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fiches par lemme Télécharger
mesel adj.
[FEW62,166b lt. MESELLUSTL; TL 5,1616,5; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 5,278;b; Gdf; Gdf; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; MED 6, 360 b; DCCarp 270c; DCCarp 271 a; DCCarp 267c; TLF 11, S. 696 a; FEW 4,2-;166;b; FEW 6,2-;166;b;misellus; FEW; Baker; Baker; DupinLaboulaye; LexMA. – BPH 1960, 769, p. 302; Belz 41; BodelCangéRu 96*; ConstansThebes 5976; FritzFou p. 162; LaueHeilK 18; LejeuneJRen XXII, 2; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouVoc; MantouVoc Y.C. II 178 (1); MélHœ p. 64; MénardRire 159; MénardRire 347; MénardRire 353; MénardRire p. 132; MénardRire 724; Planiol p. 392, art. 14; PriseCord 1478; RF 16, 756; RoJb 44, 74; RoR 10, 232, 1110; RoiFloreJ0 CIII; RoiFloreJ0 CIII; TersVenM 1559; ThomasMél2 83-4 (n. 3 et 4); Ziltener 4931; 4933; 4935; etc.; ZrP 111, 93; [sigle] p. 135.⁠]
(masel ParDuchP * 44, meisel ProvSalSanI; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 30b/i 104, mesale GodBouillCornM 33 var., mesaus GouvRoisGauchyM p459, meseal CommPsia1G, meseau EtSLouisV III, 132; RenContrR, Meseau SermMaurpB, Meseaul BibleMacéS3, meseaulx [ChOthéeF 1289, p. 53; 1355, p. 92], méseaulx (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 140, meseaus chdouai0177 30; SRemiB 5 683 -6; OakBookS, Meseaus PassJonglgP; JostPletR, meseaux CptRoyF 17518; JurésSOuenD 700 D; [AmphYpL2], meseauz LSimplMedD 924, meseel MantouFlandr 116, mesel FloreaD; FloreaK 1021; FloreaL 1021; FloreaP 816; FloreaW 1021; HornP; BenDucF 15563, 21686; BenDucM I, p. 543, v. 13389; II, p. 141, v. 19505; SThomGuernW1 2960, 2970; SThomGuernW2 2960, 2970; GautArrErR 177; RoisC; ProtH; TristBérG 3947; SermMaurR 36, 10; SSilvCroixP 75, 77; AssJérRoiG; AmbroiseP 2422; 9542; 7380; Perl1N; BibleMorp1A 25, 47, 50; BibleMorwH 61 a; AnsMetznG 3104-6066-6216; Bueve2S 4939; Bueve3S 5955; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI11V 1185, 1332; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 260; HAndVinbH; ComtePoitK; ComtePoitK; RenclCarH; CoincyII1...K 745;768; CoincyII1...K; CoincyII9Kr 2212, 2352, 2356, etc.; CoutVerdun1M 39, 14; AnsCartA 10454; ParDuchP p. 634, 44; AssJér T. I, p. 636; CPont; ImMondeOct2H; AuberiT 139, 27; BibleParQ I, 5, gl.; JeuxPartL; SDenisPr1L; SDomM; YonM 4869, 4875; HuonSQuentL 1259, 2554; MarqueA 36b4; ClarisA 28499; RecMédBoensH; BeaumCoutS 1177, 1616, 1817; BretTournD 482, 478; SoneG 4627; BrittN; OakBookS I, 26; AssSenlis1C p769; JSQuentO; HMondB 1826; DialGregEvrS p. 987; ChirChevP p. 419; ProprChosSq; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 20443; 21410; rubr.; TristNantS 2663; [ProstInv 3089; GaceBuigneB 6912, 6922; 6920; DeschQ IV, 339 etc.; GrebanP 15582, etc.; EvQuenJe 1710; MistHag6S 2597; PassTroyB II, 137 etc.]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 655, 30; HenryChrest; IpKH; MontRayn II, 172 etc.; NoomenFabl 31/ 2152; 30a/ E 65; 37 b/ a 21, Mesel HAndH; PlainteVgePurT; EvastL; BibleMacéS3; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, MESEL BibleParQ; LMestL, mésel (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XX, 87, mesel2 RenγF2, mesele ProtH; EdConfCambrW 2625; MaugisV 1243; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach I, 230, mesèle ThebesC III, 5976, meselle BibleMalkS 5254, Meselle BibleMacéP; BibleMacéS, meselli CptRoyM 13633, mesels DocHMarneG; chHM139 5, meseu BibleHolkP 41, 10, mesials LancPrM LXIX, 2; SilenceT2, mesian PassEntreG 157, mesiau AssJérRoiG; MirNDPers1-40P; PassEntreR 157, mesiaus