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fiches par lemme
plaint m.
[FEW 9, 16b lt. PLANCTUS – TL; TL 7,1040,6; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 189b; AND 528b; MED Bd. 7, 1040a; MED Bd. 7, 1040 a; DCCarp 307c; FEW; FEW; FEW 9, 16b; LexMA 21, 191. – ContPerc T 12881; KellerWace; KellerWace 80b; 109b; SchelerJPreis 8051; Ziltener 5754.]
(plain GaceBruléD XLIX, 1; DoonRocheM 3402; BalainL 95; MerlinsR 180, 10; 223, 8; 272, 24; etc.; MirNDPers1-40P 17 818, 21 1051; JDupinMelL 2590, plaing (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 702, plaingt FolLancB, plains BibleEntS 6577; MaugisV 141; RenNouvR 2610, plaint EneasS1 2408; BenTroieC; BenDucF; AimonFlH 8372; RenR VII-IX, 8578; RenR VII - IX, 7571; GuiotProvinsO CIV 29; BibleDécb/eN; BibleGuiotW II, 29; MeraugisF 4727; ViolB 2084; RoselLec; TristPrG; TristPrS; AnsCartA 7319; ArtusS 189, 34; ImMondeOct2H; CristalB 7797; RigomerF; GilebBernF; RutebF A 34; RutebF; BibleMalkS 9061; GeoffrParChronD 2089, 2099, etc.; JCondOisR; DialGregEvrS p. 994; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 27, 188, 191; BartschHorning 548, 18; 567, 39; MontRayn II, 100; NoomenFabl t. 9, 353a; NoomenFabl t. 8, 427; ReidFabl, Plaint RomRomT; GuillMachC, plainz BenDucM II, p. 16, v. 15742; SGenB 3080, plant BertaMilC 61, pleint WaceNicR 1263; BenDucM I, p. 535, v. 13137; SGillesP 751; FetRomF1 742, 26; AmDieuK Gos. 396; Gos. 452; MirNDChartrK V 81, VII 101, XIX 78; SGregJeanS, Pleint GuillMachC)
- ◆“plainte” (WaceNicR 1263; EneasS1 2408; BenTroieC; BenDucF; BenDucM II, p. 16, v. 15742; BenDucM I, p. 535, v. 13137; SGillesP 751; AimonFlH 8372; RenR VII-IX, 8578; RenR VII - IX, 7571; GaceBruléD XLIX, 1; RomRomT; GuiotProvinsO CIV 29; SGenB 3080; BibleDécb/eN; BibleGuiotW II, 29; DoonRocheM 3402; MeraugisF 4727; FetRomF1 742, 26; ViolB 2084; RoselLec; TristPrG; TristPrS; AnsCartA 7319; ArtusS 189, 34; FolLancB; BalainL 95; MerlinsR 180, 10; 223, 8; 272, 24; etc.; ImMondeOct2H; AmDieuK Gos. 396; Gos. 452; BibleEntS 6577; CristalB 7797; MaugisV 141; RigomerF; MirNDChartrK V 81, VII 101, XIX 78; GilebBernF; RutebF A 34; RutebF; BibleMalkS 9061; RenNouvR 2610; BertaMilC 61; GeoffrParChronD 2089, 2099, etc.; JCondOisR; DialGregEvrS p. 994; SGregJeanS; MirNDPers1-40P 17 818, 21 1051; JDupinMelL 2590; GuillMachC; GuillMachC; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 27, 188, 191; BartschHorning 548, 18; 567, 39; MontRayn II, 100; NoomenFabl t. 9, 353a; NoomenFabl t. 8, 427; ProvM 702; ReidFabl, ContPerc T 12881; KellerWace 80b; 109b; KellerWace; SchelerJPreis 8051, TL; TL 7,1040,6; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 189b; Gdf; AND 528b; MED Bd. 7, 1040 a; MED Bd. 7, 1040a; DCCarp 307c; FEW; FEW 9, 16b; FEW; LexMA 21, 191)
- ◆“complainte” (Ziltener 5754)
Cf. ANDEl pleinte; DMF plaint.
fiches par lemme
●plainte f.
