, 2663, 2914, 3313; SThomGuernW2 715, 2663, 2914, 3313; IpH 2293; BibleDécb/eN; WaldefH 7048, 10006, 15274; GuillMarM 9931, 6321; ApocGiffR 1817, besley ChardryPletM 1132, besloi RouH II, 4317; GautArrIllC; GautArrIllLe; AlexParA I, t.3, 261; JourdBlD 300; JourdBlD2; BalJosCamA; CoincyI11V 1112; CoincyII1...K 170; CoincyII11/18B 170; JeuxPartL; MaugisV 3411, 8489; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 48, 43, besloy JCondM; JCondOisR, bedlei SThomGuernW1)
- ◆“injustice” (GaimarB 5562; BenTroieC; BenTroiemR; RouH II, 4317; BenDucF 6400, 9756; BenDucM I, p.230, v. 4234; p.347, v. 7587; SThomGuernW1 715, 2663, 2914, 3313; SThomGuernW1; SThomGuernW2 715, 2663, 2914, 3313; Aiol1/2F 3437; Aiol1/2N 3436, 4526; GautArrIllC; GautArrIllLe; AlexParA I, t.3, 261; IpH 2293; ProtH; RenR VII-IX, 8602; RCambrM; RomRomT 167,422; RomRomT; JourdBlD 300; JourdBlD2; AmYdR 5840; BibleDécb/eN; ChardryPletM 1132; ElesB OC 448; GirVianeE 6452; GirVianeY 6452; WaldefH 7048, 10006, 15274; FetRomF1; FlorenceW 1504; BalJosCamA; CoincyI11V 1112; GuillMarM 9931, 6321; GuillMarM; CoincyII1...K 170; CoincyII11/18B 170; CoincyII22/23/24/25Li 3204; ConqIrlO; MirAgn2K; CesTuimAlC; CesTuimAlC 5379; 7200; JeuxPartL; MaugisV 3411, 8489; YonM 4246; RenMontlC 151, 9737; 13430, 13651; EnfOgS 3174; ApocGiffR 1817; RenβXXL 21416; RenγF2; JCondM; JCondM; JCondOisR; LionBourgAlK 11095, 24998; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 48, 43; IpKH, KellerWace 191a; MélSuard 589; R 75, 127; RLiR 29, 231; RoquesRég 188; RoquesRég 138; SchelerJPreis 3151; 30440; II, 11427; SchelerJPreis II, 6942; SchelerJPreis 9398; TilNMélEtym 147-8,166, TL; TL 1,942,34; TL; TL; TL 1,942,34; Gdf; Gdf 1, 633b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 67a; AND 66a; DCCarp S. 73; DCCarp S.71; FEW 5, 292b; DiStefLoc 76; DiStefLoc 75)
fiches par lemme
●besloier v.
[Gdf 633b; AND 67a; FEW 5, 292a. – NM 96, 19; RoquesRég 138.]
(besleié BenDucM 3, p239, v. 38183, besleier BenDucF 40417)
- ◆“traiter injustement” (BenDucF 40417; BenDucM 3, p239, v. 38183, NM 96, 19; RoquesRég 138, Gdf 633b; AND 67a; FEW 5, 292a)
fiches par lemme
●desloi m.
[TL; TL 2,1639,38; Gdf; Gdf 2, 606 c; AND; DCCarp 147 c; FEW 5, 292 a; DiStefLoc 245. – MélADees 1988, 179; R 75, 304; RoR 386, 6786; RoquesRég 138.]
(deslaz GuillMarM 895, 3865, deslei BenTroieC; BenDucF 164, 868 etc.; BenDucM I p. 29, v. 733; p. 64 v. 1724; p. 75, v. 2036 etc., desloi GuiotProvinsO 2443; SSilvCroixP S. 179; BibleGuiotW; DoonRocheM 373; CoincyII1...K 204 var.; EtSLouisV; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 459, 18, Desloi JostPletR; BibleMacéL, Desloy BibleMacéS3, desloys TristNantS 11668)
- ◆“ce qui est contraire à la loi, perfidie, injustice” (BenTroieC; BenDucF 164, 868 etc.; BenDucM I p. 29, v. 733; p. 64 v. 1724; p. 75, v. 2036 etc.; GuiotProvinsO 2443; SSilvCroixP S. 179; BibleGuiotW; DoonRocheM 373; GuillMarM 895, 3865; CoincyII1...K 204 var.; JostPletR; EtSLouisV; BibleMacéL; BibleMacéS3; TristNantS 11668; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 459, 18, MélADees 1988, 179; R 75, 304; RoR 386, 6786; RoquesRég 138, TL; TL 2,1639,38; Gdf; Gdf 2, 606 c; AND; DCCarp 147 c; FEW 5, 292 a; DiStefLoc 245)
fiches par lemme
●desloier v.
[TL; TL; TL; Gdf 2, 607 b; AND; DCCarp 147 c; FEW 5, 292 a; AdHaleLexM. – ARom 16 (1932) 297; ContPerc E 10098; KellerWace 229 b; 229 a; R 66, 547; ZrP 95, 433; ZrP 83, 134.]
