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fiches par lemme
peon m.
[FEW 8, 145a lt. PEDO – TL 7,688,40; TL 7,688,40; TL 7,688,40; TL 7,688,40; TL 7,688,40; TL 7, 4-688; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 89a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 133c; AND 515b,507b; AND 515a; AND 540b; AND 544b; MED 7,1169b; MED Bd. 7, 1169b; MED Bd. 7, 1169b; DCCarp 296 a; DCCarp 306c; DCCarp 303a; DCCarp 312b; TLF Bd. 13, 396a; TLF Bd. 13, 396b; FEW 8, 146b; FEW 8, 146a; FEW 21, 152b; FEW 8, 145b; FEW 8, 145a; FEW 8, 146a; FEW; FEW 8, 129a; DiStefLoc 688; DiStefLoc 670. – BangertTiere 543; Bursch p. 72; Bursch p. 70; CorB C68; CorleyCont1 p193; CorleyCont2 10033-20169, 27700; CorleyCont2; FSt XLVIII(1994), 258; MélBruneau 112; MélTobler1 399; MélTobler1 399; MélTobler1 S. 83 f; S. 68; S. 129 ff (Stellung); S 256 ff; MélTobler1; MélTobler1 V. 7367-7462; MélTobler1; R 92, 144; R 70,p.210; RLiR 50, 1986, 288; Schultz I 536; Schultz 1, 536; [sigle].]
(paon BenDucM II, p. 515, en note, col. 2, p. 517, en note, col. 2; CoincyII29Kr 72; RoselLec 6684; GarMonglMü/Me/S 602, 663, paones MerlinPropheB, Pauñ [BibbfW], pedon GesteFrancorR 11603; OgDanAlC 1632, peon RenMontArdT V 403; BertaMilC 383; GesteFrancorR 72, 1206, 6535, etc; OgDanAlC 1209, 1610; [AttilaS 7, 422; JFevVieilleC v.1534], Peon Rolv41/2G, péon AlexParhM 117,26; 426,33; 345,20, péon, peonier AlexParhM 117, 26; 426, 33; 345, 20, peons AliscW; HuonAuvbS6 574, peoun CorE p64; CorE, peune AttilaPrB, pion GigotPér; JPrioratR; FevresS; FevresS, poon GodBouillCornM 425; RCambrM; ContPerc2lC2 p148; FetRomF1 182, 31; 187, 22; 207, 7; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI1...L 223; JMeunVégR 120; Taille1313M 40c; GuerreMetzB 227ac; AliscmH 378, poons ChirPoutrS, poün EdmK 784; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, poune EchecsRoyH S.44, pouns EchecsRoyH v.41)
- ◆“pion, piéton, fantassin” (BenDucM II, p. 515, en note, col. 2, p. 517, en note, col. 2; EdmK 784; AlexParhM 117, 26; 426, 33; 345, 20; AlexParhM 117,26; 426,33; 345,20; AliscW; CorE p64; CorE; GodBouillCornM 425; RCambrM; ContPerc2lC2 p148; FetRomF1 182, 31; 187, 22; 207, 7; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI1...L 223; RenMontArdT V 403; CoincyII29Kr 72; RoselLec 6684; EchecsRoyH S.44; EchecsRoyH v.41; GarMonglMü/Me/S 602, 663; JMeunVégR 120; AttilaPrB; GigotPér; JPrioratR; MerlinPropheB; ChirPoutrS; FevresS; FevresS; Rolv41/2G; BertaMilC 383; GesteFrancorR 11603; GesteFrancorR 72, 1206, 6535, etc; OgDanAlC 1632; OgDanAlC 1209, 1610; Taille1313M 40c; GuerreMetzB 227ac; HuonAuvbS6 574; AliscmH 378; [AttilaS 7, 422; JFevVieilleC v.1534; BibbfW]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, BangertTiere 543; Bursch p. 72; Bursch