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[FEW 10, 172a lt. REDDERE – TL 8, 785; TL 8, 787; TL 8, 787; TL 8, 787; TL 8,787; Gdf 7, 27c; Gdf 7, 28a; Gdf 7, 43a; GdfC 540a; AND 619a; AND 619a; AND 628b; AND 628b; MED 8, 428a; MED 8, 430b; MED 8, 430b; FEW X, 171a; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 119, 263, 300, -13, -16; DiStefLoc 761; DiStefLoc 761; Foerster; Foerster; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – ActesMfr10 351; ActesMfr4 p. 466; AnS 224 (1987) 427; BEC p. 143, Z. 28, 144, 27; BEC 16, 1855, p. 145, Z. 17; BPH 1892, p. 200, Z. 26,31; BPH p. 200, Z. 18, 19; BTDial 52, 288; BTDial 51, 182; BTDial 52 281; BTDial 52, 263; BTDial 51, 182; BachWaffen 40; Bev 102; Burgess 81; CapussoMPol p. 101; ContPerc; CorleyCont1 p198; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 9779, PT 19886; 10194- 20332; 151; DeesAtlas 320; DeesAtlas 320; DiekampSyn §21; DiekampSyn; FennisGal S. 1575; GononQuot; Hassell R24; Hassell A 119, 120; KellerWace 2046, 206a, 285a; ...; KleiberIre 132; KoenigSen p. 41; KoenigSen p. 152, 159; LebsanftGruß p. 374; LebsanftGruß p. 422, 423; LebsanftGruß p. 515; MantouVoc V. 1328, 181; MantouVoc Y Or. pr. 129; MantouVoc L 1290, 451; MantouVoc Y.K. 398, etc.; MantouVoc Y.K. 426; MessnerBers 100; MessnerBers 100; Morlet 188; Morlet 197; MélADees 1988, 166ff; MélMel 78, v. 137; MélMel 78; MénardRire 493-47; MöhrenLand; OrelliBibel; OrelliBibel; OrelliBibel; Pope; R 43, 1914, p. 519, Z.2; R 72, p. 437; R 18, 1889, p. 221, Z. 17, 18; R 98, 415; R 65, p. 506; 66, p. 131; 81, p. 460-61; R 81, p. 460-61; R 84, p. 298; R 89, p. 177; RF 99 (1987) 245; 7053; RLiR 26, 278; Rbph 44/3, 844; RoPh; RoPh 19, 627; RoPh 7, 241; RoPh 19, 635; Runk p. 29; SchulzeBusProv 334, 2458; Trénel 293; WoledgeSynt paragr. 54, 55; WoledgeSynt paragr. 31; WunderliEschiele 141; WunderliEschiele 30r a 21/22; 32 v a 8/9; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 2,5; YearbEdwiH/ etc.; ZrP 96, 1980; p. 418; 4003, 4727, 8501; [sigle]; [sigle] p. 13, Z. 17; [sigle] 30, 1957; [sigle] Tü 1987, 374.]
(raigne (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl I, rain BalJosPr1M 79, 42, raindre ChGuillI; EntreeT 8695, 13426, ran BalJosPr1M 79, 27; BibleEntS 3189, randi BalJosPr1M 138, 19, randié HermValS 4529, randre ErecR 995; ErecR 290; PhilomB 301, 961; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2N 1609, 2315, etc.; CligesG; CligesM 5036; CligesM 1635; CligesM 1491, 2135; FloovA 1408, 1186, etc.; CantLandP 271, 1224; ContPerc2lC2 p151; GuiotProvinsO; FolTristBernH2 586, 402, 29; SGraalIIIJostO; HervisH; MerlinM; LancPrK; RoselLec; Layettes 2, p. 218, Z. 33, 219, 37, 30; DocHMarneG; DocHMarneG p. 2, Z. 6; 3.9; 4.1; GautChâtC 42, 101; PèresaK VI 87; JoinvW1; GalienD; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryChrest; NoomenFabl t.7, 445; StimmingMot, Randre YonM 1482; LMestL, randre, se r. SecrSecrPr7B p262, randuz LancR 2170, ranset HoltusLux 552; BonnardotMetz p. 15, rant RicheutV; ChevBarBloisB; HuonR; HuonAuvbS6 7293*, Redi CommPsia1G, rednre GysselingDocAnc p. 200, Z. 4, 9; EructavitJ 868, 1228, 2159; GilChinP, reindre SThomBenS 616, 1871, 1865; EdConfCambrW 4492; 188, 229; 542; 718; LettrTanq 26, 1281, Reindre MirAgn2K, remdre ChRethelS 1, 102, Z. 8, 21, ren- ChGuillI, renc VerCoulK 181, rench ChevVivM; ChevVivM C 531; CristalB *7701; RuelleChir, renche PrêtreJeand/yG 611, Rendaint BibleMacéS, rendans RenclCarH, renddi BibleEntS 2825, rende CantLandP 2130, etc.; Pères10C 919; SermGuiG Z. 417; GesteFrancorR 4688; 2641, rendeiz AlexParA I, var. 106, 2256; t.3, 283, rendent OvArtElieK 484 (r); 507 (r), renderai FloriantW 6565, rendesent MPolRustR, rendez CharroiPo t. II, 167, rendi PhThCompS 21r, 1971; CharroiPo t. II, 167; BalJosPr1M 31, 2; CoincyII1...K 155var.; BrendanPr1W, rendirent FoukeB 24, 7, rendissent MartCanL, rendissient BibleEntS, rendist HuonAuvBrB, rendoie (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 75, 527,..., rendoient TurpinVatB 30,4; BrendanPr1W, rendoit BalJosPr1M 91, 72, rendoiz Pères10C 314, rendons BrendanPr1W, rendra Pères10C 120, 566, rendray GalienD, rendre PassionA; GysselingDocAnc p. 203, Z. 38; GysselingDocAnc p. 202, Z. 25; GysselingDocAnc p. 205, Z. 12; GysselingDocAnc p. 20, Z. 17; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z. 1,6; GysselingDocAnc p. 198 Z. 36; GysselingDocAnc p. 210; GysselingDocAnc p. 195, Z. 43; GysselingDocAnc p. 196; GysselingDocAnc p. 200, Z. 39; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z. 36, 38, 38; GysselingDocAnc p. 208, Z. 43; GysselingDocAnc p. 205, Z. 1; GysselingDocAnc p. 205, Z.1; AlexisP O 20e, 74c; BrendanW S. 205; LapidalS; LapidffS 182b, 436, 500, 670D/6; (p. 311), 699; WaceMargmK 149; WaceConcA; CharroiPo t.II, 167; CourLouisL1; LoisGuillL; MonGuill1/2C 1421, 1443, 3152, 3159; 4055; ProvSalSanI; FloreaK 92, 456, ...; FloreaP; FloreaW 214, 456, 530, ...; ChronSMichelB 247, 250, 924; 330, 507; CommPsia1G III, 10; MarieGuigW2; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; HornP; BenDucF; SThomGuernW1 5978, 5989; AdamG3 425, 433, 706, 707; Aiol1/2F 1693; *297; GautArrErR 646; PelCharlK 110; 166, 182, 190; RecMédJuteH S. 251, Z. 20; CligesF 5691; EstFougK 77, 260r, 440r; EructavitJ; MarieFabW; MarieFabW2; EdmK 549; FlorebK 169, 173,...; SGillesP 147; AlexParA II 2029, var.t 5; IpH; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 629, 829, etc,...; AimonFlH 5233, 6983; RenR 12-14, 6300; SBernCantG; TristThomB 3118, 1298, 798; TristThomW; ChevCygnePropN p. 4373, + - Fin N p. 5; CorE; CoucyChansL 25, 20; FolTristOxfH 310; GaceBruléD *1,26; GaceBruléH; JerusT; MonRaincB 3918; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 A *1152; A 1229, 1236, C 1109; D 1043; Saisna/lB 1095; 290°/ 283°; SermMadaC p. 42; SimFreineGeorgM 1354, 703, 1199, 542, 862, 848, 405; BodelNicH 1488, etc.; VMortHélW 31, 10, 11; 37,1; 38,1; 43,7; GuiotProvinsO 14, 946, 617, 2227, 2189, 2204, 1704, 1639; JugAmS 359, 404, A 409; SGenB 3393, 3399, 3055, 1157, ...; AssJérRoiG; BodelCongéRu 307; EspDouai 3, p. 27, Z. 24, 28; EspDouai p. 26, Z. 10,15, 19, 21, 27; EspDouai 3 p. 21, Z. 12; EspDouai 3, p. 25, Z.20, 23; EspDouai 3, p. 32, Z. 18; MuséeArchDép p. 124, Z. 13, 129, 