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fiches par lemme
marois m.
[FEW 16,519b abfrq. MARISK – DEAF; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL 5,1186,44; TL 5,1186,44; TL 5,1186,44; TL 5,1186,44; GdfC 10,123c; AND 407b; AND 408A; AND 408A; AND; MED 6, 171b; MED 6,171b; MED 6, 171b; MED 6, 171b; DCCarp 264a; FEW; FEW 16,519b; FEW; FEW; Baker; Chastell 3; LexMA 6, 823; LevyTrés; BW5; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; DMF. – BJRyL 68, 188; BormannJagd; Burgess 107; CarolusCh; Delisle 280 et s.; Guinet; Katara 227; Morlet 27; MélWahlund p. 148; R 581; R 70 p. 120, 74 p. 286; R 102, 444; RF 11, 358a; RLiR 19, 278; RLiR 30; RLiR 19, 278; Runk 1; SchelerGil II, 88.20; SchelerJPreis; SturmSumpf 22; SturmSumpf 22; SturmSumpf 22; TraLiLi 4, 276; WillistonOl 393; WillistonOl 388; WillistonOl 388; ZrP 102, 412; [sigle]; [sigle] 4,626.]
(mairés BelleHelR 869a, marais RaschiLe; RecMédJuteH S. 250/Z.1; RecMédJuteH S. 251/Z.9; AlexParA IV, 526; ArtusS 67, 48; 204, 25; 242, 39; 238, 35; 242, 43; 249, 42; TrJurFetW 53; ChMa221 15; R 1299 03 26 01 27; HuonAuvbS6 7434; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 52, maras JPrioratR; BelleHelR 870b, mareis EneasS1 412; ThebesC 7324; MarieGuigW2 Y. 369; BenDucF 35493, 286, etc.; MarieFabW2; SEdmPassG 107, 138; HArciPèresO 6671; MaugisV 4486; BibbO 518, 712; RP 1297 03 32 01 137; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I 20, 228, II 37, 61, Mareis [BibbfW], marelz LancPrK, mares GysselingDocAnc p. 204; GysselingDocAnc p. 204, Z. 34,35; DurmS 4309; TristPrLaisF 4, XVIII 1; chdouai0389 1; chdouai0435 1; chdouai0435 1; TerrEvêqueH 217; GigotPér; JVignayVégL; BlackBookT II p. 344, marés Perl1N; DurmG; chdouai0004A 2; chdouai0004A 2; chdouai0004B 2; chdouai0004B 2; ChansArtB XV 64, 74; FossierCh 548, 470, 473; RigomerF; chdouai0135 2; YonM 1414, 1419; chdouai0160 2; chdouai0392 1; RP 1297 03 32 01 141; RP 1297 03 32 02 141; FevresS 323b-17; ChaceOisiM; RestorD; BelleHelR 870b 13793; [ModusT 90, 53; GaceBuigneB 326; GastPhébChasseT]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 27,87; NoomenFabl t.8, 422, marès AldL 43,11; 59,19; 66,13etc., Marès ChansArtJ, maresc RaschiD2 685; RaschiLe; MonRaincB 1911; CPont; TerrEvêqueH 217; JurésSOuenD 704D, maresch [GodBouillBruxR], maresk RaschiD1 53, 172 + 54,13 + 56,83, marésk RaschiD1 54, 235, mareus FlorenceW 345a, 638, mareys AlNeckUtensH p. 252; AlNeckUtensH p. 252; HosebHenL 16, 26...; 112; 66; RP 1297 03 32 01 136; RP 1297 03 32 02 136; RP 1297 03 32 02 137; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I 367; II 164, 172; I 228; II 55, 58, 19, marez Pères12M v. 235; LaurinT; GeoffrParChronD 1233, 1291, 1262, maroi TristBérG 3681, 3705, 3740, marois EructavitJ 