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fiches par lemme
plaindre v.
[FEW 9, 15b lt. PLANGERE – TL; TL; TL 7,1034,48; GdfC 10, 348a; AND 531b; AND 529b; MED Bd. 7, 1034b; MED Bd. 7, 1034b; MED Bd. 7, 1036a; MED Bd. 7, 1040; TLF Bd. 13, 470b; FEW; FEW 9, 15b; FEW 9, 15b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 693; Foerster; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – ActesMfr4 p. 232; ContPerc; Hassell M 62; KaiserMPol 86; KellerWace 131a, 109b; MLR 81, 1986, 477; MélDufournet vol. III, S. 1023; Pope p. 540; R 65, p. 506; R 84, p. 282; R 93, 333; RLiR 19, 261; RoPh 19, 509; RoPh 217; RoPh 14, 178; SchulzeBusProv 345, 739, 2375.]
(plaidre chMa190 13, plaig GautArrErR 1412; Turpin5Wa; AndrContrN XII, 12, plaigne BenTroieC; PelCharlA; CantLandP 2918 etc.; chdouai0444 1, plaignes ImMondeOct2S0 NM 73, 540, plaignoie chMa009 3; chMa217 4, plaignoit chCOr126a 20, plainderont chdouai0441 1, plaindra AlexisS1 462; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 757, 123, plaindre AlexisP O 31 d, 93b, 119d; RaschiD2 811 a), b); BrendanW S. 202, 1255, 215D; PhThBestWa; WaceConcA 468; CourLouisL1; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 1428, 7927; FloreaK 2300; FloreaW 2282; ChronSMichelB 1612, 2706, 2753; CommPsia1G 795, 13; 580, 13; MarieGuigW2; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; PhilomB 391, 440, 122, 66; RouH; BenDucF; SThomGuernW1 5331, 5015; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 107, 801; CligesG; CligesM 2100; CligesM 6422; CligesM 609, 2006, 5596, 5628; EructavitJ 730; EructavitJ; MarieFabW2; AdgarK XXXVI, 45; FlorebK 3448; SThomBenS 1407; AlexParA II 1208; AlexParA II, 1323; ProtH; AimonFlH 1762, 7734; 705, 1765; 2568; RenR 10605, 10993; RenR VII - IX, 6337, 7503, 8233; SBernCantG; TristBérG 1876, 2322; TristThomB 2438, 2776; TristThomW; CoucyChansL XXIX, 19; FloovA 890, 319; BodelNicH 136; VMortHélW 49, 8; ChevVivM; ChevVivM B, 2, 243b, C 358; GuiotProvinsO 153, C I 51, 1546; JugAmS 111, 132; AssJérRoiG; BodelCongéRu 138; MuséeArchDép p. 127, Z. 29; BibleGuiotW; ChevBarAnS 688; FolTristBernH2 57; SGraalIIIJostO; AngDialGregP 121 v° a, 107 v° a; ChGuillI 1175; ChGuillSd 287, 1175; FlorenceW 356a, 2864, 1753, 1887, 2864; MortAymC 232, 1133; Bueve1S; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; DurmS 5196; OvArtElieK 903; LancPrK; AucS10; GuillVinM XI, 22, 47; MorPhilP 5926; RenclCarH; GuillMarM; ChansArtB; CoincyII26V *189; ViolB 1326, 3365; LoisGodM p. 5, Z. 12; TristPrR; AnsCartA 10348; ArtusS; FolLancB; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 234, 29; 235, 1; GautLeuL2 III 162; Pères43B 306, 836; ChMM089 36; MenReimsP 185, 188, 216; MenReimsW; MirNDChartrK III 161, 171, 181; AnticlC 1177, 2716; CoutNormT p124; VMortAnW 263, 1; BaudeFastCongéR 336; ChMa228 11; RegTournB; CharroicL; SimPouilleaB 658; ClefD; ChastSGilS 285; AttilaPrB; JobB 2730, 690, 1382; JobG 1382, 2730; 690; SoneG 14736; FevresS 16 b - 23; JoinvW1 522h, 340a, 232a