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toutes fiches de l’article
fiches par lemme
pol2 m.
[FEW 9,536a lt. PŪLLUS – TL 7, 8-1367; TL 7, 2077; Gdf; Gdf 6, 346b; MED Bd.VII, 1451a; MED Bd.VII, 1100b; MED Bd.VII, 1100b; MED Bd.VII, 1100b; MED Bd. 7, 1100a; MED Bd. 7, 1451a; MED Bd. 7, 1100b; FEW; FEW 9, 536-a; FEW 9, 535b. – BTDial 18,369; R 85, p.463; R 70, p.119; TilGlan; ZrP 91, 490.]
(pol MenReimsP 224; docJuBe296 9, Pol AssJérRoiG; BrendanPr1W, poul YsLyonF 29; docJuBe040 38, pul MoamT II, 37, 3; 46, 19; Gh, 35, 5 der...)
- ◆1o“poulet, oisillon” (AssJérRoiG; MenReimsP 224; BrendanPr1W; MoamT II, 37, 3; 46, 19; Gh, 35, 5 der...; YsLyonF 29, BTDial 18,369; R 85, p.463; R 70, p.119; TilGlan; ZrP 91, 490, TL 7, 8-1367; TL 7, 2077; Gdf; Gdf 6, 346b; MED Bd.VII, 1451a; MED Bd.VII, 1100b; MED Bd.VII, 1100b; MED Bd.VII, 1100b; MED Bd. 7, 1100a; MED Bd. 7, 1451a; MED Bd. 7, 1100b; FEW; FEW 9, 535b; FEW 9, 536-a)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (docJuBe040 38; docJuBe296 9)
fiches par lemme
●poillot m.
[TL 7,7-2089; Gdf 6,250b; FEW 9,534a; TLF Bd.13, 924.]
- ◆“petit de tout animal volatile” (TL 7,7-2089; Gdf 6,250b; TLF Bd.13, 924; FEW 9,534a)
fiches par lemme
●polage m.
[TL 7,8-1367; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 346c; DCCarp 311c; DCCarp 312a; FEW 9, 541a. – Delisle 63; SchelerJPreis II, 2718.]
(polage LongnonDoc 1240, polaige BonnardotMetz p.8 (vers 1260), poulage BrouwersChNam; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn II, 126; MontRayn no37, 133)
- ◆“poulaille, volaille” (BonnardotMetz p.8 (vers 1260); BrouwersChNam; LongnonDoc 1240; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn II, 126; MontRayn no37, 133, Delisle 63; SchelerJPreis II, 2718, TL 7,8-1367; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 346c; DCCarp 311c; DCCarp 312a; FEW 9, 541a)
fiches par lemme
●polaille f.
[TL 7, 8-1368; GdfC 389b; AND 540a; AND 540a; AND 566a; MED Bd.VII, 1099b; MED Bd.VII, 1451a; MED Bd.VII, 1099b; MED Bd.7, 1451a; TLF Bd.13, 925a; FEW 9, 540a; Baker; Baker. – Delisle 722B; FennisGal S. 1473; TraLiLi XV, 1, 249; TraLiLi 15¹, 249; TraLiLi 15, 249.]
(pelaillez [AnglureB 301], polaille CptRoyM, Polaille LMestL, POULAILE LMestL, poulaille GirySOmer no479; ViandValS; CptRoyM; MirNDPers1-40P 35, 111; [DeschQ II, 230; LettrOxfL 341, 23]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén, poullaille ViandValS; [RenMontrV 18625])
- ◆“ensemble des poules d’une basse-cour, volaille” (GirySOmer no479; LMestL; LMestL; ViandValS; ViandValS; CptRoyM; CptRoyM; MirNDPers1-40P 35, 111; [DeschQ II, 230; LettrOxfL 341, 23; AnglureB 301; RenMontrV 18625]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén, Delisle 722B; FennisGal S. 1473; TraLiLi XV, 1, 249; TraLiLi 15¹, 249; TraLiLi 15, 249, TL 7, 8-1368; GdfC 389b; AND 540a; AND 540a; AND 566a; MED Bd.VII, 1099b; MED Bd.VII, 1451a; MED Bd.VII, 1099b; MED Bd.7, 1451a; TLF Bd.13, 925a; FEW 9, 540a; Baker; Baker)
Cf. ANDEl pullaille.
fiches par lemme
●polaillerie f.
