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robe f.
[FEW 16,674a germ. *RAUBA.DEAF p. 113; TL 8, 340; TL 8, 1344; Gdf VII, 208c; Gdf VII, 209c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; AND 660a; MED Bd.VII, 769a; MED Bd.VIII, 769a; DCCarp s.216; Gay 24a; Gay 2, 302a,b; 162a; Gay 764a, 571a; 1398, 1256; Gay 295b; FEW XVI, 674a; FEW; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 23; DiStefLoc 769; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; Foerster; LexMA 1, 1031; LevyTrés. – BEC 16, 1855, p.143, z.7; BPH 1968, 662, Ch.1318; BTDial 50, 188; DelortFourr p.1356; Fagniez I, 333; Fagniez I, 238; Fagniez II, 34; FrankHart 500; Hassell 434; KaiserMPol 72; KellerWace 198b; 286a; MeierEtym p.40ss.; MessnerBers 52; Morlet 220; Morlet 45; MénardRire 346^78; Pck Dou., 1250c; S.Om., 1275c; Val., 1302 (?); Pope A.N.1170; R 102, 1981, 441; RF 53, 221; RoPh 14, 177; RoPh 7, 107; RoPh 8, 107; RoiFloreJ0 CXXIV; RoquesRég 287; Runk p.76; SchelerJPreis 28350, 38407; SchulzeBusProv 680; TraLiLi II, 1 248; TraLiPhi 31, 245; WoledgeSynt paragr.43; ZfSL 84(1974)50; Ziltener 5407; ZrP 101(1985)233; [sigle] p.180, 22, p.214, 19.⁠]
(rauba CptRoyM; CptRoyM 8632- 8634, raube BenTroieC; ChMa085 13; chMa085 13, reube FloreaW 2869; Aiol1/2N 3792, etc.; ChevCygneNaissT 296, 2602; EscoufleM 310a; EscoufleS; ElucidationT 285; PercDidd/eR 74, 77, 81; FillePonth1B2 p59; Bueve3S; ComtePoitM; ViolB 2483, 4065, etc.; BalainL 74, 92; MerlinsR; FossierCh p 395; AldL 27,4; 63,29; 64,11; VMortAnW 71,8; 177,5; 148,11; CharroicL; JMeunVégR 76; 31, 84; JacBaisT III 8, 9; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn II, 201; NoomenFabl t 9, 357a, réube Aiol1/2F 3794, reubes ChansArtB XIV, 26, XVI, 6; CheviiEspI; HuonR 8713; EspVal 133-16, robaut (sigles à datations multiples:) GononTest 711, robbe CptRoyF 72, 96, 98, 150; CptRoyM 7400², robe GaimarB 1854; MonGuill1/2C 305, 342, 470, 869, 1290; FloreaK 2893; BenTroieC; ErecR 406, 409, 506; RouH; BenDucF; SThomGuernW1 569, 574, App¹13; Aiol1/2F 3794; CligesG; EstFougK 572; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 455, 1209; PercL; ProtH; AimonFlH 4558, 4934; RenR; AliscW p.230v.4015var.; MantelB M31, M51; Saisna/lB 1100; SimFreineGeorgM; VMortHélW 28, 11; ContGuillTyrdM 18; PoèmeMorB 647; AubereeC 82, 358; ContPerc1P; GuiotProvinsO A14; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleM 310b; EscoufleS; GuillDoleL 869; AmbroiseP 1686, 7645; BueveAgnS 2839, 1110, 2787; ChevBarAnS 540, 569; CoutSensL s.292; CoutSensL p.292, z.12, 14; FlorenceW 4853, 5040, 5092, 6294; MortAymC 216; Bueve1S 291, 3176, 3923; Bueve2S 938, 13186; Bueve3S 4934, 5940, 7938; DurmS 4211; OvArtElieK 1042, 1046; ChevBarBloisB; LancPrK; LancPrM IV,9; XIV, 15, 24 etc.; OmbreB2 95; DolopL; AucR3 V12, XII 21; GautAupF; PeanGatSöderh 7747; PeanGatSöderh; RenclCarH; CoincyII26V 155; CoincyII26V; ViolB; TristPrCh 196, 32; 197, 23; TristPrS; Layettes 2, p.218, z.4; TournAntW 1115, 3381; ArtusS 35, 7; GilChinP 2274; ParDuchP 859, 2918; MerlinsR; AssJérBourgmZ; ClercVaudR D284(2x); BraiCordO 