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toutes fiches de l’article
fiches par lemme
mareschal m.
[FEW 16,517a abfrq. *MARKSKALK – TL; TL; TL 5,1153,43; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 5,170b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC; GdfC 10, 124a; AND 406B; AND 407b; AND 408A; MED 6, 193a; MED 6,193a; MED 6,193a; DCCarp 263c; DCCarp 264b; FEW; FEW; FEW 16,517a; FEW; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 244; Corom 4, 1164c; LexMA 2,503; FEW 16,517a; DMF; DMF. – [sigle]; BPH 1966, 408; BangertTiere 135; Bev 143; Bev 143; Bev 143; BormannJagd; CellaGall 479; Delisle 735, 44, 132, 233, 258, 275; FSt 10, 64; FennisGal S. 1195; Guinet; KahaneByz III a 2 E; KaiserMPol 110; KellerWace 168a; KitzeRoss 264; Morlet 115; Morlet 261; R 73, p. 56, 542; RF 11, 384a; RLiR 37, 147, N2; RLiR 41, 192; RLiR 26,227; Rbph 52/4, 789; Runk 108; Ziltener 6476; ZrP 77, 234; [sigle]; [sigle] S. 265.]
(maireschalx docJuBe282 4, mairexalz BanMetzW 504, marachal chMM008 2; chMM008 5; chMM008 8; chMM008 17; chMM008 17, marachaus chMM008 18; chMM008 19, marascaus SCathVérB 507; SCathVérB, marchal ThomKentF 458; 556, 671, Marchial CensHerchiesM, marechal TristThomW Str. 1 29; ChMa145 7; ChMa150 13; [CensMontjM S. 40; ArmArgM 278n], maréchal HValL 528, 551, 611; [SottiesP], marechau FloovA 998, 1006, marechaus RobClariL 18; CensToulO 27v°, 33; JoinvW1 122d, 252b, marechaut RegDijon1L, marechauz chMa172 1; CensToulO, marescal RouH III 804; GautArrIllC; ImpArtB, marescale NecrArrB 135a, marescalk (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I 149, marescallus CPont; CptRoyF 12996, 13088, 13096, 13099, 13768-13770, marescals BesantR 1932, marescaus BenTroieC 35,72; chdouai0055 3, mareschal HornP 4103 n1; BenDucF 39251, 28838; SThomGuernW1 247, 2046, 2597; TristThomB 1225; ContPerc1P T 1246; AmbroiseP 5643, 6426; Bueve2S 16672; SJeanEvW 176; GuillMarM 8392, 14546; GuillMarM 147; GautLeuL2 VIII 386, IX 16; ThebesR 1659; ChMa074 3; ChMa179 3; RegTournB 461; JordRufmP; CleomH 1683; HosebHenL 132, 136...; 134; Taille1292G 6, 9, etc.; Taille1292G 19; Taille1292G 137; Taille1296M 2, 13, 26, 46, 54, 51, 56, 59, 62, 81; Taille1297M 71; 156, 157 passim; RP 1297 03 32 01 7; RP 1297 03 32 02 7; R 1298 02 25 01 7; R 1298 02 25 02 7; R 1298 06 26 01 7; R 1298 10 06 01 107; VR 1298 02 25 01 7; NicBozCharV; Taille1313M S. 7; Taille1313M S. 42; Taille1313M S. 53; Taille1313M passim; Taille1313M 1d, 4b, 7d, 9d, etc.; Taille1313M 3c; Taille1313M 11a2, 14a, 32d; BlackBookT I p. 56; ChevPapH 24,2; 42,3; 54, 37; [GastPhébChasseT 1676]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 27,90; 9,43*; BartschHorning 319, 15; HuntTeach I 345, 21; NoomenFabl 26b/183; 26c/D193, Mareschal GautLeuL2, MARESCHAL LMestL, mareschals TristThomL 1225, mareschau