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[FEW 10,209a lt. REGIMEN.TL 8, 368; TL 8, 368; TL 8,1401; Gdf 7, 256b; GdfC 10,583c; AND 590b; AND 597a; AND 597b; AND 597a; AND 597a; AND 597a; MED Bd. 8, 189a; MED Bd. 8, 189a; MED Bd.VIII,787b; MED Bd.VIII,787b; MED Bd.VIII,787b; MED Bd.VIII,189a; MED Bd. 8, 787b; MED Bd. 8, 189a; MED Bd. 8, 189a; MED Bd.VIII, 189a; FEW 10, 209a; FEW; FEW; FEW 10,208b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 775; Foerster; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; LevyTrés. – CCM 36, 265; CellaGall 520; CellaGall 520; CellaGall 520; FSt 1(1988)461; FSt vol XLVIII (1994), 258; KaiserMPol 127; KellerWace 163a; Messelaar; Messelaar 44,45; MessnerBers 187 ff.; Morlet 215; NM 87, 1986, 476; p. 610 cap. 5; NobelAng p.220+314.315 var.; NobelAng p. 15; OrelliBibel; R 88, p. 431; R 65,p.517;72,p.48; R 88, p. 431; RF 19, 639; RLiR 69, 288n.; RLiR 56 (1992) p. 632; RoiFloreJ0 CXXV; Runk 107; SchelerGil I,291.25; SchelerJPreis 2134;34739;34751; Trénel 352.⁠]
(raume TristPrG 221, 9, re(i)aume AssJérRoiG, realme LapidalS 96; WaceConcA 12; EdConfVatS; BenDucM III, p. 558, v. 673; SThomGuernW1 506, 3243; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; MarieFabB; PrêtreJeand/yG 611; 129; BibleDécb/eN; BueveAgnS 963 (BD), 3113; DoonRocheM 2500; NarbS 183, 2781; BestGuillR 2719; BlancandS 113; GuillMarM; ModvB2 472; SimPouilleaB 457; NoblBretZ; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn II, 92; NoomenFabl t.8, 430, Realme [BibbfW], rëalme ChronSMichelB 2500, 3459, 1488; CharroicL, realmes PriseCordD 870, reame CR 1282 07 20 02 4; CR 1282 07 20 02 4; CR 1282 07 20 02 9; CR 1282 07 20 02 11; CR 1282 07 20 02 23; BertaMilC 100; OgDanAlC 1007, 2792, 1406; AliscmH 1317, réame FevresS 31-21, 23; 2366-10,12, reant GesteFrancorR 1293, reäulme ChevPapH 25, 26 etc., reaume CharroiPo t. II, 165; PelCharlF; CligesM 1443, 2331; FlorebK 23; FlorebP 23; ChardryPletM 1132, 1263; FlorenceW 362b; 2684, 3292; BalJosPr1M 43,3; GuillMarM; ArtusS 124, 1; 138, 38; FossierCh p. 560; chN 011 2, Reaume LMestL, reaūme [ArmArgM 129, 202, etc.], rëaume HornP 1893; FloovA 1247, 1829; TournAntW 3420; CharroicL; YsEudeR 28, 244; GeoffrParChronD; TombChartr1/2/3S; Apol2L 15, 30; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland 11, 18; 27,4; ReidFabl, reaumes JoinvW1; chSL 069 2; [AalmaR 10.370], reäumes ClefD 2955, rëaumes PhThSibS, reialme RolB 464; EneasS1 4152; MarieGuigW2 G. 38, Eq. 41, El. 18; PelCharlK 109, 68, 217; MarieFabW Ep. 10; MarieFabW2, reiame CourLouisL1, reiaume BenTroieC; HornP; BenDucF 766; EstFougK 15; AlexParA I var. 135, 1807; LancPrK 2. 7; 219. 