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toutes fiches de l’article
fiches par lemme
planche f.
[FEW 8, 351a lt. GR. PHALANX – TL; TL 7,1082,49; Gdf 6, 196b; Gdf 6, 200b; GdfC 10, 349c; AND 529a; AND 530b; AND 530b; MED bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd. 7, 1001a; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd. 7, 1001a; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd 7, 1013a; DCCarp 308b; DCCarp 308b; Gay 2, 235b, v. 1180; TLF Bd. 13, 491b; FEW; FEW 8, 351b; FEW 8, 351a; FEW; Corom 4, 1166a; DelbMat; DiStefLoc 695; Foerster; LevyTrés; KlugeM20. – BormannJagd; FennisGal S. 1427; KaiserMPol 110; Katara; KellerWace 214b; 226b; MLR 78, 915; Morlet 269; Morlet 269; MöhrenLand; Pck II; R 82, p. 124, 83, p. 257; R 92, 276; R 101, 494; R 72, p. 402; RLiR 34, 241; SandahlSea I 82; SchelerJPreis II, 10978; TilLex; ZrP Sb. 77, 235; ZrP 130, 779-788.]
(plance Aiol1/2F 7751, 7781; AnsCartA 1208; SJulPrS 299; LicorneG 626; JMoteVoieP 551, 4046; BelleHelR 882b, 558, Plance RobDiableL, plances ChevCygneFinN p. 314, 925; JGarlrgH 79, Plances VillehW, planche RaschiD2 814. b, d; BrendanW S. 203; BenDucF; Aiol1/2N 7750, 7780; LancR 3021, 3311; PercL 6485; RenR II-VI; RenR 13027; Saisna/lB 1077, 2298/ 2051; VMortHélW 10, 9; AyeG p100; MuleJ 237 etc.; AiquinJ 2698; SEust2P 886; FlorenceW 356b, 5183; BanMetzW T. 8, S. 370b; CoincyI11V 525; DehDoc 119, 1301; CourRenF 1939; LongnonDoc 4N; EnfRenC; RenγF2; JoinvW1 250b, 10a; CptRoyM 7293, 7798, 14753; GeoffrParChronD 4376, 3775; RenContrR 7741; docJuBe234 21; BastS 5622; LionBourgAlK 22998; TristNantS 2240; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 36, 115; 98, 83; BartschHorning 284, 21; ProvM 642; RomPast N. II 62/ 28, planches RaschiD2 814 a, c, *e; JGarlrcH 79; OlimB 2/ 780, 788, 757; R 1289 08 32 01 6; R 1298 10 06 01 125; [docJuBe298 24], PLANCHES LMestL, planke FloreaK 1507; FloreaW 1507; TerrEvêqueH s. 167; Apol3L 62, 28, planque VMortAnW 295, 10; BelleHelR 882b, planques ChevCygneFinN, plenche FloovA 1709)
- ◆1o“planche” (RaschiD2 814. b, d; RaschiD2 814 a, c, *e; BrendanW S. 203; FloreaK 1507; FloreaW 1507; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 7751, 7781; Aiol1/2N 7750, 7780; LancR 3021, 3311; PercL 6485; RenR II-VI; RenR 13027; FloovA 1709; RobDiableL; Saisna/lB 1077, 2298/ 2051; VMortHélW 10, 9; AyeG p100; MuleJ 237 etc.; VillehW; AiquinJ 2698; ChevCygneFinN; ChevCygneFinN p. 314, 925; SEust2P 886; FlorenceW 356b, 5183; CoincyI11V 525; AnsCartA 1208; SJulPrS 299; DehDoc 119, 1301; JGarlrcH 79; JGarlrgH 79; CourRenF 1939; VMortAnW 295, 10; LMestL; LongnonDoc 4N; EnfRenC; TerrEvêqueH s. 167; OlimB 2/ 780, 788, 757; RenγF2; JoinvW1 250b, 10a; CptRoyM 7293, 7798, 14753; GeoffrParChronD 4376, 3775; LicorneG 626; Apol3L 62, 28; JMoteVoieP 551, 4046; RenContrR 7741; BastS 5622; BelleHelR 882b; BelleHelR 882b, 558; LionBourgAlK 22998; TristNantS 2240; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 36, 115; 98, 83; BartschHorning 284, 21; ProvM 642; RomPast N. II 62/ 28, BormannJagd; FennisGal S. 1427; KaiserMPol 