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fiches par lemme
paroi f. m.
[FEW 7,652a lt. PANÈS. – TL 7, 2-315; TL 7,315,18; TL 7,315,18; GdfC 10,279c; AND 490b; AND 499b; AND 499b; AND 499b; AND 496a; AND 493b; AND 495a; AND 494a; AND 498b; AND 498b; DCCarp 296b; DCCarp 298a; DCCarp 297a; TLF S. 1024; FEW; FEW; FEW 7,652a; FEW 7,652a; Baker; Baker; DiStefLoc 639; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; AND 517a. – ChambonVar2; KellerWace 2/0b; Morlet 235; Pope; [sigle] S. 490.]
(paire BanMetzW, pairier BanMetzW, parai HMondB 1830; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid A. 224, paraiz RoselLec, paraye MirourEdmaW, pare RegTournB 308, parei LapidffS 832; LapidffS 493b; WaceNicR 390, 1524; RouH III, 3654; BenDucF 12582; MarieFabW 101,13; EdmK 3135; TristThomB 2382, 2608, 3031; TristThomW D. 1104, 1108, 1110, 1336, 1754; FolTristOxfH 688; MarieEspP; ElucidaireiiiD III121M, II87M; HArciPèresO 1642; Taille1313M 18c, pareie MirourEdmaW 21.9, 21.9; SAudreeS; NominaleS 129, Pareie [BibbfW], pareis PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 147, pareit RolB 442, pareiz ProvSalSanI; SEdmPassG 1233, parét BrendanW S. 202, parey PurgSPatrCamZ; JAntOtiaP, pareye GlDouceB 93; FoukeB 30, 11; FoukeH 22. 36, Pareye PurgSPatrBerM; [BibbfW], paroi RenR 7052; VengRagW 863; SThibAlH II278; SThibAlM 278; MirNDPers1-40P 24 121; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 24,22; BartschHorning 80,23; 279,4, paroit BodelNicH 1361; HaimBarW; CantLandP 896; BanMetzW; DolopL; ViolB 1437; MédLiégH 58, 115; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn I, 216 etc; NoomenFabl 10/183; NoomenFabl 14/187, PAROIT GuillPalMo, paroiz [AalmaR 1285; AalmaR 8.780]; (sigles à datations multiples:) LevyFabl XII. 793, parreyes LReisEnglG 200, 30, pereit docJuBe295 139, perert docJuBe295 137, peroi AnsCartA 5134, poyraz docJuBe146 3)
- ◆1o“mur ou cloison intérieure” (RolB 442; BrendanW S. 202; LapidffS 832; LapidffS 493b; ProvSalSanI; WaceNicR 390, 1524; RouH III, 3654; BenDucF 12582; MarieFabW 101,13; EdmK 3135; RenR 7052; TristThomB 2382, 2608, 3031; TristThomW D. 1104, 1108, 1110, 1336, 1754; FolTristOxfH 688; BodelNicH 1361; HaimBarW; MarieEspP; CantLandP 896; ElucidaireiiiD III121M, II87M; GuillPalMo; SEdmPassG 1233; VengRagW 863; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 147; BanMetzW; BanMetzW; BanMetzW; DolopL; PurgSPatrCamZ; ViolB 1437; RoselLec; AnsCartA 5134; MirourEdmaW 21.9, 21.9; MirourEdmaW; PurgSPatrBerM; HArciPèresO 1642; SAudreeS; AspremwB 4358; RegTournB 308; MédLiégH 58, 115; GlDouceB 93; JAntOtiaP; LReisEnglG 200, 30; SThibAlH II278; SThibAlM 278; FoukeB 30, 11; FoukeH 22. 36; NominaleS 129; Taille1313M 18c; HMondB 1830; MirNDPers1-40P 24 121; [AalmaR 1285; AalmaR 8.780; BibbfW; BibbfW]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 24,22; BartschHorning 80,23; 279,4; LevyFabl XII. 793; MontRayn I, 216 etc; NoomenFabl 10/183; NoomenFabl 14/187; PannierLapid A. 224, ChambonVar2; KellerWace 2/0b; Morlet 235; Pope; [sigle] S. 490, TL 7,315,18; TL 7, 2-315; TL 7,315,18; GdfC 10,279c; AND 490b; AND 493b; AND 494a; AND 495a; AND 496a; AND 498b; AND 498b; AND 499b; AND 499b; AND 499b; DCCarp 296b; DCCarp 297a; DCCarp 298a; TLF S. 1024; FEW; FEW; FEW 7,652a; FEW 7,652a; Baker; Baker; DiStefLoc 639; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; AND 517a)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (docJuBe146 3; docJuBe295 137; docJuBe295 139)
Cf. ANDEl parei; DMF paroi.
fiches par lemme
[FEW 7, 653b. – FM 33, S. 212.]
- ◆“les deux os qui forment la paroi de la voûte du crâne, os pariétaux” (FM 33, S. 212, FEW 7, 653b)
fiches par lemme
●aparoi f. et m.
[Gdf 1, 352c; DCCarp S. 41; FEW.]
- ◆“paroi, mur, cloison” (Gdf 1, 352c; DCCarp S. 41; FEW)