[TL 7, 8-1368; Gdf; Gdf 6, 346c; Gdf; MED Bd.VII, 1453b; FEW IX, 540b.]
(poulaillerie JMoteVoieP 1424, POULAILLERIE LMestL, poulallerie [DeschQ IV, 170])
- ◆“poulailler, endroit rempli de volaille, marché de volaille” (LMestL; JMoteVoieP 1424; [DeschQ IV, 170], TL 7, 8-1368; Gdf; Gdf 6, 346c; Gdf; MED Bd.VII, 1453b; FEW IX, 540b)
fiches par lemme
●polaillier m.
[TL 7, 8-1368; TL 7, 8-1368; GdfC 389; AND 565b; DCCarp 314c; DCCarp 314c; TLF Bd.13, 925b; TLF Bd.13, 931b; FEW; FEW 9, 534a; FEW 9, 540a; DiStefLoc 722. – Bald S.450; Fagniez 1, 237; TilGlan; [sigle]; [sigle] p.327, z.29.]
(poulailler Taille1296M 138; Taille1313M S. 136; CptRoyM 12946, 14545, poulaillerius CptRoyF, poulaillier Taille1292G 10, 24, 36, 30, 39, 40, 55, 74, 82, 96, 97, 115; Taille1297M 2, 44, 45, 34, 32, 33, 90, 155, 128, 125, 126; Taille1313M 4d, 25d, 28e; Taille1313M 6c, 25d, 27a, 27c; Taille1313M S. 23; Taille1313M S. 35; Taille1313M; [DeschQ VII, 182], POULAILLIER LMestL, poulaler (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 301, poulier NecrArrB S. 149a; ComparFaucH p. 109, poullailier ViardPar 1335, poullaillier Taille1296M 4, 19, 34, 43, 54, 138, 170; Taille1313M 1b; Taille1313M; Taille1313M 15d, 46c; Taille1313M S.86; Taille1313M S. 5; [GaceBuigneB 8599])
- ◆1o“marchand de volailles” (NecrArrB S. 149a; ComparFaucH p. 109; LMestL; CptRoyF; Taille1292G 10, 24, 36, 30, 39, 40, 55, 74, 82, 96, 97, 115; Taille1296M 138; Taille1296M 4, 19, 34, 43, 54, 138, 170; Taille1297M 2, 44, 45, 34, 32, 33, 90, 155, 128, 125, 126; Taille1313M 4d, 25d, 28e; Taille1313M 6c, 25d, 27a, 27c; Taille1313M 1b; Taille1313M; Taille1313M 15d, 46c; Taille1313M S.86; Taille1313M S. 5; Taille1313M S. 23; Taille1313M S. 136; Taille1313M S. 35; Taille1313M; CptRoyM 12946, 14545; ViardPar 1335; [GaceBuigneB 8599; DeschQ VII, 182]; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 301, Bald S.450; Fagniez 1, 237; TilGlan; [sigle]; [sigle] p.327, z.29, TL 7, 8-1368; GdfC 389; AND 565b; TLF Bd.13, 925b; TLF Bd.13, 931b; FEW; FEW 9, 534a; FEW 9, 540a; DiStefLoc 722)
- ◆2o“lieu où l’on garde les volailles” (TL 7, 8-1368; DCCarp 314c)
- ◆3o“rôtisseur” (DCCarp 314c)
fiches par lemme
●polailliere f.
[TL 7, 8-1369; Gdf; FEW; FEW 9, 540a.]
(poulaillere Taille1313M S. 136, poulailliere Taille1313M 38d; Taille1313M 25d, 38d, 39a, 44a, poulailliers LMestD)
- ◆“vendeuse de poules” (LMestD; Taille1313M S. 136; Taille1313M 38d; Taille1313M 25d, 38d, 39a, 44a, TL 7, 8-1369; Gdf; FEW; FEW 9, 540a)
fiches par lemme
●polain m.
