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[FEW 9,441a lt. PROMITTERE.TL 7, 1969; TL 7, 1969; TL 7, 1969; Gdf 6, 432a; GdfC 10, 430c; AND 547a; AND 559b; AND 559b; AND 545a; MED Bd 7, 1383b; TLF Bd 13, 1309a; FEW; FEW; FEW 9, 441a; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 733; Foerster; LevyTrés. – BEC 16, 1855, p 145, z 9; BTDial 53, 96; ContPerc T8613; DiekampSyn § 44; Hassell C 240 + P 284, 285; KellerWace 98b; Morlet 73; NobelAng p 19; Pope 582; R 90, p. 52, 58; RoR 80(1989) p.340; SandqvistBen 22; SchulzeBusProv 230, 1726; WoledgeSynt § 54, 55.⁠]
(pormettre GuillMarM 14498, pormise HuonAuvBrB, pourmetre Bueve3S; CoincyChristO; GodinM, pourmettre AlexissH 744, prameitre EvEnfB 925, 1714; EvEnfB2, pramet NarcisusT 6; BenTroieC; RègleHospCamS; CantLandP 2203 etc.; BesantR 2717; YsEudeR; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 354a; RecHist 89, prametant AlexParA 2 (B39) 29, prameteies AdgarK XXVI, 812, prametés HuonR 4449, prametre RolB 449; BrendanW s.203; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 139, 5023; ThebesC; BenTroieC; HornP; BenDucF; FlorebK 33; TristThomB 1792, 3134; TristThomW D.700, Sn^2 829, D.9, 1477; GaceBruléD XIX,40; L,27; SGenB 879, 2864, 3553, 246, 338, 2631; AmbroiseP 10267; 10260; 5610; ChGuillI; ChGuillM 292, 587, 595, 598; FillePonth1B2 p59; BlancandS 1481, 3691; Bueve2S; CoincyChristO 1901, 3753; RenclCarH; SGraalIVEstP; SJeanEvW 786; GuillMarM; CoincyII10N 542, 1081; ViolB 1857, 2474, 4308, 4382; ArtusS 64,27; 114,5; JErartN XX38; I44; XIX 18; MerlinsR 347, 18; BeaumS Man.564, 5165; BeaumS 1299; BestAmOctT 1946, 3605; RègleSBenDouceD 2, 194 etc.; CoutNormT p125; ClefD; GeoffrParChronD 700,2294; 6180, etc; DialGregEvrS p.996; SGregJeanS; AcartH 912, 960, 1175, 1325, 1339, 1415; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest; NoomenFabl 428; NoomenFabl 444; NoomenFabl 6/185, 12/312; NoomenFabl 28/160; NoomenFabl; PannierLapid E.672, 950; ProvM 2168; ReidFabl; SGreg 1097, Prametre EvNicAgnP, PRAMETRE GuillPalMo; SCathCarlM, pramettre EdConfVatS; SThomGuernW1 911, 849, 983, 827, 987, 2164; AdamA p.p.757; AdamSt 757; ProtH; CoucyChansL v, 15; SimFreineGeorgM; MarieEspP; BestGuillR 124; AngDialGregP 1212, 1214; AngDialGregO2 1001, 6121, 13596 etc.; ModvB2; ContGuillTyrcG 23; HArciPèresO; SBath1B; TombChartr1/2/3S; (sigles à datations multiples:) RivièrePast, pramidrent (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXII, 965, pramis GrantMalS2 50d, 100f; CharroiPo t.II, 153; AdamG3 761; MarieFabB; VMortHélW 4,5; 48,6; ChardryDormM 699; ChGuillSd; CoincyI1...K 80var; ChansSienaS; CristalB 1295, 2589; RobHoY v 217; v 220; RutebTheophF 143, pramisent (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist XXI, 179, pramist PhThCompS 975; AlexParA 2(B129) 41; ChastVergiS; JSQuentO, pramsitrent GuillTyrP 39, preméis BalJosPr1M 120, 36, premeitre EstFougK 268r, 869r, premest BalJosPr1M 67, 12, premestre PBeauvGerJ, premet MarieFabB; chMe176 7; SecrSecrAbernB, premethe EdConfVatS, premetre