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fiches par lemme
povre adj.
[FEW 8,57b lt. PAUPER – TL 7, 9-1680; TL; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 397a; AND 541b; AND 544b; AND 576b; AND 576b; AND 544b; AND 545a; MED 7, 1176b; MED 7, 1174 b; MED 7, 1176b; DG 116a; DCCarp 315a; TLF 12,1213b; FEW; FEW 8,57b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 8, 56a; FEW 13/395; FEW 8, 58b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 657; Foerster; KramerGader; LexMA 1,984; LevyTrés. – BCRHist 139, 2; BPH 200, 12; Delisle 153; Hassell 631; KaiserMPol 115; KaiserMPol 115; Katara 293; KellerWace 200b; KitzeRoss 35; LebsanftGruß 468; LevyHagin 80a9; MA XIII, 5; Messelaar 42, 50; Morlet 182; MénardRire 174; PachnioTaille 48; Pope 579,590,673,708,A.N. 1184; Pope; R 91, 545; R 90,545; R 93, 119; R 93, 487, 489, 491; R; RF 53,221; RLiR 49, 527; RoiFloreJ0 CXVIII; Runk 155; Runk 23; SchulzeBusProv 1636; SchulzeBusProv 545, 680 etc.; StFr 9915; ThomasMél2 152; TraLiPhi 31, 242; ZrP 109,640; [sigle] 1252, 266.]
(apovidiez CoincyII1...K 522 var, apovreié BenDucF 2516, 7032; BenDucM I, p. 251, v. 4864, apovreier RoselLangl, paouvres JoinvW1, paubres AliscmH, pauvre ChronPLangW1 I 444 unnd öfters, Pauvre DocHMarneG 420b, pauvres PiérardMons 2, 136, pavre BelleHelR 881a, pobre EntreeT 843, 9123, 11880, etc., poevre [JPreisMyrG], pore EntreeT 4829, Pore RomRomT; MirAgn2K, pores ParDuchP, pouere BenDucM 3, p. 622, v. col. 2, p. 623, col 1; HosebHenL 6, 26; 134, pour MarieLaisL Eq. 138, Lanv. 325, Fr. 56 etc.; MPolRustR, poure AnsMetznG 12511; VMortAnW 52, 9; ImpArtB; AdvndC 69; AdvndC; GuerreMetzB, Poure JostPletR, poure, une p. jornee AnsMetzS1 402,4 var., poures GysselingDocAnc p. 207; chdouai0034 2; chdouai0034 2; chdouai0177 30; chdouai0177 31; chdouai0177 31; chdouai0177 31; chdouai0177 31; chdouai0177 32; chdouai0177 32; chdouai0177 37; BrendanPr1W; chdouai0377 1; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0437 1; chdouai0437 1; chdouai0437 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0462 1; BlackBookT II, p. 132, pouvre ChronSMichelB 916, 1256, 1279; 1268; SJeanEvW 615, 654; GilChinP; ChMe141 2; ChMe144 2; CensHôtProvinsM 34 r°; chHM275 79; [BrézéT], Pouvre LMestL, pouvres chHM130 36; ChMe166 2; ChHM237 7; ChHM237 7; AttilaPrB, pouvrex Perl1N, povera MacaireM 330, 331, povere BueveAgnS 686; OakBookS, poveres chdouai0461 1, povero BertaMilC 198, povers CoincyII1...K 146; AspinChansPol; BibleHolkP 49, 26, povre AlexisP; AlexisS1 302; AlexisS1 419, 527; BrendanW 203; 1280, 1285; GrantMalS2; WaceConcA 200; CharroiPo t. II, 153; CourLouisL1; EneasS1 4803; FloreaK 1078, 1349; FloreaW 1078, 3155; CommPsia1G 161.19; MarieGuigW2 Eq. 142, L 301, Chv. 33; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; ErecR 6259; ErecR 1800, 6476; HornP 1112 etc.; PhilomB 508; BenDucF; AdamG3 819; EstFougK 416, 417; MarieFabW 7, 34; 38, 15; 46, 68; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 11; RègleHospCamS 291, 308 etc.; AimonFlH 54, 56, 4007; RenR VII - IX, 8201; TristThomB 1774, 1775; TristThomW D 502, 503, 572; FloovA; FolTristOxfH 37, 39; SimFreineGeorgM R. Ph. 28, 273; SimFreineGeorgM 261; BodelNicH 380, 1197 etc.; VMortHélW; CantLandR 232 etc.; SGenB 39, 664, 2086, 816, 817, 2475, 2084, 2114, 1775; AssJérRoiG; HerbomezTourn 8, 16, 29; BibleGuiotW; ChevBarAnS 40, 524, 