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toutes fiches de l’article
fiches par lemme
municion f.
[FEW63,222bMUNITIO – TL; TL 6,433,48; GdfC 10, 185a; MED 6, 798b; TLF 11, s. 1223a; FEW 6/3 222b; DiStefLoc 570. – Katara 230.]
(monitions ChMa209 14, municion ProprChosZ)
- ◆1o“fortification, endroit fortifié” (ProprChosZ, TL; TL 6,433,48; GdfC 10, 185a; MED 6, 798b; TLF 11, s. 1223a; FEW 6/3 222b)
- ◆2o“ce qui sert à la subsistance, provisions” (Katara 230, DiStefLoc 570)
- ◆3o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMa209 14)
Cf. DMF munition.
fiches par lemme
●premunition f.
[Gdf 6,382c; AND 547b; MED 7,1221b.]
- ◆“préparation, provision” (Gdf 6,382c; AND 547b; MED 7,1221b)