MarieGuigW2; BenDucF; MarieFabW2; CoincyI11V 821; GuillMarM; CoincyII9Kr 1368, 1364; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl III 15a/ 563, premettre SimFreineGeorgM; ProprChosSq; SEvroulS, premez BalJosPr1M 34, 34, premis RègleHospCamS; MonRaincB 3605; Bueve3S; BibleEntS 2820; PoireM; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t7, 444, premise BalJosPr1M 122, 54, premist RotParl4R 163, premistes MirourEdmaW, premistrent CommPsia1G I, p 1; CommPsia1G, promas chMe004 4; chMe004 5, promatre JPrioratR 4804, promech [ChevCygneBruxM; GodBouillBruxR], Promech CartHain, promectre [AalmaR 9780; FierPrM], promesdrent PassionA S 29, 89, 101 (v85), promesistes GautLeuL2 III 484, Promesistes GautLeuL2, promestre RenR 13142; Bueve1S; DrouartB 2244, 2721, etc, promet PassionA S 113 (v 299); TournAntW 1653; RutebF AE 224; chMe195 48; chMe229 6; OvArtPrR; [MistSGenisM], prometi HuonAuvbS6 8866, prometons chMe024 4; chMe174 7, prometra R 1299 08 03 01 44; R 1299 08 03 01 68; R 1299 08 03 01 72; R 1299 08 03 01 102, prometre BrendanW S 204; LapidapS 99; WaceConcA 59, 1308, 1805; FloreaK 477; FloreaW 477; MarieGuigW2; PhilomB 427, 537, 56, 559, 687; CligesG; CligesM 3178; EructavitJ 1392; EructavitJ; MarieFabW; MarieFabW2; EdmK 1608; SGillesP 2359; RègleHospCamS; AimonFlH 4212, 12129; RenR VII-IX, 6674; RenR X-XI, 9806, 10323, 10479, etc; TristThomB; BodelNicH 162, 379; ChevEspJ M 425; GuiotProvinsO 1660, 1664, 1665, 1826; BibleGuiotW; FolTristBernH2 31; MortAymC 3397, 1119, 3781, 3928; BalJosCamA 7528; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; DurmS 5032; MoniotArrD XI, 13; OvArtElieK 301 (r), 489, 574 (r); OmbreB2 476, 346; CoincyI1...K 37 var; RenclCarH; TristPrQ app. II, 1 (p. 408/149, 420/18); Layettes 2, p 219, z 18; DocHMarneG p 3, z 30; DocHMarneG; DocVosL; ArtusS; GilChinP 3722; JErartN; MirourEdmaW 24.54, 24.57, 11.10, 11.12; ParDuchP p 639 (37); ContGuillTyrA 264; MenReimsP 36, 234, 326; MenReimsW; AnticlC 22, 540; MantouFlandr Y.K. III 496 (26); CoutStAmandM IV, 124; CharroicL; GlDouaiE1; AttilaPrB; SThibAlH II 274; R 1299 08 03 01 94; NicBozElisK Eliz 46; EntreeT 84; GuiNantvProlC 626; MirNDPers1-40P 21 338; 7 229, 381 etc; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 28, 102; 14, 3; 23, 189; 23, 159; BartschChrest 5, 183; 17, 108, 44, 30; BartschHorning 12, 34; 75, 2; ProvM 230, 1726, 2106, 2168; StimmingMot, Prometre PurgSPatrBerM; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, PROMETRE GuillPalMo; LMestL, prometront R 1299 08 03 01 53; R 1299 08 03 01 58; R 1299 08 03 01 78, promettens [AalmaR 9405], promettre PassionA S 113 (v 299); CourLouisL1; EneasS1; EdConfVatS; SimFreineGeorgM 929, 997; SimFreineGeorgM; AssJérRoiG; GautDargR XIV, 39; GlDouaiE1 125; ApocGiffR 344 etc; 346; 553 etc; JoinvW1 224d, 142c, 424a etc; OgDanAlC 944; DébCorpsArrL 170; ChevPapH 47, 28; 56, 20; 35, 15; [ChevCygneBruxM; AmphYpL2; AalmaR 9405; AalmaR 9415; JPreisMyrG 7304, 4457, 6593, 6637], Promettre VillehW, promis chMe004 3; CoincyII1...K 