542, etc.; FolTristBernH2 151, 520; BestGuillR 19; FlorenceW 359a; 5160, 5208, 5229, 5806, etc.; BalJosPr1M 31, 13; Bueve1S 300.1191; Bueve2S; Bueve3S 43, 1121, 2231; DurmG; ChevBarBloisB; LaDuCh 319, 23; LancPrK; OmbreB2 473; AucR3 XXXVIII, 15; AucS10; MorPhilP 738; GuillMarM 665; BesantR 396, 584*; ChansArtB XXI, 117, 142; ModvB2 1498, 2089, 2093 etc.; TristPrR; TournAntW 471 etc.; FolLancB; GilChinP; ParDuchP 638; 65, 66, 168 etc.; ParDuchP 625 etc.; MerlinsR 396, 6; 253, 8; MerlinsR 303, 11; FossierCh 540; ChMa035 5; HArciPèresO 2328; Pères10C 552, 724, 1033; RésSauvcJ; TroisAvG 190, pl. 18, 36; AldL 72, 25; chCOr097 12; AnticlC 25, 413; VMortAnW 117, 6; 140, 8; CharroicL; MédLiégH 990; SBath1B; AdHalePartN XVI, 63; VIII, 49; ClefD 1272, 1377, 1912; DrouartB 164, 1556 etc.; JobB 422; JobG; SThibAlH I 28, 140; II 96, 714; PiérardMons t II, 193; FevresS 236-2; GlGuillI 374, 151; PéageChalonbA 97, 120; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 298 f; 18 e; 448 e; NicBozEmpV 106, 119; NicBozLucieK; GeoffrParChronD 2312, 3120, etc.; JCondM; DébCorpsArrL 307; GuerreMetzB 12b; MirNDPers1-40P 7 79, 15 1001; JMoteVoieP 1294, 3071; AliscmH 4626; BelleHelR 884b; ChevPapH 9, 8; [FroissEspF1 1965, 2761; SEust10P 107; GastPhébChasseT; JPreisMyrG 6028, 6252]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 9, 94; 13, 36; 23, 224; BartschHorning 20, 18; 87, 13; NoomenFabl t 9, 354a; NoomenFabl t. 7, 444; NoomenFabl t. 5, 476; NoomenFabl t. 6, 392; NoomenFabl t. 8, 428; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III, 15a/24, 18/13; ProvM 93, 396, 494, 616, 680, 938, 1315, 1354, 1636, 1711, 1972, 2209; StimmingMot; WaceMargK 146, Povre RobDiableL; VillehW; PurgSPatrBerM; Rolv41/2G, POVRE GuillPalMo; LMestL, póvre Aiol1/2F *186, povreis JCondOisR, povres GysselingDocAnc 207, 29; AlexisS1; CharroiPo t. II, 153; ChGuillI 404, 2434, 3346; RobClariL 71-72; DurmS 4686; LaDuCh 320, 21; DocHMarneG 275, 17, 19, 24, 25; 275, 29; 130, 14; 237, 4; ChMa001 4; chMo052 3; chMo053 3; chHM022 32; ChMa035 3; Pères56M 49; TroisAvG 37; ChMe067 3; ChMe067 3; chHS012 9; MenReimsP 288, 114, etc.; MenReimsW; chCOr107 10; chCOr107 13; chCOr107 13; chCOr107 13; chCOr123 14; chCOr123 16; chCOr123 17; chCOr123 18; CoutNormT p125; ChMa151 6; ChMa151 8; ChMa151 10; ChMa151 12; ChMa151 16; ChMa151 18; ChMa158 3; ChMa158 3; ChMa158 8; ChMa158 8; ChMa158 11; ChMa158 12; ChMa158 12; ChMa158 14; ChMa158 15; ChMa158 15; ChMa158 16; ChMa158 17; ChMa158 17; ChMa158 20; ChMa158 20; ChMa158 21; ChMa158 21; ChMa158 23; ChMa158 23; ChMa158 23; ChMa158 23; ChMa158 24; ChMa158 24; ChMa158 30; ChMa158 30; chMa161 3; chMa161 3; ChMa162 3; TerrEvêqueH 168; chHM275 49; chHM275 55; chHM275 71; chHM275 72; RotParl4R; R 1285 03 32 01 46; R 1285 03 32 01 51; R 1285 03 32 01 51; R 1285 03 32 01 52; R 1285 03 32 01 52; R 1285 03 32 01 52; R 1285 03 32 01 53; R 1285 03 32 01 53; R 1285 03 32 01 54; R 1285 03 32 01 56; RC 1285 10 05 01 6; RC 1285 10 05 01 6; RC 1285 10 05 01 6; RC 1285 10 05 01 6; RM 1285 03 32 01 46; RM 1285 03 32 01 51; RM 1285 03 32 01 51; RM 1285 03 32 01 52; RM 1285 03 32 01 52; RM 1285 03 32 01 52; RM 1285 03 32 01 53; RM 1285 03 32 01 53; RM 1285 03 32 01 54; RM 1285 03 32 01 56; GigotPér; JerusCont2G; BodelFablN IX, 97; CueillAmB p19; SecrSecrPr7B p260; docJuBe011 8; JoinvW1 280a, 62b, 398d, 478f, 464e; OgDanAlC 602; CoutBretP 273, 31; [GodBouillBruxR; AmphYpL2; ArmArgM 56], Povres SermMaurpB, prove EstFougK, provre CharroicL)