18; MuséeArchDép p. 125, Z. 30; MuséeArchDép p. 127, Z. 8; MuséeArchDép p. 126, Z. 13, 127, 26; MuséeArchDép p. 128, Z. 32; MuséeArchDép p. 126, Z. 21, 22; HerbomezTourn p. 17, Z. 5,12, 28; HerbomezTourn p. 5, Z. 27, 6,3; HerbomezTourn p. 3, Z. 23; HerbomezTourn p. 3, Z. 30; HerbomezTourn p. 26, Z. 1; HerbomezTourn p. 19, Z. 11; AmbroiseP 208; BibleDécb/eN; BibleGuiotW; ChevBarAnS 786, 963, etc.; DoonRocheM 1661, 2793, 3950; ElucidationT 165; GirVianeE; HerbCandS 2905, 3276, 13 374; MeraugisF 1547; PBeauvGerJ; SEdmPassG 969, 1044; WaldefH 3793, 4640, 5092; BestGuillR 189, 278, 1410; AngDialGregP 64r°a, 30r°a, etc.; ChGuillI; FetRomF1 684, 16; FlorenceW 363a, 5291; 2114, 2153; 5291; HistAncV; MortAymC 1237, 2422, 1408, 4102, 86, 1439, 1118, 1121, 3219, 3576, 2684, 821, 929, 1239; RecLondB p. 492, Z. 19; BalJosCamA; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 162; TurpinBrianeS; Bueve1S; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; DurmG 11724; DurmS 11724; GautDargH; GautDargR *4, 24; GuillJoiesRi; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyChristO 2008; LaDuCh 2, p. 120 Z. 21, 25; LaDuCh 2, p. 119, Z. 13; LaDuCh 1, p. 320, Z. 20; LaDuCh 2, p. 118, Z. 15; LaDuCh 2, p. 116, Z. 34, 38; LaDuCh 2, p. 112, Z. 36; LaDuCh 1, p. 185, Z. 11, 13; LaDuCh p. 318, Z. 29; LaDuCh p. 112, Z. 28; LancPrM II* 20; 24a, 18; OmbreB2; Lemaire p. 414, Z. 18; Lemaire p. 412, Z. 31; 413; 29; Lemaire p. 419, Z. 25; Lemaire p. 418, Z. 24, 28; Lemaire p. 417, Z. 13; Lemaire p. 422, Z. 7, (2x); Lemaire p. 409, Z. 18; Lemaire p. 410, Z. 25; Lemaire p. 412, Z. 17, 413,1; DolopL; CoincyI1...L; DocFlandrM; AucS10; ComtePoitM; GuillVinM 12, 40; 6, 21; 12, 33; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 317, Z. 22; MorPhilP; OrsonP; PurgSPatrCamZ; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW 628; 588;598; DesMarezYpres p. 105, Z. 27; GuillMarM; GuillMarM; BesantR 2793; ChansArtB 21, 104; CoincyII1...K 1652; CoincyII20/21H; ViolB 2450, 6415; WaillyCollLorr p. 19, Z. 6,10; LoisGodM p. 13, Z. 19; PetPhilT; PetPhilT; TristPrB 50/23; TristPrG; TristPrMé 86,9; TristPrR; BeaumJBlL; DocVosL; DocHainR 62a; 21, etc; AnsCartA; ArtusS; EustMoineC 3; EustMoineF; EustMoineF; FournChansL; JErartN 13,4; 15,15; 20, 12; MirourEdmaW 14,20; MirourEdmaW 11,8; SJulPrS 416; ThibChampW; ChastVergiS; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 565, 23; 565, 28; 565, 48; etc.; AssJérBourgmZ; AmDieuK; AspinChansPol; BeaumS JBL. 35; BraiCordO 352 (S. 353); CristalB 3093; HArciPèresO 37, 1228, 4913; HuonR 9420; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 6777; JeuxPartL; MaugisV 270; Pères10C 875, 920; Pères9M v. 886; Pères9M v. 94; Pères9M v. 836; RésSauvcJ; SermMaccM 208; ThebesR 1724, 7539; AldL 57,5; 26,6; 56,13; MenReimsP 106, 259, etc; MenReimsW; RobHoY v.20; AnticlC 1592, 2148; GilebBernF; GilebBernH S. 62, V. 3, Ag. W; HunbautW 1640; HuonabcL DR 178; RutebF U 108; RutebF L 42; MantouFlandr 14,13; VMortAnW 44,4; 44,10; 46, 10; SecrSecrAbernB; CoutStAmandM I, 18,7; MoamT; RegTournB 10, 112c, 29a/b, 37a; ConcLyonC 136; CassidP 62; CharroicL; CoutWinchF; SimPouilleaB 391; SimPouilleaB C 1279; YsEudeR 271, 455, 270, 455, 486; TerrEvêqueH S. 169; AdHalePartN 5, 39; ClefD; EschieleMahW 30r a21/22; 32v a 8/9; RichH; Jassemin; KanorM; CensToulO 14; ApocGiffR 3602, 12, etc; 1402, 1496; AttilaPrB; CoutMerOltZ; DrouartB 326, 661, etc.; JobG 251, 255, 1171, 1205; 1185, 3200; 243; JobG; RenNouvR 7355; SoneG; SThibAlH II, 606; SThibAlM 433; BibleMacéK 16864; FevresS 60b-6; JacBaisT 4, 48; OakBookS; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1 207, 46d, 342d, 288d, etc.; FoukeH 22,5; 17,21; 5,33; etc.; NicBozMorS 111; OgDanAlC 1995, 986, 3086, 441, 786, 1537, 1975, 466, 465, 3314; Rolandin 465; SDieudD; MaillartR 5799; JCondM; Apol3L 56,18; 85,1; 56,22; DébCorpsArrL 83; EntreeT 628, 8933; PercefL2 9, 18; GuiNantvProlC 86, 321, 342, 547, 963; ProprChosMirK; JMoteRegrS 2659, p. 190; MirNDPers1-40P 8 970, 17 263, etc.; JDupinMelL 4829F; JMoteVoieP 2559, 2787; RegDijon1L; RenContrR 32710; AliscmH 3635, 3268, 5249; BastC 6218; BelleHelR 891a; ChevPapH; HosebDunsterO 476,2; [GodBouillBruxR; FroissEspF1 252; AalmaR 5019; AalmaR 1532; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 474; HuonAlS; JFevRespH 3642; DeschQ 4, 233; GastPhébChasseT; FierPrM; JPreisMyrG; EvQuencJ 2025; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; BartschChrest 6,26; 9,100, etc.; BartschHorning 8, 25; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL; GarLorrP I, 121; GeoffrPar 104, 1401,10; etc.; HenryChrest; NoomenFabl t.6, 394; 56 283; 56 55; NoomenFabl 32/116; NoomenFabl t.9, 356b, 103 342; NoomenFabl t. I 4/ 593; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl t. 7, 446; 81 237; 74b; B 218; 77 24; NoomenFabl t. 5, 447; 41 193; ProvM 334, 581, 855, 1188, 1262, 1378, 1571; RaynLaFabl; RecHist 23, 966; ReidFabl; SchwanBehrens p. 89, Z. 23 (2x); SGreg 446; StimmingMot, Rendre EneasS1; RobDiableL; SimFreineGeorgM S:G: 1354; VillehW; ConqIrlO; PurgSPatrBerM; MirAgn2K; EmpConstPrC 301, 150, etc.; RoisinM; BibleMacéP; BibleMacéS; [AmphYpL 2]; (sigles à datations multiples:) HenryŒn, RENDRE RenMontdT; GuillPalMo; LMestL, rendre, r. avaunt CorE p64, rendre) PelCharlF, rendre1 CroisRichJ, rendre2 CroisRichJ, rendres JoinvW1 20e; AliscmH 7053, rendreyent FoukeB 81,14; 22,17, rendroit BalJosAnS 2130, rendrons, nel r. AnsMetzS1 403,43 var., rendsaierai OvMorB 3, p. 321, 1045, Rendut RoisinM, reng CristalB *7701, renge CourLouisLe; ThebesC 7867; AiquinJ 603; GuillTyrP 94; JMoteRegrS p. 200, 3644, rengne BelleHelR 891a, renjent AntiocheD, renk RotParl4R 101, renke FoukeH, rens SBath1B; JobG 243, Rens BibleMacéS, rent AlexisS1 100, 253; BenDucM I, p. 235, v. 4379; BenDucM I, p. 98, v. 469; BestPierre1M XXVI,4; BestPierre1M; CantLandP 172, 252; Turpin5Wa; DurmG; BalJosPr1M 34, 20; ChevBarBloisB; AucR3 x 36; TournAntW 629; GilChinP; PlacTimT; TerrSVigorM 7, 13, 24; BodelFablN III, 158; CueillAmB p19; NominaleS 283; (sigles à datations multiples:) ConstHamelR 105; ReidFabl, Rent [AmphYpL2], rentif CourLouiscLe, retdrae PassionA S. 74, 76, rondues LettrTanq 1,1265, rendre (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 3069, 7965, 13572 etc.)