117 var; chMe024 4; chMe069 4; chMe148 7; chMe167 5; BrendanPr1W; chMe194 23; ChMe196 26; chMe197 4; chMe206 5; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 953, Promis BibleMacéS, promise RutebF K 38, promisent SBernCantG, promisistes BibleEntS 7647, promist AlexParA II, 1993; Pères10C 274, promistrent GeoffrParChronD, promit RegDijon1L, promiteroient ChSL 026 13, promitrent SGraalIIIJostO, prommis chMe183 6, promoit PéageDijonbM B 23r°, promot PéageDijonaM A 27v, proumetre TristPrLaisF 6, IV 2; 5 XIV 2; ContGuillTyrSalJ; GeoffrParChronD; JCondOisR, Proumetre VillehW, proumettre AdHalePartN 16, 46^; [FroissDitsth/...F 75h; FroissPrisF 3695], proumis ChansSienaS; BrendanPr1W; chMe211 7, purmettre HornP)
  • 1o“assurer, le plus souvent d’une façon verbale, de faire qch., assurer que qch. est ou a été vraie, et sim.” (PassionA S 113 (v 299); PassionA S 113 (v 299); PassionA S 29, 89, 101 (v85); RolB 449; BrendanW S 204; BrendanW s.203; LapidapS 99; PhThCompS 975; GrantMalS2 50d, 100f; WaceConcA 59, 1308, 1805; CharroiPo t.II, 153; CourLouisL1; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1; EneasS1 139, 5023; FloreaK 477; FloreaW 477; ThebesC; CommPsia1G I, p 1; CommPsia1G; MarieGuigW2; MarieGuigW2; NarcisusT 6; BenTroieC; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; EdConfVatS; EdConfVatS; HornP; HornP; PhilomB 427, 537, 56, 559, 687; BenDucF; BenDucF; SThomGuernW1 911, 849, 983, 827, 987, 2164; AdamA p.p.757; AdamG3 761; AdamSt 757; AlexissH 744; CligesG; CligesM 3178; EstFougK 268r, 869r; EructavitJ 1392; EructavitJ; MarieFabB; MarieFabB; MarieFabW; MarieFabW2; MarieFabW2; AdgarK XXVI, 812; EdmK 1608; FlorebK 33; SGillesP 2359; AlexParA 2(B129) 41; AlexParA 2 (B39) 29; AlexParA II, 1993; ProtH; RègleHospCamS; RègleHospCamS; RègleHospCamS; AimonFlH 4212, 12129; RenR 13142; RenR VII-IX, 6674; RenR X-XI, 9806, 10323, 10479, etc; SBernCantG; TristThomB; TristThomB 1792, 3134; TristThomW D.700, Sn^2 829, D.9, 1477; CoucyChansL v, 15; GaceBruléD XIX,40; L,27; MonRaincB 3605; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM 929, 997; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM; BodelNicH 162, 379; MarieEspP; VMortHélW 4,5; 48,6; CantLandP 2203 etc.; ChevEspJ M 425; GuiotProvinsO 1660, 1664, 1665, 1826; SGenB 879, 2864, 3553, 246, 338, 2631; AssJérRoiG; VillehW; VillehW; AmbroiseP 10267; 10260; 5610; BibleGuiotW; ChardryDormM 699; FolTristBernH2 31; GuillPalMo; GuillPalMo; PBeauvGerJ; SGraalIIIJostO; BestGuillR 124; AngDialGregO2 1001, 6121, 13596 etc.; AngDialGregP 1212, 1214; ChGuillI; ChGuillM 292, 587, 595, 598; ChGuillSd; FillePonth1B2 p59; MortAymC 3397, 1119, 3781, 3928; BalJosCamA 7528; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV; BalJosPr1M 67, 12; BalJosPr1M 34, 34; BalJosPr1M 122, 54; BalJosPr1M 120, 36; BlancandS 1481, 3691; Bueve1S; Bueve2S; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; DurmS 5032; GautDargR XIV, 39; GuillTyrP 39; MoniotArrD XI, 13; OvArtElieK 301 (r), 489, 574 (r); CoincyChristO 1901, 