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pous2 m.
[FEW 9,560b lt. PULSUSTL 7, 9-1670; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 350b; GdfC 396a; AND 537b; AND 566a; AND 544b; AND 545a; AND 544b; MED Bd.VII, 1454; MED Bd. 7, 1171b; MED Bd. 7, 1103a; MED 7, 1454b; MED 7, 1136a; MED 7, 1171b; MED Bd.VII, 1454b; DCCarp 315c; DCCarp 314c; TLF Bd.13, 933a; FEW 9, 560-b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; DiStefLoc 722; Foerster; LevyTrés. – BullEtMLille 73; CorleyCont1 p195; CorleyCont2; FM 33, S.213; FiggeSon p.171; FiggeSon p.341; FiggeSon p.341; FiggeSon p. 171; KellerWace 46d; KellerWace; R 67, 533; 75, 128; RF 16, 756; RLiR 59, 575; RLiR 30; TilLex; ZrP 112, 1; 164.⁠]
(poç FevresS 6b-6; 9-8,12; 14; 10b-24; 21b-8; 33-9; 91-14; 95b-11, 13,17, poice HuonAuvBrB, pol Apol2L 16,6, pols LSimplMedD 689, 373, 804, 487, pos PercL 6680, 6684; AssJérJIbE 473/23, poul JDupinMelL 793, pouls [AalmaR 9.970; OresmeCielM 105b; GlLilleS 113a], poulz [AmphYpL VII, 21; AmphYpL2; AalmaR 8.945; AalmaR 9.975], pous CligesG; CligesM 2986; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1006; AimonFlH 9762; EscoufleM; TurpinBrianeS; CoincyChristO 1198; LancPrK 555.29; CoincyI11V 1614; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 2893; GodinM 18046; CoincyII10N 1104; CoincyII29Kr 444, 691; RoselLec 21109; JeuxPartL; LSimplMedD 373; AldL 11, 16; 33, 23, 24; 48, 5; MenReimsP 58, 415; MenReimsW 58, 415; AnticlC 2199; JobB 808; JobG 808; MirNDPers1-40P 96 335; 40 2001; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 73, 64; NoomenFabl t 9, 354a, POUS GuillPalMo, poust AnticlLudR 2858, poux RenContrR I, 217, § 100, pox CoincyI1...L; CoincyII1...K 332, 1419, poz ProtH; ContPerc2lC2 p148, puls ChirRogH f°267v°, pulse GhatrifT Gh, 7,2, Pus MirAgn2K)
  • “pouls” (CligesG; CligesM 2986; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1006; PercL 6680, 6684; ProtH; AimonFlH 9762; ContPerc2lC2 p148; EscoufleM; GuillPalMo; TurpinBrianeS; CoincyChristO 1198; LancPrK 555.29; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI11V 1614; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 2893; GodinM 18046; CoincyII1...K 332, 1419; CoincyII10N 1104; CoincyII29Kr 444, 691; RoselLec 21109; ChirRogH f°267v°; MirAgn2K; JeuxPartL; LSimplMedD 689, 373, 804, 487; LSimplMedD 373; AldL 11, 16; 33, 23, 24; 48, 5; MenReimsP 58, 415; MenReimsW 58, 415; AnticlC 2199; AssJérJIbE 473/23; GhatrifT Gh, 7,2; JobB 808; JobG 808; FevresS 6b-6; 9-8,12; 14; 10b-24; 21b-8; 33-9; 91-14; 95b-11, 13,17; HuonAuvBrB; MirNDPers1-40P 96 335; 40 2001; JDupinMelL 793; RenContrR I, 217, § 100; AnticlLudR 2858; Apol2L 16,6; [AmphYpL VII, 21; AmphYpL2; AalmaR 9.970; AalmaR 8.945; AalmaR 9.975; OresmeCielM 105b; GlLilleS 113a]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 73, 64; NoomenFabl t 9, 354a, BullEtMLille 73; CorleyCont1 p195; CorleyCont2; FM 33, S.213; FiggeSon p. 171; FiggeSon p.171; FiggeSon p.341; FiggeSon p.341; KellerWace; KellerWace 46d; R 67, 533; 75, 128; RF 16, 756; RLiR 59, 575; RLiR 30; TilLex; ZrP 112, 1; 164, TL 7, 9-1670; Gdf 6, 350b; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 396a; AND 537b; AND 544b; AND 544b; AND 545a; AND 566a; MED Bd.VII, 1454; MED Bd.VII, 1454b; MED 7, 1454b; MED 7, 1136a; MED 7, 1171b; MED Bd. 7, 1171b; MED Bd. 7, 1103a; DCCarp 314c; DCCarp 315c; TLF Bd.13, 933a; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 9, 560-b; DiStefLoc 722; Foerster; LevyTrés)
Cf. ANDEl puls.