- ◆“rendre, remettre, livrer, et sim.” (PassionA S. 74, 76; PassionA; GysselingDocAnc p. 200, Z. 4, 9; GysselingDocAnc p. 203, Z. 38; GysselingDocAnc p. 202, Z. 25; GysselingDocAnc p. 205, Z. 12; GysselingDocAnc p. 20, Z. 17; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z. 1,6; GysselingDocAnc p. 198 Z. 36; GysselingDocAnc p. 210; GysselingDocAnc p. 195, Z. 43; GysselingDocAnc p. 196; GysselingDocAnc p. 200, Z. 39; GysselingDocAnc p. 206, Z. 36, 38, 38; GysselingDocAnc p. 208, Z. 43; GysselingDocAnc p. 205, Z. 1; GysselingDocAnc p. 205, Z.1; AlexisP O 20e, 74c; AlexisS1 100, 253; BrendanW S. 205; LapidalS; LapidffS 182b, 436, 500, 670D/6; (p. 311), 699; PhThCompS 21r, 1971; WaceMargmK 149; WaceConcA; CharroiPo t. II, 167; CharroiPo t. II, 167; CharroiPo t.II, 167; CourLouisL1; CourLouisLe; LoisGuillL; MonGuill1/2C 1421, 1443, 3152, 3159; 4055; ProvSalSanI; EneasS1; FloreaK 92, 456, ...; FloreaP; FloreaW 214, 456, 530, ...; ThebesC 7867; ChronSMichelB 247, 250, 924; 330, 507; CommPsia1G; CommPsia1G III, 10; MarieGuigW2; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; ErecR 995; ErecR 290; HornP; PhilomB 301, 961; BenDucF; BenDucM I, p. 235, v. 4379; BenDucM I, p. 98, v. 469; SThomGuernW1 5978, 5989; AdamG3 425, 433, 706, 707; Aiol1/2F; Aiol1/2F 1693; *297; Aiol1/2N 1609, 2315, etc.; GautArrErR 646; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 110; 166, 182, 190; RecMédJuteH S. 251, Z. 20; CligesF 5691; CligesG; CligesM 5036; CligesM 1635; CligesM 1491, 2135; EstFougK 77, 260r, 440r; LancR 2170; EructavitJ 868, 1228, 2159; EructavitJ; MarieFabW; MarieFabW2; EdmK 549; FlorebK 169, 173,...; RicheutV; SGillesP 147; SThomBenS 616, 1871, 1865; AlexParA II 2029, var.t 5; AlexParA I, var. 106, 2256; t.3, 283; IpH; ProtH; RègleHospCamS 629, 829, etc,...; AimonFlH 5233, 6983; RenR 12-14, 6300; SBernCantG; TristThomB 3118, 1298, 798; TristThomW; AntiocheD; ChevCygnePropN p. 4373, + - Fin N p. 5; CorE p64; CorE; CoucyChansL 25, 20; FloovA 1408, 1186, etc.; FolTristOxfH 310; GaceBruléD *1,26; GaceBruléH; HermValS 4529; JerusT; MonRaincB 3918; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrabR1 A *1152; A 1229, 1236, C 1109; D 1043; RobDiableL; Saisna/lB 1095; 290°/ 283°; SermMadaC p. 42; SimFreineGeorgM 1354, 703, 1199, 542, 862, 848, 405; SimFreineGeorgM S:G: 1354; PrêtreJeand/yG 611; BodelNicH 1488, etc.; RenMontdT; VMortHélW 31, 10, 11; 37,1; 38,1; 43,7; BestPierre1M XXVI,4; BestPierre1M; CantLandP 271, 1224; CantLandP 172, 252; CantLandP 2130, etc.; ChevVivM; ChevVivM C 531; ContPerc2lC2 p151; GuiotProvinsO; GuiotProvinsO 14, 946, 617, 2227, 2189, 2204, 1704, 1639; JugAmS 359, 404, A 409; SGenB 3393, 3399, 3055, 1157, ...; AssJérRoiG; BodelCongéRu 307; EspDouai 3, p. 27, Z. 24, 28; EspDouai p. 26, Z. 10,15, 19, 21, 27; EspDouai 3 p. 21, Z. 12; EspDouai 3, p. 25, Z.20, 23; EspDouai 3, p. 32, Z. 18; MuséeArchDép p. 124, Z. 13, 129, 18; MuséeArchDép p. 125, Z. 30; MuséeArchDép p. 127, Z. 8; MuséeArchDép p. 126, Z. 13, 127, 26; MuséeArchDép p. 128, Z. 32; MuséeArchDép p. 126, Z. 21, 22; HerbomezTourn p. 17, Z. 5,12, 28; HerbomezTourn p. 5, Z. 27, 6,3; HerbomezTourn p. 3, Z. 23; HerbomezTourn p. 3, Z. 30; HerbomezTourn p. 26, Z. 1; HerbomezTourn p. 19, Z. 11; VillehW; AiquinJ 603; AmbroiseP 208; BibleDécb/eN; BibleGuiotW; ChevBarAnS 786, 963, etc.; DoonRocheM 1661, 2793, 3950; ElucidationT 165; FolTristBernH2 586, 402, 29; GirVianeE; GuillPalMo; HerbCandS 2905, 3276, 13 374; MeraugisF 1547; PBeauvGerJ; SEdmPassG 969, 1044; SGraalIIIJostO; WaldefH 3793, 4640, 5092; BestGuillR 189, 278, 1410; AngDialGregP 64r°a, 30r°a, etc.; BalJosAnS 2130; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; ChGuillI; FetRomF1 684, 16; FlorenceW 363a, 5291; 2114, 2153; 5291; HervisH; HistAncV; MerlinM; MortAymC 1237, 2422, 1408, 4102, 86, 1439, 1118, 1121, 3219, 3576, 2684, 821, 929, 1239; RecLondB p. 492, Z. 19; Turpin5Wa; BalJosCamA; BalJosCamA 3509; PurgSPatrHarlV; PurgSPatrHarlV 162; TurpinBrianeS; AnsMetzS1 403,43 var.; BalJosPr1M 138, 19; BalJosPr1M 79, 27; BalJosPr1M 79, 42; BalJosPr1M 31, 2; BalJosPr1M 91, 72; BalJosPr1M 34, 20; Bueve1S; Bueve2S; Bueve3S; Bueve3S; DurmG 11724; DurmG; DurmS 11724; GautDargH; GautDargR *4, 24; GuillJoiesRi; GuillTyrP 94; OvArtElieK 484 (r); 507 (r); ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; ChevBarBloisB; CoincyChristO 2008; LaDuCh 2, p. 120 Z. 21, 25; LaDuCh 2, p. 119, Z. 13; LaDuCh 1, p. 320, Z. 20; LaDuCh 2, p. 118, Z. 15; LaDuCh 2, p. 116, Z. 34, 38; LaDuCh 2, p. 112, Z. 36; LaDuCh 1, p. 185, Z. 11, 13; LaDuCh p. 318, Z. 29; LaDuCh p. 112, Z. 28; LancPrK; LancPrM II* 20; 24a, 18; OmbreB2; Lemaire p. 414, Z. 18; Lemaire p. 412, Z. 31; 413; 29; Lemaire p. 419, Z. 25; Lemaire p. 418, Z. 24, 28; Lemaire p. 417, Z. 13; Lemaire p. 422, Z. 7, (2x); Lemaire p. 409, Z. 18; Lemaire p. 410, Z. 25; Lemaire p. 412, Z. 17, 413,1; DolopL; CoincyI1...L; DocFlandrM; AucR3 x 36; AucS10; ComtePoitM; GuillVinM 12, 40; 6, 21; 12, 33; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 317, Z. 22; MorPhilP; OrsonP; PurgSPatrCamZ; RenclCarH; RenclCarH; SJeanEvW 628; 588;598; DesMarezYpres p. 105, Z. 27; GuillMarM; GuillMarM; BesantR 2793; ChansArtB 21, 104; CoincyII1...K 155var.; CoincyII1...K 1652; CoincyII20/21H; ViolB 2450, 6415; WaillyCollLorr p. 19, Z. 6,10; ConqIrlO; LoisGodM p. 13, Z. 19; PetPhilT; PetPhilT; RoselLec; TristPrB 50/23; TristPrG; TristPrMé 86,9; TristPrR; TurpinVatB 30,4; Layettes 2, p. 218, Z. 33, 219, 37, 30; DocHMarneG; DocHMarneG p. 2, Z. 6; 3.9; 4.1; BeaumJBlL; DocVosL; TournAntW 629; DocHainR 62a; 21, etc; HoltusLux 552; AnsCartA; ArtusS; EustMoineC 3; EustMoineF; EustMoineF; FournChansL; GilChinP; GilChinP; JErartN 13,4; 15,15; 20, 12; MirourEdmaW 14,20; MirourEdmaW 11,8; PurgSPatrBerM; SJulPrS 416; ThibChampW; ChRethelS 1, 102, Z. 8, 21; ChastVergiS; ContGuillTyrSalJ; MerlinsR 565, 23; 565, 28; 565, 48; etc.; MirAgn2K; MirAgn2K; AssJérBourgmZ; EdConfCambrW 4492; 188, 229; 542; 718; AmDieuK; AspinChansPol; BeaumS JBL. 35; BibleEntS 3189; BibleEntS 2825; BibleEntS; BraiCordO 352 (S. 353); CourLouiscLe; CristalB *7701; CristalB 3093; CristalB *7701; HArciPèresO 37, 1228, 4913; HuonR; HuonR 9420; JerusAcreG/-MGodG/-BaudG 6777; JeuxPartL; MaugisV 270; Pères10C 919; Pères10C 120, 566; Pères10C 875, 920; Pères10C 314; Pères9M v. 886; Pères9M v. 94; Pères9M v. 836; RésSauvcJ; SermMaccM 208; ThebesR 1724, 7539; VerCoulK 181; AldL 57,5; 26,6; 56,13; BonnardotMetz p. 15; MenReimsP 106, 259, etc; MenReimsW; RobHoY v.20; YonM 1482; AnticlC 1592, 2148; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; BrendanPr1W; GilebBernF; GilebBernH S. 62, V. 3, Ag. W; HunbautW 1640; HuonabcL DR 178; RutebF U 108; RutebF L 42; MantouFlandr 14,13; LettrTanq 26, 1281; LettrTanq 1,1265; VMortAnW 44,4; 44,10; 46, 10; LMestL; LMestL; SecrSecrAbernB; CoutStAmandM I, 18,7; MoamT; RegTournB 10, 112c, 29a/b, 37a; ConcLyonC 136; CassidP 62; CharroicL; CoutWinchF; EmpConstPrC 301, 150, etc.; FloriantW 6565; MartCanL; SBath1B; SimPouilleaB 391; SimPouilleaB C 1279; YsEudeR 271, 455, 270, 455, 486; TerrEvêqueH S. 169; RotParl4R 101; AdHalePartN 5, 39; ClefD; RuelleChir; RoisinM; RoisinM; CroisRichJ; CroisRichJ; EschieleMahW 30r a21/22; 32v a 8/9; RichH; Jassemin; KanorM; CensToulO 14; ApocGiffR 3602, 12, etc; 1402, 1496; AttilaPrB; CoutMerOltZ; DrouartB 326, 661, etc.; GautChâtC 42, 101; JobG 243; JobG 251, 255, 1171, 1205; 1185, 3200; 243; JobG; PlacTimT; PèresaK VI 87; RenNouvR 7355; SThibAlH II, 606; SThibAlM 433; SoneG; TerrSVigorM 7, 13, 24; SermGuiG Z. 417; BodelFablN III, 158; CueillAmB p19; MPolRustR; BibleMacéK 16864; BibleMacéP; BibleMacéS; BibleMacéS; BibleMacéS; FevresS 