- ◆1o“pauvre” (GysselingDocAnc p. 207; GysselingDocAnc 207, 29; AlexisP; AlexisS1; AlexisS1 302; AlexisS1 419, 527; BrendanW 203; 1280, 1285; GrantMalS2; WaceConcA 200; CharroiPo t. II, 153; CharroiPo t. II, 153; CourLouisL1; EneasS1 4803; FloreaK 1078, 1349; FloreaW 1078, 3155; ChronSMichelB 916, 1256, 1279; 1268; CommPsia1G 161.19; MarieGuigW2 Eq. 142, L 301, Chv. 33; MarieLaisL Eq. 138, Lanv. 325, Fr. 56 etc.; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; ErecR 6259; ErecR 1800, 6476; HornP 1112 etc.; PhilomB 508; BenDucF; BenDucF 2516, 7032; BenDucM 3, p. 622, v. col. 2, p. 623, col 1; BenDucM I, p. 251, v. 4864; AdamG3 819; Aiol1/2F *186; EstFougK; EstFougK 416, 417; MarieFabW 7, 34; 38, 15; 46, 68; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 11; RègleHospCamS 291, 308 etc.; AimonFlH 54, 56, 4007; RenR VII - IX, 8201; TristThomB 1774, 1775; TristThomW D 502, 503, 572; FloovA; FolTristOxfH 37, 39; RobDiableL; RomRomT; SimFreineGeorgM R. Ph. 28, 273; SimFreineGeorgM 261; BodelNicH 380, 1197 etc.; VMortHélW; CantLandR 232 etc.; SGenB 39, 664, 2086, 816, 817, 2475, 2084, 2114, 1775; AssJérRoiG; HerbomezTourn 8, 16, 29; VillehW; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 686; ChevBarAnS 40, 524, 542, etc.; FolTristBernH2 151, 520; GuillPalMo; Perl1N; BestGuillR 19; ChGuillI 404, 2434, 3346; FlorenceW 359a; 5160, 5208, 5229, 5806, etc.; RobClariL 71-72; AnsMetzS1 402,4 var.; AnsMetznG 12511; BalJosPr1M 31, 13; Bueve1S 300.1191; Bueve2S; Bueve3S 43, 1121, 2231; DurmG; DurmS 4686; ChevBarBloisB; LaDuCh 320, 21; LaDuCh 319, 23; LancPrK; OmbreB2 473; AucR3 XXXVIII, 15; AucS10; MorPhilP 738; SJeanEvW 615, 654; GuillMarM 665; BesantR 396, 584*; ChansArtB XXI, 117, 142; CoincyII1...K 146; CoincyII1...K 522 var; ModvB2 1498, 2089, 2093 etc.; RoselLangl; TristPrR; DocHMarneG 275, 17, 19, 24, 25; 275, 29; 130, 14; 237, 4; DocHMarneG 420b; TournAntW 471 etc.; FolLancB; GilChinP; GilChinP; ParDuchP; ParDuchP 638; 65, 66, 168 etc.; ParDuchP 625 etc.; PurgSPatrBerM; MerlinsR 396, 6; 253, 8; MerlinsR 303, 11; MirAgn2K; FossierCh 540; AspinChansPol; HArciPèresO 2328; Pères10C 552, 724, 1033; Pères56M 49; RésSauvcJ; SermMaurpB; TroisAvG 37; TroisAvG 190, pl. 18, 36; AldL 72, 25; JostPletR; MenReimsP 288, 114, etc.; MenReimsW; AnticlC 25, 413; BrendanPr1W; CensHôtProvinsM 34 r°; CoutNormT p125; VMortAnW 117, 6; 140, 8; VMortAnW 52, 9; LMestL; LMestL; CharroicL; CharroicL; MédLiégH 990; SBath1B; TerrEvêqueH 168; RotParl4R; AdHalePartN XVI, 63; VIII, 49; ClefD 1272, 1377, 1912; HosebHenL 6, 26; 134; AttilaPrB; DrouartB 164, 1556 etc.; GigotPér; JerusCont2G; JobB 422; JobG; SThibAlH I 28, 140; II 96, 714; PiérardMons t II, 193; PiérardMons 2, 136; BodelFablN IX, 97; ImpArtB; CueillAmB p19; MPolRustR; FevresS 236-2; GlGuillI 374, 151; OakBookS; Rolv41/2G; SecrSecrPr7B p260; PéageChalonbA 97, 120; NicBozCharV; ChronPLangW1 I 444 unnd öfters; JoinvW1 280a, 62b, 398d, 478f, 464e; JoinvW1; JoinvW1 298 f; 18 e; 448 e; NicBozEmpV 106, 119; NicBozLucieK; AdvndC 69; AdvndC; BertaMilC 198; MacaireM 330, 331; OgDanAlC 602; GeoffrParChronD 2312, 3120, etc.; JCondM; JCondOisR; CoutBretP 273, 31; BibleHolkP 49, 26; DébCorpsArrL 307; EntreeT 843, 9123, 11880, etc.; EntreeT 4829; GuerreMetzB 12b; GuerreMetzB; MirNDPers1-40P 