(desleer TristThomB 484, 511; TristThomL 484, 510, 511, 1576; TristThomW SM. - 1, 432 etc., desleié BenTroieC; BenDucM I p. 27 v. 697, p. 29 v. 735, p. 31 v. 802 etc.; AmbroiseP 8806, 3704; GuillMarM 5754, desleier EdConfVatS; HornP 1977; BenDucF; BenDucM I p. 17, v. 417; p. 232, v. 4290; p. 443, v. 10454, desleïer (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest, desloians GlDouaiE1 116, desloier EructavitJ 768; TristBérG 4143; GaceBruléH; (sigles à datations multiples:) RohlfsFablels, desloiez GaceBruléD XXXVI, 40)
- ◆“être déloyal” (BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; HornP 1977; BenDucF; BenDucM I p. 27 v. 697, p. 29 v. 735, p. 31 v. 802 etc.; BenDucM I p. 17, v. 417; p. 232, v. 4290; p. 443, v. 10454; EructavitJ 768; TristBérG 4143; TristThomB 484, 511; TristThomL 484, 510, 511, 1576; TristThomW SM. - 1, 432 etc.; GaceBruléD XXXVI, 40; GaceBruléH; AmbroiseP 8806, 3704; GuillMarM 5754; GlDouaiE1 116; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest; RohlfsFablels, ARom 16 (1932) 297; ContPerc E 10098; KellerWace 229 b; 229 a; R 66, 547; ZrP 95, 433; ZrP 83, 134, TL; TL; TL; Gdf 2, 607 b; AND; DCCarp 147 c; FEW 5, 292 a; AdHaleLexM)
fiches par lemme
●desloiier v.
[TL 2,1640,15; TL 2,1640,15; ActesRegLex.]
(desloiïe SottChansValL XXVII, 30 (r.))
- ◆“agir contre la loi” (SottChansValL XXVII, 30 (r.), TL 2,1640,15; TL 2,1640,15; ActesRegLex)
fiches par lemme
●devantloi f. et m.
[TL 2,1857,46; TL; FEW V, 292b.]
- ◆“religion des ancêtres” (TL 2,1857,46; TL; FEW V, 292b)
fiches par lemme
●estreloi m.
[TL; TL 3,1473,3; Gdf 3, 649c; DCCarp 191a; FEW 5, 292b; AdHaleLexM; ActesRegLex. – MélHœ 312; MélSuard 590; RoquesRég 138; RoquesRég 188; RoquesRég 188.]
(esterlois Saisna/lB 1006, 824° (A); 3792° (A); 2037° (A), estreloi GautArrIllC; GautArrIllLe; GuiotProvinsO C I 16; AudefroiC XVI 7; MahieuW II VII 1; ChansSatBachJ; JeuxPartL; RigomerF; RigomerF; VMortAnW 42, 4; 114, 8; 156, 5; SilenceT2; EnfOgS 3273; AdHalePartN XI, 65, X, 8; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 299, 33; NoomenFabl 339a, t. 9, Estreloi ChansArtJ, estreloi, s.m. VMortAnW 170, estrelois GuillDoleL 4848; ChansArtB II, 29, III, 73, estreloy BibleGuiotW; MorPhilP 3657)
- ◆“injustice, excès, outrage, injure” (GautArrIllC; GautArrIllLe; Saisna/lB 1006, 824° (A); 3792° (A); 2037° (A); GuiotProvinsO C I 16; GuillDoleL 4848; AudefroiC XVI 7; BibleGuiotW; MorPhilP 3657; ChansArtB II, 29, III, 73; ChansArtJ; MahieuW II VII 1; ChansSatBachJ; JeuxPartL; RigomerF; RigomerF; VMortAnW 42, 4; 114, 8; 156, 5; VMortAnW 170; SilenceT2; EnfOgS 3273; AdHalePartN XI, 65, X, 8; RigomerF; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 299, 33; NoomenFabl 339a, t. 9, MélHœ 312; MélSuard 590; RoquesRég 138; RoquesRég 188; RoquesRég 188, TL 3,1473,3; TL; Gdf 3, 649c; DCCarp 191a; FEW 5, 292b; AdHaleLexM; ActesRegLex)
fiches par lemme
●desloiance f.
[AND; FEW 5, 292a; ActesRegLex. – RoquesRég 137.]
(deloyaunce BrittN)
- ◆“action contraire à la foi promise” (BrittN, RoquesRég 137, AND; FEW 5, 292a; ActesRegLex)
fiches par lemme
●enloier v.
(enlayer CoutBretP p. 123, l. 19; p. 129, l. 19; p. 177, l. 22)
- ◆“mettre à choix de loi, déférer le serment” (CoutBretP p. 123, l. 19; p. 129, l. 19; p. 177, l. 22)
fiches par lemme
●estreloier v.
(estreloier GaceBruléD LVI, 13)
- ◆“traiter avec injustice” (GaceBruléD LVI, 13)
fiches par lemme
●esloier v.
(eslajent LoisGuillL, eslaoir ThomKentF 2835)
- ◆“déclarer l’innocence” (LoisGuillL; ThomKentF 2835)