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toutes fiches de l’article Télécharger
fiches par lemme Télécharger
parjure m.
[TL; TL 7,272,43; TL 7,274,49; GdfC 10, 277b; MED Bd. 7, 828b; MED Bd. 7, 828; MED Bd. 7, 829a; MED Bd. 7, 823b; TLF 12, S. 1004b; TLF 12, S. 10046; FEW 8, 249a; FEW 8, 249a; LexMA 6, 472. – KellerWace 101a; MénardRire p. 134; R 85, p. 463; R 89, p. 170; R 105 (1984) 125; RLiR 59, 320; 17253; WillistonOl 382; Ziltener 7413; ZrP 68, 407; ZrP 7, 33; [sigle] S. 445; [sigle].⁠]
(pariures AliscW p. 52, v. 795b, parjour NicBozCharV, parjuire PhThSibS, parjure BenTroieC; PhilomB 1457; RouH II 1441, 3004, etc.; BenDucF; BenDucF 16660; AdamA 112; Aiol1/2F 3824, s. zu 4497; FlorebK 3165; FlorebP 3163; ThomKentF 1012; TristThomB 1277, 1283; TristThomB 1510, 1578; TristThomW D. 10, 238, 306; TristThomW D. 116; SimFreineGeorgM 1501; SimFreineGeorgM 1501; AngDialGregP 113v° a; BalJosCamA; AntBerW 794; GilChinP 4304; ParDuchP 476, p. 637; ChastVergiS; AntAnW 649; EspVerlinden 155; RésSauvcJ; VMortAnW 150, 3; 159, 4; LMestL; EtSLouisV III, 135; ClefD 1050; RoisinM; JCondM; docJuBe049 9; docJuBe127 15; GuiNantvProlC 125; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 89d, 130; BartschHorning 247, 18; 362, 34; 460, 20; AngDialGregO2 8894, 14922, parjures RenR 14477, 14485; ChGuillI 304; ChGuillM 304; MortAymC 44; ChastVergiS; GlDouaiE1 123; JoinvW1 476a, 252e, Parjures SermMaurpB, parjurés JMoteVoieP 127, perjure GaimarB 3150)
  • 1o“qui a fait un faux serment, parjure” (BenTroieC; BenDucF 16660; Aiol1/2F 3824, s. zu 4497; ThomKentF 1012; TristThomB 1510, 1578; TristThomW D. 10, 238, 306; GilChinP 4304; VMortAnW 150, 3; 159, 4; JoinvW1 476a, 252e; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 89d, 130, TL 7,272,43)
    • ⁠adj. subst. “celui qui a fait un faux serment” (GaimarB 3150; PhThSibS; PhilomB 1457; RouH II 1441, 3004, etc.; BenDucF; AdamA 112; FlorebP 3163; TristThomB 1277, 1283; TristThomW D. 116; AliscW p. 52, v. 795b; SimFreineGeorgM 1501; SimFreineGeorgM 1501; AngDialGregP 113v° a; MortAymC 44; BalJosCamA; AntBerW 794; ParDuchP 476, p. 637; ChastVergiS; ChastVergiS; EspVerlinden 155; RésSauvcJ; SermMaurpB; LMestL; ClefD 1050; RoisinM; GlDouaiE1 123; NicBozCharV; JCondM; GuiNantvProlC 125; JMoteVoieP 127; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 8894, 14922; BartschHorning 247, 18; 362, 34; 460, 20, KellerWace 101a; MénardRire p. 134; R 85, p. 463; R 89, p. 170; R 105 (1984) 125; RLiR 59, 320; 17253; WillistonOl 382; Ziltener 7413; ZrP 68, 407; ZrP 7, 33; [sigle]; [sigle] S. 445, TL 7,274,49; GdfC 10, 277b; MED Bd. 7, 828b; MED Bd. 7, 828; MED Bd. 7, 829a; MED Bd. 7, 823b; TLF 12, S. 1004b; TLF 12, S. 10046; FEW 8, 249a)
    • ⁠adj. subst. “faux serment” (FlorebK 3165; RenR 14477, 14485; ChGuillI 304; ChGuillM 304; AntAnW 649; EtSLouisV III, 135, TL; FEW 8, 249a; LexMA 6, 472)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (docJuBe049 9; docJuBe127 15)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
parjur adj.
[TL; TL 7,272,43; AND 496b; AND 496b; AND 518b; MED Bd. 7, 828b; FEW; FEW; Foerster. – FSt 47, 267, 266; MF 39-41, 229.⁠]
(pargure RenR 13659, pargurs RenR, parjur HornP 3895n -1; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F *4497, 4502 (Reim), 9480 (Reim); HerbCandS 9877; Bueve2S 1497; LancPrK 11. 16, 86. 26, 92. 15, 112. 38; OrsonP 273, 963; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiA 266; ChastVergiS; MaugisV C 1110; MenReimsP 349; MenReimsW 349; SidracH p. 57, p. 61; JerusCont2G; RenContrR I, 282 §124, parjurs DurmS 4734; chMo023 8; MirourEdmaW 8. 33; DialSJulB 1921; ChMM143 9; OlimB 2/838; [AalmaR 9.085], Parjurs RobDiableL, parjus [PassTroyB II 1856], perjus DolopL)
  • 1o“qui a fair un faux serment, parjure” (HornP 3895n -1; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F *4497, 4502 (Reim), 9480 (Reim); RenR; RenR 13659; RobDiableL; HerbCandS 9877; Bueve2S 1497; DurmS 4734; DolopL; OrsonP 273, 963; ChastVergiA; MaugisV C 1110; MenReimsP 349; MenReimsW 349; OlimB 2/838; JerusCont2G; RenContrR I, 282 §124; [AalmaR 9.085; PassTroyB II 1856], TL 7,272,43; AND 496b; AND 496b; AND 518b; MED Bd. 7, 828b; Foerster)
    • ⁠adj. subst. “celui qui a fait un faux serment” (LancPrK 11. 16, 86. 26, 92. 15, 112. 38; MirourEdmaW 8. 33; ChastVergiA 266; ChastVergiS; DialSJulB 1921; SidracH p. 57, p. 61, FSt 47, 267, 266; MF 39-41, 229, TL; FEW; FEW)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo023 8; ChMM143 9)