223, 307; Pères64B 713, 942; SermMaccM 208; ChMa085 13; ChMa085 14; ChMa085 18; PhNovMémK I, IX; II, XXII, XXIII, XLVII, LXVIII, LXXIV, XCII; ChMa114 18; MenReimsP 65, 139; MenReimsW 65, 139; RutebTheophF 10; chHM130 40; chHM130 109; chCOr123 34; AnticlC 180, 2367; ChHM161 33; ChHM161 34; EtSLouisV II, 157, 361; III, 14, 27; RegTournB; chHM275 47; ClefD 349, 482, 2385; HosebHenL 86, 134; AttilaPrB; JPrioratR 4217; PéageDijonaM A, 24ro; RenγF2; SoneG 1907, 17030, 17047; SThibAlH I, 46, 55, II, 131, 163; R 1298 10 06 01 21; R 1298 10 06 01 22; R 1298 10 06 01 124; chHS131 9; PéageChalonbA 2, 24; JoinvW1 24d; 266f; LapidPhilB 118, 19; BertaMilC 303, 309; GesteFrancorR 722, 789, 802; JSQuentO; OgDanAlC 1079; CptRoyM 14423; GeoffrParChronD 7848, 739; MaillartR 1778; PrunB 1044, 1352, 257, 1172; PéageDijonbM B, 20vo; TombChartr1/2/3S; JVignayEnsK 59; GuiNantvProlC 162; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 18, 458; 19, 776; JDupinMelL 3288; JMoteVoieP 290; RegDijon1L; RenContrR 6998; ChevPapH 23, 19; 65, 13; 74, 10; [AalmaR 8.520; GastPhébChasseT; AdAiglesB 5, 3MLAP; JPreisMyrG 297, 374, 7750; SottiesP III, 112, v.153; SottiesP; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 18, 186; 30, 26; 58, 299; 72, 30; BartschHorning 224, 1; ConstHamelR 515, 593; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL 130, 14; 161,33; 275, 16; 1,2; 47, 4; 275, 25; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL p.1, z.18; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg 10; DouëtNArg 123, 126; DouëtNArg 158, 170; DouëtNArg 120, 161; DouëtNArg 157, 170, 171, 172; DouëtNArg 133; DouëtNArg 134, 136, 149; DouëtNArg 165; DouëtNArg 123, 126; DouëtNArg 123, 126, 145; DouëtNArg 166; DouëtNArg 134; DouëtNArg 12; DouëtNArg 9; NoomenFabl 431; NoomenFabl t.9, 357a; NoomenFabl 447; NoomenFabl 478; NoomenFabl t.6, 394; NoomenFabl I, 2/498, 3/6, 4/85; 4/358; NoomenFabl II, 8/188, 12/66; NoomenFabl III, 15a/117, 16a/199, 16b/84, 17/222; NoomenFabl 33/74, 34a/239; NyströmMén; ProvM 680, 1481, 2220, 2467; RaynLaFabl; ReidFabl, Robe (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg, ROBE GuillPalMo; LMestL, robelinge OvArtPrR 4366; [ProstInv 3211], robes CligesM 321, 1129; PrêtreJeand/yG 612; HValL 658; MaccabPr1G; GuillMarM 17542-48, 18687; ChHM001 5; EspVerlinden 225; JoufrF 2512, 908; chCOr009 4; ChHM047 6; chHM275 72; OlimB 2/ 499; BretTournD 4145; SermGuiG z.451; R 1299 08 04 01 27; Taille1313M 30d; Taille1313M; docJuBe182 5; (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg 6; DouëtNArg 139, Robes RobDiableL; VillehW; CartHain; (sigles à datations multiples:) DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg, robez DébCorpsArrL 86, roube MerlinsR 4, 9; 196, 23; 216, 20; ChMa092 8; ChMa092 8; SDomM; HunbautW f.143, 185, 623; JMeunVégR; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.8, 431; NoomenFabl t.7, 447, roubes EscoufleM 311a; DolopL; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl III, ruebe MantouFlandr Y.C. I 434 (2); Y.K. b. 415)