1862; EructavitJ; AlexParA II (β 42) 1238.1; RCambrM; VengAlE p122; ContPerc1P T 1493; GuibAndrC 857; HerbCandS 4791; MortAymC 112, 1228; Bueve1S 156, 1376, 2191; AnsCartA; RigomerF; Saisna/lB 1049; ThebesR 6354; chCOr062 5; YonM 172, 2825; CensHôtProvinsM 602, 621, 624, 626; JMeunVégR 107; RenγF2; OvMorB 6, p. 324, 1621; JDupinMelL 2993; BastC 5702; BastS 5057; BelleHelR 870b; TristNantS 11656; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 520,38; 196,30, Marois RobDiableL; JostPletR, maroys [DeschQ III, 94], marreis FoukeB 7,29; 48,6; FoukeH 58.35; FoukeM 7.25, marrés YonM, marreys (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach II 62, marrois YonM, marros GéomSGenV)
- ◆1o“terrain pénétré d'eaux qui n'ont pas d'écoulement, marais” (chdouai0004A 2; chdouai0004A 2; chdouai0004B 2; chdouai0004B 2; chCOr062 5; chdouai0135 2; chdouai0160 2; chdouai0389 1; chdouai0435 1; chdouai0435 1; ChMa221 15; RP 1297 03 32 01 136; RP 1297 03 32 01 137; RP 1297 03 32 01 141; RP 1297 03 32 02 136; RP 1297 03 32 02 137; RP 1297 03 32 02 141; R 1299 03 26 01 27, DMF)
- ◆marés douissien (chdouai0392 1)
- ◆2oIdentificanda DEAFpré “marais” (GysselingDocAnc p. 204; GysselingDocAnc p. 204, Z. 34,35; RaschiD1 54, 235; RaschiD1 53, 172 + 54,13 + 56,83; RaschiD2 685; RaschiLe; RaschiLe; EneasS1 412; ThebesC 7324; MarieGuigW2 Y. 369; BenDucF 35493, 286, etc.; RecMédJuteH S. 250/Z.1; RecMédJuteH S. 251/Z.9; EructavitJ 1862; EructavitJ; MarieFabW2; AlexParA IV, 526; AlexParA II (β 42) 1238.1; TristBérG 3681, 3705, 3740; MonRaincB 1911; RCambrM; RobDiableL; VengAlE p122; AlNeckUtensH p. 252; AlNeckUtensH p. 252; ContPerc1P T 1493; GuibAndrC 857; HerbCandS 4791; Perl1N; SEdmPassG 107, 138; FlorenceW 345a, 638; MortAymC 112, 1228; Bueve1S 156, 1376, 2191; DurmG; DurmS 4309; LancPrK; ChansArtB XV 64, 74; ChansArtJ; TristPrLaisF 4, XVIII 1; AnsCartA; ArtusS 67, 48; 204, 25; 242, 39; 238, 35; 242, 43; 249, 42; FossierCh 548, 470, 473; CPont; HArciPèresO 6671; MaugisV 4486; Pères12M v. 235; RigomerF; RigomerF; Saisna/lB 1049; ThebesR 6354; AldL 43,11; 59,19; 66,13etc.; JostPletR; YonM 1414, 1419; YonM 172, 2825; YonM; YonM; CensHôtProvinsM 602, 621, 624, 626; GéomSGenV; TrJurFetW 53; TerrEvêqueH 217; TerrEvêqueH 217; JMeunVégR 107; LaurinT; HosebHenL 16, 26...; 112; 66; BibbO 518, 712; GigotPér; JPrioratR; RenγF2; JurésSOuenD 704D; FevresS 323b-17; ChaceOisiM; FoukeB 7,29; 48,6; FoukeH 58.35; FoukeM 7.25; JVignayVégL; GeoffrParChronD 1233, 1291, 1262; OvMorB 6, p. 324, 1621; HuonAuvbS6 7434; RestorD; BlackBookT II p. 344; JDupinMelL 2993; BastC 5702; BastS 5057; BelleHelR 870b; BelleHelR 870b 13793; BelleHelR 870b; BelleHelR 869a; TristNantS 11656; [GodBouillBruxR; ModusT 90, 53; GaceBuigneB 326; DeschQ III, 