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fiches par lemme
fr. lointain adj.
[FEW 5,406a
lt. *LONGITANUS – TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf V 21a; Gdf V 21b; Gdf V 21c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf V, 29a; Gdf; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 393b, 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; MED V 1155a; MED V, 1155a; MED 5,1155a; FEW V 406a; FEW V 406b; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Chastell 287; GdfMat 10,91c; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – BJRyL 65, 234; Chénon 1,751 n.2 (Beaum); HoltusEntrée 92,164...S.91; KellerWace; KellerWace 3/8b; Messelaar 38, 138; Morlet 351; MélBoutière 463; MélBoutière 457; Pope 350; RF 10, 1342a; RevCrit 20,2 p. 11; Runk p. 152; SchulzeBusProv 288,1282; StFr 58/60, 122; [sigle] NM 73,539.]
(laintaing AiquinJ 356, loigdaig BlackBookT II p. 342, loigtain (sigles à datations multiples:) ReidFabl, loigtaine AlexParA 1409 var. t. 5, loigteine BesantR 3523, loigtieg LancPrK, loigtiegne TristPrC 48,10 etc., loigtieng (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 8, 421, loingtain RouH II 1545; EructavitJ 807,824; EructavitJ; [AmphYpL2; OrdAdmZ; DeschQ IX,305]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 53c,3; 61,36; 49; 92,49; ProvM 288, loingtaing MirNDPers1-40P 31 596, loingtains ProvSalSanI, loingtein GuillMarM 5698, loingtiegne FlorebK 2599, loingtien BeaumCoutS, loingtienge FlorebP 25 97, loingtiens OvArtElieK 687; ArtusS 79,36, loingtieux ContGuillTyrRothA 513, lointaigne TournAntW 54, lointaignes [LégDorVignBatallD], lointain LapidffS 542; ThebesC 9824; BenDucF; PelCharlK 100; PelCharlF; EdmK; SJeanEvW 796; ThibChampW; Saisna/lB 1044, 3931 (A); DrouartB 3415,3405 etc.; GuiNantvProlC 140; JMoteRegrS 163; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 49,35; 117,10; 325,26, lointaine GautArrIllC, lointaines PéageChalonb/c/dA A,B 29, lointaing EneasS1 543,580; Perl1N; RenclCarH; ClefD 208, lointains BenDucM; AldL 16,31; ContGuillTyrRothA 513, lointanes GautChâtC 46,100, lointein HornP 4384, lointeine FevresS 251-6, 255-21, lointeinnes SGraalIIJosO, lointeins AdamG3 921, lointien MantelB M10; CharroidL 1185, lointiens ContGuillTyrRothA 513; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 1282, lointoin JPrioratR 9560, loitain SGregJeanS, lonctain CristalB 1497; SDomM, lonctans GilChinP, longtain ArtusS 64,45; 145,12; [AndrVigneSMartD v. 5053], longtain(e) [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 258, 266], longtaingne MerlinsR 401, 44, lontaigne LapidffS 542D; BenTroieC; (sigles à datations multiples:) RivièrePast, lontain CoucyChansL IV, 45; XXVII, 38; GaceBruléD XXXII, 7; VengAlE p122; FillePonth1B2 p58; Bueve1S 3388; Bueve2S 1442, 3995; Bueve3S 11140; AntBerW 711; RenclCarH; ViolB 5237; VMortAnW 69,7; 190,11; ChaceOisi2H 5,13; 46,3; 5,15; ChaceOisi2H; JCondM; JCondOisR; AcartH 504, 664; ChevPapH 44, 22; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid a. 426, lontaine LapidffS 426; AlexParA 2018 var. t. 5, lontaines SecrSecrPr7B p254, lontaingne SGraalIVEstP, lontainne [FroissPrisF 1380, 1952], lontains DurmS 2384, lontans ChastVergiS, lonteine (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 16e,30, lonten ChevVivM D 1027; ChevVivM; JPrioratR 4555, loyngteynz NicBozMorS 148, luintain SGillesP 506, luintein RègleHospCamS 212; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid D.34,48,D1, luintenie PurgSPatrCamZ, luitan EntreeT 2615,8144, luitein EnanchetF 54,5, luntaine [AttilaS XIII, 1274], luntan MacaireM 169; OgDanAlC 1612; EntreeT 2245, luntein SThomGuernW1 612, luntuns AliscW p. 326 v. 5706)
