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toutes fiches de l’article
fiches par lemme
refuir v.
[FEW 10,196n lt. REFUGERE – AND 613b; FEW 10,196n; FEW 3,836b; Gdf 10,519b; TL 8,583; Foerster.]
(refouir [AmphYpL2], refouïr ChevVivM; ChevVivM B-2 399; GeoffrParChronD 7531, refuient CantLandP 1145, refuir AlexisP p.127; ChaceT; [FroissEspF1 1078; JFevRespH 1380; GastPhébChasseT]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 19,7, refuire CommPsia1G XVII,60;XLV,32; [ModusT 46,10], refuït AlexisS1 385; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 3,155, refuyt JacVitryB VI,52)
- ◆“fuir à diverses reprises” (AlexisP p.127; AlexisS1 385; CommPsia1G XVII,60;XLV,32; ChevVivM; ChevVivM B-2 399; CantLandP 1145; JacVitryB VI,52; ChaceT; GeoffrParChronD 7531; [ModusT 46,10; AmphYpL2; FroissEspF1 1078; JFevRespH 1380; GastPhébChasseT]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 19,7; Aspland 3,155, AND 613b; FEW 10,196n; FEW 3,836b; Gdf 10,519b; TL 8,583; Foerster)
Cf. DMF refuir.
fiches par lemme
●refuiance f.
[TL 8,582; Gdf 6,729b; FEW 10,196b.]
- ◆“refuge” (TL 8,582; Gdf 6,729b; FEW 10,196b)
fiches par lemme
●refuiement m.
[TL 8,583; Gdf; Gdf 6,729b; FEW 10,196b. – ActesMfr10 131; KellerWace.]
(refuement BalJosAnS 8312; (sigles à datations multiples:) WaceMargK 148, refuiemens ContGuillTyrRothA 518, refuiement GarMonglMü/Me/S 1721P, refuiment (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 474,19)
- ◆“refuge” (BalJosAnS 8312; ContGuillTyrRothA 518; GarMonglMü/Me/S 1721P; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 474,19; WaceMargK 148, ActesMfr10 131; KellerWace, TL 8,583; Gdf; Gdf 6,729b; FEW 10,196b)
Cf. DMF refugement.
fiches par lemme
●refuite f.
[TL 8,583; Gdf 6,729b; MED Bd.VIII,331a; FEW 10,197a. – RoPh 19,376.]
(refuite TroisAvG 194; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 634,6; MénardFabl IX,194; MontRayn I,76; NoomenFabl II,9/195)
- ◆“refuge” (TroisAvG 194; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 634,6; MontRayn I,76; MénardFabl IX,194; NoomenFabl II,9/195, RoPh 19,376, TL 8,583; Gdf 6,729b; MED Bd.VIII,331a; FEW 10,197a)