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fiches par lemme
prince m.
[FEW 9,389b lt. PRINCEPS – TL 7,10-1860; TL; GdfC 10,418a; AND 554a; AND 554a; MED 7,1303a; MED 7,1303a; MED 7,1306b; DCCarp 317a; DCCarp 317a; DCCarp 317a; TLF 13,1200b; FEW 9,389b; FEW; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 150; DiStefLoc 729; Foerster; LexMA 5,936; LevyTrés; KlugeM20; LevyTrés. – ActesHiroshimaVoc 128; ActesHiroshimaVoc 128; Chénon 1, 679n.1; ContPerc T 2038etc.; KahaneByz III a 2 ε; Katara 297; KellerWace 239a; LevyHagin 14d21, 71a24; Messelaar 44,181; MessnerBers 194,205; Morlet 271; NobelAng 311,312; OrelliBibel; PachnioTaille 11; Pope 86,451; R 75,548; 88,106.554; R 82,210; RF 25,393; RLaR 197,430; RoPh 48,304; RoiFloreJ0 CIX; Trénel 347; Trénel 347; Ziltener 7204,7205,7206; [sigle].]
(price AspremwB 2556, prince PassionA 33; GysselingDocAnc p. 209 Z. 10; GrantMalS2 28e,86a; CharroiPo t. II 155; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 392,3235; MarieGuigW2 Eq. 145,164,M.20; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; HornP 2278; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 1631,9836; AlexissH 974; EstFougK 148; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 27,592; MarieFabW 46,65; 56,33; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 2964; AimonFlH 93.111.1061; GarLorrP II 210; TristThomB 718,736,1251; HermValS 4021; HermValS; VMortHélW 39,11; 12,4; GuiotProvinsO 88; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 684; ChevBarAnS 10; BestGuillR 482; FetRomF1 11,29; MortAymC 3703,3956; Bueve2S 1103,1209; Bueve3S 1036,1144,1283etc.; ChV0146 32; AucS10; BesantR 3027; CoutVerdun1M 54,8; 90,41; DocVosL *1,66; TournAntW 3446; DocHainR 44; 5; 9; GilChinP; JErartN XVII 42; ParDuchP *2451; ParDuchP p. 639.2451; EpJérN 2154,2876; 2171; HArciPèresO 1321,5691; HuonR 1687,2635,4659; RésSauvcJ; MirNDChartrK XXIX 96; CoutNormT p126; chCOr147 3; chCOr158A 1; chCOr158B 1; chCOr158c 4; chCOr168 3; CensHerchiesM v.p.294b; chCOr184 5; chCOr196 3; chCOr199 7; chCOr199 13; chCOr199 14; chCOr207 3; SecrSecrAbernB; SecrSecrAbernB; chCOr217 3; chSL 005 34; HaginL 14d, 26b, 34c, 39b; CharroicL; ManVilF 1. 5,36; YsEudeR 549; R 1279 10 26 01 2; R 1280 06 28 01 2; R 1281 02 28 01 2; BibleMalkS 3040; JMeunVégL; JMeunVégR 27; JMeunVégR 21; SidracH 147; AttilaPrB; JPrioratR; JPrioratR 1494; JPrioratR 2695,2704; JPrioratR 2552,2555; chN 004 9; Appendice 2 : EM 1291 06 09 01 4; Taille1296M 94; R 1296 01 06 02 56; R 1296 01 06 03 56; R 1298 02 25 01 10; R 1298 02 25 02 10; R 1298 06 26 01 10; R 1298 10 32 02 54; VR 1298 02 25 01 10; R 1299 08 03 01 4; R 1300 10 25 01 7; RC 1300 11 32 01 6; chCOr166a 3; chSL 058 6; Taille1313M 24c; CptRoyM 7279; chSL 064 3; GeoffrParChronD 1308,3563,795etc.; chSL 071 