etc.; BertaMilC 87, 223; OgDanAlC 1664; docJuBe030 7; GeoffrParChronD; Apol3L 61, 22; DébCorpsArrL 13, 273, 99; GuiNantvProlC 118; MirNDPers1-40P 14 249, 1156; 26 366 etc.; JMoteVoieP 1947, 2671; RenContrR 33275; BelleHelR 882b; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 9, 154 etc.; 24, 188; 27, 142; 56, 98; BartschHorning 28, 2; ProvM 134, 738, 2375; RaynMotets I p. 210; StimmingMot; AngDialGregO2 14016, 16059, Plaindre VillehW; GautLeuL2, PLAINDRE GuillPalMo; LMestL, plaindres RaschiD2 811 c); AucR3 XIII, 9, plaindroient ChMe076 7, plaindront R 1296 01 06 01 12; R 1296 01 06 03 12; VR 1296 01 06 01 12, plaindrunt chMo007 41; chMo008 41, plainessent chCOr197 13, plaingnent ChMM097 8, plaingt MerlinsR, plainne CligesM 2337, plainnoit ChMe195 40, plains ChevCygneNaissT 1287; MortAymC 966, 1388, 839, 1159, 1184, 3304; HuonabcL ABC 46; HuonabcL; JMoteVoieP 2568, 4063, plainsent (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 965, plainsist DolopL; ChMM089 36, plainsit ChMa078 12; ChMa078 16, plainst BesantR 3269*; chMo219 3; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 9, 353a, plainstrent AlexisS1 594; BenDucM I, p. 523, v. 12797; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 87, plaint BenTroieC; ChevBarBloisB; ChMM001 72; ChastVergiS; ChMa077 17; chdouai0473a 16; chdouai0473a 23; chdouai0473b 5; chdouai0473b 5; chdouai0473c 2; chdouai0473c 3; R 1296 01 06 01 4; VR 1296 01 06 01 4; RP 1297 03 32 01 44; (sigles à datations multiples:) RomPast N. 58 / 1, plainurus AlexisS1 154, plainz ChMe195 41, plangent AlexParA IV, 180 var t 7; MPolRustR, plangnoit chCOr126 17, pleigna docJuBe030 3, pleigne AdamG3 624; GilChinP, pleignent FlorenceW 356b, pleignoit ChMa077 23, pleindrai BalJosPr1M 71, 40, pleindre RolB 446; MarieLaisR; HornP 45, 353, 4739; BenDucF; EstFougK 214r, 539r, 543r, 1068r; MarieFabW; SGillesP 1082; TristThomB; TristThomW; FolTristOxfH 854, 316; SGraalIIJosO; SGenB 2408, 1144, 3340; BibleGuiotW; FetRomF1 158, 23; GuillMarM; ArtusS 4, 21; 165, 24; HArciPèresO; Pères10C 640; Pères1C; ChMM088 45; EvEnfQuatrB 513; MirNDPers1-40P, Pleindre ConqIrlO; MirAgn2K, pleingnoit ChMa077 13, pleinsit ChMa077 10; ChMa077 12; ChMa077 15; ChMa078 10, pleinst GuillMarM, pleint ChardryDormM 642; ChMa078 19; ChMa078 27; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.7, 443, pleint (se) YsEudeR; YsEudeR, plendre PurgSPatrCamZ; TristPrG 414, 31, plendroit chMo045 34, pleng TristPrG 346,2, plennoit ChMa078 14, plensist ChMM088 45, pleyndre NicBozAgnèsK 238)
- ◆1o“plaindre” (AlexisP O 31 d, 93b, 119d; AlexisS1 462; AlexisS1 594; AlexisS1 154; RolB 446; BrendanW S. 202, 1255, 215D; PhThBestWa; WaceConcA 468; ProvSalSanI; FloreaW 2282; ChronSMichelB 1612, 2706, 2753; CommPsia1G 795, 13; 580, 13; MarieGuigW2; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; PhilomB 391, 440, 122, 66; RouH; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p. 523, v. 12797; SThomGuernW1 5331, 5015; GautArrErR 1412; CligesM 2100; CligesM 2337; EstFougK 