3753; CoincyChristO; OmbreB2 476, 346; CoincyI1...K 37 var; CoincyI1...K 80var; CoincyI11V 821; GodinM; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; SCathCarlM; SGraalIVEstP; SJeanEvW 786; GuillMarM; GuillMarM 14498; GuillMarM; BesantR 2717; CoincyII1...K 117 var; CoincyII10N 542, 1081; CoincyII9Kr 1368, 1364; ViolB 1857, 2474, 4308, 4382; ModvB2; TristPrLaisF 6, IV 2; 5 XIV 2; TristPrQ app. II, 1 (p. 408/149, 420/18); Layettes 2, p 219, z 18; DocHMarneG p 3, z 30; DocHMarneG; DocVosL; TournAntW 1653; ArtusS; ArtusS 64,27; 114,5; GilChinP 3722; JErartN; JErartN XX38; I44; XIX 18; MirourEdmaW; MirourEdmaW 24.54, 24.57, 11.10, 11.12; ParDuchP p 639 (37); PurgSPatrBerM; ChastVergiS; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 347, 18; BeaumS Man.564, 5165; BeaumS 1299; BestAmOctT 1946, 3605; BibleEntS 2820; BibleEntS 7647; ChansSienaS; ChansSienaS; ContGuillTyrA 264; ContGuillTyrcG 23; CristalB 1295, 2589; GautLeuL2; GautLeuL2 III 484; HArciPèresO; HuonR 4449; PoireM; Pères10C 274; RègleSBenDouceD 2, 194 etc.; MenReimsP 36, 234, 326; MenReimsW; RobHoY v 217; v 220; RutebTheophF 143; AnticlC 22, 540; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; CoutNormT p125; RutebF AE 224; RutebF K 38; MantouFlandr Y.K. III 496 (26); LMestL; SecrSecrAbernB; CoutStAmandM IV, 124; CartHain; CharroicL; EvEnfB 925, 1714; EvEnfB2; EvNicAgnP; SBath1B; YsEudeR; RotParl4R 163; AdHalePartN 16, 46^; ClefD; OvArtPrR; GlDouaiE1; GlDouaiE1 125; ApocGiffR 344 etc; 346; 553 etc; AttilaPrB; DrouartB 2244, 2721, etc; JPrioratR 4804; PéageDijonaM A 27v; SThibAlH II 274; BibleMacéS; SecrSecrPr7B p261; JoinvW1 224d, 142c, 424a etc; NicBozElisK Eliz 46; JSQuentO; OgDanAlC 944; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 700,2294; 6180, etc; JCondOisR; DébCorpsArrL 170; EntreeT 84; PéageDijonbM B 23r°; DialGregEvrS p.996; SGregJeanS; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvbS6 8866; AcartH 912, 960, 1175, 1325, 1339, 1415; TombChartr1/2/3S; GuiNantvProlC 626; ProprChosSq; MirNDPers1-40P 21 338; 7 229, 381 etc; RegDijon1L; ChevPapH 47, 28; 56, 20; 35, 15; SEvroulS; [ChevCygneBruxM; ChevCygneBruxM; GodBouillBruxR; FroissDitsth/...F 75h; AmphYpL2; FroissPrisF 3695; AalmaR 9405; AalmaR 9405; AalmaR 9415; AalmaR 9780; FierPrM; JPreisMyrG 7304, 4457, 6593, 6637; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 28, 102; 14, 3; 23, 189; 23, 159; BartschChrest 5, 183; 17, 108, 44, 30; BartschHorning 12, 34; 75, 2; ConstHamelR 953; HenryChrest; HenryŒn; NoomenFabl III 15a/ 563; NoomenFabl t7, 444; NoomenFabl 354a; NoomenFabl 428; NoomenFabl 444; NoomenFabl 6/185, 12/312; NoomenFabl 28/160; NoomenFabl; PannierLapid E.672, 950; ProvM 230, 1726, 2106, 2168; ProvM 2168; RecHist 89; RecHist XXII, 965; RecHist XXI, 179; ReidFabl; RivièrePast; SGreg 1097; StimmingMot, BEC 16, 1855, p 145, z 9; BTDial 53, 96; ContPerc T8613; DiekampSyn § 44; Hassell C 240 + P 284, 285; KellerWace 98b; Morlet 73; NobelAng p 19; Pope 582; R 90, p. 52, 58; RoR 80(1989) p.340; SandqvistBen 