22; chN 016 6; chSL 077 6; chSL 087 4; MirNDPers1-40P III p. 131,56; III p. 133,56; ChevPapH 21,29; [OresmeSphèreMy 37a; JPreisMyrG; GlLilleS 120b; LégDorVignBatallD 925]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 14,12; 21,53; 37,232; 70,69; BartschHorning 54,3; 183,14; 597,5; ProvM 2460, Prince PurgSPatrBerM, PRINCE GuillPalMo; LMestL, prince, gentils p. AnsMetzS1 418,4 var., prince, le p. de tenebres VisTondpF p37, princeautté [GrebanP 34167], princes CharroiPo t. II 155; CommPsia1G 20.2; FloovA 1694; BestPierre1M S. 150; HValL 600*; AucR3 XXXVI 3; MorPhilP 5139,5128; ChansArtB X 52; DocHainR 44;3; EspVerlinden 225; MenReimsP 2,109,165; MenReimsW; chCOr160 4; chCOr160bis 4; chCOr185 3; GlDouaiE1 133; DrouartB 979,2020,2025,2996; R 1296 06 30 01 8; R 1296 06 30 02 8; R 1296 06 30 03 8; R 1296 06 30 05 8; R 1296 06 30 07 15; R 1296 06 30 08 15; R 1296 06 30 11 15; RV 1296 06 30 01a 8; RV 1296 06 30 01b 8; RV 1296 06 30 07a 15; RV 1296 06 30 07b 15; R 1297 09 17 01 16; JoinvW1 348b,350a,460d;38c; BertaMilC 2; BibleHolkP 53,1etc.; JMoteVoieP 3760; docJuBe184 12; docJuBe220 6; docJuBe235 6; [AalmaR 2499], Princes VillehW; SermMaurpB, prinche PassionA 33; BodelNicH 347; Bueve1S 888,1461,6572; RenclCarH; BrendanPr1W; JobB 238...; RenContrR 3931; [GlLilleS 119a], prinches BrendanPr1W; AdHaleFeuillL 73,759; 405,407, princis EntreeT 9197, prinpce BalJosPr1M 125,23, prinze LapidffS 413(corr.))
- ◆1o“celui qui possède une souveraineté ou qui est d'une maison souveraine” (PassionA 33; PassionA 33; GysselingDocAnc p. 209 Z. 10; LapidffS 413(corr.); GrantMalS2 28e,86a; CharroiPo t. II 155; CharroiPo t. II 155; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 392,3235; CommPsia1G 20.2; MarieGuigW2 Eq. 145,164,M.20; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; HornP 2278; BenDucF; Aiol1/2F 1631,9836; AlexissH 974; EstFougK 148; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 27,592; MarieFabW 46,65; 56,33; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 2964; AimonFlH 93.111.1061; GarLorrP II 210; TristThomB 718,736,1251; FloovA 1694; HermValS 4021; HermValS; BodelNicH 347; VMortHélW 39,11; 12,4; BestPierre1M S. 150; GuiotProvinsO 88; HValL 600*; VillehW; BibleGuiotW; BueveAgnS 684; ChevBarAnS 10; GuillPalMo; BestGuillR 482; FetRomF1 11,29; MortAymC 3703,3956; AnsMetzS1 418,4 var.; BalJosPr1M 125,23; Bueve1S 888,1461,6572; Bueve2S 1103,1209; Bueve3S 1036,1144,1283etc.; AucR3 XXXVI 3; AucS10; MorPhilP 5139,5128; RenclCarH; BesantR 3027; ChansArtB X 52; CoutVerdun1M 54,8; 90,41; DocVosL *1,66; TournAntW 3446; DocHainR 44;3; DocHainR 44; 5; 9; GilChinP; JErartN XVII 42; ParDuchP *2451; ParDuchP p. 639.2451; PurgSPatrBerM; EpJérN 2154,2876; 2171; EspVerlinden 225; HArciPèresO 1321,5691; HuonR 1687,2635,4659; RésSauvcJ; SermMaurpB; MenReimsP 2,109,165; MenReimsW; MirNDChartrK XXIX 96; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; CoutNormT p126; CensHerchiesM v.p.294b; LMestL; AspremwB 2556; SecrSecrAbernB; SecrSecrAbernB; HaginL 14d, 26b, 34c, 39b; CharroicL; ManVilF 1. 