[FEW 9,541a lt. PULLUS – TL 7,8-1369; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 347a; Gdf 6, 347a; Gdf 6, 347a; Gdf 6, 347b; Gdf; GdfC 389c; AND 540a; AND 540a; AND 540a; AND 540a; AND 565b; AND 565b; AND 566a; AND 566a; MED Bd.VII, 1451a; MED Bd.VII, 1102b; MED Bd.VII, 1102b; MED Bd.VII, 1100a; MED Bd.VII, 1102b; MED Bd.VII, 1100a; MED Bd.VII, 1451a; MED Bd.VII, 1102b; MED Bd. 7, 1100a; MED Bd. 7, 1102b; MED Bd. VII, 1451a; MED Bd. VII, 1451a; MED Bd. 7, 1100a; MED Bd. 7, 1102 b; MED Bd. 7, 1100a; MED Bd.VII, 1102b; DCCarp 314c; Gay 2, 271b; TLF Bd.13, 926a; FEW 9, 537b pullus; FEW; FEW 9, 541a; Baker; Baker; Corom 4, 1166a; DiStefLoc 722; LevyTrés. – BPH 1976, 235; BangertTiere 49; BangertTiere 49; BichonAni 885; CCM 37, 391; Delisle 728B; Delisle 721C; Delisle 721C; Delisle 231; Delisle 723; FrankHart 407; GononQuot 1626; Hassell J48, P242; HeimEthn S.520; HuntPl p. 205, 213; KitzeRoss 70; MedAev 48 (1979)40-54; MedAev 49(1980) 23,430; MedAev 48(1979)40-54; Morlet 36; MélBoisacq 1937,151; MélReid1 s. 168-179; Names 183-205; PachnioTaille S. 14; R 67, p.364; 68, p.8; R 70, p.256; RLiR 26, 308; RLiR 50, 1986, 323; RlFl Bd. 5, 310; Runk p. 41; SchelerJPreis 7913, 4326, etc.; Ziltener 2419, 2420; [sigle] VII.14, f°19r°; [sigle].]
(poilhens MédLiégH 318, polain GautArrIllC; RenR X-XI, 11891, 11827, 11840 etc.; AmbroiseP 1682; BibleGuiotW 142; DocHMarneG 234,18; Pères41M v.426; ChMM094 4; chHM234 16; ImpArtB; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 443; ProvM 482, 1421, Polains ChiproisR, polein SimFreineGeorgM 1612; SimFreineGeorgM 1612; CoutSensL s.297; CoutSensL p.297, z.30; ContGuillTyrA 63; GlGlasgE 161b; BibbO 227; OakBookS I, 71; (sigles à datations multiples:) ReidFabl, poleins LettrEdwpwJ 158, 1305; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 1871, poléns GlTarschCommhK M73, poleyn NominaleS 716, 770, Poleynez [BibbfW], poleyns BlackBookT II, p.184, pollain GuiotProvinsO, poloim [ProstInv 1519], poloin DocHMarneG 366a; CptRoyM 15375; [ProstInv 2543], poulain NecrArrB S. 149a; chMe072 5; BrunLatC; JordRufmP; JAntOtiaP; ImpArtB; Taille1296M 265; Taille1297M 310; Taille1313M 33a; Taille1313M S. 180; LicorneG 6213, 6216; ChronTemplTyrM; JVignayOisivG; ProprChosSq; [CptClosGalB 142, 150; DeschQ V, 44; GlLilleS 102a]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 59, 119; ProvM 482, 895, 1421, 1765, 1871, poulains PhNovMémK; JoinvW1 288b, 288a; CptRoyM 7740, etc.; CptRoyM 7740, poullains FossierCh p.498, pouloin (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 21, 770, 771, pouloins (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 965, pulein TristThomB 1519; TristThomB D. 247; ChardryPletM 1495; SJeanAumI; SJeanAumI 6306; SJeanAumU 6306; BestGuillR 977; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed Gloss. Chap.8, 14, puleyn GlDouceB 413, pullinus CptRoyM 8603)