38; AssJérBourgmZ; R 1285 10 09 01 16; R 1285 10 09 01 17; R 1285 12 20 01 20, reïsme SCathAumN 1456, riame PrisePampM 582, rian GesteFrancorR 10902; OgDanAlC, roialme Bueve1S 1771,9546,9591,etc.; chCOr166 4; chCOr166 4; chCOr166 11; CharroicL; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschChrest 31,234;33,186, Roialme [BibbfW], roialmes DurmS 15238, roiame FloreaW 2514,3242,3243; CoucyChansL XXVIII,55; ChevCygneNaissT 16,2976; EscoufleM 311a;1524,1682,5822,8585,8867; EscoufleS; AudefroiC XV,15; OmbreB2 238; RenclCarH; ArtusS; GilChinP; RigomerF; CharroicL; FevresS 209b-12; (sigles à datations multiples:) MontRayn V,248; NoomenFabl t.7,447, Roiame HAndH; LMestL, roiamme LapidPhilB 116,9, roiane FloreaK 2536,3266, roiaulme (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland, roiaume EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1043,1556; AimonFlH 1227.1329; FolTristBernH2 116; FetRomF1 5,11; Bueve2S 1767,11110; Bueve3S 1616,2182,7732etc.; GilChinP; chMM026 27; CristalB 8236; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 25; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 34; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 38; CR 1259 10 32 01 25; CR 1259 10 32 01 34; CR 1259 10 32 01 38; CR 1259 10 32 01 40; R 1259 10 32 01 25; R 1259 10 32 01 34; R 1259 10 32 01 38; R 1259 10 32 01 40; AnticlC 740,775; VMortAnW 9,9; R 1271 12 32 01 4; R 1271 12 32 01 6; R 1271 12 32 01 7; R 1271 12 32 01 9; R 1271 12 32 01 11; R 1271 12 32 01 12; R 1271 12 32 01 18; R 1271 12 32 01 18; R 1271 12 32 01 18; R 1271 12 32 01 19; HaginL 34c;62c;65b; EmpConstOctC 54,150; R 1282 07 20 01 4; R 1282 07 20 01 4; R 1282 07 20 01 9; R 1282 07 20 01 11; R 1282 07 20 01 16; R 1282 07 20 01 23; CR 1284 11 32 01 5; CR 1284 11 32 01 6; CR 1284 11 32 01 20; CR 1284 11 32 01 23; CR 1284 11 32 01 24; RC 1285 10 05 01 6; RC 1285 10 05 01 9; R 1287 08 32 01 7; R 1287 08 32 01 10; R 1287 08 32 01 11; RV 1287 08 32 01b 10; RV 1287 08 32 01b 11; R 1289 08 32 02 8; AttilaPrB; DrouartB 898,904; SThibAlH II,444; R 1294 11 12 01 4; R 1294 11 12 01 5; RM 1294 06 25 01 21; RM 1294 06 25 01 22; CR 1295 03 19 01 7; CR 1295 05 25 01 3; R 1295 01 30 01 3; R 1295 01 30 01 4; R 1295 03 23 01 15; R 1296 01 10 01 9; R 1296 06 30 08 4; VR 1296 06 32 10 5; VR 1296 06 32 10 11; VR 1296 06 32 10 30; VR 1296 06 32 10 33; R 1297 05 30 01 25; R 1297 09 17 01 4; RP 1297 03 20 01 4; RP 1297 03 20 02 4; R 1298 02 25 01 10; R 1298 02 25 01 12; R 1298 02 25 02 10; R 1298 02 25 02 12; R 1298 06 26 01 10; R 1298 06 26 01 12; R 1298 06 26 01 15; R 1298 06 26 01 16; VR 1298 02 25 01 10; VR 1298 02 25 01 12; R 1299 08 03 01 28; R 1299 08 03 01 40; R 1299 08 03 01 42; R 1299 08 03 01 77; SecrSecrPr7B p263; R 1300 10 25 01 8; R 1300 10 25 01 10; R 1300 10 25 01 12; R 1300 10 25 01 14; R 1300 10 25 01 15; R 1300 10 25 01 16; R 1300 10 25 01 19; R 1300 10 25 01 27; R 1300 10 25 01 29; R 1300 10 25 01 31; RC 1300 11 32 01 38; chCOr166a 7; chCOr166a 7; chCOr166a 14; GeoffrParChronD; (sigles à datations multiples:) BartschHorning 