7 79, 15 1001; BlackBookT II, p. 132; JMoteVoieP 1294, 3071; AliscmH; AliscmH 4626; BelleHelR 881a; BelleHelR 884b; ChevPapH 9, 8; [GodBouillBruxR; AmphYpL2; FroissEspF1 1965, 2761; SEust10P 107; GastPhébChasseT; JPreisMyrG; JPreisMyrG 6028, 6252; ArmArgM 56; BrézéT]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 9, 94; 13, 36; 23, 224; BartschHorning 20, 18; 87, 13; NoomenFabl t 9, 354a; NoomenFabl t. 7, 444; NoomenFabl t. 5, 476; NoomenFabl t. 6, 392; NoomenFabl t. 8, 428; NoomenFabl II; NoomenFabl III, 15a/24, 18/13; ProvM 93, 396, 494, 616, 680, 938, 1315, 1354, 1636, 1711, 1972, 2209; StimmingMot; WaceMargK 146, BCRHist 139, 2; BPH 200, 12; Delisle 153; Hassell 631; KaiserMPol 115; KaiserMPol 115; Katara 293; KellerWace 200b; KitzeRoss 35; LebsanftGruß 468; LevyHagin 80a9; MA XIII, 5; Messelaar 42, 50; Morlet 182; MénardRire 174; PachnioTaille 48; Pope 579,590,673,708,A.N. 1184; Pope; R 91, 545; R 90,545; R 93, 119; R 93, 487, 489, 491; R; RF 53,221; RLiR 49, 527; RoiFloreJ0 CXVIII; Runk 155; Runk 23; SchulzeBusProv 1636; SchulzeBusProv 545, 680 etc.; StFr 9915; ThomasMél2 152; TraLiPhi 31, 242; ZrP 109,640; [sigle] 1252, 266, TL 7, 9-1680; TL; Gdf; Gdf; GdfC 397a; AND 541b; AND 544b; AND 544b; AND 545a; AND 576b; AND 576b; MED 7, 1176b; MED 7, 1174 b; MED 7, 1176b; DG 116a; DCCarp 315a; TLF 12,1213b; FEW; FEW 8,57b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 8, 56a; FEW 13/395; FEW 8, 58b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 657; Foerster; KramerGader; LexMA 1,984; LevyTrés)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMa001 4; chMo052 3; chMo053 3; chdouai0034 2; chdouai0034 2; ChMa035 5; ChMa035 3; chHM022 32; ChMe067 3; ChMe067 3; ChMa085 14; ChMa085 14; chHS012 9; ChMe141 2; ChMe144 2; chCOr097 12; chdouai0177 30; chdouai0177 31; chdouai0177 31; chdouai0177 31; chdouai0177 31; chdouai0177 32; chdouai0177 32; chdouai0177 37; chCOr107 10; chCOr107 13; chCOr107 13; chCOr107 13; chHM130 36; ChMe166 2; chCOr123 14; chCOr123 16; chCOr123 17; chCOr123 18; chdouai0377 1; ChMa151 6; ChMa151 8; ChMa151 10; ChMa151 12; ChMa151 16; ChMa151 18; ChMa158 3; ChMa158 3; ChMa158 8; ChMa158 8; ChMa158 11; ChMa158 12; ChMa158 12; ChMa158 14; ChMa158 15; ChMa158 15; ChMa158 16; ChMa158 17; ChMa158 17; ChMa158 20; ChMa158 20; ChMa158 21; ChMa158 21; ChMa158 23; ChMa158 23; ChMa158 23; ChMa158 23; ChMa158 24; ChMa158 24; ChMa158 30; ChMa158 30; chMa161 3; chMa161 3; ChMa162 3; ChHM237 7; ChHM237 7; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0425 1; chdouai0437 1; chdouai0437 1; chdouai0437 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0441 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0456 1; chdouai0461 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0460 1; chdouai0462 1; chHM275 49; chHM275 55; chHM275 71; chHM275 72; chHM275 79; R 1285 03 32 01 46; R 1285 03 32 01 51; R 1285 03 32 01 51; R 1285 03 32 01 52; R 1285 03 32 01 52; R 1285 03 32 01 52; R 1285 03 32 01 53; R 1285 03 32 01 53; R 1285 03 32 01 54; R 1285 03 32 01 56; RM 1285 03 32 01 46; RM 1285 03 32 01 51; RM 1285 03 32 01 51; RM 1285 03 32 01 52; RM 1285 03 32 01 52; RM 1285 03 32 01 52; RM 1285 03 32 01 53; RM 1285 03 32 01 53; RM 1285 03 32 01 54; RM 1285 03 32 01 56; RC 1285 10 05 01 6; RC 1285 10 05 01 6; RC 1285 10 05 01 6; RC 1285 10 05 01 6; docJuBe011 8)
Cf. ANDEl povre; DMF pauvre.