60b-6; JacBaisT 4, 48; OakBookS; SecrSecrPr7B p262; NicBozCharV; JoinvW1; JoinvW1 207, 46d, 342d, 288d, etc.; JoinvW1 20e; FoukeB 81,14; 22,17; FoukeB 24, 7; FoukeH 22,5; 17,21; 5,33; etc.; FoukeH; NicBozMorS 111; NominaleS 283; GesteFrancorR 4688; 2641; OgDanAlC 1995, 986, 3086, 441, 786, 1537, 1975, 466, 465, 3314; Rolandin 465; SDieudD; MaillartR 5799; JCondM; OvMorB 3, p. 321, 1045; Apol3L 56,18; 85,1; 56,22; DébCorpsArrL 83; EntreeT 8695, 13426; EntreeT 628, 8933; HuonAuvBrB; HuonAuvbS6 7293*; PercefL2 9, 18; GuiNantvProlC 86, 321, 342, 547, 963; ProprChosMirK; JMoteRegrS p. 200, 3644; JMoteRegrS 2659, p. 190; MirNDPers1-40P 8 970, 17 263, etc.; JDupinMelL 4829F; JMoteVoieP 2559, 2787; RegDijon1L; RenContrR 32710; AliscmH 7053; AliscmH 3635, 3268, 5249; BastC 6218; BelleHelR 891a; BelleHelR 891a; ChevPapH; GalienD; GalienD; HosebDunsterO 476,2; [GodBouillBruxR; AmphYpL 2; AmphYpL2; FroissEspF1 252; AalmaR 5019; AalmaR 1532; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 474; HuonAlS; JFevRespH 3642; DeschQ 4, 233; GastPhébChasseT; FierPrM; JPreisMyrG; EvQuencJ 2025; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) AngDialGregO2 3069, 7965, 13572 etc.; Aspland; BartschChrest 6,26; 9,100, etc.; BartschHorning 8, 25; ConstHamelR 75, 527,...; ConstHamelR 105; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL; GarLorrP I, 121; GeoffrPar 104, 1401,10; etc.; HenryChrest; HenryChrest; HenryŒn; NoomenFabl t.7, 445; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl t.6, 394; 56 283; 56 55; NoomenFabl 32/116; NoomenFabl t.9, 356b, 103 342; NoomenFabl t. I 4/ 593; NoomenFabl I; NoomenFabl t. 7, 446; 81 237; 74b; B 218; 77 24; NoomenFabl t. 5, 447; 41 193; ProvM 334, 581, 855, 1188, 1262, 1378, 1571; RaynLaFabl; RecHist 23, 966; ReidFabl; ReidFabl; SGreg 446; SchwanBehrens p. 89, Z. 23 (2x); StimmingMot; StimmingMot, ActesMfr10 351; ActesMfr4 p. 466; AnS 224 (1987) 427; BEC 16, 1855, p. 145, Z. 17; BEC p. 143, Z. 28, 144, 27; BPH p. 200, Z. 18, 19; BPH 1892, p. 200, Z. 26,31; BTDial 52, 288; BTDial 51, 182; BTDial 52 281; BTDial 52, 263; BTDial 51, 182; BachWaffen 40; Bev 102; Burgess 81; CapussoMPol p. 101; ContPerc; CorleyCont1 p198; CorleyCont2; CorleyCont2 9779, PT 19886; 10194- 20332; 151; DeesAtlas 320; DeesAtlas 320; DiekampSyn §21; DiekampSyn; FennisGal S. 1575; GononQuot; Hassell R24; Hassell A 119, 120; KellerWace 2046, 206a, 285a; ...; KleiberIre 132; KoenigSen p. 41; KoenigSen p. 152, 159; LebsanftGruß p. 374; LebsanftGruß p. 422, 423; LebsanftGruß p. 515; MantouVoc Y.K. 426; MantouVoc V. 1328, 181; MantouVoc Y Or. pr. 129; MantouVoc L 1290, 451; MantouVoc Y.K. 398, etc.; MessnerBers 100; MessnerBers 100; Morlet 188; Morlet 197; MélADees 1988, 166ff; MélMel 78, v. 137; MélMel 78; MénardRire 493-47; MöhrenLand; OrelliBibel; OrelliBibel; OrelliBibel; Pope; R 43, 1914, p. 519, Z.2; R 72, p. 437; R 81, p. 460-61; R 84, p. 298; R 89, p. 177; R 18, 1889, p. 221, Z. 17, 18; R 98, 415; R 65, p. 506; 66, p. 131; 81, p. 460-61; RF 99 (1987) 245; 7053; RLiR 26, 278; Rbph 44/3, 844; RoPh; RoPh 19, 627; RoPh 19, 635; RoPh 7, 241; Runk p. 29; SchulzeBusProv 334, 2458; Trénel 293; WoledgeSynt paragr. 54, 55; WoledgeSynt paragr. 31; WunderliEschiele 30r a 21/22; 32 v a 8/9; WunderliEschiele 141; YearbEdwiH/ etc. 2,5; YearbEdwiH/ etc.; ZrP 96, 1980; p. 418; 4003, 4727, 8501; [sigle] p. 13, Z. 17; [sigle] 30, 1957; [sigle] Tü 1987, 374; [sigle], TL 8, 785; TL 8, 787; TL 8, 787; TL 8, 787; TL 8,787; Gdf 7, 27c; Gdf 7, 28a; Gdf 7, 43a; GdfC 540a; AND 619a; AND 619a; AND 628b; AND 628b; MED 8, 428a; MED 8, 430b; MED 8, 430b; FEW X, 171a; FEW; FEW; AdHaleLexM; Baker; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 119, 263, 300, -13, -16; DiStefLoc 761; DiStefLoc 761; Foerster; Foerster; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
Cf. ANDEl rendre; DMF rendre.
fiches par lemme
●arendre v.
[TL 1,512,40; TL; Gdf 1, 389a; MED 1, 362B; FEW 10, 172a.]
- ◆“donner, transmettre (qch. à qn)” (AuberiT 251, 6; AuberiTarbé 251, 6; BibbO B après 284, TL 1,512,40; TL; Gdf 1, 389a; MED 1, 362B; FEW 10, 172a)
fiches par lemme
●desrendre v.
[TL 2,1725,48; TL; Gdf 2, 641a; FEW 10, 172b; LevyTrés.]
- ◆“quitter un ordre” (GuiotProvinsO 1064; BibleGuiotW, TL 2,1725,48; TL; Gdf 2, 641a; FEW 10, 172b; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●desrenter v.
[TL 2,1726,52; TL; Gdf 2, 641c; DCCarp 149a; FEW 10, 174b. – Morlet 198; RLiR 59, 320; Runk p. 85.]
- ◆“dépouiller (qn.) des revenus” (VMortAnW 99, 11; RoisinM, Morlet 198; RLiR 59, 320; Runk p. 85, TL 2,1726,52; TL; Gdf 2, 641c; DCCarp 149a; FEW 10, 174b)
fiches par lemme
●parrendre v.
[AND 499b; FEW 10, 172a.]
(parrendre LoisGuillL; ModvB2 6833)
- ◆“rendre entièrement” (LoisGuillL; ModvB2 6833, AND 499b; FEW 10, 172a)
fiches par lemme
●rendable adj.
[TL 8, 784; Gdf 7, 25a; AND 628b; FEW X, 172a; FEW. – Word 8, 274, p. 7; [sigle].]
(randable chCOr182 4, randables chCOr059 6, randauble chHS131 13, randaule chMo165 5; chMo165 6; ChMM219 3; ChMM238 3, randaules ChMM238 4; ChMM238 4, rendable BenDucF 5007; AlexParA 4, 361, var.t.7; AssJérRoiG; ChMe012 5; ChMM070 4; chCOr090 4; AnticlC 131; ChMM277 4; chCOr174 10; chCOr184 9; chJu049 6; chSL 097 3, Rendable JostPletR, rendables ChMa074 4; chSL 097 33, rendauble WampachLux 2, p. 233, Z. 28; chCOr064 10; ChMM223 4, rendaubles chMo021 4; chCOr109 4, rendaule ChMM115 3, Rendaules CartHain, rendeuvle ChMM114 3)
- ◆1o“qui doit être rendu, payé, remis (au seigneur), et sim.” (BenDucF 5007; AlexParA 4, 361, var.t.7; AssJérRoiG; WampachLux 2, p. 233, Z. 28; JostPletR; AnticlC 131; CartHain, Word 8, 274, p. 7; [sigle], TL 8, 784; Gdf 7, 25a; AND 628b; FEW X, 172a; FEW)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo021 4; ChMe012 5; ChMM070 4; ChMM114 3; ChMM115 3; chMo165 5; chMo165 6; ChMa074 4; chCOr059 6; chCOr064 10; chCOr090 4; chCOr109 4; ChMM219 3; ChMM223 4; ChMM238 3; ChMM238 4; ChMM238 4; ChMM277 4; chCOr174 10; chCOr182 4; chCOr184 9; chJu049 6; chHS131 13; chSL 097 3; chSL 097 33)
fiches par lemme
●rendableté f.
[TL 8, 784; Gdf; Gdf; FEW X, 172a.]
- ◆“obligation de rendre ou de remettre un château ou une forteresse à la volonté du seigneur suzerain” (TL 8, 784; Gdf; Gdf; FEW X, 172a)
fiches par lemme
●rendacion f.
[Gdf 7, 25b; Gdf; FEW X, 176b. – TilLex; [sigle].]
(rendacion RenγF2, rendatïon CourLouisLe, rendation MonRaincB C 58; VMortAnW 145,11; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 288, 20)
- ◆“action de rendre, restitution, récompense” (CourLouisLe; MonRaincB C 58; VMortAnW 145,11; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 288, 20, TilLex; [sigle], Gdf 7, 25b; FEW X, 176b)
- ◆“lieu ou l'on se fait rendu, couvent, maison de religieux” (RenR; RenγF2, Gdf)
fiches par lemme
●rendage f. et
[TL 8, 785; Gdf 7, 25c; Gdf; Gdf; AND 628b; FEW X, 172a.]
(randages chMo065 7; ChMa187 9, randaige BretTournD 2074, randaiges ChMM082 4; chMo153 3, rendage DocHainR; ChMe062 5; ChMe089 3; PiérardMons t.II, p. 198, rendages ChMM084 4; TerrEvêqueH, rendaige DocHMarneG 217, 5; ChHM217 5; ChHM217 6; ChHM217 8; CoutStAmandM I,xxxi,7, rendaiges JoinvW1 456f)
- ◆1o“payement, rémunération, prix” (DocHMarneG 217, 5; DocHainR; CoutStAmandM I,xxxi,7; TerrEvêqueH; BretTournD 2074; PiérardMons t.II, p. 198; JoinvW1 456f, TL 8, 785; Gdf 7, 25c; Gdf; Gdf; AND 628b; FEW X, 172a)
- ◆2o“restitution faite à des personnes auxquelles on croit avoir causé quelque préjudice” (CoutVerdun1M p.31,11)
- ◆3o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo065 7; ChMe062 5; ChMM082 4; ChMM084 4; ChMe089 3; chMo153 3; ChHM217 5; ChHM217 6; ChHM217 8; ChMa187 9)
fiches par lemme
●rendale f.