94; GastPhébChasseT; BibbfW]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 27,87; BartschHorning 520,38; 196,30; HuntTeach I 367; II 164, 172; I 228; II 55, 58, 19; HuntTeach II 62; HuntTeach I 20, 228, II 37, 61; HuntTeach II 52; NoomenFabl t.8, 422, BJRyL 68, 188; BormannJagd; Burgess 107; CarolusCh; Delisle 280 et s.; Guinet; Katara 227; Morlet 27; MélWahlund p. 148; R 70 p. 120, 74 p. 286; R 581; R 102, 444; RF 11, 358a; RLiR 19, 278; RLiR 30; RLiR 19, 278; Runk 1; SchelerGil II, 88.20; SchelerJPreis; SturmSumpf 22; SturmSumpf 22; SturmSumpf 22; TraLiLi 4, 276; WillistonOl 393; WillistonOl 388; WillistonOl 388; ZrP 102, 412; [sigle]; [sigle] 4,626, DEAF; TL 5,1186,44; TL; TL; TL 5,1186,44; TL 5,1186,44; TL; TL; TL 5,1186,44; GdfC 10,123c; AND 407b; AND 408A; AND 408A; AND; MED 6, 171b; MED 6,171b; MED 6, 171b; MED 6, 171b; DCCarp 264a; FEW; FEW 16,519b; FEW; FEW; Baker; Chastell 3; LexMA 6, 823; LevyTrés; BW5; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
Cf. ANDEl mareis; DMF marais.
fiches par lemme
●marchais m.
[TL; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL 5,1121,36; TL 5,1121,36; TL 5,1121,36; TL 5,1121,36; TL 5,1121,36; Gdf; Gdf 5,163c; Gdf; Gdf 5,167a; DCCarp 263a; FEW; FEW; FEW 16,521a; FEW 16,521a. – FSt 42,138; MedRom 3,349; R 63 p. 503; R 63 p. 503; RLiR 67,281; SturmSumpf p.6.]
(marcais MonRaincB 1828, 1898; ChansArtB XII, 26; RestorD, Marcais ChansArtJ, marçais PlacTimT, marchais GuillTyrP 2t, 445 gloss.; EustMoineC 1140; EustMoineF; SRemiB 4130; MaccabeS 4446; ChaceT; [CensMontjM S. 40]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 120, 19, marcheis [GastPhébChasseT], marches [TresVenM 1193], marchés BenDucM II, p. 341, v. 25294; TristBérG 3670; EscoufleM 301a, 6765; EscoufleS 6765; [GaceBuigneB 2551,7877,8262etc.; AdAiglesB 2,7MA], marchois RenR; ContPerc1P E 11987; SimPouilleaB B 4634; RenγF2, margas AlexParA III, 720; AlexParA 6, 87; 720, margaz TournAntW 2260, 2819)
- ◆“marais, lac, étang” (BenDucM II, p. 341, v. 25294; AlexParA III, 720; AlexParA 6, 87; 720; RenR; TristBérG 3670; MonRaincB 1828, 1898; ContPerc1P E 11987; EscoufleM 301a, 6765; EscoufleS 6765; GuillTyrP 2t, 445 gloss.; ChansArtB XII, 26; ChansArtJ; TournAntW 2260, 2819; EustMoineC 1140; EustMoineF; SimPouilleaB B 4634; SRemiB 4130; MaccabeS 4446; ChaceT; PlacTimT; RenγF2; RestorD; [GaceBuigneB 2551,7877,8262etc.; GastPhébChasseT; AdAiglesB 2,7MA; TresVenM 1193; CensMontjM S. 40]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 120, 19, FSt 42,138; MedRom 3,349; R 63 p. 503; R 63 p. 503; RLiR 67,281; SturmSumpf p.6, TL 5,1121,36; TL; TL 5,1121,36; TL; TL 5,1121,36; TL 5,1121,36; TL; TL; TL 5,1121,36; TL; Gdf; Gdf 5,163c; Gdf; Gdf 5,167a; DCCarp 263a; FEW; FEW; FEW 16,521a; FEW 16,521a)
fiches par lemme
●marcheil m.