214r, 539r, 543r, 1068r; MarieFabW2; AdgarK XXXVI, 45; FlorebK 3448; SGillesP 1082; AlexParA II 1208; AlexParA II, 1323; AlexParA IV, 180 var t 7; ProtH; AimonFlH 1762, 7734; 705, 1765; 2568; TristThomB 2438, 2776; TristThomB; TristThomW; FloovA 890, 319; BodelNicH 136; CantLandP 2918 etc.; ChevCygneNaissT 1287; JugAmS 111, 132; BibleGuiotW; BibleGuiotW; ChardryDormM 642; GuillPalMo; SGraalIIIJostO; AngDialGregP 121 v° a, 107 v° a; ChGuillI 1175; FlorenceW 356b; MortAymC 966, 1388, 839, 1159, 1184, 3304; MortAymC 232, 1133; Turpin5Wa; BalJosPr1M 71, 40; Bueve1S; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; DurmS 5196; OvArtElieK 903; ChevBarBloisB; LancPrK; DolopL; AucS10; GuillVinM XI, 22, 47; MorPhilP 5926; PurgSPatrCamZ; RenclCarH; GuillMarM; GuillMarM; GuillMarM; BesantR 3269*; CoincyII26V *189; ViolB 1326, 3365; TristPrG 414, 31; TristPrG 346,2; AnsCartA 10348; ArtusS; ArtusS 4, 21; 165, 24; FolLancB; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR; ImMondeOct2S0 NM 73, 540; Pères10C 640; Pères1C; MenReimsP 185, 188, 216; MenReimsW; AnticlC 1177, 2716; CoutNormT p124; HuonabcL ABC 46; HuonabcL; BaudeFastCongéR 336; SimPouilleaB 658; YsEudeR; AttilaPrB; EvEnfQuatrB 513; JobG 1382, 2730; 690; SoneG 14736; MPolRustR; FevresS 16 b - 23; JoinvW1 522h, 340a, 232a etc.; NicBozAgnèsK 238; BertaMilC 87, 223; OgDanAlC 1664; GeoffrParChronD; Apol3L 61, 22; MirNDPers1-40P 14 249, 1156; 26 366 etc.; MirNDPers1-40P; JMoteVoieP 2568, 4063; JMoteVoieP 1947, 2671; RenContrR 33275; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 14016, 16059; Aspland; BartschChrest 9, 154 etc.; 24, 188; 27, 142; 56, 98; BartschHorning 28, 2; ConstHamelR 757, 123; StimmingMot, ActesMfr4 p. 232; ContPerc; KaiserMPol 86; MLR 81, 1986, 477; MélDufournet vol. III, S. 1023; Pope p. 540; R 93, 333; R 65, p. 506; RLiR 19, 261; RoPh 19, 509; RoPh 14, 178; RoPh 217; SchulzeBusProv 345, 739, 2375, TL; TL 7,1034,48; TL; GdfC 10, 348a; AND 529b; AND 531b; MED Bd. 7, 1034b; MED Bd. 7, 1034b; MED Bd. 7, 1036a; MED Bd. 7, 1040; TLF Bd. 13, 470b; FEW 9, 15b; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 693; Foerster)
- ◆inf. substantivé “lamentation, gémissement” (RaschiD2 811 c); AucR3 XIII, 9, LevyTrés)
- ◆2o“se plaindre” (RaschiD2 811 a), b); CourLouisL1; EneasS1 1428, 7927; FloreaK 2300; HornP 45, 353, 4739; BenDucF; AdamG3 624; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 107, 801; CligesG; CligesM 6422; CligesM 609, 2006, 5596, 5628; EructavitJ 730; EructavitJ; MarieFabW; SThomBenS 1407; RenR 10605, 10993; RenR VII - IX, 6337, 7503, 8233; SBernCantG; TristBérG 1876, 2322; TristThomW; CoucyChansL XXIX, 19; FolTristOxfH 854, 316; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW 49, 8; ChevVivM; ChevVivM B, 2, 243b, C 358; GuiotProvinsO 153, C I 51, 1546; SGenB 2408, 1144, 3340; AssJérRoiG; BodelCongéRu 138; MuséeArchDép p. 127, Z. 29; VillehW; ChevBarAnS 688; FolTristBernH2 57; ChGuillSd 287, 1175; FetRomF1 158, 23; FlorenceW 356a, 2864, 