AssJérRoiG, mareschault [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 201], mareschaus AlexArsM B 115, B 96; EscoufleM 301a, 430, 441; EscoufleS 6636; DocHMarneG 1b,37; DanDenieraM 151; ChMa069 23; ChMa145 1; ChMa180 2; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl III 16c/s5, Mareschaus VillehW; SermMaurpB, mareschiaus TerrEvêqueH 164, marichal DocAubeC 41-1; Taille1313M; Taille1313M S. 7; Taille1313M 1d, 2d; Taille1313M S. 13; [RégSantélC 71r], marichaus DocAubeC 59-1; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 422, mariscals [JPreisMyrG 5577, 5618 etc], mariscax GautArrIllLe, marischal Taille1313M S. 52, Marischal LMestL, marissal HemH 120, id. (tite) 2983, Marissaus CartHain, marissiaus BastC 1451, marsalz [JPreisMyrG], merchal (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I230, meschals GuillMarM 3858)
- ◆1o“grand officier chargé du commandement d’une armée (et qui peut se voir confier le gouvernement en l’absence du représentant de la plus haute autorité)” (FEW 16,517a; DMF)
- ◆mareschal de France “grand officier (au nombre de deux), sous les ordres du connétable, ayant des responsabilités militaires diverses, entre autres celle de la justice militaire” (RP 1297 03 32 01 7; RP 1297 03 32 02 7; R 1298 02 25 01 7; R 1298 02 25 02 7; R 1298 06 26 01 7; VR 1298 02 25 01 7, DMF)
- ◆marescaus d’Engleterre (chdouai0055 3)
- ◆mareschal de Constantinoble (ChMa179 3)
- ◆marachal de Champagne (chMM008 2; chMM008 5; chMM008 8; chMM008 17; chMM008 17; chMM008 18; chMM008 19; ChMa074 3; ChMa145 1; ChMa145 7; chMa172 1; ChMa180 2)
- ◆2oIdentificanda DEAFpré “artisan ou officier chargé du soin des chevaux et des écuries ” (BenTroieC 35,72; HornP 4103 n1; RouH III 804; BenDucF 39251, 28838; SThomGuernW1 247, 2046, 2597; GautArrIllC; GautArrIllLe; AlexArsM B 115, B 96; ThomKentF 458; 556, 671; TristThomB 1225; TristThomL 1225; TristThomW Str. 1 29; FloovA 998, 1006; ContPerc1P T 1246; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleM 301a, 430, 441; EscoufleS 6636; HValL 528, 551, 611; VillehW; AmbroiseP 5643, 6426; NecrArrB 135a; RobClariL 18; Bueve2S 16672; BanMetzW 504; SJeanEvW 176; GuillMarM 3858; GuillMarM 8392, 14546; GuillMarM 147; BesantR 1932; DocAubeC 41-1; DocAubeC 59-1; DocHMarneG 1b,37; SCathVérB 507; SCathVérB; CPont; DanDenieraM 151; GautLeuL2 VIII 386, IX 16; GautLeuL2; SermMaurpB; ThebesR 1659; CensHerchiesM; LMestL; LMestL; RegTournB 461; CartHain; JordRufmP; TerrEvêqueH 164; HemH 120, id. (tite) 2983; CleomH 1683; CptRoyF 12996, 13088, 13096, 13099, 13768-13770; HosebHenL 132, 136...; 134; CensToulO 27v°, 33; CensToulO; Taille1292G 6, 9, etc.; Taille1292G 19; Taille1292G 137; ImpArtB; Taille1296M 2, 13, 26, 46, 54, 51, 56, 59, 62, 81; Taille1297M 71; 156, 157 passim; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 