fiches par lemme
●empovrecier v.
[TL 3,129,49; TL 3,129,49; Gdf 3, 69 c; Gdf 3, 70 a; Gdf 3, 69 c, 70 a; FEW 8, 59 a; FEW 8, 58 b. – Schellenberg 48.]
- ◆1o“devenir pauvre” (TL 3,129,49; Gdf 3, 69 c; FEW 8, 59 a)
- ◆2o“rendre pauvre” (Schellenberg 48, TL 3,129,49; Gdf 3, 70 a; Gdf 3, 69 c, 70 a; FEW 8, 58 b)
fiches par lemme
●empovrir v.
[Gdf; AND; MED 3, 89 b; FEW 8, 58 b; FEW 8, 58 b. – Brüll 96.]
(enpoverer CoutMerOl II, 98, enpoveri AdgarK XXXVIII 90, enpoverir GlOxfH 147; NicBozCharV, enpovery ThomKentF 1956, enpovri ModvB2 1684, 4904; EntreeT 10091, enpovrir BalJosChardK p225; AliscmH 7050, enpoweré LReisEnglF 133, 39 / 148, 6, enpoweri BrutusF)
- ◆ “rendre pauvre” (AND; FEW 8, 58 b)
- ◆2ov.intr. “devenir pauvre” (AdgarK XXXVIII 90; ThomKentF 1956; GlOxfH 147; BalJosChardK p225; ModvB2 1684, 4904; BrutusF; BrutContB 1101; CoutMerOl II, 98; LReisEnglF 133, 39 / 148, 6; NicBozCharV; EntreeT 10091; AliscmH 7050, Brüll 96, Gdf; MED 3, 89 b; FEW 8, 58 b)
fiches par lemme
●empovrissement m.
[TL 3,129,49; Gdf; Gdf 3, 70 a; AND; MED 3, 89 b; MED 3, 89 b; FEW 8, 58 b / 59 a.]
(empoverissement BlackBookT I p. 412)
- ◆“appauvrissement” (BlackBookT I p. 412, TL 3,129,49; Gdf; Gdf 3, 70 a; AND; MED 3, 89 b; MED 3, 89 b; FEW 8, 58 b / 59 a)
Cf. ANDEl empoverissement.
fiches par lemme
●poverte f.
[MED 7, 1174b; FEW 8, 59b.]
(pouverte CoincyII1...K 39, poverte (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 2315, 7911, 9777 etc., povérte Aiol1/2F 3924; EstFougK 939r)
- ◆“pauvreté” (Aiol1/2F 3924; EstFougK 939r; CoincyII1...K 39; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 2315, 7911, 9777 etc., MED 7, 1174b; FEW 8, 59b)
fiches par lemme
●povrail m.
[MED 7, 1174a; FEW 8, 58a.]
(poverail NicBozMorS 12)
- ◆“les gens pauvres” (NicBozMorS 12, MED 7, 1174a; FEW 8, 58a)
fiches par lemme
●povraille f.
[TL 7, 9-1680; Gdf 6, 361a; Gdf; AND 544b; AND 545a; AND 545a; MED 7, 1174a; MED 7, 1174a; DCCarp 315a; FEW 8, 58a.]
(poveralie BibleHolkP 49, 26, poverayle NicBozEmpV 89, povraille SClemW 14827; CoincyII20/21H 254; RègleSBenDouceD 53, 37; DialGregEvrS 996)
- ◆“ensemble de gens pauvres” (SClemW 14827; CoincyII20/21H 254; RègleSBenDouceD 53, 37; NicBozEmpV 89; BibleHolkP 49, 26; DialGregEvrS 996, TL 7, 9-1680; Gdf 6, 361a; Gdf; AND 544b; AND 545a; AND 545a; MED 7, 1174a; MED 7, 1174a; DCCarp 315a; FEW 8, 58a)
fiches par lemme
●povrece f.