435,15;578,31; ProvM 2049, Roiaume VillehW, ROIAUME GuillPalMo, roiaumes RobClariL 26; MenReimsP 4,28,214; MenReimsW; R 1298 06 26 01 4; R 1298 06 26 01 4; JoinvW1, roingne MPolRustR, royalme VRP 1297 05 30 01 25, royane [OresmePolM 236 b], royaulme [JPreisMyrG 873, v. n° 65 b], royaume ArtusS; AssJérBourgvZ 23 v° b-29; KanorM; RV 1287 08 32 01a 7; RV 1287 08 32 01a 10; RV 1287 08 32 01a 11; RV 1287 08 32 01b 7; RV 1287 08 32 01c 7; RV 1287 08 32 01c 10; RV 1287 08 32 01c 11; RV 1287 08 32 01d 7; RV 1287 08 32 01d 10; RV 1287 08 32 01d 11; R 1289 08 32 02 5; R 1289 08 32 02 7; R 1289 08 32 02 14; R 1289 08 32 02 16; JobB 1862; R 1290 08 14 01 4; CR 1295 03 19 01 2; CR 1295 03 19 01 6; CR 1295 03 19 01 9; CR 1295 03 19 01 12; CR 1295 03 23 02 2; CR 1295 03 23 02 5; CR 1295 03 23 02 11; CR 1295 03 23 02 15; CR 1295 04 15 02 2; CR 1295 05 25 01 4; R 1295 03 17 01 3; R 1295 03 17 01 5; R 1295 03 17 01 7; R 1295 03 23 01 5; R 1295 03 23 01 11; R 1295 06 23 01 5; R 1295 06 23 01 10; R 1295 06 23 01 11; R 1295 07 17 01 5; R 1295 07 17 01 17; R 1296 06 30 07 4; R 1296 06 30 11 4; R 1296 06 30 13 4; R 1296 06 30 13 6; R 1296 06 30 14 4; R 1296 06 30 14 6; R 1296 06 30 15 4; R 1296 06 30 15 6; R 1296 06 30 16 4; R 1296 06 30 16 6; R 1296 06 30 17 4; R 1296 06 30 17 6; RV 1296 06 30 07a 4; RV 1296 06 30 07b 4; VRP 1296 06 12 01 6; RP 1297 03 32 01 133; RP 1297 03 32 02 133; FevresS; GeoffrParChronD 53, 119 etc.; ChevPapH; NoblBretZ; [OresmeSphèreMy 21 a], ROYAUME LMestL, royaumes JoinvW1 474 f; 38 c; 12 f; 466 c, royon BenDucM II, p. 85, en note, col. 1; TristNantS 918, 1273, 1284, etc.; [GodBouillBruxR; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 797, 1794, 136])
  • 1o“pays, société gouverné par un roi ou par une reine, par méton., ensemble des habitants d'un royaume, royaume” (RolB 464; LapidalS 96; WaceConcA 12; PhThSibS; CharroiPo t. II, 165; CourLouisL1; EneasS1 4152; FloreaK 2536,3266; FloreaW 2514,3242,3243; ChronSMichelB 2500, 3459, 1488; MarieGuigW2 G. 38, Eq. 41, El. 18; BenTroieC; EdConfVatS; HornP; HornP 1893; BenDucF 766; BenDucM II, p. 85, en note, col. 1; BenDucM III, p. 558, v. 673; SThomGuernW1 506, 3243; PelCharlA; PelCharlF; PelCharlF; PelCharlK 109, 68, 217; CligesM 1443, 2331; EstFougK 15; EructavitJ; EructavitJ 1043,1556; MarieFabB; MarieFabW Ep. 10; MarieFabW2; FlorebK 23; FlorebP 23; AlexParA I var. 135, 1807; AimonFlH 1227.1329; CoucyChansL XXVIII,55; FloovA 1247, 1829; PrêtreJeand/yG 611; 129; ChevCygneNaissT 16,2976; PriseCordD 870; AssJérRoiG; EscoufleM 311a;1524,1682,5822,8585,8867; EscoufleS; VillehW; AudefroiC XV,15; BibleDécb/eN; BueveAgnS 963 (BD), 3113; ChardryPletM 1132, 1263; DoonRocheM 2500; FolTristBernH2 116; GuillPalMo; NarbS 183, 2781; BestGuillR 2719; FlorenceW 362b; 2684, 3292; RobClariL 26; BalJosPr1M 43,3; BlancandS 113; Bueve1S 1771,9546,9591,etc.; Bueve2S 1767,11110; Bueve3S 1616,2182,7732etc.; DurmS 15238; LancPrK 2. 