122d, 252b; Taille1313M; Taille1313M S. 7; Taille1313M 1d, 2d; Taille1313M S. 13; Taille1313M S. 7; Taille1313M S. 42; Taille1313M S. 53; Taille1313M passim; Taille1313M 1d, 4b, 7d, 9d, etc.; Taille1313M 3c; Taille1313M 11a2, 14a, 32d; Taille1313M S. 52; BlackBookT I p. 56; RegDijon1L; BastC 1451; ChevPapH 24,2; 42,3; 54, 37; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 201; GastPhébChasseT 1676; JPreisMyrG; JPreisMyrG 5577, 5618 etc; CensMontjM S. 40; SottiesP; RégSantélC 71r; ArmArgM 278n]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 27,90; 9,43*; BartschHorning 319, 15; HuntTeach I230; HuntTeach I 149; HuntTeach I 345, 21; NoomenFabl 422; NoomenFabl 26b/183; 26c/D193; NoomenFabl III 16c/s5, [sigle]; BPH 1966, 408; BangertTiere 135; Bev 143; Bev 143; Bev 143; BormannJagd; CellaGall 479; Delisle 735, 44, 132, 233, 258, 275; FSt 10, 64; FennisGal S. 1195; Guinet; KahaneByz III a 2 E; KaiserMPol 110; KellerWace 168a; KitzeRoss 264; Morlet 115; Morlet 261; R 73, p. 56, 542; RF 11, 384a; RLiR 37, 147, N2; RLiR 41, 192; RLiR 26,227; Rbph 52/4, 789; Runk 108; Ziltener 6476; ZrP 77, 234; [sigle]; [sigle] S. 265, TL 5,1153,43; TL; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 5,170b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC; GdfC 10, 124a; AND 406B; AND 407b; AND 408A; MED 6, 193a; MED 6,193a; MED 6,193a; DCCarp 263c; DCCarp 264b; FEW; FEW; FEW 16,517a; FEW; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 244; Corom 4, 1164c; LexMA 2,503)
- ◆3o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMa069 23; ChMa150 13; R 1298 10 06 01 107; docJuBe282 4)
Cf. ANDEl mareschal; DMF maréchal.
fiches par lemme
●marescalle f.
[NobelAng 164.]
- ◆“ensemble des chevaux, des ânes logés dans une ou plusieurs écuries” (NobelAng 164)
fiches par lemme
●mareschale f.
[TL; TL 5,1156,13; BW5. – RF 11, 384b.]
(mareschale Taille1292G 42, 142; Taille1313M 11a)
- ◆“femme du maréchal-ferrant” (Taille1292G 42, 142; Taille1313M 11a, RF 11, 384b, TL 5,1156,13; TL; BW5)
fiches par lemme
●mareschalerie f.
(mareschalerie CptRoyF)
- ◆“profession de maréchal-ferrant” (CptRoyF, GdfC)
fiches par lemme
●mareschalesse f.
[Gdf 5.170c; FEW 16,517a.]
- ◆“femme d’un maréchal” (Gdf 5.170c; FEW 16,517a)
fiches par lemme
●mareschance f.
[DCCarp 263a.]
- ◆“droit que les seigneurs avaient de prendre de l’avoine, du foin, etc. pour leurs chevaux” (DCCarp 263a)
fiches par lemme
●mareschaucie f.
[TL; TL; TL 5,1156,34; TL 5,1156,34; Gdf; AND 406 B; AND 406B; AND 406B; AND 406B; AND 407b; AND 408A; MED 6, 163a; MED 6,163a; MED 6, 163a; DCCarp 263b; DCCarp 263c; DCCarp 263c; DCCarp 263c; FEW; FEW; FEW 16,517a; FEW 16,517a; FEW 16,517a; FEW; LevyTrés. – BPH 1972, 65; CorleyCont1 p179; CorleyCont2 Q 21363; CorleyCont2; KahaneByz IIIa2E; MélStraka 1,I; RLiR 58, 486; [sigle] 164.]