5,36; VisTondpF p37; YsEudeR 549; AdHaleFeuillL 73,759; 405,407; BibleMalkS 3040; JMeunVégL; JMeunVégR 27; JMeunVégR 21; SidracH 147; GlDouaiE1 133; AttilaPrB; DrouartB 979,2020,2025,2996; JPrioratR; JPrioratR 1494; JPrioratR 2695,2704; JPrioratR 2552,2555; JobB 238...; Taille1296M 94; JoinvW1 348b,350a,460d;38c; BertaMilC 2; Taille1313M 24c; CptRoyM 7279; GeoffrParChronD 1308,3563,795etc.; BibleHolkP 53,1etc.; EntreeT 9197; MirNDPers1-40P III p. 131,56; III p. 133,56; JMoteVoieP 3760; RenContrR 3931; ChevPapH 21,29; [OresmeSphèreMy 37a; AalmaR 2499; JPreisMyrG; GlLilleS 119a; GlLilleS 120b; GrebanP 34167; LégDorVignBatallD 925]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 14,12; 21,53; 37,232; 70,69; BartschHorning 54,3; 183,14; 597,5; ProvM 2460, ActesHiroshimaVoc 128; ActesHiroshimaVoc 128; Chénon 1, 679n.1; ContPerc T 2038etc.; KahaneByz III a 2 ε; Katara 297; KellerWace 239a; LevyHagin 14d21, 71a24; Messelaar 44,181; MessnerBers 194,205; Morlet 271; NobelAng 311,312; OrelliBibel; PachnioTaille 11; Pope 86,451; R 75,548; 88,106.554; R 82,210; RF 25,393; RLaR 197,430; RoPh 48,304; RoiFloreJ0 CIX; Trénel 347; Trénel 347; Ziltener 7204,7205,7206; [sigle], TL 7,10-1860; TL; GdfC 10,418a; AND 554a; AND 554a; MED 7,1303a; MED 7,1303a; MED 7,1306b; DCCarp 317a; DCCarp 317a; DCCarp 317a; TLF 13,1200b; FEW 9,389b; FEW; AdHaleLexM; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 150; DiStefLoc 729; Foerster; LexMA 5,936; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; KlugeM20)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChV0146 32; chCOr147 3; chCOr158A 1; chCOr158B 1; chCOr160 4; chCOr160bis 4; chCOr158c 4; chCOr168 3; chCOr184 5; chCOr185 3; chCOr196 3; chCOr199 7; chCOr199 13; chCOr199 14; chCOr207 3; chCOr217 3; chSL 005 34; R 1279 10 26 01 2; R 1280 06 28 01 2; R 1281 02 28 01 2; chN 004 9; Appendice 2 : EM 1291 06 09 01 4; R 1296 01 06 02 56; R 1296 01 06 03 56; R 1296 06 30 01 8; RV 1296 06 30 01a 8; RV 1296 06 30 01b 8; R 1296 06 30 02 8; R 1296 06 30 03 8; R 1296 06 30 05 8; R 1296 06 30 07 15; RV 1296 06 30 07a 15; RV 1296 06 30 07b 15; R 1296 06 30 08 15; R 1296 06 30 11 15; R 1297 09 17 01 16; R 1298 02 25 01 10; R 1298 02 25 02 10; VR 1298 02 25 01 10; R 1298 06 26 01 10; R 1298 10 32 02 54; R 1299 08 03 01 4; R 1300 10 25 01 7; RC 1300 11 32 01 6; chCOr166a 3; chSL 058 6; chSL 064 3; chSL 071 22; chN 016 6; chSL 077 6; chSL 087 4; docJuBe184 12; docJuBe220 6; docJuBe235 6)
Cf. ANDEl prince; DMF prince1.
fiches par lemme
●princeté f.