[Gdf 5,165a; DCCarp 263b.]
- ◆“marais, marécage” (Gdf 5,165a; DCCarp 263b)
fiches par lemme
●mareschage adj.
[TL; TL 5,1152,49; TL 5,1152,49; Gdf 5,170a; GdfC; FEW 16,520b; DMF. – MélWathWill p. 25... p. 33; R 65, 495; RF 11, S. 382b; RLiR 19, 280; SturmSumpf 22.]
(marescage RigomerF, mareschage FetRomF1 303,22; 679,5, mareschaige chMa115 15, mareschaiges chMa115 10, mesacaige SimPouilleaB B 1097)
- ◆1o“marécageux” (FetRomF1 303,22; 679,5; RigomerF, TL 5,1152,49; TL 5,1152,49; TL; Gdf 5,170a; GdfC; FEW 16,520b)
- ◆2oadj. substantivé “terrain où il y a des marais, marécage” (chMa115 10; chMa115 15; SimPouilleaB B 1097, MélWathWill p. 25... p. 33; R 65, 495; RF 11, S. 382b; RLiR 19, 280; SturmSumpf 22, DMF)
fiches par lemme
●mareschajos adj.
[TL; TL 5,1153,27; TL 5,1153,27; GdfC. – RF 11, 383a.]
- ◆“marécageux” (RF 11, 383a, TL 5,1153,27; TL 5,1153,27; TL; GdfC)
Cf. DMF marécageux.
fiches par lemme
●mareschant adj.
[TL; TL 5,1152,45.]
(marescant FloovA 526)
- ◆1o“entouré de marais” (FloovA 526)
- ◆2o“marécageux” (TL 5,1152,45; TL)
fiches par lemme
●mareschat m.
[DCCarp 263c.]
(mareschat chJu065 4)
- ◆“marais, lieu marécageux” (chJu065 4, DCCarp 263c; FEW 16/1,520b)
Cf. DMF maraitchat.
fiches par lemme
●maresche adj.
[TL; TL 5,1157,20; Gdf 5,171a; Gdf; AND 407b; AND 407b; DCCarp 264a; FEW 16,520a. – R 70, 120; R 70,120; SchelerJPreis 1859; ZfSL 78 gam 2 p. 283.]
(maresche LancPrK; TristPrnB I/21/35, marraige AmAmD)
- ◆1o“marécageux” (AmAmD; LancPrK, R 70, 120; R 70,120, TL 5,1157,20; TL; Gdf 5,171a; Gdf; AND 407b; DCCarp 264a; FEW 16,520a)
- ◆f. “marais” (TristPrnB I/21/35, SchelerJPreis 1859, AND 407b)
- ◆2o“?” (ZfSL 78 gam 2 p. 283)
fiches par lemme
●mareschei m.
(mareschei HornP 504, 2659n2)
- ◆“marais” (HornP 504, 2659n2)
fiches par lemme
●mareschel m.
[TL; TL 5,1157,23; Gdf 5,171b; Gdf; Gdf; DCCarp 264a. – RLiR 56, 480.]
- ◆“petit marais” (RLiR 56, 480, TL 5,1157,23; TL; Gdf 5,171b; Gdf; Gdf; DCCarp 264a)
fiches par lemme
●marescherie f.
[TL; TL 5,1157,26; Gdf 5,171b; FEW 16,520b; DupinLaboulaye.]