22; SchulzeBusProv 230, 1726; WoledgeSynt § 54, 55, TL 7, 1969; TL 7, 1969; TL 7, 1969; Gdf 6, 432a; GdfC 10, 430c; AND 545a; AND 547a; AND 559b; AND 559b; MED Bd 7, 1383b; TLF Bd 13, 1309a; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 9, 441a; FEW; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 733; Foerster; LevyTrés)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMe004 3; chMe004 4; chMe004 5; chMe024 4; chMe024 4; chMe069 4; chMe148 7; chMe167 5; chMe174 7; chMe176 7; chMe183 6; chMe194 23; chMe195 48; ChMe196 26; chMe197 4; chMe206 5; chMe211 7; chMe229 6; ChSL 026 13; R 1299 08 03 01 44; R 1299 08 03 01 53; R 1299 08 03 01 58; R 1299 08 03 01 68; R 1299 08 03 01 72; R 1299 08 03 01 78; R 1299 08 03 01 94; R 1299 08 03 01 102)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
promesse f.
[TL 7, 1966; TL 7, 1966; TL 7, 1966; GdfC 10, 430b; AND 547a; AND 547a; AND 547b; AND 559b; AND 545a; AND 570b; MED Bd 7, 1382a; TLF Bd 13, 1307b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 9, 442^a; FEW; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; DiStefLoc 732; Foerster; LevyTrés. – FSt 32, 438; Hassell P 283; KellerWace 98b; MA 69(1963)411; MénardRire 674; OrelliBibel; Pope 582; R 80, p 247-48; R 80, p 246; RLaR 100, 291; SammetSuff 45; SchelerJPreis.⁠]
(pramese GautLeuL2 X 282; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl 444, Pramese GautLeuL2, pramesse ProvSalSanI; EneasS1 158; CommPsia1G 171.1; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; BenDucF 5135, 8595, 30084; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 93,55; 7,20; 20,32; 50,28; FlorebK 31, 201; FlorebP 31, 201; CantLandP 2165, 2184; SGenB 877; AmbroiseP 3261; SJeanAumU 2201, 5146; BestGuillR 1792; BlancandS 1010; RenclCarH; GuillMarM 13454; BesantR 888; ViolB 3406, 6231, etc.; ModvB2 2381; ArtusS 97, 27; ChastVergiS; BestAmOctT 2583; RègleSBenDouceD 2,194; RobHoY 1319; ClefD 717, 723, 725, 732, 736; GeoffrParChronD 5210; DialGregEvrS p.996; AcartH 1343, 1459; (sigles à datations multiples:) IpKH, Pramesse EvNicAgnP, pramesses MarieEspP, premesse EdConfVatS; SThomBenS 995; PBeauvGerJ; CoincyII9Kr 3823; DocHMarneG; AspinChansPol; HArciPèresO 1166; ChHM223 21; SEvroulS; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl II, 9/ 222, premisse SClemW v 12425, premosse BalJosPr1M 96, 7, promaisse VengAlE p124, promasse JPrioratR 4789; docJuBe082 25, Promeismes SermMaurpB, promeisse chCOr200 22; R 1268 12 32 01 16, promes NicBozSAgatheK 59, promesce BibleMalkS 7145, promese RenR X-XI, 9363; RenR X-XI, 9436; RenR X-XI, 9342, 9416, 9421 etc; RenR X-XI, 9439; CorE, promesse EneasS1; FloreaK 1405; FloreaW 1405; PhilomB 1028; RenR VII-IX, 7433; SBernCantG; TristThomB 859; CorE p64; BalJosCamA 1877, 11295; Bueve2S 1199, 299; ChevBarBloisB; ChansArtB XVI, 101, XVII, 22; RoselLec 8221; GilChinP 4150; ChastVergiA 918; ChastVergiA; ChMM027bis 9; TroisAvG 222; RobHoY v 134; AnticlC 1719, 1895; chCOr138 5; VMortAnW 216, 9; chHM257 6; ApocGiffR 1856, 4055; JoinvW1 