- ◆1o“?” (OakBookS I, 71; BlackBookT II, p.184; [CptClosGalB 142, 150], MélReid1 s. 168-179, Gdf 6, 347b; Gdf 6, 347a; AND 566a; DCCarp 314c)
- ◆2o“jeune cheval” (TristThomB 1519; TristThomB D. 247; SimFreineGeorgM 1612; SimFreineGeorgM 1612; GuiotProvinsO; AmbroiseP 1682; BibleGuiotW 142; ChardryPletM 1495; SJeanAumU 6306; BestGuillR 977; CoutSensL p.297, z.30; GlTarschCommhK M73; DocHMarneG 234,18; BibbO 227; GlDouceB 413; ImpArtB; LettrEdwpwJ 158, 1305; NominaleS 716, 770; CptRoyM 15375; LicorneG 6213, 6216; [ProstInv 1519; ProstInv 2543; DeschQ V, 44]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 59, 119; HuntMed Gloss. Chap.8, 14; NoomenFabl 443, BPH 1976, 235; Delisle 723; GononQuot 1626; RLiR 26, 308; Ziltener 2419, 2420; [sigle]; [sigle] VII.14, f°19r°, TL 7,8-1369; Gdf 6, 347a; GdfC 389c; AND 540a; AND 540a; FEW 9, 541a; LevyTrés)
- ◆“petit de tout animal” (GautArrIllC; RenR X-XI, 11891, 11827, 11840 etc.; NecrArrB S. 149a; SJeanAumI; SJeanAumI 6306; CoutSensL s.297; DocHMarneG 366a; FossierCh p.498; GlGlasgE 161b; Pères41M v.426; BrunLatC; JordRufmP; MédLiégH 318; JAntOtiaP; ImpArtB; Taille1296M 265; Taille1297M 310; JoinvW1 288b, 288a; Taille1313M 33a; Taille1313M S. 180; CptRoyM 8603; CptRoyM 7740, etc.; CptRoyM 7740; ChiproisR; ChronTemplTyrM; JVignayOisivG; ProprChosSq; [BibbfW; GlLilleS 102a]; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 1871; ProvM 482, 895, 1421, 1765, 1871; ProvM 482, 1421; RecHist 21, 770, 771; RecHist XXII, 965; ReidFabl, BangertTiere 49; BangertTiere 49; BichonAni 885; CCM 37, 391; Delisle 728B; Delisle 721C; Delisle 721C; Delisle 231; FrankHart 407; Hassell J48, P242; HeimEthn S.520; HuntPl p. 205, 213; KitzeRoss 70; MedAev 48 (1979)40-54; MedAev 49(1980) 23,430; MedAev 48(1979)40-54; Morlet 36; MélBoisacq 1937,151; R 67, p.364; 68, p.8; R 70, p.256; RLiR 50, 1986, 323; RlFl Bd. 5, 310; Runk p. 41; SchelerJPreis 7913, 4326, etc., Gdf; Gdf 6, 347a; Gdf; Gdf; AND 540a; AND 540a; AND 565b; AND 565b; AND 566a; MED Bd.VII, 1451a; MED Bd.VII, 1102b; MED Bd.VII, 1102b; MED Bd.VII, 1100a; MED Bd.VII, 1102b; MED Bd.VII, 1100a; MED Bd.VII, 1451a; MED Bd.VII, 1102b; MED Bd.VII, 1102b; MED Bd. 7, 1100a; MED Bd. 7, 1102b; MED Bd. VII, 1451a; MED Bd. VII, 1451a; MED Bd. 7, 1100a; MED Bd. 7, 1102 b; MED Bd. 7, 1100a; Gay 2, 271b; TLF Bd.13, 926a; FEW 9, 537b pullus; FEW; Baker; Baker; Corom 4, 1166a; DiStefLoc 722)
- ◆“chrétien né en Orient” (ContGuillTyrA 63; PhNovMémK; (sigles à datations multiples:) PhNovMémM 202; etc., Names 183-205; PachnioTaille S. 14)
- ◆3o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMe072 5; ChMM094 4; chHM234 16)
fiches par lemme
●polainee adj. f.