[Morlet 188; Runk p. 104.]
- ◆“chose qui doit être rendue” (Morlet 188; Runk p. 104)
fiches par lemme
●rendant adj.
[Gdf 7, 26a; FEW. – DiekampSyn; Drüppel 26; ZfSL 84, p. 343.]
(randant chCOr097 31; chCOr158B 6; chCOr158c 8; chCOr192 6; docJuBe086 9; docJuBe087 10, randent docJuBe006 7, rendans ChHM006 10, rendant BenDucF 9172, 9312; HerbCandS 4085; chMa044 5; chMa055 6; chCOr040 6; ChMa077 40; ChMa078 50; chMa100 6; chMa100 9; chCOr120 13; chCOr158A 6; ChHM205 7; MaccabGautS; chHM234 13; ChMa204 17; chHM273 13; chSL 079 28; docJuBe280 7, rendanz ChMa061 5; chCOr047a 12; chCOr047b 11; chCOr130 44, rendens ChHM011 5)
- ◆1o“qui est opulent” (BenDucF 9172, 9312; HerbCandS 4085; MaccabGautS, Gdf 7, 26a; FEW)
- ◆2o“qui doit ou peut être payé” (DiekampSyn; Drüppel 26; ZfSL 84, p. 343)
- ◆3o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChHM006 10; ChHM011 5; chMa044 5; chMa055 6; ChMa061 5; chCOr040 6; chCOr047a 12; chCOr047b 11; ChMa077 40; ChMa078 50; chMa100 6; chMa100 9; chCOr097 31; chCOr120 13; chCOr130 44; ChHM205 7; chCOr158A 6; chCOr158B 6; chCOr158c 8; chCOr192 6; chHM234 13; ChMa204 17; chHM273 13; docJuBe006 7; chSL 079 28; docJuBe087 10; docJuBe086 9; docJuBe280 7)
fiches par lemme
●rendement m.
[TL 8, 785; Gdf 7, 26b; FEW X, 172a; LevyTrés. – R 65, p. 516; ZrP p. 193.]
(randamant GlBâleB, randament GlBâleB 6991, 10218, rendement SBernCantG; FetRomF1 684, 10; TerrSVigorM 3,4,5,6,etc.)
- ◆1o“rémunération” (SBernCantG; FetRomF1 684, 10; GlBâleB 6991, 10218; GlBâleB, R 65, p. 516, TL 8, 785; Gdf 7, 26b; FEW X, 172a; LevyTrés)
- ◆2o“ce qui produit qch. en raison de la qualité” (TerrSVigorM 3,4,5,6,etc., ZrP p. 193)
fiches par lemme
●renderie f.
[TL 8, 786; Gdf 7, 27a; Gdf 7, 27a; FEW X, 172a.]
(renderie AliscG p292; AliscmH 2506)
- ◆1o“monastère” (AliscG p292; AliscmH 2506, Gdf 7, 27a)
- ◆2o“caution, garantie” (TL 8, 786; Gdf 7, 27a; FEW X, 172a)
fiches par lemme
●rendesme m.
[TL 8, 786; FEW 172a. – RLiR 292.]
(Rendesme RoisinM)
- ◆“restitution” (RoisinM, RLiR 292, TL 8, 786; FEW 172a)
fiches par lemme
●rendicion f.
[Chastell 263.]
(rendition (sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 22, 966)
- ◆“reddition, restutition” ((sigles à datations multiples:) RecHist 22, 966, Chastell 263)
fiches par lemme
●rendir1 v.
[MantouVoc G.a. 1259. 318; BTDial 52, 287.]
(rendir DocFlandrM; LReisEnglG 314, 25; [DeschQ])
- ◆“rendre, remettre, livrer, et sim.” (DocFlandrM; LReisEnglG 314, 25; [DeschQ], MantouVoc G.a. 1259. 318; BTDial 52, 287)
fiches par lemme
●rendu f. et
[Gdf; Gdf 7, 28a; FEW X, 172a. – CarolusCh; CarolusCh S. 44; MLR 81, 1986, 477, v. 629; R 105 (1984) 51,55, 56; Ziltener 8155; Ziltener 8155.]
(randu RenR XII-XVII, 13171; EnanchetF 11, 26, randuz RenR; RenR; RenR, rendu MonGuill1/2C 144; Aiol1/2F 5745; ContGuillTyrdM 33; ChevBarAnS 456; LancPrM 30, 17; 34, 27; SGraalIVQuesteP 234, 8; ChansArtB 8, 80; CoincyII29Kr 422; ContPerc4tO 8531, 10218, ...; ContPerc4tO; EustMoineC 620, 817, 1174; ChastVergiS; HuonRegrL; MenReimsP 315; RobHoY v. 1931; VMortAnW 8,2; 42,10; RenNouvR 3249; DivMondePerP; MirNDPers1-40P 6 1295, 2 163, 1102; JDupinMelL 4345; RenContrR 27891; [DeschQ 7,348; 8, 17]; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn I, 155, 156, etc., Rendu RouH II 1728; ChansArtJ; MenReimsW 315; PlainteVgePurT; LulleEnfL, rendus MorPhilP 1800; AnsCartA 33 53B; CheviiEspI; BrendanPr1W; MartCanL; JerusCont2G; BodelFablN 9, 55, etc; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t. 9, 356b; NoomenFabl t. 5, 477, rendut PoèmeMorB 491, renduz GuillDoleL 5499)
- ◆“moine” (MonGuill1/2C 144; RouH II 1728; Aiol1/2F 5745; RenR XII-XVII, 13171; RenR; RenR; RenR; ContGuillTyrdM 33; PoèmeMorB 491; GuillDoleL 5499; ChevBarAnS 456; LancPrM 30, 17; 34, 27; MorPhilP 1800; SGraalIVQuesteP 234, 8; ChansArtB 8, 80; ChansArtJ; CoincyII29Kr 422; AnsCartA 33 53B; CheviiEspI; ContPerc4tO 8531, 10218, ...; ContPerc4tO; EustMoineC 620, 817, 1174; ChastVergiS; HuonRegrL; EnanchetF 11, 26; MenReimsP 315; MenReimsW 315; RobHoY v. 1931; BrendanPr1W; VMortAnW 8,2; 42,10; PlainteVgePurT; MartCanL; JerusCont2G; LulleEnfL; RenNouvR 3249; BodelFablN 9, 55, etc; DivMondePerP; MirNDPers1-40P 6 1295, 2 163, 1102; JDupinMelL 4345; RenContrR 27891; [DeschQ 7,348; 8, 17]; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn I, 155, 156, etc.; NoomenFabl t. 9, 356b; NoomenFabl t. 5, 477, CarolusCh; CarolusCh S. 44; MLR 81, 1986, 477, v. 629; R 105 (1984) 51,55, 56; Ziltener 8155; Ziltener 8155, Gdf; Gdf 7, 28a; FEW X, 172a)
fiches par lemme
●rendue1 f.
[FEW X, 172 a/b; Gdf 28a. – Morlet 188; Morlet 144.]
(randue MerlinM, rendue ChevCygneNaissT 101,1; CoincyII10N 56; CoincyII9Kr 3707; RoselLec 11180; JSQuentO, rendúe Aiol1/2F 5184, rendues BrendanPr1W)
- ◆“religieuse, recluse” (Aiol1/2F 5184; ChevCygneNaissT 101,1; CoincyII9Kr 3707; CoincyII10N 56; RoselLec 11180; BrendanPr1W; JSQuentO; MerlinM, Morlet 188; Morlet 144, FEW X, 172 a/b; Gdf 28a)
fiches par lemme
●rendue2 f.
[TL 8, 803; Gdf 7, 28b. – Runk p. 102.]
(randue R 1293 06 16 01 6; R 1293 06 16 01 11; RegDijon1L, rendue DocVosL 77,10; RegDijon1L; [FroissEspF1 460])
- ◆1o“reddition, restitution, redevance” (DocVosL 77,10; RegDijon1L; RegDijon1L; [FroissEspF1 460], Runk p. 102, TL 8, 803; Gdf 7, 28b)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (R 1293 06 16 01 6; R 1293 06 16 01 11)
fiches par lemme
●rendeor m.
[TL 8, 785; Gdf; Gdf 7, 246; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 628b; MED 8, 430b; FEW 172a; LevyTrés. – BPH 1960, 771; BTDial 53, 127; BambeckLex 1295; Bev 100; CarolusCh; DiekampSyn §18; MantouVoc Dun. 1290,3; Morlet 75; MélGam4 4, 68; Runk p. 83; ZfSL 79, p. 63.]