1753, 1887, 2864; ChansArtB; ConqIrlO; LoisGodM p. 5, Z. 12; TristPrR; AndrContrN XII, 12; GilChinP; ChastVergiS; MerlinsR 234, 29; 235, 1; MirAgn2K; GautLeuL2 III 162; GautLeuL2; HArciPèresO; Pères43B 306, 836; MirNDChartrK III 161, 171, 181; VMortAnW 263, 1; LMestL; RegTournB; CharroicL; YsEudeR; ClefD; ChastSGilS 285; JobB 2730, 690, 1382; DébCorpsArrL 13, 273, 99; GuiNantvProlC 118; BelleHelR 882b; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 9, 353a; NoomenFabl t.7, 443; ProvM 134, 738, 2375; RaynMotets I p. 210; RecHist XXII, 965; RecHist XXI, 87; RomPast N. 58 / 1, Hassell M 62; KellerWace 131a, 109b; R 84, p. 282, FEW 9, 15b; LevyTrés)
- ◆3o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo007 41; chMo008 41; ChMM001 72; chMo045 34; chMa009 3; ChMe076 7; ChMM088 45; ChMM089 36; ChMM088 45; ChMM089 36; ChMM097 8; ChMa077 10; ChMa077 12; ChMa077 13; ChMa077 15; ChMa077 17; ChMa077 23; ChMa078 10; ChMa078 12; ChMa078 16; ChMa078 19; ChMa078 27; ChMa078 14; chMo219 3; chCOr126 17; ChMe195 40; ChMe195 41; chCOr197 13; chMa190 13; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0444 1; chMa217 4; chdouai0473a 16; chdouai0473a 23; chdouai0473b 5; chdouai0473b 5; chdouai0473c 2; chdouai0473c 3; ChMa228 11; chCOr126a 20; R 1296 01 06 01 4; VR 1296 01 06 01 4; R 1296 01 06 01 12; R 1296 01 06 03 12; VR 1296 01 06 01 12; RP 1297 03 32 01 44; docJuBe030 3; docJuBe030 7)
Cf. ANDEl pleindre; DMF plaindre.
fiches par lemme
●emplaindre v.
[Gdf 3, 63c; Gdf 3, 63c; Gdf; AND; FEW 9, 17a; Foerster.]
(emplaindre AdgarK XXXVI 37)
- ◆“se plaindre, porter plainte en justice” (AdgarK XXXVI 37; AdgarN 158, 37, Gdf 3, 63c; Gdf 3, 63c; Gdf; AND; FEW 9, 17a; Foerster)
fiches par lemme
●plaignamment adv.
[TL; TL 7,1034,48; Gdf 6, 187b; Gdf; Gdf; FEW 9, 16-a.]
- ◆“en se plaignant” (TL; TL 7,1034,48; Gdf 6, 187b; Gdf; Gdf; FEW 9, 16-a)
fiches par lemme
●plaignant p.prés.
[TL; TL 7,1034,48; AND 530b; AND 531b; TLF Bd.13, 468 a; FEW 9, 17-a. – Morlet 159.]
(plaignant RaschiD2 811.d); JoufrF 1555, plaindant SBernCantG X 200, plaingnans ChMa212 7; chMa213 4, plaingnant chMa136 4; chMa136 7, plainnant DolopL)
- ◆1o“se plaignant, se lamentant” (RaschiD2 811.d); DolopL; JoufrF 1555, Morlet 159, TL 7,1034,48; AND 530b; AND 531b; TLF Bd.13, 468 a)
- ◆p. prés. pris comme s. “celui qui se plaint” (SBernCantG X 200, TL; FEW 9, 17-a)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMa136 4; chMa136 7; ChMa212 7; chMa213 4)
fiches par lemme
●plaignement m.
[TL 7,1021,47; TL 7, 6-1021; Gdf 6, 187b; Gdf; Gdf; AND 530b; FEW 9, 16-a.]
(plaignement HornP 1725; BrendanPr1W, plainnemens BibleMalkS 4799, plangnement CommPsia1G XXIX, 301)
- ◆“plainte” (CommPsia1G XXIX, 301; HornP 1725; BrendanPr1W; BibleMalkS 4799, TL 7, 6-1021; TL 7,1021,47; Gdf 6, 187b; Gdf; Gdf; AND 530b; FEW 9, 16-a)
Cf. ANDEl pleignement1.
fiches par lemme
●plaigneor m.
[TL 7,1022,13; TL 7, 6-1022; TL 7,1034,42; Gdf 6, 187b; Gdf; AND 530b; FEW 9, 16-a; FEW 9, 17a. – BTDial 52, 243; BTDial a. 1312.487.]