[Gdf 6, 347c; FEW 9, 542-b; FEW 9, 542-b.]
(pulainee PhThBestWa)
- ◆“qui a nouvellement mis bas (d’une jument)” (PhThBestWa, Gdf 6, 347c; FEW 9, 542-b; FEW 9, 542-b)
fiches par lemme
[TL; TL 7, 8-1371; TL; AND 540a; AND 565b; AND 566a. – [sigle] 6306.]
(puleiné (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed Gloss. Chap. 8)
- ◆“mettre bas des poulains” ((sigles à datations multiples:) HuntMed Gloss. Chap. 8, [sigle] 6306, TL; TL 7, 8-1371; TL; AND 540a; AND 565b; AND 566a)
fiches par lemme
●polarde f.
[GdfLex. – ActesMfr10 264; StädtlerGdfLex 264.]
- ◆“poule de mer, sorte de poisson” (ActesMfr10 264; StädtlerGdfLex 264, GdfLex)
fiches par lemme
●polastre m.
[TL 7, 8-1371; FEW 9, 539b.]
(polastre GhatrifT 16, 12, pollastre GhatrifT 16;16,1,2)
- ◆“poulet” (GhatrifT 16;16,1,2; GhatrifT 16, 12, TL 7, 8-1371; FEW 9, 539b)
fiches par lemme
●pole f.
[DEAF 439, 44; TL 7, 960; TL 7, 8-1372; TL 7,7-2088; Gdf 6, 265b; GdfC 390a; AND 566a; AND 544a; DCCarp 311c; TLF Bd.13, 928b; TLF; FEW 9, 536b pullus; FEW 7, 491b palea; FEW; FEW 9, 543â pūllus; FEW 9, 536a; FEW 9,533b; Baker; DiStefLoc 722; Foerster. – BCRHist p. 189; BambeckWortst 101; 355; BichonAni 894; DWall 25-26,127; Delisle 57, 60, 359; Drüppel 92-93; Drüppel 92-93; FennisGal S. 1473; MiquelAnim 229-230; Morlet 36; Morlet 36; MénardRire 707, 708; MénardRire p. 707, 708; Post 184; R 72, p.103; R 65, p.424; 85, p.122; RF 26, 654; RLiR 24,324; RLiR 26, 364ss.; RLiR 30, 1957; Runk p. 125; Runk 41; SchelerJPreis 37530; ZrP 110(1994)1/2, 58; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle].]
(poialle CptRoyM 12918, poile FevresS 218b-8, 222-14, poille RigomerF; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 64a,63, pole RenR X-XI, 10451; NecrArrB; ComtePoitK; ComtePoitM 815; HaginL 64d; JMeunConsD; [OresmeSphèreMy 5a], POLE JMeunConsD, poleç FevresS 11b-9; 169b-23; 172b-15; 240-18, polle EstFougK 1123r; RenM IX, 1273; [FaucPetrusFrbL]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 2,10; BartschChrest 3,10; BartschHorning 7,10, poule CommPsia1G; FevresS, poules CueillAmB p24; CptRoyM, poulle VMortAnW 281, 6; ViandValS; (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén IX, 189, poulles GysselingDocAnc p.193; 194.3; 37,40; BillotVinc 93, puelle CoincyII11/18B 514*, pulle RenContrR 17361)
- ◆“poule” (GysselingDocAnc p.193; 194.3; 37,40; CommPsia1G; EstFougK 1123r; RenM IX, 1273; RenR X-XI, 10451; ComtePoitK; ComtePoitM 815; CoincyII11/18B 514*; RigomerF; VMortAnW 281, 6; HaginL 64d; ViandValS; CueillAmB p24; JMeunConsD; JMeunConsD; FevresS 11b-9; 169b-23; 172b-15; 240-18; FevresS 218b-8, 222-14; FevresS; BillotVinc 93; CptRoyM; CptRoyM 12918; RenContrR 17361; [OresmeSphèreMy 5a; FaucPetrusFrbL]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 