(randaires [DebHerP p196], randaour docJuBe128 6; docJuBe128 7, randaurs docJuBe071 14, randeor GuiotProvinsO 2206; DocHMarneG 213,15; ChHM213 16; ChHM213 17; ChHM213 18, randeors ChMa152 16, randerres Jassemin, randor BanMetzW; ChMM179 3; ChMM192 3, randour chMo141 6; ChMM206 3; chMo245 9; docJuBe249 7; docJuBe249 10, randours chMo158 6, ren[dour…] docJuBe184 12, rendeeur CoincyI1...L; CoincyII1...K 734, rendeires OlimB 2, 778, rendéor BibleGuiotW, renderes DocVosL; DocHainR 10,8; 10a; 14; 10b; 15, Renderes LMestL, renderres docJuBe046 3; docJuBe046 10; docJuBe073 6; docJuBe075 8; docJuBe095 16; docJuBe177 7; docJuBe194 7; docJuBe198 7; docJuBe201 12; docJuBe201 13; docJuBe202 7; docJuBe202 7; docJuBe204 11; docJuBe206 8; docJuBe209 10; docJuBe209 12; docJuBe247 12; docJuBe263 11; docJuBe278 10; docJuBe283 8, rendeur RenContrR 2137, 37108, Rendeur CartHain, rendeur… Taille1313M 25c, rendeur de garandir AssSenlis1C p771, rendeurs ChMM272 3, rendor ChV0063 4; ChMM252 3; chMo246 9; docJuBe044 7, rendors ChMM107 4; ChV0063 4; ChV0091 3; ChV0091 3; docJuBe044 7, rendour ChV0092 6; docJuBe039 14; docJuBe046 11; docJuBe258 6, rendours docJuBe039 13; docJuBe178 11; docJuBe179 14; docJuBe179 15; docJuBe197 16; docJuBe197 26; docJuBe208 17; docJuBe218 7; docJuBe225 18; docJuBe244 16; docJuBe253 7; docJuBe281 8)
- ◆1o“celui qui fournit une rente, aussi ce qui est rendu” (GuiotProvinsO 2206; BibleGuiotW; BanMetzW; CoincyI1...L; CoincyII1...K 734; DocHMarneG 213,15; DocVosL; DocHainR 10,8; 10a; 14; 10b; 15; LMestL; CartHain; OlimB 2, 778; Jassemin; AssSenlis1C p771; Taille1313M 25c; RenContrR 2137, 37108; [DebHerP p196], BPH 1960, 771; BTDial 53, 127; BambeckLex 1295; Bev 100; CarolusCh; DiekampSyn §18; MantouVoc Dun. 1290,3; Morlet 75; MélGam4 4, 68; Runk p. 83; ZfSL 79, p. 63, TL 8, 785; Gdf; Gdf 7, 246; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 628b; MED 8, 430b; FEW 172a; LevyTrés)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMo141 6; chMo158 6; ChMM107 4; ChV0063 4; ChV0063 4; ChMM179 3; ChMM192 3; ChV0091 3; ChV0091 3; ChV0092 6; ChMM206 3; ChMM252 3; ChMM272 3; ChMa152 16; chMo245 9; chMo246 9; ChHM213 16; ChHM213 17; ChHM213 18; docJuBe039 13; docJuBe039 14; docJuBe044 7; docJuBe044 7; docJuBe046 3; docJuBe046 10; docJuBe046 11; docJuBe071 14; docJuBe073 6; docJuBe075 8; docJuBe095 16; docJuBe128 6; docJuBe128 7; docJuBe177 7; docJuBe178 11; docJuBe179 14; docJuBe179 15; docJuBe184 12; docJuBe194 7; docJuBe197 16; docJuBe197 26; docJuBe198 7; docJuBe201 12; docJuBe201 13; docJuBe202 7; docJuBe202 7; docJuBe204 11; docJuBe206 8; docJuBe208 17; docJuBe209 10; docJuBe209 12; docJuBe218 7; docJuBe225 18; docJuBe244 16; docJuBe247 12; docJuBe249 7; docJuBe249 10; docJuBe253 7; docJuBe258 6; docJuBe263 11; docJuBe278 10; docJuBe281 8; docJuBe283 8)
fiches par lemme
●rent m.
[TL 8,838; Gdf 7, 41a; MED Bd. 8, 459b; MED Bd. 8; FEW 10, 174a.]
- ◆“revenu annuel d'un bien, rente” (CharroiPo t. II, 167; PBeauvGerJ; CoutVerdun1M 78,1; AmDieuK Gos. 255; MédLiégH 717; AdHaleRobV 630; NicBozEmpV 6; (sigles à datations multiples:) ParsonsCourt E 283, TL 8,838; Gdf 7, 41a; MED Bd. 8, 459b; MED Bd. 8; FEW 10, 174a)
fiches par lemme
●rentable adj.
[TL 8, 838; Gdf 7, 41a; Gdf; FEW 10, 174a. – KaiserMPol 113; RLiR 25, 373.]
- ◆“qui est chargé d'une redevance annuelle (dit d'une terre)” (KaiserMPol 113; RLiR 25, 373, TL 8, 838; Gdf 7, 41a; Gdf; FEW 10, 174a)
fiches par lemme
●rentage m.
[TL 8,838; Gdf 7, 416; Gdf; FEW 10, 174a. – RLiR 45, 129.]
- ◆“champart” (RLiR 45, 129, TL 8,838; Gdf 7, 416; Gdf; FEW 10, 174a)
fiches par lemme
●rental adj.
[TL 8, 838; TL 8,838; Gdf 7, 416; Gdf 7, 41b; AND 630a; MED Bd. 8, 459b; FEW 10, 174a; FEW 10, 174a.]
- ◆“qui est chargé d'une redevance annuelle (dit d'une terre)” (TL 8, 838; Gdf 7, 416; AND 630a; MED Bd. 8, 459b; FEW 10, 174a)
- ◆adj. substantivé “registre des rentes” (TL 8,838; Gdf 7, 41b; FEW 10, 174a)
fiches par lemme
●rente f.
[TL; TL 8, 838; GdfC 10, 544b; AND 628b; AND 628b; AND 630a; AND 630a; MED Bd. 8, 459b; FEW 10, 173b; FEW 25, 553b; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 165; DiStefLoc 762; Foerster; LexMA 1, 1353; LexMA 1, 1353; KlugeM20; LevyTrés. – BCRHist 9, 1345, p. 136, Z. 7, 10,13; BCRHist 73 (1904) 237, 248; BEC 34, 1873, p. 436 Z. 19, 20 (2x); BPH 1899, p. 67, Z. 19, 20, 22; BPH 1899, p. 69 Z. 8, 13, 17, 26 passim 71.13; BTDial 52, 273; BTDial 52, 276; BTDial 52, 277; BTDial 52, 277; Bev 81; CarolusCh S. 61; ContPerc T 14705, T 4756; DWall 25.26, 136; Delisle 722A; Delisle 722A; Delisle 722a; DumbOaks 36; 140a; KahaneByz IIIa 2β, 4β; KaiserMPol 112; KaiserMPol 113; KaiserMPol 112; Katara 331; KellerWace 197b; LebsanftGruß p. 515; MantouVoc 13; MantouVoc Y.C.I. 304 (27); MantouVoc Y.C.I 305 (2); MantouVoc Y.C.I 376 (15) etc.; MonfrinEt 190; Morlet 175; Morlet 175, 176; MélHorrent 1980, 482; MélJung 523; MénardRire 600; MénardRire 606; MénardRire 672; MénardRire p. 81; MöhrenLand; NobelAng p. 287; R 43, 1914, p. 518 Z. 29; R 79, p. 504; RLiR 25, 373; Rbph 29, 1951, 539, v. 110; Runk p. 1311; Runk p. 128; ZfSL 107 (1997) 295; ZrP 93, 670; [sigle]; [sigle].]
(mal rente (avoir) RenR 12594, rante ErecR 809, 1837, 2269; HervisH; MoniotArrD XXX, 19; BanMetzW; DocHMarneG; BonnardotMetz p. 9 (vers 1260); CensHôtProvinsM 555, 694; CensToulO 3, 12v°, 28v°, 31; 1, 10, 12v°, 17 v° etc.; PéageDijonaM A, 28v°; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9; 355b; Rosenberg S. 504, rantes PercL; BanMetzW t.7, 609; SecrSecrPr7B p262, rende EstFougK; PriseOrabR1; PriseOrdR D19; (sigles à datations multiples:) SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p. 144b, rendes BalJosAnS; BrendanPr1W, rente GysselingDocAnc p. 192, Z. 7; GysselingDocAnc p. 192, Z. 16, 30; 193. 13; 194.9, 10, 31; 195.24; GysselingDocAnc p. 196, Z. 30,33; GysselingDocAnc p. 197, Z. 8,10; GysselingDocAnc p. 198, Z. 36; GysselingDocAnc p. 202, Z. 36, 38; GysselingDocAnc p. 205, Z. 37; GysselingDocAnc p. 205; GysselingDocAnc p. 192; BrendanW S. 205; PhThCompS 20r, 1881; ChronSMichelB 3164; MarieGuigW2 2A. 104; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; HornP 1637; BenDucF; SThomGuernW1 760, 762, 2488, 2580; EstFougK 421, 438; MarieFabW2; SGillesP 2195, 3320; RègleHospCamS 1652; AimonFlH 4280; 13559; RenR; TristBérG 2852, 3011; Saisna/lB 1096; SimFreineGeorgM 89; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW 25,2; 3,1; GuiotProvinsO 2489, 1923; EspDouai 3, p. 27 Z. 3; EspDouai 3, p. 35, Z. 20; 36, 32, 37; MuséeArchDép p. 123 Z. 26; 128. 