(marescherie MerlinP; BalainL 51; MerlinsR *176,44)
- ◆“marais, marécage” (MerlinP; BalainL 51; MerlinsR *176,44, TL 5,1157,26; TL; Gdf 5,171b; FEW 16,520b; DupinLaboulaye)
fiches par lemme
●mareschien adj.
[TL; TL 5,1157,39.]
(mareschien SRemiB 2937)
- ◆“marécageux” (SRemiB 2937, TL 5,1157,39; TL)
fiches par lemme
●mareschier v.
[TL 5,1157,46; TL; DCCarp 264a. – RLiR 19, 279.]
(marechier OlimB 2/727)
- ◆“arroser un pré” (OlimB 2/727, RLiR 19, 279, TL 5,1157,46; TL; DCCarp 264a)
Cf. DMF maraîcher2.
fiches par lemme
●mareschiere f.
[TL; TL 5,1157,50; Gdf 5,171b; Gdf; Gdf; DCCarp 264a; FEW 16,520a/b; BW5. – TraLiPhi 31, 237.]
(mareschere FolLancB, mareschiere LancPrM LXV 5; TristPrCh 24,46; TristPrF 92,20; ArtusS 293,16, mareschieres GuillTyrP 33, maresciere TristPrS, mareskiere TristPrL 138,20; TristPrR)
- ◆“marais, marécage” (GuillTyrP 33; LancPrM LXV 5; TristPrCh 24,46; TristPrF 92,20; TristPrL 138,20; TristPrR; TristPrS; ArtusS 293,16; FolLancB, TraLiPhi 31, 237, TL 5,1157,50; TL; Gdf 5,171b; Gdf; Gdf; DCCarp 264a; FEW 16,520a/b; BW5)
Cf. DMF maraichière.
fiches par lemme
●mareschié m.
[TL; TL 5,1157,34.]
(marescié ChevCygneNaissM 2016; ChevCygneNaissT 2016)
- ◆“marais” (ChevCygneNaissM 2016; ChevCygneNaissT 2016, TL 5,1157,34; TL)
fiches par lemme
●mareschoi m.
[TL; TL 5,1158,29; TL 5,1158,29; Gdf; Gdf 5,171c; Gdf 5,171c; Gdf; Gdf; FEW 16,520b; FEW; FEW 16,520a; AdHaleLexM. – MélRychner; MélSuard 591; SturmSumpf 23; TraLiLi 16,190; TraLiLi 16/1, 190.]
(marescoi ContGuillTyrSalJ; JeuxPartL; RigomerF; (sigles à datations multiples:) TrouvBelg2, mareskoi AdHalePartN XI 105; AdHalePartN)
- ◆“marais” (ContGuillTyrSalJ; JeuxPartL; RigomerF; AdHalePartN XI 105; AdHalePartN; (sigles à datations multiples:) TrouvBelg2, MélRychner; MélSuard 591; SturmSumpf 23; TraLiLi 16,190; TraLiLi 16/1, 190, TL; TL 5,1158,29; TL 5,1158,29; Gdf; Gdf 5,171c; Gdf 5,171c; Gdf; Gdf; FEW 16,520b; FEW; FEW 16,520a; AdHaleLexM)
fiches par lemme
●mareschos adj.
[TL; TL; TL 5,1158,48; TL 5,1158,48.]
(marescheux [ModusT 5, 41 ENZ, 14, 16, 5, 41 IKMVe])
- ◆“marécageux” ([ModusT 5, 41 ENZ, 14, 16, 5, 41 IKMVe], TL; TL 5,1158,48; TL 5,1158,48; TL)
fiches par lemme
●marisson f. et m.
[TL; TL 5,1181,47.]
(mesrison LionBourgAlK 10868, 12037)
- ◆“marais” (LionBourgAlK 10868, 12037, TL; TL 5,1181,47)