10 g; docJuBe182 6; ChevPapH 43, 23; 47, 22; [AalmaR 9780; CoutMerOlaZ]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 88, 118; 89d, 129; BartschHorning 416, 16; ConstHamelR 461; NoomenFabl t7, 445; NoomenFabl I, 1/ 125, 2/ 444; ProvM 228, 459; RomPast III 1/31; StimmingMot; WaceMargK 147, Promesse PèresPrI5/7S; PurgSPatrBerM, PROMESSE GuillPalMo, promesses ErecR 6472; TournAntW 1645; RP 1297 08 29 01 14; R 1299 08 03 01 105; R 1299 08 03 01 118)
  • 1o“assurance, souvent par parole, de faire qch., promesse, par méton., ce qui a été promis” (ProvSalSanI; EneasS1; EneasS1 158; FloreaK 1405; FloreaW 1405; CommPsia1G 171.1; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; EdConfVatS; PhilomB 1028; BenDucF 5135, 8595, 30084; MarieFabB; MarieFabW 93,55; 7,20; 20,32; 50,28; FlorebK 31, 201; FlorebP 31, 201; SThomBenS 995; RenR VII-IX, 7433; RenR X-XI, 9363; RenR X-XI, 9342, 9416, 9421 etc; SBernCantG; TristThomB 859; CorE p64; CorE; VengAlE p124; MarieEspP; CantLandP 2165, 2184; SGenB 877; AmbroiseP 3261; GuillPalMo; PBeauvGerJ; PèresPrI5/7S; SClemW v 12425; SJeanAumU 2201, 5146; BestGuillR 1792; BalJosCamA 1877, 11295; BalJosPr1M 96, 7; BlancandS 1010; Bueve2S 1199, 299; ChevBarBloisB; RenclCarH; GuillMarM 13454; BesantR 888; ChansArtB XVI, 101, XVII, 22; CoincyII9Kr 3823; ViolB 3406, 6231, etc.; ModvB2 2381; DocHMarneG; TournAntW 1645; ArtusS 97, 27; GilChinP 4150; PurgSPatrBerM; ChastVergiA 918; ChastVergiA; ChastVergiS; AspinChansPol; BestAmOctT 2583; GautLeuL2 X 282; GautLeuL2; HArciPèresO 1166; RègleSBenDouceD 2,194; SermMaurpB; TroisAvG 222; RobHoY v 134; RobHoY 1319; AnticlC 1719, 1895; VMortAnW 216, 9; EvNicAgnP; ClefD 717, 723, 725, 732, 736; BibleMalkS 7145; ApocGiffR 1856, 4055; JPrioratR 4789; JoinvW1 10 g; GeoffrParChronD 5210; NicBozSAgatheK 59; DialGregEvrS p.996; AcartH 1343, 1459; ChevPapH 43, 23; 47, 22; SEvroulS; [AalmaR 9780; CoutMerOlaZ]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 88, 118; 89d, 129; BartschHorning 416, 16; ConstHamelR 461; IpKH; NoomenFabl t7, 445; NoomenFabl II, 9/ 222; NoomenFabl I, 1/ 125, 2/ 444; NoomenFabl 444; ProvM 228, 459; RomPast III 1/31; StimmingMot; WaceMargK 147, FSt 32, 438; Hassell P 283; KellerWace 98b; MA 69(1963)411; MénardRire 674; OrelliBibel; Pope 582; R 80, p 247-48; R 80, p 246; RLaR 100, 291; SammetSuff 45; SchelerJPreis, TL 7, 1966; TL 7, 1966; TL 7, 1966; GdfC 10, 430b; AND 547a; AND 547a; AND 547b; AND 559b; AND 545a; AND 570b; MED Bd 7, 1382a; TLF Bd 13, 1307b; FEW; FEW; FEW; FEW 9, 442^a; FEW; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; DiStefLoc 732; Foerster; LevyTrés)
    • ⁠en justice rendre les promesses “procédure” (ErecR 6472; RenR X-XI, 9436; RenR X-XI, 9439; RoselLec 8221)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChMM027bis 9; chCOr138 5; ChHM223 21; chCOr200 22; R 1268 12 32 01 16; chHM257 6; RP 1297 08 29 01 14; R 1299 08 03 01 105; R 1299 08 03 01 118; docJuBe082 25; docJuBe182 6)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
prometacion f.