11, 22, 13, 15 passé; HerbomezTourn p. 8, Z. 26, 29, 30; HerbomezTourn p. 9, Z. 9, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21; HerbomezTourn p. 11, Z. 25, 27, 12.2,4,7,10; HerbomezTourn p. 14, Z. 25; 15.3; HerbomezTourn p. 16, Z. 8; HerbomezTourn p. 23 Z. 15, 18, 25; HerbomezTourn p. 25 Z.4; AmbroiseP 5055; BibleGuiotW; HerbCandS 528; PBeauvGerJ; SGraalIIIJostO; MortAymC 1499; YderG 1, 2505; Bueve1S 1189, 2809, 6134; Bueve2S 12235; Bueve3S 4485, 6102, 12209; LaDuCh 1, p. 319 Z. 24, 26, 29; LancPrK XVI, 45; DolopL; DocFlandrM p. 141; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 317, Z. 7,8,11, 13, 18, 21, 23, 26; 318.5,8; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 320, Z. 9, 10, 12, 14, 16,18; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 375 Z. 27; RenclCarH; BesantR 294*; ChansArtB XXI, 9, XXII, 154, XXIV, 74; CoincyII30/31J 540; WaillyCollLorr p. 19, Z. 13; LoisGodM p. 3, Z. 15; 11, 19, 32; 12.2; DocHMarneG; DocVosL; DocHainR 21;3; ArtusS 210, 10; FolLancB; GilChinP 5258; ChRethelS 1, p. 101 Z. 26, 31; 102.5; VilVersonD 173; ChansPieusJ CXXIX, 25; ComparFaucH p. 111; EspFin p. 124ss; EspVerlinden 1, p. 163 Z. 21; HArciPèresO 5445; HuonPalL 413, 706; MaugisV 2003; Pères41M v. 201; Pères9M v. 938; Pères9M v. 104; PoireM; RigomerF; MenReimsP 207, 300; MenReimsW 300; 207; AnticlC 757; AnticlC 757; CoutNormT p128; GilebBernF; MarqueA; VMortAnW 71,3; CharroicL; CoutWinchS p. 75; EnfRenC; SimPouilleaB C 4524, 5033, 5058; v.gloss.; MoniotParD XLVI, 55; TerrEvêqueH S. 169; OlimB 2/ 189, 803; OlimB 3,1; 654; BougWyffCal; ChevFustSa 3255; CensToulO; ApocGiffR 2490; DrouartB 368; RenγF2; JurésSOuenD S. 695C; JoinvW1 504e; 316b; JSQuentO; TombChartr1/2/3S; PercefL2 VIII, 17; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 19 120; JDupinMelL 442, 1129, 1428, 2298; ChevPapH 51,4; [FroissDitsth/...F 415, 446; FroissPrisF 1333; BrunMontM 1965; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 22, 132; DeschQ IX, 116; FroissBallB; GrebanP 2533]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 4,88; BartschChrest 25, 214; 48, 89; BartschHorning 167, 20; GarLorrP I, 138; NoomenFabl t. 7, 446; NoomenFabl t.5, 477; NoomenFabl 356b; NoomenFabl II, 12/ 254; ReidFabl; RohlfsFablels; YearbEdwiiM 2,5, Rente SimFreineGeorgM; PurgSPatrBerM; RobGrethEvA; MirAgn2K; RoisinM; ChevFustSa, RENTE GuillPalMo, rente(s) AssJérRoiG, rentes HervisH; ChevBarBloisB; MorPhilP 5257; ContPerc4tO 10303; ContPerc4tO 10303; EspVerlinden 223, 244; EspVerlinden 72, 190, 282, 301; EspVerlinden 128, 130, 225, 247; Pères10C 40, 988; JurésSOuenD S. 695A; PiérardMons 2, 138; SecrSecrPr7B p263; FoukeH 30.22; CptRoyM 8062; GeoffrParChronD 3130; [OresmePolM S. 200b], Rentes VillehW; CartHain, renttes LesortLorr II. 15; 15)
- ◆“revenu régulier (annuel etc.) d'un bien exploité, affirmé, etc., revenu régulier (annuel etc.) en argent d'un capital qu'on fait valoir ou qui a été constitué par contrat au profit de qn” (GysselingDocAnc p. 192, Z. 7; GysselingDocAnc p. 192, Z. 16, 30; 193. 13; 194.9, 10, 31; 195.24; GysselingDocAnc p. 196, Z. 30,33; GysselingDocAnc p. 197, Z. 8,10; GysselingDocAnc p. 198, Z. 36; GysselingDocAnc p. 202, Z. 36, 38; GysselingDocAnc p. 205, Z. 37; GysselingDocAnc p. 205; GysselingDocAnc p. 192; BrendanW S. 205; PhThCompS 20r, 1881; ChronSMichelB 3164; MarieGuigW2 2A. 104; MarieLaisR; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; ErecR 809, 1837, 2269; HornP 1637; BenDucF; SThomGuernW1 760, 762, 2488, 2580; EstFougK 421, 438; EstFougK; MarieFabW2; PercL; SGillesP 2195, 3320; RègleHospCamS 1652; AimonFlH 4280; 13559; RenR 12594; RenR; TristBérG 2852, 3011; PriseOrabR1; Saisna/lB 1096; SimFreineGeorgM; SimFreineGeorgM 89; SGraalIIJosO; VMortHélW 25,2; 3,1; GuiotProvinsO 2489, 1923; AssJérRoiG; EspDouai 3, p. 27 Z. 3; EspDouai 3, p. 35, Z. 20; 36, 32, 37; MuséeArchDép p. 123 Z. 26; 128. 11, 22, 13, 15 passé; HerbomezTourn p. 8, Z. 26, 29, 30; HerbomezTourn p. 9, Z. 9, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21; HerbomezTourn p. 11, Z. 25, 27, 12.2,4,7,10; HerbomezTourn p. 14, Z. 25; 15.3; HerbomezTourn p. 16, Z. 8; HerbomezTourn p. 23 Z. 15, 18, 25; HerbomezTourn p. 25 Z.4; VillehW; AmbroiseP 5055; BibleGuiotW; GuillPalMo; HerbCandS 528; PBeauvGerJ; SGraalIIIJostO; BalJosAnS; HervisH; HervisH; HervisH; MortAymC 1499; YderG 1, 2505; Bueve1S 1189, 2809, 6134; Bueve2S 12235; Bueve3S 4485, 6102, 12209; MoniotArrD XXX, 19; ChevBarBloisB; BanMetzW; BanMetzW t.7, 609; LaDuCh 1, p. 319 Z. 24, 26, 29; LancPrK XVI, 45; DolopL; DocFlandrM p. 141; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 317, Z. 7,8,11, 13, 18, 21, 23, 26; 318.5,8; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 320, Z. 9, 10, 12, 14, 16,18; HerbomezSMart 1, p. 375 Z. 27; MorPhilP 5257; RenclCarH; LesortLorr II. 15; 15; BesantR 294*; ChansArtB XXI, 9, XXII, 154, XXIV, 74; CoincyII30/31J 540; WaillyCollLorr p. 19, Z. 13; LoisGodM p. 3, Z. 15; 11, 19, 32; 12.2; DocHMarneG; DocHMarneG; DocVosL; DocHainR 21;3; ArtusS 210, 10; ContPerc4tO 10303; ContPerc4tO 10303; FolLancB; GilChinP 5258; PurgSPatrBerM; RobGrethEvA; ChRethelS 1, p. 101 Z. 26, 31; 102.5; MirAgn2K; VilVersonD 173; ChansPieusJ CXXIX, 25; ComparFaucH p. 111; EspFin p. 124ss; EspVerlinden 223, 244; EspVerlinden 72, 190, 282, 301; EspVerlinden 128, 130, 225, 247; EspVerlinden 1, p. 163 Z. 21; HArciPèresO 5445; HuonPalL 413, 706; MaugisV 2003; PoireM; PriseOrdR D19; Pères10C 40, 988; Pères41M v. 201; Pères9M v. 938; Pères9M v. 104; RigomerF; BonnardotMetz p. 9 (vers 1260); MenReimsP 207, 300; MenReimsW 300; 207; AnticlC 757; AnticlC 757; BrendanPr1W; CensHôtProvinsM 555, 694; CoutNormT p128; GilebBernF; MarqueA; VMortAnW 71,3; CartHain; CharroicL; CoutWinchS p. 75; EnfRenC; SimPouilleaB C 4524, 5033, 5058; v.gloss.; MoniotParD XLVI, 55; TerrEvêqueH S. 169; OlimB 2/ 189, 803; OlimB 3,1; 654; RoisinM; BougWyffCal; ChevFustSa 3255; ChevFustSa; CensToulO 3, 12v°, 28v°, 31; 1, 10, 12v°, 17 v° etc.; CensToulO; ApocGiffR 2490; DrouartB 368; PéageDijonaM A, 28v°; RenγF2; JurésSOuenD S. 695A; JurésSOuenD S. 695C; PiérardMons 2, 138; SecrSecrPr7B p262; SecrSecrPr7B p263; JoinvW1 504e; 316b; FoukeH 30.22; JSQuentO; CptRoyM 8062; GeoffrParChronD 3130; OvMorB 10, p. 77, 2796; TombChartr1/2/3S; PercefL2 VIII, 17; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 19 120; JDupinMelL 442, 1129, 1428, 2298; ChevPapH 51,4; [FroissDitsth/...F 415, 446; FroissPrisF 1333; OresmePolM S. 200b; BrunMontM 1965; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 22, 132; DeschQ IX, 116; FroissBallB; GrebanP 2533]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 4,88; BartschChrest 25, 214; 48, 89; BartschHorning 167, 20; GarLorrP I, 138; NoomenFabl t. 7, 446; NoomenFabl t.5, 477; NoomenFabl 356b; NoomenFabl t.9; 355b; NoomenFabl II, 12/ 254; ReidFabl; RohlfsFablels; Rosenberg S. 504; SchwanBehrens 3; SchwanBehrens p. 144b; YearbEdwiiM 2,5, BCRHist 9, 1345, p. 136, Z. 7, 10,13; BCRHist 73 (1904) 237, 248; BEC 34, 1873, p. 436 Z. 19, 20 (2x); BPH 1899, p. 67, Z. 19, 20, 22; BPH 1899, p. 69 Z. 8, 13, 17, 26 passim 71.13; BTDial 52, 273; BTDial 52, 276; BTDial 52, 277; BTDial 52, 277; Bev 81; CarolusCh S. 61; ContPerc T 14705, T 4756; DWall 25.26, 136; Delisle 722A; Delisle 722A; Delisle 722a; DumbOaks 36; 140a; KahaneByz IIIa 2β, 4β; KaiserMPol 112; KaiserMPol 113; KaiserMPol 112; Katara 331; KellerWace 197b; LebsanftGruß p. 515; MantouVoc 13; MantouVoc Y.C.I. 304 (27); MantouVoc Y.C.I 305 (2); MantouVoc Y.C.I 376 (15) etc.; MonfrinEt 190; Morlet 175; Morlet 175, 176; MélHorrent 1980, 482; MélJung 523; MénardRire 600; MénardRire 606; MénardRire 672; MénardRire p. 81; MöhrenLand; NobelAng p. 287; R 43, 1914, p. 518 Z. 29; R 79, p. 504; RLiR 25, 373; Rbph 29, 1951, 539, v. 110; Runk p. 1311; Runk p. 128; ZfSL 107 (1997) 295; ZrP 93, 670; [sigle]; [sigle], TL; TL 8, 838; GdfC 10, 544b; AND 628b; AND 628b; AND 630a; AND 630a; MED Bd. 8, 459b; FEW 10, 173b; FEW 25, 553b; AdHaleLexM; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 165; DiStefLoc 762; Foerster; LexMA 1, 1353; LexMA 1, 1353; KlugeM20; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●renter v.
[TL 8, 842; GdfC 10, 544b; AND 630b; AND 630b; AND 630b; MED Bd. 8, 463a; FEW 10, 174a. – BTDial 52, 276; KaiserMPol 112; Katara 48; MantouVoc Br. 1292 t.2; Morlet 234; Rbph 26I (1948) 177; Runk p. 46.]