[TL 7, 9-1684; Gdf 6, 361b; AND 541b; AND 545a; FEW 8, 58a. – ParéRose 99-103.]
(Poresse RomRomT, povrece BenDucF 16938; BenDucM I, 590, 1476; EscoufleM 306b, 6174; EscoufleS 6174; ChevBarAnS 782; CoincyI1...L; MorPhilP 2322, 3157; GuillMarM 2250; CoincyII1...K 60 var; CoincyII1...K 487; JoufrF 3568; CassidP; SThibAlH II, 112; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest, povresce AimonFlH 4005, 4124; CoincyI11V 765; CoincyII9Kr 2588, 2876, 2936, 3357; ParDuchP *353; JDupinMelL 1562; [GaceBuigneB 9278], provece CassidP 356)
- ◆“pauvreté” (BenDucF 16938; BenDucM I, 590, 1476; AimonFlH 4005, 4124; RomRomT; EscoufleM 306b, 6174; EscoufleS 6174; ChevBarAnS 782; CoincyI1...L; CoincyI11V 765; MorPhilP 2322, 3157; GuillMarM 2250; CoincyII1...K 60 var; CoincyII1...K 487; CoincyII9Kr 2588, 2876, 2936, 3357; ParDuchP *353; JoufrF 3568; CassidP 356; CassidP; SThibAlH II, 112; JDupinMelL 1562; [GaceBuigneB 9278]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest, ParéRose 99-103, TL 7, 9-1684; Gdf 6, 361b; AND 541b; AND 545a; FEW 8, 58a)
fiches par lemme
●povrelle f.
[RLiR 58, 149; 7607.]
- ◆“pauvrette” (RLiR 58, 149; 7607)
fiches par lemme
●povrement adv.
[TL 7, 9-1683; Gdf 6, 361b; GdfC 397b; AND 541b; AND 544b; TLF 12,1214a; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh. – BJRyL; ContPerc T 4321; KellerWace 200b; R 65,497; R 92, 43, 233, 238; ZrP 77, 235.]
(poevrement ApocGiffR 3424, porement SMarieEgoD N 217, porvrement GuiotProvinsO 2089, pouvremant [MistSGenisM], pouvrement SJeanEvW 487, poveramant BertaMilC 229, 425, Poverament Rolv41/2G, poverement BueveAgnS 245, 3763, povremant Saisna/lB 1082; TournAntW 2101, O-137, povrement BenTroieC; HornP 4934; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 353; SGillesP 3309; RègleHospCamS 1407; AimonFlH 4092, 4732; BibleGuiotW; SEdmPassG 1489; Bueve1S 794; Bueve3S 4100; CoincyChristO 681; RenMontArdT R 299; ChansArtB XIV, 78; TristPrB 46/51; TristPrL 150, 29 etc.; TristPrMé 57, 32; TristPrS; FolLancB; MerlinsR 65, 23; TroisAvG 19, 83; VMortAnW 93, 6; 115, 9; AdHalePartN XV, 17; SidracH 46; SThibAlH II, 165; NicBozElisK 229; BastC 2753; ChevPapH 84, 24; LionBourgAlK 23 388; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 32]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 123, 1; 393, 17; 580, 37; NoomenFabl t 9, 354a; NoomenFabl t. 8, 428; NoomenFabl II, 9/83; NoomenFabl III, 18/23, Povrement VillehW)
- ◆“pauvrement, faiblement” (BenTroieC; HornP 4934; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 353; SGillesP 3309; RègleHospCamS 1407; AimonFlH 4092, 4732; Saisna/lB 1082; GuiotProvinsO 2089; VillehW; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 245, 3763; SEdmPassG 1489; Bueve1S 794; Bueve3S 4100; CoincyChristO 681; RenMontArdT R 299; SJeanEvW 487; ChansArtB XIV, 78; TristPrB 46/51; TristPrL 150, 29 etc.; TristPrMé 57, 32; TristPrS; TournAntW 2101, O-137; FolLancB; MerlinsR 65, 23; SMarieEgoD N 217; TroisAvG 19, 83; VMortAnW 93, 6; 115, 9; AdHalePartN XV, 17; SidracH 46; ApocGiffR 3424; SThibAlH II, 165; Rolv41/2G; NicBozElisK 229; BertaMilC 229, 425; BastC 2753; ChevPapH 84, 24; LionBourgAlK 23 388; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 32; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 123, 1; 393, 17; 580, 37; NoomenFabl t 9, 354a; NoomenFabl t. 8, 428; NoomenFabl II, 9/83; NoomenFabl III, 18/23, BJRyL; ContPerc T 4321; KellerWace 200b; R 65,497; R 92, 43, 233, 238; ZrP 77, 235, TL 7, 9-1683; Gdf 6, 361b; GdfC 397b; AND 541b; AND 544b; TLF 12,1214a; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh)
fiches par lemme
●povreson f.
