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fiches par lemme
plantain m.
[FEW 9, 19-b lt. PLANTAGO – TL 7,1097,50; TL 7,1097,50; TL; GdfC 10, 351a; AND 529b; AND 530b; AND 529b; MED Bd. 7, 1002b; MED Bd. 7, 1002b; MED Bd. 7, 1002b; TLF Bd. 13, 502b; FEW 9, 19-b; FEW 9, 20-a; FEW. – DWall 12 (1984) 131; LaueHeilk 78; Pope 297; R 65, p. 24; R 71, p. 521; RlFl 9,90; RlFl Bd. 10, 79; RlFl Bd. 9, 84; RlFl Bd. 9, 85.]
(plaintain AldL 55, 15; MédLiégH 704, 812, 814, 1082, 1092, plantain CoincyI1...L; CoincyII1...K 1557; LettrHippomS 76v° 16, 84v° 10, 90 v° 23 etc.; RecMédNovCirHi; RecMédCambraiS p. 265; HMondB 930, 1571, 2078, 2123; ChirChevP p. 422; (sigles à datations multiples:) IsidL 9, 50, Plantain AntidNicD, plantains GlDouaiE1 124; ChirPoutrS v.Gloss., plantein GlGlasgM2 157a; RecMédBoensH 27, 29, 42; GlGuillI 311; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed p. 391; 63, plantin MirNDPers1-40P 22 422, plauntein (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 52)
- ◆1o“plantain (plantee herbacée)” (CoincyI1...L; CoincyII1...K 1557; GlGlasgM2 157a; RecMédNovCirHi; AldL 55, 15; AntidNicD; MédLiégH 704, 812, 814, 1082, 1092; RecMédBoensH 27, 29, 42; RecMédCambraiS p. 265; GlDouaiE1 124; ChirPoutrS v.Gloss.; GlGuillI 311; HMondB 930, 1571, 2078, 2123; ChirChevP p. 422; MirNDPers1-40P 22 422; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed p. 391; 63; HuntMed 52; IsidL 9, 50, DWall 12 (1984) 131; LaueHeilk 78; Pope 297; R 65, p. 24; RlFl Bd. 9, 85; RlFl 9,90; RlFl Bd. 10, 79; RlFl Bd. 9, 84, TL; TL 7,1097,50; TL 7,1097,50; GdfC 10, 351a; AND 529b; AND 529b; AND 530b; MED Bd. 7, 1002b; MED Bd. 7, 1002b; MED Bd. 7, 1002b; TLF Bd. 13, 502b; FEW; FEW 9, 19-b; FEW 9, 20-a)
- ◆2o“?” (LettrHippomS 76v° 16, 84v° 10, 90 v° 23 etc., R 71, p. 521)
Cf. ANDEl plantain; DMF plantain.
fiches par lemme
●plantaine f. et m.
[MED Bd. 7, 1002b; FEW; FEW; FEW. – HuntPl; HuntPl p. 160; R 106(1985) 57H, v. 534; RlFl Bd. 9, 86; RlFl Bd. 9, 84; RlFl Bd. 9, 84; RlFl Bd. 10, 79; ZrP 103 (1987) 298.]
(plainteine RecMédJuteH S. 249 / Z. 25, plantaigne (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 49, plantaine RecMédJuteH S. 253/ Z. 22; Z. 26; RecMédJuteH S. 248/ Z. 5; ChirRogH f° 246v°; RecMédEscW 67; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed p. 394; HuntMed p. 410; HuntMed p. 436; HuntMed p. 401; HuntMed p. 442; HuntMed 4,7,13,15,22 etc., plantayne GlDouceB 615, planteine RecMédJuteH S.250/Z.5; RecMédDissentH 102; RecMédGardH 102; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 24, 47, 69, 89, planteyne (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 13, 52, plauntaine RecMédEscW 118, plauntayne LettrHippoT A1119, plaunteine (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 75, plaunteyne BibbO 647, 664, plawinteyne (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 65, plawnteyne (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 66)
- ◆“plantain (plantee herbacée)” (RecMédJuteH S.250/Z.5; RecMédJuteH S. 253/ Z. 22; Z. 26; RecMédJuteH S. 248/ Z. 5; RecMédJuteH S. 249 / Z. 25; LettrHippoT A1119; ChirRogH f° 246v°; RecMédDissentH 102; RecMédGardH 102; BibbO 647, 664; GlDouceB 615; RecMédEscW 67; RecMédEscW 118; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed 24, 47, 69, 89; HuntMed p. 394; HuntMed p. 410; HuntMed p. 436; HuntMed p. 401; HuntMed p. 442; HuntMed 4,7,13,15,22 etc.; HuntMed 75; HuntMed 65; HuntMed 66; HuntMed 13, 52; HuntMed 49, HuntPl; HuntPl p. 160; R 106(1985) 57H, v. 534; RlFl Bd. 9, 86; RlFl Bd. 9, 84; RlFl Bd. 9, 84; RlFl Bd. 10, 79; ZrP 103 (1987) 298, MED Bd. 7, 1002b; FEW; FEW; FEW)
fiches par lemme
●plantajinis s.
(plantajinis FevresS 1586-18; 159-20; 174-21; 274b-21)
- ◆“plantain (plante herbacée)” (FevresS 1586-18; 159-20; 174-21; 274b-21)