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penitence f.
[FEW 9,120a lt. PŒNITEREAND 514 a; Foerster; MED 7, 779 b; MED 7, 779 b; LevyTrés; TLF 13, 6 a; DiStefLoc 665; TL 7, 652; FEW 9,120a; GdfC 312 c; TL 7,651,52. – RoiFloreJ0 CXIV; MélDufournet 81-86, 444; SchulzeBusProv 2248; SammetSuff 11, 165; R 79, 26; KellerWace 181 b; Ziltener 5739; TraLiLi 16, 561; FritzFou 69-71, 202, 221, 236, 255, 282, 310-311, 314, 316, 322-323, 343; MénardRire 115; TraLiLi 16-1, 561; Hassell 112.⁠]
(penitance CommPsia1G 6; BenTroieC; ErecR 5205; AdamG3 748; RenR 11573; TristThomB 623, 637, 2018; TristThomW sn1 586, D 746, 767; CoucyChansL 8, 8; GuiotProvinsO 1054, 1771; SGenB 406; BibleGuiotW; ChevBarAnS 86, 279, 350, 357, 403; VengRagF 4420; VoieParadOrS 58; 501; 613 etc.; BestGuillR 2417; BalJosCamA 10071; DurmS 4851; CoincyI1...K 1053; CoincyI1...K 1079; CoincyI1...K 1135; CoincyI1...K 1311; PurgSPatrCamZ; SGraalIVEstP; BesantR 2413 *; ChansArtB 8, 162; TournAntW 1490 etc.; ThibChampW; Pères10C; RobHoY 573; RobHoY 1493; RutebF 1, 344, 73; VMortAnW 35, 11; KanorM; DrouartB 1149; SThibOctH 1, 252; JoinvW1 528 g; GeoffrParChronD; JCondM; JDupinMelL 579; ChevPapH 63, 23; PassEntreG 4104; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 75 a, 138; 90 b, 129; ConBethW1; NoomenFabl t 9, 352 a; ProvM 1569, 2248, Penitance PèresPrI5/7S, PENITANCE GuillPalMo, penitanche BestPierre1M 143, 12; RenclCarH; JobB pénitence; JobG 2450; 1750, 1781, 1799, 2567, Penitanche VillehW, penitence AlexisP O, 110 b; AlexisS1 547; GrantMalS2 60 d; ProvSalSanI; EdConfVatS; EstFougK 506r, 856r; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1134; SGillesP 989; RenR 8952; RenR 8952; RenR 8952; ChétifsM; SClemW 37, 13; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 710; Bueve2S 3485, 8547, 18519; ChevBarBloisB; ParDuchP 637; HArciPèresO 127, 270; SermMaccM 204; MenReimsP 183, 316; MenReimsW 316; CoutNormT p123; Rolandin 443; docJuBe030 6; MirNDPers1-40P 4, 123; [DenFoulB1 1372; AalmaR 8, 990; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 20, 136; BartschHorning 26, 9; 384, 2, Penitence PurgSPatrBerM, penitenche RenclCarH, penitenee SEdmPassG 1386, 1654)
  • 1o“pénitence” (AlexisS1 547; AlexisP O, 110 b; GrantMalS2 60 d; ProvSalSanI; CommPsia1G 6; ErecR 5205; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; AdamG3 748; EstFougK 506r, 856r; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1134; SGillesP 989; RenR 11573; TristThomW sn1 586, D 746, 767; TristThomB 623, 637, 2018; RenR 8952; RenR 8952; RenR 8952; CoucyChansL 8, 8; ChétifsM; GuiotProvinsO 1054, 1771; SGenB 406; BestPierre1M 143, 12; VillehW; VoieParadOrS 58; 501; 613 etc.; ChevBarAnS 86, 279, 350, 357, 403; BibleGuiotW; PèresPrI5/7S; SClemW 37, 13; VengRagF 4420; GuillPalMo; SEdmPassG 1386, 1654; BestGuillR 2417; BalJosCamA 10071; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 710; DurmS 4851; Bueve2S 3485, 8547, 18519; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyI1...K 1053; CoincyI1...K 