(poureson BenDucM III, p. 451, v. 34824)
- ◆“pauvreté” (BenDucM III, p. 451, v. 34824)
fiches par lemme
●povret adj.
[TL 7, 9- 1685; GdfC 397c; TLF 12,1214b; FEW 8,57b; FEW 8, 57b.]
(pauvret (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 96,163, povret SThibAlH II, 87, 165; SThibAlM 87, povrete JErartN III, 30; GirRossAlH 2329; [AalmaR 3543])
- ◆“un peu pauvre” (JErartN III, 30; SThibAlH II, 87, 165; SThibAlM 87; GirRossAlH 2329; [AalmaR 3543]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 96,163, TL 7, 9- 1685; GdfC 397c; TLF 12,1214b; FEW 8,57b; FEW 8, 57b)
fiches par lemme
●povri adj.
[Gdf 6, 360c; AND 545a. – HoltusEntree 96, 157, 171, 406.]
- ◆“appauvri” (HoltusEntree 96, 157, 171, 406, Gdf 6, 360c; AND 545a)
fiches par lemme
●povrier v.intr.
[RLiR 57, 317.]
(povrez DébCorpsArrL 83, 93, 214, 247)
- ◆“devenir pauvre” (DébCorpsArrL 83, 93, 214, 247, RLiR 57, 317)
fiches par lemme
●povril s.
[TraLiPhi 35/36, 368.]
- ◆loc. verb. avoir en povril “mépriser” (TraLiPhi 35/36, 368)
fiches par lemme
●povrin adj.
[TL 7, 9-1678; Gdf 6, 360c; AND 545a; FEW 8, 57b. – R 97, 563; Rbph.]
(poverin AlexisP 180; EdConfVatS; RoisC; EnfGodM 2525 var.; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 9, 100; BartschHorning 349, 1; 13, poverins AlexisS1 100, 253; JuiseR; AlexissH 393, povrin CommPsia1G XLIX, 209, povrins SEdmPassG 190)
- ◆“pauvre” (AlexisP 180; AlexisS1 100, 253; JuiseR; CommPsia1G XLIX, 209; EdConfVatS; AlexissH 393; RoisC; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 349, 1; 13; BartschChrest 9, 100, R 97, 563; Rbph, AND 545a; Gdf 6, 360c; TL 7, 9-1678)
- ◆m. “personne pauvre” (EnfGodM 2525 var.; SEdmPassG 190, FEW 8, 57b)
fiches par lemme
●povrine f.
[FSt 33 (1), 66.]
(provigne CantLandP 3012)
- ◆“femme pauvre” (CantLandP 3012, FSt 33 (1), 66)
fiches par lemme
[MED 7, 1181a.]
(poverir ModvB2 4764, povri EntreeT 13927, povrie SottChansOxfL V, 31)
- ◆“rendre pauvre?” (ModvB2 4764; SottChansOxfL V, 31; EntreeT 13927, MED 7, 1181a)
fiches par lemme
●povros adj.
[AND 545a.]
(Povourous RègleSBenNicH, povruse AlNeckUtensH 251)
- ◆“pauvre” (AlNeckUtensH 251; RègleSBenNicH, AND 545a)
fiches par lemme
●apovriier v.
[TL 1,466,4; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 352b; Gdf; MED 1, 318A; TLF; FEW 8, 58b; FEW; FEW 8, 58b. – RLiR 57, 312.]
(apovrïé CharroicL, apovrier CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 41; SJulPrS 561, apovriër CharroiM 488, apovrïer HuonSQuentL 1908, APOVRÏER RenMontdT, apovriez CharroiPo t. II, 23, apovriier RenclCarH; JeuxPartL, apovroié TristPrB 173/6; ContGuillTyrRothA 616, apovroier NarbS 255; RoselLec 10074; JoinvW1 488c; JoinvW2 735; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn V, 216; NoomenFabl t.7 418; ReidFabl, APOVROIER LMestL, apovroiier MerlinsR 143, 21)
- ◆“rendre pauvre; devenir pauvre” (CharroiM 488; CharroiPo t. II, 23; RenMontdT; NarbS 255; CoincyI18/19/20/37/38/39/40/43Kr 41; RenclCarH; RoselLec 10074; TristPrB 173/6; SJulPrS 561; MerlinsR 143, 21; JeuxPartL; ContGuillTyrRothA 616; HuonSQuentL 1908; LMestL; CharroicL; JoinvW1 488c; JoinvW2 735; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn V, 216; NoomenFabl t.7 418; ReidFabl, RLiR 57, 312, TL 1,466,4; TL; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 1, 352b; Gdf; MED 1, 318A; TLF; FEW 8, 58b; FEW; FEW 8, 58b)
fiches par lemme
●apovrir v.