[TL; TL 7,1041,26; GdfC 10, 348c; AND 531b; AND 532a; TLF Bd. 13, 473a; FEW 9, 17a; FEW 9, 16b; FEW 9, 16b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 693; Foerster; LexMA V, 1190; LevyTrés. – BEC 16, 1855, p. 144, l. 6; KaiserMPol 86; KaiserMPol 86; KellerWace 109b; 193b; Messelaar 46, 192; RLiR 45, 339; RoPh 25, 34; WillistonOl 373; WillistonOl 380; ZfSL 104 (1994), 188.]
(clainte RegDijon1L, plainte LoisGuillL; EneasS1 4744; EdConfVatS; BenDucF 42 126; CligesG; CligesM 6555; ProtH; TristThomB 3045, 3054; TristThomW D. 1782, 1773; SGenB 2404; ChGuillI 1316; RenclCarH; SGraalIVEstP; Layettes 2, p. 219, l. 11; DocHMarneG p. 2, l. 23; DocHMarneG 1, 12; 216, 42; ChHM001 25; EspVerlinden 25, 28, 38, 65, 73; MenReimsP 442; ChMe150 10; AnticlC 3148; CoutNormT p124; chMe195 17; ChMa228 11; ChMa228 12; EtSLouisV II, 185; EnfRenC; HosebHenL 100, 106; GeoffrParChronD 2186; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 41a, 17; BartschHorning 221, 17; 221, 26; 419, 14; etc., PLAINTE LMestL, plaintes RenR VII-IX, 7501; ChHM216 53, Plaintes VillehW, plaintez SimPouilleaB 1420, pleinte BrendanW S. 203; LoisGuillL; MarieGuigW2 2A. 83, Y. 109, M. 56; HornP 444; MarieFabW 10, 20; MarieFabW2; TristThomW; ChardryDormM 1597, 1741; ChardryPletM 862, 954; PBeauvGerJ; HArciPèresO 4776; OakBookS I 32, 60, Pleinte PurgSPatrBerM; LMestL, plente AlexParA II, 106; AlexParA I, var. 43, 99; DocVosL 114, 13; ChV0116 7; CoutWinchF 2; ApocGiffR 34221, pleynte AspinChansPol, plonte RaschiD2 823)
- ◆1o“plainte” (RaschiD2 823; BrendanW S. 203; LoisGuillL; LoisGuillL; EneasS1 4744; MarieGuigW2 2A. 83, Y. 109, M. 56; EdConfVatS; HornP 444; BenDucF 42 126; CligesG; CligesM 6555; MarieFabW 10, 20; MarieFabW2; AlexParA II, 106; AlexParA I, var. 43, 99; ProtH; RenR VII-IX, 7501; TristThomB 3045, 3054; TristThomW D. 1782, 1773; TristThomW; SGenB 2404; VillehW; ChardryDormM 1597, 1741; ChardryPletM 862, 954; PBeauvGerJ; ChGuillI 1316; RenclCarH; SGraalIVEstP; Layettes 2, p. 219, l. 11; DocHMarneG p. 2, l. 23; DocHMarneG 1, 12; 216, 42; DocVosL 114, 13; PurgSPatrBerM; AspinChansPol; EspVerlinden 25, 28, 38, 65, 73; HArciPèresO 4776; MenReimsP 442; AnticlC 3148; CoutNormT p124; LMestL; LMestL; CoutWinchF 2; EnfRenC; SimPouilleaB 1420; HosebHenL 100, 106; ApocGiffR 34221; OakBookS I 32, 60; GeoffrParChronD 2186; RegDijon1L; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 41a, 17; BartschHorning 221, 17; 221, 26; 419, 14; etc., BEC 16, 1855, p. 144, l. 6; KaiserMPol 86; KaiserMPol 86; KellerWace 109b; 193b; Messelaar 46, 192; RLiR 45, 339; WillistonOl 380; ZfSL 104 (1994), 188, TL; TL 7,1041,26; GdfC 10, 348c; AND 531b; AND 532a; TLF Bd. 13, 473a; FEW 9, 16b; FEW 9, 16b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 693; Foerster; LexMA V, 1190; LevyTrés)
- ◆“complainte” (RoPh 25, 34)
- ◆“demande” (EtSLouisV II, 185)
- ◆“la partie demanderesse” (WillistonOl 373)
- ◆2om. “plaignant, accusateur” (FEW 9, 17a)
- ◆3o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChHM001 25; ChMe150 10; ChV0116 7; chMe195 17; ChHM216 53; ChMa228 11; ChMa228 12)
fiches par lemme
●plaintif adj.