[TL 7, 1968.⁠]
(promettation [GaceBuigneB 10186P])
  • “assurance, souvent par parole, de faire qch., promesse, par méton., ce qui a été promis” ([GaceBuigneB 10186P], TL 7, 1968)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
prometage m.
[TL 7, 1968; Gdf 6, 432a; FEW 9, 441b.⁠]
  • “assurance, souvent par parole, de faire qch., promesse, par méton., ce qui a été promis” (TL 7, 1968; Gdf 6, 432a; FEW 9, 441b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
prometement m.
[TL 7, 1968; TL 7, 1968; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 432a; FEW 9, 441^b; FEW.⁠]
(prametement HornP 246n^2, 691, 833, 3902; BenDucF 6822, 4160, pramettement BenDucM I,p. 186, v.2994;p.244,v.4655, prometemant EnanchetF 63, 7)
  • “assurance, souvent par parole, de faire qch., promesse, par méton., ce qui a été promis” (HornP 246n^2, 691, 833, 3902; BenDucF 6822, 4160; BenDucM I,p. 186, v.2994;p.244,v.4655; EnanchetF 63, 7, TL 7, 1968; TL 7, 1968; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf 6, 432a; FEW 9, 441^b; FEW)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
prometeor m.
[TL 7, 1969; TL 7, 1969; GdfC 10, 430c; AND 559b; TLF Bd 13, 1308a; FEW 9, 442a; DiStefLoc 732; LevyTrés.⁠]
(prameteur (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 461, premeterres LancPrK 321.9, prometeor (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 461, Prometeor JostPletR, prometeour RenclCarH, prometere EntreeT 14895, prometeres GlDouaiE1 130, prometievres RoselLec, prometterez [JFevRespH 1534], promettur NicBozCharV)
  • “celui qui promet qch.” (LancPrK 321.9; RenclCarH; RoselLec; JostPletR; GlDouaiE1 130; NicBozCharV; EntreeT 14895; [JFevRespH 1534]; (sigles à datations multiples:) ProvM 461; ProvM 461, TL 7, 1969; TL 7, 1969; GdfC 10, 430c; AND 559b; TLF Bd 13, 1308a; FEW 9, 442a; DiStefLoc 732; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
prometeresse f.
[TL 7, 1969; Gdf 6, 432a.⁠]
  • “celle qui promet qch.” (TL 7, 1969; Gdf 6, 432a)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
prometos adj.
[TL 7, 1969.⁠]
(prometeus (sigles à datations multiples:) TrouvBelg1)
  • “qui a rapport à des promesses, prometteur” ((sigles à datations multiples:) TrouvBelg1, TL 7, 1969)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
promis m.
[RLiR 285; RLiR 67, 285.⁠]
  • “assurance, souvent par parole, de faire qch., promesse, par méton., ce qui a été promis” (RLiR 67, 285; RLiR 285)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
promise f.
