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pous1 m.
[FEW 4,549b lt. PŪLSTL 7, 9-1669; AND 575b; DCCarp 305a; FEW 4, 549b; Foerster. – ZrP Sb 77, 235; ZrP Sb 77, 236.⁠]
(peuls LSimplMedD 401, peulx GalienD, pou [MistHag6S 2761], poul [ProstInv 1/S.69; ProstInv 1/S.29; ProstInv 1/S.69; ProstInv 1/S.13], poulse ViandValS, pous GautLeuL2 97; GautLeuL2 98; CarCharL; ChirPoutrS 52 v° 9, 62 v° 14; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t 9, 354a, Pous GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2, pus AlNeckUtensH p 246; TurpinBrianeS; LettrHippoT A 85; RecMédEscW 95)
  • 1o⁠“?”⁠ (DCCarp 305a)
  • 2o“sorte de bouillie épaisse” (AlNeckUtensH p 246; TurpinBrianeS; LettrHippoT A 85; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2 97; GautLeuL2 98; LSimplMedD 401; CarCharL; ViandValS; ChirPoutrS 52 v° 9, 62 v° 14; RecMédEscW 95; GalienD; [ProstInv 1/S.69; ProstInv 1/S.29; ProstInv 1/S.69; ProstInv 1/S.13; MistHag6S 2761]; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t 9, 354a, ZrP Sb 77, 236; ZrP Sb 77, 235, TL 7, 9-1669; AND 575b; FEW 4, 549b; Foerster)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
pouture f.
[TL; TL 7, 2081; TL 7, 9-1675; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 135c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 523a; AND 523a; AND 537a; AND 576b; AND 566a; AND 576a; AND; AND 544b; MED 7, 1539b; DCCarp 305a; FEW; FEW; FEW 9, 549b; FEW; AdHaleLexM; LevyTrés. – LejeuneJRen XXVIII7; MedAev 43, 1974, 275; ZrP 82, 221; ZrP 101 (1985) 129; B17, 124; [sigle] t. II, p. 191.⁠]
(peture EneasS1 9541; SCathVérB; SCathVérB, PEUSTURE LMestL, peuteüre CoincyII11/18B 62, peuture HermValS 5660; CantLandP 169, 224, 1200, 1934; DelIsrE; RenclCarH; ChansArtB XVII, 88; HuonRegrL; BeaumS Man. 5105, Cout. 15, 19; ComparFaucH p. 108; JeuxPartL; SDomM; BrendanPr1W; VMortAnW 202, 5; AdHaleFeuillD notes 453; AdHaleFeuillL 73; BeaumCoutS 533, 1562; LaurinT; KanorM; JobB 1327, 2590; JobG 1327, 2590; SoneG s. 552, 26; MirNDPers1-40P p. 144, 20; p. 145, 23; etc.; RenContrR 28942; GilMuisK 343a; [GodBouillBruxR; FroissEspF1 65]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 58, 275; MontRayn I, 91; NoomenFabl III 16a/ 275; TrouvBelg2, Peuture ChansArtJ, PEUTURE GuillPalMo, peüture MorPhilP, poture BalJosChardK p226; ChardryDormM 458; ChardryPletM 919; PBeauvGerJ; MirourEdmaW 17. 118, poulture BibleParQ I, 12, POULTURE BibleParQ, pouttures TurpinBrianeS, pouture Perl1N; LettrHippoT 139, A 200; SRemiB 345; NicBozMorS 41, Pouture RègleSBenNicH, pulture PhThBestWa, puture BibleDécb/eN; ModvB2 1859,3722; [LettrOxfL 341,28])
  • “nourriture” (PhThBestWa; EneasS1 9541; HermValS 5660; CantLandP 169, 224, 1200, 1934; BalJosChardK p226; BibleDécb/eN; ChardryDormM 458; ChardryPletM 919; DelIsrE; GuillPalMo; PBeauvGerJ; Perl1N; RègleSBenNicH; TurpinBrianeS; MorPhilP; RenclCarH; ChansArtB XVII, 88; ChansArtJ; CoincyII11/18B 62; ModvB2 1859,3722; LettrHippoT 139, A 200; MirourEdmaW 17. 118; SCathVérB; SCathVérB; HuonRegrL; BeaumS Man. 5105, Cout. 15, 19; BibleParQ; BibleParQ I, 12; ComparFaucH p. 108; JeuxPartL; SDomM; BrendanPr1W; VMortAnW 202, 5; LMestL; AdHaleFeuillD notes 453; AdHaleFeuillL 73; BeaumCoutS 533, 1562; LaurinT; SRemiB 345; KanorM; JobB 1327, 2590; JobG 1327, 2590; SoneG s. 552, 26; NicBozMorS 41; MirNDPers1-40P p. 144, 20; p. 145, 23; etc.; RenContrR 28942; GilMuisK 343a; [GodBouillBruxR; FroissEspF1 65; LettrOxfL 341,28]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 58, 275; MontRayn I, 91; NoomenFabl III 16a/ 275; TrouvBelg2, LejeuneJRen XXVIII7; MedAev 43, 1974, 275; ZrP 82, 221; ZrP 101 (1985) 129; B17, 124; [sigle] t. II, p. 191, TL; TL 7, 9-1675; TL 7, 2081; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 135c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 523a; AND 523a; AND 537a; AND; AND 544b; AND 566a; AND 576a; AND 576b; MED 7, 1539b; DCCarp 305a; FEW; FEW; FEW 9, 549b; FEW; AdHaleLexM; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
poutre f.
(poustre ModvB2 1859)
  • “nourriture” (ModvB2 1859)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
poutrie f.
[AND 576b.⁠]
  • “action de nourrir” (AND 576b)