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toutes fiches de l’article
fiches par lemme
poumon f.
[FEW 9,545b lt. PULMO – TL VII, 9-1668; GdfC 390c; AND 540b; AND 540b; AND 566a; MED Bd.7, 1112a; MED Bd.7, 1112a; MED Bd.VIII, 1112a; TLF Bd.13, 934a; FEW; FEW; FEW 9, 545^b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; DiStefLoc 723; LevyTrés. – ContPerc etc.; FrankHart 111; KellerWace 46a; LevyHagin 12b27, 42c8; MénardRire p.101; MénardRire 182; MöhrenVal; MöhrenVal; TilNMélEtym 205.]
(plumuns BibleDécb/eN, Poignonen [BibbfW 23,11], polmon CourLouisL1; LSimplMedD; OgDanAlC 1962, 1983, polmons AlexParA 2, 1439; ArtusS 17,18; 203,37; 315,11, polmun CommPsia1G 1031.14; 1032.1; ChGuillD 3431; ChGuillSd 288, pommon JMoteVoieP 910; GalienD; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 433], pomon Aiol1/2F 2583; Bueve1S 619, 6098; LSimplMedD; ContGuillTyrRothA 581; BrunLatC; GlDouceB 74; FevresS 36-10; 40b-13; 43-2,5; 63b-9; 82-17; 84b-15; [GodBouillBruxR], Pomon RobDiableL, pomon d'un veau joue [FaucPetrusFrbL], pomons AlexParA 1439; OvMorB p.276, 3385, Pomons SermMaurpB, pomoun NominaleS B.149.4.67.; TwitiT, pomum ParDuchP p.638, pomun HosebHenL 24, pormon FetRomF1 362, 4, 12; 499, 30; AnsMetznG 5626 - 6960; CourLouiscLe; JordRufmP; SimPouilleaB 331; VisTondpF p28; JerusCont2G; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 6, 392, pormons AlexParA II, 1439, pormont DoonRocheM 4027, 4372; (sigles à datations multiples:) PannierLapid C. 1043, poulmon ChaceOisiM; [AmphYpL V, 10; AmphYpL2]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 95, 162, poulmont [AalmaR 9.340], poumon BenTroieC; Bueve2S 15311; OrsonP 1669; HaginL 12b, 42c; EnfRenC; ChirPoutrS 9ro17; FevresS; [BaudSebB XXIV, p.379; GlLilleS 89b], POUMON GuillPalMo, poumons CoincyII1...K 36var.; CoincyII1...K 36var., poumont MédLiégH 729, 1114, 1098, pourmon CoincyII22/23/24/25Li 3. 36 N; JordRufmP; ChaceOisiM; [ModusT 49, 7 X; AalmaR 9. 965], premon OrsonP, pulmon LettrHippoT A 8; ChirRogH f° 284 v°; GlGlasgE 157a; RésSauvcJ, pulmoun FoukeB 73, 15; FoukeH 52.22, pulmun RolB 453; LapidffS 718; RecMédJuteH S. 252/ Z. 21; RecMédJuteH S. 253/ Z. 29, Pulmun CommPsia1G, pumon LapidalS 1018; 1016; HornP 1633, pumun HornP; JGarlrgH)
- ◆“poumon” (RolB 453; LapidalS 1018; 1016; LapidffS 718; CourLouisL1; CommPsia1G 1031.14; 1032.1; CommPsia1G; BenTroieC; HornP 1633; HornP; Aiol1/2F 2583; RecMédJuteH S. 252/ Z. 21; RecMédJuteH S. 253/ Z. 29; AlexParA 2, 1439; AlexParA II, 1439; AlexParA 1439; RobDiableL; BibleDécb/eN; DoonRocheM 4027, 4372; GuillPalMo; ChGuillD 3431; ChGuillSd 288; FetRomF1 362, 4, 12; 499, 30; AnsMetznG 5626 - 6960; Bueve1S 619, 6098; Bueve2S 15311; OrsonP 1669; OrsonP; CoincyII1...K 36var.; CoincyII1...K 36var.; CoincyII22/23/24/25Li 3. 36 N; ArtusS 17,18; 203,37; 315,11; LettrHippoT A 8; ParDuchP p.638; ChirRogH f° 284 v°; CourLouiscLe; GlGlasgE 157a; JGarlrgH; LSimplMedD; LSimplMedD; RésSauvcJ; SermMaurpB; ContGuillTyrRothA 581; BrunLatC; HaginL 12b, 42c; EnfRenC; JordRufmP; JordRufmP; MédLiégH 729, 1114, 1098; SimPouilleaB 331; VisTondpF p28; HosebHenL 24; GlDouceB 74; JerusCont2G; ChirPoutrS 9ro17; FevresS; FevresS 36-10; 40b-13; 43-2,5; 63b-9; 82-17; 84b-15; ChaceOisiM; ChaceOisiM; FoukeB 73, 15; FoukeH 52.22; NominaleS B.149.4.67.; OgDanAlC 1962, 1983; TwitiT; OvMorB p.276, 3385; JMoteVoieP 910; GalienD; [GodBouillBruxR; ModusT 49, 7 X; AmphYpL V, 10; AmphYpL2; BaudSebB XXIV, p.379; AalmaR 9.340; AalmaR 9. 965; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 433; BibbfW 23,11; FaucPetrusFrbL; GlLilleS 89b]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 95, 162; NoomenFabl t. 6, 392; PannierLapid C. 1043, ContPerc etc.; FrankHart 111; KellerWace 46a; LevyHagin 12b27, 42c8; MénardRire p.101; MénardRire 182; MöhrenVal; MöhrenVal; TilNMélEtym 205, TL VII, 9-1668; GdfC 390c; AND 540b; AND 540b; AND 566a; MED Bd.7, 1112a; MED Bd.7, 1112a; MED Bd.VIII, 1112a; TLF Bd.13, 934a; FEW; FEW; FEW 9, 545^b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; DiStefLoc 723; LevyTrés)
Cf. DMF poumon.
fiches par lemme
●poumoncel m.
[FEW 9, 546^a.]
(pomoncel MoamT II, 4,18)
- ◆“poumon” (MoamT II, 4,18, FEW 9, 546^a)
fiches par lemme
●poumonie f.
[FEW 9, 546^a; LevyTrés.]
- ◆“inflammation des poumons” (FEW 9, 546^a; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●poumonis adj.
(polmonis FevresS 360b-2)
- ◆“relatif aux poumons” (FevresS 360b-2)
fiches par lemme
●poumonos adj.
[Gdf 6, 269c; FEW 9, 546^a.]
- ◆“pulmonique” (Gdf 6, 269c; FEW 9, 546^a)