ChevVivM; ChevVivM D 299; EscoufleM 301 b; EscoufleS 3133; EvNicPraF; CoincyII20/21H 207; ArtusS 297, 45; EustMoineC 1400, 1412, 1419; SJulPrS 177, 1229 et passim; ContGuillTyrSalJ; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 5644, 6579; chdouai0269 8; chdouai0348 2; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; RuelleChir; ChaceT; JoinvW1 167, 18 a, 296 d, 464 a; JCondOisR; AnticlLudR v. 2703, Mésiaus RoisinM, mesiaux BalJosAnS 921; chHM275 68; chHM275 70, mesiauz chHM022 32, mesiax BalJosPr1M 46, 36; GarMonglMü/Me/S 799, mesiel AlexParhM 370, 7; AlexParhM 370, 7; ViolB 525; EustMoineF; AldL 36, 27; 141, a; BrendanPr1W; HunbautW 971; JobB 2412, 2805; JobG 2805, 2412; SDieudD; JCondM, mesieles chdouai0177 30; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0456 1, mesielx RenContrR, Messeau EvNicAgnP, Messele RègleSBenNicH, messelle LancPrK 421, 34, messels PhThCompS 1v, 42, messeus CharroiPo t. II, 127; CharroicL, mezel chMM006 6; chMM006 9, mezelz chMM006 3, misel [AttilaS VIII, 2200], miselle EntreeT 10484, miselles EstFougK 1308r, misians SidracH p. 145, mixelle [AttilaS XIV, 2865], musel RenR, musiaus SottChansOxfL VI 40)
  • “lépreux” (PhThCompS 1v, 42; CharroiPo t. II, 127; ProvSalSanI; FloreaK 1021; FloreaL 1021; FloreaP 816; ThebesC III, 5976; CommPsia1G; HornP; BenDucF 15563, 21686; BenDucM I, p. 543, v. 13389; II, p. 141, v. 19505; SThomGuernW1 2960, 2970; SThomGuernW2 2960, 2970; GautArrErR 177; RoisC; AlexParhM 370, 7; AlexParhM 370, 7; ProtH; ProtH; RenR; SSilvCroixP 75, 77; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleM 301 b; AmbroiseP 2422; 9542; 7380; Perl1N; BalJosAnS 921; BibleMorp1A 25, 47, 50; BibleMorwH 61 a; AnsMetznG 3104-6066-6216; BalJosPr1M 46, 36; Bueve2S 4939; Bueve3S 5955; LancPrM LXIX, 2; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI11V 1185, 1332; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 260; HAndVinbH; ComtePoitK; ComtePoitK; EvNicPraF; RenclCarH; CoincyII1...K 745;768; CoincyII20/21H 207; CoincyII9Kr 2212, 2352, 2356, etc.; ViolB 525; CoutVerdun1M 39, 14; DocHMarneG; AnsCartA 10454; EustMoineF; HAndH; ParDuchP p. 634, 44; ParDuchP * 44; AssJér T. I, p. 636; PassJonglgP; EdConfCambrW 2625; CPont; ImMondeOct2H; AuberiT 139, 27; BibleParQ; BibleParQ I, 5, gl.; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 5644, 6579; JeuxPartL; LSimplMedD 924; MaugisV 1243; SDenisPr1L; SermMaurpB; AldL 36, 27; 141, a; SDomM; JostPletR; YonM 4869, 4875; BrendanPr1W; HunbautW 971; HuonSQuentL 1259, 2554; MarqueA 36b4; MantouFlandr 116; LMestL; RuelleChir; BeaumCoutS 1177, 1616, 1817; RoisinM; BibleMalkS 5254; SRemiB 5 683 -6; CptRoyF 17518; GouvRoisGauchyM p459; SottChansOxfL VI 40; SoneG 4627; BibleMacéP; BibleMacéS; BibleMacéS3; AssSenlis1C p769; JoinvW1 167, 18 a, 296 d, 464 a; SDieudD; CptRoyM 13633; HMondB 1826; JCondM; EntreeT 10484; ChirChevP p. 419; MirNDPers1-40P 20443; 21410; rubr.; AnticlLudR v. 2703; PassEntreG 157; PassEntreR 157; [AttilaS XIV, 2865; GaceBuigneB 6912, 6922; 6920; DeschQ IV, 339 etc.; GrebanP 15582, etc.; EvQuenJe 1710; PassTroyB II, 137 etc.]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn; HuntTeach I, 230; NoomenFabl 31/ 2152; 30a/ E 65; 37 b/ a 21; RecHist XXI, 140, BPH 1960, 769, p. 302; Belz 41; BodelCangéRu 96*; ConstansThebes 5976; FritzFou p. 162; LaueHeilK 18; LejeuneJRen XXII, 2; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouVoc; MantouVoc Y.C. II 178 (1); MélHœ p. 64; MénardRire 159; MénardRire 347; MénardRire 353; MénardRire p. 132; MénardRire 724; Planiol p. 392, art. 14; PriseCord 1478; RF 16, 756; RoJb 44, 74; RoR 10, 232, 1110; RoiFloreJ0 CIII; RoiFloreJ0 CIII; TersVenM 1559; ThomasMél2 83-4 (n. 3 et 4); Ziltener 4931; 4933; 4935; etc.; ZrP 111, 93; [sigle] p. 135)