- ◆“qui se trouve à une distance considérable” (LapidffS 426; LapidffS 542D; LapidffS 542; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 543,580; ThebesC 9824; BenTroieC; HornP 4384; RouH II 1545; BenDucF; BenDucM; SThomGuernW1 612; AdamG3 921; GautArrIllC; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 100; EructavitJ 807,824; EructavitJ; EdmK; FlorebK 2599; FlorebP 25 97; SGillesP 506; AlexParA 1409 var. t. 5; AlexParA 2018 var. t. 5; RègleHospCamS 212; AliscW p. 326 v. 5706; CoucyChansL IV, 45; XXVII, 38; GaceBruléD XXXII, 7; MantelB M10; VengAlE p122; SGraalIIJosO; ChevVivM D 1027; ChevVivM; AiquinJ 356; Perl1N; FillePonth1B2 p58; Bueve1S 3388; Bueve2S 1442, 3995; Bueve3S 11140; DurmS 2384; OvArtElieK 687; LancPrK; AntBerW 711; PurgSPatrCamZ; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; SGraalIVEstP; SJeanEvW 796; GuillMarM 5698; BesantR 3523; ViolB 5237; TristPrC 48,10 etc.; TournAntW 54; ArtusS 64,45; 145,12; ArtusS 79,36; GilChinP; ThibChampW; ChastVergiS; MerlinsR 401, 44; CristalB 1497; Saisna/lB 1044, 3931 (A); EnanchetF 54,5; AldL 16,31; SDomM; ContGuillTyrRothA 513; ContGuillTyrRothA 513; ContGuillTyrRothA 513; VMortAnW 69,7; 190,11; CharroidL 1185; ClefD 208; BeaumCoutS; DrouartB 3415,3405 etc.; GautChâtC 46,100; JPrioratR 4555; JPrioratR 9560; FevresS 251-6, 255-21; SecrSecrPr7B p254; PéageChalonb/c/dA A,B 29; ChaceOisi2H 5,13; 46,3; 5,15; ChaceOisi2H; NicBozMorS 148; MacaireM 169; OgDanAlC 1612; JCondM; JCondOisR; EntreeT 2245; EntreeT 2615,8144; SGregJeanS; AcartH 504, 664; GuiNantvProlC 140; JMoteRegrS 163; MirNDPers1-40P 31 596; BlackBookT II p. 342; ChevPapH 44, 22; [AmphYpL2; AttilaS XIII, 1274; FroissPrisF 1380, 1952; OrdAdmZ; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 258, 266; DeschQ IX,305; LégDorVignBatallD; AndrVigneSMartD v. 5053]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 16e,30; BartschChrest 53c,3; 61,36; 49; 92,49; BartschHorning 49,35; 117,10; 325,26; NoomenFabl t. 8, 421; PannierLapid a. 426; PannierLapid D.34,48,D1; ProvM 288; ProvM 1282; ReidFabl; RivièrePast, BJRyL 65, 234; Chénon 1,751 n.2 (Beaum); HoltusEntrée 92,164...S.91; KellerWace; KellerWace 3/8b; Messelaar 38, 138; Morlet 351; MélBoutière 463; MélBoutière 457; Pope 350; RF 10, 1342a; RevCrit 20,2 p. 11; Runk p. 152; SchulzeBusProv 288,1282; StFr 58/60, 122; [sigle] NM 73,539, TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf V 21a; Gdf V 21b; Gdf V 21c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf V, 29a; Gdf; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 393b, 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; MED V 1155a; MED V, 1155a; MED 5,1155a; FEW V 406a; FEW V 406b; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Chastell 287; GdfMat 10,91c; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
Cf. ANDEl luintein; DMF lointain.
fiches par lemme
●lointainement adv.
[Gdf V 21b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 394a; AND 394a; FEW 406b. – KellerWace 3/8b.]
(loingtainnement RouH App. 375, lointeinment HornP 2686)
- ◆“au loin” (HornP 2686; RouH App. 375, KellerWace 3/8b, Gdf V 21b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 394a; AND 394a; FEW 406b)
fiches par lemme
●lointaineté f.
[TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf V 21b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 394a; FEW V 406b; Chastell 287.]
- ◆“éloignement, distance” (TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf V 21b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 394a; FEW V 406b; Chastell 287)
Cf. DMF lointaineté.
fiches par lemme
●lointainier1 v.
[HoltusEntrée 112, 166, 172, 175, 366.]
(lontaner EntreeT 5347, 5897, 11451, luntanere HuonAuvBrB)
- ◆“éloigner, s’éloigner de, quitter” (EntreeT 5347, 5897, 11451; HuonAuvBrB, HoltusEntrée 112, 166, 172, 175, 366)
fiches par lemme
●francoit. lointainier2 adj.
[HoltusEntrée 116, 159, 366.]
(lontané HuonAuvbS6 7360, 8066, lontanier EntreeT 9356, 9427, luntaner [AttilaS VIII, 2408])
- ◆“lointain” (EntreeT 9356, 9427; HuonAuvbS6 7360, 8066; [AttilaS VIII, 2408], HoltusEntrée 116, 159, 366)
fiches par lemme
●lointif adj.
[AND 394a; AND 394a; DCCarp 255a.]
- ◆“éloigné” (AND 394a; AND 394a; DCCarp 255a)
fiches par lemme
●lointisme adv.
[AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a.]
- ◆“à une grande distance” (AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a; AND 394a)
fiches par lemme
●lointien adj.
(lointien CharroicL, lointienes SGraalIIIJostO)
- ◆“qui se trouve à une distance considérable” (SGraalIIIJostO; CharroicL)