1079; CoincyI1...K 1135; CoincyI1...K 1311; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; PurgSPatrCamZ; SGraalIVEstP; ChansArtB 8, 162; BesantR 2413 *; TournAntW 1490 etc.; ThibChampW; PurgSPatrBerM; ParDuchP 637; SermMaccM 204; Pères10C; HArciPèresO 127, 270; RobHoY 573; RobHoY 1493; MenReimsW 316; MenReimsP 183, 316; RutebF 1, 344, 73; CoutNormT p123; VMortAnW 35, 11; KanorM; SThibOctH 1, 252; DrouartB 1149; JobG 2450; 1750, 1781, 1799, 2567; JobB pénitence; JoinvW1 528 g; Rolandin 443; GeoffrParChronD; JCondM; MirNDPers1-40P 4, 123; JDupinMelL 579; ChevPapH 63, 23; PassEntreG 4104; [DenFoulB1 1372; AalmaR 8, 990; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t 9, 352 a; ProvM 1569, 2248; ConBethW1; BartschChrest 75 a, 138; 90 b, 129; BartschHorning 26, 9; 384, 2; Aspland 20, 136, MélDufournet 81-86, 444; SchulzeBusProv 2248; SammetSuff 11, 165; R 79, 26; KellerWace 181 b; Ziltener 5739; RoiFloreJ0 CXIV; TraLiLi 16, 561; FritzFou 69-71, 202, 221, 236, 255, 282, 310-311, 314, 316, 322-323, 343; MénardRire 115; TraLiLi 16-1, 561; Hassell 112, AND 514 a; Foerster; MED 7, 779 b; TL 7,651,52; MED 7, 779 b; LevyTrés; TLF 13, 6 a; DiStefLoc 665; TL 7, 652; FEW 9,120a; GdfC 312 c)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (docJuBe030 6)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
penitablement adj. substantivé
[Gdf 7, 82 a.⁠]
(penitablement MirNDPers1-40P 17, 1961)
  • “en pénitent, en faisant pénitence” (MirNDPers1-40P 17, 1961, Gdf 7, 82 a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
[TL 7, 654; TL 7,654,7; AND 514a; MED 7, 780a; TLF 13, 8a. – ActesHiroshimaVoc 128.⁠]
(penitenciel MirNDPers1-40P 17 1419)
  • “qui concerne la pénitence” (MirNDPers1-40P 17 1419, ActesHiroshimaVoc 128, TL 7,654,7; TL 7, 654; AND 514a; MED 7, 780a; TLF 13, 8a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
penitent m.
[TL 7, 654; TL 7,654,20; Gdf 6, 82 a; MED 7, 780b; TLF 13, 7b. – HoltusEntree 136, 158, 174, 397.⁠]
(penitant GesteFrancorR 1666, 4627, 4748, ecc., penitent [OresmeEthM 388])
  • 1o“celui qui fait pénitence” (GesteFrancorR 1666, 4627, 4748, ecc., HoltusEntree 136, 158, 174, 397, TL 7,654,20; TL 7, 654; Gdf 6, 82 a; MED 7, 780b; TLF 13, 7b)
  • 2o⁠adj. “qui fait pénitence” ([OresmeEthM 388])
fiches par lemme Télécharger
penitencios adj.
(penitencieuse MirNDPers1-40P 17 1564)
  • “qui s'acquitte d'une pénitence” (MirNDPers1-40P 17 1564)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
penitencier1 v.
[TL 7,654,10; TL 7, 654; GdfLex; MED 7, 780a; TLF 13, 6b. – ActesMfr10 263; StädtlerGdfLex 263.⁠]
(penitencier AmbroiseP 4391)
  • “punir en infligeant une pénitence” (AmbroiseP 4391, ActesMfr10 263; StädtlerGdfLex 263, TL 7,654,10; TL 7, 654; GdfLex; MED 7, 780a; TLF 13, 6b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
penitencier2 m.
[TL 7,654,16; GdfC 10, 312c; AND 514 a; FEW 9, 120a.⁠]
  • “prêtre autorisé à confesser” ([LégDorVignBatallD 116], TL 7,654,16; GdfC 10, 312c; AND 514 a; FEW 9, 120a)