  • 1o“action de s'emparer frauduleusement de ce qui appartient matériellement à une personne, un ville, et sim., le résultat de cette action, pillage, vol” (BenTroieC; BenDucF; ContGuillTyrdM 18; PoèmeMorB 647; EscoufleM 311a; DolopL; ClercVaudR D284(2x); SDomM; VMortAnW 71,8; 177,5; 148,11; JMeunVégR; CptRoyF 72, 96, 98, 150; CptRoyM; CptRoyM 8632- 8634; CptRoyM 7400²; JDupinMelL 3288; (sigles à datations multiples:) NoomenFabl t.8, 431; NoomenFabl t.7, 447; NoomenFabl III, Fagniez I, 333; FrankHart 500; MénardRire 346^78; RF 53, 221; RoquesRég 287; SchelerJPreis 28350, 38407, TL 8, 340; TL 8, 1344; Gdf VII, 208c; Gdf; AND 660a; MED Bd.VII, 769a; Gay 24a; FEW XVI, 674a; DupinLaboulaye)
    • “ensemble des vêtements qui habillent quelqu'un, robe” (MonGuill1/2C 305, 342, 470, 869, 1290; FloreaK 2893; FloreaW 2869; BenTroieC; ErecR 406, 409, 506; RouH; SThomGuernW1 569, 574, App¹13; Aiol1/2F 3794; Aiol1/2F 3794; Aiol1/2N 3792, etc.; CligesG; CligesM 321, 1129; EstFougK 572; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 455, 1209; PercL; AimonFlH 4558, 4934; RenR; AliscW p.230v.4015var.; MantelB M31, M51; RobDiableL; Saisna/lB 1100; SimFreineGeorgM; PrêtreJeand/yG 612; VMortHélW 28, 11; AubereeC 82, 358; ChevCygneNaissT 296, 2602; ContPerc1P; GuiotProvinsO A14; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleM 310a; EscoufleS; GuillDoleL 869; HValL 658; VillehW; AmbroiseP 1686, 7645; BueveAgnS 2839, 1110, 2787; ChevBarAnS 540, 569; ElucidationT 285; GuillPalMo; MaccabPr1G; PercDidd/eR 74, 77, 81; CoutSensL s.292; CoutSensL p.292, z.12, 14; FillePonth1B2 p59; FlorenceW 4853, 5040, 5092, 6294; MortAymC 216; Bueve1S 291, 3176, 3923; Bueve2S 938, 13186; Bueve3S 4934, 5940, 7938; Bueve3S; DurmS 4211; OvArtElieK 1042, 1046; ChevBarBloisB; LancPrK; LancPrM IV,9; XIV, 15, 24 etc.; OmbreB2 95; DolopL; AucR3 V12, XII 21; ComtePoitM; GautAupF; PeanGatSöderh 7747; PeanGatSöderh; RenclCarH; GuillMarM 17542-48, 18687; ChansArtB XIV, 26, XVI, 6; CoincyII26V 155; CoincyII26V; ViolB; ViolB 2483, 4065, etc.; TristPrCh 196, 32; 197, 23; TristPrS; Layettes 2, p.218, z.4; TournAntW 1115, 3381; CheviiEspI; GilChinP 2274; ParDuchP 859, 2918; BalainL 74, 92; MerlinsR 4, 9; 196, 23; 216, 20; MerlinsR; MerlinsR; AssJérBourgmZ; FossierCh p 395; BraiCordO 223, 307; EspVerlinden 225; HuonR 8713; JoufrF 2512, 908; Pères64B 713, 942; SermMaccM 208; AldL 27,4; 63,29; 64,11; PhNovMémK I, IX; II, XXII, XXIII, XLVII, LXVIII, LXXIV, XCII; MenReimsP 65, 139; MenReimsW 65, 139; RutebTheophF 10; AnticlC 180, 2367; HunbautW f.143, 185, 623; MantouFlandr Y.C. I 434 (2); Y.K. b. 415; LMestL; EtSLouisV II, 157, 361; III, 14, 27; RegTournB; CartHain; CharroicL; OlimB 2/ 499; ClefD 349, 482, 2385; JMeunVégR 76; 31, 84; OvArtPrR 4366; BretTournD 4145; HosebHenL 86, 134; AttilaPrB; JPrioratR 4217; PéageDijonaM A, 24ro; RenγF2; SThibAlH I, 46, 55, II, 131, 163; SoneG 1907, 17030, 17047; SermGuiG z.451; JacBaisT III 8, 9; EspVal 133-16; PéageChalonbA 2, 24; JoinvW1 24d; 266f; LapidPhilB 118, 19; BertaMilC 303, 309; GesteFrancorR 722, 789, 802; JSQuentO; OgDanAlC 1079; Taille1313M 