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toutes fiches de l’article
fiches par lemme
peinture f.
[FEW 8,430a lt. PICTURA – TL; TL 7,565,37; TL 7,565,37; Gdf 6, 63a; GdfC 10, 306c; AND 510b; MED Bd. 7, 748b; TLF 12, S. 1280b; FEW 8, 430a; FEW 8, 430a; AdHaleLexM; Foerster; LexMA 5, 1675; LevyTrés. – ContPerc T 2691; FennisGal S. 1383; FritzFou 142; KaiserMPol 138; KaiserMPol 138; MélElliott p 77; Pope 665; SammetSuff 99, 168; SchelerJPreis II, 9124; SchelerJPreis 1926, 4762; Ziltener 7656, 7659, 7660, etc; Ziltener 6449; [sigle] 70.]
(paincture (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 90b, 79, painture FloreaK 487, 1874; FloreaW 487, 1874; BenDucF 13577; AlexParA I, t3, 275; GuillPalMo; CoincyII1...K 574 var; AnsCartA 2920; GilChinP; BestAmOctT 78, 79, 119, 155, 160; AnticlC 111, 1109; LMestL; RenAndJ 53 b; AdHaleChansM; ClefD 1988; DrouartB 6426; MirNDPers1-40P 29 74, 37 1046; JDupinMelL 2606 D; TristNantS 6723; 1478, 7419; [AalmaR 422], panture [ProstInv 2780], peinture MarieGuigW2 G. 235; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; PelCharlK 106; MarieFabW 37, 9, 55, 62; MarieFabW2; ArtusS 239, 18; SCathVérB 1669; SCathVérB; TombChartr1...K 1, 22; TombChartr1/2/3S; [AalmaR 9. 190; AalmaR 9.185], peinture) PelCharlF, pentor [AttilaS 8, 2584], pênture GlBâleB; GlBâleB)
- ◆“peinture” (FloreaK 487, 1874; FloreaW 487, 1874; MarieGuigW2 G. 235; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; BenDucF 13577; Aiol1/2F 5205; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 106; CligesM 3987; CligesM 3987; MarieFabW 37, 9, 55, 62; MarieFabW2; FlorebK 1440; FlorebP 1436; AlexParA I, t3, 275; GuillPalMo; GlBâleB; GlBâleB; MortAymC 3319; CoincyII1...K 574 var; AnsCartA 2920; ArtusS 239, 18; GilChinP; SCathVérB 1669; SCathVérB; BestAmOctT 78, 79, 119, 155, 160; AnticlC 111, 1109; LMestL; RenAndJ 53 b; AdHaleChansM; ClefD 1988; DrouartB 6426; PiérardMons t. II, p. 192; OgDanAlC 58; HMondB 1882; TombChartr1...K 1, 22; TombChartr1/2/3S; MirNDPers1-40P 29 74, 37 1046; JDupinMelL 2606 D; BelleHelR 883b, 2294; TristNantS 6723; 1478, 7419; [ProstInv 2780; FroissEspF1 1803; AttilaS 8, 2584; AalmaR 9. 190; AalmaR 9.185; AalmaR 422]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 90b, 79, ContPerc T 2691; FennisGal S. 1383; FritzFou 142; KaiserMPol 138; KaiserMPol 138; MélElliott p 77; Pope 665; SammetSuff 99, 168; SchelerJPreis II, 9124; SchelerJPreis 1926, 4762; Ziltener 7656, 7659, 7660, etc; Ziltener 6449; [sigle] 70, TL; TL 7,565,37; TL 7,565,37; Gdf 6, 63a; GdfC 10, 306c; AND 510b; MED Bd. 7, 748b; TLF 12, S. 1280b; FEW 8, 430a; FEW 8, 430a; AdHaleLexM; Foerster; LexMA 5, 1675; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●empeinturer v.
[Gdf 3, 49 c; Gdf 18,2; p. 306; Gdf 3, 49c; Gdf.]
- ◆“peindre” (Gdf 3, 49 c; Gdf 18,2; p. 306; Gdf 3, 49c; Gdf)
fiches par lemme
●peinturer v.
[TL; TL 7,566,40; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 63a; AND 510b; TLF 12, S. 1281b; FEW 8, 430b; FEW 8, 430b; FEW 8, 430b; MED Bd VII, 748b; Gdf; DCCarp 311b; TL; TL; LevyTrés; TL; FEW; FEW 9, 597a; Gdf; Gdf; TL 7,566,40. – Hartw; ContPerc M 18730; SternbergWaffen 65; SchelerJPreis 11476, 14017.]
- ◆“peindre” (EneasS1 431; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 106; FetRomF1 715, 27; ParDuchP p. 637; MirAgn2K; LapidffS 107D; Aiol1/2F 8602; Aiol1/2N 8600; GuiNantm/v/fM; ElieF 1442; Saisna/lB 1079, 3275° (c); ElieF 1645; ChevVivM; ChevCygneNaissT 3405, 3406; ChevVivM C 455; ChevCygneNaissM 3405; PercDidd/eR 1620; NarbS; NarbS; FlorenceW 353a; 2269; HervisH 816; Bueve1S 7996, 8102, 8458 etc; Bueve3S 2170, 4174, 9695; Bueve2S 2046, 2051; Bueve1S; AucS10; AucR3 V 4; AnsCartA 4244, 5515; ParDuchP * 1059 (CSP); ParDuchP p. 638, 1059, 2129; HuonR 1789, 7535; YonM 2844, 3085; LMestL; EnfRenC; SoneG 1872; 13472; OgDanAlC 3231, 375, 1265, 1272, 1849; ProprChosZ; JMoteVoieP 207; BelleHelR 883b; 2291, 2330, 7379, 8285; [FierPrM 829]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén VI, 1272; Aspland; Aspland 15, V. 4, ContPerc M 18730; Hartw; SternbergWaffen 65; SchelerJPreis 11476, 14017, TL; TL 7,566,40; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 63a; AND 510b; TLF 12, S. 1281b; FEW 8, 430b; FEW 8, 430b; FEW 8, 430b; MED Bd VII, 748b; Gdf; Gdf; DCCarp 311b; TL; TL 7,566,40; TL; LevyTrés; TL; FEW; FEW 9, 597a; Gdf)
Cf. ANDEl peinturer; DMF peinturer.
fiches par lemme
●peinturier m.
[TL; TL 7,567,42; Gdf 6, 63b; DCCarp 294a; FEW 8, 430b; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – Messelaar 358, 373.]
- ◆“peintre” (LMestL, Messelaar 358, 373, TL; TL 7,567,42; Gdf 6, 63b; DCCarp 294a; FEW 8, 430b; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●repeinturer v.
[TL 8,883; FEW 8,430b.]
(repoincturer PercefL2 IV,3)
- ◆“repeindre” (PercefL2 IV,3, TL 8,883; FEW 8,430b)
fiches par lemme
●depeinture f.
[TL 2,1414,49; TL; AND.]
(depeynture NicBozMorS 106)
- ◆“peinture” (NicBozMorS 106, TL 2,1414,49; TL; AND)
fiches par lemme
●despeinturé adj.
[TL 2,1683,3; TL; Gdf 2 625c; FEW 8, 430b.]
- ◆“dont la peinture est effacée” (TL 2,1683,3; TL; Gdf 2 625c; FEW 8, 430b)