[TL; TL 7,1042,12; Gdf; Gdf 6, 189c; GdfC 10, 348c; AND 531b; AND 532a; AND 528b; MED Bd. 7, 1041b; MED Bd. 7, 1041 b; MED Bd. 7, 1042a; TLF Bd. 13, 473b; FEW 9, 16b; Baker. – Chénon 1, 687/ 688 n. 7; MöhrenLand; MöhrenLand; R 66, p. 325, 352; RLiR 45, 339.]
(plaintif ChMa190 4; EtSLouisV; BeaumCoutS 718, 1055, 1056 etc.; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 18, 29; BartschHorning 460, 27; MontRayn I, 302, PLAINTIF LMestL, plaintis CoutNormT p124; R 1296 01 06 01 19; VR 1296 01 06 01 19; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 8, 427; ReidFabl, Plaintis JostPletR, plaintiz RoselLec; R 1296 01 06 03 19, pleintif CoutWinchF 63 (2); CoutWinchS p. 74, pleintiz RoselLec)
- ◆1o“plaintif” ((sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn I, 302, TL; Gdf; GdfC 10, 348c; AND 531b; MED Bd. 7, 1041 b; MED Bd. 7, 1042a; TLF Bd. 13, 473b; FEW 9, 16b; Baker)
- ◆2oadj. substantivé “plaignant” (RoselLec; RoselLec; JostPletR; CoutNormT p124; LMestL; EtSLouisV; CoutWinchF 63 (2); CoutWinchS p. 74; BeaumCoutS 718, 1055, 1056 etc.; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 18, 29; BartschHorning 460, 27; NoomenFabl t. 8, 427; ReidFabl, Chénon 1, 687/ 688 n. 7; MöhrenLand; MöhrenLand; R 66, p. 325, 352; RLiR 45, 339, TL 7,1042,12; Gdf 6, 189c; AND 528b; AND 532a; MED Bd. 7, 1041b)
- ◆3o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMa190 4; R 1296 01 06 01 19; R 1296 01 06 03 19; VR 1296 01 06 01 19)
fiches par lemme
●deplaint m.
[TL 2,1419,23; TL; Gdf 2,515b; FEW 9,16b; ActesRegLex.]
(deplaint AlexisP O21e, 114; AlexParA; CensHerchiesM 197,3;197,4; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 9,105, deplainz AlexisS1 105)
- ◆“plainte” (AlexisP O21e, 114; AlexisS1 105; AlexParA; CensHerchiesM 197,3;197,4; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 9,105, TL 2,1419,23; TL; Gdf 2,515b; FEW 9,16b; ActesRegLex)
fiches par lemme
●deplainte f.
[TL 2,1419,27; TL; Gdf 2,515b; FEW 9,17a; ActesRegLex.]
(Déplainte CartHain; RoisinM, deplaintes JacBaisT II,634; [ChOthéeF])
- ◆“plainte en justice” (CartHain; RoisinM; JacBaisT II,634; [ChOthéeF], TL; TL 2,1419,27; Gdf 2,515b; FEW 9,17a; ActesRegLex)
fiches par lemme
●deplaindeur m.
- ◆“celui qui forme une plainte en justice” (ActesRegLex)