[Gdf 6,409b; AND 554a; DCCarp 317a; FEW 9,390b.]
(princeté ProvSalSanI, Princeté PèresPrI5/7S)
- ◆“terre d’un prince” (ProvSalSanI; PèresPrI5/7S, Gdf 6,409b; AND 554a; DCCarp 317a; FEW 9,390b)
fiches par lemme
●princenesse f.
(princenesse CensHerchiesM)
- ◆“fille ou femme d’un prince” (CensHerchiesM)
fiches par lemme
●princepee f.
[FEW 9,392b.]
- ◆“terre d'une principauté” (FEW 9,392b)
fiches par lemme
●princeps m.
[TL; Gdf 6,409b; FEW 9,389a. – [sigle].]
(princeps BalJosPr1M 94,26; SimCrespyW; CPont; YsEudeR 370; GilMuisK 345a, I315,21, Princeps Rolv41/2G)
- ◆“prince” (BalJosPr1M 94,26; SimCrespyW; CPont; YsEudeR 370; Rolv41/2G; GilMuisK 345a, I315,21, [sigle], TL; Gdf 6,409b; FEW 9,389a)
fiches par lemme
●princesse f.
[TL 7,10-1863; AND 554a; TLF 13,1202a; FEW 9,390a. – Katara 297; Katara; NobelAng 313.]
(princesse BenDucF 431; Taille1313M 15d; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 90a,2, princesses GeoffrParChronD 7007, prinssase DocHMarneG *6,32)
- ◆“fille ou femme de prince” (BenDucF 431; DocHMarneG *6,32; Taille1313M 15d; GeoffrParChronD 7007; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 90a,2, Katara 297; Katara; NobelAng 313, AND 554a; TL 7,10-1863; TLF 13,1202a; FEW 9,390a)
fiches par lemme
●princial adj.
[Chastell 150.]
(princiaux AnsMetznG 2883)
- ◆“qui se réfère à un prince” (Chastell 150)
- ◆loc. subst. herbes princiaux “?” (AnsMetznG 2883)
fiches par lemme
●principat m.
[TLF 13,1203b; FEW. – MélSéguy 1.78.]
(principate SBernCantG)
- ◆“principauté” (SBernCantG, MélSéguy 1.78, TLF 13,1203b; FEW)
fiches par lemme
●princois m.
(princois GéomSGenV; GéomSGenV 570)
- ◆“prince” (GéomSGenV; GéomSGenV 570)
fiches par lemme
●princé m.
[TL 7,10-1862; TL; TL 7,10-1863; TL; Gdf 6,409a; Gdf 6,409a; Gdf 6,409; AND 554a; DCCarp 317a; FEW 9,392b; FEW 9,390b; FEW 9,390b. – MedAev 26,46; NobelAng p. 314.]
(princé BenTroieC; GuillTyrP 316; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXIII 1112, princee SJérEp22N 1530, princeé EpJérN 3131; [DeschQ II 154; V 287etc.], princée ContGuillTyrA 72,313; EpJérN 3069, princés [AalmaR 2500], princey JDupinMelL 908; [OresmePolM S. 115b; OresmePolM], princez [AalmaR 2080; AalmaR 12535], princhée (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXXI 172, prinsés FevresS 325b-13)
- ◆“principauté” (BenTroieC; GuillTyrP 316; ContGuillTyrA 72,313; EpJérN 3069; EpJérN 3131; SJérEp22N 1530; FevresS 325b-13; JDupinMelL 908; [OresmePolM S. 115b; OresmePolM; AalmaR 2080; AalmaR 2500; AalmaR 12535; DeschQ II 154; V 287etc.]; (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXIII 1112; RecHist XXXI 172, MedAev 26,46; NobelAng p. 314, TL 7,10-1862; TL; TL 7,10-1863; TL; Gdf 6,409a; Gdf 6,409a; Gdf 6,409; AND 554a; DCCarp 317a; FEW 9,392b; FEW 9,390b; FEW 9,390b)
fiches par lemme
●princier1 v.