(plaigneur ChansArtB XIII, 9, plaignier RCambrM, pleignëor HornP 473)
- ◆“celui qui se plaint” (HornP 473; RCambrM; ChansArtB XIII, 9, BTDial 52, 243; BTDial a. 1312.487, TL 7, 6-1022; TL 7,1022,13; TL 7,1034,42; Gdf 6, 187b; Gdf; AND 530b; FEW 9, 16-a; FEW 9, 17a)
fiches par lemme
●plaigneïz m.
[TL 7, 6-1021; TL 7,1021,40; Gdf 6, 18b; FEW 9, 16-a.]
(plaingneiis DolopL)
- ◆“plainte” (DolopL, TL 7, 6-1021; TL 7,1021,40; Gdf 6, 18b; FEW 9, 16-a)
fiches par lemme
●plainderesse f.
[TL; TL 7,1034,45; Gdf 6, 188c.]
- ◆“celle qui se plaint” (TL; TL 7,1034,45; Gdf 6, 188c)
Cf. DMF plainderesse.
fiches par lemme
●replaindre v.
[TL 8,898; AND 634a; FEW 9,16b; Foerster. – KellerWace 109b; NotExtr 42,1932; p.229a-b,v.239.]
(replaindre WaceConcA 486; BenDucF 24276; Ren va.754; MortAymC 169; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl II,10/A162, replaint docJuBe030 11)
- ◆1o“se plaindre de nouveau” (WaceConcA 486; BenDucF 24276; Ren va.754; MortAymC 169; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl II,10/A162, KellerWace 109b; NotExtr 42,1932; p.229a-b,v.239, TL 8,898; AND 634a; FEW 9,16b; Foerster)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (docJuBe030 11)
fiches par lemme
●replainte f. et m.
[TL 8,898; Gdf 7,57c; FEW 9,17a; FEW 9,17a. – BPH 1960,771; 11,14,69,70,72,73,76,95-98,145,146,148,149,151,172-174,176,177,245-247,251,252,256,257,270,271,273,274,318-320.]
(replainte TristPrQ 153/26; BeaumCoutS 1614; AssSenlis1C p771)
- ◆“nouvelle plainte” (TristPrQ 153/26; BeaumCoutS 1614; AssSenlis1C p771, BPH 1960,771; 11,14,69,70,72,73,76,95-98,145,146,148,149,151,172-174,176,177,245-247,251,252,256,257,270,271,273,274,318-320, TL 8,898; Gdf 7,57c; FEW 9,17a; FEW 9,17a)
fiches par lemme
●deplaindre v.
[TL 2,1418,52; TL 2,1418,52; TL; TL; Gdf 2,515a; AND; DCCarp 148c; FEW 9,16b; Foerster. – Morlet 159; SchelerJPreis 25860.]
(Déplagnant CartHain, deplaindant CensHerchiesM, deplaindre CommPsia1G 33,615; ErecR 5460; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 90; OvArtElieK 936(r); CoutStAmandM 1,22,16, Déplaingnant CartHain, desplaindre RenContrR 3459; [ChOthéeF])
- ◆“se plaindre” (CommPsia1G 33,615; ErecR 5460; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 90; OvArtElieK 936(r); CensHerchiesM; CoutStAmandM 1,22,16; CartHain; CartHain; RenContrR 3459; [ChOthéeF], Morlet 159; SchelerJPreis 25860, TL; TL 2,1418,52; TL; TL 2,1418,52; Gdf 2,515a; AND; DCCarp 148c; FEW 9,16b; Foerster)
fiches par lemme
●deplaignant adj.
[Gdf 2,515a; AND. – MantouVoc N.1303.470; MantouVoc 52,244.]
(Déplaignans RoisinM)
- ◆“qui se plaint” (RoisinM, MantouVoc N.1303.470; MantouVoc 52,244, AND)
- ◆m. “plaignant” (Gdf 2,515a)
fiches par lemme
●entreplaindre v.pron. à valeur réciproque
- ◆“se plaindre l’un de l’autre” (AND; AND)
fiches par lemme
●aplaindre v.
[Gdf 1, 340a; AND 32a; FEW 9, 16-b.]
(aplaindre HArciPèresO 4883)
- ◆“faire entendre des gémissements” (HArciPèresO 4883, Gdf 1, 340a; AND 32a; FEW 9, 16-b)