    • ⁠adj. substantivé m. et f. “celui qui est lépreux, celle qui est lépreuse” (FloreaD; FloreaW 1021; EstFougK 1308r; TristBérG 3947; GodBouillCornM 33 var.; SermMaurR 36, 10; ChevVivM; ChevVivM D 299; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleS 3133; RègleSBenNicH; LancPrK 421, 34; CoincyII1...K; chMM006 3; chMM006 6; chMM006 9; ArtusS 297, 45; EustMoineC 1400, 1412, 1419; SJulPrS 177, 1229 et passim; ContGuillTyrSalJ; chHM022 32; chdouai0177 30; chdouai0177 30; chHM139 5; chdouai0269 8; chdouai0348 2; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0425 1; PlainteVgePurT; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; EtSLouisV III, 132; CharroicL; ClarisA 28499; EvNicAgnP; GarMonglMü/Me/S 799; RecMédBoensH; SilenceT2; chHM275 68; chHM275 70; SidracH p. 145; BretTournD 482, 478; ChaceT; EvastL; JobB 2412, 2805; JobG 2805, 2412; RenγF2; JurésSOuenD 700 D; BrittN; BibleMacéS3; OakBookS; OakBookS I, 26; JSQuentO; JCondOisR; BibleHolkP 41, 10; DialGregEvrS p. 987; ProprChosSq; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P; RenContrR; RenContrR; TristNantS 2663; [ProstInv 3089; AmphYpL2; AttilaS VIII, 2200; ChOthéeF 1289, p. 53; 1355, p. 92; MistHag6S 2597]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 655, 30; HenryChrest; IpKH; MontRayn II, 172 etc.; NoomenFabl 30b/i 104; RecHist XX, 87, TL; TL 5,1616,5; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 5,278;b; Gdf; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; AND; MED 6, 360 b; DCCarp 267c; DCCarp 270c; DCCarp 271 a; TLF 11, S. 696 a; FEW 4,2-;166;b; FEW 6,2-;166;b;misellus; FEW; Baker; Baker; DupinLaboulaye; LexMA)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
meseler v.intr.
[TL; TL 5,1618,15; TL 5,1618,15; Gdf; Gdf 5,279;a. – MantouLèpre S. 36.⁠]
  • “être lépreux” (MantouLèpre S. 36, TL 5,1618,15; TL; TL 5,1618,15; Gdf; Gdf 5,279;a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
meselerie f.
[TL; TL; TL 5,1618,27; TL 5,1619,22; Gdf 5,279;b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND; AND 73; 40; MED 6, 362 a; FEW 6,2-;167;a; FEW. – MSt 19, 1957, 273; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre S. 36; MedAev 26 (1957) 46; R 112, 487, 427; [sigle].⁠]
  • “lèpre” (SGraalIIJosN 2064; SGraalIIJosO; AssJérRoiG; BibleMorp1A 28, 47; SGraalIVQuesteP 239, 18; ChansArtB X, 23; CoincyII9Kr 3047; SDenisPr1L; AldL 34, 16; 56, 15; 123, 18; 129, 21; SRemiB 3939; AttilaPrB; ChirPoutrS 47 r°, 50 r° 12, 16; JoinvW1 18 b; OvMorB 15, p. 352, 6518; DialGregEvrS p. 987; MirNDPers1-40P 20 654,; 21 419; 27 1512; 1615; RenContrR I, 249 § 49 et 346 a; [AmphYpL2; AalmaR 6684-6685; AalmaR 3359; GaceBuigneB 6780; GaceBuigneB; OllaS; RégSantélC 117 v; MistHag6S 2801]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 75 b, 73; BartschHorning 656, 8; 650, 11, [sigle]; R 112, 487, 427; MSt 19, 1957, 273; MedAev 26 (1957) 46; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre; MantouLèpre S. 36; MantouLèpre S. 36, TL; TL 5,1619,22; TL; TL 5,1618,27; Gdf; Gdf 5,279;b; Gdf; Gdf; AND; AND 73; 40; MED 6, 362 a; FEW 6,2-;167;a; FEW)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
meselastre adj.
[MantouLèpre S. 36.⁠]
  • “lépreux” (MantouLèpre S. 36)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
meselier adj.
[MantouLèpre S. 36.⁠]
  • “lépreux” (MantouLèpre S. 36)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
meselos adj.
[MantouLèpre S. 36.⁠]
  • “lépreux” (MantouLèpre S. 36)