[TL 1,466,19; TL; GdfC 8, 153b; AND 32b; MED 1, 318A; DG 116a; DCCarp S. 40; TLF; FEW 8, 58a/b; FEW 8, 58b; AdHaleLexM; Foerster; GlSuisse 1, 518b; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – KellerWace 200b; Morlet 182; TraLiPhi 31, 216.]
(apourir GuerreMetzB 185d, apouris MerlinPropheB, apouverir (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, apouvrir ChronSMichelB 3324, apovri BenTroieC; Aiol1/2F 5111; CligesM 1220; AimonFlH 1962, 1987,, 4032; AnsCartA 8334; RobHoY v. 2135, apovrie FolLancB, apovriee FolLancB, apovrir PhThBestWa; ProvSalSanI; CommPsia1G 215.2; BenDucF 10806, 25695, etc.; SThomGuernW1 2965; SGenB; FlorenceW 4718; Bueve2S 14165; MorPhilP 1742; GuillMarM 9119; MenReimsP 241; MenReimsW 241; HaginL 46b; AdHalePartN XIII 48, 63; GlDouaiE1 123; SoneG 8101, 9431; JoinvW1 460d; JoinvW2 683; GeoffrParChronD 854; RenContrR 16839; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 23, 219; 25, 259)
- ◆1o“rendre qn pauvre, le priver de ressources” (PhThBestWa; ProvSalSanI; CommPsia1G 215.2; BenTroieC; BenDucF 10806, 25695, etc.; SThomGuernW1 2965; CligesM 1220; FlorenceW 4718; Bueve2S 14165; MorPhilP 1742; FolLancB; FolLancB; MenReimsP 241; GlDouaiE1 123; MerlinPropheB; JoinvW1 460d; JoinvW2 683; GeoffrParChronD 854; RenContrR 16839; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, KellerWace 200b; Morlet 182, TL 1,466,19; AND 32b; DG 116a; DCCarp S. 40; TLF; FEW 8, 58a/b; FEW 8, 58b; AdHaleLexM; Foerster; GlSuisse 1, 518b; LevyTrés)
- ◆2o“devenir pauvre, plus pauvre” (ChronSMichelB 3324; Aiol1/2F 5111; AimonFlH 1962, 1987,, 4032; SGenB; GuillMarM 9119; AnsCartA 8334; MenReimsW 241; RobHoY v. 2135; HaginL 46b; AdHalePartN XIII 48, 63; SoneG 8101, 9431; GuerreMetzB 185d; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 23, 219; 25, 259, TraLiPhi 31, 216, TL; GdfC 8, 153b; MED 1, 318A; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●espovrir v.
[TL; TL 3,1248,41; Gdf 3,548b; AND; FEW; FEW 8,58a.]
(espauriren PassionA S.119 (v.398), espoveri ContGuillTyrRothA 598, espoveriz LReisEnglG 90,3, espovrir CommPsia1G 585.11)
- ◆“rendre pauvre” (PassionA S.119 (v.398); CommPsia1G 585.11; ContGuillTyrRothA 598; LReisEnglG 90,3, TL 3,1248,41; TL; Gdf 3,548b; AND; FEW; FEW 8,58a)
fiches par lemme
●espovroiier v.
[TL 3,1248,41; Gdf 3,548c; FEW 8,58a.]
- ◆“rendre pauvre” (TL 3,1248,41; Gdf 3,548c; FEW 8,58a)
fiches par lemme
●apovrissement m.
[TLF; DelbMat.]
- ◆“action de s'appauvrir; état qui en résulte” (TLF; DelbMat)
fiches par lemme
●depauperacion f.
[TL; AND; FEW 8, 59a.]
(depauperation [OresmePolM s. 246a])
- ◆“appauvrissement” ([OresmePolM s. 246a], TL; AND; FEW 8, 59a)
fiches par lemme
●depauperer v.
[TL; FEW 8, 59a.]
(depauperé [OresmePolM s. 264b], depauperés [OresmePolM s. 222 b; OresmePolM s. 247b], despaupperés [AmphYpL])
- ◆“appauvrir; s'appauvrir” ([AmphYpL; OresmePolM s. 264b; OresmePolM s. 222 b; OresmePolM s. 247b], TL; FEW 8, 59a)
fiches par lemme
●apovriement m.
[Gdf; Gdf 1, 352b; TLF; FEW 8, 58b.]
- ◆“appauvrissement” (Gdf; Gdf 1, 352b; TLF; FEW 8, 58b)
fiches par lemme
●despovrier adj.
[TL; TL 2,1713,17; Gdf 2, 635b; FEW 8, 58a.]
(despovrier JeuxPartL)
- ◆“qui rend pauvre” (JeuxPartL, TL; TL 2,1713,17; Gdf 2, 635b; FEW 8, 58a)