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fiches par lemme
pruef adv. prép.
[FEW 9,449b lt. PROPE. – TL 7, 2026; TL 7, 2026; TL 7, 1949; TL 7, 2026; TL 7,1930; TL 7, 2026; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL 1,481,24; TL 1,481,24; Gdf; Gdf VI 424b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 546a; AND 558a; AND 558a; AND 563b; AND 545a; MED Bd 7, 1271a; MED Bd.7, 1271a; MED Bd.VII, 1271a; FEW; FEW 9,449b; FEW; FEW; KramerGader. – KellerWace 303a; 320a; MedAev 48(1979) 292; R 81, p. 447; RLiR 48, 258; RoquesRég 350; RoquesRég 412; ZrP 101(1985)121.]
(apref LoisGuillL, aproef PhThSibS, aprof PhThBestWa; BrutIntB; LégAposthR, prob PassionA S. 21, 125 (v. 506), proef WaceNicR 48; SThomGuernW1 3151, 5442, 6066; AngDialGregP 91r°b; AmDieuK gos.61; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 4148, 8959, 11767 etc., Proef RomRomT, prof LapidffS 235G; PhThCompS 27r, 2525, 2539, 31r, 2863; PhThBestWa; GaimarB 1354, 2146, 2706; ChronSMichelB 457, 1302, 1936; ChronSMichelB 38, 947, 2774; ChronSMichelB 2685; HornP 2062; RouH CA146, III 170; BenDucF 36316; BenDucM III, p.487, v.770; ElucidaireiiiD I 188M, II42M; ChastPereaH; ChastPereaM; SEdmPassG 1075; ChGuillI 848, 1034, 1753; ChGuillM 848, 1034; ChGuillM 1753; ChGuillSd 288; BrutIntB; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 7, 34; BartschChrest 21,94; 8,64; BartschHorning 37, 26, pruef GormB 229; ThebesC; TristThomB 1822; TristThomL 1822; TristThomW D 550; HermValS 5375; BodelCongéRu 389; AntBerW 530; LégAposthR; ApocGiffR 1919, 1190, 1201)
- ◆comme adv. “près, proche, presque, etc.” et, comme prép., “près de, proche de, etc.” (PassionA S. 21, 125 (v. 506); LapidffS 235G; PhThCompS 27r, 2525, 2539, 31r, 2863; GormB 229; PhThBestWa; PhThBestWa; GaimarB 1354, 2146, 2706; PhThSibS; LoisGuillL; WaceNicR 48; ThebesC; ChronSMichelB 457, 1302, 1936; ChronSMichelB 38, 947, 2774; ChronSMichelB 2685; HornP 2062; RouH CA146, III 170; BenDucF 36316; BenDucM III, p.487, v.770; SThomGuernW1 3151, 5442, 6066; TristThomB 1822; TristThomL 1822; TristThomW D 550; HermValS 5375; RomRomT; ElucidaireiiiD I 188M, II42M; BodelCongéRu 389; ChastPereaH; ChastPereaM; SEdmPassG 1075; AngDialGregP 91r°b; ChGuillI 848, 1034, 1753; ChGuillM 848, 1034; ChGuillM 1753; ChGuillSd 288; BrutIntB; BrutIntB; AntBerW 530; AmDieuK gos.61; LégAposthR; LégAposthR; ApocGiffR 1919, 1190, 1201; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 4148, 8959, 11767 etc.; Aspland 7, 34; BartschChrest 21,94; 8,64; BartschHorning 37, 26, KellerWace 303a; 320a; MedAev 48(1979) 292; R 81, p. 447; RLiR 48, 258; RoquesRég 350; RoquesRég 412; ZrP 101(1985)121, TL 7, 2026; TL 7,1930; TL 7, 2026; TL 7, 1949; TL 7, 2026; TL 7, 2026; TL; TL; TL; TL; TL 1,481,24; TL 1,481,24; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf VI 424b; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 545a; AND 546a; AND 558a; AND 558a; AND 563b; MED Bd.7, 1271a; MED Bd 7, 1271a; MED Bd.VII, 1271a; FEW 9,449b; FEW; FEW; FEW; KramerGader)
Cf. ANDEl prof; DMF pruef.
fiches par lemme
●empruef adv. prép.
[TL; TL; TL 3,141,39; TL 3,141,39; Gdf 3, 75 c; Gdf; AND; AND; AND; FEW 9, 449 b; FEW; FEW; ActesRegLex. – KellerWace; KellerWace 356 b; RoquesRég 350.]
(emprof ChronSMichelB 3303, 3659, enprof ChGuillI 1469; ChGuillM 1469; ChGuillSd 272; BrutIntB, enpruef TristThomL 2079, preuf [PassTroyB III 277])
- ◆comme adv. “ensuite, après coup, derrière” et, comme prép., “après” (ChronSMichelB 3303, 3659; TristThomL 2079; ChGuillM 1469; ChGuillSd 272; ChGuillI 1469; BrutIntB; [PassTroyB III 277], KellerWace; RoquesRég 350; KellerWace 356 b, TL; TL; Gdf 3, 75 c; AND; FEW 9, 449 b; FEW; TL 3,141,39; TL 3,141,39; ActesRegLex; AND; AND; FEW; Gdf)