64a,63; NyströmMén IX, 189, BCRHist p. 189; BambeckWortst 101; 355; BichonAni 894; DWall 25-26,127; Delisle 57, 60, 359; Drüppel 92-93; Drüppel 92-93; FennisGal S. 1473; MiquelAnim 229-230; Morlet 36; Morlet 36; MénardRire 707, 708; MénardRire p. 707, 708; Post 184; R 72, p.103; R 65, p.424; 85, p.122; RF 26, 654; RLiR 24,324; RLiR 26, 364ss.; RLiR 30, 1957; Runk 41; Runk p. 125; SchelerJPreis 37530; ZrP 110(1994)1/2, 58; [sigle]; [sigle]; [sigle], TL 7,7-2088; TL 7, 960; TL 7, 8-1372; GdfC 390a; AND 544a; AND 566a; DCCarp 311c; TLF Bd.13, 928b; TLF; FEW 9,533b; FEW; FEW 9, 536a; Baker; Foerster)
- ◆“jeune fille” ((sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 2,10; BartschChrest 3,10; BartschHorning 7,10, DEAF 439, 44; Gdf 6, 265b; FEW 9, 536b pullus; FEW 9, 543â pūllus)
- ◆“sorte de poisson plat” (NecrArrB)
- ◆“femme légère” (FEW 7, 491b palea; DiStefLoc 722)
fiches par lemme
●polenet m.
[Brüll 201.]
(poulené AlexParlF 1262, 1268, poulenès AlexArsM C1262)
- ◆“petit poulain” (AlexParlF 1262, 1268; AlexArsM C1262, Brüll 201)
fiches par lemme
●polet m.
[TL 7, 8-1372; TL 7, 8-1373; Gdf 6, 262b; Gdf 6, 262c; GdfC 390b; AND 566a; AND 544a; MED Bd.VII, 1103a; MED Bd.VII, 1103a; MED Bd. VII, 1103a; MED Bd.7, 1103a; MED Bd.7, 1103a; MED Bd. 7, 1103a; MED Bd. 7, 1103a; DCCarp 311c; TLF Bd.13, 929b; FEW 9, 538b pūllus; FEW; FEW 9, 537b; LevyTrés. – BPH p.71 z.22; BangertTiere 542; Drüppel 93-94; Drüppel 93.94; FennisGal S. 1473; MöhrenVal; Pope 401; R 65, p.424; 84, p.149, 151; RF 99(1987) 245; RLiR 50, 1986, 323; SchelerJPreis; VRo 54, 110; Ziltener 3880; ZrP 100, S.196; [sigle].]
(poilet CoincyII1...K 629var., polet GysselingDocAnc p. 192 z.22; CensHerchiesM 1267, polete AliscmH 7478, 7482, poulet CarCharL no131; DancusT 24, 3; ImpArtB; PamphGalM 729; (sigles à datations multiples:) Studer TPXXVII, 23, poullés ViandValS, poullet (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén IX, 189)
- ◆“jeune poule, poussin” (GysselingDocAnc p. 192 z.22; CoincyII1...K 629var.; CensHerchiesM 1267; CarCharL no131; DancusT 24, 3; ViandValS; ImpArtB; PamphGalM 729; AliscmH 7478, 7482; (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén IX, 189; Studer TPXXVII, 23, BPH p.71 z.22; BangertTiere 542; Drüppel 93-94; Drüppel 93.94; FennisGal S. 1473; MöhrenVal; Pope 401; R 65, p.424; 84, p.149, 151; RF 99(1987) 245; RLiR 50, 1986, 323; SchelerJPreis; VRo 54, 110; Ziltener 3880; ZrP 100, S.196; [sigle], TL 7, 8-1372; TL 7, 8-1373; Gdf 6, 262b; Gdf 6, 262c; GdfC 390b; AND 544a; AND 566a; MED Bd.VII, 1103a; MED Bd.VII, 1103a; MED Bd. VII, 1103a; MED Bd.7, 1103a; MED Bd.7, 1103a; MED Bd. 7, 1103a; MED Bd. 7, 1103a; DCCarp 311c; TLF Bd.13, 929b; FEW 9, 538b pūllus; FEW; FEW 9, 537b; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●polete f.