p. 70; CorB C68; CorleyCont1 p193; CorleyCont2 10033-20169, 27700; CorleyCont2; FSt XLVIII(1994), 258; MélBruneau 112; MélTobler1 399; MélTobler1 399; MélTobler1 S. 83 f; S. 68; S. 129 ff (Stellung); S 256 ff; MélTobler1; MélTobler1 V. 7367-7462; MélTobler1; R 70,p.210; R 92, 144; RLiR 50, 1986, 288; Schultz I 536; Schultz 1, 536; [sigle], TL 7,688,40; TL 7,688,40; TL 7,688,40; TL 7, 4-688; TL 7,688,40; TL 7,688,40; TL; Gdf; Gdf 6, 89a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 133c; AND 515b,507b; AND 515a; AND 540b; AND 544b; MED 7,1169b; MED Bd. 7, 1169b; MED Bd. 7, 1169b; DCCarp 296 a; DCCarp 303a; DCCarp 306c; DCCarp 312b; TLF Bd. 13, 396a; TLF Bd. 13, 396b; FEW 8, 146b; FEW 8, 145a; FEW 8, 146a; FEW 21, 152b; FEW 8, 145b; FEW 8, 146a; FEW; FEW 8, 129a; DiStefLoc 688; DiStefLoc 670)
fiches par lemme
●peonaille f.
[TL; TL 7,4-689; TL 7,689,43; TL 7,689,43; Gdf; Gdf 6,89b; Gdf; Gdf; FEW; FEW 25,125a; FEW 8,145b; FEW.]
(peonale JoufrF 3123)
- ◆“troupe au fantassins” (JoufrF 3123, TL; TL 7,689,43; TL 7,4-689; TL 7,689,43; Gdf 6,89b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; FEW 8,145b; FEW; FEW 25,125a; FEW)
Cf. DMF pionaille.
fiches par lemme
●peonet m.
[TL; TL 7,4-690; TL 7,690,1; TL 7,690,1; TL; TL 7,690,1; TL 7,690,21; Gdf; Gdf Bd. 6, p. 48, col. 2, l. 39; Gdf 6,89c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 515a; FEW 8, 1456; FEW 8, 146 a. – CorleyCont2 10033-20169, 27700; MélHœ 312; MélTobler1 V. 7367-7462.]
(paonat JPrioratR, paonet RoselLec, paonnet OvArtPrR 2586; Taille1313M S. 246; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1593], paonnéz MaillartR 224, peonet SimFreineGeorgM 1104; AlNeckUtensH p.242, Peonet SimFreineGeorgM 1104, poonier ThebesR 5607; YonM 1371, poonnet LancPrM LXXXIII, 14)
- ◆“pion, fantassin” (SimFreineGeorgM 1104; SimFreineGeorgM 1104; AlNeckUtensH p.242; LancPrM LXXXIII, 14; RoselLec; ThebesR 5607; YonM 1371; OvArtPrR 2586; JPrioratR; Taille1313M S. 246; MaillartR 224; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1593], CorleyCont2 10033-20169, 27700; MélHœ 312; MélTobler1 V. 7367-7462, TL; TL 7,690,1; TL 7,4-690; TL 7,690,1; TL 7,690,1; TL; TL 7,690,21; Gdf Bd. 6, p. 48, col. 2, l. 39; Gdf; Gdf 6,89c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 515a; FEW 8, 1456; FEW 8, 146 a)
fiches par lemme
●peonier adj.
[TL; TL 7,690,21; TL 7,690,21; TL 7,4-690; TL 7,690,21; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6,89c; Gdf 6,90a; Gdf; GdfC 10, 342a; AND 507b; AND 523a; AND 515a; AND 540b; AND 566b; AND 544b; DCCarp 306c; TLF Bd. 13, 397b; FEW; FEW; FEW 8, 145b; FEW; FEW 8,145b; FEW; FEW; FEW 23, 132a; GuiraudObsc 435; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – ConstansThebes; Fagniez II, 129; FennisGal S. 1421; MedAev.]