7; 219. 38; OmbreB2 238; RenclCarH; GuillMarM; GuillMarM; ModvB2 472; SCathAumN 1456; TristPrG 221, 9; TournAntW 3420; ArtusS; ArtusS; ArtusS 124, 1; 138, 38; GilChinP; GilChinP; HAndH; AssJérBourgmZ; AssJérBourgvZ 23 v° b-29; FossierCh p. 560; CristalB 8236; RigomerF; MenReimsP 4,28,214; MenReimsW; AnticlC 740,775; VMortAnW 9,9; LMestL; LMestL; LMestL; HaginL 34c;62c;65b; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroicL; CharroicL; EmpConstOctC 54,150; SimPouilleaB 457; ClefD 2955; KanorM; AttilaPrB; DrouartB 898,904; JobB 1862; SThibAlH II,444; MPolRustR; FevresS 209b-12; FevresS 31-21, 23; 2366-10,12; FevresS; SecrSecrPr7B p263; JoinvW1; JoinvW1 474 f; 38 c; 12 f; 466 c; JoinvW1; LapidPhilB 116,9; BertaMilC 100; GesteFrancorR 1293; GesteFrancorR 10902; OgDanAlC; GeoffrParChronD; GeoffrParChronD 53, 119 etc.; GeoffrParChronD; TombChartr1/2/3S; PrisePampM 582; AliscmH 1317; Apol2L 15, 30; ChevPapH; ChevPapH 25, 26 etc.; NoblBretZ; NoblBretZ; TristNantS 918, 1273, 1284, etc.; [GodBouillBruxR; OresmeSphèreMy 21 a; OresmePolM 236 b; AalmaR 10.370; GesteMonglGir/Hern/RenD 797, 1794, 136; JPreisMyrG 873, v. n° 65 b; BibbfW; BibbfW; ArmArgM 129, 202, etc.]; (sigles à datations multiples:) Aspland; Aspland 11, 18; 27,4; BartschChrest 31,234;33,186; BartschHorning 435,15;578,31; MontRayn V,248; MontRayn II, 92; NoomenFabl t.8, 430; NoomenFabl t.7,447; ProvM 2049; ReidFabl, CCM 36, 265; CellaGall 520; CellaGall 520; CellaGall 520; FSt 1(1988)461; FSt vol XLVIII (1994), 258; KaiserMPol 127; KellerWace 163a; Messelaar; Messelaar 44,45; MessnerBers 187 ff.; Morlet 215; NM 87, 1986, 476; p. 610 cap. 5; NobelAng p. 15; OrelliBibel; R 88, p. 431; R 65,p.517;72,p.48; R 88, p. 431; RF 19, 639; RLiR 69, 288n.; RoiFloreJ0 CXXV; Runk 107; SchelerGil I,291.25; SchelerJPreis 2134;34739;34751; Trénel 352, TL 8, 368; TL 8, 368; TL 8,1401; Gdf 7, 256b; GdfC 10,583c; AND 590b; AND 597a; AND 597b; AND 597a; AND 597a; AND 597a; MED Bd. 8, 189a; MED Bd. 8, 189a; MED Bd. 8, 189a; MED Bd. 8, 189a; MED Bd.VIII,787b; MED Bd.VIII,787b; MED Bd.VIII,787b; MED Bd.VIII,189a; MED Bd. 8, 787b; MED Bd.VIII, 189a; FEW; FEW 10, 209a; FEW; FEW 10,208b; AdHaleLexM; Baker; BoisvertVilleh; DiStefLoc 775; Foerster; LevyTrés; LevyTrés; LevyTrés)
    • “(durée du) gouvernement d’un roi” (OgDanAlC 1007, 2792, 1406, NobelAng p.220+314.315 var.; RLiR 56 (1992) p. 632)
    • “fonction ou qualité de roi, dignité de roi, royauté” (FetRomF1 5,11; YsEudeR 28, 244)