110; Katara; KellerWace 214b; 226b; MLR 78, 915; Morlet 269; Morlet 269; Pck II; R 82, p. 124, 83, p. 257; R 92, 276; R 101, 494; R 72, p. 402; RLiR 34, 241; SandahlSea I 82; SchelerJPreis II, 10978; TilLex; ZrP Sb. 77, 235; ZrP 130, 779-788, TL; TL 7,1082,49; Gdf 6, 196b; GdfC 10, 349c; AND 529a; AND 530b; AND 530b; MED bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd. 7, 1001a; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd. 7, 1001a; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd 7, 1013a; DCCarp 308b; Gay 2, 235b, v. 1180; TLF Bd. 13, 491b; FEW; FEW 8, 351b; FEW 8, 351a; FEW; Corom 4, 1166a; DelbMat; DiStefLoc 695; Foerster; LevyTrés; KlugeM20)
- ◆2o“espace de terre” (BanMetzW T. 8, S. 370b, MöhrenLand, DCCarp 308b)
- ◆3o“semelle” (Gdf 6, 200b)
- ◆4o“Identificanda DocLing” (R 1289 08 32 01 6; R 1298 10 06 01 125; docJuBe234 21; [docJuBe298 24])
Cf. ANDEl planche; DMF planche.
fiches par lemme
●parplanchier v.
[Gdf; Gdf 5, 787b; FEW 8, 355a.]
- ◆“planchéier entièrement” (Gdf; Gdf 5, 787b; FEW 8, 355a)
Cf. DMF parplancher.
fiches par lemme
●planceiche adj. f.
[FEW 8, 354b.]
- ◆“faite de planches” (FEW 8, 354b)
fiches par lemme
●planchage m.
[TL; TL 7,1082,42; Gdf 6, 196a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 529a; FEW 8, 353a; FEW 8, 353a. – MélWathWill p. 25, p. 34.]
(planchage BlackBookT II, p. 372, p. 396)
- ◆1o“plancher” (BlackBookT II, p. 372, p. 396, MélWathWill p. 25, p. 34, TL; TL 7,1082,42; Gdf; Gdf 6, 196a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 529a; FEW 8, 353a)
- ◆2o“droit payé pour établir une planche allant du navire à terre” (FEW 8, 353a)
fiches par lemme
●plancheboard s.
[AND 529a.]
(planchisbord SalzmanBuild 442)
- ◆“plancher” (SalzmanBuild 442, AND 529a)
fiches par lemme
●planchenier m.
[FEW 8, 354b.]
- ◆“planchéieur” (FEW 8, 354b)
Cf. DMF planchenier.
fiches par lemme
●plancheor m.
[TL; TL 7,1085,41; AND 530b; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; FEW 8, 354a.]
- ◆“celui qui construit le plancher” (TL 7,1085,41; TL; AND 530b; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; FEW 8, 354a)
fiches par lemme
●plancheret ?
(plancheret SalzmanBuild 306)
- ◆“?” (SalzmanBuild 306)
fiches par lemme
●planchet m.
[FEW 8, 352b.]
- ◆“planchette” (CptRoyF 2375, FEW 8, 352b)
fiches par lemme
●planchete f.
[TL; TL 7,1085,44; GdfC 10, 350a; MED Bd. 7, 997b; TLF Bd. 13, 493b; FEW 8, 352b; FEW 8, 355a; DelbMat; DiStefLoc 695.]
- ◆1o“petite planche” (TL 7,1085,44; TL; GdfC 10, 350a; MED Bd. 7, 997b; TLF Bd. 13, 493b; FEW 8, 352b; DelbMat; DiStefLoc 695)
- ◆2o“petite planche où l'on cultive les fleurs et le légumes” (FEW 8, 355a)
Cf. DMF planchette.
fiches par lemme
●plancheïz m.
[TL 7,1085,38; TL; AND 529a; FEW 8, 354a; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – ZrP 101, 1985, 118.]
(plancheiz SalzmanBuild 306, planchiz SJeanAumU *3802n)
- ◆“construction faite de planches” (SJeanAumU *3802n; SalzmanBuild 306, ZrP 101, 1985, 118, TL 7,1085,38; TL; AND 529a; FEW 8, 354a; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●planchiee f.