(rantei DocHMarneG 54, 11; 130, 13; chHM054 9, renter Bueve2S 18801; DocHainR 96; 4; VMortAnW 92,4; 172,2; 192,5; GeoffrParChronD 757, 780 etc.; JCondM; SGregJeanS; GirRossAlH 5988; BelleHelR 891a; 2758, 15453; 3081; 2710; PassEntreG 3862; PassEntreR 3863; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 330, 3384; GaceBuigneB 11700; DeschQ IX, 227; DeschQ V, 37,5]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 21, 71; RecHist XXII, 966, rentera CoincyI11V 2130, renteray BelleHelR 891a; 11803; 7297; 7926)
- ◆1o“pouvoir, doter (qn) d'une rente” (Bueve2S 18801; CoincyI11V 2130; DocHMarneG 54, 11; 130, 13; DocHainR 96; 4; VMortAnW 92,4; 172,2; 192,5; GeoffrParChronD 757, 780 etc.; JCondM; SGregJeanS; GirRossAlH 5988; BelleHelR 891a; 2758, 15453; 3081; 2710; BelleHelR 891a; 11803; 7297; 7926; PassEntreG 3862; PassEntreR 3863; [GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 330, 3384; GaceBuigneB 11700; DeschQ IX, 227; DeschQ V, 37,5]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 21, 71; RecHist XXII, 966, BTDial 52, 276; KaiserMPol 112; Katara 48; MantouVoc Br. 1292 t.2; Morlet 234; Rbph 26I (1948) 177; Runk p. 46, TL 8, 842; GdfC 10, 544b; AND 630b; AND 630b; AND 630b; MED Bd. 8, 463a; FEW 10, 174a)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chHM054 9)
fiches par lemme
●rentereç adj.
[BTDial 52, 277; MantouVoc An.a. 1289.450; ZrP 92, 551; ZrP 92, 551; ZrP 92,551.]
(rentereç CensHerchiesM; CensHerchiesM, renterech CensHerchiesM 97,22; 104, 16, renterés MantouFlandr; CensHerchiesM 86,1, renteresses CensHerchiesM 177,10)
- ◆“qui est relatif à la rente” (MantouFlandr; CensHerchiesM; CensHerchiesM; CensHerchiesM 97,22; 104, 16; CensHerchiesM 86,1; CensHerchiesM 177,10, BTDial 52, 277; MantouVoc An.a. 1289.450; ZrP 92, 551; ZrP 92, 551; ZrP 92,551)
fiches par lemme
●renterie f.
[TL 8, 843; Gdf 7, 41c; Gdf; FEW 10, 174a.]
(renteries [ChOthéeF])
- ◆“revenu d'une terre, rente” ([ChOthéeF], TL 8, 843; Gdf 7, 41c; Gdf; FEW 10, 174a)
fiches par lemme
●rentien adj.
[Gdf 7, 42b.]
- ◆“qui doit une rente, qui paye une rente, qui rapporte” (Gdf 7, 42b)
fiches par lemme
●rentier m.
[TL 8, 843; Gdf 7, 42b; Gdf 7, 42c; FEW 10, 174a; Foerster; LexMA 7, 1714; LevyTrés. – BPH 1899, p. 69, Z. 10; Morlet 137; R 65, p. 287; 72 p. 186; RLiR 25, 373; RLiR T 59 1995, S. 624; Runk p. 119.]
(rantier CligesM 3114; RoselLec, rantiers (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.9, 355b, rentier GautArrErR 3525; CligesG; CligesM 3114; MonRaincB 3633; BodelCongéRu 457; AudefroiC XI, 4; RenclCarH; CoincyII20/21H 188; LoisGodM p. 11, Z. 29; VMortAnW 87,1; TerrEvêqueH S. 169; BeaumCoutS 680; MirNDPers1-40P 17 1997, 23 1076; [DeschQ VII, 202]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 21, 28; HenryChrest, rentiers CoincyI1...K; CoincyI36L; EspVerlinden 234; JSQuentO; [FroissEspF1 606, 1462, 1515; JFevRespH 911])
- ◆“celui ou celle qui doit des rentes seigneuriales, sujet d'un seigneur, fonctionnaire qui encaisse les rentes” (GautArrErR 3525; CligesG; CligesM 3114; CligesM 3114; MonRaincB 3633; BodelCongéRu 457; AudefroiC XI, 4; CoincyI1...K; CoincyI36L; RenclCarH; CoincyII20/21H 188; LoisGodM p. 11, Z. 29; RoselLec; EspVerlinden 234; VMortAnW 87,1; TerrEvêqueH S. 169; BeaumCoutS 680; JSQuentO; MirNDPers1-40P 17 1997, 23 1076; [FroissEspF1 606, 1462, 1515; JFevRespH 911; DeschQ VII, 202]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 21, 28; HenryChrest; NoomenFabl t.9, 355b, BPH 1899, p. 69, Z. 10; Morlet 137; R 65, p. 287; 72 p. 186; RLiR 25, 373; RLiR T 59 1995, S. 624; Runk p. 119, TL 8, 843; Gdf 7, 42b; Gdf 7, 42c; FEW 10, 174a; Foerster; LexMA 7, 1714; LevyTrés)
fiches par lemme
●rentiere adj.
[Delisle 530.]
(rentiere Saisna/lB 1096)
- ◆“qui est redevable” (Saisna/lB 1096, Delisle 530)
fiches par lemme
●rentition f.
[TL 8,845; Gdf 7, 43a; FEW 10, 174b.]
- ◆“revenu régulier (annuel etc.) d'un bien exploité, affirmé, etc., revenu régulier (annuel etc.) en argent d'un capital qu'on fait valoir ou qui a été constitué par contrat au profit de qn” (TL 8,845; Gdf 7, 43a; FEW 10, 174b)
fiches par lemme
●rentiz adj.
[TL 8, 845; FEW 10, 174b; Foerster.]
(rantiz ErecR 3847, rentis CesTuimAlC 137, RENTIS CesTuimAlC)
- ◆“qui est tenu à redevance” (ErecR 3847; CesTuimAlC 137; CesTuimAlC, TL 8, 845; FEW 10, 174b; Foerster)
fiches par lemme
●rentos adj.
[TL 8,845; Gdf 7, 42a; FEW 10, 174a. – Runk p. 119.]
(rentex RegDijon1L)
- ◆“qui est chargé d'une rente” (RegDijon1L, Runk p. 119, TL 8,845; Gdf 7, 42a; FEW 10, 174a)
fiches par lemme
●renté adj.
(renté RenNouvR; [DeschQ IV, 34], rentés TristNantS 17921, rentez RutebTheophF 454; JerusCont2G; ProprChosZ)
- ◆“qui est pourvu d'une rente” (RutebTheophF 454; JerusCont2G; RenNouvR; ProprChosZ; TristNantS 17921; [DeschQ IV, 34])
fiches par lemme
●mfr. rerendre v.
(rerendrai [LégDorVignBatallD])
- ◆“rendre (de nouveau)” ([LégDorVignBatallD])
fiches par lemme
[TL 1,513,29; TL 1,513,29; TL; Gdf 3, 220a; Gdf 3, 220a; Gdf 1, 389c; GdfC 8, 175a; AND 37a; MED 1, 362B; DG 137b; DCCarp s. 47; TLF 1213; FEW 10, 174b. – Bartzsch p163; GossenGramm 201; MatHistVoc1 1213; MélHorrent 1980, 483; RHL p261; SchelerGil II, 58.19.]
(ararand (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, arenté CesTuimAlC 5527, ARENTÉ CesTuimAlC, arenter GysselingDocAnc p 193, z 43; GysselingDocAnc p 193; HerbomezTourn p 4, z 7; HerbomezTourn p 8, z 20; HerbomezTourn p 18, z 13; DocHainR; JeuxPartL, Arenter RoisinM, arentet GilMuisK 311b; I, 344, 3, arentez SimPouilleaB C 5061; HosebAnO C 39 (S. 434), arrenté chSL 043 7, arrentee chSL 043 16, arrenter RuelleChir p. 55; PamphGalM 1020)
- ◆1o“doter (qn.) d'un tribut” (TL 1,513,29; TL 1,513,29)
- ◆2o“donner à rente” (GysselingDocAnc p 193, z 43; GysselingDocAnc p 193; HerbomezTourn p 4, z 7; HerbomezTourn p 8, z 20; HerbomezTourn p 18, z 13; DocHainR; CesTuimAlC; JeuxPartL; RuelleChir p. 55; RoisinM; HosebAnO C 39 (S. 434); PamphGalM 1020; GilMuisK 311b; I, 344, 3; (sigles à datations multiples:) HuntTeach, Bartzsch p163; GossenGramm 201; MatHistVoc1 1213; MélHorrent 1980, 483; RHL p261; SchelerGil II, 58.19, TL; Gdf 1, 389c; Gdf 3, 220a; GdfC 8, 175a; AND 37a; MED 1, 362B; DG 137b; DCCarp s. 47; TLF 1213; FEW 10, 174b)
- ◆3o“qui jouit de beaucoup de revenus” (Gdf 3, 220a)
- ◆4o“asservi, soumis” (CesTuimAlC 5527)
- ◆5o“doté de rentes” (SimPouilleaB C 5061)
- ◆6o“Identificanda DocLing” (chSL 043 7; chSL 043 16)
fiches par lemme
●arentement s.m.
[TL 1,513,26; TL; GdfC 8, 175a; DG 137b; DCCarp s. 47; TLF 1271; FEW 10, 174b.]
(arenteemant DolopL, arentemens RuelleChir p 51, arentement DocHainR 1; 4, arrentemens EspVerlinden 225, Arrentemens RoisinM, arrentement chSL 043 19, arrentmens RuelleChir p. 54)
- ◆1o“action de prendre ou de donner à rente” (DolopL; DocHainR 1; 4; EspVerlinden 225; RuelleChir p. 54; RuelleChir p 51; RoisinM, TL 1,513,26; TL; GdfC 8, 175a; DG 137b; DCCarp s. 47; TLF 1271; FEW 10, 174b)
- ◆2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chSL 043 19)
fiches par lemme
●acrairentee adj.
(acrairentee FossierCh p. 305)
- ◆“confisquée (d’une maison)” (FossierCh p. 305)