[TL 7, 1973; TL 7, 1973; MED Bd 7, 1382a; FEW 9, 441b. – HoltusEntree 160, 170, 412.⁠]
(pramise BenDucF 4315, 5318; BenDucM I, p.156, v.2151; p.193, v.3152; ChansArtB XIX, 45, pramises DocHMarneG, promise SThibAlH II 719; SThibAlM 719; EntreeT 86, 202, 293 etc)
  • “assurance, souvent par parole, de faire qch., promesse, par méton., ce qui a été promis” (BenDucF 4315, 5318; BenDucM I, p.156, v.2151; p.193, v.3152; ChansArtB XIX, 45; DocHMarneG; SThibAlH II 719; SThibAlM 719; EntreeT 86, 202, 293 etc, HoltusEntree 160, 170, 412, TL 7, 1973; TL 7, 1973; MED Bd 7, 1382a; FEW 9, 441b)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
promission f.
[TL 7, 1973; Gdf; Gdf 6, 432a; Gdf 6, 432b; AND 559b; MED Bd VII, 1383a; TLF Bd 13, 1310b; FEW 9, 442b. – BTDial 51, 236; GlutzMir 210; 25, IV 172, 20; OrelliBibel; RLiR 47, 257; Trénel 485.⁠]
(promisions SecrSecrPr7B p261, promission BenDucF 19468; MaccabPr1G; Bueve3S 15544; LancPrK 292.7; RenclCarH; BrendanPr1W; RutebF; MantouFlandr M.a. 1325.505; BrunLatC; JacVitrytB s.S. 213; SRemiB 725, 3990; SermGuiG Zeile 258-260; SermGuiG Zeile 258-260; CartEngMarF p 212; NicBozAgnèsK Agnes 69; HMondB 2128; JDupinMelL 1694; GalienD; [OresmePolM S 263b; DeschQ II, 24; PassTroyB III 6041 etc]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 375, 2, promissïon BibleEntS 2071; BelleHelR 885b; 8605, promissiun CommPsia1G XI, 152-3, XLIV, 328; XX, 70; XLIII, 48; HArciPèresO 5363)
  • “assurance, souvent par parole, de faire qch., promesse, par méton., ce qui a été promis” (BenDucF 19468; MaccabPr1G; Bueve3S 15544; RenclCarH; BibleEntS 2071; HArciPèresO 5363; BrendanPr1W; BrunLatC; JacVitrytB s.S. 213; SRemiB 725, 3990; SermGuiG Zeile 258-260; SermGuiG Zeile 258-260; CartEngMarF p 212; SecrSecrPr7B p261; NicBozAgnèsK Agnes 69; HMondB 2128; JDupinMelL 1694; BelleHelR 885b; 8605; GalienD; [OresmePolM S 263b; DeschQ II, 24; PassTroyB III 6041 etc]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 375, 2, GlutzMir 210; 25, IV 172, 20; OrelliBibel, TL 7, 1973; Gdf; Gdf 6, 432b; Gdf 6, 432a; AND 559b; MED Bd VII, 1383a; TLF Bd 13, 1310b; FEW 9, 442b)
    • “consécration au service de Dieu” (MantouFlandr M.a. 1325.505, BTDial 51, 236)
    • “terre de Chanaan promise par Dieu au peuple hébreu” (CommPsia1G XI, 152-3, XLIV, 328; XX, 70; XLIII, 48; LancPrK 292.7; RutebF, RLiR 47, 257; Trénel 485)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
reprometre v.
[TL 8, 950; Gdf 7, 73a; FEW 9, 442a; DelbMat; Foerster.⁠]
  • “promettre à son tour” (TL 8, 950; Gdf 7, 73a; FEW 9, 442a; DelbMat; Foerster)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
repromission f.
[TL 8, 950; GdfC 10, 552b; AND; MED Bd. 8, 498a; FEW 9, 442b. – OrelliBibel.⁠]
(repromission EpJérN 1454; BrendanPr1W)
  • “promesse (de l'écriture sainte)” (EpJérN 1454; BrendanPr1W, OrelliBibel, TL 8, 950; GdfC 10, 552b; AND; MED Bd. 8, 498a; FEW 9, 442b)