[TL; TL 7,1087,1; FEW 8, 354a.]
- ◆“plancher” (TL; TL 7,1087,1; FEW 8, 354a)
fiches par lemme
●planchier1 m.
[TL 7,1087,5; TL; Gdf 6, 197b; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 10, 350a; AND 529a; AND 529b; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd. 7, 1013b; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; DCCarp 308b; DCCarp 308b; FEW 8, 353a; FEW; FEW 8, 353a; FEW; LevyTrés. – DiekmannSuff 131, 139 + Anm. 58; FennisGal S. 1428; KaiserMPol 116; Morlet 232; Pck II, Compl.; Pck II; SandahlSea I 82; SchelerJPreis 22501; [sigle] S. 193.]
(plancher BenDucF 4265; SGillesP 2853, 1080; SimPouilleaB 516, 1383; CptRoyM 7390; GalienD, planchier CharroiPo t. II, 149; MonGuill1/2C 4172; BenTroieC; SSagOctS K2124; AlexParA II (β 129) 13; AlexParA II, (β 129) 19; Saisna/lB 1077, 4259° (l); ChevVivM B 981; ChevVivM; PriseCordD 1845; GirVianeE 1564, 1578; FlorenceW 356b, 1922, 2234, 567; BlancandS 2710; Bueve3S 986, 975, 1812; CourLouiscLe; HuonR 244; CharroicL; GarMonglMü/Me/S 4146; RichH; RenContrR I, 261 §77; CptRenéL n. 255, p. 93; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn II, 90; NoomenFabl t. 9, 353a; BartschHorning 144, 23, PLANCHIER RenMontdT, plancier MonRaincB 1626; PriseOrabR1 S 403; PriseOrabR1; SEust2P 853; Bueve1S 1112, 7306, etc.; Bueve2S, plenchier FlorenceW 356b)
- ◆“construction faite de planches” (CharroiPo t. II, 149; MonGuill1/2C 4172; BenTroieC; BenDucF 4265; SGillesP 2853, 1080; SSagOctS K2124; AlexParA II (β 129) 13; AlexParA II, (β 129) 19; MonRaincB 1626; PriseOrabR1 S 403; PriseOrabR1; Saisna/lB 1077, 4259° (l); RenMontdT; ChevVivM B 981; ChevVivM; PriseCordD 1845; GirVianeE 1564, 1578; SEust2P 853; FlorenceW 356b, 1922, 2234, 567; FlorenceW 356b; BlancandS 2710; Bueve1S 1112, 7306, etc.; Bueve2S; Bueve3S 986, 975, 1812; CourLouiscLe; HuonR 244; CharroicL; GarMonglMü/Me/S 4146; SimPouilleaB 516, 1383; RichH; CptRoyM 7390; RenContrR I, 261 §77; CptRenéL n. 255, p. 93; GalienD; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 144, 23; MontRayn II, 90; NoomenFabl t. 9, 353a, DiekmannSuff 131, 139 + Anm. 58; FennisGal S. 1428; KaiserMPol 116; Morlet 232; Pck II, Compl.; Pck II; SandahlSea I 82; SchelerJPreis 22501; [sigle] S. 193, TL; TL 7,1087,5; Gdf; Gdf 6, 197b; Gdf; GdfC 10, 350a; AND 529a; AND 529b; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; MED Bd. 7, 1013b; MED Bd. 7, 1013a; DCCarp 308b; DCCarp 308b; FEW; FEW 8, 353a; FEW 8, 353a; FEW; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●planchier2 v.
[TL 7,1088,21; TL; DCCarp 308b; TLF Bd. 13, 493a; FEW 8, 354a; FEW 8, 355a. – MélPlanche 445; Runk p. 46.]
(plainchant Deschant1C, plancher CptRoyM 7499; CptRoyM)
- ◆“construire un plancher” (Deschant1C; CptRoyM 7499; CptRoyM, MélPlanche 445; Runk p. 46, TL; TL 7,1088,21; DCCarp 308b; TLF Bd. 13, 493a; FEW 8, 354a; FEW 8, 355a)
Cf. DMF planchéier.
fiches par lemme
●planchier3 adj.
[FEW 8, 352b/353a.]
- ◆“qui sert à planchéier” (FEW 8, 352b/353a)
fiches par lemme
●planchiere f.