(paonier ThebesC III, 8852; ChevCygnePropN p. 2784; BatLoqVulgB2 969; 1664; Taille1313M S. 76; Taille1313M S. 100; Taille1313M 14 a; Taille1313M 18 c, paoniers GarLorrP I, 251, peoner [AttilaS 7,651], peonier GaimarB 646; AntiocheD 446,9094; AmbroiseP 2754; YderG, peoniers GuillMarM 16338, pïonier GarLorrI; RoselLec 3783, pioniers CensHôtProvinsM 627, pionnier JMeunVégR 86, 87; 46, 97, 100, 107, 113; 114; CptRoyM 24246; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 407, 28, poonnier JMeunVégL VI, 10, S. 98, poounier AlexParA I, var. 64, 1416, poüner BrutIntB, poünier SThomGuernW1 214; SThomGuernW2 214, punner ChGuillSd 288, punners ChGuillI 1857; ChGuillM 1857)
- ◆“qui va à pied” (SThomGuernW1 214; SThomGuernW2 214, TL 7,690,21; Gdf 6,90a; FEW 8,145b)
- ◆adj. substantivé “homme à pied, fantassin” (GaimarB 646; ThebesC III, 8852; AlexParA I, var. 64, 1416; GarLorrI; GarLorrP I, 251; AntiocheD 446,9094; ChevCygnePropN p. 2784; BatLoqVulgB2 969; 1664; AmbroiseP 2754; ChGuillI 1857; ChGuillM 1857; ChGuillSd 288; YderG; BrutIntB; GuillMarM 16338; RoselLec 3783; CensHôtProvinsM 627; JMeunVégL VI, 10, S. 98; JMeunVégR 86, 87; 46, 97, 100, 107, 113; 114; Taille1313M S. 76; Taille1313M S. 100; Taille1313M 14 a; Taille1313M 18 c; CptRoyM 24246; [AttilaS 7,651]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 407, 28, ConstansThebes; Fagniez II, 129; FennisGal S. 1421; MedAev, TL; TL 7,4-690; TL 7,690,21; TL 7,690,21; TL; Gdf 6,89c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 10, 342a; AND 507b; AND 515a; AND 523a; AND 540b; AND 544b; AND 566b; DCCarp 306c; TLF Bd. 13, 397b; FEW; FEW; FEW 8, 145b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 23, 132a; GuiraudObsc 435; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●pïonerie f.
[TL 7,962,15; Gdf 6, 169a; FEW 8, 145b; FEW 8, 145 b.]
(pionnerie CptRoyF 24246; CptRoyM 24246)
- ◆“travaux de terrassement” (CptRoyF 24246; CptRoyM 24246, TL 7,962,15; Gdf 6, 169a; FEW 8, 145b; FEW 8, 145 b)
fiches par lemme
●peonage m.
[TL 7, 4-689; TL 7,689,35; TL 7,689,35; Gdf 6, 168c; AND 544b; DCCarp 306c; FEW 8, 145b; FEW 8, 145b. – [sigle].]
(poünage SThomGuernW1 5894)
- ◆“travail de pionnier” (SThomGuernW1 5894, [sigle], TL 7,689,35; TL 7, 4-689; TL 7,689,35; Gdf 6, 168c; AND 544b; DCCarp 306c; FEW 8, 145b; FEW 8, 145b)
fiches par lemme
●peoner v.
[AND 515a; AND 515a.]
(peoner GuiNantm/v/fM 1248; AngDialGregP 63a; EntreeT; [AttilaS 13,444])
- ◆“aller à pied” (GuiNantm/v/fM 1248; AngDialGregO2 7778; AngDialGregP 63a; EntreeT; [AttilaS 13,444], AND 515a; AND 515a)