(mairechausie BanMetzW; BanMetzW, marchancie PeanGatSöderh; CoutWinchF 37, marchaucie PeanGatSöderh 2038; CoutWinchS p.72, marchauscie BrittN, marechaucie JordRufmP, marescauchie ViolB 5087; SoneG 11837, marescaucie ChirChevP p. 419, mareschalcies RaschiD2 686., mareschaucie AmbroiseP; NarbS 5443; Saisna/lB 1049, 2408 (A), 3167 (2); LongnonDoc 37E; RichH; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 620, 23; MénardFabl VIII 102; NoomenFabl III 16c/s33; NoomenFabl t.6, 386, Mareschaucie CartHain, mareschaucies ContPerc2lC2 p137, mareschaulcie PéageChalonb/c/dA 94, merechaucie LongnonDoc 210F, mereschautie JoufrF 1327)
- ◆1o“écurie, grange” (RaschiD2 686.; ContPerc2lC2 p137; AmbroiseP; NarbS 5443; BanMetzW; BanMetzW; PeanGatSöderh 2038; PeanGatSöderh; ViolB 5087; JoufrF 1327; Saisna/lB 1049, 2408 (A), 3167 (2); LongnonDoc 210F; LongnonDoc 37E; CoutWinchS p.72; RichH; SoneG 11837; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 620, 23; MénardFabl VIII 102; NoomenFabl t.6, 386, BPH 1972, 65; CorleyCont1 p179; CorleyCont2 Q 21363; CorleyCont2; KahaneByz IIIa2E; MélStraka 1,I; RLiR 58, 486, TL 5,1156,34; TL; TL 5,1156,34; TL; Gdf; AND 406 B; AND 406B; AND 406B; AND 408A; MED 6, 163a; MED 6,163a; MED 6, 163a; DCCarp 263b; DCCarp 263c; DCCarp 263c; FEW; FEW; FEW 16,517a; FEW; LevyTrés)
- ◆2o“office de maréchal” (CartHain; CoutWinchF 37; BrittN; PéageChalonb/c/dA 94; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl III 16c/s33, AND 406B; AND 407b; FEW 16,517a)
- ◆3o“soin aux chevaux” (JordRufmP; ChirChevP p. 419, [sigle] 164)
- ◆4o“prestation en avoine pour les chevaux du seigneur” (DCCarp 263c; FEW 16,517a)
Cf. ANDEl mareschalcie.
fiches par lemme
●mareschauciee f.
[TL; TL 5,1156,24; Gdf Gdf V, 124b; Gdf; Gdf 5,170c; Gdf; Gdf; DCCarp 263c; TLF 11, S. 385a; FEW; FEW 16,517a; Chastell 162; DupinLaboulaye. – Bev 47.]
(mareschauciee (sigles à datations multiples:) ReidFabl, mareschauciée (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn IV 70)
- ◆1o“écurie” ((sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn IV 70; ReidFabl, Bev 47, TL 5,1156,24; TL; Gdf 5,170c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; DCCarp 263c; TLF 11, S. 385a; FEW; FEW 16,517a; Chastell 162)
- ◆2o“prestation en avoine pour les chevaux du seigneur” (Gdf Gdf V, 124b)
- ◆3o“gendarmerie?” (DupinLaboulaye)
Cf. DMF maréchaussée.
fiches par lemme
[TL; TL 5,1157,1; Gdf; Gdf 5,170c; Gdf 5,170c; DCCarp 263c; DCCarp 263c; FEW 16,518a; FEW 16,518a. – KitzeRoss 225, 264; [sigle] t. II, p. 74.]
(marechaser AssJérBourgm/vK S. 12, marescauchier SJeanEvW 177, mareschaucher AssJérJIbE 260/18,260/20,261/5)
- ◆“ferrer ou panser un cheval” (SJeanEvW 177; AssJérBourgm/vK S. 12; AssJérJIbE 260/18,260/20,261/5, KitzeRoss 225, 264; [sigle] t. II, p. 74, TL 5,1157,1; TL; Gdf; Gdf 5,170c; Gdf 5,170c; DCCarp 263c; DCCarp 263c; FEW 16,518a; FEW 16,518a)
Cf. DMF maréchausser.
fiches par lemme
●mareschaude f.
[TL; TL 5,1157,17; Gdf 5,170c; DCCarp 263c; FEW 16,517.]
- ◆“femme d’un maréchal” (TL 5,1157,17; TL; Gdf 5,170c; DCCarp 263c; FEW 16,517)
fiches par lemme
●vicemareschal m.
[NobelAng p. 164 + 332, 334 var.; NobelAng p.332; NobelAng p.328.]
- ◆“celui qui supplée le maréchal, grand officier chargé du commandement d’une armée” (NobelAng p. 164 + 332, 334 var.; NobelAng p.332; NobelAng p.328)