[TL 7,7-2088; GdfC 390b; MED Bd.VII, 1103a; MED Bd. 7, 1103a; TLF Bd.13, 930a; FEW 22^2, 97a; FEW 9, 533b; BarbierProc 4,122/123; BarbierProc 123; BarbierProc 4, S.123. – BNF 19,310; R 64, p.283; R 85, p.122; R 44, 90, 15; TilLex.]
(poillete ChMa085 18, poletes RenR X-XI, 10372, polette PiérardMons t II, p.192, pouleite Taille1313M 11c, poulete Taille1296M 61; Taille1313M 10d; Taille1313M S.58)
- ◆1o“petite poule” (RenR X-XI, 10372; Taille1296M 61; Taille1313M 11c; Taille1313M S.58; Taille1313M 10d, BNF 19,310; R 64, p.283; R 85, p.122; R 44, 90, 15; TilLex, TL 7,7-2088; GdfC 390b; MED Bd.VII, 1103a; MED Bd. 7, 1103a; TLF Bd.13, 930a; FEW 9, 533b; BarbierProc 123; BarbierProc 4, S.123)
- ◆2o“enclume” (PiérardMons t II, p.192, FEW 22^2, 97a)
- ◆3o“jambière” (BarbierProc 4,122/123)
- ◆4o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMa085 18)
fiches par lemme
●poletel m.
[TL 7, 8-1373. – MA 67, 1961, 357; RoPh 15, 463.]
- ◆“petit poulet” (MA 67, 1961, 357; RoPh 15, 463, TL 7, 8-1373)
fiches par lemme
●poleterie f.
[TL 7, 8-1374; Gdf; AND 540a; AND 566a; AND 566a; AND 566a; MED Bd.VII, 1455b; MED Bd.VII, 1455b; MED Bd.VII, 1455b; MED Bd.VII, 1455b; FEW 9, 539a. – Brüll 201.]
(poletrie OrdEdwiiOst1T s.294, puletrie CoutWinchF 26, pultrie [LettrOxfL 341, 13])
- ◆“ensemble de volailles” (CoutWinchF 26; OrdEdwiiOst1T s.294; [LettrOxfL 341, 13], Brüll 201, TL 7, 8-1374; Gdf; AND 540a; AND 566a; AND 566a; AND 566a; MED Bd.VII, 1455b; MED Bd.VII, 1455b; MED Bd.VII, 1455b; MED Bd.VII, 1455b; FEW 9, 539a)
fiches par lemme
●poletier m.
[Gdf; MED Bd.VII, 1455a; TL 7, 8-1374; MED Bd.VII, 1455a; AND 566a; MED Bd. 7, 1455a; Gdf; AND 566a; AND 544a; FEW 9, 539a; Gdf 6, 348b; MED Bd.VII, 1455a. – ZrP 92, 649; Brüll 201.]
(poleter NicBozCharV, poletiers chHS103 9, polletier GirySOmer n°479, pouletier EustMoineF; RegTournB 249, 250, 542; Taille1292G 34; Taille1297M 118, poulletier Taille1296M 43, puleter CoutWinchF 26; CoutWinchS p. 71, pulleters BlackBookT II. p. 100, p. 104)
- ◆1o“marchand de volaille” (GirySOmer n°479; EustMoineF; RegTournB 249, 250, 542; CoutWinchF 26; CoutWinchS p. 71; Taille1292G 34; Taille1296M 43; Taille1297M 118; NicBozCharV; BlackBookT II. p. 100, p. 104, Brüll 201; ZrP 92, 649, Gdf; MED Bd.VII, 1455a; TL 7, 8-1374; MED Bd.VII, 1455a; AND 544a; FEW 9, 539a; Gdf 6, 348b; MED Bd.VII, 1455a; AND 566a; MED Bd. 7, 1455a; Gdf; AND 566a)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chHS103 9)
fiches par lemme
●poleté adj.