  • 2o“Identificanda DocLing” (chMM026 27; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 25; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 34; Appendice : E 1258 05 28 01 38; R 1259 10 32 01 25; R 1259 10 32 01 34; R 1259 10 32 01 38; R 1259 10 32 01 40; CR 1259 10 32 01 25; CR 1259 10 32 01 34; CR 1259 10 32 01 38; CR 1259 10 32 01 40; chCOr166 4; chCOr166 4; chCOr166 11; R 1271 12 32 01 4; R 1271 12 32 01 6; R 1271 12 32 01 7; R 1271 12 32 01 9; R 1271 12 32 01 11; R 1271 12 32 01 12; R 1271 12 32 01 18; R 1271 12 32 01 18; R 1271 12 32 01 18; R 1271 12 32 01 19; R 1282 07 20 01 4; R 1282 07 20 01 4; R 1282 07 20 01 9; R 1282 07 20 01 11; R 1282 07 20 01 16; R 1282 07 20 01 23; CR 1282 07 20 02 4; CR 1282 07 20 02 4; CR 1282 07 20 02 9; CR 1282 07 20 02 11; CR 1282 07 20 02 23; CR 1284 11 32 01 5; CR 1284 11 32 01 6; CR 1284 11 32 01 20; CR 1284 11 32 01 23; CR 1284 11 32 01 24; RC 1285 10 05 01 6; RC 1285 10 05 01 9; R 1285 10 09 01 16; R 1285 10 09 01 17; R 1285 12 20 01 20; R 1287 08 32 01 7; R 1287 08 32 01 10; R 1287 08 32 01 11; RV 1287 08 32 01a 7; RV 1287 08 32 01a 10; RV 1287 08 32 01a 11; RV 1287 08 32 01b 7; RV 1287 08 32 01b 10; RV 1287 08 32 01b 11; RV 1287 08 32 01c 7; RV 1287 08 32 01c 10; RV 1287 08 32 01c 11; RV 1287 08 32 01d 7; RV 1287 08 32 01d 10; RV 1287 08 32 01d 11; R 1289 08 32 02 5; R 1289 08 32 02 7; R 1289 08 32 02 8; R 1289 08 32 02 14; R 1289 08 32 02 16; R 1290 08 14 01 4; RM 1294 06 25 01 21; RM 1294 06 25 01 22; R 1294 11 12 01 4; R 1294 11 12 01 5; R 1295 01 30 01 3; R 1295 01 30 01 4; R 1295 03 17 01 3; R 1295 03 17 01 5; R 1295 03 17 01 7; CR 1295 03 19 01 2; CR 1295 03 19 01 6; CR 1295 03 19 01 7; CR 1295 03 19 01 9; CR 1295 03 19 01 12; R 1295 03 23 01 5; R 1295 03 23 01 11; R 1295 03 23 01 15; CR 1295 03 23 02 2; CR 1295 03 23 02 5; CR 1295 03 23 02 11; CR 1295 03 23 02 15; CR 1295 04 15 02 2; R 1295 06 23 01 5; R 1295 06 23 01 10; R 1295 06 23 01 11; CR 1295 05 25 01 3; CR 1295 05 25 01 4; R 1295 07 17 01 5; R 1295 07 17 01 17; R 1296 01 10 01 9; VRP 1296 06 12 01 6; R 1296 06 30 07 4; RV 1296 06 30 07a 4; RV 1296 06 30 07b 4; R 1296 06 30 08 4; R 1296 06 30 11 4; R 1296 06 30 13 4; R 1296 06 30 13 6; R 1296 06 30 14 4; R 1296 06 30 14 6; R 1296 06 30 15 4; R 1296 06 30 15 6; R 1296 06 30 16 4; R 1296 06 30 16 6; R 1296 06 30 17 4; R 1296 06 30 17 6; VR 1296 06 32 10 5; VR 1296 06 32 10 11; VR 1296 06 32 10 30; VR 1296 06 32 10 33; RP 1297 03 20 01 4; RP 1297 03 20 02 4; RP 1297 03 32 01 133; RP 1297 03 32 02 133; R 1297 05 30 01 25; VRP 1297 05 30 01 25; R 1297 09 17 01 4; R 1298 02 25 01 10; R 1298 02 25 01 12; R 1298 02 25 02 10; R 1298 02 25 02 12; VR 1298 02 25 01 10; VR 1298 02 25 01 12; R 1298 06 26 01 4; R 1298 06 26 01 4; R 1298 06 26 01 10; R 1298 06 26 01 12; R 1298 06 26 01 15; R 1298 06 26 01 16; R 1299 08 03 01 28; R 1299 08 03 01 40; R 1299 08 03 01 42; R 1299 08 03 01 77; R 1300 10 25 01 8; R 1300 10 25 01 10; R 1300 10 25 01 12; R 1300 10 25 01 14; R 1300 10 25 01 15; R 1300 10 25 01 16; R 1300 10 25 01 19; R 1300 10 25 01 27; R 1300 10 25 01 29; R 1300 10 25 01 31; RC 1300 11 32 01 38; chCOr166a 7; chCOr166a 7; chCOr166a 14; chN 011 2; chSL 069 2)