[FEW 9,382b.]
- ◆“avoir le pouvoir d'un prince” (FEW 9,382b)
fiches par lemme
●prinçoierie f.
[TL 7,10-1869; FEW 9,392b; LevyTrés.]
- ◆“domination, autorité” (TL 7,10-1869; FEW 9,392b; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●prinçoiier v.
[TL; TL 7,10-1869; FEW; FEW 9,392b; LevyTrés. – Blondh 95; Blondh 95; RLiR 27,263,N4.]
(prinçoient OvMorB 1, p. 97, 1668, prinçoier HaginL, prinçoyèr GlBâleB; GlBâleB)
- ◆“se faire prince” (GlBâleB; GlBâleB; HaginL; OvMorB 1, p. 97, 1668, Blondh 95; Blondh 95; RLiR 27,263,N4, TL; TL 7,10-1869; FEW; FEW 9,392b; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●princier2 m.
[FEW 9,380a lt. PRIMICĒRIUS – TL 7,10-1864; Gdf 6,409c; Gdf 6,409c; AND 554a; DCCarp 317a; DCCarp; FEW; FEW 9,380a; Chastell 150. – EtWbg 481; EtWbg 483; RF 25,392; RLiR 30; [sigle].]
(princer AlexParA IV 180; [AttilaS XII 567], prinçer OgDanAlC 2431, princher GalienD, princhier BenDucM II p. 517 en note, col.1; p. 563, en note, col. 1; AlexParA I var. 64,1424; RenclCarH; CharroicL; BelleHelR 885a, 1530,3320,5132,5807; [BaudSebB 121; BaudSebC p189], princier CharroiM 762; CharroiPo t. II 155; MonGuill1/2C 195,744; Aiol1/2F 9367; AlexParA II 1853; AlexParA II (β104) 23; FloovA 927; RCambrM; Saisna/lB 1084, 83°/80°; VengAlE p124; DoonRocheM 1190; NarbS 1058; AimeriD 1459,2853; Bueve1S 1636,8035=A.6177; Bueve2S 8928; DurmG; BanMetzW t. 8, 90b; BanMetzW 1241,67; BanMetzW t. 7,528; BanMetzW; chMo007 2; chMo007 17; chMo007 25; chMo007 28; chMo007 30; chMo007 39; chMo007 43; chMo007 44; chMo007 48; chMo007 53; chMo007 55; chMo007 63; chMo008 2; chMo008 17; chMo008 25; chMo008 28; chMo008 30; chMo008 39; chMo008 43; chMo008 44; chMo008 48; chMo008 53; chMo008 63; OrsonP 3037; chMo025 5; chMo087 3; ChMe045 3; CourLouiscLe; CristalB 4854,6504,6521,6611; ThebesR 2135; ChMe097 5; EnfRenC; BibleMalkS 2512; 10088; PassPalF 1314; GesteFrancorR 1221,1906ecc.; GalienD; LionBourgAlK 4797; TristNantS 20757,21517; [BrunMontM 1416,2660; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1461; GrebanP 8995etc.]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 327,12, PRINCIER RenMontdT; GuillPalMo, princiers PoèmeMorB 121; DurmS 305; BanMetzW t. 7, 528; chMo007 8; chMo007 17; chMo007 29; chMo007 34; chMo007 55; chMo007 64; chMo007 11; chMo007 12; chMo007 13; chMo007 15; chMo007 16; chMo007 20; chMo007 39; chMo007 40; chMo007 50; chMo007 56; chMo008 8; chMo008 11; chMo008 12; chMo008 13; chMo008 15; chMo008 16; chMo008 17; chMo008 20; chMo008 29; chMo008 34; chMo008 39; chMo008 40; chMo008 50; chMo008 56; chMo008 64; chMo007 24; chMo025 1; chMo025 6; chMo025 8; ChMM014 19; ChMe021 6; ClercVaudR D264; MirNDChartrK; BibleMalkS 9493; GeoffrParChronD 3410)