[TL; TL 7,1088,29; DCCarp 308b; FEW 8, 353b.]
- ◆“saillie, avance faite de planches” (TL; TL 7,1088,29; DCCarp 308b; FEW 8, 353b)
Cf. DMF planchière.
fiches par lemme
●planchié m.
[TL 7,1086,2; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 197a; Gdf; Gdf; FEW; FEW 8, 353b; FEW; FEW 8, 353b. – KellerWace 214 b; MA 57, 161; TilLex.]
(plainchié FloovA 500, 825, 2420, 2276, planchè GlBâleB; GlBâleB, planchie CptRoyM 7369, planchié CharroiM 55, 721, 700; CharroiPo t. II, 148; SThomGuernW1 5208; GarLorrI; DoonRocheM 2839, 3265, 3549, 3556; HerbCandS 512; VengRagF + 306; SimPouilleaB B 2213, C 1731; RenγF2; CiNDitB2; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 7, 443, planchies CesTuimPrS, planchiez CommPsia1G 600.17; SJeanAumI 3802; SJeanAumI, plancie CptRoyF 24681, plancié MonGuill1/2C 5614; AnsCartA 2079, planciés EscoufleM 305b, 611; EscoufleS 611, planciet ElieR 2417, planciét ElieF 2417, plankié SoneG 6999; 7052; 16042, plenchié FlorenceW 356b, 5289)
- ◆1o“plancher, salle planchéiée” (CharroiM 55, 721, 700; CharroiPo t. II, 148; MonGuill1/2C 5614; CommPsia1G 600.17; SThomGuernW1 5208; GarLorrI; ElieF 2417; ElieR 2417; FloovA 500, 825, 2420, 2276; EscoufleM 305b, 611; EscoufleS 611; DoonRocheM 2839, 3265, 3549, 3556; HerbCandS 512; SJeanAumI 3802; SJeanAumI; VengRagF + 306; FlorenceW 356b, 5289; GlBâleB; GlBâleB; CesTuimPrS; SimPouilleaB B 2213, C 1731; CptRoyF 24681; RenγF2; SoneG 6999; 7052; 16042; NominaleS B. 170.6; 456; CptRoyM 7369; CiNDitB2; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 7, 443, KellerWace 214 b; MA 57, 161; TilLex, TL; TL 7,1086,2; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 197a; Gdf; Gdf; FEW 8, 353b; FEW; FEW; FEW 8, 353b)
- ◆2o“planche à repasser” (AnsCartA 2079)
fiches par lemme
●planchoiier v.
[TL; TL 7,1088,32; TL 7,1088,32; Gdf 6, 196c; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 10, 350a; TLF Bd. 13, 492a; FEW; FEW 8, 354b; FEW; FEW 8, 354b. – MénardRire 584; [sigle] S. 179.]
(plancheer RenContrR II, 240a, planchoier LancPrM LIX, 1)
- ◆1o“garnir le sol, les parois intérieures d'une construction, d'un assemblage de planches, planchéier” (RenContrR II, 240a, MénardRire 584; [sigle] S. 179, TL; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 10, 350a; TLF Bd. 13, 492a; FEW; FEW; FEW 8, 354b)
- ◆2o“être étendu sur le plancher” (TL 7,1088,32; TL 7,1088,32; Gdf 6, 196c)
- ◆3o“passer sur une passerelle” (LancPrM LIX, 1, FEW 8, 354b)
fiches par lemme
●planchure s.
[MED Bd. 7, 1013a. – RLiR 58, 486.]
- ◆“plancher” (RLiR 58, 486, MED Bd. 7, 1013a)
fiches par lemme
●replanchier v.
[TL 8,898; Gdf 7,58a; Gdf; Gdf 7,58a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; FEW 8,355a; FEW 8,354b. – Runk p.46.]
- ◆“regarnir de planches” (Runk p.46, TL 8,898; Gdf 7,58a; Gdf; Gdf 7,58a; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; FEW 8,355a; FEW 8,354b)
Cf. DMF replancher.
fiches par lemme
●replanchoiier v.
[Gdf; FEW 8,354b.]
- ◆“planchoiier de nouveau” (Gdf; FEW 8,354b)
fiches par lemme
●desplanchier v.
[TL; FEW; FEW 8, 354b.]
- ◆“enlever les planches de” (TL; FEW; FEW 8, 354b)