[TL 7, 8-1373; GdfLex; FEW 9, 535b pūllus; FEW 23, 187a T foncé. – ActesMfr10 264; OttCouleurs 25; SchäferFarb s.46; StädtlerGdfLex 264.]
(poleté EscoufleM 306a; EscoufleS 3585)
- ◆“noir ou de couleur foncée” (EscoufleM 306a; EscoufleS 3585, ActesMfr10 264; OttCouleurs 25; SchäferFarb s.46; StädtlerGdfLex 264, TL 7, 8-1373; GdfLex; FEW 9, 535b pūllus; FEW 23, 187a T foncé)
fiches par lemme
●polier m.
[TL 7, 8-1375; TL 7, 8-1375. – KaiserMPol 51.]
(poler MPolRustR)
- ◆1o“poulaillier” (MPolRustR, KaiserMPol 51, TL 7, 8-1375)
- ◆2o“marchand de volaille” (TL 7, 8-1375)
fiches par lemme
●poliere f.
[TL 7, 8-1375; FEW 9, 541a. – R 81, p274.]
- ◆“ouverture pratiquée dans la porte d’un poulailler” (HerbCandS 162; NecrArrB s. 148a, 149a; RenContrR I, 325a; II, 219; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 357, R 81, p274, TL 7, 8-1375; FEW 9, 541a)
fiches par lemme
●polinage m.
[GdfLex. – ActesMfr10 264; StädtlerGdfLex 264.]
- ◆“état de poulain” (ActesMfr10 264; StädtlerGdfLex 264, GdfLex)
fiches par lemme
●polinel m.
[Gdf; Gdf 6, 349c.]
- ◆“petit poulain” (Gdf; Gdf 6, 349c)
fiches par lemme
●poliner v.
[GdfC 390c; FEW 9, 542b. – ZfSL 79, p.379.]
- ◆“mettre bas des poulains” (ZfSL 79, p.379, GdfC 390c; FEW 9, 542b)
fiches par lemme
●polon m.
[TL 7,7-2088; TL 7, 2056; Gdf 6,250a; Gdf; FEW; FEW 9, 534a. – FahsImMondeOct1 p. 103,105; GRM N.f.44, 268; MLR 88, 584; SchelerGil I, 181, 9.]
(poillon (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén VII 72, poiloin DocHMarneG; chHM211 5, pollon CensHerchiesM 167, 21/ 100, 30; 101, 1/ 142, 17, poullon GilMuisK I, 181, poullons CensHerchiesM, puillons GlDouaiE1 127, pullons BibleMacéV 8141, 8144, 8167)
- ◆1o“petit de tout animal volatile” (DocHMarneG; CensHerchiesM 167, 21/ 100, 30; 101, 1/ 142, 17; CensHerchiesM; GlDouaiE1 127; BibleMacéV 8141, 8144, 8167; GilMuisK I, 181; (sigles à datations multiples:) NyströmMén VII 72, FahsImMondeOct1 p. 103,105; GRM N.f.44, 268; MLR 88, 584; SchelerGil I, 181, 9, TL 7,7-2088; TL 7, 2056; Gdf 6,250a; Gdf; FEW; FEW 9, 534a)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chHM211 5)
fiches par lemme
●poloncel m.
[TL 7,7-2089; Gdf 6, 350b; Gdf; FEW 9, 534a; FEW 9, 534a. – RLiR 45, 311.]
(puilluncel CommPsia1G XXXVI, 858, 863)
- ◆“petit d’un oiseau” (CommPsia1G XXXVI, 858, 863, RLiR 45, 311, TL 7,7-2089; Gdf 6, 350b; Gdf; FEW 9, 534a; FEW 9, 534a)
fiches par lemme
●pintepole f.
[TL; TL 7,960,26.]
- ◆nom d'une poule dans le Renart (TL 7,960,26; TL)