30d; Taille1313M; CptRoyM 14423; GeoffrParChronD 7848, 739; MaillartR 1778; PrunB 1044, 1352, 257, 1172; DébCorpsArrL 86; PéageDijonbM B, 20vo; TombChartr1/2/3S; GuiNantvProlC 162; ProprChosZ; MirNDPers1-40P 18, 458; 19, 776; JMoteVoieP 290; RegDijon1L; RenContrR 6998; ChevPapH 23, 19; 65, 13; 74, 10; [ProstInv 3211; AalmaR 8.520; GastPhébChasseT; AdAiglesB 5, 3MLAP; JPreisMyrG 297, 374, 7750; SottiesP III, 112, v.153; SottiesP; MistSGenisM]; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 18, 186; 30, 26; 58, 299; 72, 30; BartschHorning 224, 1; ConstHamelR 515, 593; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL 130, 14; 161,33; 275, 16; 1,2; 47, 4; 275, 25; DocFrHMarneG/DocFrVosL p.1, z.18; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg 10; DouëtNArg 123, 126; DouëtNArg 158, 170; DouëtNArg 120, 161; DouëtNArg 157, 170, 171, 172; DouëtNArg 133; DouëtNArg 134, 136, 149; DouëtNArg 165; DouëtNArg 123, 126; DouëtNArg 123, 126, 145; DouëtNArg 166; DouëtNArg 134; DouëtNArg 12; DouëtNArg 9; DouëtNArg 6; DouëtNArg 139; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; DouëtNArg; GononTest 711; MontRayn II, 201; NoomenFabl 431; NoomenFabl t.9, 357a; NoomenFabl 447; NoomenFabl 478; NoomenFabl t.6, 394; NoomenFabl I, 2/498, 3/6, 4/85; 4/358; NoomenFabl II, 8/188, 12/66; NoomenFabl III, 15a/117, 16a/199, 16b/84, 17/222; NoomenFabl 33/74, 34a/239; NoomenFabl t 9, 357a; NyströmMén; ProvM 680, 1481, 2220, 2467; RaynLaFabl; ReidFabl, BEC 16, 1855, p.143, z.7; BPH 1968, 662, Ch.1318; BTDial 50, 188; DelortFourr p.1356; Fagniez I, 238; Fagniez II, 34; Hassell 434; KaiserMPol 72; KellerWace 198b; 286a; MeierEtym p.40ss.; MessnerBers 52; Morlet 220; Morlet 45; Pck Dou., 1250c; S.Om., 1275c; Val., 1302 (?); Pope A.N.1170; R 102, 1981, 441; RoPh 14, 177; RoPh 7, 107; RoPh 8, 107; RoiFloreJ0 CXXIV; Runk p.76; SchulzeBusProv 680; TraLiLi II, 1 248; TraLiPhi 31, 245; WoledgeSynt paragr.43; ZfSL 84(1974)50; Ziltener 5407; ZrP 101(1985)233; [sigle] p.180, 22, p.214, 19, DEAF p. 113; Gdf VII, 209c; Gdf; Gdf; Gdf; MED Bd.VIII, 769a; DCCarp s.216; Gay 2, 302a,b; 162a; Gay 764a, 571a; 1398, 1256; Gay 295b; FEW; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; Chastell 23; DiStefLoc 769; DupinLaboulaye; DupinLaboulaye; Foerster; LexMA 1, 1031; LevyTrés)
    • “biens, bagage, principalement les vêtements” (GaimarB 1854; ProtH; EscoufleM 310b; EscoufleS; JVignayEnsK 59)
    • “couverture fixée à la selle qui recouvre la croupe et les flancs du cheval, housse” (ArtusS 35, 7)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (ChHM001 5; chCOr009 4; ChHM047 6; ChMa085 13; ChMa085 13; ChMa085 14; ChMa085 18; chMa085 13; ChMa092 8; ChMa092 8; ChMa114 18; chHM130 40; chHM130 109; chCOr123 34; ChHM161 33; ChHM161 34; chHM275 47; chHM275 72; R 1298 10 06 01 21; R 1298 10 06 01 22; R 1298 10 06 01 124; R 1299 08 04 01 27; chHS131 9; docJuBe182 5)
fiches par lemme Télécharger
robelete f.
[Gdf VII, 209c; FEW XVI, 675a. – RLiR 56(1992), p.492.⁠]
  • “petite robe” (RLiR 56(1992), p.492, Gdf VII, 209c; FEW XVI, 675a)