- ◆1o“prince” (CharroiM 762; CharroiPo t. II 155; MonGuill1/2C 195,744; BenDucM II p. 517 en note, col.1; p. 563, en note, col. 1; Aiol1/2F 9367; AlexParA IV 180; AlexParA I var. 64,1424; AlexParA II 1853; AlexParA II (β104) 23; FloovA 927; RCambrM; Saisna/lB 1084, 83°/80°; VengAlE p124; RenMontdT; PoèmeMorB 121; DoonRocheM 1190; GuillPalMo; NarbS 1058; AimeriD 1459,2853; Bueve1S 1636,8035=A.6177; Bueve2S 8928; DurmG; DurmS 305; BanMetzW t. 8, 90b; BanMetzW 1241,67; BanMetzW t. 7,528; BanMetzW; BanMetzW t. 7, 528; OrsonP 3037; RenclCarH; ClercVaudR D264; CourLouiscLe; CristalB 4854,6504,6521,6611; ThebesR 2135; MirNDChartrK; CharroicL; EnfRenC; BibleMalkS 2512; 10088; BibleMalkS 9493; PassPalF 1314; GesteFrancorR 1221,1906ecc.; OgDanAlC 2431; GeoffrParChronD 3410; BelleHelR 885a, 1530,3320,5132,5807; GalienD; GalienD; LionBourgAlK 4797; TristNantS 20757,21517; [BaudSebB 121; BaudSebC p189; AttilaS XII 567; BrunMontM 1416,2660; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 1461; GrebanP 8995etc.]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 327,12, EtWbg 481; EtWbg 483; RF 25,392; RLiR 30; [sigle], TL 7,10-1864; Gdf 6,409c; Gdf 6,409c; AND 554a; DCCarp 317a; DCCarp; FEW; FEW 9,380a; Chastell 150)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo007 24; chMo007 2; chMo007 8; chMo007 17; chMo007 17; chMo007 25; chMo007 28; chMo007 29; chMo007 30; chMo007 34; chMo007 39; chMo007 43; chMo007 44; chMo007 48; chMo007 53; chMo007 55; chMo007 55; chMo007 63; chMo007 64; chMo008 2; chMo008 8; chMo008 11; chMo008 12; chMo008 13; chMo008 15; chMo008 16; chMo008 17; chMo008 17; chMo008 20; chMo008 25; chMo008 28; chMo008 29; chMo008 30; chMo008 34; chMo008 39; chMo008 39; chMo008 40; chMo008 43; chMo008 44; chMo008 48; chMo008 50; chMo008 53; chMo008 56; chMo008 63; chMo008 64; chMo007 11; chMo007 12; chMo007 13; chMo007 15; chMo007 16; chMo007 20; chMo007 39; chMo007 40; chMo007 50; chMo007 56; chMo025 1; chMo025 5; chMo025 6; chMo025 8; ChMM014 19; ChMe021 6; chMo087 3; ChMe045 3; ChMe097 5)
fiches par lemme
●aprinçoiier v.
[FEW 9,392-b; LevyTrés. – Blondh p.95; RLiR 27,263,N4.]
- ◆“faire prince” (Blondh p.95; RLiR 27,263,N4, FEW 9,392-b; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●prinçoiement m.
[TL 7,10-1869; Gdf 6,411b; FEW 9,392b; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – LevyHagin 47c5,51d.]
(prinçoiement HaginL 47c, 49d, 51d, 52a, 55c, 56b, 61a)
- ◆“principauté” (TL 7,10-1869; LevyTrés; Gdf 6,411b)
- ◆t. d’astronomie “situation d'une planète de laquelle son influence est augmenté” (HaginL 47c, 49d, 51d, 52a, 55c, 56b, 61a, LevyHagin 47c5,51d, FEW 9,392b; LevyTrés)